A banda Alphaville foi formada em meados de 1982, quando Marian Gold e Bernhard Lloyd se uniram no projeto musical Nelson Community. Alguns meses depois, Frank Mertens juntou-se ao projeto. Juntos os três escreveram a canção Forever Young e gravaram sua primeira demo com o mesmo nome. Em 1984, o recentemente nomeado Alphaville lançou seu primeiro single de estreia, "Big in Japan", que Gold escreveu em 1979 após escutar a banda Big in Japan, do artista Holly Johnson.
Na primavera de 1984 a banda lançou seu álbum de estreia, Forever Young, produzido por Colin Pearson, Wolfgang Loos e Andreas Budde. Apesar de seu sucesso, Frank Mertens deixou a banda no mesmo ano e foi substituído por Ricky Echolette em janeiro de 1985, que foi creditado apenas no álbum Afternoons in Utopia. A canção Forever Young é um trabalho esperançoso que celebra as virtudes da juventude, mas que também trazem consigo receios acerca do envelhecimento e da morte. A canção foi escrita durante a Guerra Fria e muitos artistas da época utilizavam-se de suas músicas para expressarem o que sentiam a respeito.
"Big in Japan" foi o maior sucesso da banda na Alemanha, Grécia, Suíca, Turquia, Venezuela e na Billboard Dance Music. O single também alcançou grandes posições na Itália, Holanda, Noruega, Austria, Irlanda e África do Sul, sendo o único single da banda que entrou no Top 20 da Inglaterra, atingindo a 8ª posição. A canção Big in Japan fala de um casal tentando se livrar do vício em heroína. Os dois imaginam o quão maravilhoso seria estar apaixonado sem a droga, num mundo em que eles não precisariam roubar nem se prostituir para conseguir sustentar seu vício, sentindo emoções reais.
Os próximos dois singles da banda, "Sounds Like a Melody" e "Forever Young" também foram muito bem sucedidos nas paradas europeias, apesar de não ter conseguido um sucesso expressivo nas paradas americanas. Após boatos de que a estrela da época Laura Branigan tivesse feito um cover da canção para seu próximo álbum, Hold Me, a canção foi relançada com um single nos Estados Unidos, mas ainda assim não atingiu grande popularidade entre os americanos. A versão de Laura possuía cortes e era menor do que a original, que ela cantava como uma canção encore em quase todos os shows que ela fazia, até sua morte em 2004. A versão de Alphaville foi lançada ainda uma terceira vez nos Estados Unidos em 1988, para promover a coletânea Alphaville: The Singles Collection, e alcançou a 65ª posição, sua posição mais alta (e também a última) atingida por um single na Billboard Hot 100.
Lançamentos internacionais de Forever Young seguiram em 1989, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2005 e 2009. Muitas versões da canção foram lançadas por outros artistas, canções estas que muitas vezes foram erroneamente atribuídas à Marian Gold e Laura Branigan.
Em 1986 foi lançado o terceiro álbum da banda, Afternoons in Utopia, cujo primeiro single "Dance With Me" atingiu o Top 20 na Alemanha, França, Noruega, Suécia, Suíca e África do Sul; na Austria e Itália, atingiu o Top 30. O segundo single do álbum foi a canção "Universal Daddy". Como terceiro single, a banda lançou "Jerusalem" exclusivamente na Alemanha, enquanto lançaram "Sensations" na Austria, França, Holanda e Suíça. O último single do álbum foi "Red Rose", em 1987.
Um novo LP foi lançado em 1989 sob o título de The Breathtaking Blue, que incluía os singles "Romeos" e "Mysteries of Love". O álbum foi lançado como um CD+G que incluía fotos em preto e branco da banda com as letras originais das canções e tradução alemã. Como uma alternativa aos vídeos clipes musicais, a banda recrutou nove diretores para criar um filme intitulado Songlines, baseado nas letras das canções do álbum.
O próximo álbum da banda, Prostitute, só foi lançado em 1994. O primeiro single lançado foi "Fools", seguido pelo segundo e último do álbum, "The Impossible Dream". Durante a turnê do álbum, Robbie France se juntou a banda na bateria e em 1997, Rick Echolette deixou o grupo.
O álbum Salvation, um breve retorno às origens musicais da banda, foi lançado em 1997.
Em 19 de novembro de 2010, o álbum Catching Rays on Giant, o primeiro álbum de estúdio comercial em 13 ficou na posição nove das paradas de álbuns na Alemanha em sua primeira semana. Os músicos da turnê se tornaram membros da banda para esse disco. A banda realizou uma festa de lançamento do álbum, onde tocaram em um pequeno set acústico, no Quasimodo Club em Berlim na noite de 18 de novembro de 2010, para seus fãs e amigos mais próximos..
Strange Attractor foi lançado em 7 de abril de 2017 após um tempo de produção extremamente longo, com um vídeo para o single "Heartbreak City". Em agosto de 2017, eles fizeram uma turnê de concertos em Houston, Nova York, Chicago e San Jose e Burbank, Califórnia.
Em 7 de fevereiro de 2022, a Gold anunciou um álbum sinfônico para as canções da que foi lançado no final de 2022, apoiado pelo lançamento de três singles ao longo do ano. "Big in Japan" foi lançado em 29 de abril como a primeira música do álbum. Em 11 de junho, "Sounds Like a Melody" foi lançada como a segunda música do álbum, agora intitulado Eternally Yours. "Dance With Me" foi revelada como a terceira música em 27 de julho, como parte de um podcast apresentado por Gold e sua filha Lily Becker. Eternally Yours foi lançado em 23 de setembro de 2022, contendo novas versões sinfônicas de dezesseis músicas do Alphaville, além de uma nova música também intitulada "Eternally Yours". Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.
Integrantes (Wikipédia).

Bitrate: 320Kbps.
Forever Young (1984)
01. A Victory Of Love (4:16)
02. Summer In Berlin (4:47)
03. Big In Japan (4:43)
04. To Germany With Love (4:15)
05. Fallen Angel (3:57)
06. Forever Young (3:47)
07. In The Mood (4:33)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (4:45)
09. Lies (3:33)
10. The Jet Set (4:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Afternoons In Utopia (1986)
01. IAO (0:42)
02. Fantastic Dream (3:57)
03. Jerusalem (4:10)
04. Dance With Me (4:01)
05. Afternoons In Utopia (3:06)
06. Sensations (4:26)
07. 20th Century (1:23)
08. The Voyager (4:39)
09. Carol Masters (4:32)
10. Universal Daddy (4:04)
11. Lassie Come Home (7:02)
12. Red Rose (4:09)
13. Lady Bright / Faster Than Light( 0:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Singles Collection (Coletânea 1988)
01. Forever Young (Special Extended Mix) (6:10)
02. Red Rose (Single Version '88) (4:27)
03. Big In Japan (Single Version '88) (3:52)
04. Dance With Me (Long Version) (8:16)
05. Forever Young (Album Version) (3:46)
06. Red Rose (12" Mix) (7:54)
07. Big In Japan (Remix '88) (7:00)
08. Dance With Me (Album Version) (3:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Breathtaking Blue (1989)
01. Summer Rain (4:10)
02. Romeos (5:29)
03. She Fades Away (4:57)
04. The Mysteries Of Love (4:55)
05. Ariana (3:42)
06. Heaven Or Hell (3:26)
07. For A Million (6:09)
08. Middle Of The Riddle (3:19)
09. Patricia's Park (4:12)
10. Anyway (2:49)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
First Harves, 1984-92 (Coletânea 1992)
01. Big In Japan (3:55)
02. Sounds Like A Melody (4:29)
03. Sensations (3:58)
04. The Mysteries Of Love (3:34)
05. Lassie Come Home (6:58)
06. Jerusalem (3:35)
07. Dance With Me (4:08)
08. For A Million (6:09)
09. A Victory Of Love (4:13)
10. The Jet Set (3:40)
11. Red Rose (4:38)
12. Romeos (4:52)
13. Summer Rain (4:10)
14. Forever Young (3:48)
15. Big In Japan (Culture Mix) (6:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Prostitute (1994)
01. The Paradigm Shift (3:47)
02. Fools (3:53)
03. Beethoven (5:35)
04. Ascension Day (5:45)
05. The Impossible Dream (4:49)
06. Parade (3:40)
07. Ain't It Strange (5:22)
08. All In The Golden Afternoon (3:36)
09. Oh Patti (1:45)
10. Ivory Tower (3:16)
11. Faith (3:55)
12. Iron John (3:44)
13. The One Thing (3:55)
14. Some People (4:37)
15. Euphoria (7:05)
16. Apollo (6:10)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Salvation (1997)
01. Inside Out (5:17)
02. Monkey In The Moon (3:53)
03. Guardian Angel (4:14)
04. Wishful Thinking (3:47)
05. Flame (3:52)
06. Point Of Know Return (5:51)
07. Control (3:32)
08. Dangerous Places (3:58)
09. Spirit Of The Age (4:30)
10. Soul Messiah (4:52)
11. New Horizons (5:35)
12. Pandora's Lullaby (4:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Dreamscapes (Box Set 1999)
Dreamscape 1ne: I.
01. Dream Machine (4:44)
02. In The Mood (Demo Remix) (5:04)
03. Summer In Berlin (Demo 1) (6:55)
04. Victory Of Love (Demo Remix) (4:15)
05. To Germany With Love (Demo 1) (4:29)
06. Big In Japan (Demo Remix) (6:23)
07. Fallen Angel (Demo Remix) (4:07)
08. Forever Young (Demo Remix) (4:44)
09. Leben Ohne Ende (Original Demo) (3:15)
10. Sounds Like A Melody (Demo 1) (4:25)
11. Lies (Demo 1) (3:49)
12. Romance (Demo Sketch) (1:16)
13. Colours (Instrumental) (3:25)
14. Jet Set (Demo 2) (4:38)
15. Traumtanzer (Demo Remix) (5:25)
16. Into The Dark (Demo Remix) (4:33)
Dreamscape 2wo: Eiscreme Madchen.
01. Lady Bright (Demo 1) (0:37)
02. Afternoons In Utopia (Instrumental Remix) (4:29)
03. The Voyager (Demo Remix) (4:28)
04. Universal Daddy (Demo 1) (3:45)
05. Red Rose (Demo 2) (3:25)
06. Dance With Me (12"New Edit) (9:42)
07. Fantastic Dream (Demo 2) (4:01)
08. Jerusalem (Demo Remix) (4:30)
09. Sensations (New Dub Edit) (5:46)
10. Carol Masters (Demo 1) (4:08)
11. Airport Sketch (Instrumental) (1:33)
12. Lassie Come Home (Demo 2) (7:25)
13. 20th Century (Demo 1) (1:22)
14. Summer Rain (Demo 3) (4:11)
15. For A Million (Instrumental) (6:24)
16. Romeos (12" New Edit) (5:48)
Dreamscape 3hree: III.
01. Seeds (Remix) (3:17)
02. Elevator (Remix) (5:06)
03. Welcome To The Sun (Remix) (3:09)
04. The Other Side Of U (Remix) (4:44)
05/ Next Generation (Remix) (4:59)
06. 20,000 Lieues Sous Les Mers (Poem Remix) (5:42)
07. Golden Feeling (Demo 1) (7:40)
08. Headlines (Demo 1) (3:50)
09. Big Yello Sun (Remix) (6:49)
10. Sister Sun (Remix) (5:07)
11. Fools (Faithful & True Version) (4:17)
12. Legend (Remix) (4:56)
13. Like Thunder (Flag Remix) (5:10)
14. Life Is King (Demo 1) (5:53)
Dreamscape 4our: Absolutely God Damn Live.
01. Never Get Out Of The Boat (Intro Piece) (2:18)
02. Sounds Like A Melody (5:15)
03. Ascension Day (7:05)
04. Euphoria (7:22)
05. Jerusalem (4:08)
06. New Horizons (5:45)
07. Victory Of Love (4:53)
08. Beethoven (4:16)
09. Jet Set (3:49)
10. Dance With Me (6:02)
11. Wishful Thinking (4:43)
12. Big In Japan (7:09)
13. Forever Young (5:48)
14. Mercury Girl (4:04)
Dreamscape 5ive: And I Wonder.
01. Underworld (Live) (3:25)
02. To The Underworld (3:40)
03. Whales (4:30)
04. Burning Wheels (3:44)
05. Highschool Confidential (3:04)
06. Roll Away The Stone (3:48)
07. The Shape Of Things To Come (4:58)
08. Thunder & Lightning (4:21)
09. Bitch (3:16)
10. Days Full Of Wonder (5:06)
11. Peace On Earth (5:39)
12. Today (4:39)
13. What Is Love (5:09)
14. Because Of You (3:53)
15. And I Wonder (4:39)
16. Heart Of The Flower (4:51)
17. The End (5:08)
Dreamscape 6ix: Guest Of Honour.
01. If The Audience Was Listening (Demo 2) (3:08)
02. Waves (3:42)
03. Nostradamus (4:48)
04. Mysterion (11:04)
05. Change The World (4:24)
06. Script Of A Dead Poet (3:55)
07. Elegy (5:45)
08. Pandora's Lullaby (Opera Version) (4:24)
09. Welcome To The Sun (Retro Version) (6:03)
10. Beautiful Girl (Piano Piece) (3:07)
11. Caroline (Demo 1) (4:21)
12. Carry Your Flag (3:56)
13. Cosmopolitician (Demo 1) (5:35)
14. Twelve Years (Orchestal Version) (3:22)
15. Forever Young (Unplugged Version) (4:32)
Dreamscape 7even: Facts Not Fiction.
01. Romeos (Demo 1) (3:35)
02. Jet Set (Demo 1) (4:19)
03. Traumtanzer (Demo 1) (5:17)
04. Blauer Engel (4:39)
05. Ariana (Demo 1) (2:38)
06. Summer In Berlin (Demo 2 Remix) (4:41)
07. Ain't It Strange (Demo 1) (4:40)
08. (Keep The) Faith (Portobello Remix) (4:31)
09. Recycling (H-Babe Tape) (1:59)
10. That's All (Instrumental) (2:49)
11. Forever Young (Demo 2) (3:45)
12. All In A Golden Afternoon (Instrumental) (3:34)
13. My Brothers In China (Instrumental) (4:30)
14. Wake Up! (4:34)
15. Astral Body (Demo Remix) (4:30)
16. Big In Japan (Frankfurt Forum Freedom Time Warp) (10:19)
Dreamscape 8ight: Message In A Bottle.
01. Montego Bay (Live) (6:53)
02. She Fades Away (Demo 1, Titanic Version) (3:09)
03. Those Were The Days (4:54)
04. Imperial Youth (Instrumental) (5:41)
05. Duel (3:54)
06. Iron Gate (Instrumental) (2:19)
07. Danger In Your Paradise (Demo 1) (5:10)
08. Feathers & Tar (Britannia Row Remix) (5:30)
09. Here By Your Side (4:01)
10. Fools (12" Speed Remix) (6:37)
11. Flame (Demo 1) (4:33)
12. In Bubblegum (4:25)
13. Joyride (Instrumental) (3:49)
14. Monkey In The Moon (Demo 1) (4:24)
15. Kinetic (4:42)
16. Tomorrow (Instrumental) (3:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Stark Naked And Absolutely Live (Live 2000)
01. Sounds Like A Melody (6:50)
02. Guardian Angel (4:30)
03. Cosmopolitician (5:56)
04. A Victory Of Love (5:02)
05. Monkey In The Moon (4:44)
06. New Horizons (5:48)
07. Wishful Thinking (5:20)
08. Jerusalem (4:04)
09. Flame (4:06)
10. Big In Japan (6:05)
11. Forever Young (5:43)
12. Apollo: Apollo / Dance With Me (Acoustic Version) (14:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Forever Pop (Coletânea 2001)
01. Forever Young (F.A.F. Mix (Album Version) (4:58)
02. Dance With Me (Paul Van Dyk Mix) (3:54)
03. Big In Japan (Roland Spremberg Mix) (3:42)
04. Romeos (Rewarped Mix) (4:34)
05. Summer Rain (De-Phazz Mix) (4:21)
06. Jerusalem (Georg Kaleve Mix) (4:39)
07. Summer In Berlin (Cristian Fleps Mix) (3:45)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (Staggman Mix) (7:52)
09. Lassie Come Home (@Home Mix) (4:54)
10. Jet Set (Saunaclub Mix) (4:55)
11. A Victory Of Love (JAB Mix) (4:30)
12. Red Rose (Mark Plati Mix) (5:40)
13. Big In Japan (Eiffel 65 Mix) (8:53)
Jerusalem (Georg Kaleve Extended Mix) (Hidden Track)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Catching Rays On Giant (2010)
01. Song For No One (3:31)
02. I Die For You Today (3:47)
03. End Of The World (3:58)
04. The Things I Didn't Do (4:40)
05. Heaven On Earth (The Things We've Got To Do) (4:44)
06. The Deep (4:23)
07. Call Me (3:46)
08. Gravitation Breakdown (4:15)
09. Carry Your Flag (4:53)
10. Call Me Down (4:30)
11. Phantoms (3:39)
12. Miracle Healing (5:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
So80s Presents Alphaville (Coletãnea 2014)
CD 1: The Original 12" Mixes.
01. Big In Japan (Extended Re-Mix) (7:26)
02. Sounds Like A Melody (Special Long Version) (7:43)
03. Forever Young (Special Dance Version) (6:10)
04. Jet Set (Jellybean Mix) (6:32)
05. Dance With Me (Empire Remix) (8:15)
06. Universal Daddy (Aquarian Dance Mix) (6:19)
07. Jerusalem (The Palace Version) (6:18)
08. Sensations (Club Mix) (6:07)
09. Red Rose (The 12" Remix) (7:51)
10. Romeos (Extended Mix) (8:37)
11. Summer Rain (Extended Version) (5:30)
12. Mysteries Of Love (Remix) (7:59)
CD 2: The Original B-Sides.
01. Seeds (3:18)
02. The Nelson Highrise (Sector One: The Elevator) (4:12)
03. Welcome To The Sun (3:10)
04. Golden Feeling (3:52)
05. The Nelson Highrise (Sector Two: The Mirror) (3:42)
06. Next Generation (3:58)
07. Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers (5:02)
08. Concrete Soundtraxx For Imaginary Films I (6:46)
09. Headlines (4:12)
10. Sister Sun (3:56)
11. Summer In Berlin (Demo Version) (5:53)
12. Like Thunder (4:47)
13. Big In Japan (Extended Instrumental Mix) (6:00)
14. Jet Set (Dub Mix) (5:12)
15. Romeos (Tribal Mix) (6:32)
16. Big In Japan (Remix '88) (6:58)
17. Big In Japan (Torsten Fenslau Remix-Bonus Track) (7:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Strange Attractor (2017)
01. Giants (3:29)
02. Marionettes With Halos (4:24)
03. House Of Ghosts (5:08)
04. Around The Universe (4:01)
05. Enigma (5:59)
06. Mafia Island (6:24)
07. A Handful Of Darkness (7:57)
08. Sexyland (3:52)
09. Rendezvoyeur (4:16)
10. Nevermore (4:49)
11. Fever! (3:47)
12. Heartbreak City (3:48)
13. Beyond The Laughing Sky (5:39)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Forever Young: Live At The Whisky A Go Go 2018 (Live 2019)
01. A Victory Of Love (6:02)
02. Summer In Berlin (4:57)
03. Big In Japan (6:06)
04. To Germany With Love (4:59)
05. Fallen Angel(4:26)
06. Forever Young (5:49)
07. In The Mood (4:55)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (6:48)
09. Lies (4:08)
10. The Jet Set (3:40)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Eternally Yours (2022)
Symphonic Versions.
CD 1.
01. Dream Machine (4:46)
02. Summer In Berlin (5:17)
03. Big In Japan (5:17)
04. Dance With Me (5:30)
05. Summer Rain (4:21)
06. Apollo (6:21)
07. Elegy (5:50)
08. Lassie Come Home (7:24)
09. MoonGirl (5:04)
10. Welcome To The Sun (5:34)
CD 2.
01. A Victory Of Love (4:40)
02. Sounds Like A Melody (4:31)
03. Around The Universe (4:24)
04. Eternally Yours (6:58)
05. Diamonds Are Forever (3:11)
06. Flame (3:52)
07. Forever Young (5:08)
08. Big In Japan (3:44)
09. Sounds Like A Melody (Chamber Version) (4:29)
10. Forever Young ("Petite") (3:58)
11. Big In Japan (Single Edit) (3:59)
12. Sounds Like A Melody (Single Edit) (3:33)
13. Forever Young (Single Edit) (3:59)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Alphaville & Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg - A Night At The Philharmonie Berlin (Live 2023)
CD 1.
01. Intro (1:08)
02. Dream Machine (3:48)
03. Summer In Berlin (4:55)
04. Big In Japan (5:16)
05. A Victory Of Love (4:40)
06. Diamonds Are Forever (3:16)
07. Sounds Like A Melody (4:32)
08. Dance With Me (5:39)
09. Enigma (5:46)
CD 2.
01. Elegy (5:51)
02. Welcome To The Sun (5:44)
03. Summer Rain (4:19)
04. Moongirl (5:04)
05. Apollo (6:27)
06. Around The Universe (4:29)
07. Lassie Come Home (7:24)
08. Eternally Yours (7:00)
09. Flame (3:56)
10. Forever Young (5:14)
11. Pandora's Lullaby (4:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Deluxe Editions.
Catching Rays On Giant (2010)
01. Song For No One (3:31)
02. I Die For You Today (3:47)
03. End Of The World (3:58)
04. The Things I Didn't Do (4:40)
05. Heaven On Earth (The Things We've Got To Do) (4:44)
06. The Deep (4:23)
07. Call Me (3:46)
08. Gravitation Breakdown (4:15)
09. Carry Your Flag (4:53)
10. Call Me Down (4:30)
11. Phantoms (3:39)
12. Miracle Healing (5:04)
13. I Die For You Today (Original Demo Version) (3:34)
14. Call Me (Original Demo Version) (3:29)
15. Fallen Angel (Orchestral Demo Version) (3:35)
16. Forever Young (Factory Mix) (4:20)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Forever Young, 1984 (2019)
Vinyl 180G: Origial Album Remastered.
01. A Victory Of Love (4:16)
02. Summer In Berlin (4:47)
03. Big In Japan (4:43)
04. To Germany With Love (4:15)
05. Fallen Angel (3:57)
06. Forever Young (3:47)
07. In The Mood (4:33)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (4:45)
09. Lies (3:33)
10. The Jet Set (4:55)
CD 1: Origial Album Remastered.
01. A Victory Of Love (4:16)
02. Summer In Berlin (4:47)
03. Big In Japan (4:43)
04. To Germany With Love (4:15)
05. Fallen Angel (3:57)
06. Forever Young (3:47)
07. In The Mood (4:33)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (4:45)
09. Lies (3:33)
10. The Jet Set (4:55)
CD 2: Original 7", B-Sides And 12" Versions.
01. Big In Japan (Single Version) (3:56)
02. Seeds (3:17)
03. Sounds Like A Melody (Single Version) (4:33)
04. The Nelson Highrise Sector 1-The Elevator (Single Version) (3:14)
05. Forever Young (Version Rapide) (3:51)
06. Welcome To The Sun (3:12)
07. The Jet Set (Single Remix) (3:53)
08. Golden Feeling (3:53)
09. Big In Japan (Extended Remix) (7:26)
10. Sounds Like A Melody (Special Long Version) (7:43)
11. The Nelson Highrise Sector 1-The Elevator (12" Version) (4:13)
12. Forever Young (Special Extended Dance Mix) (6:12)
13. The Jet Set (Jellybean Mix) (6:31)
14. Big In Japan (Extended Instrumental) (5:59)
15. The Jet Set (Dub Mix) (5:08)
CD 3: Original Demo Versions.
01. A Victory Of Love (Demo Remix) (4:19)
02. Summer In Berlin (Original Demo) (6:57)
03. Big In Japan (Demo Remix) (6:24)
04. To Germany With Love (Original Demo) (4:29)
05. Fallen Angel (Demo Remix) (4:08)
06. Forever Young (Demo Remix) (4:45)
07. In The Mood (Demo Remix) (5:05)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (Original Demo) (4:25)
09. Lies (Original Demo) (3:49)
10. The Jet Set (Original Demo) (4:22)
11. Leben Ohne Ende / Seeds (Original Demo) (3:16)
12. Traumtanzer (Original Demo) (5:18)
13. Blauer Engel (Original Demo) (4:40)
14. Romance (Demo Sketch) (1:17)
15. Colours (Instrumental) (3:24)
16. Into The Dark (Demo Remix) (4:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Afternoons In Utopia, 1986 (2021)
CD 1.
01. IAO (0:43)
02. Fantastic Dream (3:58)
03. Jerusalem (4:11)
04. Dance With Me (4:01)
05. Afternoons In Utopia (3:06)
06. Sensations (4:26)
07. 20th Century (1:23)
08. The Voyager (4:39)
09. Carol Masters (4:32)
10. Universal Daddy (4:04)
11. Lassie Come Home (7:02)
12. Red Rose (4:10)
13. Lady Bright (0:28)
CD 2.
01. Dance With Me (Empire Remix) (8:15)
02. Universal Daddy (Aquarian Dance Mix) (6:16)
03. Jerusalem (The Palace Version) (6:17)
04. Sensations (Club Mix) (6:08)
05. Red Rose (The Remix) (7:53)
06. The Nelson Highrise (Sector 2: The Mirror) (3:43)
07. Next Generation (3:59)
08. Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers Incl. The Nelson Highrise (Sector 3: The Garage) (5:00)
09. Big Yello Sun (Concrete Soundtraxx For Imaginary Films I) (6:47)
10. Red Rose (7“ Remix) (4:36)
11. Sensations (7“ Remix) (4:14)
12. Carol Masters (Original Demo) (4:08)
13. Lassie Come Home (Original Demo) (7:25)
14. Dance With Me (Unplugged-Live in Salt Lake City 1999) (4:49)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Breathtaking Blue, 1989 (2021)
CD 1.
01. Summer Rain (4:10)
02. Romeos (5:29)
03. She Fades Away (4:57)
04. The Mysteries Of Love (4:55)
05. Ariana (3:42)
06. Heaven Or Hell (3:26)
07. For A Million (6:09)
08. Middle Of The Riddle (3:19)
09. Patricia's Park (4:12)
10. Anyway (2:49)
11. Romeos (Single Version) (4:07)
12. Summer Rain (Single Version) (4:02)
13. The Mysteries Of Love (7'' Remix) (3:35)
CD 2.
01. Romeos (Extended Mix) (8:38)
02. Summer Rain (Extended Version) (5:32)
03. Mysteries Of Love (Remix) (7:58)
04. Headlines (4:11)
05. Sister Sun (3:56)
06. Like Thunder (4:47)
07. Summer In Berlin (Demo Version Remix) (5:53)
08. She Fades Away (Titanic Version) (Original Demo) (3:10)
09. Ariana (Original Demo) (2:37)
10. Heaven Or Hell (Original Demo) (3:48)
11. Headlines (Original Demo) (3:48)
12. The Mysteries Of Love (Alternative Remix) (4:55)
13. Romeos (Teknopella) (4:31)
14. Romeos (Balcony Mix) (6:03)
15. Romeos (Radio Edit) (4:01)
16. Romeos (Tribal Mix) (6:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Prostitute, 1994 (2023)
CD 1: Original Album.
01. The Paradigm Shift (3:47)
02. Fools (3:56)
03. Beethoven (5:38)
04. Ascension Day (5:47)
05. The Impossible Dream (4:50)
06. Parade (3:40)
07. Ain't It Strange (5:24)
08. All In The Golden Afternoon (3:37)
09. Oh Patti (1:45)
10. Ivory Tower (3:00)
11. Faith (4:14)
12. Iron John (3:44)
13. The One Thing (3:55)
14. Some People (4:40)
15. Euphoria (7:06)
16. Apollo (6:11)
CD 2: Singles, Remixes And Demos.
01. Fools (Single Version) (3:53)
02. Fools (Seven Seals) (4:01)
03. Fools (Faithful And True) (4:18)
04. Fools (Twelve Inch) (5:43)
05. The Impossible Dream (Single Version) (3:42)
06. The Impossible Dream (Projection Mix) (3:53)
07. Fools (Twelve Inch Berlin) (6:39)
08. Fools (Twelve Inch Instrumental) (5:43)
09. Faith (Portobello Remix) (4:30)
10. All In The Golden Afternoon (Demo) (3:34)
11. Ain't It Strange (Demo) (4:38)
12. Apollo (Demo) (6:13)
13. The Impossible Dream (Demo) (4:51)
14. Fools (Alternative Mix) (3:53)
15. Fools (Bruce Mix) (4:04)
16. Fools (Revenge Big Club Mix) (6:12)
17. Fools (First Mix) (4:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Salvation, 1997 (2023)
CD 1: Original Album.
01. Inside Out (5:19)
02. Monkey In The Moon (3:53)
03. Guardian Angel (4:15)
04. Wishful Thinking (3:48)
05. Flame (3:51)
06. Point Of Know Return (5:53)
07. Control (3:31)
08. Dangerous Places (4:00)
09. Spirit Of The Age (4:31)
10. Soul Messiah (4:55)
11. New Horizons (5:37)
12. Pandora's Lullaby (4:27)
CD 2: Singles And Remixes.
01. Wishful Thinking (Radiomix Turbobeat) (4:01)
02. Wishful Thinking (Physical Shortcut) (3:59)
03. Life Is King (6:07)
04. Flame (Single Version Turbobeat) (3:58)
05. Flame (Physical Shortcut) (3:46)
06. Wishful Thinking (Physical 12“ Mix) (5:53)
07. Wishful Thinking (Mars Attax Mix) (6:55)
08. Flame (Physical 12" Mix) (6:31)
09. Inside Out (Neil McLellan Mix) (5:27)
10. New Horizons (Neil McLellan Mix) (5:49)
11. Soul Messiah (Spike Drake Mix) (4:23)
12. Monkey In The Moon (Jaren Tolman Dancemix) (4:31)
13. Wishful Thinking (Kai Matthiesen Radiomix) (3:56)
14. Wishful Thinking (Little Man Jungle Mix) (3:53)
15. Soul Messiah (Geoff Pickney Mix) (4:55)
16. Flame (Spike Drake Mix) (3:51)
CD 3: Demos And Remixes.
01. Inside Out (Demo) (5:12)
02. Monkey in the Moon (Demo) (3:59)
03. Guardian Angel (Demo) (4:00)
04. Wishful Thinking (Demo) (3:51)
05. Flame (Demo) (3:57)
06. Point of Know Return (Demo) (5:36)
07. Control (Demo) (3:43)
08. Dangerous Places (Demo) (4:23)
09. Spirit of the Age (Demo) (4:44)
10. Soul Messiah (Demo) (3:25)
11. New Horizons (Demo) (5:57)
12. Pandora's Lullaby (Demo) (4:25)
13. Life Is King (Demo) (5:31)
14. Giants (Demo) (4:35)
15. Soul Messiah (Exhaulted Mix) (4:48)
16. Flame (Atomic Sound Mix) (4:58)
17. Wishful Thinking (Turbobeat Extended) (6:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.

Bitrate: 320Kbps.
Forever Young (1984)
02. Summer In Berlin (4:47)
03. Big In Japan (4:43)
04. To Germany With Love (4:15)
05. Fallen Angel (3:57)
06. Forever Young (3:47)
07. In The Mood (4:33)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (4:45)
09. Lies (3:33)
10. The Jet Set (4:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Afternoons In Utopia (1986)
02. Fantastic Dream (3:57)
03. Jerusalem (4:10)
04. Dance With Me (4:01)
05. Afternoons In Utopia (3:06)
06. Sensations (4:26)
07. 20th Century (1:23)
08. The Voyager (4:39)
09. Carol Masters (4:32)
10. Universal Daddy (4:04)
11. Lassie Come Home (7:02)
12. Red Rose (4:09)
13. Lady Bright / Faster Than Light( 0:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Singles Collection (Coletânea 1988)
02. Red Rose (Single Version '88) (4:27)
03. Big In Japan (Single Version '88) (3:52)
04. Dance With Me (Long Version) (8:16)
05. Forever Young (Album Version) (3:46)
06. Red Rose (12" Mix) (7:54)
07. Big In Japan (Remix '88) (7:00)
08. Dance With Me (Album Version) (3:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Breathtaking Blue (1989)
02. Romeos (5:29)
03. She Fades Away (4:57)
04. The Mysteries Of Love (4:55)
05. Ariana (3:42)
06. Heaven Or Hell (3:26)
07. For A Million (6:09)
08. Middle Of The Riddle (3:19)
09. Patricia's Park (4:12)
10. Anyway (2:49)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
First Harves, 1984-92 (Coletânea 1992)
02. Sounds Like A Melody (4:29)
03. Sensations (3:58)
04. The Mysteries Of Love (3:34)
05. Lassie Come Home (6:58)
06. Jerusalem (3:35)
07. Dance With Me (4:08)
08. For A Million (6:09)
09. A Victory Of Love (4:13)
10. The Jet Set (3:40)
11. Red Rose (4:38)
12. Romeos (4:52)
13. Summer Rain (4:10)
14. Forever Young (3:48)
15. Big In Japan (Culture Mix) (6:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Prostitute (1994)
02. Fools (3:53)
03. Beethoven (5:35)
04. Ascension Day (5:45)
05. The Impossible Dream (4:49)
06. Parade (3:40)
07. Ain't It Strange (5:22)
08. All In The Golden Afternoon (3:36)
09. Oh Patti (1:45)
10. Ivory Tower (3:16)
11. Faith (3:55)
12. Iron John (3:44)
13. The One Thing (3:55)
14. Some People (4:37)
15. Euphoria (7:05)
16. Apollo (6:10)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Salvation (1997)
02. Monkey In The Moon (3:53)
03. Guardian Angel (4:14)
04. Wishful Thinking (3:47)
05. Flame (3:52)
06. Point Of Know Return (5:51)
07. Control (3:32)
08. Dangerous Places (3:58)
09. Spirit Of The Age (4:30)
10. Soul Messiah (4:52)
11. New Horizons (5:35)
12. Pandora's Lullaby (4:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Dreamscapes (Box Set 1999)

02. In The Mood (Demo Remix) (5:04)
03. Summer In Berlin (Demo 1) (6:55)
04. Victory Of Love (Demo Remix) (4:15)
05. To Germany With Love (Demo 1) (4:29)
06. Big In Japan (Demo Remix) (6:23)
07. Fallen Angel (Demo Remix) (4:07)
08. Forever Young (Demo Remix) (4:44)
09. Leben Ohne Ende (Original Demo) (3:15)
10. Sounds Like A Melody (Demo 1) (4:25)
11. Lies (Demo 1) (3:49)
12. Romance (Demo Sketch) (1:16)
13. Colours (Instrumental) (3:25)
14. Jet Set (Demo 2) (4:38)
15. Traumtanzer (Demo Remix) (5:25)
16. Into The Dark (Demo Remix) (4:33)
Dreamscape 2wo: Eiscreme Madchen.
01. Lady Bright (Demo 1) (0:37)
02. Afternoons In Utopia (Instrumental Remix) (4:29)
03. The Voyager (Demo Remix) (4:28)
04. Universal Daddy (Demo 1) (3:45)
05. Red Rose (Demo 2) (3:25)
06. Dance With Me (12"New Edit) (9:42)
07. Fantastic Dream (Demo 2) (4:01)
08. Jerusalem (Demo Remix) (4:30)
09. Sensations (New Dub Edit) (5:46)
10. Carol Masters (Demo 1) (4:08)
11. Airport Sketch (Instrumental) (1:33)
12. Lassie Come Home (Demo 2) (7:25)
13. 20th Century (Demo 1) (1:22)
14. Summer Rain (Demo 3) (4:11)
15. For A Million (Instrumental) (6:24)
16. Romeos (12" New Edit) (5:48)
Dreamscape 3hree: III.

02. Elevator (Remix) (5:06)
03. Welcome To The Sun (Remix) (3:09)
04. The Other Side Of U (Remix) (4:44)
05/ Next Generation (Remix) (4:59)
06. 20,000 Lieues Sous Les Mers (Poem Remix) (5:42)
07. Golden Feeling (Demo 1) (7:40)
08. Headlines (Demo 1) (3:50)
09. Big Yello Sun (Remix) (6:49)
10. Sister Sun (Remix) (5:07)
11. Fools (Faithful & True Version) (4:17)
12. Legend (Remix) (4:56)
13. Like Thunder (Flag Remix) (5:10)
14. Life Is King (Demo 1) (5:53)
Dreamscape 4our: Absolutely God Damn Live.
01. Never Get Out Of The Boat (Intro Piece) (2:18)
02. Sounds Like A Melody (5:15)
03. Ascension Day (7:05)
04. Euphoria (7:22)
05. Jerusalem (4:08)
06. New Horizons (5:45)
07. Victory Of Love (4:53)
08. Beethoven (4:16)
09. Jet Set (3:49)
10. Dance With Me (6:02)
11. Wishful Thinking (4:43)
12. Big In Japan (7:09)
13. Forever Young (5:48)
14. Mercury Girl (4:04)
Dreamscape 5ive: And I Wonder.

02. To The Underworld (3:40)
03. Whales (4:30)
04. Burning Wheels (3:44)
05. Highschool Confidential (3:04)
06. Roll Away The Stone (3:48)
07. The Shape Of Things To Come (4:58)
08. Thunder & Lightning (4:21)
09. Bitch (3:16)
10. Days Full Of Wonder (5:06)
11. Peace On Earth (5:39)
12. Today (4:39)
13. What Is Love (5:09)
14. Because Of You (3:53)
15. And I Wonder (4:39)
16. Heart Of The Flower (4:51)
17. The End (5:08)
Dreamscape 6ix: Guest Of Honour.
01. If The Audience Was Listening (Demo 2) (3:08)
02. Waves (3:42)
03. Nostradamus (4:48)
04. Mysterion (11:04)
05. Change The World (4:24)
06. Script Of A Dead Poet (3:55)
07. Elegy (5:45)
08. Pandora's Lullaby (Opera Version) (4:24)
09. Welcome To The Sun (Retro Version) (6:03)
10. Beautiful Girl (Piano Piece) (3:07)
11. Caroline (Demo 1) (4:21)
12. Carry Your Flag (3:56)
13. Cosmopolitician (Demo 1) (5:35)
14. Twelve Years (Orchestal Version) (3:22)
15. Forever Young (Unplugged Version) (4:32)
Dreamscape 7even: Facts Not Fiction.

02. Jet Set (Demo 1) (4:19)
03. Traumtanzer (Demo 1) (5:17)
04. Blauer Engel (4:39)
05. Ariana (Demo 1) (2:38)
06. Summer In Berlin (Demo 2 Remix) (4:41)
07. Ain't It Strange (Demo 1) (4:40)
08. (Keep The) Faith (Portobello Remix) (4:31)
09. Recycling (H-Babe Tape) (1:59)
10. That's All (Instrumental) (2:49)
11. Forever Young (Demo 2) (3:45)
12. All In A Golden Afternoon (Instrumental) (3:34)
13. My Brothers In China (Instrumental) (4:30)
14. Wake Up! (4:34)
15. Astral Body (Demo Remix) (4:30)
16. Big In Japan (Frankfurt Forum Freedom Time Warp) (10:19)
Dreamscape 8ight: Message In A Bottle.
01. Montego Bay (Live) (6:53)
02. She Fades Away (Demo 1, Titanic Version) (3:09)
03. Those Were The Days (4:54)
04. Imperial Youth (Instrumental) (5:41)
05. Duel (3:54)
06. Iron Gate (Instrumental) (2:19)
07. Danger In Your Paradise (Demo 1) (5:10)
08. Feathers & Tar (Britannia Row Remix) (5:30)
09. Here By Your Side (4:01)
10. Fools (12" Speed Remix) (6:37)
11. Flame (Demo 1) (4:33)
12. In Bubblegum (4:25)
13. Joyride (Instrumental) (3:49)
14. Monkey In The Moon (Demo 1) (4:24)
15. Kinetic (4:42)
16. Tomorrow (Instrumental) (3:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Stark Naked And Absolutely Live (Live 2000)
02. Guardian Angel (4:30)
03. Cosmopolitician (5:56)
04. A Victory Of Love (5:02)
05. Monkey In The Moon (4:44)
06. New Horizons (5:48)
07. Wishful Thinking (5:20)
08. Jerusalem (4:04)
09. Flame (4:06)
10. Big In Japan (6:05)
11. Forever Young (5:43)
12. Apollo: Apollo / Dance With Me (Acoustic Version) (14:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Forever Pop (Coletânea 2001)
02. Dance With Me (Paul Van Dyk Mix) (3:54)
03. Big In Japan (Roland Spremberg Mix) (3:42)
04. Romeos (Rewarped Mix) (4:34)
05. Summer Rain (De-Phazz Mix) (4:21)
06. Jerusalem (Georg Kaleve Mix) (4:39)
07. Summer In Berlin (Cristian Fleps Mix) (3:45)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (Staggman Mix) (7:52)
09. Lassie Come Home (@Home Mix) (4:54)
10. Jet Set (Saunaclub Mix) (4:55)
11. A Victory Of Love (JAB Mix) (4:30)
12. Red Rose (Mark Plati Mix) (5:40)
13. Big In Japan (Eiffel 65 Mix) (8:53)
Jerusalem (Georg Kaleve Extended Mix) (Hidden Track)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Catching Rays On Giant (2010)
02. I Die For You Today (3:47)
03. End Of The World (3:58)
04. The Things I Didn't Do (4:40)
05. Heaven On Earth (The Things We've Got To Do) (4:44)
06. The Deep (4:23)
07. Call Me (3:46)
08. Gravitation Breakdown (4:15)
09. Carry Your Flag (4:53)
10. Call Me Down (4:30)
11. Phantoms (3:39)
12. Miracle Healing (5:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
So80s Presents Alphaville (Coletãnea 2014)
01. Big In Japan (Extended Re-Mix) (7:26)
02. Sounds Like A Melody (Special Long Version) (7:43)
03. Forever Young (Special Dance Version) (6:10)
04. Jet Set (Jellybean Mix) (6:32)
05. Dance With Me (Empire Remix) (8:15)
06. Universal Daddy (Aquarian Dance Mix) (6:19)
07. Jerusalem (The Palace Version) (6:18)
08. Sensations (Club Mix) (6:07)
09. Red Rose (The 12" Remix) (7:51)
10. Romeos (Extended Mix) (8:37)
11. Summer Rain (Extended Version) (5:30)
12. Mysteries Of Love (Remix) (7:59)
CD 2: The Original B-Sides.
01. Seeds (3:18)
02. The Nelson Highrise (Sector One: The Elevator) (4:12)
03. Welcome To The Sun (3:10)
04. Golden Feeling (3:52)
05. The Nelson Highrise (Sector Two: The Mirror) (3:42)
06. Next Generation (3:58)
07. Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers (5:02)
08. Concrete Soundtraxx For Imaginary Films I (6:46)
09. Headlines (4:12)
10. Sister Sun (3:56)
11. Summer In Berlin (Demo Version) (5:53)
12. Like Thunder (4:47)
13. Big In Japan (Extended Instrumental Mix) (6:00)
14. Jet Set (Dub Mix) (5:12)
15. Romeos (Tribal Mix) (6:32)
16. Big In Japan (Remix '88) (6:58)
17. Big In Japan (Torsten Fenslau Remix-Bonus Track) (7:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Strange Attractor (2017)
02. Marionettes With Halos (4:24)
03. House Of Ghosts (5:08)
04. Around The Universe (4:01)
05. Enigma (5:59)
06. Mafia Island (6:24)
07. A Handful Of Darkness (7:57)
08. Sexyland (3:52)
09. Rendezvoyeur (4:16)
10. Nevermore (4:49)
11. Fever! (3:47)
12. Heartbreak City (3:48)
13. Beyond The Laughing Sky (5:39)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Forever Young: Live At The Whisky A Go Go 2018 (Live 2019)
02. Summer In Berlin (4:57)
03. Big In Japan (6:06)
04. To Germany With Love (4:59)
05. Fallen Angel(4:26)
06. Forever Young (5:49)
07. In The Mood (4:55)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (6:48)
09. Lies (4:08)
10. The Jet Set (3:40)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Eternally Yours (2022)
CD 1.
01. Dream Machine (4:46)
02. Summer In Berlin (5:17)
03. Big In Japan (5:17)
04. Dance With Me (5:30)
05. Summer Rain (4:21)
06. Apollo (6:21)
07. Elegy (5:50)
08. Lassie Come Home (7:24)
09. MoonGirl (5:04)
10. Welcome To The Sun (5:34)
CD 2.
01. A Victory Of Love (4:40)
02. Sounds Like A Melody (4:31)
03. Around The Universe (4:24)
04. Eternally Yours (6:58)
05. Diamonds Are Forever (3:11)
06. Flame (3:52)
07. Forever Young (5:08)
08. Big In Japan (3:44)
09. Sounds Like A Melody (Chamber Version) (4:29)
10. Forever Young ("Petite") (3:58)
11. Big In Japan (Single Edit) (3:59)
12. Sounds Like A Melody (Single Edit) (3:33)
13. Forever Young (Single Edit) (3:59)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Alphaville & Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg - A Night At The Philharmonie Berlin (Live 2023)
01. Intro (1:08)
02. Dream Machine (3:48)
03. Summer In Berlin (4:55)
04. Big In Japan (5:16)
05. A Victory Of Love (4:40)
06. Diamonds Are Forever (3:16)
07. Sounds Like A Melody (4:32)
08. Dance With Me (5:39)
09. Enigma (5:46)
CD 2.
01. Elegy (5:51)
02. Welcome To The Sun (5:44)
03. Summer Rain (4:19)
04. Moongirl (5:04)
05. Apollo (6:27)
06. Around The Universe (4:29)
07. Lassie Come Home (7:24)
08. Eternally Yours (7:00)
09. Flame (3:56)
10. Forever Young (5:14)
11. Pandora's Lullaby (4:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Deluxe Editions.
Catching Rays On Giant (2010)
02. I Die For You Today (3:47)
03. End Of The World (3:58)
04. The Things I Didn't Do (4:40)
05. Heaven On Earth (The Things We've Got To Do) (4:44)
06. The Deep (4:23)
07. Call Me (3:46)
08. Gravitation Breakdown (4:15)
09. Carry Your Flag (4:53)
10. Call Me Down (4:30)
11. Phantoms (3:39)
12. Miracle Healing (5:04)
13. I Die For You Today (Original Demo Version) (3:34)
14. Call Me (Original Demo Version) (3:29)
15. Fallen Angel (Orchestral Demo Version) (3:35)
16. Forever Young (Factory Mix) (4:20)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Forever Young, 1984 (2019)
01. A Victory Of Love (4:16)
02. Summer In Berlin (4:47)
03. Big In Japan (4:43)
04. To Germany With Love (4:15)
05. Fallen Angel (3:57)
06. Forever Young (3:47)
07. In The Mood (4:33)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (4:45)
09. Lies (3:33)
10. The Jet Set (4:55)
CD 1: Origial Album Remastered.
01. A Victory Of Love (4:16)
02. Summer In Berlin (4:47)
03. Big In Japan (4:43)
04. To Germany With Love (4:15)
05. Fallen Angel (3:57)
06. Forever Young (3:47)
07. In The Mood (4:33)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (4:45)
09. Lies (3:33)
10. The Jet Set (4:55)
CD 2: Original 7", B-Sides And 12" Versions.
01. Big In Japan (Single Version) (3:56)
02. Seeds (3:17)
03. Sounds Like A Melody (Single Version) (4:33)
04. The Nelson Highrise Sector 1-The Elevator (Single Version) (3:14)
05. Forever Young (Version Rapide) (3:51)
06. Welcome To The Sun (3:12)
07. The Jet Set (Single Remix) (3:53)
08. Golden Feeling (3:53)
09. Big In Japan (Extended Remix) (7:26)
10. Sounds Like A Melody (Special Long Version) (7:43)
11. The Nelson Highrise Sector 1-The Elevator (12" Version) (4:13)
12. Forever Young (Special Extended Dance Mix) (6:12)
13. The Jet Set (Jellybean Mix) (6:31)
14. Big In Japan (Extended Instrumental) (5:59)
15. The Jet Set (Dub Mix) (5:08)
CD 3: Original Demo Versions.
01. A Victory Of Love (Demo Remix) (4:19)
02. Summer In Berlin (Original Demo) (6:57)
03. Big In Japan (Demo Remix) (6:24)
04. To Germany With Love (Original Demo) (4:29)
05. Fallen Angel (Demo Remix) (4:08)
06. Forever Young (Demo Remix) (4:45)
07. In The Mood (Demo Remix) (5:05)
08. Sounds Like A Melody (Original Demo) (4:25)
09. Lies (Original Demo) (3:49)
10. The Jet Set (Original Demo) (4:22)
11. Leben Ohne Ende / Seeds (Original Demo) (3:16)
12. Traumtanzer (Original Demo) (5:18)
13. Blauer Engel (Original Demo) (4:40)
14. Romance (Demo Sketch) (1:17)
15. Colours (Instrumental) (3:24)
16. Into The Dark (Demo Remix) (4:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Afternoons In Utopia, 1986 (2021)
01. IAO (0:43)
02. Fantastic Dream (3:58)
03. Jerusalem (4:11)
04. Dance With Me (4:01)
05. Afternoons In Utopia (3:06)
06. Sensations (4:26)
07. 20th Century (1:23)
08. The Voyager (4:39)
09. Carol Masters (4:32)
10. Universal Daddy (4:04)
11. Lassie Come Home (7:02)
12. Red Rose (4:10)
13. Lady Bright (0:28)
CD 2.
01. Dance With Me (Empire Remix) (8:15)
02. Universal Daddy (Aquarian Dance Mix) (6:16)
03. Jerusalem (The Palace Version) (6:17)
04. Sensations (Club Mix) (6:08)
05. Red Rose (The Remix) (7:53)
06. The Nelson Highrise (Sector 2: The Mirror) (3:43)
07. Next Generation (3:59)
08. Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers Incl. The Nelson Highrise (Sector 3: The Garage) (5:00)
09. Big Yello Sun (Concrete Soundtraxx For Imaginary Films I) (6:47)
10. Red Rose (7“ Remix) (4:36)
11. Sensations (7“ Remix) (4:14)
12. Carol Masters (Original Demo) (4:08)
13. Lassie Come Home (Original Demo) (7:25)
14. Dance With Me (Unplugged-Live in Salt Lake City 1999) (4:49)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Breathtaking Blue, 1989 (2021)
01. Summer Rain (4:10)
02. Romeos (5:29)
03. She Fades Away (4:57)
04. The Mysteries Of Love (4:55)
05. Ariana (3:42)
06. Heaven Or Hell (3:26)
07. For A Million (6:09)
08. Middle Of The Riddle (3:19)
09. Patricia's Park (4:12)
10. Anyway (2:49)
11. Romeos (Single Version) (4:07)
12. Summer Rain (Single Version) (4:02)
13. The Mysteries Of Love (7'' Remix) (3:35)
CD 2.
01. Romeos (Extended Mix) (8:38)
02. Summer Rain (Extended Version) (5:32)
03. Mysteries Of Love (Remix) (7:58)
04. Headlines (4:11)
05. Sister Sun (3:56)
06. Like Thunder (4:47)
07. Summer In Berlin (Demo Version Remix) (5:53)
08. She Fades Away (Titanic Version) (Original Demo) (3:10)
09. Ariana (Original Demo) (2:37)
10. Heaven Or Hell (Original Demo) (3:48)
11. Headlines (Original Demo) (3:48)
12. The Mysteries Of Love (Alternative Remix) (4:55)
13. Romeos (Teknopella) (4:31)
14. Romeos (Balcony Mix) (6:03)
15. Romeos (Radio Edit) (4:01)
16. Romeos (Tribal Mix) (6:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Prostitute, 1994 (2023)
01. The Paradigm Shift (3:47)
02. Fools (3:56)
03. Beethoven (5:38)
04. Ascension Day (5:47)
05. The Impossible Dream (4:50)
06. Parade (3:40)
07. Ain't It Strange (5:24)
08. All In The Golden Afternoon (3:37)
09. Oh Patti (1:45)
10. Ivory Tower (3:00)
11. Faith (4:14)
12. Iron John (3:44)
13. The One Thing (3:55)
14. Some People (4:40)
15. Euphoria (7:06)
16. Apollo (6:11)
CD 2: Singles, Remixes And Demos.
01. Fools (Single Version) (3:53)
02. Fools (Seven Seals) (4:01)
03. Fools (Faithful And True) (4:18)
04. Fools (Twelve Inch) (5:43)
05. The Impossible Dream (Single Version) (3:42)
06. The Impossible Dream (Projection Mix) (3:53)
07. Fools (Twelve Inch Berlin) (6:39)
08. Fools (Twelve Inch Instrumental) (5:43)
09. Faith (Portobello Remix) (4:30)
10. All In The Golden Afternoon (Demo) (3:34)
11. Ain't It Strange (Demo) (4:38)
12. Apollo (Demo) (6:13)
13. The Impossible Dream (Demo) (4:51)
14. Fools (Alternative Mix) (3:53)
15. Fools (Bruce Mix) (4:04)
16. Fools (Revenge Big Club Mix) (6:12)
17. Fools (First Mix) (4:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Salvation, 1997 (2023)
01. Inside Out (5:19)
02. Monkey In The Moon (3:53)
03. Guardian Angel (4:15)
04. Wishful Thinking (3:48)
05. Flame (3:51)
06. Point Of Know Return (5:53)
07. Control (3:31)
08. Dangerous Places (4:00)
09. Spirit Of The Age (4:31)
10. Soul Messiah (4:55)
11. New Horizons (5:37)
12. Pandora's Lullaby (4:27)
CD 2: Singles And Remixes.
01. Wishful Thinking (Radiomix Turbobeat) (4:01)
02. Wishful Thinking (Physical Shortcut) (3:59)
03. Life Is King (6:07)
04. Flame (Single Version Turbobeat) (3:58)
05. Flame (Physical Shortcut) (3:46)
06. Wishful Thinking (Physical 12“ Mix) (5:53)
07. Wishful Thinking (Mars Attax Mix) (6:55)
08. Flame (Physical 12" Mix) (6:31)
09. Inside Out (Neil McLellan Mix) (5:27)
10. New Horizons (Neil McLellan Mix) (5:49)
11. Soul Messiah (Spike Drake Mix) (4:23)
12. Monkey In The Moon (Jaren Tolman Dancemix) (4:31)
13. Wishful Thinking (Kai Matthiesen Radiomix) (3:56)
14. Wishful Thinking (Little Man Jungle Mix) (3:53)
15. Soul Messiah (Geoff Pickney Mix) (4:55)
16. Flame (Spike Drake Mix) (3:51)
CD 3: Demos And Remixes.
01. Inside Out (Demo) (5:12)
02. Monkey in the Moon (Demo) (3:59)
03. Guardian Angel (Demo) (4:00)
04. Wishful Thinking (Demo) (3:51)
05. Flame (Demo) (3:57)
06. Point of Know Return (Demo) (5:36)
07. Control (Demo) (3:43)
08. Dangerous Places (Demo) (4:23)
09. Spirit of the Age (Demo) (4:44)
10. Soul Messiah (Demo) (3:25)
11. New Horizons (Demo) (5:57)
12. Pandora's Lullaby (Demo) (4:25)
13. Life Is King (Demo) (5:31)
14. Giants (Demo) (4:35)
15. Soul Messiah (Exhaulted Mix) (4:48)
16. Flame (Atomic Sound Mix) (4:58)
17. Wishful Thinking (Turbobeat Extended) (6:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.

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