Parker é comumente considerado um dos melhores músicos de jazz. Em termos de influência e impacto, sua contribuição foi tão significativa que Charles Mingus comentou que se Bird fosse vivo hoje, ele poderia pensar que estava vivendo em uma parede de espelhos. O talento de Bird é comparado, quase sem argumentos, com músicos lendários tais como Louis Armstrong e Duke Ellington. Sua reputação como um dos melhores saxofonistas é tal que alguns críticos dizem que ele é insuperável; o crítico de jazz Scott Yanow fala por muitos fãs do jazz e músicos, quando sugere que "Parker foi indubitavelmente o melhor saxofonista de todos os tempos."
Figura fundadora do bebop, a forma inovadora de Parker para melodia, ritmo e harmonia tem exercido uma incalculável influência no jazz. Várias canções de Parker tornaram-se standards do repertório do jazz, e inúmeros músicos têm estudado a música de Parker e absorvido elementos do seu estilo.
Parker tornou-se um ícone para a geração do Beat, e foi uma figura-chave no desenvolvimento conceptivo do jazz como um artista descompromissado e intelectual, ao invés de apenas um entretenedor popular. Por várias vezes, Parker fundiu o jazz com outros estilos musicais, do clássico (buscando estudar com Edgard Varese e Stefan Wolpe) à música latina (gravando com Machito), abrindo um caminho seguido mais tarde por outros.
Consumido pelo álcool e pelas drogas, Parker teve uma existência breve e trágica, que inspirou criadores como o escritor argentino Julio Cortázar (que se inspirou nele para delinear o personagem central do conto "O Perseguidor") e o cineasta Clint Eastwood (que recebeu seu primeiro Globo de Ouro com o filme "Bird", de 1988, estrelado por Forest Whitaker, o qual, por sua vez, levou o prêmio de melhor ator no Festival de Cannes graças a este trabalho).
Durante sua vida, Parker foi usuário de álcool, maconha e, sobretudo, heroína desde os dezesseis anos. Sofrendo de problemas de saúde relacionados ao coração e à úlcera crônica, Parker justificava seu consumo como uma fonte de alívio da dor física causada por tais complicações.
Em agosto de 1954, movido pelo luto causado pela morte prematura de sua filha de 2 anos, que sofria de fibrose cística e problemas cardíacos congênitos, Charlie Parker tentou o suicídio pela ingestão de medicamentos. Entretanto, foi socorrido a tempo pela esposa, sendo em seguida internado para desintoxicação até outubro de 1954.
Faleceu em 12 de março de 1955, acometido por um ataque cardíaco enquanto assistia a uma apresentação de jazz na televisão. Encontra-se sepultado no Cemitério Lincoln, Kansas City, Missouri nos Estados Unidos.
Com absoluto domínio técnico de seu instrumento, Parker era um virtuoso consumado, que conseguia combinar a mais complexa organização harmônica, rítmica e melódica com uma clareza muito rara de encontrar em instrumentistas anteriores ou posteriores à sua atuação.
Para Parker, improvisar não era simplesmente tomar uma melodia original e construir variações sobre ela. Quando o saxofonista pegava um tema qualquer como base para criar, o que o interessava não era a melodia, e sim a harmonia. Era o esqueleto harmônico do tema original que ele utilizava como ponto de partida e estímulo para suas digressões, nas quais uma mescla cativante de garra e fantasia constituía a regra.
Foi assim que, no pós-guerra, ao lado do trompetista Dizzy Gillespie, Parker tornou-se um dos fundadores do bebop, o novo estilo sofisticado com o qual o jazz se tornaria definitivamente música "para ouvir", substituindo a música "para dançar" que havia sido a marca do swing jazz das big bands dos anos 1930 e 1940. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.

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"Bird" Symbols (1961)
02. Yardbird Suite (2:53)
03. Ornithology (3:01)
04. A Night In Tunisia (3:02)
05. Bird's Nest (2:45)
06. Cool Blues (2:21)
07. Bird Of Paradise (3:12)
08. Embraceable You (3:53)
09. My Old Flame (3:12)
10. Scrapple From The Apple (2:56)
11. Out Of Nowhere (4:11)
12. Don't Blame Me (2:46)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Memorial Charlie Parker (LP 1970)
02. Air Conditioning (2:58)
03. Embraceable You (3:44)
04. Bird Feathers (2:49)
05. Lover Man (3:20)
06. Out Of Nowhere (4:05)
07. Schnourphology (2:51)
08. Don't Blame Me (2:45)
09. Hot Blues (2:22)
10. How Deep Is The Ocean (3:31)
11. Scrapple From The Apple (2:38)
12. Dark Shadows (4:06)
13. Superman (2:27)
14. All The Things You Are (3:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
"The Bird" / K. C. Blues (LP 1972)
02. Mohawk (3:55)
03. Leap Frog (2:35)
04. K. C. Blues (3:30)
05. She Rote (3:20)
06. Lover Man (3:30)
07. I'll Remember April (3:10
08. Night And Day (3:10)
09. I Can't Get Started (3:20)
10. Confirmation (3:05)
11. Now's The Time (3:10)
12. Love For Sale (5:45)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker Quartet, Quintet & Septet Vol. 1 (LP 1978)
02. Ornithology (3:00)
03. Yardbird Suite (2:38)
04. Moose The Mooche (3:01)
05. The Gypsy (3:00)
06. Max Making Wax (2:30)
07. Loverman (3:16)
08. Bebob (2:52)
09. Cool Blues (2:20)
10. Bird's Nest (2:42)
11. Dark Shadows (3:10)
12. This Is Always (3:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker All Stars, Quintet & Sextet Vol. 2 (LP 1978)
02. Cheers (3:03)
03. Carvin´ The Bird (2:43)
04. Stupendous (2:52)
05. Dexterity (2:59)
06. Bongo Bop (2:45)
07. Bird Of Paradise (3:10)
08. Embraceable You (3:21)
09. Dewey Square (3:27)
10. The Hymn (2:26)
11. Home Cooking (2:25)
12. Hallelujah (4:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Story On Dial, Vol.1: Westcoast Days, 1946-1947 (1986)
02. Moose The Mooche (3:07)
03. Yardbird Suite (2:43)
04. Ornithology (3:03)
05. Famous Alto Break (0:52)
06. Night In Tunisia (3:06)
07. Max Making Wax (2:34)
08. Lover Man (3:23)
09. The Gypsy (3:06)
10. Bebop (2:56)
11. This Is Always (3:14)
12. Dark Shadows (3:10)
13. Bird's Nest (2:46)
14. Hot Blues (Cool Blues) (2:02)
15. Cool Blues (3:12)
16. Relaxin' At Camarillo (3:10)
17. Cheers (3:09)
18. Carvin' The Bird (2:48)
19. Stupendous (2:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Story On Dial, Vol.2: New York Days, 1947 (1986)
02. Bongo Bop (2:50)
03. Prezology (Dewey Square) (3:34)
04. Superman (The Hymn) (2:32)
05. Bird Of Paradise (3:16)
06. Embraceable You (3:51)
07. Bird Feathers (2:56)
08. Klact-Oveeseds-Tene (3:10)
09. Scrapple From The Apple (2:44)
10. My Old Flame (3:19)
11. Out Of Nowhere (4:08)
12. Don't Blame Me (2:52)
13. Drifting On A Reed (2:56)
14. Quasimado (2:57)
15. Charlie's Wig (2:46)
16. Bongo Beep (3:02)
17. Crazeology (3:02)
18. How Deep Is The Ocean (3:25)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie - Bebop's Heartbeat, 1945-1947 (1987)
02. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:05)
03. Groovin' High (5:17)
04. Confirmation (5:40)
05. Koko (4:15)
06. Dizzy Boogie (Common Take) (3:10)
07. Popity Pop (2:58)
08. Flat Foot Floogie (2:32)
09. Slim's Jam (3:16)
10. Dizzy Boogie (Rare Take) (3:17)
11. Flat Foot Floogie (Rare Take) (2:47)
12. Slim's Jam (78 Excerpt) (0:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (LP 1988)
02. I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me (4:25)
03. Laura (3:40)
04. All Of Me (3:37)
05. This Time The Dream's On Me (3:44)
06. Ko Ko (4:19)
07. Cool Blues (2:17)
08. April In Paris (3:17)
09. Now's The Time (3:20)
10. Ornithology (4:54)
11. Parker's Mood (3:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Rara Avis: Rare Bird (1989)
02. Lover (2:57)
03. I Can't Get Started / Blues Jam Session No.1 (5:40)
04. Anthropology (2:52)
05. Bop City (1:27)
06. I Get A Kick Out Of You (2:59)
07. Blues Jam No.2 (Aka Billie's Other Bounce) (5:59)
08. Cool Blues (6:16)
09. Scrapple From The Apple (7:13)
10. Laura (8:02)
11. Cheryl (6:06)
12. Ornithology (6:240
13. Fifty-Second Street Theme (1:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Au Privave (1990)
02. I Can't Get Started (3:06)
03. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:34)
04. Lover Man (3:23)
05. April In Paris (3:05)
06. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:19)
07. An Oscar For A Treadwell (3:19)
08. Laird Baird (2:44)
09. Ballade (2:54)
10. Old Folks (3:31)
11. Cosmic Rays (3:10)
12. I'm In The Mood For Love (2:47)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Cole Porter Songbook (1991)
02. Begin The Beguine (3:10)
03. Night And Day (2:45)
04. What Is This Thing Called Love? (2:38)
05. In The Still Of The Night (3:18)
06. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:31)
07. Just One Of Those Things (2:39)
08. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (3:17)
09. I’ve Got You Under My Skin (3:31)
10. Love For Sale (5:33)
11. I Love Paris (5:10)
12. What Is This Thing Called Love? (Bonus Track) (15:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker With Strings - Complete Master Takes (1992)
02. Everything Happens To Me (3:17)
03. April In Paris (3:08)
04. Summertime (2:48)
05. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:14)
06. If I Should Lose You (2:48)
07. Dancing In The Dark (3:12)
08. Out Of Nowhere (3:08)
09. Laura (2:59)
10. East Of The Sun (West Of The Moon) (3:40)
11. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:19)
12. Easy To Love (3:31)
13. I'm In The Mood For Love (3:36)
14. I'll Remember April (3:04)
15. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:54)
16. April In Paris (3:12)
17. Repetition (2:48)
18. Easy To Love (2:24)
19. Rocker (3:12)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Compact Jazz: Charlie Parker Plays The Blues (1992)
02. Chi Chi (3:02)
03. Funky Blues (13:27)
04. Laird Baird (2:44)
05. Blues For Norman (Live At Philharmonic Auditorium, Los Angeles 1946) (8:36)
06. Back Home Blues (Take 1 Alternate Take) (2:46)
07. Jam Blues (14:41)
08. Passport - Tune Y (Rare) (2:54)
09. Si Si (2:38)
10. The Closer (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York 1949) (10:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird At St. Nick's, 1950 (1992)
02. Ornithology (3:30)
03. Embraceable You (2:20)
04. Visa (Parker) (3:00)
05. I Cover The Waterfront (1:46)
06. Scrapple From The Apple (4:40)
07. Star Eyes / 52nd Street Theme (3:09)
08. Confirmation (3:16)
09. Out Of Nowhere (2:19)
10. Hot House (3:49)
11. What's New? (2:45)
12. Now's The Time (4:18)
13. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes / 52nd Street Theme (4:46)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Essential Charlie Parker (1992)
02. If I Should Lose You (2:49)
03. Mango Mangue (2:56)
04. Bloomdido (3:27)
05. Star Eyes (3:31)
06. Confirmation (Master Take) (3:01)
07. My Little Suede Shoes (3:07)
08. Just Friends (3:33)
09. Lover Man (3:24)
10. I Got Rhythm (12:57)
11. Repetition (3:00)
12. K.C. Blues (3:27)
13. Relaxing With Lee (Master Take) (2:49)
14. April In Paris (3:09)
15. Okiedoke (3:05)
16. The Song Is You (2:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Complete Dial Sessions (Box Set 1993)
01. Diggin Diz (2:54)
02. Moose The Mooche (Take 1) (3:00)
03. Moose The Mooche (Take 2) (3:04)
04. Moose The Mooche (Take 3) (2:58)
05. Yardbird Suite (Take 1) (2:42)
06. Yardbird Suite (Take 4) (2:57)
07. Ornithology (Take 1) (3:04)
08. Ornithology (Take 3) (3:19)
09. Ornithology (Take 4) (3:02)
10. A Night In Tunisia (Take 1) (0:51)
11. A Night In Tunisia (Take 4) (3:09)
12. A Night In Tunisia (Take 5) (3:05)
13. Max (Is) Making Wax (2:34)
14. Lover Man (Take A) (3:23)
15. The Gypsy (Take A) (3:05)
16. Bebop (Take A) (2:56)
17. Blues #1 (0:49)
18. Blues #2 (1:09)
19. Yardbird Suite (2:15)
20. Lullaby In Rhythm (Part 1) (1:34)
21. Lullaby In Rhythm (Part 2) (1:36)
22. Home Cookin I (2:25)
23. Home Cookin II (2:10)
24. Home Cookin III (2:27)
CD 2.
01. This Is Always (Take C, Master) (3:16)
02. This Is Always (Take D, Alternate) (3:12)
03. Dark Shadows (Take A, Alternate) (4:05)
04. Dark Shadows (Take B, Alternate) (3:12)
05. Dark Shadows (Take C, Master) (3:08)
06. Dark Shadows (Take D, Alternate) (3:01)
07. Bird's Nest (Take A, Master 1) (2:53)
08. Bird's Nest (Take B, Alternate) (2:52)
09. Bird's Nest (Take C, Master 2) (2:44)
10. Cool Blues (Take A, Alternate; Aka Hot Blues) (2:00)
11. Cool Blues (Take B, Alternate; Aka Blowtop Blues) (2:25)
12. Cool Blues (Take C, Master) (3:09)
13. Cool Blues (Take D, Alternate) (2:54)
14. Relaxin' At Camarillo (Take A) (3:09)
15. Relaxin' At Camarillo (Take C) (3:08)
16. Relaxin' At Camarillo (Take D) (3:03)
17. Relaxin' At Camarillo (Take E) (3:00)
18. Cheers (Take A) (3:11)
19. Cheers (Take B) (3:06)
20. Cheers (Take C) (3:03)
21. Cheers (Take D) (3:06)
22. Carvin' The Bird (Take A, Alternate) (2:47)
23. Carvin' The Bird (Take B, Master) (2:46)
24. Stupendous (Take A, Master) (2:55)
25. Stupendous (Take B, Alternate; Aka Surprising) (2:53)
CD 3.
01. Dexterity (Take A, Alternate) (2:59)
02. Dexterity (Take B, Master) (3:01)
03. Bongo Bop (Take A, Master; Aka Blues) (2:47)
04. Bongo Bop (Take B, Alternate; Aka Blues And Parker's Blues) (2:46)
05. Dewey Square (Take A, Alternate; Aka Prezology And Bird Feathers) (3:31)
06. Dewey Square (Take B, Alternate) (3:05)
07. Dewey Square (Take C, Master) (3:10)
08. The Hymn (Take A, Master) (2:34)
09. The Hymn (Take B, Alternate; Originally Released As 'Superman' By The Miles Davis Quartet) (2:30)
10. Bird Of Paradise (Take A) (3:10)
11. Bird Of Paradise (Take B) (3:13)
12. Bird Of Paradise (Take C) (3:14)
13. Embraceable You (Take A) (3:50)
14. Embraceable You (Take B) (3:25)
15. Bird Feathers (Take C, Master ; Aka Schnourphology) (2:54)
16. Klact-Oveeseds-Tene (Take A, Master) (3:08)
17. Klact-Oveeseds-Tene (Take B, Alternate) (3:08)
18. Scrapple From The Apple (Take B, Alternate) (2:41)
19. Scrapple From The Apple (Take C, Master; Aka 'Little Be-Bop') (2:58)
CD 4.
01. My Old Flame (Take A, Master) (3:16)
02. Out Of Nowhere (Take A) (4:06)
03. Out Of Nowhere (Take B) (3:53)
04. Out Of Nowhere (Take C) (3:08)
05. Don't Blame Me (Take A, Master) (2:50)
06. Drifting On A Reed (Take B, Alternate: Aka Giant Swing) (2:58)
07. Drifting On A Reed (Take D, Alternate) (2:56)
08. Drifting On A Reed (Take E, Master: Aka Air Conditioning) (2:55)
09. Quasimado (Quasimodo) (Take A, Alternate) (2:57)
10. Quasimado (Quasimodo) (Take B, Master: Aka Trade Winds) (2:55)
11. Charlie's Wig (Take B, Alternate: Aka Bongo Bop) (2:49)
12. Charlie's Wig (Take D, Alternate: Aka Drifting On A Road) (2:49)
13. Charlie's Wig (Take E, Master) (2:44)
14. Bongo Beep (Take B: Aka Dexterity) (3:00)
15. Bongo Beep (Take C: Aka Bird Feathers And Charlie's Wig) (3:00)
16. Crazeology (Little Benny) (Take A, Excerpt) (1:03)
17. Crazeology (Little Benny) (Take B, Excerpt) (0:35)
18. Crazeology (Little Benny) (Take C, Alternate) (3:00)
19. Crazeology (Little Benny) (Take D, Master 2: Aka Move And Bird Feathers) (3:00)
20. How Deep Is The Ocean? (Take A, Master) (3:25)
21. How Deep Is The Ocean? (Take B, Alternate) (3:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Jazz Giants (1994)
02. Hot House (9:16)
03. A Night In Tunisia (7:41)
04. Wee (6:50)
05. Salt Peanuts (7:490
06. Perdido (7:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird On 52nd Street, 1948 (1994)
02. Shaw 'Nuff (1:33)
03. Out Of Nowhere (3:04)
04. Hot House (2:15)
05. This Time The Dream's On Me (2:21)
06. A Night In Tunisia (3:29)
07. My Old Flame (3:23)
08. 52nd Street Theme (2) (1:05)
09. The Way You Look Tonight (4:42)
10. Out Of Nowhere (2) (2:35)
11. Chasin' The Bird (1:47)
12. This Time The Dream's On Me (2) (3:29)
13. Dizzy Atmosphere (2:59)
14. How High The Moon (3:38)
15. 52nd Street Theme (3) (1:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird Of Paradise, 1947 (1994)
02. Yardbird Suite ('What Price Love') (2:39)
03. Moose The Moocho ('I Got Rhythm') (3:02)
04. Bebop (2:52)
05. Bird's Nest (2:42)
06. Cheers (3:02)
07. Relaxin' At Camarillo (2:58)
08. Chasin' The Bird ('I Got Rhythm') (2:44)
09. Bird Of Paradise ('All The Things You Are') (3:10)
10. My Old Flame (3:10)
11. Lester Leaps In (3:58)
12. Star Eyes (2:17)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
South Of The Border (1995)
02. Okiedoke (3:05)
03. No Noise (Parts 1 And 2) (5:55)
04. My Little Suede Shoes (3:07)
05. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:43)
06. Why Do I Love You? (3:08)
07. Tico-Tico (2:47)
08. Fiesta (Trad.) (2:52)
09. La Cucuracha (Trad.) (2:45)
10. Mama Inez (2:53)
11. Estrellita (2:46)
12. La Paloma (Trad.) (2:42)
13. Begin The Beguine (3:17)
14. Afro-Cuban Jazz Suite: (17:14)
Introduction To 6/8
Transition And Jazz
Rhumba Abierta (Part 1)
Coda (O'Farrill)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird's Best Bop On Verve, 1949-53 (1995)
02. Bloomido (3:24)
03. Leap Frog (2:29)
04. Relaxing With Lee (2:46)
05. Au Private (2:38)
06. She Rote (3:06)
07. K.C. Blues (3:24)
08. Star Eyes (3:34)
09. Blues For Alice (2:47)
10. Swedish Schnapps (3:10)
11. The Song Is You (2:56)
12. Laird Baird (2:44)
13. Kim (2:59)
14. Chi Chi (3:02)
15. Now's The Time (3:01)
16. Confirmation (2:58)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Jam Session 1952 (1996)
02. What Is This Thing Called Love (15:49)
03. Ballad Medley (17:13)
04. Funky Blues (13:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & The Woody Herman Orchestra - Bird With The Herd, 1951 (1996)
02. Leo The Lion (3:08)
03. Cuban Holiday (3:09)
04. The Nearness Of You (3:37)
05. Lemon Drop (3:47)
06. The Goof And I (3:36)
07. Laura (2:59)
08. Four Brothers (3:54)
09. Leo The Lion (3:12)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bird Returns, 1948-1949 (1996)
02. Thriving From A Riff (5:39)
03. Koko (2:32)
04. Half Nelson (3:27)
05. Scrapple From The Apple (4:39)
06. Cheryl (3:27)
07. Barbados (3:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker With Strings, 1949-1952 (1996)
02. Everything Happens To Me (3:17)
03. April In Paris (3:08)
04. Summertime (2:48)
05. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:13)
06. If I Should Loose You (2:47)
07. Dancing In The Dark (3:11)
08. I Came Along (3:09)
09. Laura (2:58)
10. East Of The Sun (West Of The Moon) (3:41)
11. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:21)
12. Easy To Love (3:31)
13. I'm In The Mood For Love (3:35)
14. I'll Remember April (3:06)
15. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:51)
16. April In Paris (3:08)
17. Repitition (2:42)
18. Easy To Love (2:14)
19. Rocker (3:04)
20. Temptation (3:32)
21. Lover (3:07)
22. Autumn In New York (3:29)
23. Stella By Starlight (2:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Jazz At The Philharmonic “1946” (1996)
02. Blues For Norman (Part 1 & 2) (8:40)
03. I Can't Get Started (Part 1 & 2) (9:17)
04. Lady Be Good (Part 1 & 2) (11:13)
05. After You've Gone (Part 1 & 2) (7:37)
06. JATP Blues (Part 1, 2, 3 & 4) (11:07)
07. I Got Rhythm (Part 1, 2 & 3) (12:58)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Bird And Diz, 1950 (1997)
02. My Melancholy Baby (3:30)
03. Relaxin' With Lee (2:51)
04. Leap Frog (2:36)
05. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:29)
06. Mohawk (3:45)
07. My Melancholy Baby (Alternate Take) (3:21)
08. Relaxin' With Lee (Alternate Take) (4:00)
09. Leap Frog (Alternate Take) (2:37)
10. Leap Frog (Alternate Take) (2:05)
11. Leap Frog (Alternate Take) (2:09)
12. An Oscar For Treadwell (Alternate Take) (3:24)
13. Mohawk (Alternate Take) (4:06)
14. Relaxin' With Lee (Breakdown Take) (0:21)
15. Relaxin' With Lee (Breakdown Take) (1:14)
16. Relaxin' With Lee (False Start) (0:07)
17. Relaxin' With Lee (Breakdown Take) (0:27)
18. Leap Frog (Breakdown Take) (0:29)
19. Leap Frog (Breakdown Take) (0:18)
20. Leap Frog (Breakdown Take) (0:42)
21. Leap Frog (Breakdown Take) (0:19)
22. Leap Frog (Breakdown Take) (0:21)
23. Leap Frog (Breakdown Take) (0:15)
24. Leap Frog (Breakdown Take) (0:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Diz 'n Bird At Carnegie Hall, 1947 (1997)
02. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:05)
03. Groovin' High (5:16)
04. Confirmation (5:38)
05. Koko (4:17)
06. Cool Breeze (5:13)
07. Relaxin' At Camarillo (2:42)
08. One Bass Hit (5:20)
09. Nearness (3:59)
10. Salt Peanuts (5:12)
11. Cubanobe. Cubanobop (7:16)
12. Hot House (5:03)
13. Toccata For Trumpet (3:18)
14. Ooppopada (7:38)
15. Things To Come (3:02)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Complete Live Performances On Savoy (Box Set 1998)
01. 52nd Street Theme (5:22)
02. Koko (2:31)
03. Groovin' High (5:02)
04. Big Foot (4:43)
05. Ornithology (5:43)
06. Slow Boat To China (5:19)
07. Hot House (4:24)
08. Salt Peanuts (3:52)
09. Chasin' The Bird (4:25)
10. Out Of Nowhere (3:19)
11. How High The Moon (2:57)
12. Half Nelson (4:44)
13. White Christmas (5:10)
14. Little Willie Leaps (3:53)
15. Jumpin' With Symphony Sid / BeBop (5:04)
16. Slow Boat To China (4:29)
CD 2.
01. Ornithology (4:52)
02. Groovin' High (5:35)
03. East Of The Sun (And West Of The Moon) (4:37)
04. Cheryl (4:40)
05. How High The Moon (5:04)
06. Scrapple From The Apple (4:08)
07. Be-Bop (3:31)
08. Hot House (5:06)
09. Oop Bop Sh' Bam (5:05)
10. Scrapple From The Apple (4:38)
11. Salt Peanuts (4:09)
12. Groovin' High (3:44)
13. Scrapple From The Apple (3:28)
14. Barbados (3:51)
15. Salt Peanuts (3:42)
16. Scrapple From The Apple (4:52)
CD 3.
01. Barbados (3:56)
02. Be-Bop (3:28)
03. Groovin' High (4:47)
04. Confirmation (3:34)
05. Salt Peanuts (3:55)
06. Half-Nelson (3:42)
07. A Night In Tunisia (4:53)
08. Scrapple From The Apple (4:58)
09. Deedle (2:38)
10. What's This? (2:15)
11. Cheryl (3:48)
12. Anthropology (5:50)
13. Hurry Home (2:27)
14. Deedle (2:06)
15. Royal Roost Bop (2:12)
16. Cheryl (3:24)
17. Slow Boat To China (4:41)
18. Chasin' The Bird (6:36)
CD 4.
01. There's A Small Hotel (10:14)
02. These Foolish Things Remind Me Of You (2:06)
03. Keen And Peachy (6:29)
04. Hot House (9:06)
05. Swivel Hips (Bird, Bass And Out) (3:37)
06. Goodbye (3:13)
07. A Night In Tunisia (5:09)
08. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:04)
09. Groovin' High (5:13)
10. Confirmation (5:34)
11. Koko (4:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Big Band (1999)
02. Autumn In New York (3:31)
03. Lover (3:09)
04. Stella By Starlight (2:59)
05. Dancing In The Dark (3:16)
06. Night And Day (2:53)
07. I Can't Get Started (3:10)
08. What Is This Thing Called Love? (2:39)
09. Almost Like Being In Love (2:38)
10. Laura (3:10)
11. In The Still Of The Night (3:28)
12. Old Folks (3:38)
13. If I Love Again (2:38)
14. In The Still Of The Night (Alternative Take) (3:53)
15. In The Still Of The Night (Alternative Take) (3:32)
16. In The Still Of The Night (Alternative Take) (3:37)
17. Old Folks (Alternative Take) (4:12)
18. Old Folks (Alternative Take) (3:38)
19. Old Folks (Alternative Take) (3:42)
20. In The Still Of The Night (Incomplete Take) (1:27)
21. In The Still Of The Night (Incomplete Take) (0:45)
22. Old Folks (Incomplete Take) (0:47)
23. Old Folks (Incomplete Take) (0:39)
24. Old Folks (Incomplete Take) (0:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Savoy Masters (1999)
01. Tiny's Tempo (2:55)
02. I'll Always Love You (3:01)
03. Romance Without Finance (3:03)
04. Red Cross (3:08)
05. Warming Up A Riff (2:34)
06. Billie's Bounce (3:11)
07. Now's The Time (3:17)
08. Thriving On A Riff (2:57)
09. Meandering (3:18)
10. Ko-Ko (2:55)
11. Donna Lee (2:34)
12. Chasin' The Bird (2:46)
13. Cheryl (3:00)
14. Buzzy (2:31)
15. Milestones (2:37)
16. Little Willie Leaps (2:53)
17. Half Nelson (2:46)
18. Sippin' At Bells (2:26)
19. Another Hair-Do (2:41)
20. Blue Bird (2:50)
21. Klaunstance (2:45)
22. Bird Gets The Worm (2:33)
CD 2.
01. Barbados (2:31)
02. Ah-Leu-Cha (2:56)
03. Constellation (2:29)
04. Parker's Mood (3:05)
05. Perhaps (2:36)
06. Marmaduke (2:45)
07. Steeplechase (3:07)
08. Merry-Go-Round (2:28)
09. Groovin' High (2:45)
10. All The Things You Are (2:51)
11. Dizzy Atmosphere (2:50)
12. Dizzy's Boogie (3:13)
13. Flat Foot Floogie (2:35)
14. Poppity Pop (3:01)
15. Slim's Jam (3:20)
16. A Night In Tunisia (Carnegie) (5:13)
17. Dizzy Atmosphere (Carnegie) (4:04)
18. Groovin' High (Carnegie) (5:16)
19. Confirmation (Carnegie) (5:40)
20. Koko (Carnegie) (4:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Man With The Saxophone, 1941-1952 (Box Set 2000)

02. The Jumpin' Blues (3:06)
03. Tiny's Tempo (2:55)
04. I'll Always Love You (3:01)
05. Romance Without Finance (3:03)
06. Red Cross (3:08)
07. Dream Of You (2:52)
08. Groovin' High (2:40)
09. Dizzy Atmosphere (2:47)
10. All The Things You Are (2:47)
11. Salt Peanuts (3:16)
12. Shaw 'nuff (3:00)
13. Hot House (3:08)
14. Hallelujah (4:000
15. Get Happy (3:42)
16. Slam Slam Blues (4:28)
17. Congo Blues (3:52)
18. Takin' Off (3:08)
19. 20Th Century Blues (2:55)
20. The Street Beat (2:30)
CD 2: Now's The Time.

02. Billie's Bounce (3:10)
03. Now's The Time (3:16)
04. Thriving On A Riff (2:55)
05. Meandering (3:17)
06. Ko-Ko (2:55)
07. Dizzy's Boogie (3:10)
08. Flat Floot Floogie (2:33)
09. Poppity Pop (2:57)
10. Slim's Jam (3:15)
11. Diggin' Diz (2:52)
12. Moose The Mooche (3:04)
13. Yardbird Suite (2:56)
14. Ornithology (3:01)
15. Night In Tunisia (3:04)
16. Max (Is) Making Wax (2:32)
17. Lover Man (3:21)
18. The Gypsy (3:04)
19. Be-Bop (2:55)
20. This Is Always (3:12)
CD 3: Bird Of Paradise.

02. Bird's Nest (2:44)
03. Cool Blues (3:09)
04. Relaxin' At Camarillo (3:07)
05. Cheers (3:06)
06. Carvin' The Bird (2:46)
07. Stupendous (2:55)
08. Donna Lee (2:32)
09. Chasin' The Bird (2:44)
10. Cheryl (2:57)
11. Buzzy (2:28)
12. Milestones (2:35)
13. Little Willie Leaps (2:50)
14. Half Nelson (2:43)
15. Slippin' At Bells (2:22)
16. Dexterity (3:00)
17. Bongo Bop (2:46)
18. Dewey Square (3:09)
19. The Hymn (2:33)
20. Bird Of Paradise (3:09)
CD 4: Blue Bird.

02. Bird Feathers (2:53)
03. Klact-Oveeseds-Tene (3:07)
04. Scrapple From The Apple (2:59)
05. My Old Flame (3:15)
06. Out Of Nowhere (3:07)
07. Don't Blame Me (2:48)
08. Drifting On A Reed (2:57)
09. Quasimodo (2:54)
10. Charlie's Wig (2:43)
11. Bongo Beep (2:59)
12. Crazeology (2:59)
13. How Deep Is The Ocean (3:25)
14. Another Hair-Do (2:38)
15. Blue Bird (2:50)
16. Klaunstance (2:45)
17. Bird Gets The Worm (2:35)
18. Barbados (2:29)
19. Ah-Leu-Cha (2:55)
20. Constellation (2:25)
CD 5: Parker's Mood.

02. Perhaps (2:35)
03. Marmaduke (2:43)
04. Steeplechase (3:04)
05. Merry-Go-Round (2:27)
06. Segment (3:21)
07. Cardboard (3:10)
08. Passport (2:59)
09. Star Eyes (3:29)
10. Ballade (2:56)
11. Bloomdido (3:27)
12. My Melancholy Baby (3:26)
13. Relaxin' With Lee (2:48)
14. Leap Frog (2:31)
15. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:25)
16. Mohawk (3:37)
17. My Melancholy Baby (3:19)
18. Relaxin' With Lee (3:58)
19. Overtime (3:09)
20. Victory Ball (2:40)
CD 6: Confirmation.

02. A Night In Tunisia (5:14)
03. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:05)
04. Groovin' High (5:18)
05. Confirmation (5:38)
06. Ko-Ko (4:14)
07. Embraceable You (10:34)
08. Ornithology (4:26)
09. Cheryl (5:03)
10. Ko-Ko (5:05)
11. Bird Of Paradise (6:09)
12. Now's The Time (5:14)
CD 7: What's New.

02. Lady Be Good (Part 1 + 2) (11:13)
03. Ballad Medley (17:26)
04. What Is This Thing Called Love (15:53)
05. Jam Blues (14:41)
CD 8: Fiesta.

02. No Noise (Part 1 + 2) (5:55)
03. My Little Suede Shoes (3:05)
04. Okiedoke (3:05)
05. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:43)
06. Why Do I Love Your (3:08)
07. Tico-Tico (2:45)
08. Fiesta (2:52)
09. Afro-Cuban Jazz Suite (17:16)
10. La Cucaracha (2:45)
11. Mama Inez (2:52)
12. Estrellita (2:45)
13. La Paloma (2:42)
14. Begin The Beguine (3:11)
CD 9: Star Eyes.

02. Lover Man (3:23)
03. Swedish Schnapps (3:16)
04. Blues For Alice (2:48)
05. K.C. Blues (3:27)
06. She Rote (3:11)
07. Star Eyes (3:36)
08. Funky Blues (13:29)
09. I Can't Get Started (3:10)
10. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:36)
CD 10: Just Friends.

02. Summertime (2:47)
03. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:14)
04. If I Should Lose You (2:48)
05. Just Friends (3:32)
06. Everything Happens To Me (3:17)
07. I'm In The Mood For Love (3:35)
08. I'll Remember April (3:04)
09. Dancing In The Dark (3:12)
10. Out Of Nowhere (3:08)
11. Laura (2:59)
12. East Of The Sun (3:41)
13. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:19)
14. Temptation (3:33)
15. Lover (3:08)
16. Autumn In New York (3:31)
17. Stella By Starlight (2:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker With Miles Davis - Bird & Miles:
The Very Best Of Charlie Parker With Miles Davis (2001)
01. Billie's Bounce (3:09)
02. A Night In Tunisia (3:05)
03. Moose The Mooche (3:03)
04. Ornithology (3:01)
05. Yardbird Suite (2:55)
06. Cheryl (3:00)
07. Donna Lee (2:36)
08. Half Nelson (2:44)
09. Milestones (2:37)
10. Bird Of Paradise (3:11)
11. Dewey Square (3:06)
12. Dexterity (2:58)
13. Embraceable You (3:21)
14. Klact-Oveedseds-Tene (3:05)
15. Scrapple From The Apple (2:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker With Quartet & The Orchestra - The Washington Concerts, 1952-1953 (2001)
01. Fine And Dandy (3:26)
02. These Foolish Things (3:22)
03. Light Green (3:36)
04. Thou Swell (3:52)
05. Willis (5:23)
06. Don't Blame Me (2:22)
07. Something To Remember You By - Blue Room (3:14)
08. Roundhouse (3:12)
09. Ornithology (4:21)
10. Out Of Nowhere (4:37)
11. Cool Blues (4:13)
12. Anthropology (4:59)
13. Scrapple From The Apple (5:20)
14. Medley: Out Of Nowhere / Now's The Time (12:38)
15. Red Rodney Interview (3:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Complete Savoy & Dial Master Takes (2002)
CD 1.
01. Tiny's Tempo (2:55)
02. I'll Always Love You Just The Same (3:02)
03. Romance Without Finance (3:04)
04. Red Cross (3:11)
05. Warmin' Up A Riff (2:37)
06. Billie's Bounce (3:10)
07. Now's The Time (3:17)
08. Thrivin' From A Riff (2:57)
09. Meandering (3:18)
10. Koko (2:56)
11. Diggin' Diz (2:53)
12. Moose The Mooche (3:04)
13. Yardbird Suite (2:55)
14. Ornithology (3:02)
15. A Night In Tunisia (3:06)
16. Max Making Wax (2:30)
17. Lover Man (3:20)
18. The Gypsy (3:02)
19. Bebop A (2:53)
20. This Is Always (3:12)
21. Dark Shadows (3:06)
CD 2.
01. Bird's Nest (2:45)
02. Cool Blues (3:06)
03. Relaxin' At Camarillo (3:02)
04. Cheers (3:00)
05. Carvin' The Bird (2:43)
06. Stupendous (2:55)
07. Donna Lee (2:34)
08. Chasin' The Bird (2:46)
09. Cheryl (3:00)
10. Buzzy (2:32)
11. Milestones (2:37)
12. Little Willie Leaps (2:52)
13. Half Nelson (2:45)
14. Sippin' At Bell's (2:23)
15. Dexterity (2:58)
16. Bongo Bop (2:45)
17. Dewey Square (3:06)
18. The Hymn (2:28)
19. Bird Of Paradise (3:11)
20. Embraceable You (3:21)
21. Bird Feathers (2:51)
22. Klactoveesedstene (3:04)
CD 3.
01. Scrapple From The Apple (2:56)
02. My Old Flame (3:10)
03. Out Of Nowhere (3:49)
04. Don't Blame Me (2:46)
05. Drifting On A Reed (3:01)
06. Quasimado (2:58)
07. Charlie's Wig (2:45)
08. Bongo Beep (3:05)
09. Crazeology (3:02)
10. How Deep Is The Ocean? (3:31)
11. Another Hair Do (2:40)
12. Bluebird (2:52)
13. Klaunstance (2:44)
14. Bird Gets The Worm (2:37)
15. Barbados (2:29)
16. Au-Leu-Cha (2:55)
17. Constellation (2:30)
18. Parker's Mood (3:04)
19. Perhaps (2:34)
20. Marmaduke (2:45)
21. Steeplechase (3:06)
22. Merry Go Round (2:25)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker, Ben Webster, Benny Carter, Johnny Hodges, Flip Phillips a.o. - Super Session, 1952 (2002)
01. Funky Blues (13:28)
02. What Is This Thing Called Love (15:52)
03. Ballad Medley (17:25)
A. All The Things You Are (Kern - Hammerstein II)
B. Dearly Beloved (Kern - Mercer)
C. The Nearness Of You (Carmichael - Washington)
D. I'll Get By (Ahlert - Turk)
04. Jam Blues (14:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & Miles Davis - Blue Bird: Legendary Savoy Sessions, 1945-1948 (2002)
01. Billie's Bounce (3:09)
02. Now's The Time (3:15)
03. Meandering (3:16)
04. Donna Lee (2:31)
05. Chasin' The Bird (2:42)
06. Cheryl (2:56)
07. Buzzy (2:27)
08. Milestones (2:34)
09. Little Willie Leaps (2:48)
10. Half Nelson (2:41)
11. Sippin' At Bells (2:20)
12. Another Hair-Do (2:36)
13. Blue Bird (2:48)
14. Klaunstance (2:43)
15. Bird Gets The Worm (2:33)
16. Barbados (2:28)
17. Ah-Leu-Cha (2:53)
18. Constellation (2:26)
19. Parker's Mood (3:02)
20. Perhaps (2:33)
21. Marmaduke (2:41)
22. Steeplechase (3:03)
23. Merry-Go-Round (2:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Jazz At Massey Hall, 1953 (2003)
01. Perdido (8:16)
02. Salt Peanunts (7:37)
03. All The Things You Are (7:14)
04. 52nd Street Theme (0:42)
05. Drum Conversation (4:38)
06. Cherokee (4:55)
07. Embraceable You (4:25)
08. Hallelujah (Jubilee) (4:00)
09. Sure Thing (2:13)
10. Lullaby Of Birland (2:33)
11. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:02)
12. Wee (Allen's Alley) (6:47)
13. Hot House (9:10)
14. A Night In Tunisia (7:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
20th Century Masters: The Best Of Charlie Parker, The Millennium Collection (2004)
01. The Bird (4:45)
02. Repetition (2:56)
03. Just Friends (3:28)
04. Bloomdido (Master Take) (3:24)
05. K.C. Blues (3:24)
06. Star Eyes (3:34)
07. She Rote (3:05)
08. My Little Suede Shoes (3:03)
09. Lover Man (3:22)
10. Autumn In New York (3:28)
11. Now's The Time (3:00)
12. Confirmation (2:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Liveology (2005)
01. Koko (2:31)
02. Big Foot (4:39)
03. Cheryl (3:22)
04. Be-Bop (3:19)
05. Barbados (3:51)
06. Ooh Bop Sh'bam (4:54)
07. Street Beat (9:30)
08. Ornithology (7:39)
09. 'Round Midnight (5:02)
10. Wahoo (6:27)
11. Cool Blues (4:48)
12. Moose Тhe Mooche (4:50)
13. My Little Suede Shoes (4:05)
14. Lester Leaps In (3:42)
15. Sly Mongoose (3:34)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Chasin' The Bird (Box Set 2005)
CD 1: Bird Takes Off.
01. Cherokee (2:50)
02. I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles (3:59)
03. Sweet Georgia Brown (7:43)
04. Groovin' High (5:42)
05. Shaw'nuff (4:17)
06. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:25)
07. Salt Peanuts (2:06)
08. Anthropology (2:55)
09. Billie's Bounce (3:46)
10. Blue 'N' Boogie (5:05)
11. All The Things You Are (5:10)
12. Ornithology (4:58)
13. A Night In Tunisia (5:08)
14. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:03)
15. Groovin' High (5:150
16. Confirmation (5:40)
17. Ko Ko (4:08)
CD 2: Bird At The Roost.
01. 52nd Street Theme (5:10)
02. Ko Ko (2:35)
03. Groovin' High (4:55)
04. Big Foot (4:47)
05. Ornithology (5:43)
06. Slow Boat To China (5:11)
07. Hot House (4:28)
08. Salt Peanuts (3:53)
09. Chasin' The Bird (4:26)
10. Out Of Nowhere (3:22)
11. Half Nelson (4:34)
12. White Christmas (4:56)
13. Little Willie Leaps (3:44)
14. Bebop (3:52)
15. East Of The Sun (4:44)
16. Cheryl (4:23)
17. Scrapple From The Apple (4:14)
18. Barbados (3:53)
CD 3: Bird In Flight.
01. Wahoo (6:35)
02. 'Round Midnight (5:05)
03. This Time The Dream's On Me (6:19)
04. Dizzy Atmosphere (6:56)
05. Move (6:32)
06. The Street Beat (9:32)
07. Out Of Nowhere (6:21)
08. Little Willie Leaps / 52nd Street Theme (5:46)
09. Ornithology (7:53)
10. I'll Remember April / 52nd Street Theme (9:30)
11. Cool Blues / 52nd Street Theme (9:07)
CD 4: Birdland And Elsewhere.
01. Ornithology (4:38)
02. Cheryl (5:17)
03. Ko Ko (5:19)
04. Bird Of Paradise (6:27)
05. Now's The Time (5:38)
06. Blue 'N' Boogie (6:49)
07. Anthropology (5:00)
08. 'Round Midnight (3:12)
09. Night In Tunisia (4:51)
10. Hot House (3:31)
11. Laura (3:03)
12. This Time The Dream's On Me (6:09)
13. Cool Blues (3:20)
14. Lester Leaps In (3:48)
15. How High The Moon (5:26)
16. Embraceable You / 52nd Street Theme (3:33)
17. 1East Of The Sun (3:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird: The Complete Charlie Parker On Verve 1946-1954 (Box Set 2005)
CD 1.
01. Sweet Georgia Brown (9:34)
02. Blues For Norman (8:39)
03. I Can't Get Started (9:17)
04. Lady Be Good (11:07)
05. After You've Gone (7:36)
06. I Got Rhythm (12:56)
07. Introductions By Norman Granz (2:16)
08. JATP Blues (10:56)
CD 2.
01. The Bird (4:46)
02. Repetition (3:00)
03. No Noise (Parts I & II) (5:55)
04. No Noise (Part II Ct) (2:58)
05. Mango Mangue (2:55)
06. Okiedoke (3:04)
07. Cardboard (3:10)
08. Visa (3:00)
09. Segment (Tune X) (3:22)
10. Diverse (Tune X Alternate) (3:18)
11. Passport (Tune Y Rare) (2:57)
12. Passport (Tune Z Common) (2:59)
CD 3.
01. The Opener (12:50)
02. Lester Leaps In (12:16)
03. Embraceable You (10:35)
04. The Closer (10:59)
05. Ow - Introduction Of Ella Fitzgerald (0:48)
06. Flyin' Home (5:34)
07. How High The Moon (6:24)
08. Perdido (8:34)
CD 4.
01. Just Friends (3:33)
02. Everything Happens To Me (3:17)
03. April In Paris (3:08)
04. Summertime (2:48)
05. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:14)
06. If I Should Lose You (2:48)
07. Star Eyes (3:30)
08. Blues (Fast) (2:47)
09. I'm In The Mood For Love (2:53)
10. Bloomdido (3:27)
11. An Oscar For Treadwell (Tk 3 Alt - LP) (3:23)
12. An Oscar For Treadwell (Tk 4 Mst) (3:25)
13. Mohawk (Tk 3 Alt - LP) (3:50)
14. Mohawk (Tk 6 Tk 4 Mst) (3:37)
15. My Melancholy Baby (Tk 1) (3:18)
16. My Melancholy Baby (Coda Rehearsal) (0:04)
17. My Melancholy Baby (Tk 2 Mst) (3:25)
18. Leap Frog (Tk 1 Inc) (0:27)
19. Leap Frog (Tk 2 Inc) (0:18)
20. Leap Frog (Tk 3 Inc) (0:40)
21. Leap Frog (Tk 4 Inc) (0:18)
22. Leap Frog (Tk 5 Cpt) (2:35)
23. Leap Frog (Tk 6 Inc) (0:23)
24. Leap Frog (Tk 7 Inc) (0:14)
25. Leap Frog (Tk 8 Tk 4 Alt) (2:03)
26. Leap Frog (Tk 9 Cpt) (2:07)
27. Leap Frog (Tk 10 Inc) (0:45)
28. Leap Frog (Tk 11 Tk 6 Mst) (2:32)
29. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 1 Inc) (0:35)
30. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 2 Inc) (1:07)
31. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 3 Fs) (0:11)
32. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 4 Tk 2 Alt - LP) (3:57)
33. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 5 Inc) (0:27)
34. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 6 Tk 3 Mst) (2:46)
CD 5.
01. Dancing In The Dark (3:21)
02. Out Of Nowhere (3:08)
03. Laura (Tk 1 Cpt) (2:59)
04. Laura (Tk 2 Mst) (2:59)
05. East Of The Sun (3:40)
06. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:19)
07. Easy To Love (3:31)
08. I'm In The Mood For Love (Tk 2 Mst) (3:35)
09. I'm In The Mood For Love (Tk 3 Alt) (3:30)
10. I'll Remember April (Tk 1 Cpt) (3:11)
11. I'll Remember April (Tk 2 Fs) (0:12)
12. I'll Remember April (Tk 3 Tk 2 Mst) (3:04)
13. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:54)
14. April In Paris (3:12)
15. Repetition (2:49)
16. Easy To Love (Live At Carnegie Hall) (2:24)
17. Rocker (3:13)
18. Celebrity (With Buddy Rich) (1:36)
19. Ballade (With Coleman Hawkins) (2:58)
20. Afro-Cuban Jazz Suite (17:12)
CD 6.
01. Au Privave (Tk 2 Alt - LP) (2:41)
02. Au Privave (Tk 3 Mst) (2:45)
03. She Rote (Tk 3 Alt - LP) (3:11)
04. She Rote (Tk 5 Mst) (3:09)
05. K.C. Blues (3:26)
06. Star Eyes (3:37)
07. My Little Suede Shoes (3:06)
08. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:43)
09. Tico Tico (2:46)
10. Fiesta (2:52)
11. Why Do I Love You? (Tk 2 Alt - LP) (3:01)
12. Why Do I Love You? (Tk 6 Alt) (3:00)
13. Why Do I Love You? (Tk 7 Mst) (3:07)
14. Blues For Alice (2:48)
15. Si Si (2:40)
16. Swedish Schnapps (Tk 3 Alt - LP) (3:16)
17. Swedish Schnapps (Tk 4 Mst) (3:12)
18. Back Home Blues (Tk 1 Alt - LP) (2:38)
19. Back Home Blues (Tk 2 Mst) (2:48)
20. Loverman (3:22)
CD 7.
01. Temptation (3:33)
02. Lover (3:09)
03. Autumn In New York (3:31)
04. Stella By Starlight (2:58)
05. Mama Inez (2:52)
06. La Cucuracha (Tk 1 Cpt) (3:26)
07. La Cucuracha (Tk 2 Inc) (0:48)
08. La Cucuracha (Tk 3 Fs) (0:12)
09. La Cucuracha (Tk 4 Tk 3 Mst) (2:45)
10. Estrellita (Tk 2 Inc) (2:12)
11. Estrellita (Tk 4 Cpt) (2:47)
12. Estrellita (Tk 5 Fs) (0:06)
13. Estrellita (Tk 6 Tk 5 Mst) (2:46)
14. Begin The Beguine (3:15)
15. La Paloma (2:42)
16. Night And Day (2:53)
17. Almost Like Being In Love (2:36)
18. I Can't Get Started (3:10)
19. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:37)
CD 8.
01. Jam Blues (14:44)
02. What Is This Thing Called Love (15:53)
03. Ballad Medley (17:26)
04. Funky Blues (13:28)
CD 9.
01. The Song Is You (2:58)
02. Laird Baird (2:46)
03. Kim (Tk 2 Alt - LP) (3:00)
04. Kim (Tk 4 Mst) (3:00)
05. Cosmic Rays (Tk 2 Mst) (3:07)
06. Cosmic Rays (Tk 5 Alt) (3:18)
07. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 1 Fs) (0:32)
08. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 2 Inc) (0:55)
09. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 3 Ct) (3:48)
10. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 4 Ct) (3:22)
11. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 5 Fs) (0:46)
12. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 6 Ct) (3:28)
13. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 7 Mst) (3:24)
14. Old Folks (Tk 1 Inc) (0:26)
15. Old Folks (Tk 2 Fs) (0:11)
16. Old Folks (Tk 3 Ct) (4:06)
17. Old Folks (Tk 4 Inc. Bird Continues Playing Into Tk 5 Fs) (0:23)
18. Old Folks (Tk 6 Ct) (3:29)
19. Old Folks (Tk 7 Inc Ct) (0:28)
20. Old Folks (Tk 8 Mst) (3:41)
21. Old Folks (Tk 9) (3:36)
22. If I Love Again (2:31)
CD 10.
01. Chi-Chi (Take 1 - Alt. Take - LP) (3:11)
02. Chi-Chi (Take 2 - False Start) (0:29)
03. Chi-Chi (Take 3 - Alt. Take) (2:44)
04. Chi-Chi (Take 4 - Alt. Take) (2:39)
05. Chi-Chi (Take 5 - False Start) (0:19)
06. Chi-Chi (Take 6 - Master) (3:05)
07. I Remember You (3:05)
08. Now's The Time (3:03)
09. Confirmation (Take 1 - False Start) (0:14)
10. Confirmation (Take 2 - False Start) (0:12)
11. Confirmation (Take 5 - Master) (3:02)
12. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 1 - Alt. Take) (4:58)
13. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 2 - False Start & Rehearsal) (0:32)
14. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 3 Take 2 - False Start & Rehearsal) (0:16)
15. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 4 - Inc.) (1:05)
16. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 5 - False Start) (0:16)
17. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 6 - Inc.) (1:10)
18. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 7 - Master) (3:36)
19. Just One Of Those Things (2:48)
20. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (Take 1 - False Start & Rehearsal) (0:39)
21. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (Take 2 - Master) (3:20)
22. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:41)
23. Love For Sale (Take 1 - False Start) (0:17)
24. Love For Sale (Take 2 - Alt. Take) (5:49)
25. Love For Sale (Take 3 - Inc.) (1:05)
26. Love For Sale (Take 4 - Alt. Take) (5:34)
27. Love For Sale (Take 5 - Master) (5:37)
28. I Love Paris (Take 2 - Alt. Take) (5:09)
29. I Love Paris (Take 3 - Master) (5:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Essence Of Charlie Parker (2006)
CD 1.
01. Tiny's Tempo (2:54)
02. I'll Always Love You Just The Same (3:04)
03. Warming Up A Riff (2:34)
04. Billie's Bounce (3:08
05. Max Is Making Wax (2:30)
06. Bebop (2:53)
07. Yardbird Suite (2:55)
08. Ornithology (2:59)
09. Moose The Mooche (3: 03)
10. A Night In Tunisia (3:06)
11. Lover Man (3:17)
12. Hot Blues (1:58)
13. Buzzy (2:31
14. The Hymn (2:28)
15. Donna Lee (2:33)
16. Bird`S Nest (2:37)
17. Bongo Hop (2:43)
18. Carvin` The Bird (2:44)
19. Chasin` The Bird (2:44)
20. Don’t Blame Me (2:47)
21. Bird Feathers (2:51)
22. Stupendous (2:52)
23. Dexterity (2:59)
24. Out Of Nowhere (4:00)
25. Cool Blues (2:19)
CD 2.
01. Merry-Go-Round (2:26)
02. Constellation (2:26)
03. Barbados (2:28)
04. Perhaps (2:33)
05. Bird Gets The Worm (2:37)
06. Another Hair-Do (2:36)
07. Marmaduke (2:36)
08. Charlie's Wig (2:42)
09. Klaunstance (2:44)
10. Bluebird (2:56)
11. Quasimodo (2:53)
12. Parker's Mood (3:00)
13. Crazeology (2.59)
14. Passport (2:58)
15. Okiedoke (3.03)
16. Blues (2:46)
17. If I Should Lose You (2:46)
18. I'm In The Mood For Love (2:53)
19. Dancing In The Dark (3:10)
20. Si Si (2:40)
21. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:42)
22. Au Privave (2:40)
23. Tico Tico (2:46)
24. Why Do It Love You? (2:53)
25. Now`S The Time (The Hucklebuck) (2:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Together (2011)
01. Groovin' High (2:48)
02. Dizzy Atmosphere (2:53)
03. Salt Peanuts (3:22)
04. Shaw 'Nuff (3:03)
05. Hot House (3:16)
06. Slim's Jam (3:18)
07. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:24)
08. Shaw 'Nuff (4:22)
09. Groovin' High (5:42)
10. A Night In Tunisia (5:08)
11. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:07)
12. Groovin' High (5:21)
13. Confirmation (5:51)
14. Bloomdido (3:28)
15. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:25)
16. Mohawk (3:38)
17. My Melanholy Baby (3:27)
18. Leap Frog (2:32)
19. Relaxin' With Lee (3:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker Plays Cole Porter, 1950-1954 (2012)
01. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:35)
02. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Alternate Take) (4:56)
03. Just One Of Those Things (2:46)
04. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (3:20)
05. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:39)
06. Love For Sale (5:35)
07. Love For Sale (Alternate Take) (5:33)
08. I Love Paris (5:07)
09. I Love Paris (Alternate Take) (5:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker And His Orchestra - Swedish Schnapps, 1951 (2014)
01. Si Si (2:40)
02. Swedish Schnapps (Alternate Take) (3:17)
03. Swedish Schnapps (3:14)
04. Back Home Blues (Alternate Take) (2:39)
05. Back Home Blues (2:50)
06. Lover Man (3:26)
07. Blues For Alice (2:50)
08. Au Privave (Alternate Take) (2:41)
09. Au Privave (2:46)
10. She Rote (Alternate Take) (3:12)
11. She Rote (3:09)
12. K. C. Blues (3:27)
13. Star Eyes (3:43)
14. Segment (3:22)
15. Diverse (3:18)
16. Passport (Rare) (2:57)
17. Passport (Common) (3:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
One Night In Birdland, 1950 (2014)
CD 1.
01. Wahoo (6:35)
02. 'Round Midnight (5:07)
03. This Time The Dream's On Me (6:14)
04. Dizzy Atmosphere (6:53)
05. Night In Tunisia (5:38)
06. Move (6:30)
07. The Street Beat (9:30)
CD 2.
01. Out Of Nowhere (6:20)
02. Little Willie Leaps / 52nd Street Theme (5:44)
03. Ornithology (7:51)
04. I'll Remember April / 52nd Street Theme (9:24)
05. Embraceable You (6:20)
06. Cool Blues / 52nd Street Theme (9:06)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker Quintet & Sextet - Bird In Boston: Live At The Hi-Hat 1953-1954 (2016)
CD 1.
01. Opening Announcements By SST And Bird (0:40)
02. Cool Blues (5:38)
03. Scrapple From The Apple (7:11)
04. SST Introduces The Members Of The Band (0:57)
05. Laura (6:34)
06. SST Talks To Bird Introduces The Next Tune (0:53)
07. Cheryl (5:44)
08. Ornithology (6:23)
09. 52nd Street And Closing Announcements (1:29)
10. SST Introduces Bird (0:10)
11. Ornithology (7:47)
12. SST And Bird Introduce The Next Number (0:30)
13. My Little Suede Shoes (7:09)
14. Bird Introduces The Next Tune (0:28)
15. Now's The Time (6:58)
16. Groovin' High (6:06)
CD 2.
01. Cool Blues (6:47)
02. Out Of Nowhere (5:43)
03. My Funny Valentine (6:33)
04. Ornithology (4:58)
05. Cool Blues (6:10)
06. My Little Suede Shoes (6:02)
07. Bird Talks To SST (1:02)
08. Ornithology (7:35)
09. SST Introduces The Hi-Hat All Stars And Talks To Bird (1:22)
10. Out Of Nowhere (4:23)
11. Jumpin' With Symphony Syd And Closing Announcements By SST (2:34)
12. Now's The Time (9:13)
13. SST And Bird Introduce The Hi-Hat All Stars (0:51)
14. Out Of Nowhere (5:48)
15. My Little Suede Shoes (5:01)
16. Jumpin' With Symphony Sid And Closing Announcements By SST (1:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Unheard Bird: The Unissued Takes (2016)
CD 1.
01. Okiedoke Incomplete (1:37)
02. Okiedoke Alternate Take (3:17)
03. Okiedoke Incomplete (1:52)
04. Okiedoke Alternate Take (3:15)
05. Okiedoke Released Master (3:05)
06. Visa Incomplete (0:44)
07. Visa Alternate Take (3:03)
08. Visa False Start (0:16)
09. Visa Released Master (3:01)
10. Tune X Incomplete & False Start (1:46)
11. Tune X Alternate Take (3:20)
12. Tune X Incomplete (1:17)
13. Tune X A.K.A. 'Diverse' Released Take (3:19)
14. Tune X A.K.A. 'Segment' Released Master (3:23)
15. Tune Y False Starts (0:30)
16. Tune Y A.K.A. 'Passport' Released ´Rare´ Master (2:56)
17. Tune Z False Start (0:07)
18. Tune Z Alternate Take (2:56)
19. Tune Z False Starts (0:39)
20. Tune Z Alternate Take (2:52)
21. Tune Z False Starts (1:08)
22. Tune Z Alternate Take (3:09)
23. Tune Z Also A.K.A. 'Passport' Released ´Common´ Master (3:03)
24. If I Should Lose You False Starts (0:28)
25. If I Should Lose You Released Master (2:50)
26. Stars Eyes Incomplete & False Start (1:10)
27. Star Eyes Incomplete (2:05)
28. Star Eyes Released Master (3:30)
29. Blues (Fast) False Starts (1:06)
30. Blues (Fast) Alternate Take (2:50)
31. Blues (Fast) False Start (0:21)
32. Blues (Fast) Alternate Take (2:44)
33. Blues (Fast) Incomplete (0:42)
34. Blues (Fast) Alternate Take (2:50)
35. Blues (Fast) Alternate Take, Studio Chatter (0:14)
36. Blues (Fast) Released Master (2:48)
37. Bloomdido False Starts (1:12)
38. Bloomdido Released Master (3:25)
CD 2.
01. An Oscar For Treadwell Incomplete (1:54)
02. An Oscar For Treadwell Incomplete (0:57)
03. An Oscar For Treadwell Released Alternate Take (3:24)
04. An Oscar For Treadwell Released Master (3:24)
05. Mohawk Incomplete & False Start (1:09)
06. Mohawk Released Alternate Take (3:51)
07. Mohawk False Start (1:53)
08. Mohawk Released Master (3:40)
09. My Little Suede Shoes Alternate Take W / False Start (3:03)
10. My Little Suede Shoes Alternate Take (3:19)
11. My Little Suede Shoes Alternate Take (3:09)
12. My Little Suede Shoes Released Master (3:07)
13. Tico Tico Alternate Take W / False Start (3:10)
14. Tico Tico False Starts (1:24)
15. Tico Tico Alternate Take (2:48)
16. Tico Tico False Starts (0:52)
17. Tico Tico Released Master (2:46)
18. Fiesta Alternate Take W/False Start (3:22)
19. Fiesta Released Master (2:52)
20. Mama Inez Alternate Take (3:02)
21. Mama Inez Released Master (2:53)
22. Night And Day Alternate Take (2:55)
23. Night And Day Alternate Take (3:02)
24. Night And Day Released Master (2:53)
25. Almost Like Being In Love Alternate Take (2:32)
26. Almost Like Being In Love False Start & Incomplete (1:21)
27. Almost Like Being In Love Reissued Master (2:38)
28. What Is This Thing Called Love Incomplete (1:18)
29. What Is This Thing Called Love Alternate Take (2:16)
30. What Is This Thing Called Love Incomplete (1:21)
31. What Is This Thing Called Love Released Master (2:36)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Milestones Of A Legend (Box Set 2016)
CD 1: Charlie Parker No.1, 2 And 3.
01. A Night In Tunisia (3:00)
02. Yardbird Suite (2:34)
03. Moose The Mooche (2:53)
04. Ornithology (2:55)
05. Lover Man (3:16)
06. Bebop (2:50)
07. The Gypsy (2:22)
08. Max Making Wax (2:28)
09. Relaxin' At Camarillo (2:50)
10. Cheers (3:05)
11. Carving The Bird (2:38)
12. Stupendous (2:50)
13. Cool Blues (3:01)
14. Dark Shadows (4:04)
15. Hot Blues (1:56)
16. This Is Always (3:08)
17. Bird's Nest (2:43)
18. Don't Blame Me (2:49)
19. Dexterity (3:01)
20. Bird Of Paradise (3:14)
21. Bongo Bop (2:45)
22. Embraceable You (3:26)
23. Dewey Square (3:10)
24. Quasimado (2:55)
25. Scrapple From The Apple (2:40)
CD 2: Strings, Sextet, Red Norvo's Jam Session.
01. April In Paris (3:24)
02. Summertime (3:02)
03. If I Should Lose You (3:01)
04. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:32)
05. Everything Happens To Me (3:32)
06. Just Friends (3:51)
07. My Old Flame (3:16)
08. Air Conditioning (3:03)
09. Crazeology (3:08)
10. Bird Feathers (3:09)
11. Out Of Nowhere (4:10)
12. Bongobeep (2:57)
13. Bird Feathers (2:53)
14. Klactoveedsedstene (3:08)
15. Hallelujah (3:58)
16. Get Happy (3:45)
17. Slam Slam Blues (4:27)
18. Congo Blues (3:54)
19. Hallelujah (4:10)
20. Get Happy (4:03)
21. Slam Slam Blues (5:03)
22. Congo Blues (3:59)
CD 3: South Of The Border, Bird And Diz, Charlie Parker.
01. Tico Tico (2:45)
02. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:43)
03. My Little Suede Shoes (3:06)
04. Estrellita (2:45)
05. Begin The Beguine (3:13)
06. La Paloma (2:41)
07. La Cucaracha (2:45)
08. Mama Inez (2:51)
09. Bloomdido (3:27)
10. My Melancholy Baby (3:26)
11. Relaxin' With Lee (2:49)
12. Passport (2:57)
13. Leap Frog (2:32)
14. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:25)
15. Mohawk (3:38)
16. Visa (3:01)
17. Now's The Time (3:03)
18. I Remember You (3:04)
19. Confirmation (2:59)
20. Chi Chi (3:05)
21. I Hear Music (The Song Is You) (2:59)
22. Laird Bird (2:47)
23. Kim (3:00)
24. Cosmic Rays (3:06)
CD 4: CP Plays Cole Porter, Jazz Prennial.
01. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:36)
02. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Alternate Take) (4:54)
03. Just One Of Those Things (2:48)
04. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (3:21)
05. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:40)
06. Love For Sale (5:35)
07. Love For Sale (Alternate Take) (5:34)
08. I Love Paris (5:09)
09. I Love Paris (Alternate Take) (5:08)
10. Star Eyes (3:31)
11. Blues (Fast) (2:48)
12. I'm In The Mood For Love (2:54)
13. In The Still Of The Night (3:26)
14. Old Folks (3:37)
15. If I Love Again (2:28)
16. Cardboard (3:10)
17. Visa (3:00)
18. Segment (3:22)
19. Passport (3:02)
20. Diverse (3:17)
CD 5: Bird Is Free, The Happy Bird.
01. Rocker (5:25)
02. Sly Mongoose (3:33)
03. Moose The Mooche (4:00)
04. Stareyes (2:19)
05. This Time The Dream's On Me (6:15)
06. Cool Blues (2:48)
07. My Little Suede Shoes (4:16)
08. Lester Leaps In (4:02)
09. Laura (3:10)
10. Happy Bird Blues (2:58)
11. Scrapple From The Apple (15:49)
12. I Remember April (10:48)
13. I May Be Wrong (12:52)
CD 6: Memorial, Bird On 52nd Street.
01. Another Hair Do (3:43)
02. Blue Bird (2:57)
03. Bird Gets The Worm (3:04)
04. Barbados (2:39)
05. Constellation (4:42)
06. Parker's Mood (3:27)
07. Ah-Leu-Cha (3:34)
08. Perhaps (3:00)
09. Perhaps (2:36)
10. Marmaduke (4:08)
11. Steeplechase (3:07)
12. Merry-Go-Round (2:20)
13. Buzzy (2:45)
14. 52nd Street Theme (2:19)
15. Shaw 'Nuff (1:35)
16. Out Of Nowhere (3:05)
17. Hot House (2:14)
18. This Time The Dream's On Me (2:22)
19. A Night In Tunisia (3:30)
20. My Old Flame (3:24)
21. The Way You Look Tonight (4:42)
22. Out Of Nowhere (2:35)
23. Chasin' The Bird (1:48)
24. This Time The Dream's On Me (3:30)
25. Dizzy Atmosphere (3:00)
26. How High The Moon (3:37)
CD 7: Le Jazz Cool, CP And Lester Young.
01. Ko Ko (2:32)
02. 'Round Midnight (5:04)
03. Cool Blues (4:52)
04. Ornithology (Take 1) (7:39)
05. Move (4:49)
06. White Christmas (4:05)
07. Ornithology (Alternate Take) (4:22)
08. Hot House (4:13)
09. Groovin' High (3:35)
10. 52nd Street Theme (2:07)
11. Lester Leaps In (2:41)
12. How High The Moon (4:26)
13. Out Of Nowhere (4:09)
14. Laura (3:02)
15. Lester Leaps In (Alternate Version) (3:13)
16. Destination Moon (8:38)
17. Happy Bird Blues (3:01)
18. Blues (3:20)
CD 8: Charlie Parker In Sweden.
01. Anthropology (6:08)
02. Scrapple From The Apple (6:34)
03. Embraceable You (2:12)
04. Cool Blues (4:37)
05. Star Eyes (2:43)
06. All The Things You Are (5:07)
07. Strike Up The Band (4:44)
08. Body And Soul (11:49)
09. Fine And Dandy (5:45)
10. How High The Moon (3:42)
11. Cheers (6:49)
12. Loverman (1:55)
13. Out Of Nowhere (3:35)
CD 9: Bird At St.Nick's, Jazz At Massey Hall.
01. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (2:37)
02. Ornithology (3:29)
03. Embraceable You (2:19)
04. Visa (2:59)
05. I Cover The Waterfront (1:46)
06. Scrapple From The Apple (4:39)
07. Star Eyes - 52nd Street Theme (3:07)
08. Confirmation (3:16)
09. Out Of Nowhere (2:19)
10. Hot House (3:48)
11. What's New (2:45)
12. Now's The Time (4:17)
13. Perdido (7:43)
14. Salt Peanuts (7:39)
15. All The Things You Are (7:51)
16. Wee (6:42)
17. Hot House (9:09)
CD 10: An Evening Home With The Bird, The Bird Returns.
01. There's A Small Hotel (10:53)
02. These Foolish Things (3:52)
03. Fine And Dandy (5:58)
04. Hot House (9:15)
05. Chasin' The Bird (6:38)
06. Thriving On A Riff (5:38)
07. Koko (2:32)
08. Half Nelson (3:35)
09. Scrapple From The Apple (4:42)
10. Cheryl (3:27)
11. Barbados (3:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
3 Essential Albums (2017)
CD 1: Jam Session 1952.
01. Jam Blues (14:45)
02. What Is This Thing Called Love? (15:54)
03. Ballad Medley: (17:26)
All The Things You Are
Dearly Beloved
The Nearness Of You
I'll Get By
Everything Happens To Me
The Man I Love
What's New
Someone To Watch Over Me
Isn't It Romantic?
04. Funky Blues (13:29)
CD 2: South Of The Border 1952.
01. Mango Mangue (2:57)
02. Okiedoke (3:05)
03. No Noise (5:55)
04. My Little Suede Shoes (3:07)
05. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:43)
06. Why Do I Love You? (3:08)
07. Tico Tico (2:47)
08. Fiesta (2:52)
09. La Cucaracha (2:45)
10. Mama Inez (2:53)
11. Estrellita (2:46)
12. La Paloma (2:42)
13. Begin The Beguine (3:17)
14. Afro-Cuban Jazz Suite (17:14)
CD 3: Charlie Parker With Strings: Master Takes 1952.
01. Just Friends (3:33)
02. Everything Happens To Me (3:18)
03. April In Paris (3:09)
04. Summertime (2:49)
05. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:15)
06. If I Should Lose You (2:49)
07. Dancing In The Dark (3:13)
08. Out Of Nowhere (3:10)
09. Laura (3:02)
10. East Of The Sun (And West Of The Moon) (3:42)
11. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:20)
12. Easy To Love (3:33)
13. I'm In The Mood For Love (3:37)
14. I'll Remember April (3:05)
15. What Is This Thing Called Love? (2:54)
16. April In Paris (3:13)
17. Repetition (2:52)
18. Easy To Love (2:25)
19. Rocker (3:04)
20. Temptation (3:33)
21. Lover (3:10)
22. Autumn In New York (3:33)
23. Stella By Starlight (2:59)
24. Repetition (2:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Savoy 10-Inch LP Collection (2020)
01. Now's The Time (3:18)
02. Donna Lee (2:35)
03. Chasin' The Bird (2:47)
04. Red Cross (3:11)
05. Ko-Ko (2:58)
06. Warmin' Up A Riff (2:38)
07. Half Nelson (2:45)
08. Sipping At Bells (2:25)
09. Billie's Bounce (3:11)
10. Cheryl (3:01)
11. Milestones (2:39)
12. Another Hair-Do (2:42)
13. Thriving From A Riff (2:58)
14. Buzzy (2:33)
15. Little Willie Leaps (2:53)
16. Klaunstance (2:45)
17. Bluebird (2:53)
18. Bird Gets The Worm (2:39)
19. Parker's Mood (3:05)
20. Steeplechase (3:06)
21. Perhaps (2:35)
22. Tiny's Tempo (2:55)
23. Constellation (2:30)
24. Merry Go Round (2:27)
25. Confirmation (3:13)
26. Barbados (2:30)
27. Ah-Leu-Cha (2:54)
28. Marmaduke (2:42)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Magnificent Charlie Parker, 1955 (2020)
01. Au Privave (Take 3 Master) (2:42)
02. She Rote (3:05)
03. K.C. Blues (3:24)
04. Star Eyes (3:32)
05. In The Still Of The Night (Take 7 / Master) (3:22)
06. Old Folks (3:34)
07. Blues For Alice (2:45)
08. Si Si (2:38)
09. Swedish Schnapps (3:10)
10. Back Home Blues (Take 2 / Alternaet Take) (2:46)
11. Lover Man - Charlie Parker (3:23)
12. Why Do I Love You? (3:06)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Five Classic Albums (2020)
CD 1.
Bird And Diz 1949-1950.
01. Bloomdido (3:27)
02. Melancholy Baby (3:26)
03. Relaxing With Lee (2:49)
04. Passport (2:57)
05. Leap Frog (2:31)
06. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:25)
07. Mohawk (3:37)
08. Visa (3:00)
Charlie Parker Big Band 1950-1952.
09. Temptation (3:33)
10. Autumn In New York (3:31)
11. Lover (3:08)
12. Stella By Starlight (2:58)
13. Dancing In The Dark (3:13)
14. Night And Day (2:53)
15. I Can't Get Started (3:10)
16. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:39)
17. Almost Like Being In Love (2:36)
18. Laura (2:59)
Charlie Parker With Strings 1949-1950.
19. April In Paris (3:08)
20. Summertime (2:48)
21. If I Should Lose You (2:48)
22. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:15)
23. Everything Happens To Me (3:17)
24. Just Friends (3:33)
25. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:17)
CD 2.
Charlie Parker With Strings 1949-1950 Cont.
01. You Came Along From Out Of Nowhere (3:09)
02. East Of The Sun (West Of The Moon) (3:40)
03. Easy To Love (3:32)
04. I'm In The Mood For Love (3:36)
05. I'll Remember April (3:04)
Charlie Parker Quartet 1952-1953.
06. Now's The Time (3:03)
07. I Remember You (3:05)
08. Confirmation (2:59)
09. Chi Chi (3:05)
10. The Song Is You (2:59)
11. Laird Baird (2:47)
12. Kim (3:01)
13. Cosmic Rays (3:07)
Charlie Parker Quintet Plays Cole Porter 1954.
14. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:36)
15. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Alternate Take) (4:58)
16. Just One Of Those Things (2:48)
17. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (3:21)
18. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:41)
19. Love For Sale (5:36)
20. Love For Sale (Alternate Take) (5:34)
21. I Love Paris (5:09)
22. I Love Paris (Alternate Take) (5:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird In LA (2021)
CD 1.
01. Intro Over I Waited For You Into How High The Moon (Incomplete) (4:12)
02. Intro Dialogue With Gibson Into Handsome Harry The Hipster (Incomplete) (No Parker) (4:17)
03. Cement Mixer (Fragment) Into Intro Into Blues (Fragment) (1:21)
04. Dizzy Atmosphere (Fragment) (No Parker Improvisation) (1:05)
05. Fifty-Second Street Theme Into Closing Announcement (1:49)
06. Groovin' High Into Announcement (5:48)
07. Intro Dialogue With Gillespie Into Shaw 'Nuff Into Announcement (4:51)
08. Intro Dialogue With Gillespie Into Dizzy Atmosphere Into Announcement (4:37)
09. Intro Dialogue Between Valle And Gibson Into Salt Peanuts (3:41)
10. Billie's Bounce (3:46)
11. Ornithology (5:05)
12. All The Things You Are (5:13)
13. Blue 'N' Boogie (5:15)
14. Anthropology Into Announcement (2:52)
15. Intro Discussion Into Cherokee Into Announcement (4:22)
16. Ornithology (4:12)
17. Dizzy Atmosphere (5:39)
18. Out Of Nowhere (3:35)
CD 2.
01. Scrapple From The Apple (Incomplete) (5:44)
02. Au Privave / Dance Of The Infidels (13:12)
03. Night In Tunisia (7:33)
04. How High The Moon / Ornithology (7:31)
05. Party Chatter Into Embraceable You (3:46)
06. Hot House (7:08)
07. Cool Blues (12:15)
08. March Noodling / Dixie (4:13)
09. Scrapple From The Apple (13:15)
10. Au Privave (4:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & Miles Davis - On Savoy (2022)
01. Half Nelson (2:45)
02. Donna Lee (2:35)
03. Milestones (2:38)
04. Ah-Leu-Cha (2:53)
05. Thriving From A Riff (2:58)
06. Sipping At Bells (2:24)
07. Barbados (2:30)
08. Constellation (2:29)
09. Chasin' The Bird (2:47)
10. Buzzy (2:32)
11. Steeplechase (3:06)
12. Marmaduke (2:42)
13. Little Willie Leaps (2:52)
14. Cheryl (3:00)
15. Groovin' High (Live At The Royal Roost, 1949) (5:35)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Bud Powell, Charles Mingus, Max Roach -
02. A Night In Tunisia (3:05)
03. Moose The Mooche (3:03)
04. Ornithology (3:01)
05. Yardbird Suite (2:55)
06. Cheryl (3:00)
07. Donna Lee (2:36)
08. Half Nelson (2:44)
09. Milestones (2:37)
10. Bird Of Paradise (3:11)
11. Dewey Square (3:06)
12. Dexterity (2:58)
13. Embraceable You (3:21)
14. Klact-Oveedseds-Tene (3:05)
15. Scrapple From The Apple (2:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker With Quartet & The Orchestra - The Washington Concerts, 1952-1953 (2001)
02. These Foolish Things (3:22)
03. Light Green (3:36)
04. Thou Swell (3:52)
05. Willis (5:23)
06. Don't Blame Me (2:22)
07. Something To Remember You By - Blue Room (3:14)
08. Roundhouse (3:12)
09. Ornithology (4:21)
10. Out Of Nowhere (4:37)
11. Cool Blues (4:13)
12. Anthropology (4:59)
13. Scrapple From The Apple (5:20)
14. Medley: Out Of Nowhere / Now's The Time (12:38)
15. Red Rodney Interview (3:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Complete Savoy & Dial Master Takes (2002)
01. Tiny's Tempo (2:55)
02. I'll Always Love You Just The Same (3:02)
03. Romance Without Finance (3:04)
04. Red Cross (3:11)
05. Warmin' Up A Riff (2:37)
06. Billie's Bounce (3:10)
07. Now's The Time (3:17)
08. Thrivin' From A Riff (2:57)
09. Meandering (3:18)
10. Koko (2:56)
11. Diggin' Diz (2:53)
12. Moose The Mooche (3:04)
13. Yardbird Suite (2:55)
14. Ornithology (3:02)
15. A Night In Tunisia (3:06)
16. Max Making Wax (2:30)
17. Lover Man (3:20)
18. The Gypsy (3:02)
19. Bebop A (2:53)
20. This Is Always (3:12)
21. Dark Shadows (3:06)
CD 2.
01. Bird's Nest (2:45)
02. Cool Blues (3:06)
03. Relaxin' At Camarillo (3:02)
04. Cheers (3:00)
05. Carvin' The Bird (2:43)
06. Stupendous (2:55)
07. Donna Lee (2:34)
08. Chasin' The Bird (2:46)
09. Cheryl (3:00)
10. Buzzy (2:32)
11. Milestones (2:37)
12. Little Willie Leaps (2:52)
13. Half Nelson (2:45)
14. Sippin' At Bell's (2:23)
15. Dexterity (2:58)
16. Bongo Bop (2:45)
17. Dewey Square (3:06)
18. The Hymn (2:28)
19. Bird Of Paradise (3:11)
20. Embraceable You (3:21)
21. Bird Feathers (2:51)
22. Klactoveesedstene (3:04)
CD 3.
01. Scrapple From The Apple (2:56)
02. My Old Flame (3:10)
03. Out Of Nowhere (3:49)
04. Don't Blame Me (2:46)
05. Drifting On A Reed (3:01)
06. Quasimado (2:58)
07. Charlie's Wig (2:45)
08. Bongo Beep (3:05)
09. Crazeology (3:02)
10. How Deep Is The Ocean? (3:31)
11. Another Hair Do (2:40)
12. Bluebird (2:52)
13. Klaunstance (2:44)
14. Bird Gets The Worm (2:37)
15. Barbados (2:29)
16. Au-Leu-Cha (2:55)
17. Constellation (2:30)
18. Parker's Mood (3:04)
19. Perhaps (2:34)
20. Marmaduke (2:45)
21. Steeplechase (3:06)
22. Merry Go Round (2:25)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker, Ben Webster, Benny Carter, Johnny Hodges, Flip Phillips a.o. - Super Session, 1952 (2002)
02. What Is This Thing Called Love (15:52)
03. Ballad Medley (17:25)
A. All The Things You Are (Kern - Hammerstein II)
B. Dearly Beloved (Kern - Mercer)
C. The Nearness Of You (Carmichael - Washington)
D. I'll Get By (Ahlert - Turk)
04. Jam Blues (14:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & Miles Davis - Blue Bird: Legendary Savoy Sessions, 1945-1948 (2002)
02. Now's The Time (3:15)
03. Meandering (3:16)
04. Donna Lee (2:31)
05. Chasin' The Bird (2:42)
06. Cheryl (2:56)
07. Buzzy (2:27)
08. Milestones (2:34)
09. Little Willie Leaps (2:48)
10. Half Nelson (2:41)
11. Sippin' At Bells (2:20)
12. Another Hair-Do (2:36)
13. Blue Bird (2:48)
14. Klaunstance (2:43)
15. Bird Gets The Worm (2:33)
16. Barbados (2:28)
17. Ah-Leu-Cha (2:53)
18. Constellation (2:26)
19. Parker's Mood (3:02)
20. Perhaps (2:33)
21. Marmaduke (2:41)
22. Steeplechase (3:03)
23. Merry-Go-Round (2:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Jazz At Massey Hall, 1953 (2003)
02. Salt Peanunts (7:37)
03. All The Things You Are (7:14)
04. 52nd Street Theme (0:42)
05. Drum Conversation (4:38)
06. Cherokee (4:55)
07. Embraceable You (4:25)
08. Hallelujah (Jubilee) (4:00)
09. Sure Thing (2:13)
10. Lullaby Of Birland (2:33)
11. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:02)
12. Wee (Allen's Alley) (6:47)
13. Hot House (9:10)
14. A Night In Tunisia (7:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
20th Century Masters: The Best Of Charlie Parker, The Millennium Collection (2004)
02. Repetition (2:56)
03. Just Friends (3:28)
04. Bloomdido (Master Take) (3:24)
05. K.C. Blues (3:24)
06. Star Eyes (3:34)
07. She Rote (3:05)
08. My Little Suede Shoes (3:03)
09. Lover Man (3:22)
10. Autumn In New York (3:28)
11. Now's The Time (3:00)
12. Confirmation (2:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Liveology (2005)
02. Big Foot (4:39)
03. Cheryl (3:22)
04. Be-Bop (3:19)
05. Barbados (3:51)
06. Ooh Bop Sh'bam (4:54)
07. Street Beat (9:30)
08. Ornithology (7:39)
09. 'Round Midnight (5:02)
10. Wahoo (6:27)
11. Cool Blues (4:48)
12. Moose Тhe Mooche (4:50)
13. My Little Suede Shoes (4:05)
14. Lester Leaps In (3:42)
15. Sly Mongoose (3:34)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Chasin' The Bird (Box Set 2005)

02. I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles (3:59)
03. Sweet Georgia Brown (7:43)
04. Groovin' High (5:42)
05. Shaw'nuff (4:17)
06. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:25)
07. Salt Peanuts (2:06)
08. Anthropology (2:55)
09. Billie's Bounce (3:46)
10. Blue 'N' Boogie (5:05)
11. All The Things You Are (5:10)
12. Ornithology (4:58)
13. A Night In Tunisia (5:08)
14. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:03)
15. Groovin' High (5:150
16. Confirmation (5:40)
17. Ko Ko (4:08)
CD 2: Bird At The Roost.

02. Ko Ko (2:35)
03. Groovin' High (4:55)
04. Big Foot (4:47)
05. Ornithology (5:43)
06. Slow Boat To China (5:11)
07. Hot House (4:28)
08. Salt Peanuts (3:53)
09. Chasin' The Bird (4:26)
10. Out Of Nowhere (3:22)
11. Half Nelson (4:34)
12. White Christmas (4:56)
13. Little Willie Leaps (3:44)
14. Bebop (3:52)
15. East Of The Sun (4:44)
16. Cheryl (4:23)
17. Scrapple From The Apple (4:14)
18. Barbados (3:53)
CD 3: Bird In Flight.

02. 'Round Midnight (5:05)
03. This Time The Dream's On Me (6:19)
04. Dizzy Atmosphere (6:56)
05. Move (6:32)
06. The Street Beat (9:32)
07. Out Of Nowhere (6:21)
08. Little Willie Leaps / 52nd Street Theme (5:46)
09. Ornithology (7:53)
10. I'll Remember April / 52nd Street Theme (9:30)
11. Cool Blues / 52nd Street Theme (9:07)
CD 4: Birdland And Elsewhere.

02. Cheryl (5:17)
03. Ko Ko (5:19)
04. Bird Of Paradise (6:27)
05. Now's The Time (5:38)
06. Blue 'N' Boogie (6:49)
07. Anthropology (5:00)
08. 'Round Midnight (3:12)
09. Night In Tunisia (4:51)
10. Hot House (3:31)
11. Laura (3:03)
12. This Time The Dream's On Me (6:09)
13. Cool Blues (3:20)
14. Lester Leaps In (3:48)
15. How High The Moon (5:26)
16. Embraceable You / 52nd Street Theme (3:33)
17. 1East Of The Sun (3:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird: The Complete Charlie Parker On Verve 1946-1954 (Box Set 2005)

02. Blues For Norman (8:39)
03. I Can't Get Started (9:17)
04. Lady Be Good (11:07)
05. After You've Gone (7:36)
06. I Got Rhythm (12:56)
07. Introductions By Norman Granz (2:16)
08. JATP Blues (10:56)
CD 2.

02. Repetition (3:00)
03. No Noise (Parts I & II) (5:55)
04. No Noise (Part II Ct) (2:58)
05. Mango Mangue (2:55)
06. Okiedoke (3:04)
07. Cardboard (3:10)
08. Visa (3:00)
09. Segment (Tune X) (3:22)
10. Diverse (Tune X Alternate) (3:18)
11. Passport (Tune Y Rare) (2:57)
12. Passport (Tune Z Common) (2:59)
CD 3.

02. Lester Leaps In (12:16)
03. Embraceable You (10:35)
04. The Closer (10:59)
05. Ow - Introduction Of Ella Fitzgerald (0:48)
06. Flyin' Home (5:34)
07. How High The Moon (6:24)
08. Perdido (8:34)
CD 4.

02. Everything Happens To Me (3:17)
03. April In Paris (3:08)
04. Summertime (2:48)
05. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:14)
06. If I Should Lose You (2:48)
07. Star Eyes (3:30)
08. Blues (Fast) (2:47)
09. I'm In The Mood For Love (2:53)
10. Bloomdido (3:27)
11. An Oscar For Treadwell (Tk 3 Alt - LP) (3:23)
12. An Oscar For Treadwell (Tk 4 Mst) (3:25)
13. Mohawk (Tk 3 Alt - LP) (3:50)
14. Mohawk (Tk 6 Tk 4 Mst) (3:37)
15. My Melancholy Baby (Tk 1) (3:18)
16. My Melancholy Baby (Coda Rehearsal) (0:04)
17. My Melancholy Baby (Tk 2 Mst) (3:25)
18. Leap Frog (Tk 1 Inc) (0:27)
19. Leap Frog (Tk 2 Inc) (0:18)
20. Leap Frog (Tk 3 Inc) (0:40)
21. Leap Frog (Tk 4 Inc) (0:18)
22. Leap Frog (Tk 5 Cpt) (2:35)
23. Leap Frog (Tk 6 Inc) (0:23)
24. Leap Frog (Tk 7 Inc) (0:14)
25. Leap Frog (Tk 8 Tk 4 Alt) (2:03)
26. Leap Frog (Tk 9 Cpt) (2:07)
27. Leap Frog (Tk 10 Inc) (0:45)
28. Leap Frog (Tk 11 Tk 6 Mst) (2:32)
29. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 1 Inc) (0:35)
30. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 2 Inc) (1:07)
31. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 3 Fs) (0:11)
32. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 4 Tk 2 Alt - LP) (3:57)
33. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 5 Inc) (0:27)
34. Relaxing With Lee (Tk 6 Tk 3 Mst) (2:46)
CD 5.

02. Out Of Nowhere (3:08)
03. Laura (Tk 1 Cpt) (2:59)
04. Laura (Tk 2 Mst) (2:59)
05. East Of The Sun (3:40)
06. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:19)
07. Easy To Love (3:31)
08. I'm In The Mood For Love (Tk 2 Mst) (3:35)
09. I'm In The Mood For Love (Tk 3 Alt) (3:30)
10. I'll Remember April (Tk 1 Cpt) (3:11)
11. I'll Remember April (Tk 2 Fs) (0:12)
12. I'll Remember April (Tk 3 Tk 2 Mst) (3:04)
13. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:54)
14. April In Paris (3:12)
15. Repetition (2:49)
16. Easy To Love (Live At Carnegie Hall) (2:24)
17. Rocker (3:13)
18. Celebrity (With Buddy Rich) (1:36)
19. Ballade (With Coleman Hawkins) (2:58)
20. Afro-Cuban Jazz Suite (17:12)
CD 6.

02. Au Privave (Tk 3 Mst) (2:45)
03. She Rote (Tk 3 Alt - LP) (3:11)
04. She Rote (Tk 5 Mst) (3:09)
05. K.C. Blues (3:26)
06. Star Eyes (3:37)
07. My Little Suede Shoes (3:06)
08. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:43)
09. Tico Tico (2:46)
10. Fiesta (2:52)
11. Why Do I Love You? (Tk 2 Alt - LP) (3:01)
12. Why Do I Love You? (Tk 6 Alt) (3:00)
13. Why Do I Love You? (Tk 7 Mst) (3:07)
14. Blues For Alice (2:48)
15. Si Si (2:40)
16. Swedish Schnapps (Tk 3 Alt - LP) (3:16)
17. Swedish Schnapps (Tk 4 Mst) (3:12)
18. Back Home Blues (Tk 1 Alt - LP) (2:38)
19. Back Home Blues (Tk 2 Mst) (2:48)
20. Loverman (3:22)
CD 7.

02. Lover (3:09)
03. Autumn In New York (3:31)
04. Stella By Starlight (2:58)
05. Mama Inez (2:52)
06. La Cucuracha (Tk 1 Cpt) (3:26)
07. La Cucuracha (Tk 2 Inc) (0:48)
08. La Cucuracha (Tk 3 Fs) (0:12)
09. La Cucuracha (Tk 4 Tk 3 Mst) (2:45)
10. Estrellita (Tk 2 Inc) (2:12)
11. Estrellita (Tk 4 Cpt) (2:47)
12. Estrellita (Tk 5 Fs) (0:06)
13. Estrellita (Tk 6 Tk 5 Mst) (2:46)
14. Begin The Beguine (3:15)
15. La Paloma (2:42)
16. Night And Day (2:53)
17. Almost Like Being In Love (2:36)
18. I Can't Get Started (3:10)
19. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:37)
CD 8.

02. What Is This Thing Called Love (15:53)
03. Ballad Medley (17:26)
04. Funky Blues (13:28)
CD 9.

02. Laird Baird (2:46)
03. Kim (Tk 2 Alt - LP) (3:00)
04. Kim (Tk 4 Mst) (3:00)
05. Cosmic Rays (Tk 2 Mst) (3:07)
06. Cosmic Rays (Tk 5 Alt) (3:18)
07. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 1 Fs) (0:32)
08. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 2 Inc) (0:55)
09. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 3 Ct) (3:48)
10. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 4 Ct) (3:22)
11. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 5 Fs) (0:46)
12. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 6 Ct) (3:28)
13. In The Still Of The Night (Tk 7 Mst) (3:24)
14. Old Folks (Tk 1 Inc) (0:26)
15. Old Folks (Tk 2 Fs) (0:11)
16. Old Folks (Tk 3 Ct) (4:06)
17. Old Folks (Tk 4 Inc. Bird Continues Playing Into Tk 5 Fs) (0:23)
18. Old Folks (Tk 6 Ct) (3:29)
19. Old Folks (Tk 7 Inc Ct) (0:28)
20. Old Folks (Tk 8 Mst) (3:41)
21. Old Folks (Tk 9) (3:36)
22. If I Love Again (2:31)
CD 10.

02. Chi-Chi (Take 2 - False Start) (0:29)
03. Chi-Chi (Take 3 - Alt. Take) (2:44)
04. Chi-Chi (Take 4 - Alt. Take) (2:39)
05. Chi-Chi (Take 5 - False Start) (0:19)
06. Chi-Chi (Take 6 - Master) (3:05)
07. I Remember You (3:05)
08. Now's The Time (3:03)
09. Confirmation (Take 1 - False Start) (0:14)
10. Confirmation (Take 2 - False Start) (0:12)
11. Confirmation (Take 5 - Master) (3:02)
12. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 1 - Alt. Take) (4:58)
13. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 2 - False Start & Rehearsal) (0:32)
14. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 3 Take 2 - False Start & Rehearsal) (0:16)
15. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 4 - Inc.) (1:05)
16. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 5 - False Start) (0:16)
17. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 6 - Inc.) (1:10)
18. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Take 7 - Master) (3:36)
19. Just One Of Those Things (2:48)
20. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (Take 1 - False Start & Rehearsal) (0:39)
21. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (Take 2 - Master) (3:20)
22. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:41)
23. Love For Sale (Take 1 - False Start) (0:17)
24. Love For Sale (Take 2 - Alt. Take) (5:49)
25. Love For Sale (Take 3 - Inc.) (1:05)
26. Love For Sale (Take 4 - Alt. Take) (5:34)
27. Love For Sale (Take 5 - Master) (5:37)
28. I Love Paris (Take 2 - Alt. Take) (5:09)
29. I Love Paris (Take 3 - Master) (5:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Essence Of Charlie Parker (2006)
01. Tiny's Tempo (2:54)
02. I'll Always Love You Just The Same (3:04)
03. Warming Up A Riff (2:34)
04. Billie's Bounce (3:08
05. Max Is Making Wax (2:30)
06. Bebop (2:53)
07. Yardbird Suite (2:55)
08. Ornithology (2:59)
09. Moose The Mooche (3: 03)
10. A Night In Tunisia (3:06)
11. Lover Man (3:17)
12. Hot Blues (1:58)
13. Buzzy (2:31
14. The Hymn (2:28)
15. Donna Lee (2:33)
16. Bird`S Nest (2:37)
17. Bongo Hop (2:43)
18. Carvin` The Bird (2:44)
19. Chasin` The Bird (2:44)
20. Don’t Blame Me (2:47)
21. Bird Feathers (2:51)
22. Stupendous (2:52)
23. Dexterity (2:59)
24. Out Of Nowhere (4:00)
25. Cool Blues (2:19)
CD 2.
01. Merry-Go-Round (2:26)
02. Constellation (2:26)
03. Barbados (2:28)
04. Perhaps (2:33)
05. Bird Gets The Worm (2:37)
06. Another Hair-Do (2:36)
07. Marmaduke (2:36)
08. Charlie's Wig (2:42)
09. Klaunstance (2:44)
10. Bluebird (2:56)
11. Quasimodo (2:53)
12. Parker's Mood (3:00)
13. Crazeology (2.59)
14. Passport (2:58)
15. Okiedoke (3.03)
16. Blues (2:46)
17. If I Should Lose You (2:46)
18. I'm In The Mood For Love (2:53)
19. Dancing In The Dark (3:10)
20. Si Si (2:40)
21. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:42)
22. Au Privave (2:40)
23. Tico Tico (2:46)
24. Why Do It Love You? (2:53)
25. Now`S The Time (The Hucklebuck) (2:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Together (2011)
02. Dizzy Atmosphere (2:53)
03. Salt Peanuts (3:22)
04. Shaw 'Nuff (3:03)
05. Hot House (3:16)
06. Slim's Jam (3:18)
07. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:24)
08. Shaw 'Nuff (4:22)
09. Groovin' High (5:42)
10. A Night In Tunisia (5:08)
11. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:07)
12. Groovin' High (5:21)
13. Confirmation (5:51)
14. Bloomdido (3:28)
15. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:25)
16. Mohawk (3:38)
17. My Melanholy Baby (3:27)
18. Leap Frog (2:32)
19. Relaxin' With Lee (3:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker Plays Cole Porter, 1950-1954 (2012)
02. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Alternate Take) (4:56)
03. Just One Of Those Things (2:46)
04. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (3:20)
05. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:39)
06. Love For Sale (5:35)
07. Love For Sale (Alternate Take) (5:33)
08. I Love Paris (5:07)
09. I Love Paris (Alternate Take) (5:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker And His Orchestra - Swedish Schnapps, 1951 (2014)
02. Swedish Schnapps (Alternate Take) (3:17)
03. Swedish Schnapps (3:14)
04. Back Home Blues (Alternate Take) (2:39)
05. Back Home Blues (2:50)
06. Lover Man (3:26)
07. Blues For Alice (2:50)
08. Au Privave (Alternate Take) (2:41)
09. Au Privave (2:46)
10. She Rote (Alternate Take) (3:12)
11. She Rote (3:09)
12. K. C. Blues (3:27)
13. Star Eyes (3:43)
14. Segment (3:22)
15. Diverse (3:18)
16. Passport (Rare) (2:57)
17. Passport (Common) (3:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
One Night In Birdland, 1950 (2014)
01. Wahoo (6:35)
02. 'Round Midnight (5:07)
03. This Time The Dream's On Me (6:14)
04. Dizzy Atmosphere (6:53)
05. Night In Tunisia (5:38)
06. Move (6:30)
07. The Street Beat (9:30)
CD 2.
01. Out Of Nowhere (6:20)
02. Little Willie Leaps / 52nd Street Theme (5:44)
03. Ornithology (7:51)
04. I'll Remember April / 52nd Street Theme (9:24)
05. Embraceable You (6:20)
06. Cool Blues / 52nd Street Theme (9:06)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker Quintet & Sextet - Bird In Boston: Live At The Hi-Hat 1953-1954 (2016)
01. Opening Announcements By SST And Bird (0:40)
02. Cool Blues (5:38)
03. Scrapple From The Apple (7:11)
04. SST Introduces The Members Of The Band (0:57)
05. Laura (6:34)
06. SST Talks To Bird Introduces The Next Tune (0:53)
07. Cheryl (5:44)
08. Ornithology (6:23)
09. 52nd Street And Closing Announcements (1:29)
10. SST Introduces Bird (0:10)
11. Ornithology (7:47)
12. SST And Bird Introduce The Next Number (0:30)
13. My Little Suede Shoes (7:09)
14. Bird Introduces The Next Tune (0:28)
15. Now's The Time (6:58)
16. Groovin' High (6:06)
CD 2.
01. Cool Blues (6:47)
02. Out Of Nowhere (5:43)
03. My Funny Valentine (6:33)
04. Ornithology (4:58)
05. Cool Blues (6:10)
06. My Little Suede Shoes (6:02)
07. Bird Talks To SST (1:02)
08. Ornithology (7:35)
09. SST Introduces The Hi-Hat All Stars And Talks To Bird (1:22)
10. Out Of Nowhere (4:23)
11. Jumpin' With Symphony Syd And Closing Announcements By SST (2:34)
12. Now's The Time (9:13)
13. SST And Bird Introduce The Hi-Hat All Stars (0:51)
14. Out Of Nowhere (5:48)
15. My Little Suede Shoes (5:01)
16. Jumpin' With Symphony Sid And Closing Announcements By SST (1:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Unheard Bird: The Unissued Takes (2016)
01. Okiedoke Incomplete (1:37)
02. Okiedoke Alternate Take (3:17)
03. Okiedoke Incomplete (1:52)
04. Okiedoke Alternate Take (3:15)
05. Okiedoke Released Master (3:05)
06. Visa Incomplete (0:44)
07. Visa Alternate Take (3:03)
08. Visa False Start (0:16)
09. Visa Released Master (3:01)
10. Tune X Incomplete & False Start (1:46)
11. Tune X Alternate Take (3:20)
12. Tune X Incomplete (1:17)
13. Tune X A.K.A. 'Diverse' Released Take (3:19)
14. Tune X A.K.A. 'Segment' Released Master (3:23)
15. Tune Y False Starts (0:30)
16. Tune Y A.K.A. 'Passport' Released ´Rare´ Master (2:56)
17. Tune Z False Start (0:07)
18. Tune Z Alternate Take (2:56)
19. Tune Z False Starts (0:39)
20. Tune Z Alternate Take (2:52)
21. Tune Z False Starts (1:08)
22. Tune Z Alternate Take (3:09)
23. Tune Z Also A.K.A. 'Passport' Released ´Common´ Master (3:03)
24. If I Should Lose You False Starts (0:28)
25. If I Should Lose You Released Master (2:50)
26. Stars Eyes Incomplete & False Start (1:10)
27. Star Eyes Incomplete (2:05)
28. Star Eyes Released Master (3:30)
29. Blues (Fast) False Starts (1:06)
30. Blues (Fast) Alternate Take (2:50)
31. Blues (Fast) False Start (0:21)
32. Blues (Fast) Alternate Take (2:44)
33. Blues (Fast) Incomplete (0:42)
34. Blues (Fast) Alternate Take (2:50)
35. Blues (Fast) Alternate Take, Studio Chatter (0:14)
36. Blues (Fast) Released Master (2:48)
37. Bloomdido False Starts (1:12)
38. Bloomdido Released Master (3:25)
CD 2.
01. An Oscar For Treadwell Incomplete (1:54)
02. An Oscar For Treadwell Incomplete (0:57)
03. An Oscar For Treadwell Released Alternate Take (3:24)
04. An Oscar For Treadwell Released Master (3:24)
05. Mohawk Incomplete & False Start (1:09)
06. Mohawk Released Alternate Take (3:51)
07. Mohawk False Start (1:53)
08. Mohawk Released Master (3:40)
09. My Little Suede Shoes Alternate Take W / False Start (3:03)
10. My Little Suede Shoes Alternate Take (3:19)
11. My Little Suede Shoes Alternate Take (3:09)
12. My Little Suede Shoes Released Master (3:07)
13. Tico Tico Alternate Take W / False Start (3:10)
14. Tico Tico False Starts (1:24)
15. Tico Tico Alternate Take (2:48)
16. Tico Tico False Starts (0:52)
17. Tico Tico Released Master (2:46)
18. Fiesta Alternate Take W/False Start (3:22)
19. Fiesta Released Master (2:52)
20. Mama Inez Alternate Take (3:02)
21. Mama Inez Released Master (2:53)
22. Night And Day Alternate Take (2:55)
23. Night And Day Alternate Take (3:02)
24. Night And Day Released Master (2:53)
25. Almost Like Being In Love Alternate Take (2:32)
26. Almost Like Being In Love False Start & Incomplete (1:21)
27. Almost Like Being In Love Reissued Master (2:38)
28. What Is This Thing Called Love Incomplete (1:18)
29. What Is This Thing Called Love Alternate Take (2:16)
30. What Is This Thing Called Love Incomplete (1:21)
31. What Is This Thing Called Love Released Master (2:36)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Milestones Of A Legend (Box Set 2016)

02. Yardbird Suite (2:34)
03. Moose The Mooche (2:53)
04. Ornithology (2:55)
05. Lover Man (3:16)
06. Bebop (2:50)
07. The Gypsy (2:22)
08. Max Making Wax (2:28)
09. Relaxin' At Camarillo (2:50)
10. Cheers (3:05)
11. Carving The Bird (2:38)
12. Stupendous (2:50)
13. Cool Blues (3:01)
14. Dark Shadows (4:04)
15. Hot Blues (1:56)
16. This Is Always (3:08)
17. Bird's Nest (2:43)
18. Don't Blame Me (2:49)
19. Dexterity (3:01)
20. Bird Of Paradise (3:14)
21. Bongo Bop (2:45)
22. Embraceable You (3:26)
23. Dewey Square (3:10)
24. Quasimado (2:55)
25. Scrapple From The Apple (2:40)
CD 2: Strings, Sextet, Red Norvo's Jam Session.

02. Summertime (3:02)
03. If I Should Lose You (3:01)
04. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:32)
05. Everything Happens To Me (3:32)
06. Just Friends (3:51)
07. My Old Flame (3:16)
08. Air Conditioning (3:03)
09. Crazeology (3:08)
10. Bird Feathers (3:09)
11. Out Of Nowhere (4:10)
12. Bongobeep (2:57)
13. Bird Feathers (2:53)
14. Klactoveedsedstene (3:08)
15. Hallelujah (3:58)
16. Get Happy (3:45)
17. Slam Slam Blues (4:27)
18. Congo Blues (3:54)
19. Hallelujah (4:10)
20. Get Happy (4:03)
21. Slam Slam Blues (5:03)
22. Congo Blues (3:59)
CD 3: South Of The Border, Bird And Diz, Charlie Parker.

02. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:43)
03. My Little Suede Shoes (3:06)
04. Estrellita (2:45)
05. Begin The Beguine (3:13)
06. La Paloma (2:41)
07. La Cucaracha (2:45)
08. Mama Inez (2:51)
09. Bloomdido (3:27)
10. My Melancholy Baby (3:26)
11. Relaxin' With Lee (2:49)
12. Passport (2:57)
13. Leap Frog (2:32)
14. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:25)
15. Mohawk (3:38)
16. Visa (3:01)
17. Now's The Time (3:03)
18. I Remember You (3:04)
19. Confirmation (2:59)
20. Chi Chi (3:05)
21. I Hear Music (The Song Is You) (2:59)
22. Laird Bird (2:47)
23. Kim (3:00)
24. Cosmic Rays (3:06)
CD 4: CP Plays Cole Porter, Jazz Prennial.

02. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Alternate Take) (4:54)
03. Just One Of Those Things (2:48)
04. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (3:21)
05. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:40)
06. Love For Sale (5:35)
07. Love For Sale (Alternate Take) (5:34)
08. I Love Paris (5:09)
09. I Love Paris (Alternate Take) (5:08)
10. Star Eyes (3:31)
11. Blues (Fast) (2:48)
12. I'm In The Mood For Love (2:54)
13. In The Still Of The Night (3:26)
14. Old Folks (3:37)
15. If I Love Again (2:28)
16. Cardboard (3:10)
17. Visa (3:00)
18. Segment (3:22)
19. Passport (3:02)
20. Diverse (3:17)
CD 5: Bird Is Free, The Happy Bird.

02. Sly Mongoose (3:33)
03. Moose The Mooche (4:00)
04. Stareyes (2:19)
05. This Time The Dream's On Me (6:15)
06. Cool Blues (2:48)
07. My Little Suede Shoes (4:16)
08. Lester Leaps In (4:02)
09. Laura (3:10)
10. Happy Bird Blues (2:58)
11. Scrapple From The Apple (15:49)
12. I Remember April (10:48)
13. I May Be Wrong (12:52)
CD 6: Memorial, Bird On 52nd Street.

02. Blue Bird (2:57)
03. Bird Gets The Worm (3:04)
04. Barbados (2:39)
05. Constellation (4:42)
06. Parker's Mood (3:27)
07. Ah-Leu-Cha (3:34)
08. Perhaps (3:00)
09. Perhaps (2:36)
10. Marmaduke (4:08)
11. Steeplechase (3:07)
12. Merry-Go-Round (2:20)
13. Buzzy (2:45)
14. 52nd Street Theme (2:19)
15. Shaw 'Nuff (1:35)
16. Out Of Nowhere (3:05)
17. Hot House (2:14)
18. This Time The Dream's On Me (2:22)
19. A Night In Tunisia (3:30)
20. My Old Flame (3:24)
21. The Way You Look Tonight (4:42)
22. Out Of Nowhere (2:35)
23. Chasin' The Bird (1:48)
24. This Time The Dream's On Me (3:30)
25. Dizzy Atmosphere (3:00)
26. How High The Moon (3:37)
CD 7: Le Jazz Cool, CP And Lester Young.

02. 'Round Midnight (5:04)
03. Cool Blues (4:52)
04. Ornithology (Take 1) (7:39)
05. Move (4:49)
06. White Christmas (4:05)
07. Ornithology (Alternate Take) (4:22)
08. Hot House (4:13)
09. Groovin' High (3:35)
10. 52nd Street Theme (2:07)
11. Lester Leaps In (2:41)
12. How High The Moon (4:26)
13. Out Of Nowhere (4:09)
14. Laura (3:02)
15. Lester Leaps In (Alternate Version) (3:13)
16. Destination Moon (8:38)
17. Happy Bird Blues (3:01)
18. Blues (3:20)
CD 8: Charlie Parker In Sweden.

02. Scrapple From The Apple (6:34)
03. Embraceable You (2:12)
04. Cool Blues (4:37)
05. Star Eyes (2:43)
06. All The Things You Are (5:07)
07. Strike Up The Band (4:44)
08. Body And Soul (11:49)
09. Fine And Dandy (5:45)
10. How High The Moon (3:42)
11. Cheers (6:49)
12. Loverman (1:55)
13. Out Of Nowhere (3:35)
CD 9: Bird At St.Nick's, Jazz At Massey Hall.

02. Ornithology (3:29)
03. Embraceable You (2:19)
04. Visa (2:59)
05. I Cover The Waterfront (1:46)
06. Scrapple From The Apple (4:39)
07. Star Eyes - 52nd Street Theme (3:07)
08. Confirmation (3:16)
09. Out Of Nowhere (2:19)
10. Hot House (3:48)
11. What's New (2:45)
12. Now's The Time (4:17)
13. Perdido (7:43)
14. Salt Peanuts (7:39)
15. All The Things You Are (7:51)
16. Wee (6:42)
17. Hot House (9:09)
CD 10: An Evening Home With The Bird, The Bird Returns.

02. These Foolish Things (3:52)
03. Fine And Dandy (5:58)
04. Hot House (9:15)
05. Chasin' The Bird (6:38)
06. Thriving On A Riff (5:38)
07. Koko (2:32)
08. Half Nelson (3:35)
09. Scrapple From The Apple (4:42)
10. Cheryl (3:27)
11. Barbados (3:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
3 Essential Albums (2017)
01. Jam Blues (14:45)
02. What Is This Thing Called Love? (15:54)
03. Ballad Medley: (17:26)
All The Things You Are
Dearly Beloved
The Nearness Of You
I'll Get By
Everything Happens To Me
The Man I Love
What's New
Someone To Watch Over Me
Isn't It Romantic?
04. Funky Blues (13:29)
CD 2: South Of The Border 1952.
01. Mango Mangue (2:57)
02. Okiedoke (3:05)
03. No Noise (5:55)
04. My Little Suede Shoes (3:07)
05. Un Poquito De Tu Amor (2:43)
06. Why Do I Love You? (3:08)
07. Tico Tico (2:47)
08. Fiesta (2:52)
09. La Cucaracha (2:45)
10. Mama Inez (2:53)
11. Estrellita (2:46)
12. La Paloma (2:42)
13. Begin The Beguine (3:17)
14. Afro-Cuban Jazz Suite (17:14)
CD 3: Charlie Parker With Strings: Master Takes 1952.
01. Just Friends (3:33)
02. Everything Happens To Me (3:18)
03. April In Paris (3:09)
04. Summertime (2:49)
05. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:15)
06. If I Should Lose You (2:49)
07. Dancing In The Dark (3:13)
08. Out Of Nowhere (3:10)
09. Laura (3:02)
10. East Of The Sun (And West Of The Moon) (3:42)
11. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:20)
12. Easy To Love (3:33)
13. I'm In The Mood For Love (3:37)
14. I'll Remember April (3:05)
15. What Is This Thing Called Love? (2:54)
16. April In Paris (3:13)
17. Repetition (2:52)
18. Easy To Love (2:25)
19. Rocker (3:04)
20. Temptation (3:33)
21. Lover (3:10)
22. Autumn In New York (3:33)
23. Stella By Starlight (2:59)
24. Repetition (2:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Savoy 10-Inch LP Collection (2020)
02. Donna Lee (2:35)
03. Chasin' The Bird (2:47)
04. Red Cross (3:11)
05. Ko-Ko (2:58)
06. Warmin' Up A Riff (2:38)
07. Half Nelson (2:45)
08. Sipping At Bells (2:25)
09. Billie's Bounce (3:11)
10. Cheryl (3:01)
11. Milestones (2:39)
12. Another Hair-Do (2:42)
13. Thriving From A Riff (2:58)
14. Buzzy (2:33)
15. Little Willie Leaps (2:53)
16. Klaunstance (2:45)
17. Bluebird (2:53)
18. Bird Gets The Worm (2:39)
19. Parker's Mood (3:05)
20. Steeplechase (3:06)
21. Perhaps (2:35)
22. Tiny's Tempo (2:55)
23. Constellation (2:30)
24. Merry Go Round (2:27)
25. Confirmation (3:13)
26. Barbados (2:30)
27. Ah-Leu-Cha (2:54)
28. Marmaduke (2:42)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Magnificent Charlie Parker, 1955 (2020)
02. She Rote (3:05)
03. K.C. Blues (3:24)
04. Star Eyes (3:32)
05. In The Still Of The Night (Take 7 / Master) (3:22)
06. Old Folks (3:34)
07. Blues For Alice (2:45)
08. Si Si (2:38)
09. Swedish Schnapps (3:10)
10. Back Home Blues (Take 2 / Alternaet Take) (2:46)
11. Lover Man - Charlie Parker (3:23)
12. Why Do I Love You? (3:06)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Five Classic Albums (2020)
Bird And Diz 1949-1950.
01. Bloomdido (3:27)
02. Melancholy Baby (3:26)
03. Relaxing With Lee (2:49)
04. Passport (2:57)
05. Leap Frog (2:31)
06. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:25)
07. Mohawk (3:37)
08. Visa (3:00)
Charlie Parker Big Band 1950-1952.
09. Temptation (3:33)
10. Autumn In New York (3:31)
11. Lover (3:08)
12. Stella By Starlight (2:58)
13. Dancing In The Dark (3:13)
14. Night And Day (2:53)
15. I Can't Get Started (3:10)
16. What Is This Thing Called Love (2:39)
17. Almost Like Being In Love (2:36)
18. Laura (2:59)
Charlie Parker With Strings 1949-1950.
19. April In Paris (3:08)
20. Summertime (2:48)
21. If I Should Lose You (2:48)
22. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:15)
23. Everything Happens To Me (3:17)
24. Just Friends (3:33)
25. They Can't Take That Away From Me (3:17)
CD 2.
Charlie Parker With Strings 1949-1950 Cont.
01. You Came Along From Out Of Nowhere (3:09)
02. East Of The Sun (West Of The Moon) (3:40)
03. Easy To Love (3:32)
04. I'm In The Mood For Love (3:36)
05. I'll Remember April (3:04)
Charlie Parker Quartet 1952-1953.
06. Now's The Time (3:03)
07. I Remember You (3:05)
08. Confirmation (2:59)
09. Chi Chi (3:05)
10. The Song Is You (2:59)
11. Laird Baird (2:47)
12. Kim (3:01)
13. Cosmic Rays (3:07)
Charlie Parker Quintet Plays Cole Porter 1954.
14. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:36)
15. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Alternate Take) (4:58)
16. Just One Of Those Things (2:48)
17. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (3:21)
18. I've Got You Under My Skin (3:41)
19. Love For Sale (5:36)
20. Love For Sale (Alternate Take) (5:34)
21. I Love Paris (5:09)
22. I Love Paris (Alternate Take) (5:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bird In LA (2021)
01. Intro Over I Waited For You Into How High The Moon (Incomplete) (4:12)
02. Intro Dialogue With Gibson Into Handsome Harry The Hipster (Incomplete) (No Parker) (4:17)
03. Cement Mixer (Fragment) Into Intro Into Blues (Fragment) (1:21)
04. Dizzy Atmosphere (Fragment) (No Parker Improvisation) (1:05)
05. Fifty-Second Street Theme Into Closing Announcement (1:49)
06. Groovin' High Into Announcement (5:48)
07. Intro Dialogue With Gillespie Into Shaw 'Nuff Into Announcement (4:51)
08. Intro Dialogue With Gillespie Into Dizzy Atmosphere Into Announcement (4:37)
09. Intro Dialogue Between Valle And Gibson Into Salt Peanuts (3:41)
10. Billie's Bounce (3:46)
11. Ornithology (5:05)
12. All The Things You Are (5:13)
13. Blue 'N' Boogie (5:15)
14. Anthropology Into Announcement (2:52)
15. Intro Discussion Into Cherokee Into Announcement (4:22)
16. Ornithology (4:12)
17. Dizzy Atmosphere (5:39)
18. Out Of Nowhere (3:35)
CD 2.
01. Scrapple From The Apple (Incomplete) (5:44)
02. Au Privave / Dance Of The Infidels (13:12)
03. Night In Tunisia (7:33)
04. How High The Moon / Ornithology (7:31)
05. Party Chatter Into Embraceable You (3:46)
06. Hot House (7:08)
07. Cool Blues (12:15)
08. March Noodling / Dixie (4:13)
09. Scrapple From The Apple (13:15)
10. Au Privave (4:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker & Miles Davis - On Savoy (2022)
02. Donna Lee (2:35)
03. Milestones (2:38)
04. Ah-Leu-Cha (2:53)
05. Thriving From A Riff (2:58)
06. Sipping At Bells (2:24)
07. Barbados (2:30)
08. Constellation (2:29)
09. Chasin' The Bird (2:47)
10. Buzzy (2:32)
11. Steeplechase (3:06)
12. Marmaduke (2:42)
13. Little Willie Leaps (2:52)
14. Cheryl (3:00)
15. Groovin' High (Live At The Royal Roost, 1949) (5:35)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Bud Powell, Charles Mingus, Max Roach -
Hot House: The Complete Jazz At Massey Hall Recordings (2023)
CD 1: Without Bass Overdubs.
01. Perdido (8:17)
02. Salt Peanuts (7:38)
03. All The Things You Are / 52nd Street Theme (7:55)
04. Wee (Allen's Alley) (6:45)
05. Hot House (9:09)
06. A Night In Tunisia (8:13)
07. Drum Conversation (4:27)
08. I've Got You Under My Skin (2:55)
09. Embraceable You (4:23)
10. Sure Thing (2:11)
11. Cherokee (4:52)
12. Hallelujah (3:57)
13. Lullaby Of Birdland (2:29)
CD 2: The Quintet: Jazz At Massey Hall (With Bass Overdubs).
01. Perdido (7:44)
02. Salt Peanuts (7:40)
03. All The Things You Are / 52nd Street Theme (7:53)
04. Wee (Allen's Alley) (6:38)
05. Hot House (9:08)
06. A Night In Tunisia (7:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Long Lost Bird: Live Afro-Cubop Recordings (LP 2023)
01. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:07)
02. A Night In Tunisia (4:47)
03. Groovin' High (4:52)
04. Confirmation (3:04)
05. Lament For The Congo (5:37)
06. Mambo Fortunado (5:09)
07. Salt Peanuts (4:53)
08. Leo The Lion L (3:07)
09. Cuban Holiday (3:03)
10. Lemon Drop (3:43)
11. The Goof And I (3:32)
12. Leo The Lion Ll (3:11)
13. Night And Day (2:42)
14. My Funny Valentine (3:19)
15. Cherokee 3:06)
16. On The Alamo (2:56)
17. Manteca (6:10)
18. A Short One (0:24)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ornithology: The Best Of Bird (2024)
01. Ko-Ko (2:58)
02. Now's The Time (3:19)
03. Cheryl (3:02)
04. Parker's Mood (3:05)
05. Billie's Bounce (3:11)
06. Donna Lee (2:36)
07. Confirmation (5:39)
08. Ornithology (5:46)
09. Groovin' High (4:43)
10. Anthropology (5:16)
11. Salt Peanuts (7:42)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Perdido (8:17)
02. Salt Peanuts (7:38)
03. All The Things You Are / 52nd Street Theme (7:55)
04. Wee (Allen's Alley) (6:45)
05. Hot House (9:09)
06. A Night In Tunisia (8:13)
07. Drum Conversation (4:27)
08. I've Got You Under My Skin (2:55)
09. Embraceable You (4:23)
10. Sure Thing (2:11)
11. Cherokee (4:52)
12. Hallelujah (3:57)
13. Lullaby Of Birdland (2:29)
CD 2: The Quintet: Jazz At Massey Hall (With Bass Overdubs).
01. Perdido (7:44)
02. Salt Peanuts (7:40)
03. All The Things You Are / 52nd Street Theme (7:53)
04. Wee (Allen's Alley) (6:38)
05. Hot House (9:08)
06. A Night In Tunisia (7:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Long Lost Bird: Live Afro-Cubop Recordings (LP 2023)
02. A Night In Tunisia (4:47)
03. Groovin' High (4:52)
04. Confirmation (3:04)
05. Lament For The Congo (5:37)
06. Mambo Fortunado (5:09)
07. Salt Peanuts (4:53)
08. Leo The Lion L (3:07)
09. Cuban Holiday (3:03)
10. Lemon Drop (3:43)
11. The Goof And I (3:32)
12. Leo The Lion Ll (3:11)
13. Night And Day (2:42)
14. My Funny Valentine (3:19)
15. Cherokee 3:06)
16. On The Alamo (2:56)
17. Manteca (6:10)
18. A Short One (0:24)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ornithology: The Best Of Bird (2024)
02. Now's The Time (3:19)
03. Cheryl (3:02)
04. Parker's Mood (3:05)
05. Billie's Bounce (3:11)
06. Donna Lee (2:36)
07. Confirmation (5:39)
08. Ornithology (5:46)
09. Groovin' High (4:43)
10. Anthropology (5:16)
11. Salt Peanuts (7:42)
Opção 1. Opção 2.

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