Rolling Stones é uma banda de rock britânica formada em Londres no ano
de 1962, considerada um dos maiores, mais antigos e mais bem sucedidos
grupos musicais de todos os tempos. Ao lado dos Beatles, são
considerados a banda mais importante da chamada Invasão Britânica
ocorrida nos anos 1960. A banda e seus membros ocuparam posição de
destaque nas mudanças musicais e comportamentais dos anos 1960 e são
frequentemente relacionados com a contracultura, rebeldia e juventude da
Os Rolling Stones são um dos grupos musicais mais bem sucedidos da história e venderam mais de 250 milhões de álbuns no mundo inteiro.
Até o ano de 2007, quatro das cinco turnês musicais de maior lucro e bilheteria de todos os tempos eram dos Stones. A turnê mais lucrativa da banda é "A Bigger Bang Tour", que durou de 2005 a 2007 e arrecadou o incrível valor de $ 558 255 524 dólares. Durante esta turnê, a banda realizou um concerto gratuito nas areias da praia de Copacabana, no dia 18 de fevereiro de 2006 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Mais de 2 milhões de pessoas compareceram ao concerto, que está listado no Livro dos Recordes como o concerto gratuito com maior público realizado por uma única banda, de sempre.
Os Rolling Stones são um dos grupos musicais mais bem sucedidos da história e venderam mais de 250 milhões de álbuns no mundo inteiro.
Até o ano de 2007, quatro das cinco turnês musicais de maior lucro e bilheteria de todos os tempos eram dos Stones. A turnê mais lucrativa da banda é "A Bigger Bang Tour", que durou de 2005 a 2007 e arrecadou o incrível valor de $ 558 255 524 dólares. Durante esta turnê, a banda realizou um concerto gratuito nas areias da praia de Copacabana, no dia 18 de fevereiro de 2006 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Mais de 2 milhões de pessoas compareceram ao concerto, que está listado no Livro dos Recordes como o concerto gratuito com maior público realizado por uma única banda, de sempre.
Tudo começou em 1960, quando os dois amigos de infância, Mick e Keith, se reencontraram em um trem na estação de Dartford, Inglaterra, e descobriram um interesse em comum por rock and roll. Foram convidados pelo guitarrista Brian Jones em 1962 a montar a definitiva banda de R&B branca, que se chamaria The Rolling Stones, inspirado no nome de uma canção de Muddy Waters, Rollin' Stone, cujo nome foi utilizado oficialmente, pela primeira vez, em sua apresentação no Marquee Club de Londres em 12 de julho de 1962.
O pianista Ian Stewart, amigo de Brian, seria o co-fundador da banda, mas porque sua imagem pessoal não tinha o devido sex-appeal, ele seria rebaixado a gerente de palco, com direito a gravar com a banda mas não de posar como membro. Bill Wyman, que embora já vivesse da noite há muito mais tempo que os demais, seria acrescentado à banda por um motivo fútil: possuía mais de um amplificador. Em janeiro de 1963, Charlie Watts assumiria definitivamente a bateria. A boa repercussão nas apresentações ao vivo somadas à habilidade promocional de seu empresário, levou a banda a um contrato com a Decca Records (então a piada do ano por ter recusado um contrato com os Beatles). Seu empresário promove a banda com uma imagem de rebeldes e cria a pergunta: Você deixaria sua filha se casar com um Rolling Stone?.
Os primeiros singles, um cover de uma canção de Chuck Berry e Muddy Waters de cada lado, Come On/I Want To Be Loved, e uma gravação para uma composição da dupla John Lennon e Paul McCartney, I Wanna Be Your Man, foram bem aceitos. O primeiro álbum, chamado simplesmente The Rolling Stones, saiu em abril de 1964, contendo apenas uma composição de Jagger e Richards. Apenas com Tell Me (You're Coming Back), lançado em junho de 1964, é que uma composição da dupla seria lançada como lado A de um compacto. A partir daí, pouco a pouco o material próprio começou a ser valorizado, tendo em Out Of Our Heads, de 1965, o primeiro de uma série de discos basicamente de composições da dupla Jagger-Richards. É nesse ano que a banda lança seu maior hit em todos os tempos, (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction.
Com o álbum Aftermath, de 1966, a banda começaria uma fase de músicas mais longas e de arranjos mais elaborados. O flerte com o rock psicodélico e experimental teria seu ápice em Their Satanic Majesties Request, de 1967. Apesar do apuro técnico, Their Satanic... é considerada uma obra menor pelos próprios Stones, e as suas faixas não são habitualmente tocadas em público. Palavras de Jagger: " (...) estávamos apenas a tomar demasiadas drogas (...) a pensar que qualquer coisa que nós fizéssemos era divertida e todos deveriam ouvi-la."
Com Beggar's Banquet (1968) haveria a volta ao estilo mais próximo ao R&B que os fez famosos. São desta época dois dos maiores hits da banda, Jumpin' Jack Flash, que só saiu como compacto e a controversa Sympathy For The Devil .
Em 1969 Brian Jones oficialmente é demitido dos Stones, sendo substituído por Mick Taylor (que havia tocado com o John Mayall's Bluesbreakers). Poucos dias depois de sua saída, Brian Jones seria encontrado morto afogado na piscina de sua casa em Sussex, em circunstâncias até hoje pouco esclarecidas. Existem duas versões: que ele se afogou sob influência de drogas e álcool, ou que ele foi afogado propositadamente por um dos empreiteiros contratados para fazer obras na propriedade. Entretanto, em 1993, um empreiteiro conhecido como Frank, assumiu em seu leito de morte ter assassinado Brian Jones através de afogamento. Embora houvesse sido planejado muito tempo antes, dias depois a banda realizou um concerto memorável no Hyde Park, em Londres, diante de um público de 300 mil pessoas, que acabou tendo um significado especial além da apresentação do pouco conhecido novo guitarrista, Mick Taylor. O show aconteceu num palco decorado com uma enorme foto colorida e estourada de Jones. Jagger, vestido de branco, interrompeu a apresentação para ler uma passagem do poema Adonais de Percy Bysshe Shelley, em memória do amigo problemático. Enquanto mais de 3 000 borboletas brancas eram soltas do palco para a plateia emocionada. Os Stones pareciam ter chegado ao fim de uma era. Sem imaginar que a próxima tragédia estava bem próxima.
Em 6 de dezembro de 1969, o grupo chegou a Altamont (Califórnia) [en], para uma grande apresentação ao ar livre - com uma plateia pelo menos duas vezes maior do que a do Hyde Park. Bem antes dos Stones subirem no palco já havia problemas. A segurança do espetáculo estava sob a responsabilidade de um bando de Hells Angels de São Francisco, uma gangue de motoqueiros grossos e arrogantes que não sentiam nada a não ser desprezo pela multidão de mais de 500 mil hippies. Qualquer um que tentasse subir no palco era agredido pelo grupo, que portavam tacos de sinuca, e escorraçado de volta para a plateia. Durante a apresentação da banda Jefferson Airplane, que antecedeu a atração principal, fãs estavam sendo carregados para as tendas da Cruz Vermelha em maior quantidade do que os médicos de plantão podiam atender. Quando os Rolling Stones finalmente foram se apresentar, a multidão ficou histérica, e os Hell`s Angels reagiram ficando ainda mais selvagens. Durante a execução de Under My Thumb no momento em que Mick finalizava a canção, um jovem negro hippie Meredith Hunter ataca o grupo de Hell`s Angels, que reagiram com ainda mais hostilidade e violência, e um deles apunhala o jovem pelas costas, matando-o. Os Stones tinham noção de que alguma coisa havia acontecido, embora do palco fosse difícil dizer exatamente o quê, e tentavam acalmar a multidão. No dia seguinte é que os Rolling Stones descobriram que quatro pessoas (incluindo Meredith Hunter) haviam morrido naquele dia. Há versões de que Meredith foi agredido pelos Hell`s Angels por estar acompanhado de uma linda loira, mas ele estava armado com um revolver. O assassino, Alan Passaro, foi julgado alguns anos depois e inocentado por legítima defesa. O que aconteceu naquele dia fatídico está registrado no filme Gimme Shelter, de 1970. Ainda em 1969 os Stones lançaram Let It Bleed (título geralmente visto como sátira a Let It Be, dos Beatles, disco que de fato só seria lançado seis meses depois).
Em 1971 a banda passa para a Atlantic Records, que lhes permite estrear o selo próprio, Rolling Stones Records. Nesse ano a banda lança um dos seus álbuns mais curiosos, Sticky Fingers, cuja capa foi idealizada por Andy Warhol com uma foto de uma pélvis atribuída a Jagger e cujo LP original possuía um zíper que podia ser aberto e mostrava uma figura de uma cueca (a despeito da banana do álbum Velvet Underground and Nico). Esse álbum também foi o primeiro a mostrar o famoso logotipo da boca que apesar de ter sido sempre atribuído a Andy Warhol na verdade foi produzido por John Pasche.
Keith Richards encontra-se no sul da França, na mansão utilizada pelos nazistas Villa Nellecote, pelo fato de todos os Stones estarem devendo uma fortuna de imposto de renda na Inglaterra. Esse período foi considerado como o exílio dos Rolling Stones. A intenção da banda, é compor todo o novo álbum (que viria a ser Exile on Main St) para, na sequência, promover uma grande turnê pelos Estados Unidos. O faturamento da tour serviria para quitar os impostos dos Stones na terra da Rainha. Entretanto, os problemas de Keith e sua esposa, Anita Pallemberg, com as drogas acaba por atravancar os trabalhos de composição. Após várias semanas pontuadas por incidentes e trabalhos infrutíferos, Keith e Anita são acusados de tráfico de drogas e obrigados a fugir da França às pressas. A maior parte do disco é composta e gravada em Los Angeles (EUA). Antes da conclusão do trabalho, no entanto, Keith Ricards passa por um severo programa de desintoxicação na Suíça. Após a mixagem lançam, em 1972, o álbum duplo Exile on Main Street, considerado por muitos, e pelo próprio Jagger, como o melhor álbum da banda pela sua consistência, plasticidade e versatilidade dos músicos, o qual produz, entre outras, a música Tumbling Dice, obrigatória em qualquer show dos Stones até os dias de hoje.
Com a excelente repercussão do disco anterior e embalados pela sua turnê de 1972/1973, os Stones entram mais uma vez no estúdio e lançam em 1973 o álbum Goats Head Soup, amplamente conhecido pelo hit Angie e pela polêmica Star Star. Interessante que a balada Waiting on a Friend foi composta e gravada durante as sessões deste álbum e lançada apenas oito anos depois no álbum Tattoo You (1981), a qual, devidamente remixada tornou-se um hit da banda, assim como a música Tops.
Em 1974 os Rolling Stones gravam o clássico It's Only Rock'n'Roll no estúdio do guitarrista Ronnie Wood (que tocava com a banda inglesa The Faces, liderada por Rod Stewart). Com a saída repentina de Mick Taylor para seguir carreira solo, Wood assume a segunda guitarra, embora só será oficialmente um membro efetivo dos Stones a partir da turnê de 1975, cuja primeira apresentação com a banda ocorre em 1º de junho do mesmo ano em Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Estados Unidos, através dos acordes de Honky Tonk Women.
Embora a turnê de 1975 tenha sido batizada de Tour Of The Americas pois previa, além dos Estados Unidos e Canadá, shows no Brasil - Rio de Janeiro (14 e 17/08) e São Paulo (19 e 21/08), México (7 e 10/08) e Venezuela (28 e 31/08), estes não ocorreram por restrições políticas dos governantes desses países, preocupados com a imagem de desordeiros e drogados que a banda poderia passar além de desagradar os respectivos regimes de governo.
Lançam, então, Black & Blue (1976), um disco mais intimista com forte participações de convidados como Billy Preston, que já havia gravado Let It Be, dos Beatles e vinha participando de todos os álbuns dos Stones desde Sticky Fingers de 1971, e Ron Wood confirmado no comando da segunda guitarra, que obtém razoável sucesso. O álbum seguinte é Love You Live (1977), um duplo ao vivo gravado na turnê europeia de 1976, bastante heterogêneo e com a formação básica da banda no palco. Em (1978) lançam Some Girls que é bem mais pesado do que os últimos trabalhos. Este disco é fortemente influenciado pelo movimento punk surgido nos Estados Unidos em 1974, com temas rápidos e agressivos como Respectable e When The Whip Comes Down, embora o disco seja mais lembrado pelo seu hit à la discoteque Miss You. Mostrando a vitalidade característica até os dias de hoje, ainda no mesmo ano saem, novamente, em turnê pelos Estados Unidos e já dão mostras da tendência que por eles será magistralmente explorada nos próximos anos: enormes palcos e infra-estrutura dos shows, jamais vistas até então. Em 1980 lançam um disco mais linear, Emotional Rescue, com um hit homônimo (este disco foi gravado praticamente junto com o Tattoo You em 1979, que seria lançado no ano seguinte, em 1981).
Em 1981 a banda larga Atlantic Records e assina com a EMI. O álbum de estreia é Tattoo You, tido por muitos como o melhor álbum da banda de todos os tempos e talvez o seu único grande triunfo para esta gravadora, visto ser o de maior sucesso comercial da banda até os dias de hoje. Destacam-se inúmeros hits da banda, como a explosiva Start Me Up, obrigatória em todos os shows, e a balada Waiting On A Friend, composta inicialmente em 1973 e não lançada no disco do mesmo ano.
Com a excursão americana no mesmo ano, os Rolling Stones definitivamente inauguram a moda de shows gigantescos de duração de três horas, palcos móveis e desmontáveis e toneladas de equipamentos de som e luz. Resumindo a turnê em solo americano lançam em (1982) o álbum ao vivo Still Life (American Concert 1981) e o filme Let's Spend the Night Together, que, sob a direção do renomado Hal Ashby, mostra o vigor juvenil de Jagger e a reabilitação de Richards das drogas, além do novo formato de apresentações ao vivo.
Em meio a especulações da mídia de possível separação da banda, no final de 1983 os Stones lançam o álbum Undercover, e, alimentando ainda mais estes rumores, a banda não sai em turnê e tampouco os músicos se pronunciam a respeito, cada um elaborando trabalhos individuais e não sendo vistos juntos em nenhuma ocasião.
Ian Stewart, pianista, gerente de palco e um dos fundadores da banda, acompanhando em todos os álbuns e shows, morre em 1985 em virtude de um ataque cardíaco. Tido como o sexto Stone, é homenageado com uma faixa no álbum da banda de 1986, Dirty Work, cujo álbum também não é acompanhado de turnê.
O relacionamento entre os membros restantes da banda não era dos melhores, com desentendimentos frequentes entre Jagger e Richards. Mick Jagger envereda em uma carreira solo gravando músicas dentro do estilo Rolling Stones e causa um desentendimento sério entre ele e seu sócio Keith Richards. Especulações sobre o fim da banda duram por seis anos, embora o clima ruim não impedisse que continuassem sendo lançados álbuns de repercussão cada vez maior. Jagger, Richards, Wood, Wyman e Watts lançaram vários álbuns solo durante a década de 1980 e 1990.
Os Stones adentraram a década de 1990 com uma nova gravadora, a CBS, em meio a rumores de que Mick Jagger e Keith Richards não podiam nem mesmo dividir uma mesma sala sem se engalfinharem. Os constantes boatos sobre a dissolução da banda ajudaram a catapultar o interesse e a expectativa da turnê e as vendas do álbum Steel Wheels (1989), tornando-a a maior da banda em todos os tempos até então. Os problemas pessoais foram colocados de lado e a banda se apresentou como nos velhos tempos, auxiliada pela habitual parafernália de palco tendo participação durante a turnê, do Guns N' Roses que estava explodindo no cenário musical, como banda de abertura. Reflexo disso é o álbum Flashpoint de 1990 que traz os Stones de volta aos palcos depois de sete anos.
Foi também a partir dessa turnê que os Stones tornaram-se experts nos negócios, transformando-se em uma banda multimilionária, com administração autônoma e profissional, alcançando espaços na mídia até então nunca vistos, tendência que permitiu as sucessivas bem-sucedidas turnês seguintes e um exemplo de exposição e fixação da "marca" The Rolling Stones.
O outro membro original, Bill Wyman, baixista que deixa o grupo em 1993 foi substituído por Ron Wood que assumiu temporariamente o baixo. Bill ainda mantém fortes ligações com a banda, à exemplo de seu pub em Londres, o Sticky Fingers, totalmente decorado com inúmeras fotos, instrumentos e discos de ouro, entre outras lembranças dos Stones. Para o seu lugar é escalado o baixista Darryl Jones, que é apenas músico contratado, não sendo considerado membro oficial.
Em 1994, após um longo período de inatividade, é lançado com grande estardalhaço o álbum Voodoo Lounge, seguido pela turnê de mesmo nome (que passou pelo Brasil). A turnê que se iniciou em 19 de julho de 1994 em Toronto, Canadá, e foi encerrada em 30 de agosto de 1995 em Rotterdam, Holanda, arrecadou em torno de US$ 400 milhões. Foi esta turnê que trouxe a banda para o Brasil em 1995, onde apresentou no festival "Hollywood Rock" daquele mesmo ano. Embalado por esta turnê a Volkswagen do Brasil lançou a série especial comemorativa de seu modelo mais vendido, o Gol Rolling Stones 1.6. Aproveitando a repercussão, todas as gravações da banda são relançadas em CD. O álbum de 1995, Stripped, foi mais intimista, com versões acústicas de vários de seus maiores sucessos e uma regravação gloriosa para "Like a Rolling Stone", clássico de Bob Dylan.
No ano seguinte lançam The Rock And Roll Circus, trilha sonora de um filme arquivado desde 1968. O CD inclui uma apresentação de diversos artistas, como Jethro Tull, The Who, Marianne Faithfull, então esposa de Jagger e The Dirty Mac que nada mais é que uma pré-versão da Plastic Ono Band. Essa formação incluiu, além de John Lennon e Yoko Ono, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards (no baixo) e Mitch Mitchell, baterista do The Jimi Hendrix Experience.
Ainda em 1997 sai Bridges of Babylon, com uma capa luxuosa e uma excursão mundial igualmente cara, completa, com dois palcos, um maior e outro menor instalado no meio do público. Inclui também uma ponte para a banda atravessar do palco principal para o menor, sendo que neste executam basicamente clássicos sem o acompanhamento de metais e backing vocals voltando às raízes da banda nos anos 1960 e, assim, inauguram um novo estilo de apresentações que se seguiram nas turnês seguintes. Com dois shows no Brasil, um em São Paulo e o outro no Rio de Janeiro (com participação mais que especial de Bob Dylan, inclusive abrindo os shows para a banda), confirmaram o país com status de rota obrigatória. Retrato dessa turnê foi o lançamento do álbum ao vivo No Security, em 1998.
Para comemorar os 40 anos do grupo, em 2002 lançam o álbum duplo Forty Licks (1962-2002) que traz, além de 36 sucessos da banda, 4 novos hits (Don't Stop, Keys To Your Love, Stealing My Heart e Losing My Touch), sendo o primeiro uma espécie de resumo da perseverança característica da banda, atingindo bastante sucesso. Em 16 de agosto do mesmo ano com um show em Toronto (Canadá) os Stones lançam uma de suas maiores turnês - a Licks Tour (detalhe para a música Heart of Stone, não tocada ao vivo desde 5 de dezembro de 1965). Esta longa turnê passou por todos os continentes do planeta, tendo sido encerrada em 9 de novembro de 2003, em Hong Kong. Mantendo o status de maior banda de rock & roll do mundo e a tradição de suas espetaculares apresentações, montam estruturas distintas e específicas para shows em arenas, estádios e teatros, além de private shows. Ao final do mesmo ano lançam o esplêndido DVD quádruplo Four Flicks, mostrando cada um dos formatos de suas apresentações e toda a vitalidade dos músicos sessentões.
Quando todos imaginavam o fim da banda, devido a um câncer na garganta do baterista Charlie Watts diagnosticado em junho de 2004 e curado em fevereiro de 2005, o vigor incansável do quarteto com ênfase às belas letras de Jagger e Richards (conhecidos como The Glimmer Twins desde os anos 1970, pela ligação existente entre eles, além das lendárias histórias que protagonizaram) produz um de seus melhores álbuns de estúdio de todos os tempos. Lançado em 2005 A Bigger Bang traz uma sonoridade crua e voltada às raízes da banda: rock and roll, blues e rhythm and blues, além das pegadas das guitarras da dupla Richards/Wood, bem como para a harmônica melodiosa de Jagger, as 16 fortes canções do álbum mostram a excelência e competência de Jagger/Richards/Watts/Wood. Para a divulgação do álbum, mais uma vez iniciando em Toronto (em 10 de agosto de 2005), a banda se lança na estrada com a turnê do mesmo nome.
Em 18 de fevereiro de 2006, os Rolling Stones voltaram ao Brasil para o show da turnê A Bigger Bang. O show, gratuito, foi realizado nas areias da praia de Copacabana, no Rio de Janeiro, para um público estimado em cerca de 2 (dois) milhões de pessoas, entrando para a história como o maior show da banda e um dos maiores concertos de rock de todos os tempos.
Após dois anos do lançamento da turnê A Bigger Bang, que passou pela América do Norte, em duas oportunidades (2005 e 2006), América do Sul (2006) e Europa (2006), os músicos dos Stones arrecadaram, até novembro de 2006, em torno de US$ 437 milhões (recorde na história da música), os Stones anunciaram, em 22 de março de 2007, uma lista de novos shows pelo velho continente, que se iniciou em 5 de junho de 2007, com uma apresentação em Werchter, Bélgica e se encerrou em 26 de agosto de 2007 em Londres, apesar de rumores de que novos shows serão realizados em 2008. Com seu encerramento, os Stones realizaram a mais longa de suas turnês mundiais, com arrecadação de US$ 560 milhões (novo recorde), e, apresentando-se para quase 6 milhões de espectadores, mostraram a inesgotável energia que os move por mais de 45 anos de estrada.
Ainda em 2006 a banda teve sua música "Can't You Hear Me Knockin'" presente no game Guitar Hero 2, em versão cover, o que desapontou muitos fãs pois a voz do cantor que faz esse cover no GH2 não é nada parecida com a de Mick Jagger.
Em 12 de junho de 2007 foi lançado o DVD The Biggest Bang, que contém 4 discos com mais de sete horas de shows, incluindo a integra do realizado no Rio de Janeiro, no ano anterior, bem como em Austin, Texas, e materiais dos shows de Japão, Buenos Aires e Xangai, além de entrevistas exclusivas e reveladoras com os membros da banda. Nesse mesmo ano, os Stones voltariam a ter outra música de sucesso na série Guitar Hero, desta vez a música era "Paint it, Black", presente no Guitar Hero 3 Legends of rock. Em 4 de abril de 2008 estreou nos cinemas mundiais o filme The Rolling Stones Shine a Light (distribuído no Brasil pela Imagem Filmes), concebido e dirigido pelo premiado diretor Martin Scorsese - um declarado fã da banda - que, em duas apresentações no Beacon Theatre de Nova York, em novembro de 2006, com dezesseis câmeras focadas diretamente nos músicos, registrou com profundidade a bela performance da banda em um repertório levemente diferenciado das apresentações normais. Conta, ainda, com a presença de Jack White, do grupo White Stripes, da cantora Christina Aguilera e do bluesman Buddy Guy. Ainda, de forma genial mescla imagens de arquivo desde o início da banda, na década de 1960, confrontando com declarações atuais, como a pretensão de Mick Jagger em manter-se ativo aos sessenta.
Em 2012 os The Rolling Stones completaram 50 anos de trabalho, e são considerados uma das bandas mais velhas em atividade. Como parte das comemorações, lançaram em junho de 2012 o livro The Rolling Stones: 50 e organizaram um retorno aos palcos em novembro e dezembro de 2012.
Para comemorar o aniversário da banda, presentear, surpreendendo aos fãs, os Stones lançaram a tour 50 & Couting que começou em outubro de 2012 terminando em julho de 2013. Passando por França, Inglaterra (dois shows no Hyde Park), Estados Unidos e Canadá.
O mais recente concerto dos Rolling Stones em Portugal aconteceu no dia 29 de maio de 2014, no Rock in Rio Lisboa 2014, perante uma plateia de 90 000 pessoas.
Em fevereiro de 2016, depois de 10 (dez) longos anos de espera os Stones voltaram a América Latina. A banda começou a América Latina Olé Tour 2016, com todos os shows "sold out" (ingressos esgotados), passando pelos países: Chile, Argentina, Uruguai, Brasil, Peru, Colômbia, México e encerrando em Março do mesmo ano, com um show gratuito em Cuba para um público estimado entre 300 mil a 1,2 milhão de pessoas. Mick Jagger disse aos cubanos, em espanhol, que "os tempos estão a mudar".
Em 2 de dezembro de 2016, a banda lança Blue & Lonesome. Um álbum contendo 12 faixas cover's de artistas tocando blues, voltando as origens.
Em 2017 os Stones começaram mais uma turnê europeia, No Filter com quatorze shows, que começou no dia 9 de setembro e terminou em 8 de julho de 2018 em Varsóvia, Polônia.
No ano de 2018, a No Filter foi estendida, adicionando mais quatorze novas datas em todo o Reino Unido e Europa, tornando a primeira turnê britânica da banda desde 2006. Em novembro de 2018 os Stones anunciaram planos para trazer a No Filter para os EUA com 15 shows programados para ocorrer entre abril e junho de 2019.
No dia 18 de abril de 2020 os Stones participaram do festival One World: Together at Home, evento que contou com várias personalidades da música internacional as quais transmitiram suas apresentações para o mundo todo pela televisão e internet com o objetivo de conscientizar os espectadores sobre a necessidade de se proteger contra a COVID-19, doença que era uma grande pandemia naquele período. Os Stones se apresentaram por vídeo chamada e cantaram o hit da banda “You Can't Always Get What You Want". Um fato curioso sobre essa apresentação que chamou a atenção foi que o baterista da banda, Charlie Watts, se apresentou sem um conjunto de bateria, somente fingindo tocar a música com suas baquetas fazendo os movimentos exatos da música no ar como se estivesse com sua bateria.Dias depois a apresentação dos Stones foi incluída como uma faixa do álbum oficial da One World: Together at Home.
No dia 23 de abril de 2020 os Stones lançaram o single “Living in a Ghost Town".
A música começou a ser gravada em 2019 nas cidades de Londres e Los Angeles e finalizada em abril de 2020 enquanto os integrantes da banda estavam em isolamento social devido a pandemia de COVID-19. “Achamos que ela ressoaria com os tempos em que estamos vivendo”, comentou Mick Jagger sobre a música. No dia 15 de maio do mesmo ano, a música recebeu um remix feito pelo dj brasileiro Alok que, assim como a versão original, foi lançado como um single.
Em 9 de setembro de 2020, os Rolling Stones abriram a sua primeira loja no centro de Londres. Situada em Carnaby Street, em Soho, neste estabelecimento é possível encontrar uma ampla variedade de discos e outros artigos alusivos à banda, como T-shirts e casacos.
Em 2020 os Rolling Stones celebraram o 58º aniversário de criação da banda, que ostenta o título do conjunto de rock mais antigo ainda em atividade.
Aos 80 anos de vida, morreu no dia 24 de agosto em um hospital em Londres o baterista da banda Charlie Watts, deixando o legado como um dos grandes bateristas da história do rock.
My Life as a Rolling Stone.
My Life as a Rolling Stone.
Os Rolling Stones assinalam o 60.º aniversário da banda com uma série documental, divida em quatro partes e exibida no canal EPIX, que se foca nos membros mais icónicos do grupo britânico.
O documentário “My Life as a Rolling Stone”, que terá um total de quatro horas, estreia em 7 de agosto e é realizado por Oliver Murray e Clare Tavernor.
Divida em quatro partes, a série documental tem foco nos membros mais populares da banda britânica, com retratos detalhados do vocalista Mick Jagger, dos guitarristas Keith Richards e Ronnie Wood e do falecido baterista Charlie Watts.
Digressão europeia Sixty.
Em 1 de Junho em Madrid, os Rolling Stones iniciaram a digressão europeia Sixty.
Esta é a primeira digressão europeia da banda sem o baterista Charlie Watts. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.
Bitrate: 320Kbps.
The Rolling Stones (UK 1964)01. (Get Your Kicks On) Route 66 (2:26)
02. I Just Wanna Make Love To You (2:21)
03. Honest I Do (2:14)
04. I Need You Baby (Mona) (3:38)
05. Now I've Got A Witness (Like Uncle Phil And Uncle Gene) (2:35)
06. Little By Little (2:44)
07. I'm A King Bee (2:39)
08. Carol (2:39)
09. Tell Me (You're Coming Back) (3:53)
10. Can I Get A Witness (2:59)
11. You Can Make It If You Try (2:07)
12. Walkiing The Dog (3:10)
02. I Just Wanna Make Love To You (2:21)
03. Honest I Do (2:14)
04. I Need You Baby (Mona) (3:38)
05. Now I've Got A Witness (Like Uncle Phil And Uncle Gene) (2:35)
06. Little By Little (2:44)
07. I'm A King Bee (2:39)
08. Carol (2:39)
09. Tell Me (You're Coming Back) (3:53)
10. Can I Get A Witness (2:59)
11. You Can Make It If You Try (2:07)
12. Walkiing The Dog (3:10)
England's Newest Hit Makers (US 1964)01. Not Fade Away (1:47)
02. Route 66 (2:20)
03. I Just Want To Make Love To You (2:18)
04. Honest I Do (2:10)
05. Now I've Got A Witness (2:32)
06. Little By Little (2:40)
07. I'm A King Bee (2:36)
08. Carol (2:34)
09. Tell Me (4:05)
10. Can I Get A Witness (2:57)
11. You Can Make It If You Try (2:02)
12. Walking The Dog (3:09)
02. Route 66 (2:20)
03. I Just Want To Make Love To You (2:18)
04. Honest I Do (2:10)
05. Now I've Got A Witness (2:32)
06. Little By Little (2:40)
07. I'm A King Bee (2:36)
08. Carol (2:34)
09. Tell Me (4:05)
10. Can I Get A Witness (2:57)
11. You Can Make It If You Try (2:02)
12. Walking The Dog (3:09)
12 X 5 (US 1964)01. Around And Around (3:03)
02. Confessin' The Blues (2:47)
03. Empty Heart (2:37)
04. Time Is On My Side (2:53)
05. Good Times, Bad Times (2:31)
06. It's All Over Now (3:27)
07. 2120 South Michigan Avenue (3:38)
08. Under The Boardwalk (2:47)
09. Congratulations (2:29)
10. Grown Up Wrong (2:05)
11. If You Need Me (2:04)
12. Susie Q (1:51)
02. Confessin' The Blues (2:47)
03. Empty Heart (2:37)
04. Time Is On My Side (2:53)
05. Good Times, Bad Times (2:31)
06. It's All Over Now (3:27)
07. 2120 South Michigan Avenue (3:38)
08. Under The Boardwalk (2:47)
09. Congratulations (2:29)
10. Grown Up Wrong (2:05)
11. If You Need Me (2:04)
12. Susie Q (1:51)
The Rolling Stones N° 2 (UK 1965)01. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (5:07)
02. Down Home Girl (4:17)
03. You Can't Catch Me (3:38)
04. Time Is On My Side (3:00)
05. What A Shame (3:09)
06. Grown Up Wrong (2:08)
07. Down The Road Apiece (3:00)
08. Under The Boardwalk (2:50)
09. I Can't Be Satisfied (3:31)
10. Pain In My Heart (2:14)
11. Off The Hook (2:37)
12. Suzie Q (1:54)
02. Down Home Girl (4:17)
03. You Can't Catch Me (3:38)
04. Time Is On My Side (3:00)
05. What A Shame (3:09)
06. Grown Up Wrong (2:08)
07. Down The Road Apiece (3:00)
08. Under The Boardwalk (2:50)
09. I Can't Be Satisfied (3:31)
10. Pain In My Heart (2:14)
11. Off The Hook (2:37)
12. Suzie Q (1:54)
The Rolling Stones, Now! (US 1965)01. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (Version 2) (2:57)
02. Down Home Girl (4:12)
03. You Can't Catch Me (3:40)
04. Heart Of Stone (2:49)
05. What A Shame (3:05)
06. I Need You Baby (Mona) (3:35)
07. Down The Road Apiece (2:55)
08. Off The Hook (2:35)
09. Pain In My Heart (Version 1) (2:11)
10. Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin') (2:08)
11. Little Red Rooster (3:05)
12. Surprise, Surprise (2:32)
02. Down Home Girl (4:12)
03. You Can't Catch Me (3:40)
04. Heart Of Stone (2:49)
05. What A Shame (3:05)
06. I Need You Baby (Mona) (3:35)
07. Down The Road Apiece (2:55)
08. Off The Hook (2:35)
09. Pain In My Heart (Version 1) (2:11)
10. Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin') (2:08)
11. Little Red Rooster (3:05)
12. Surprise, Surprise (2:32)
Out Of Our Heads (US 1965)01. Mercy Mercy (2:44)
02. Hitch Hike (2:25)
03. The Last Time (3:41)
04. That's How Strong My Love Is (2:25)
05. Good Times (1:58)
06. I'm Alright (2:23)
07. Satisfaction 3:42)
08. Cry To Me (3:09)
09. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:07)
10. Play With Fire (2:13)
11. The Spider And The Fly (3:38)
12. One More Try (1:58)
02. Hitch Hike (2:25)
03. The Last Time (3:41)
04. That's How Strong My Love Is (2:25)
05. Good Times (1:58)
06. I'm Alright (2:23)
07. Satisfaction 3:42)
08. Cry To Me (3:09)
09. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:07)
10. Play With Fire (2:13)
11. The Spider And The Fly (3:38)
12. One More Try (1:58)
Out Of Our Heads (UK 1965)01. She Said Yeah (1:34)
02. Mercy, Mercy (2:44)
03. Hitch Hike (2:25)
04. That's How Strong My Love Is (2:25)
05. Good Times (1:58)
06. Gotta Get Away (2:06)
07. Talkin' 'Bout You (2:30)
08. Cry To Me (3:09)
09. Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin') (2:07)
10. Heart Of Stone (2:50)
11. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:07)
12. I'm Free
02. Mercy, Mercy (2:44)
03. Hitch Hike (2:25)
04. That's How Strong My Love Is (2:25)
05. Good Times (1:58)
06. Gotta Get Away (2:06)
07. Talkin' 'Bout You (2:30)
08. Cry To Me (3:09)
09. Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin') (2:07)
10. Heart Of Stone (2:50)
11. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:07)
12. I'm Free
December’s Children: And Everybody's (US 1965)01. She Said Yeah (1:34)
02. Talkin' About You (2:30)
03. You Better Move On (2:39)
04. Look What You've Done (2:16)
05. The Singer Not The Song (2:22)
06. (Get Your Kicks) Route 66 (Live) (2:39)
07. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:55)
08. I'm Free (2:23)
09. As Tears Go By (2:46)
10. Gotta Get Away (2:06)
11. Blue Turns To Grey (2:29)
12. I'm Moving On (2:14)
02. Talkin' About You (2:30)
03. You Better Move On (2:39)
04. Look What You've Done (2:16)
05. The Singer Not The Song (2:22)
06. (Get Your Kicks) Route 66 (Live) (2:39)
07. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:55)
08. I'm Free (2:23)
09. As Tears Go By (2:46)
10. Gotta Get Away (2:06)
11. Blue Turns To Grey (2:29)
12. I'm Moving On (2:14)
Aftermath (UK 1966)01. Mother's Little Helper (2:46)
02. Stupid Girl (2:55)
03. Lady Jane (3:09)
04. Under My Thumb (3:42)
05. Doncha Bother Me (2:41)
06. Goin' Home (11:14)
07. Flight 505 (3:28)
08. High And Dry (3:09)
09. Out Of Time (5:38)
10. It's Not Easy (2:56)
11. I Am Waiting (3:11)
12. Take It Or Leave It (2:47)
13. Think (3:09)
14. What To Do (2:34)
02. Stupid Girl (2:55)
03. Lady Jane (3:09)
04. Under My Thumb (3:42)
05. Doncha Bother Me (2:41)
06. Goin' Home (11:14)
07. Flight 505 (3:28)
08. High And Dry (3:09)
09. Out Of Time (5:38)
10. It's Not Easy (2:56)
11. I Am Waiting (3:11)
12. Take It Or Leave It (2:47)
13. Think (3:09)
14. What To Do (2:34)
Aftermath (US 1966)01. Paint It, Black (3:22)
02. Stupid Girl (2:56)
03. Lady Jane (3:08)
04. Under My Thumb (3:42)
05. Doncha Bother Me (2:42)
06. Think (3:09)
07. Flight 505 (3:27)
08. High And Dry (3:08)
09. It's Not Easy (2:57)
10. I Am Waiting (3:11)
11. Going Home (11:13)
02. Stupid Girl (2:56)
03. Lady Jane (3:08)
04. Under My Thumb (3:42)
05. Doncha Bother Me (2:42)
06. Think (3:09)
07. Flight 505 (3:27)
08. High And Dry (3:08)
09. It's Not Easy (2:57)
10. I Am Waiting (3:11)
11. Going Home (11:13)
Between The Buttons (UK 1967)01. Yesterday's Papers (2:05)
02. My Obsession (3:18)
03. Back Street Girl (3:28)
04. Connection (2:10)
05. She Smiled Sweetly (2:45)
06. Cool, Calm & Collected (4:19)
07. All Sold Out (2:18)
08. Please Go Home (3:18)
09. Who's Been Sleeping Here? (3:57)
10. Complicated (3:16)
11. Miss Amanda Jones (2:48)
12. Something Happened To Me Yesterday (4:55)
02. My Obsession (3:18)
03. Back Street Girl (3:28)
04. Connection (2:10)
05. She Smiled Sweetly (2:45)
06. Cool, Calm & Collected (4:19)
07. All Sold Out (2:18)
08. Please Go Home (3:18)
09. Who's Been Sleeping Here? (3:57)
10. Complicated (3:16)
11. Miss Amanda Jones (2:48)
12. Something Happened To Me Yesterday (4:55)
Between The Buttons (US 1967)01. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:35)
02. Yesterday's Papers (2:03)
03. Ruby Tuesday (3:16)
04. Connection (2:07)
05. She Smiled Sweetly (2:44)
06. Cool, Calm And Collected (4:15)
07. All Sold Out (2:18)
08. My Obsession (3:17)
09. Who's Been Sleeping Here? (3:55)
10. Complicated (3:15)
11. Miss Amanda Jones (2:46)
12. Something Happened To Me Yesterday (4:55)
02. Yesterday's Papers (2:03)
03. Ruby Tuesday (3:16)
04. Connection (2:07)
05. She Smiled Sweetly (2:44)
06. Cool, Calm And Collected (4:15)
07. All Sold Out (2:18)
08. My Obsession (3:17)
09. Who's Been Sleeping Here? (3:55)
10. Complicated (3:15)
11. Miss Amanda Jones (2:46)
12. Something Happened To Me Yesterday (4:55)
Their Satanic Majesties Request (1967)01. Sing This All Together (3:46)
02. Citadel (2:50)
03. In Another Land (3:15)
04. 2000 Man (3:07)
05. Sing This All Together (See What Happens) (8:33)
06. She's A Rainbow (4:35)
07. The Lantern (4:23)
08. Gomper (5:08)
09. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:45)
10. On With The Show (3:39)
02. Citadel (2:50)
03. In Another Land (3:15)
04. 2000 Man (3:07)
05. Sing This All Together (See What Happens) (8:33)
06. She's A Rainbow (4:35)
07. The Lantern (4:23)
08. Gomper (5:08)
09. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:45)
10. On With The Show (3:39)
Beggars Banquet (1968)01. Sympathy For The Devil (6:18)
02. No Expectations (3:56)
03. Dear Doctor (3:22)
04. Parachute Woman (2:20)
05. Jigsaw Puzzle (6:06)
06. Street Fighting Man (3:16)
07. Prodigal Son (2:52)
08. Stray Cat Blues (4:37)
09. Factory Girl (2:09)
10. Salt Of The Earth (4:47)
02. No Expectations (3:56)
03. Dear Doctor (3:22)
04. Parachute Woman (2:20)
05. Jigsaw Puzzle (6:06)
06. Street Fighting Man (3:16)
07. Prodigal Son (2:52)
08. Stray Cat Blues (4:37)
09. Factory Girl (2:09)
10. Salt Of The Earth (4:47)
Let It Bleed (1969)01. Gimme Shelter (4:30)
02. Love In Vain (4:19)
03. Country Honk (3:08)
04. Live With Me (3:33)
05. Let It Bleed (5:28)
06. Midnight Rambler (6:53)
07. You Got The Silver (2:50)
08. Monkey Man (4:12)
09. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:28)
02. Love In Vain (4:19)
03. Country Honk (3:08)
04. Live With Me (3:33)
05. Let It Bleed (5:28)
06. Midnight Rambler (6:53)
07. You Got The Silver (2:50)
08. Monkey Man (4:12)
09. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:28)
Sticky Fingers (1971)01. Brown Sugar (3:50)
02. Sway (3:52)
03. Wild Horses (5:43)
04. Can't Your Hear Me Knocking (7:15)
05. You Gotta Move (2:33)
06. Bitch (3:39)
07. I Got The Blues (3:55)
08. Sister Morphine (5:35)
09. Dead Flowers (4:05)
10. Moonlight Mile (5:58)
Exile On Main St. (1972)01. Rocks Off (4:34)
02. Rip This Joint (2:23)
03. Shake Your Hips (3:00)
04. Casino Boogie (3:35)
05. Tumbling Dice (3:48)
06. Sweet Virginia (4:27)
07. Torn And Frayed (4:19)
08. Sweet Black Angel (2:59)
09. Loving Cup (4:28)
10. Happy (3:05)
11. Turd On The Run (2:38)
12. Ventilator Blues (3:24)
13. I Just Want To See His Face (2:54)
14. Let It Loose (5:21)
15. All Down The Line (3:50)
16. Stop Breaking Down (4:35)
17. Shine A Light (4:19)
18. Soul Survivor (3:50)
02. Rip This Joint (2:23)
03. Shake Your Hips (3:00)
04. Casino Boogie (3:35)
05. Tumbling Dice (3:48)
06. Sweet Virginia (4:27)
07. Torn And Frayed (4:19)
08. Sweet Black Angel (2:59)
09. Loving Cup (4:28)
10. Happy (3:05)
11. Turd On The Run (2:38)
12. Ventilator Blues (3:24)
13. I Just Want To See His Face (2:54)
14. Let It Loose (5:21)
15. All Down The Line (3:50)
16. Stop Breaking Down (4:35)
17. Shine A Light (4:19)
18. Soul Survivor (3:50)
Goat’s Head Soup (1973)01. Dancing With Mr.D. (4:53)
02. 100 Years Ago (3:59)
03. Coming Down Again (5:55)
04. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:27)
05. Angie (4:33)
06. Silver Train (4:26)
07. Hide Your Love (4:13)
08. Winter (5:30)
09. Can You Hear The Music (5:35)
10. Star Star (4:27)
02. 100 Years Ago (3:59)
03. Coming Down Again (5:55)
04. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:27)
05. Angie (4:33)
06. Silver Train (4:26)
07. Hide Your Love (4:13)
08. Winter (5:30)
09. Can You Hear The Music (5:35)
10. Star Star (4:27)
It’s Only Rock n’ Roll (1974)01. If You Can't Rock Me (3:48)
02. Ain't Too Proud To Beg (3:31)
03. It's Only Rock 'N Roll (But I Like It) (5:05)
04. Till The Next Goodbye (4:39)
05. Time Waits For No One (6:48)
06. Luxury (5:02)
07. Dance Little Sister (4:12)
08. If You Really Want To Be My Friend (6:18)
09. Short And Curlies (2:44)
10. Fingerprint File (7:01)
02. Ain't Too Proud To Beg (3:31)
03. It's Only Rock 'N Roll (But I Like It) (5:05)
04. Till The Next Goodbye (4:39)
05. Time Waits For No One (6:48)
06. Luxury (5:02)
07. Dance Little Sister (4:12)
08. If You Really Want To Be My Friend (6:18)
09. Short And Curlies (2:44)
10. Fingerprint File (7:01)
Black And Blue (1976)01. Hot Stuff (5:22)
02. Hand Of Fate (4:28)
03. Cherry Oh Baby (3:56)
04. Memory Hotel (7:11)
05. Hey Negrita (5:00)
06. Melody (5:50)
07. Fool To Cry (5:06)
08. Crazy Mama (4:36)
02. Hand Of Fate (4:28)
03. Cherry Oh Baby (3:56)
04. Memory Hotel (7:11)
05. Hey Negrita (5:00)
06. Melody (5:50)
07. Fool To Cry (5:06)
08. Crazy Mama (4:36)
Some Girls (1978)01. Miss You (4:50)
02. When The Whip Comes Down (4:23)
03. Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) (4:39)
04. Some Girls (4:40)
05. Lies (3:12)
06. Far Away Eyes (4:24)
07. Respectable (3:09)
08. Before They Make Me Run (3:27)
09. Beast Of Burden (4:26)
10. Shattered (3:49)
02. When The Whip Comes Down (4:23)
03. Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) (4:39)
04. Some Girls (4:40)
05. Lies (3:12)
06. Far Away Eyes (4:24)
07. Respectable (3:09)
08. Before They Make Me Run (3:27)
09. Beast Of Burden (4:26)
10. Shattered (3:49)
Emotional Rescue (1980)01. Dance (Pt.1) (4:23)
02. Summer Romance (3:26)
03. Send It To Me (3:43)
04. Let Me Go (3:52)
05. Indian Girl (4:23)
06. Where The Boys Go (3:28)
07. Down In The Hole (3:58)
08. Emotional Rescue (5:39)
09. She's So Cold (4:13)
10. All About You (4:18)
02. Summer Romance (3:26)
03. Send It To Me (3:43)
04. Let Me Go (3:52)
05. Indian Girl (4:23)
06. Where The Boys Go (3:28)
07. Down In The Hole (3:58)
08. Emotional Rescue (5:39)
09. She's So Cold (4:13)
10. All About You (4:18)
Tattoo You (1981)01. Start Me Up (3:35)
02. Hang Fire (2:21)
03. Slave (4:56)
04. Little T & A (3:24)
05. Black Limousine (3:34)
06. Neighbors (3:34)
07. Worried About You (5:18)
08. Tops (3:49)
09. Heaven (4:23)
10. No Use In Crying (3:26)
11. Waiting On A Friend (4:35)
02. Hang Fire (2:21)
03. Slave (4:56)
04. Little T & A (3:24)
05. Black Limousine (3:34)
06. Neighbors (3:34)
07. Worried About You (5:18)
08. Tops (3:49)
09. Heaven (4:23)
10. No Use In Crying (3:26)
11. Waiting On A Friend (4:35)
Undercover (1983)01. Undercover Of The Night (4:34)
02. She Was Hot (4:42)
03. Tie You Up (The Pain Of Love) (4:16)
04. Wanna Hold You (3:15)
05. Feel On Baby (5:07)
06. Too Much Blood (6:14)
07. Pretty Beat Up (4:05)
08. Too Tough (3:51)
09. All The Way Down (3:14)
10. It Must Be Hell (5:05)
02. She Was Hot (4:42)
03. Tie You Up (The Pain Of Love) (4:16)
04. Wanna Hold You (3:15)
05. Feel On Baby (5:07)
06. Too Much Blood (6:14)
07. Pretty Beat Up (4:05)
08. Too Tough (3:51)
09. All The Way Down (3:14)
10. It Must Be Hell (5:05)
Dirty Work (1986)01. One Hit (To The Body) (4:45)
02. Fight (3:10)
03. Harlem Shuffle (3:26)
04. Hold Back (3:53)
05. Too Rude (3:13)
06. Winning Ugly (4:33)
07. Back To Zero (4:00)
08. Dirty Work (3:53)
09. Had It With You (3:20)
10. Sleep Tonight (5:13)
11. Untitled Hidden Track (Uncredited Excerpt From Key To The Highway) (0:33)
02. Fight (3:10)
03. Harlem Shuffle (3:26)
04. Hold Back (3:53)
05. Too Rude (3:13)
06. Winning Ugly (4:33)
07. Back To Zero (4:00)
08. Dirty Work (3:53)
09. Had It With You (3:20)
10. Sleep Tonight (5:13)
11. Untitled Hidden Track (Uncredited Excerpt From Key To The Highway) (0:33)
Steel Wheels (1989)01. Sad Sad Sad (3:35)
02. Mixed Emotions (4:38)
03. Terrifying (4:53)
04. Hold On To Your Hat (3:32)
05. Hearts For Sale (4:41)
06. Blinded By Love (4:36)
07. Rock And A Hard Place (5:25)
08. Can't Be Seen (4:10)
09. Almost Hear You Sigh (4:37)
10. Continental Drift (5:14)
11. Break The Spell (3:07)
12. Slipping Away (4:28)
02. Mixed Emotions (4:38)
03. Terrifying (4:53)
04. Hold On To Your Hat (3:32)
05. Hearts For Sale (4:41)
06. Blinded By Love (4:36)
07. Rock And A Hard Place (5:25)
08. Can't Be Seen (4:10)
09. Almost Hear You Sigh (4:37)
10. Continental Drift (5:14)
11. Break The Spell (3:07)
12. Slipping Away (4:28)
Voodoo Lounge (1994)01. Love Is Strong (3:48)
02. You Got Me Rocking (3:36)
03. Sparks Will Fly (3:15)
04. The Worst (2:25)
05. New Faces (2:51)
06. Moon Is Up (3:41)
07. Out Of Tears (5:28)
08. I Go Wild (4:24)
09. Brand New Car (4:14)
10. Sweethearts Together (4:46)
11. Suck On The Jugular (4:27)
12. Blinded By Rainbows (4:34)
13. Baby Break It Down (4:08)
14. Thru And Thru (6:01)
15. Mean Disposition (4:09)
02. You Got Me Rocking (3:36)
03. Sparks Will Fly (3:15)
04. The Worst (2:25)
05. New Faces (2:51)
06. Moon Is Up (3:41)
07. Out Of Tears (5:28)
08. I Go Wild (4:24)
09. Brand New Car (4:14)
10. Sweethearts Together (4:46)
11. Suck On The Jugular (4:27)
12. Blinded By Rainbows (4:34)
13. Baby Break It Down (4:08)
14. Thru And Thru (6:01)
15. Mean Disposition (4:09)
Bridges To Babylon (1997)01. Flip The Switch (3:27)
02. Anybody Seen My Baby? (4:31)
03. Low Down (4:24)
04. Already Over Me (5:24)
05. Gunface (5:02)
06. You Don't Have To Mean It (3:44)
07. Out Of Control (4:44)
08. Saint Of Me (5:15)
09. Might As Well Get Juiced (5:23)
10. Always Suffering (4:44)
11. Too Tight (3:34)
12. Thief In The Night (5:16)
13. How Can I Stop (6:53)
02. Anybody Seen My Baby? (4:31)
03. Low Down (4:24)
04. Already Over Me (5:24)
05. Gunface (5:02)
06. You Don't Have To Mean It (3:44)
07. Out Of Control (4:44)
08. Saint Of Me (5:15)
09. Might As Well Get Juiced (5:23)
10. Always Suffering (4:44)
11. Too Tight (3:34)
12. Thief In The Night (5:16)
13. How Can I Stop (6:53)
A Bigger Bang (2005)
01. Rough Justice (3:11)
02. Let Me Down Slow (4:16)
03. It Wont Take Long (3:55)
04. Rain Fall Down (4:54)
05. Streets Of Love (5:10)
06. Back Of My Hand (3:33)
07. She Saw Me Coming (3:12)
08. Biggest Mistake (4:07)
09. This Place Is Empty (3:16)
10. Oh No Not You Again (3:47)
11. Dangerous Beauty (3:48)
12. Laugh I Nearly Died (4:54)
13. Sweet Neocon (4:34)
14. Look What The Cat Dragged In (3:57)
15. Driving Too Fast (3:57)
16. Infamy (3:48)
02. Let Me Down Slow (4:16)
03. It Wont Take Long (3:55)
04. Rain Fall Down (4:54)
05. Streets Of Love (5:10)
06. Back Of My Hand (3:33)
07. She Saw Me Coming (3:12)
08. Biggest Mistake (4:07)
09. This Place Is Empty (3:16)
10. Oh No Not You Again (3:47)
11. Dangerous Beauty (3:48)
12. Laugh I Nearly Died (4:54)
13. Sweet Neocon (4:34)
14. Look What The Cat Dragged In (3:57)
15. Driving Too Fast (3:57)
16. Infamy (3:48)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ao Vivo.
Blue & Lonesome (2016)01. Just Your Fool
02. Commit a Crime
03. Blue and lonesome
04. All of your love
05. I gotta go
06. Everybody Knows About My Good Thing
07. Ride ‘Em On Down
08. Hate to See You Go
09. Hoo Doo Blues
10. Little Rain
11. Just Like I Treat You
12. I Can’t Quit You Baby
03. Blue and lonesome
04. All of your love
05. I gotta go
06. Everybody Knows About My Good Thing
07. Ride ‘Em On Down
08. Hate to See You Go
09. Hoo Doo Blues
10. Little Rain
11. Just Like I Treat You
12. I Can’t Quit You Baby
Goats Head Soup, 1973 (Deluxe Edition 2020)CD 1: 2020 Stereo Mix.
01. Dancing With Mr D (4:52)
02. 100 Years Ago (3:58)
03. Coming Down Again (5:54)
04. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:27)
05. Angie (4:32)
06. Silver Train (4:26)
07. Hide Your Love (4:12)
08. Winter (5:29)
09. Can You Hear The Music (5:32)
10. Star Star (4:24)
CD 2: Rarities & Alternative Mixes.
01. Scarlet (3:44)
02. All The Rage (4:11)
03. Criss Cross (4:32)
04. 100 Years Ago (Piano Demo) (2:43)
05. Dancing With Mr D (Instrumental) (3:31)
06. Heartbreaker (Instrumental) (3:18)
07. Hide Your Love (Alternate Mix) (5:18)
08. Dancing With Mr D (4:34)
09. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:26)
10. Silver Train (4:31)
11. Scarlet (The War On Drugs Remix) (3:49)
12. Scarlet (The Killers & Jacques Lu Cont Remix) (3:15)
CD 3: Brussels Affair - Live 1973.
01. Brown Sugar (3:56)
02. Gimme Shelter (5:33)
03. Happy (3:14)
04. Tumbling Dice (5:04)
05. Star Star (4:16)
06. Dancing With Mr D (4:38)
07. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (5:03)
08. Angie (5:15)
09. You Can't Always Get What You Want (11:01)
10. Midnight Rambler (12:53)
11. Honky Tonk Women (3:12)
12. All Down The Line (4:21)
13. Rip This Joint (2:25)
14. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:27)
15. Street Fighting Man (5:15)
01. Dancing With Mr D (4:52)
02. 100 Years Ago (3:58)
03. Coming Down Again (5:54)
04. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:27)
05. Angie (4:32)
06. Silver Train (4:26)
07. Hide Your Love (4:12)
08. Winter (5:29)
09. Can You Hear The Music (5:32)
10. Star Star (4:24)
CD 2: Rarities & Alternative Mixes.
01. Scarlet (3:44)
02. All The Rage (4:11)
03. Criss Cross (4:32)
04. 100 Years Ago (Piano Demo) (2:43)
05. Dancing With Mr D (Instrumental) (3:31)
06. Heartbreaker (Instrumental) (3:18)
07. Hide Your Love (Alternate Mix) (5:18)
08. Dancing With Mr D (4:34)
09. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:26)
10. Silver Train (4:31)
11. Scarlet (The War On Drugs Remix) (3:49)
12. Scarlet (The Killers & Jacques Lu Cont Remix) (3:15)
CD 3: Brussels Affair - Live 1973.
01. Brown Sugar (3:56)
02. Gimme Shelter (5:33)
03. Happy (3:14)
04. Tumbling Dice (5:04)
05. Star Star (4:16)
06. Dancing With Mr D (4:38)
07. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (5:03)
08. Angie (5:15)
09. You Can't Always Get What You Want (11:01)
10. Midnight Rambler (12:53)
11. Honky Tonk Women (3:12)
12. All Down The Line (4:21)
13. Rip This Joint (2:25)
14. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:27)
15. Street Fighting Man (5:15)
Hackney Diamonds (2023)01. Angry (3:49)
02. Get Close (4:12)
03. Depending On You (4:04)
04. Bite My Head Off (3:32)
05. Whole Wide World (3:58)
06. Dreamy Skies (4:37)
07. Mess It Up (4:05)
08. Live By The Sword (4:00)
09. Driving Me Too Hard (3:17)
10. Tell Me Straight (2:58)
11. Sweet Sounds Of Heaven (7:24)
12. Rolling Stone Blues (2:43)
02. Get Close (4:12)
03. Depending On You (4:04)
04. Bite My Head Off (3:32)
05. Whole Wide World (3:58)
06. Dreamy Skies (4:37)
07. Mess It Up (4:05)
08. Live By The Sword (4:00)
09. Driving Me Too Hard (3:17)
10. Tell Me Straight (2:58)
11. Sweet Sounds Of Heaven (7:24)
12. Rolling Stone Blues (2:43)
Ao Vivo.
Got Live If You Want It! (1966)01. Under My Thumb (2:53)
02. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
03. Lady Jane (3:08)
04. Not Fade Away (2:03)
05. I've Been Loving You Too Long (2:54)
06. Fortune Teller (1:56)
07. The Last Time (3:07)
08. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:30)
09. Time Is On My Side (2:48)
10. I'm Alright (2:26)
11. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:19)
12. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:04)
02. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
03. Lady Jane (3:08)
04. Not Fade Away (2:03)
05. I've Been Loving You Too Long (2:54)
06. Fortune Teller (1:56)
07. The Last Time (3:07)
08. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:30)
09. Time Is On My Side (2:48)
10. I'm Alright (2:26)
11. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:19)
12. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:04)
Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! The Rolling Stones In Concert
(1970)CD 1: Original Release.
01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (4:03)
02. Carol (3:46)
03. Stray Cat Blues (3:47)
04. Love In Vain (4:56)
05. Midnight Rambler (9:04)
06. Sympathy For The Devil (6:51)
07. Live With Me (3:02)
08. Little Queenie (4:33)
09. Honky Tonk Women (3:34)
10. Street Fighting Man (4:04)
02. Carol (3:46)
03. Stray Cat Blues (3:47)
04. Love In Vain (4:56)
05. Midnight Rambler (9:04)
06. Sympathy For The Devil (6:51)
07. Live With Me (3:02)
08. Little Queenie (4:33)
09. Honky Tonk Women (3:34)
10. Street Fighting Man (4:04)
CD 2: Unreleased Tracks.
01. Prodigal Son (4:04)
02. You Gotta Move (2:18)
03. Under My Thumb (3:38)
04. I'm Free (2:47)
05. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (5:38)
CD 3: B.B. King, Ike And Tina Turner's Sets.
01. Everyday I Have the Blues (2:27)
02. How Blue Can You Get (5:30)
03. That's Wrong Little Mama (4:11)
04. Why I Sing the Blues (5:16)
05. Please Accept My Love (4:52)
06. Gimme Some Loving (0:49)
07. Sweet Soul Music (1:16)
08. Son of a Preacher Man (2:49)
09. Proud Mary (3:07)
10. I've Been Loving You Too Long (5:40)
11. Come Together (3:36)
12. Land of 1000 Dances (2:40)
02. You Gotta Move (2:18)
03. Under My Thumb (3:38)
04. I'm Free (2:47)
05. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (5:38)
CD 3: B.B. King, Ike And Tina Turner's Sets.
01. Everyday I Have the Blues (2:27)
02. How Blue Can You Get (5:30)
03. That's Wrong Little Mama (4:11)
04. Why I Sing the Blues (5:16)
05. Please Accept My Love (4:52)
06. Gimme Some Loving (0:49)
07. Sweet Soul Music (1:16)
08. Son of a Preacher Man (2:49)
09. Proud Mary (3:07)
10. I've Been Loving You Too Long (5:40)
11. Come Together (3:36)
12. Land of 1000 Dances (2:40)
Love You Live (1977)CD 1.
01. Intro: Excerpt From 'Fanfare From The Common Man'
02. Honky Tonk Women (3:20)
03. If You Can't Rock Me/Get Off Of My Cloud (4:59)
04. Happy (2:54)
05. Hot Stuff (4:35)
06. Star Star (4:09)
07. Tumbling Dice (4:01)
08. Fingerprint File (5:16)
09. You Gotta Move (4:19)
10. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:42)
02. Honky Tonk Women (3:20)
03. If You Can't Rock Me/Get Off Of My Cloud (4:59)
04. Happy (2:54)
05. Hot Stuff (4:35)
06. Star Star (4:09)
07. Tumbling Dice (4:01)
08. Fingerprint File (5:16)
09. You Gotta Move (4:19)
10. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:42)
CD 2.
01. El Macambo Side: Mannish Boy (6:27)
02. El Macambo Side: Crackin' Up (5:41)
03. El Macambo Side: Little Red Rooster (4:37)
04. El Macambo Side: Around And Around (4:07)
05. It's Only Rock 'N Roll (4:31)
06. Brown Sugar (3:11)
07. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:57)
08. Sympathy For The Devil (7:56)
02. El Macambo Side: Crackin' Up (5:41)
03. El Macambo Side: Little Red Rooster (4:37)
04. El Macambo Side: Around And Around (4:07)
05. It's Only Rock 'N Roll (4:31)
06. Brown Sugar (3:11)
07. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:57)
08. Sympathy For The Devil (7:56)
Still Life: American Concert (1981)01. Take The 'A' Train (Intro) / Duke Ellington & His
Orchestra (0:27)
02. Under My Thumb (4:18)
03. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:52)
04. Shattered (4:09)
05. Twenty Flight Rock (1:51)
06. Going To A Go-Go (3:20)
07. Let Me Go (3:37)
08. Time Is On My Side (3:39)
09. Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) (5:24)
10. Start Me Up (4:22)
11. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (4:26)
12. Star Spangled Banner (Outro) / Jimi Hendrix (0:52)
02. Under My Thumb (4:18)
03. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:52)
04. Shattered (4:09)
05. Twenty Flight Rock (1:51)
06. Going To A Go-Go (3:20)
07. Let Me Go (3:37)
08. Time Is On My Side (3:39)
09. Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) (5:24)
10. Start Me Up (4:22)
11. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (4:26)
12. Star Spangled Banner (Outro) / Jimi Hendrix (0:52)
Flashpoint (1991)01. (Intro) Continental Drift (0:28)
02. Start Me Up (3:53)
03. Sad Sad Sad (3:33)
04. Miss You (5:55)
05. Rock And A Hard Place (4:50)
06. Ruby Tuesday (3:34)
07. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:25)
08. Factory Girl (2:48)
09. Can't Be Seen (4:17)
10. Little Red Rooster (5:15)
11. Paint It Black (4:02)
12. Sympathy For The Devil (5:35)
13. Brown Sugar (4:09)
14. Jumping Jack Flash (5:00)
15. Satisfaction (6:08)
16. Highwire (4:46)
17. Sex Drive (5:06)
02. Start Me Up (3:53)
03. Sad Sad Sad (3:33)
04. Miss You (5:55)
05. Rock And A Hard Place (4:50)
06. Ruby Tuesday (3:34)
07. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:25)
08. Factory Girl (2:48)
09. Can't Be Seen (4:17)
10. Little Red Rooster (5:15)
11. Paint It Black (4:02)
12. Sympathy For The Devil (5:35)
13. Brown Sugar (4:09)
14. Jumping Jack Flash (5:00)
15. Satisfaction (6:08)
16. Highwire (4:46)
17. Sex Drive (5:06)
Stripped (1995)01. Street Fighting Man (3:40)
02. Like a Rolling Stone (5:39)
03. Not Fade Away (3:06)
04. Shine A Light (4:39)
05. The Spider and the Fly (3:28)
06. I'm Free (3:13)
07. Wild Horses (5:09)
08. Let It Bleed (4:16)
09. Dead Flowers (4:12)
10. Slipping Away (4:55)
11. Angie (3:29)
12. Love In Vain (5:32)
13. Sweet Virginia (4:15)
14. Little Baby (4:01)
02. Like a Rolling Stone (5:39)
03. Not Fade Away (3:06)
04. Shine A Light (4:39)
05. The Spider and the Fly (3:28)
06. I'm Free (3:13)
07. Wild Horses (5:09)
08. Let It Bleed (4:16)
09. Dead Flowers (4:12)
10. Slipping Away (4:55)
11. Angie (3:29)
12. Love In Vain (5:32)
13. Sweet Virginia (4:15)
14. Little Baby (4:01)
The Rolling Stones Rock And Roll Circus, 1968 (1996)01. Mick Jagger - Mick Jagger's Introduction Of Rock And Roll
Circus (0:25)
02. (Unknown) - Entry Of The Gladiators (0:55)
03. Mick Jagger - Mick Jagger's Introduction Of Jethro Tull (0:11)
04. JethroTull - Song For Jeffrey (3:25)
05. Keith Richard - Keith Richard's Introduction Of The Who (0:07)
06. The Who - A Quick One While He's Away (7:32)
07. (Unknown) - Over The Waves (0:45)
08. Taj Mahal - Ain't That A Lot Of Love (3:48)
09. Charlie Watts - Charlie Watts' Introduction Of Marianne Faithfull (0:05)
10. Marianne Faithfull - Something Better (2:31)
11. Mick Jagger And John Lennon - Introduction Of The Dirty Mac (1:05)
12. The Dirtry Mac - Yer Blues (4:26)
13. Yoko Ono And Ivry Gitlis With The Dirty Mac - Whole Lotta Yoko (4:48)
The Rolling Stones.
14. Jumping Jack Flash (3:35)
15. Parachute Woman (2:58)
16. No Expectations (4:13)
17. You Can't Always Get What You Want (4:24)
18. Sympathy For The Devil (8:48)
19. Salt Of The Earth (4:57)
03. Mick Jagger - Mick Jagger's Introduction Of Jethro Tull (0:11)
04. JethroTull - Song For Jeffrey (3:25)
05. Keith Richard - Keith Richard's Introduction Of The Who (0:07)
06. The Who - A Quick One While He's Away (7:32)
07. (Unknown) - Over The Waves (0:45)
08. Taj Mahal - Ain't That A Lot Of Love (3:48)
09. Charlie Watts - Charlie Watts' Introduction Of Marianne Faithfull (0:05)
10. Marianne Faithfull - Something Better (2:31)
11. Mick Jagger And John Lennon - Introduction Of The Dirty Mac (1:05)
12. The Dirtry Mac - Yer Blues (4:26)
13. Yoko Ono And Ivry Gitlis With The Dirty Mac - Whole Lotta Yoko (4:48)
The Rolling Stones.
14. Jumping Jack Flash (3:35)
15. Parachute Woman (2:58)
16. No Expectations (4:13)
17. You Can't Always Get What You Want (4:24)
18. Sympathy For The Devil (8:48)
19. Salt Of The Earth (4:57)
No Security (1998)01. Intro (0:49)
02. You Got Me Rocking (3:26)
03. Gimme Shelter (6:11)
04. Flip The Switch (4:12)
05. Memory Motel (5:52)
06. Corinna (3:55)
07. Saint Of Me (5:18)
08. Waiting On A Friend (4:52)
09. Sister Morphine (6:05)
10. Live With Me (3:54)
11. Respectable (3:20)
12. I Just Want To Make Love To You (5:04)
13. Thief In The Night (Bonus Track For Japan) (5:37)
14. The Last Time (4:19)
15. Out Of Control (7:59)
02. You Got Me Rocking (3:26)
03. Gimme Shelter (6:11)
04. Flip The Switch (4:12)
05. Memory Motel (5:52)
06. Corinna (3:55)
07. Saint Of Me (5:18)
08. Waiting On A Friend (4:52)
09. Sister Morphine (6:05)
10. Live With Me (3:54)
11. Respectable (3:20)
12. I Just Want To Make Love To You (5:04)
13. Thief In The Night (Bonus Track For Japan) (5:37)
14. The Last Time (4:19)
15. Out Of Control (7:59)
Live Licks (2004)CD 1.
01. Brown Sugar (3:50)
02. Street Fighting Man (3:43)
03. Paint It, Black (3:45)
04. You Can't Always Get What You Want (6:46)
05. Start Me Up (4:02)
06. It's Only Rock N' Roll (4:54)
07. Angie (3:29)
08. Honky Tonk Women (3:25)
09. Happy (3:37)
10. Gimme Shelter (6:50)
11. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (4:55)
02. Street Fighting Man (3:43)
03. Paint It, Black (3:45)
04. You Can't Always Get What You Want (6:46)
05. Start Me Up (4:02)
06. It's Only Rock N' Roll (4:54)
07. Angie (3:29)
08. Honky Tonk Women (3:25)
09. Happy (3:37)
10. Gimme Shelter (6:50)
11. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (4:55)
CD 2.
01. Neighbours (3:40)
02. Monkey Man (3:41)
03. Rocks Off (3:42)
04. Can't You Hear Me Knocking (10:02)
05. That's How Strong My Love Is (4:45)
06. The Nearness Of You (4:35)
07. Beast Of Burden (4:08)
08. When The Whip Comes Down (4:29)
09. Rock Me, Baby (3:50)
10. You Don't Have To Mean It (4:35)
11. Worried About You (6:01)
12. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (6:34)
02. Monkey Man (3:41)
03. Rocks Off (3:42)
04. Can't You Hear Me Knocking (10:02)
05. That's How Strong My Love Is (4:45)
06. The Nearness Of You (4:35)
07. Beast Of Burden (4:08)
08. When The Whip Comes Down (4:29)
09. Rock Me, Baby (3:50)
10. You Don't Have To Mean It (4:35)
11. Worried About You (6:01)
12. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (6:34)
13. If You Can't Rock Me (Japan Bonus Track) (2:48)
Shine A Light (2008)CD 1.
01. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (4:23)
02. Shattered (4:06)
03. She Was Hot (4:44)
04. All Down the Line (4:36)
05. Loving Cup (4:02)
06. As Tears Go By (3:32)
07. Some Girls (4:19)
08. Just My Imagination (6:40)
09. Faraway Eyes (4:37)
10. Champagne & Reefer (5:58)
11. Tumbling Dice (4:25)
12. Band Introductions (1:40)
13. You Got the Silver (3:22)
14. Connection (3:31)
CD 2.
01. Martin Scorsese Intro (0:12)
02. Sympathy For The Devil (5:57)
03. Live With Me With Christina Aguilera (3:54)
04. Start Me Up (4:06)
05. Brown Sugar (5:25)
06. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (5:37)
07. Paint It Black (4:28)
08. Undercover Of The Night (4:25)
09. Little T&A (4:09)
10. I'm Free (3:31)
11. Shine A Light (4:050
01. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (4:23)
02. Shattered (4:06)
03. She Was Hot (4:44)
04. All Down the Line (4:36)
05. Loving Cup (4:02)
06. As Tears Go By (3:32)
07. Some Girls (4:19)
08. Just My Imagination (6:40)
09. Faraway Eyes (4:37)
10. Champagne & Reefer (5:58)
11. Tumbling Dice (4:25)
12. Band Introductions (1:40)
13. You Got the Silver (3:22)
14. Connection (3:31)
CD 2.
01. Martin Scorsese Intro (0:12)
02. Sympathy For The Devil (5:57)
03. Live With Me With Christina Aguilera (3:54)
04. Start Me Up (4:06)
05. Brown Sugar (5:25)
06. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (5:37)
07. Paint It Black (4:28)
08. Undercover Of The Night (4:25)
09. Little T&A (4:09)
10. I'm Free (3:31)
11. Shine A Light (4:050
Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 (2011)01. Let It Rock (2:12)
02. All Down The Line (3:56)
03. Honky Tonk Women (3:38)
04. Star Star (3:47)
05. When The Whip Comes Down (5:13)
06. Beast Of Burden (6:28)
07. Miss You (8:35)
08. Just My Imagination (6:40)
09. Shattered (4:44)
10. Respectable (3:23)
11. Far Away Eyes (5:51)
12. Love In Vain (4:53)
13. Tumbling Dice (4:38)
14. Happy (3:12)
15. Sweet Little 16 (3:11)
16. Brown Sugar (3:14)
17. Jumpin' Jack Flash (6:14)
02. All Down The Line (3:56)
03. Honky Tonk Women (3:38)
04. Star Star (3:47)
05. When The Whip Comes Down (5:13)
06. Beast Of Burden (6:28)
07. Miss You (8:35)
08. Just My Imagination (6:40)
09. Shattered (4:44)
10. Respectable (3:23)
11. Far Away Eyes (5:51)
12. Love In Vain (4:53)
13. Tumbling Dice (4:38)
14. Happy (3:12)
15. Sweet Little 16 (3:11)
16. Brown Sugar (3:14)
17. Jumpin' Jack Flash (6:14)
Muddy Waters & The Rolling Stones
- Live At The Checkerboard Lounge Chicago, 1981 (2012)01. Introduction (1:44)
02. You Don't Have To Go (5:44)
03. Baby Please Don't Go (11:01)
04. Hoochie Coochie Man (4:19)
05. Long Distance Call (4:50)
06. Mannish Boy (10:25)
07. Got My Mojo Workin' (3:18)
08. TrackNext Time You See Her (11:00)
09. One Eyed Woman (9:45)
10. Clouds In My Heart (6:22)
11. Champagne And Reefer (6:59)
02. You Don't Have To Go (5:44)
03. Baby Please Don't Go (11:01)
04. Hoochie Coochie Man (4:19)
05. Long Distance Call (4:50)
06. Mannish Boy (10:25)
07. Got My Mojo Workin' (3:18)
08. TrackNext Time You See Her (11:00)
09. One Eyed Woman (9:45)
10. Clouds In My Heart (6:22)
11. Champagne And Reefer (6:59)
Charlie Is My Darling & Ireland 1965 (2012)CD 1: Charlie Is My Darling-Soundtrack.
01. Play With Fire (2:24)
02. Heart Of Stone (2:45)
03. Who Do You Like In The Group (0:38)
04. The Last Time (Live) (3:19)
05. Time Is On My Side (Live) (2:54)
06. I'm Alright (Live) (2:36)
07. The Next House We'll Turn The Screaming Down (0:31)
08. Theme For A Rolling Stone (3:12)
09. Nice Tea (0:56)
10. Maybe It's Because I'm A Londoner (2:13)
11. Play With Fire (2:15)
12. Tell Me (2:19)
13. Heart Of Stone (3:04)
14. Are You Going To The Show (0:21)
15. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (Live) (0:39)
16. Pain In My Heart (Live) (2:06)
17. Blue Turns To Grey (2:55)
18. Subconsciously Supernatural (0:11)
19. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (2:55)
20. The Moon In June (0:36)
21. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (Live) (3:38)
22. Going Home (11:19)
02. Heart Of Stone (2:45)
03. Who Do You Like In The Group (0:38)
04. The Last Time (Live) (3:19)
05. Time Is On My Side (Live) (2:54)
06. I'm Alright (Live) (2:36)
07. The Next House We'll Turn The Screaming Down (0:31)
08. Theme For A Rolling Stone (3:12)
09. Nice Tea (0:56)
10. Maybe It's Because I'm A Londoner (2:13)
11. Play With Fire (2:15)
12. Tell Me (2:19)
13. Heart Of Stone (3:04)
14. Are You Going To The Show (0:21)
15. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (Live) (0:39)
16. Pain In My Heart (Live) (2:06)
17. Blue Turns To Grey (2:55)
18. Subconsciously Supernatural (0:11)
19. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (2:55)
20. The Moon In June (0:36)
21. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (Live) (3:38)
22. Going Home (11:19)
СD 2: Live In England '65.
01. Show Intro (0:21)
02. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (0:35)
03. Pain In My Heart (2:03)
04. Down The Road Apiece (1:43)
05. Time Is On My Side (2:51)
06. I'm Alright (2:15)
07. Off The Hook (2:27)
08. Charlie's Intro (0:32)
09. Little Red Rooster (2:35)
10. Route 66 (2:44)
11. I'm Moving On (2:28)
12. The Last Time (3:09)
13. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (4:06)
02. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (0:35)
03. Pain In My Heart (2:03)
04. Down The Road Apiece (1:43)
05. Time Is On My Side (2:51)
06. I'm Alright (2:15)
07. Off The Hook (2:27)
08. Charlie's Intro (0:32)
09. Little Red Rooster (2:35)
10. Route 66 (2:44)
11. I'm Moving On (2:28)
12. The Last Time (3:09)
13. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (4:06)
Sweet Summer Sun: Hyde Park Live (2013)CD 1.
01. Start Me Up (4:18)
02. It's Only Rock'N'Roll (4:47)
03. Tumbling Dice (4:05)
04. Emotional Resque (5:54)
05. Street Fighting Man (5:23)
06. Ruby Tuesday (3:22)
07. Doom And Gloom (4:17)
08. Paint It Black (5:01)
09. Honky Tonk Women (6:59)
10. You Got The Silver (3:18)
11. Before They Make Me Run (4:13)
02. It's Only Rock'N'Roll (4:47)
03. Tumbling Dice (4:05)
04. Emotional Resque (5:54)
05. Street Fighting Man (5:23)
06. Ruby Tuesday (3:22)
07. Doom And Gloom (4:17)
08. Paint It Black (5:01)
09. Honky Tonk Women (6:59)
10. You Got The Silver (3:18)
11. Before They Make Me Run (4:13)
CD 2.
01. Miss You (7:52)
02. Midnight Rambler (11:55)
03. Gimme Shelter (7:16)
04. Junpin' Jack Flash (4:54)
05. Sympathy For The Devil (6:47)
06. Brown Sugar (4:55)
07. You Can't Always Get What You Want (8:05)
08. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (8:20)
02. Midnight Rambler (11:55)
03. Gimme Shelter (7:16)
04. Junpin' Jack Flash (4:54)
05. Sympathy For The Devil (6:47)
06. Brown Sugar (4:55)
07. You Can't Always Get What You Want (8:05)
08. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (8:20)
Havana Moon (2016)CD 1.
01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (4:46)
02. It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (But I Like It) (4:35)
03. Tumbling Dice (5:03)
04. Out Of Control (7:13)
05. All Down The Line (5:22)
06. Angie (3:29)
07. Paint It Black (5:32)
08. Honky Tonk Women (4:57)
09. You Got The Silver (3:29)
10. Before They Make Me Run (4:02)
11. Midnight Rambler (15:29)
CD 2.
01. Miss You (8:20)
02. Gimme Shelter (8:05)
03. Start Me Up (4:21)
04. Sympathy For The Devil (7:55)
05. Brown Sugar (7:13)
06. You Can't Always Get What You Want (8:57)
07. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (10:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (4:46)
02. It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (But I Like It) (4:35)
03. Tumbling Dice (5:03)
04. Out Of Control (7:13)
05. All Down The Line (5:22)
06. Angie (3:29)
07. Paint It Black (5:32)
08. Honky Tonk Women (4:57)
09. You Got The Silver (3:29)
10. Before They Make Me Run (4:02)
11. Midnight Rambler (15:29)
CD 2.
01. Miss You (8:20)
02. Gimme Shelter (8:05)
03. Start Me Up (4:21)
04. Sympathy For The Devil (7:55)
05. Brown Sugar (7:13)
06. You Can't Always Get What You Want (8:57)
07. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (10:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Totally Stripped: Live At Amsterdam, Paris, London, 1995 (2016)CD 1.
01. Not Fade Away (Amsterdam) (3:12)
02. Honky Tonk Woman (Paris) (4:54)
03. Dead Flowers (Amsterdam) (4:00)
04. Faraway Eyes (London) (5:05)
05. Shine A Light (Amsterdam) (4:51)
06. I Go Wild (Paris) (6:49)
07. Miss You (London) (9:39)
08. Like A Rolling Stone (Amsterdam) (6:11)
09. Brown Sugar (Paris) (5:13)
10. Midnight Rambler (London) (9:10)
11. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (Paris) (5:04)
12. Gimme Shelter (Amsterdam) (6:59)
13. Rip This Joint (Amsterdam) (2:56)
14. Street Fighting Man (Amsterdam) (4:51)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. The Spider and the Fly (Amsterdam) (3:53)
02. Slipping Away (Paris) (5:46)
03. Sweet Virginia (London) (4:23)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Totally Stripped Paris: Live At L'Olympia Paris, 1995 (2017)CD 1.
01. Honky Tonk Women (6:10)
02. Tumbling Dice (4:32)
03. You Got Me Rockin (3:59)
04. All Down The Line (5:19)
05. Shattered (4:51)
06. Beast Of Burden (5:55)
07. Let It Bleed (5:32)
08. Angie (3:54)
09. Wild Horses (5:58)
10. Down In The Bottom (3:59)
11. Shine A Light (5:28)
12. Like A Rolling Stone (6:20)
13. I Go Wild (6:52)
CD 2.
01. Miss You (15:07)
02. Connection (4:02)
03. Slipping Away (6:02)
04. Midnight Rambler (10:12)
05. Rip This Joint (2:30)
06. Start Me Up (4:25)
07. It's Only Rock 'N' Roll (5:05)
08. Brown Sugar (7:02)
09. Jumpin Jack Flash (7:36)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Not Fade Away (Amsterdam) (3:12)
02. Honky Tonk Woman (Paris) (4:54)
03. Dead Flowers (Amsterdam) (4:00)
04. Faraway Eyes (London) (5:05)
05. Shine A Light (Amsterdam) (4:51)
06. I Go Wild (Paris) (6:49)
07. Miss You (London) (9:39)
08. Like A Rolling Stone (Amsterdam) (6:11)
09. Brown Sugar (Paris) (5:13)
10. Midnight Rambler (London) (9:10)
11. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (Paris) (5:04)
12. Gimme Shelter (Amsterdam) (6:59)
13. Rip This Joint (Amsterdam) (2:56)
14. Street Fighting Man (Amsterdam) (4:51)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. The Spider and the Fly (Amsterdam) (3:53)
02. Slipping Away (Paris) (5:46)
03. Sweet Virginia (London) (4:23)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Totally Stripped Paris: Live At L'Olympia Paris, 1995 (2017)CD 1.
01. Honky Tonk Women (6:10)
02. Tumbling Dice (4:32)
03. You Got Me Rockin (3:59)
04. All Down The Line (5:19)
05. Shattered (4:51)
06. Beast Of Burden (5:55)
07. Let It Bleed (5:32)
08. Angie (3:54)
09. Wild Horses (5:58)
10. Down In The Bottom (3:59)
11. Shine A Light (5:28)
12. Like A Rolling Stone (6:20)
13. I Go Wild (6:52)
CD 2.
01. Miss You (15:07)
02. Connection (4:02)
03. Slipping Away (6:02)
04. Midnight Rambler (10:12)
05. Rip This Joint (2:30)
06. Start Me Up (4:25)
07. It's Only Rock 'N' Roll (5:05)
08. Brown Sugar (7:02)
09. Jumpin Jack Flash (7:36)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
From The Vault Extra: Live In Japan, Tokyo Dome 1990 (2017)CD 1.
01. Intro: Continental Drift (0:36)
02. Start Me Up (4:04)
03. Bitch (4:00)
04. Sad Sad Sad (3:52)
05. The Harlem Shuffle (4:17)
06. Tumbling Dice (4:21)
07. Miss You (6:54)
08. Ruby Tuesday (3:35)
09. Almost Hear You Sigh (5:24)
10. Rock And A Hard Place (5:17)
11. Mixed Emotions (5:26)
12. Honky Tonk Women (5:10)
13. Midnight Rambler (11:44)
CD 2.
01. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (8:27)
02. Can’t Be Seen (4:54)
03. Happy (4:03)
04. Paint It Black (4:05)
05. 2,000 Light Years From Home (6:51)
06. Sympathy For The Devil (7:38)
07. Gimme Shelter (8:25)
08. It’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll (4:31)
09. Brown Sugar (4:30)
10. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (7:44)
11. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (6:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Intro: Continental Drift (0:36)
02. Start Me Up (4:04)
03. Bitch (4:00)
04. Sad Sad Sad (3:52)
05. The Harlem Shuffle (4:17)
06. Tumbling Dice (4:21)
07. Miss You (6:54)
08. Ruby Tuesday (3:35)
09. Almost Hear You Sigh (5:24)
10. Rock And A Hard Place (5:17)
11. Mixed Emotions (5:26)
12. Honky Tonk Women (5:10)
13. Midnight Rambler (11:44)
CD 2.
01. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (8:27)
02. Can’t Be Seen (4:54)
03. Happy (4:03)
04. Paint It Black (4:05)
05. 2,000 Light Years From Home (6:51)
06. Sympathy For The Devil (7:38)
07. Gimme Shelter (8:25)
08. It’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll (4:31)
09. Brown Sugar (4:30)
10. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (7:44)
11. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (6:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ladies & Gentlemen (2017)01. Intro (0:48)
02. Brown Sugar (3:13)
03. Bitch (4:45)
04. Gimme Shelter (4:50)
05. Dead Flowers (4:03)
06. Happy (3:14)
07. Tumbling Dice (5:21)
08. Love In Vain (6:17)
09. Sweet Virginia (4:45)
10. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:26)
11. All Down The Line (4:46)
12. Midnight Rambler (12:01)
13. Bye Bye Johnny (4:31)
14. Rip This Joint (2:32)
15. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:38)
16. Street Fighting Man (4:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. Brown Sugar (3:13)
03. Bitch (4:45)
04. Gimme Shelter (4:50)
05. Dead Flowers (4:03)
06. Happy (3:14)
07. Tumbling Dice (5:21)
08. Love In Vain (6:17)
09. Sweet Virginia (4:45)
10. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:26)
11. All Down The Line (4:46)
12. Midnight Rambler (12:01)
13. Bye Bye Johnny (4:31)
14. Rip This Joint (2:32)
15. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:38)
16. Street Fighting Man (4:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Voodoo Lounge Uncut (2018)CD 1.
01. Whoopi Goldberg Introduction (1:43)
02. Not Fade Away (4:19)
03. Tumbling Dice (4:49)
04. You Got Me Rocking (3:56)
05. Rocks Off (5:26)
06. Sparks Will Fly (4:11)
07. Live With Me (5:01)
08. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (6:50)
09. Beast Of Burden (5:46)
10. Angie (4:14)
11. Dead Flowers (4:11)
12. Sweet Virginia (5:48)
13. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (4:00)
14. It’s All Over Now (4:38)
15. Stop Breakin’ Down Blues (5:34)
16. Who Do You Love? (4:23)
CD 2.
01. I Go Wild (7:29)
02. Miss You (13:36)
03. Honky Tonk Women (4:39)
04. Before They Make Me Run (4:43)
05. The Worst (3:27)
06. Sympathy For The Devil (6:25)
07. Monkey Man (4:27)
08. Street Fighting Man (5:11)
09. Start Me Up (4:27)
10. It’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll (But I Like It) (5:19)
11. Brown Sugar (6:18)
12. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (6:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Voodoo Lounge In Japan, 1995 (2019)CD 1.
01. Not Fade Away (4:47)
02. Tumbling Dice (4:22)
03. You Got Me Rocking (3:44)
04. Live With Me (4:09)
05. Rocks Off (5:10)
06. Sparks Will Fly (4:31)
07. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (6:11)
08. Angie (4:15)
09. Sweet Virginia (4:41)
10. Rock and a Hard Place (5:17)
11. Love Is Strong (5:26)
12. I Go Wild (6:18)
CD 2.
01. Miss You (14:28)
02. Honky Tonk Woman (5:13)
03. Before They Make Me Run (4:15)
04. Slipping Away (6:01)
05. Sympathy For The Devil (6:21)
06. Monkey Man (4:22)
07. Street Fighting Man (6:06)
08. Start Me Up (4:16)
09. It’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll (But I Like It) (5:08)
10. Brown Sugar (7:57)
11. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (7:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Not Fade Away (4:47)
02. Tumbling Dice (4:22)
03. You Got Me Rocking (3:44)
04. Live With Me (4:09)
05. Rocks Off (5:10)
06. Sparks Will Fly (4:31)
07. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (6:11)
08. Angie (4:15)
09. Sweet Virginia (4:41)
10. Rock and a Hard Place (5:17)
11. Love Is Strong (5:26)
12. I Go Wild (6:18)
CD 2.
01. Miss You (14:28)
02. Honky Tonk Woman (5:13)
03. Before They Make Me Run (4:15)
04. Slipping Away (6:01)
05. Sympathy For The Devil (6:21)
06. Monkey Man (4:22)
07. Street Fighting Man (6:06)
08. Start Me Up (4:16)
09. It’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll (But I Like It) (5:08)
10. Brown Sugar (7:57)
11. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (7:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Rolling Stones Rock And Roll Circus (Deluxe Edition 2019)CD 1.
01. Mick Jagger’s Introduction Of Rock And Roll Circus (0:27)
02. Entry Of The Gladiators (0:56)
03. Mick Jagger’s Introduction Of Jethro Tull (0:10)
04. Song For Jeffrey (3:25)
05. Keith Richards’ Introduction Of The Who (0:07)
06. A Quick One While He’s Away (7:32)
07. Over The Waves (0:45)
08. Ain’t That A Lot Of Love? (3:50)
09. Charlie Watts’ Introduction Of Marianne Faithfull (0:06)
10. Something Better (2:31)
11. Mick Jagger’s And John Lennon’s Introduction Of The Dirty Mac (1:04)
12. Yer Blues (4:27)
13. Whole Lotta Yoko (4:50)
14. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (3:35)
15. Parachute Woman (2:59)
16. No Expectations (4:14)
17. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (4:24)
18. Sympathy For The Devil (8:49)
19. Salt Of The Earth (4:58)
CD 2.
01. Checkin' Up On My Baby (5:53)
02. Leaving Trunk (6:47)
03. Corrina (4:46)
04. Revolution (Rehearsal) (2:48)
05. Warmup Jam (4:17)
06. Yer Blues (Take 2) 4:31
07. Brian Jones' Introduction Of Julius Katchen (0:20)
08. De Falla: Ritual Fire Dance (4:03)
09. Mozart: Sonata In C Major-1st Movement (2:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Mick Jagger’s Introduction Of Rock And Roll Circus (0:27)
02. Entry Of The Gladiators (0:56)
03. Mick Jagger’s Introduction Of Jethro Tull (0:10)
04. Song For Jeffrey (3:25)
05. Keith Richards’ Introduction Of The Who (0:07)
06. A Quick One While He’s Away (7:32)
07. Over The Waves (0:45)
08. Ain’t That A Lot Of Love? (3:50)
09. Charlie Watts’ Introduction Of Marianne Faithfull (0:06)
10. Something Better (2:31)
11. Mick Jagger’s And John Lennon’s Introduction Of The Dirty Mac (1:04)
12. Yer Blues (4:27)
13. Whole Lotta Yoko (4:50)
14. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (3:35)
15. Parachute Woman (2:59)
16. No Expectations (4:14)
17. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (4:24)
18. Sympathy For The Devil (8:49)
19. Salt Of The Earth (4:58)
CD 2.
01. Checkin' Up On My Baby (5:53)
02. Leaving Trunk (6:47)
03. Corrina (4:46)
04. Revolution (Rehearsal) (2:48)
05. Warmup Jam (4:17)
06. Yer Blues (Take 2) 4:31
07. Brian Jones' Introduction Of Julius Katchen (0:20)
08. De Falla: Ritual Fire Dance (4:03)
09. Mozart: Sonata In C Major-1st Movement (2:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bridges To Bremen (2019)CD 1.
01. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (5:09)
02. Let's Spend The Night Together (4:35)
03. Flip The Switch (4:34)
04. Gimme Shelter (6:43)
05. Anybody Seen My Baby? (5:19)
06. Paint It Black (5:05)
07. Saint Of Me (6:55)
08. Out Of Control (8:17)
09. Memory Motel (6:20)
10. Miss You (15:53)
CD 2.
01. Thief In The Night (6:58)
02. Wanna Hold You (4:58)
03. It's Only Rock'n'Roll (But I Like It) (4:38)
04. You got Me Rocking (3:42)
05. Like A Rolling Stone (5:52)
06. Sympathy For The Devil (8:40)
07. Tumbling Dice (5:30)
08. Honky Tonk Women (4:42)
09. Start Me Up (4:47)
10. Jumpin' Jack Flash (7:12)
11. You Can't Always Get What You Want (5:45)
12. Brown Sugar (7:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (5:09)
02. Let's Spend The Night Together (4:35)
03. Flip The Switch (4:34)
04. Gimme Shelter (6:43)
05. Anybody Seen My Baby? (5:19)
06. Paint It Black (5:05)
07. Saint Of Me (6:55)
08. Out Of Control (8:17)
09. Memory Motel (6:20)
10. Miss You (15:53)
CD 2.
01. Thief In The Night (6:58)
02. Wanna Hold You (4:58)
03. It's Only Rock'n'Roll (But I Like It) (4:38)
04. You got Me Rocking (3:42)
05. Like A Rolling Stone (5:52)
06. Sympathy For The Devil (8:40)
07. Tumbling Dice (5:30)
08. Honky Tonk Women (4:42)
09. Start Me Up (4:47)
10. Jumpin' Jack Flash (7:12)
11. You Can't Always Get What You Want (5:45)
12. Brown Sugar (7:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bridges To Buenos Aires (2019)CD 1.
01. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (5:20)
02. Let's Spend The Night Together (4:05)
03. Flip The Switch (4:04)
04. Gimme Shelter (6:37)
05. Sister Morphine (6:20)
06. It's Only Rock'n'Roll (But I Like It) (4:39)
07. Saint Of Me (5:14)
08. Out Of Control (7:31)
09. Miss You (9:54)
10. Like A Rolling Stone (Featuring Bob Dylan) (6:25)
11. Theif In The Night (6:20)
CD 2.
01. Wanna Hold You (4:53)
02. Little Queenie (4:19)
03. When The Whip Comes Down (3:53)
04. You Got Me Rocking (3:14)
05. Sympathy For The Devil (8:11)
06. Tumbling Dice (5:57)
07. Honky Tonk Women (4:50)
08. Start Me Up (4:20)
09. Jumpin' Jack Flash (6:58)
10. You Can't Always Get What You Want (5:48)
11. Brown Sugar (7:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (5:20)
02. Let's Spend The Night Together (4:05)
03. Flip The Switch (4:04)
04. Gimme Shelter (6:37)
05. Sister Morphine (6:20)
06. It's Only Rock'n'Roll (But I Like It) (4:39)
07. Saint Of Me (5:14)
08. Out Of Control (7:31)
09. Miss You (9:54)
10. Like A Rolling Stone (Featuring Bob Dylan) (6:25)
11. Theif In The Night (6:20)
CD 2.
01. Wanna Hold You (4:53)
02. Little Queenie (4:19)
03. When The Whip Comes Down (3:53)
04. You Got Me Rocking (3:14)
05. Sympathy For The Devil (8:11)
06. Tumbling Dice (5:57)
07. Honky Tonk Women (4:50)
08. Start Me Up (4:20)
09. Jumpin' Jack Flash (6:58)
10. You Can't Always Get What You Want (5:48)
11. Brown Sugar (7:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bootlegs Oficiais.
Brussels Affair 1973 (1998)01. Brown Sugar (3:54)
02. Happy (3:13)
03. Gimme Shelter (5:31)
04. Tumbling Dice (5:02)
05. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (5:01)
06. Dancing with Mr. D. (4:36)
07. Angie (5:13)
08. You Can't Always Get What You Want (10:57)
09. Honky Tonk Women (3:10)
10. Midnight Rambler (12:49)
11. All Down the Line (4:19)
12. Rip This Joint (2:24)
13. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:26)
14. Street Fighting Man (5:13)
02. Happy (3:13)
03. Gimme Shelter (5:31)
04. Tumbling Dice (5:02)
05. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (5:01)
06. Dancing with Mr. D. (4:36)
07. Angie (5:13)
08. You Can't Always Get What You Want (10:57)
09. Honky Tonk Women (3:10)
10. Midnight Rambler (12:49)
11. All Down the Line (4:19)
12. Rip This Joint (2:24)
13. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:26)
14. Street Fighting Man (5:13)
Hampton Coliseum: Live In 1981 (2012)CD 1.
01. Under My Thumb (5:04)
02. When The Whip Comes Down (5:06)
03. Let's Spend the Night Together (4:32)
04. Shattered (4:50)
05. Neighbours (4:23)
06. Black Limousine (3:28)
07. Just My Imagination (9:46)
08. Twenty Flight Rock (1:47)
09. Going to a Go-Go (4:03)
10. Let Me Go (5:25)
11. Time Is On My Side (4:13)
12. Beast Of Burden (7:24)
13. Waiting on a Friend (5:55)
14. Let It Bleed (6:33)
02. When The Whip Comes Down (5:06)
03. Let's Spend the Night Together (4:32)
04. Shattered (4:50)
05. Neighbours (4:23)
06. Black Limousine (3:28)
07. Just My Imagination (9:46)
08. Twenty Flight Rock (1:47)
09. Going to a Go-Go (4:03)
10. Let Me Go (5:25)
11. Time Is On My Side (4:13)
12. Beast Of Burden (7:24)
13. Waiting on a Friend (5:55)
14. Let It Bleed (6:33)
CD 2.
01. You Can't Alway Get What You Want (10:12)
02. Band Intros (1:09)
03. Happy Birthday Keith (0:32)
04. Little T & A (3:58)
05. Tumbling Dice (4:48)
06. She's So cold (4:25)
07. Hang Fire (2:41)
08. Miss You (7:46)
09. Honky Tonk Women (3:42)
10. Brown Sugar (3:39)
11. Start Me Up (5:06)
12. Jumpin' Jack Flash (8:43)
13. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (7:28)
02. Band Intros (1:09)
03. Happy Birthday Keith (0:32)
04. Little T & A (3:58)
05. Tumbling Dice (4:48)
06. She's So cold (4:25)
07. Hang Fire (2:41)
08. Miss You (7:46)
09. Honky Tonk Women (3:42)
10. Brown Sugar (3:39)
11. Start Me Up (5:06)
12. Jumpin' Jack Flash (8:43)
13. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (7:28)
L.A. Forum: Live In 1975 (2012)CD 1.
01. Honky Tonk Women (5:29)
02. All Down The Line (4:05)
03. If You Can't Rock Me/Get Off Of My Cloud (7:27)
04. Star Star (4:45)
05. Gimme Shelter (6:12)
06. Ain't Too Proud To Beg (4:25)
07. You Gotta Move (4:32)
08. You Can't Always Get What You Want (15:22)
09. Happy (3:58)
10. Timbling Dice (5:23)
11. Band Intros (1:20)
12. It's Only Rock'n'Roll (6:04)
13. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (4:34)
02. All Down The Line (4:05)
03. If You Can't Rock Me/Get Off Of My Cloud (7:27)
04. Star Star (4:45)
05. Gimme Shelter (6:12)
06. Ain't Too Proud To Beg (4:25)
07. You Gotta Move (4:32)
08. You Can't Always Get What You Want (15:22)
09. Happy (3:58)
10. Timbling Dice (5:23)
11. Band Intros (1:20)
12. It's Only Rock'n'Roll (6:04)
13. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (4:34)
CD 2.
01. Fingerprint File (9:59)
02. Angie (5:18)
03. Wild Horses (7:25)
04. That's Life (With Billy Preston) (3:17)
05. Outa-Space (With Billy Preston) (4:04)
06. Brown Sugar (4:15)
07. Midnight Rambler (15:15)
08. Rip This Joint (2:06)
09. Street Fighting Man (4:05)
10. Jumpin' Jack Flash (6:57)
11. Sympathy For The Devil (10:22)
02. Angie (5:18)
03. Wild Horses (7:25)
04. That's Life (With Billy Preston) (3:17)
05. Outa-Space (With Billy Preston) (4:04)
06. Brown Sugar (4:15)
07. Midnight Rambler (15:15)
08. Rip This Joint (2:06)
09. Street Fighting Man (4:05)
10. Jumpin' Jack Flash (6:57)
11. Sympathy For The Devil (10:22)
Live At The Tokyo Dome 1990 (2012)CD 1.
01. Continental Drift (0:51)
02. Start Me Up (4:02)
03. Bitch (3:42)
04. Sad Sad Sad (4:24)
05. The Harlem Shuffle (4:23)
06. Tumbling Dice (4:26)
07. Miss You (6:29)
08. Ruby Tuesday (3:50)
09. Almost Hear You Sigh (5:17)
10. Rock And A Hard Place (5:31)
11. Mixed Emotion (5:30)
12. Honky Tonk Women (5:00)
13. Midnight Rambler (10:55)
14. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:31)
CD 2.
01. Can't Be Seen (5:39)
02. Happy (4:27)
03. Paint It Black (4:06)
04. 2000 Light Years From Home (7:08)
05. Sympathy For The Devil (7:44)
06. Gimme Shelter (8:08)
07. It's Only Rock 'n Roll (4:27)
08. Brown Sugar (4:34)
09. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (9:29)
10. Jumpin' Jack Flash (8:37)
01. Continental Drift (0:51)
02. Start Me Up (4:02)
03. Bitch (3:42)
04. Sad Sad Sad (4:24)
05. The Harlem Shuffle (4:23)
06. Tumbling Dice (4:26)
07. Miss You (6:29)
08. Ruby Tuesday (3:50)
09. Almost Hear You Sigh (5:17)
10. Rock And A Hard Place (5:31)
11. Mixed Emotion (5:30)
12. Honky Tonk Women (5:00)
13. Midnight Rambler (10:55)
14. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:31)
CD 2.
01. Can't Be Seen (5:39)
02. Happy (4:27)
03. Paint It Black (4:06)
04. 2000 Light Years From Home (7:08)
05. Sympathy For The Devil (7:44)
06. Gimme Shelter (8:08)
07. It's Only Rock 'n Roll (4:27)
08. Brown Sugar (4:34)
09. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (9:29)
10. Jumpin' Jack Flash (8:37)
Light The Fuse: A Bigger Bang In Toronto 2005 (2012)01. Rough Justice (4:15)
02. Live With Me (4:11)
03. 19th Nervous Breakdown (4:43)
04. She's So Cold (4:43)
05. Dead Flowers (4:17)
06. Back of My Hand (5:29)
07. Ain't Too Proud to Beg (4:21)
08. Band Intros (3:28)
09. Infamy (5:50)
10. Oh No Not You Again (4:37)
11. Get Up, Stand Up (6:21)
12. Mr. Pitiful (3:29)
13. Tumbling Dice (4:41)
14. Brown Sugar (4:48)
15. Jumpin' Jack Flash (5:04)
02. Live With Me (4:11)
03. 19th Nervous Breakdown (4:43)
04. She's So Cold (4:43)
05. Dead Flowers (4:17)
06. Back of My Hand (5:29)
07. Ain't Too Proud to Beg (4:21)
08. Band Intros (3:28)
09. Infamy (5:50)
10. Oh No Not You Again (4:37)
11. Get Up, Stand Up (6:21)
12. Mr. Pitiful (3:29)
13. Tumbling Dice (4:41)
14. Brown Sugar (4:48)
15. Jumpin' Jack Flash (5:04)
Roundhay Park: Live In Leeds 1982 (2012)CD 1.
01. Intro (1:35)
02. Under My Thumb (3:50)
03. When The Whip Comes Down (4:07)
04. Let's Spend The Night Together (4:08)
05. Shattered (4:48)
06. Neighbours (4:30)
07. Black Limousine (3:54)
08. Just My Imagination (9:09)
09. Twenty Flight Rock (2:10)
10. Going To A Go Go (3:44)
11. Let Me Go (4:27)
12. Time Is On My Side (3:48)
13. Beast Of Burden (8:38)
14. You Can't Always Get What You Want (11:37)
CD 2.
01. Little T & A (4:38)
02. Angie (4:55)
03. Tumbling Dice (4:28)
04. She's So Cold (4:05)
05. Hang Fire (3:02)
06. Miss You (8:30)
07. Honky Tonk Women (3:27)
08. Brown Sugar (3:45)
09. Start Me Up (5:13)
10. Jumpin' Jack Flash (8:04)
11. (I Cann't Get No) Satisfaction (10:27)
01. Intro (1:35)
02. Under My Thumb (3:50)
03. When The Whip Comes Down (4:07)
04. Let's Spend The Night Together (4:08)
05. Shattered (4:48)
06. Neighbours (4:30)
07. Black Limousine (3:54)
08. Just My Imagination (9:09)
09. Twenty Flight Rock (2:10)
10. Going To A Go Go (3:44)
11. Let Me Go (4:27)
12. Time Is On My Side (3:48)
13. Beast Of Burden (8:38)
14. You Can't Always Get What You Want (11:37)
CD 2.
01. Little T & A (4:38)
02. Angie (4:55)
03. Tumbling Dice (4:28)
04. She's So Cold (4:05)
05. Hang Fire (3:02)
06. Miss You (8:30)
07. Honky Tonk Women (3:27)
08. Brown Sugar (3:45)
09. Start Me Up (5:13)
10. Jumpin' Jack Flash (8:04)
11. (I Cann't Get No) Satisfaction (10:27)
The Marquee Club: Live In 1971 (2015)01. Live With Me (4:17)
02. Dead Flowers (4:15)
03. I Got The Blues (3:35)
04. Let It Rock (2:32)
05. Midnight Rambler (9:52)
06. (I can't Get No) Satisfaction (4:57)
07. Bitch (4:11)
08. Brown Sugar (4:15)
09. I Got The Blues (Alternative Take 1) (4:12)
10. I Got The Blues (Alternative Take 2) (3:52)
11. Bitch (Alternative Take 1) (4:24)
12. Bitch (Alternative Take 2) (4:17)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. Dead Flowers (4:15)
03. I Got The Blues (3:35)
04. Let It Rock (2:32)
05. Midnight Rambler (9:52)
06. (I can't Get No) Satisfaction (4:57)
07. Bitch (4:11)
08. Brown Sugar (4:15)
09. I Got The Blues (Alternative Take 1) (4:12)
10. I Got The Blues (Alternative Take 2) (3:52)
11. Bitch (Alternative Take 1) (4:24)
12. Bitch (Alternative Take 2) (4:17)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre, 2015 (2017)01. Start Me Up (4:34)
02. When The Whip Comes Down (4:10)
03. All Down The Line (4:58)
04. Sway (3:31)
05. Dead Flowers (4:14)
06. Wild Horses (4:41)
07. Sister Morphine (5:57)
08. You Gotta Move (3:36)
09. Bitch (4:28)
10. Can't You Hear Me Knocking (7:21)
11. I Got The Blues (4:30)
12. Moonlight Mile (4:41)
13. Brown Sugar (8:11)
14. Rock Me Baby (4:31)
15. Jumpin' Jack Flash (4:48)
16. I Can't Turn You Loose (5:25)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
No Security: San Jose '99 (2018)CD 1.
01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:48)
02. Bitch (5:03)
03. You Got Me Rocking (3:49)
04. Respectible (3:44)
05. Honky Tonk Women (4:50)
06. I Got The Blues (3:47)
07. Saint Of Me (5:48)
08. Some Girls (5:06)
09. Paint It Black (8:59)
10. You Got The Silver (4:40)
11. Before They Make Me Run (3:57)
CD 2.
01. Out Of Control (7:21)
02. Route 66 (3:14)
03. Get Off Of My Cloud (3:18)
04. Midnight Rambler (12:14)
05. Tumbling Dice (4:38)
06. It's Only Rock'n Roll (But I Like It) (5:36)
07. Start Me Up (4:05)
08. Brown Sugar (7:41)
09. Sympathy For The Devil (8:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:48)
02. Bitch (5:03)
03. You Got Me Rocking (3:49)
04. Respectible (3:44)
05. Honky Tonk Women (4:50)
06. I Got The Blues (3:47)
07. Saint Of Me (5:48)
08. Some Girls (5:06)
09. Paint It Black (8:59)
10. You Got The Silver (4:40)
11. Before They Make Me Run (3:57)
CD 2.
01. Out Of Control (7:21)
02. Route 66 (3:14)
03. Get Off Of My Cloud (3:18)
04. Midnight Rambler (12:14)
05. Tumbling Dice (4:38)
06. It's Only Rock'n Roll (But I Like It) (5:36)
07. Start Me Up (4:05)
08. Brown Sugar (7:41)
09. Sympathy For The Devil (8:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Big Hits: High Tide And Green Grass (UK 1966)01. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:35)
02. Paint It, Black (3:22)
03. It's All Over Now (3:26)
04. The Last Time (3:40)
05. Heart Of Stone (2:46)
06. Not Fade Away (1:49)
07. Come On (1:49)
08. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:47)
09. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
10. As Tears Go By (2:43)
11. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:58)
12. Lady Jane (3:08)
13. Time Is On My Side (2:59)
14. Little Red Rooster (3:05)
02. Paint It, Black (3:22)
03. It's All Over Now (3:26)
04. The Last Time (3:40)
05. Heart Of Stone (2:46)
06. Not Fade Away (1:49)
07. Come On (1:49)
08. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:47)
09. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
10. As Tears Go By (2:43)
11. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:58)
12. Lady Jane (3:08)
13. Time Is On My Side (2:59)
14. Little Red Rooster (3:05)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Big Hits: High Tide And Green Grass (US 1966)01. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:43)
02. The Last Time (3:42)
03. As Tears Go By (2:45)
04. Time Is On My Side (2:59)
05. It's All Over Now (3:26)
06. Tell Me (3:47)
07. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:57)
08. Heart Of Stone (2:49)
09. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:55)
10. Not Fade Away (1:48)
11. Good Times, Bad Times (2:31)
12. Play With Fire (2:14)
02. The Last Time (3:42)
03. As Tears Go By (2:45)
04. Time Is On My Side (2:59)
05. It's All Over Now (3:26)
06. Tell Me (3:47)
07. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:57)
08. Heart Of Stone (2:49)
09. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:55)
10. Not Fade Away (1:48)
11. Good Times, Bad Times (2:31)
12. Play With Fire (2:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Flowers (1967)01. Ruby Tuesday (3:16)
02. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:34)
03. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:36)
04. Lady Jane (3:08)
05. Out Of Time (3:41)
06. My Girl (2:38)
07. Backstreet Girl (3:27)
08. Please Go Home (3:17)
09. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
10. Take It Or Leave It (2:46)
11. Ride On, Baby (2:53)
12. Sittin' On A Fence (3:03)
02. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:34)
03. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:36)
04. Lady Jane (3:08)
05. Out Of Time (3:41)
06. My Girl (2:38)
07. Backstreet Girl (3:27)
08. Please Go Home (3:17)
09. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
10. Take It Or Leave It (2:46)
11. Ride On, Baby (2:53)
12. Sittin' On A Fence (3:03)
Through The Past, Darkly: Big Hits Vol. 2 (UK 1969)01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:45)
02. Mother's Little Helper (2:50)
03. 2,000 Light Years From Home (4:51)
04. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:44)
05. You Better Move On (2:45)
06. We Love You (4:25)
07. Street Fighting Man (3:19)
08. She's A Rainbow (4:13)
09. Ruby Tuesday (3:22)
10. Dandelion (3:35)
11. Sittin' On A Fence (3:09)
12. Honky Tonk Women (3:05)
02. Mother's Little Helper (2:50)
03. 2,000 Light Years From Home (4:51)
04. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:44)
05. You Better Move On (2:45)
06. We Love You (4:25)
07. Street Fighting Man (3:19)
08. She's A Rainbow (4:13)
09. Ruby Tuesday (3:22)
10. Dandelion (3:35)
11. Sittin' On A Fence (3:09)
12. Honky Tonk Women (3:05)
Through The Past, Darkly: Big Hits Vol. 2 (US 1969)01. Paint It, Black (3:22)
02. Ruby Tuesday (3:17)
03. She's A Rainbow (4:12)
04. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:42)
05. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
06. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:36)
07. Honky Tonk Woman (3:00)
08. Dandelion (3:32)
09. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:45)
10. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:35)
11. Street Fighting Man (3:15)
02. Ruby Tuesday (3:17)
03. She's A Rainbow (4:12)
04. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:42)
05. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
06. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:36)
07. Honky Tonk Woman (3:00)
08. Dandelion (3:32)
09. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:45)
10. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:35)
11. Street Fighting Man (3:15)
Hot Rocks 1 (1971)01. Time Is On My Side (3:00)
02. Heart Of Stone (2:49)
03. Play With Fire (2:14)
04. Satisfaction (3:43)
05. As Tears Go By (2:45)
06. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:55)
07. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
08. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:57)
09. Paint It Black (3:22)
10. Under My Thumb (3:43)
11. Ruby Tuesday (3:17)
12. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:36)
02. Heart Of Stone (2:49)
03. Play With Fire (2:14)
04. Satisfaction (3:43)
05. As Tears Go By (2:45)
06. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:55)
07. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
08. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:57)
09. Paint It Black (3:22)
10. Under My Thumb (3:43)
11. Ruby Tuesday (3:17)
12. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:36)
Hot Rocks 2 (1971)01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:42)
02. Street Fighting Man (3:15)
03. Sympathy For The Devil (6:18)
04. Honky Tonk Women (3:00)
05. Gimme Shelter (4:30)
06. Midnight Rambler (9:15)
07. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:29)
08. Brown Sugar (3:49)
09. Wild Horses (5:43)
02. Street Fighting Man (3:15)
03. Sympathy For The Devil (6:18)
04. Honky Tonk Women (3:00)
05. Gimme Shelter (4:30)
06. Midnight Rambler (9:15)
07. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:29)
08. Brown Sugar (3:49)
09. Wild Horses (5:43)
More Hot Rocks: Big Hits & Fazed Cookies (1972)CD 1.
01. Tell Me (3:47)
02. Not Fade Away (1:48)
03. The Last Time (3:42)
04. It's All Over Now (3:26)
05. Good Times, Bad Times (2:30)
06. I'm Free (2:25)
07. Out Of Time (3:41)
08. Lady Jane (3:08)
09. Sittin' On A Fence (3:02)
10. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:34)
11. Dandelion (3:32)
12. We Love You (4:22)
02. Not Fade Away (1:48)
03. The Last Time (3:42)
04. It's All Over Now (3:26)
05. Good Times, Bad Times (2:30)
06. I'm Free (2:25)
07. Out Of Time (3:41)
08. Lady Jane (3:08)
09. Sittin' On A Fence (3:02)
10. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:34)
11. Dandelion (3:32)
12. We Love You (4:22)
CD 2.
01. She's A Rainbow (4:11)
02. 2000 Light Years From Home (3:53)
03. Child Of The Moon (Rmk) (3:10)
04. No Expectations (3:03)
05. Let It Bleed (5:28)
06. What To Do (2:33)
07. Fortune Teller (2:18)
08. Poison Ivy (Version 1) (2:34)
09. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (5:03)
10. Come On (1:49)
11. Money (2:33)
12. Bye Bye Johnnie (2:10)
13. Poison Ivy (Version 2) (2:07)
14. I've Been Loving You Too Long (2:54)
15. I Can't Be Satisfied (3:26)
16. Long Long While (3:01)
02. 2000 Light Years From Home (3:53)
03. Child Of The Moon (Rmk) (3:10)
04. No Expectations (3:03)
05. Let It Bleed (5:28)
06. What To Do (2:33)
07. Fortune Teller (2:18)
08. Poison Ivy (Version 1) (2:34)
09. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (5:03)
10. Come On (1:49)
11. Money (2:33)
12. Bye Bye Johnnie (2:10)
13. Poison Ivy (Version 2) (2:07)
14. I've Been Loving You Too Long (2:54)
15. I Can't Be Satisfied (3:26)
16. Long Long While (3:01)
Metamorphosis (1975)01. Out Of Time (3:22)
02. Don't Lie To Me (2:01)
03. Some Things Just Stick In Your Mind (2:25)
04. Each And Every Day Of The Year (2:48)
05. Heart Of Stone (3:47)
06. I'd Much Rather Be With The Boys (2:12)
07. (Walkin' Thru The) Sleepy City (2:51)
08. We're Wastin' Time (2:42)
09. Try A Little Harder (2:18)
10. I Don't Know Why aka Don't Know Why I Love You (3:00)
11. If You Let Me (3:16)
12. Jiving Sister Fanny (3:24)
13. Downtown Suzie (3:52)
14. Family (4:04)
15. Memo From Turner (2:45)
16. I'm Going Down (2:52)
02. Don't Lie To Me (2:01)
03. Some Things Just Stick In Your Mind (2:25)
04. Each And Every Day Of The Year (2:48)
05. Heart Of Stone (3:47)
06. I'd Much Rather Be With The Boys (2:12)
07. (Walkin' Thru The) Sleepy City (2:51)
08. We're Wastin' Time (2:42)
09. Try A Little Harder (2:18)
10. I Don't Know Why aka Don't Know Why I Love You (3:00)
11. If You Let Me (3:16)
12. Jiving Sister Fanny (3:24)
13. Downtown Suzie (3:52)
14. Family (4:04)
15. Memo From Turner (2:45)
16. I'm Going Down (2:52)
Made In The Shade (1975)01. Brown Sugar (3:49)
02. Tumbling Dice (3:44)
03. Happy (3:04)
04. Dance Little Sister (4:10)
05. Wild Horses (5:41)
06. Angie (4:31)
07. Bitch (3:36)
08. It's Only Rock 'N Roll (But I Like It) (5:08)
09. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:26)
10. Rip This Joint (2:24)
02. Tumbling Dice (3:44)
03. Happy (3:04)
04. Dance Little Sister (4:10)
05. Wild Horses (5:41)
06. Angie (4:31)
07. Bitch (3:36)
08. It's Only Rock 'N Roll (But I Like It) (5:08)
09. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:26)
10. Rip This Joint (2:24)
Rolled Gold + (1975)CD 1.
01. Come On (1:49)
02. I Wanna Be Your Man (1:43)
03. Not Fade Away (1:48)
04. Carol (2:34)
05. Tell Me (3:49)
06. It's All Over Now (3:26)
07. Little Red Rooster (3:06)
08. Heart Of Stone (2:50)
09. Time Is On My Side (2:59)
10. The Last Time (3:42)
11. Play With Fire (2:13)
12. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:43)
13. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
14. I'm Free (2:23)
15. As Tears Go By (2:46)
16. Lady Jane (3:08)
17. Paint It Black (3:24)
18. Mother's Little Helper (2:46)
19. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:58)
20. Under My Thumb (3:42)
21. Out Of Time (5:37)
22. Yesterday's Papers (2:04)
23. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:37)
24. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:34)
02. I Wanna Be Your Man (1:43)
03. Not Fade Away (1:48)
04. Carol (2:34)
05. Tell Me (3:49)
06. It's All Over Now (3:26)
07. Little Red Rooster (3:06)
08. Heart Of Stone (2:50)
09. Time Is On My Side (2:59)
10. The Last Time (3:42)
11. Play With Fire (2:13)
12. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:43)
13. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
14. I'm Free (2:23)
15. As Tears Go By (2:46)
16. Lady Jane (3:08)
17. Paint It Black (3:24)
18. Mother's Little Helper (2:46)
19. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:58)
20. Under My Thumb (3:42)
21. Out Of Time (5:37)
22. Yesterday's Papers (2:04)
23. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:37)
24. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:34)
CD 2.
01. Ruby Tuesday (3:15)
02. Dandelion (3:31)
03. She's A Rainbow (4:14)
04. We Love You (4:23)
05. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:46)
06. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:43)
07. Street Fighting Man (3:15)
08. Sympathy For The Devil (6:19)
09. No Expectations (3:56)
10. Let It Bleed (5:28)
11. Midnight Rambler (6:54)
12. Gimme Shelter (4:32)
13. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:28)
14. Brown Sugar (3:50)
15. Honky Tonk Women (3:01)
16. Wild Horses (5:42)
02. Dandelion (3:31)
03. She's A Rainbow (4:14)
04. We Love You (4:23)
05. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:46)
06. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:43)
07. Street Fighting Man (3:15)
08. Sympathy For The Devil (6:19)
09. No Expectations (3:56)
10. Let It Bleed (5:28)
11. Midnight Rambler (6:54)
12. Gimme Shelter (4:32)
13. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:28)
14. Brown Sugar (3:50)
15. Honky Tonk Women (3:01)
16. Wild Horses (5:42)
Sucking In The Seventies (1981)01. Shattered (3:45)
02. Everything Is Turning To Gold (4:06)
03. Hot Stuff (3:30)
04. Time Waits For No One (4:25)
05. Fool To Cry (4:06)
06. Mannish Boy (Live) (4:37)
07. When The Whip Comes Down (Live) (4:24)
08. If I Was A Dancer (Dance Pt. 2) (5:50)
09. Crazy Mama (4:06)
10. Beast Of Burden (3:29)
02. Everything Is Turning To Gold (4:06)
03. Hot Stuff (3:30)
04. Time Waits For No One (4:25)
05. Fool To Cry (4:06)
06. Mannish Boy (Live) (4:37)
07. When The Whip Comes Down (Live) (4:24)
08. If I Was A Dancer (Dance Pt. 2) (5:50)
09. Crazy Mama (4:06)
10. Beast Of Burden (3:29)
Rewind (1984)01. Miss You (4:46)
02. Brown Sugar (3:49)
03. Undercover Of The Night (4:31)
04. Start Me Up (3:33)
05. Tumbling Dice (3:38)
06. Hang Fire (2:22)
07. It's Only Rock 'N Roll (But I Like It) (5:07)
08. Emotional Rescue (5:37)
09. Beast Of Burden (4:24)
10. Fool To Cry (5:04)
11. Waiting On A Friend (4:35)
12. Angie (4:30)
13. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:27)
02. Brown Sugar (3:49)
03. Undercover Of The Night (4:31)
04. Start Me Up (3:33)
05. Tumbling Dice (3:38)
06. Hang Fire (2:22)
07. It's Only Rock 'N Roll (But I Like It) (5:07)
08. Emotional Rescue (5:37)
09. Beast Of Burden (4:24)
10. Fool To Cry (5:04)
11. Waiting On A Friend (4:35)
12. Angie (4:30)
13. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:27)
Say Ahhh! (1989)01. Mixed Emotions (4:37)
02. It's Only Rock And Roll (5:07)
03. Start Me Up (3:32)
04. Brown Sugar (3:49)
05. Bitch (3:37)
06. Harlem Shuffle (3:24)
07. Tumbling Dice (3:43)
08. Can't You Hear Me Knocking (7:16)
09. One Hit (4:43)
10. Shattered (3:46)
11. Beast Of Burden (4:25)
12. Happy (3:02)
13. Undercover Of The Night (4:32)
14. Miss You (4:48)
15. Dead Flowers (4:04)
16. Hand Of Fate (4:28)
17. Fancy Man Blues (4:54)
02. It's Only Rock And Roll (5:07)
03. Start Me Up (3:32)
04. Brown Sugar (3:49)
05. Bitch (3:37)
06. Harlem Shuffle (3:24)
07. Tumbling Dice (3:43)
08. Can't You Hear Me Knocking (7:16)
09. One Hit (4:43)
10. Shattered (3:46)
11. Beast Of Burden (4:25)
12. Happy (3:02)
13. Undercover Of The Night (4:32)
14. Miss You (4:48)
15. Dead Flowers (4:04)
16. Hand Of Fate (4:28)
17. Fancy Man Blues (4:54)
Singles Collection: The London Years (1989)CD 1.
01. Come On (1:48)
02. I Want To Be Loved (1:51)
03. I Wanna Be Your Man (1:43)
04. Stoned (2:09)
05. Not Fade Away (1:46)
06. Little By Little (2:39)
07. It's All Over Now (3:27)
08. Good Times, Bad Times (2:30)
09. Tell Me (3:48)
10. I Just Want To Make Love To You (2:16)
11. Time Is On My Side (2:52)
12. Congratulations (2:27)
13. Little Red Rooster (3:04)
14. Off The Hook (2:34)
15. Heart Of Stone (2:45)
16. What A Shame (3:02)
17. The Last Time (3:41)
18. Play With Fire (2:14)
19. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:43)
20. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:08)
21. The Spider And The Fly (3:38)
22. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:53)
23. I'm Free (2:24)
24. The Singer Not The Song (2:24)
25. As Tears Go By (2:45)
02. I Want To Be Loved (1:51)
03. I Wanna Be Your Man (1:43)
04. Stoned (2:09)
05. Not Fade Away (1:46)
06. Little By Little (2:39)
07. It's All Over Now (3:27)
08. Good Times, Bad Times (2:30)
09. Tell Me (3:48)
10. I Just Want To Make Love To You (2:16)
11. Time Is On My Side (2:52)
12. Congratulations (2:27)
13. Little Red Rooster (3:04)
14. Off The Hook (2:34)
15. Heart Of Stone (2:45)
16. What A Shame (3:02)
17. The Last Time (3:41)
18. Play With Fire (2:14)
19. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:43)
20. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:08)
21. The Spider And The Fly (3:38)
22. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:53)
23. I'm Free (2:24)
24. The Singer Not The Song (2:24)
25. As Tears Go By (2:45)
CD 2.
01. Gotta Get Away (2:06)
02. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:56)
03. Sad Day (3:03)
04. Paint It Black (3:44)
05. Stupid Girl (2:55)
06. Long, Long While (3:00)
07. Mother's Little Helper (2:45)
08. Lady Jane (3:11)
09. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:33)
10. Who's Driving Your Plane? (3:13)
11. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:28)
12. Ruby Tuesday (3:13)
13. We Love You (4:36)
14. Dandelion (3:47)
15. She's A Rainbow (4:11)
16. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:44)
17. In Another Land (2:53)
18. The Lantern (4:25)
19. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:37)
20. Child Of The Moon (3:12)
02. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:56)
03. Sad Day (3:03)
04. Paint It Black (3:44)
05. Stupid Girl (2:55)
06. Long, Long While (3:00)
07. Mother's Little Helper (2:45)
08. Lady Jane (3:11)
09. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:33)
10. Who's Driving Your Plane? (3:13)
11. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:28)
12. Ruby Tuesday (3:13)
13. We Love You (4:36)
14. Dandelion (3:47)
15. She's A Rainbow (4:11)
16. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:44)
17. In Another Land (2:53)
18. The Lantern (4:25)
19. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:37)
20. Child Of The Moon (3:12)
CD 3.
01. Street Fighting Man (3:09)
02. No Expectations (3:55)
03. Surprise, Surpise (2:30)
04. Honky Tonk Women (3:01)
05. You Can't Always Get What You Want (4:49)
06. Memo From Turner (4:06)
07. Brown Sugar (3:50)
08. Wild Horses (5:42)
09. I Don't Know Whay AKA Don't Know Why I Love You (3:01)
10. Try A Little Harder (2:16)
11. Out of Time (3:21)
12. Jiving Sister Fanny (3:19)
13. Sympathy For The Devil (6:16)
02. No Expectations (3:55)
03. Surprise, Surpise (2:30)
04. Honky Tonk Women (3:01)
05. You Can't Always Get What You Want (4:49)
06. Memo From Turner (4:06)
07. Brown Sugar (3:50)
08. Wild Horses (5:42)
09. I Don't Know Whay AKA Don't Know Why I Love You (3:01)
10. Try A Little Harder (2:16)
11. Out of Time (3:21)
12. Jiving Sister Fanny (3:19)
13. Sympathy For The Devil (6:16)
Star Box (1989)01. Brown Sugar (3:51)
02. Tumbling Dice (3:43)
03. Angie (4:32)
04. It's Only Rock'n Roll (But I Like It) (5:08)
05. Fool To Cry (5:04)
06. Miss You (4:48)
07. She's So Cold (4:13)
08. Start Me Up (3:33)
09. Under Cover Of The Night (4:34)
10. Harlem Shuffle (3:24)
11. Bitch (3:37)
12. Happy (3:02)
13. Hot Stuff (5:22)
14. All About You (4:19)
15. One Hit (To The Body) (4:45)
16. Honky Tonk Women (3:22)
17. Jumping Jack Flash (3:32)
02. Tumbling Dice (3:43)
03. Angie (4:32)
04. It's Only Rock'n Roll (But I Like It) (5:08)
05. Fool To Cry (5:04)
06. Miss You (4:48)
07. She's So Cold (4:13)
08. Start Me Up (3:33)
09. Under Cover Of The Night (4:34)
10. Harlem Shuffle (3:24)
11. Bitch (3:37)
12. Happy (3:02)
13. Hot Stuff (5:22)
14. All About You (4:19)
15. One Hit (To The Body) (4:45)
16. Honky Tonk Women (3:22)
17. Jumping Jack Flash (3:32)
Another Side Of Steel Wheels (1990)01. Mixed Emotions (Re-Mix) (6:13)
02. Rock And A Hard Place (Dance Mix) (6:55)
03. Rock And A Hard Place (Oh-Oh Hard Dub Mix) (6:55)
04. Rock And A Hard Place (Michael Brauer Mix) (7:05)
05. Rock And A Hard Place (Bonus Beats Mix) (4:08)
06. Fancy Man Blues (4:56)
07. Cook Cook Blues (4:12)
02. Rock And A Hard Place (Dance Mix) (6:55)
03. Rock And A Hard Place (Oh-Oh Hard Dub Mix) (6:55)
04. Rock And A Hard Place (Michael Brauer Mix) (7:05)
05. Rock And A Hard Place (Bonus Beats Mix) (4:08)
06. Fancy Man Blues (4:56)
07. Cook Cook Blues (4:12)
Jump Back: The Best Of The Rolling Stones 71-93
(1993)01. Start Me Up (3:33)
02. Brown Sugar (3:48)
03. Harlem Shuffle (3:24)
04. It's Only Rock'n'roll (5:07)
05. Mixed Emotions (3:59)
06. Angie (4:31)
07. Tumbling Dice (3:46)
08. Fool To Cry (4:06)
09. Rock And A Hard Place (4:10)
10. Miss You (3:35)
11. Hot Stuff (3:30)
12. Emotional Rescue (5:39)
13. Respectable (3:06)
14. Beast Of Burden (3:27)
15. Waiting On A Friend (4:35)
16. Wild Horses (5:43)
17. Bitch (3:36)
18. Undercover Of The Night (4:33)
02. Brown Sugar (3:48)
03. Harlem Shuffle (3:24)
04. It's Only Rock'n'roll (5:07)
05. Mixed Emotions (3:59)
06. Angie (4:31)
07. Tumbling Dice (3:46)
08. Fool To Cry (4:06)
09. Rock And A Hard Place (4:10)
10. Miss You (3:35)
11. Hot Stuff (3:30)
12. Emotional Rescue (5:39)
13. Respectable (3:06)
14. Beast Of Burden (3:27)
15. Waiting On A Friend (4:35)
16. Wild Horses (5:43)
17. Bitch (3:36)
18. Undercover Of The Night (4:33)
Desert Island Survival Kit (1994)01. It's All Over Now (3:26)
02. 2120 South Michigan Avenue (2:07)
03. The Spider And The Fly (3:38)
04. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
05. Under My Thumb (3:40)
06. Think (3:08)
07. Ruby Tuesday (3:16)
08. Miss Amanda Jones (2:41)
09. Dandelion (3:31)
10. Jumping Jack Flash (3:40)
11. Salt Of The Earth (4:51)
12. You Got The Silver (2:52)
13. Monkey Man (4:12)
14. Midnight Rambler (Live) (9:22)
15. Sympathy for the Devil (Live) (6:32)
02. 2120 South Michigan Avenue (2:07)
03. The Spider And The Fly (3:38)
04. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
05. Under My Thumb (3:40)
06. Think (3:08)
07. Ruby Tuesday (3:16)
08. Miss Amanda Jones (2:41)
09. Dandelion (3:31)
10. Jumping Jack Flash (3:40)
11. Salt Of The Earth (4:51)
12. You Got The Silver (2:52)
13. Monkey Man (4:12)
14. Midnight Rambler (Live) (9:22)
15. Sympathy for the Devil (Live) (6:32)
Forty Licks (2002)CD 1.
01. Street Fighting Man (3:17)
02. Gimme Shelter (4:32)
03. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:44)
04. The Last Time (3:42)
05. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:43)
06. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:29)
07. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:57)
08. Under My Thumb (3:42)
09. Not Fade Away (1:49)
10. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:36)
11. Sympathy For The Devil (6:18)
12. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
13. She's A Rainbow (4:13)
14. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:56)
15. Wild Horses (5:45)
16. Ruby Tuesday (3:15)
17. Paint It Black (3:45)
18. Honky Tonk Women (3:01)
19. It's All Over Now (3:28)
20. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:27)
02. Gimme Shelter (4:32)
03. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:44)
04. The Last Time (3:42)
05. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:43)
06. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:29)
07. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:57)
08. Under My Thumb (3:42)
09. Not Fade Away (1:49)
10. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:36)
11. Sympathy For The Devil (6:18)
12. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
13. She's A Rainbow (4:13)
14. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:56)
15. Wild Horses (5:45)
16. Ruby Tuesday (3:15)
17. Paint It Black (3:45)
18. Honky Tonk Women (3:01)
19. It's All Over Now (3:28)
20. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:27)
CD 2.
01. Start Me Up (3:33)
02. Brown Sugar (3:49)
03. Miss You (3:35)
04. Beast Of Burden (3:27)
05. Don't Stop (3:58)
06. Happy (3:05)
07. Angie (4:31)
08. You Got Me Rocking (3:33)
09. Shattered (3:46)
10. Fool To Cry (4:07)
11. Love Is Strong (3:48)
12. Mixed Emotions (4:01)
13. Keys To Your Love (4:12)
14. Anybody Seen My Baby? (4:07)
15. Stealing My Heart (3:42)
16. Tumbling Dice (3:46)
17. Undercover Of The Night (4:13)
18. Emotional Rescue (3:42)
19. It's Only Rock 'N' Roll (4:10)
20. Losing My Touch (5:06)
02. Brown Sugar (3:49)
03. Miss You (3:35)
04. Beast Of Burden (3:27)
05. Don't Stop (3:58)
06. Happy (3:05)
07. Angie (4:31)
08. You Got Me Rocking (3:33)
09. Shattered (3:46)
10. Fool To Cry (4:07)
11. Love Is Strong (3:48)
12. Mixed Emotions (4:01)
13. Keys To Your Love (4:12)
14. Anybody Seen My Baby? (4:07)
15. Stealing My Heart (3:42)
16. Tumbling Dice (3:46)
17. Undercover Of The Night (4:13)
18. Emotional Rescue (3:42)
19. It's Only Rock 'N' Roll (4:10)
20. Losing My Touch (5:06)
Singles 1963-1965 (Box Set 2004)CD 1: Come On.01. Come On (1:49)
02. I Want To Be Loved (1:51)
02. I Want To Be Loved (1:51)
CD 2: I Wanna Be Your Man.01. I Wanna Be Your Man (1:44)
02. Stoned (2:09)
02. Stoned (2:09)
CD 3: The Rolling Stones (EP).01. Bye Bye Johnny (2:10)
02. Money (2:33)
03. You Better Move On (2:41)
04. Poison Ivy (2:06)
02. Money (2:33)
03. You Better Move On (2:41)
04. Poison Ivy (2:06)
CD 4: Not Fade Away.01. Not Fade Away (1:48)
02. Little By Little (2:39)
02. Little By Little (2:39)
CD 5: It's All Over Now.01. It's All Over Now (3:30)
02. Good Times, Bad Times (2:30)
02. Good Times, Bad Times (2:30)
CD 6: Five By Five (EP).01. If You Need Me (2:05)
02. Empty Heart (2:38)
03. 2120 South Michigan Avenue (2:10)
04. Confessin' The Blues (2:50)
05. Around And Around (3:04)
02. Empty Heart (2:38)
03. 2120 South Michigan Avenue (2:10)
04. Confessin' The Blues (2:50)
05. Around And Around (3:04)
CD 7: Tell Me.01. Tell Me (2:39)
02. I Just Want To Make Love To You (2:16)
02. I Just Want To Make Love To You (2:16)
CD 8: Time Is On My Side.01. Time Is On My Side (2:53)
02. Congratulations (2:28)
02. Congratulations (2:28)
CD 9: Little Red Rooster.01. Little Red Rooster (3:06)
02. Off The Hook (2:34)
02. Off The Hook (2:34)
CD 10: Heart Of Stone.01. Heart Of Stone (2:46)
02. What A Shame (3:02)
02. What A Shame (3:02)
CD 11: The Last Time.01. The Last Time (3:42)
02. Play With Fire (2:13)
02. Play With Fire (2:13)
CD 12: Got Live If You Want It! (EP).01. We Want The Stones (0:12)
02. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (0:35)
03. Pain In My Heart (2:03)
04. Route 66 (2:36)
05. I'm Moving On (2:12)
06. I'm Alright (2:22)
02. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (0:35)
03. Pain In My Heart (2:03)
04. Route 66 (2:36)
05. I'm Moving On (2:12)
06. I'm Alright (2:22)
Singles 1965-1967 (Box Set 2004)CD 1: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction.01. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:43)
02. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:08)
03. The Spider And The Fly (3:38)
02. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:08)
03. The Spider And The Fly (3:38)
CD 2: Get Off Of My Cloud.01. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
02. I'm Free (2:24)
03. The Singer Not The Song (2:22)
02. I'm Free (2:24)
03. The Singer Not The Song (2:22)
CD 3: As Tears Go By.01. As Tears Go By (2:45)
02. Gotta Get Away (2:06)
02. Gotta Get Away (2:06)
CD 4: 19th Nervous Breakdown.01. 19Th Nervous Breakdown (3:58)
02. Sad Day (3:01)
02. Sad Day (3:01)
CD 5: Paint It Black.01. Paint It, Black (3:45)
02. Stupid Girl (2:57)
03. Long Long While (3:01)
02. Stupid Girl (2:57)
03. Long Long While (3:01)
CD 6: Mother's Little Helper.01. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
02. Lady Jane (3:09)
02. Lady Jane (3:09)
CD 7: Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The
Shadow?01. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?
02. Who's Driving Your Plane? (3:13)
02. Who's Driving Your Plane? (3:13)
CD 8: Let's Spend The Night Together.01. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:27)
02. Ruby Tuesday (3:13)
02. Ruby Tuesday (3:13)
CD 9: We Love You.01. We Love You (4:38)
02. Dandelion (3:47)
02. Dandelion (3:47)
CD 10: She's A Rainbow.01. She's A Rainbow (4:12)
02. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:44)
02. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:44)
CD 11: In Another Land.01. In Another Land (2:53)
02. The Lantern (4:25)
02. The Lantern (4:25)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Singles 1968-1971 (Box Set 2005)CD 1: Jumpin' Jack Flash.01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:38)
CD 3: Honky Tonk Women.01. Honky Tonk Women (3:01)
CD 6: Wild Horses.01. Wild Horses (5:44)
Singles 1968-1971 (Box Set 2005)CD 1: Jumpin' Jack Flash.01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:38)
02. Child Of The Moon (Rmk)
CD 2: Street Fighting Man.01. Street Fighting Man (3:09)
02. No Expectations (3:55)
03. Surprise Surprise (2:31)
04. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (5:03)
02. No Expectations (3:55)
03. Surprise Surprise (2:31)
04. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (5:03)
02. You Can't Always Get What You
Want (4:49)
CD 4: Memo From Turner.01. Memo From Turner (4:08)
02. Natural Magic (Ry Cooder Inst. From The Film 'Performance') (1:39)
02. Natural Magic (Ry Cooder Inst. From The Film 'Performance') (1:39)
CD 5: Brown Sugar.01. Brown Sugar (3:49)
02. Bitch (3:36)
02. Bitch (3:36)
02. Sway (3:47)
CD 7: I Don't Know Why.01. I Don't Know Why (3:01)
02. Try A Little Harder (2:17)
02. Try A Little Harder (2:17)
CD 8: Out Of Time.01. Out Of Time (3:21)
02. Jiving Sister Fanny (3:20)
02. Jiving Sister Fanny (3:20)
CD 9: Sympathy For The Devil.01. Sympathy For The Devil (Original Recording) (6:18)
02. Sympathy For The Devil (The Neptunes Remix) (5:55)
03. Sympathy For The Devil (Fatboy Slim Remix) (8:25)
04. Sympathy For The Devil (Full Phatt Remix) (5:33)
02. Sympathy For The Devil (The Neptunes Remix) (5:55)
03. Sympathy For The Devil (Fatboy Slim Remix) (8:25)
04. Sympathy For The Devil (Full Phatt Remix) (5:33)
Rarities 1971-2003 (2005)01. Fancy Man Blues (4:48)
02. Tumbling Dice (Rehearsals and Live) (4:02)
03. Wild Horses (Live, Stripped Version) (5:10)
04. Beast Of Burden (Live) (5:04)
05. Anyway You Look At It (4:19)
06. If I Was A Dancer (Dance Pt. 2) (5:50)
07. Miss You (Dance Version, Edit) (7:32)
08. Wish I'd Never Met You (4:38)
09. I Just Wanna Make Love To You (Live) (3:55)
10. Mixed Emotions (12' Version) (6:12)
11. Through The Lonely Nights (4:12)
12. Live With Me (Live) (3:47)
13. Let It Rock (Live) (2:46)
14. Harlem Shuffle (NY Mix, Edit) (5:48)
15. Mannish Boy (Live) (4:28)
16. Thru And Thru (Live) (6:39)
02. Tumbling Dice (Rehearsals and Live) (4:02)
03. Wild Horses (Live, Stripped Version) (5:10)
04. Beast Of Burden (Live) (5:04)
05. Anyway You Look At It (4:19)
06. If I Was A Dancer (Dance Pt. 2) (5:50)
07. Miss You (Dance Version, Edit) (7:32)
08. Wish I'd Never Met You (4:38)
09. I Just Wanna Make Love To You (Live) (3:55)
10. Mixed Emotions (12' Version) (6:12)
11. Through The Lonely Nights (4:12)
12. Live With Me (Live) (3:47)
13. Let It Rock (Live) (2:46)
14. Harlem Shuffle (NY Mix, Edit) (5:48)
15. Mannish Boy (Live) (4:28)
16. Thru And Thru (Live) (6:39)
Therollingstonesinstoresampler (2005)01. Rough Justice (3:11)
02. Brown Sugar (3:50)
03. Let Me Down Slow (4:16)
04. Happy (3:04)
05. Streets Of Love (5:09)
06. Angie (4:32)
07. Rain Fall Down (4:54)
08. It's Only Rock'n Roll (4:09)
09. Laugh I Nearly Died (4:54)
10. Miss You (3:35)
11. This Place Is Empty (3:16)
12. Start Me Up (3:33)
02. Brown Sugar (3:50)
03. Let Me Down Slow (4:16)
04. Happy (3:04)
05. Streets Of Love (5:09)
06. Angie (4:32)
07. Rain Fall Down (4:54)
08. It's Only Rock'n Roll (4:09)
09. Laugh I Nearly Died (4:54)
10. Miss You (3:35)
11. This Place Is Empty (3:16)
12. Start Me Up (3:33)
For In Store Play Only (2005)01. Rough Justice (3:11)
02. Brown Sugar (3:50)
03. Let Me Down Slow (4:16)
04. Happy (3:04)
05. Streets Of Love (5:09)
06. Angie (4:32)
07. Rain Fall Down (4:54)
08. It's Only Rock'n Roll (4:09)
09. Laugh I Nearly Died (4:54)
10. Miss You (3:35)
11. This Place Is Empty (3:16)
12. Start Me Up (3:33)
02. Brown Sugar (3:50)
03. Let Me Down Slow (4:16)
04. Happy (3:04)
05. Streets Of Love (5:09)
06. Angie (4:32)
07. Rain Fall Down (4:54)
08. It's Only Rock'n Roll (4:09)
09. Laugh I Nearly Died (4:54)
10. Miss You (3:35)
11. This Place Is Empty (3:16)
12. Start Me Up (3:33)
A Bigger Bang European Tour (2006)01. Rocks Off (4:32)
02. Silver Train (4:27)
03. Let Me Down Slow (4:15)
04. Fancy Man Blues (4:28)
05. Waiting On A Friend (4:34)
06. One Hit (To The Body) (4:44)
07. Saint Of Me (Live) (5:22)
08. Respectable (Live) (3:25)
02. Silver Train (4:27)
03. Let Me Down Slow (4:15)
04. Fancy Man Blues (4:28)
05. Waiting On A Friend (4:34)
06. One Hit (To The Body) (4:44)
07. Saint Of Me (Live) (5:22)
08. Respectable (Live) (3:25)
Remasters (2009)01. Moonlight Mile (5:58)
02. Dancing With Mr.D. (4:52)
03. Time Waits For No One (6:37)
04. Hot Stuff (5:20)
05. Beast Of Burden (4:24)
06. Let Me Go (3:26)
07. Hang Fire (2:21)
08. She Was Hot (4:41)
09. Winning Ugly (4:32)
10. Break The Spell (3:07)
11. Thru And Thru (6:01)
12. Saint Of Me (5:15)
13. Rain Fall Down (4:56)
02. Dancing With Mr.D. (4:52)
03. Time Waits For No One (6:37)
04. Hot Stuff (5:20)
05. Beast Of Burden (4:24)
06. Let Me Go (3:26)
07. Hang Fire (2:21)
08. She Was Hot (4:41)
09. Winning Ugly (4:32)
10. Break The Spell (3:07)
11. Thru And Thru (6:01)
12. Saint Of Me (5:15)
13. Rain Fall Down (4:56)
02. Angie (4:30)
03. Through The Lonely Nights (4:11)
04. Hot Stuff (5:20)
05. Beast Of Burden (4:25)
06. Emotional Rescue
07. Start Me Up (3:32)
08. Undercover Of The Night (Dub Version) (6:24)
09. Harlem Shuffle (London Mix) (6:20)
10. Ruby Tuesday (Live) (4:13)
11. Love Is Strong (Teddy Riley Extended Remix) (5:04)
12. Out Of Tears (Bob Clearmountain Remix Edit) (4:20)
13. Like A Rolling Stone (Album Version) (5:36)
14. Anybody Seen My Baby? (Soul Solution Remix Edit) (4:24)
15. Don't Stop (New Rock Mix) (4:01)
16. Rain Fall Down (Will.I.Am Remix) (4:04)
03. Through The Lonely Nights (4:11)
04. Hot Stuff (5:20)
05. Beast Of Burden (4:25)
06. Emotional Rescue
07. Start Me Up (3:32)
08. Undercover Of The Night (Dub Version) (6:24)
09. Harlem Shuffle (London Mix) (6:20)
10. Ruby Tuesday (Live) (4:13)
11. Love Is Strong (Teddy Riley Extended Remix) (5:04)
12. Out Of Tears (Bob Clearmountain Remix Edit) (4:20)
13. Like A Rolling Stone (Album Version) (5:36)
14. Anybody Seen My Baby? (Soul Solution Remix Edit) (4:24)
15. Don't Stop (New Rock Mix) (4:01)
16. Rain Fall Down (Will.I.Am Remix) (4:04)
Grrr! (2012) CD 1.
01. Come On (1:49)
02. Not Fade Away (1:47)
03. It's All Over Now (3:27)
04. Little Red Rooster (3:05)
05. The Last Time (3:41)
06. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:43)
07. Time Is On My Side (3:00)
08. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
09. Heart Of Stone (2:49)
10. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:57)
11. As Tears Go By (2:46)
12. Paint It, Black (3:23)
13. Under My Thumb (3:42)
14. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:36)
15. Ruby Tuesday (3:14)
16. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:37)
17. We Love You (4:23)
02. Not Fade Away (1:47)
03. It's All Over Now (3:27)
04. Little Red Rooster (3:05)
05. The Last Time (3:41)
06. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:43)
07. Time Is On My Side (3:00)
08. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:54)
09. Heart Of Stone (2:49)
10. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:57)
11. As Tears Go By (2:46)
12. Paint It, Black (3:23)
13. Under My Thumb (3:42)
14. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:36)
15. Ruby Tuesday (3:14)
16. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:37)
17. We Love You (4:23)
CD 2.
01. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:42)
02. Honky Tonk Women (Mono Version) (3:00)
03. Sympathy For The Devil (6:18)
04. You Can't Always Get What You Want (Single Version) (4:49)
05. Gimme Shelter (4:31)
06. Street Fighting Man (Stereo Version) (3:15)
07. Wild Horses (5:44)
08. She's A Rainbow (Stereo Full Version With Intro) (4:13)
09. Brown Sugar (Remastered) (3:49)
10. Happy (3:05)
11. Tumbling Dice (3:46)
12. Angie (Remastered) (4:32)
13. Rocks Off (4:32)
14. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:27)
15. It's Only Rock 'n Roll (But I Like It) (4:10)
16. Fool To Cry (Remastered Edited Version) (4:07)
02. Honky Tonk Women (Mono Version) (3:00)
03. Sympathy For The Devil (6:18)
04. You Can't Always Get What You Want (Single Version) (4:49)
05. Gimme Shelter (4:31)
06. Street Fighting Man (Stereo Version) (3:15)
07. Wild Horses (5:44)
08. She's A Rainbow (Stereo Full Version With Intro) (4:13)
09. Brown Sugar (Remastered) (3:49)
10. Happy (3:05)
11. Tumbling Dice (3:46)
12. Angie (Remastered) (4:32)
13. Rocks Off (4:32)
14. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:27)
15. It's Only Rock 'n Roll (But I Like It) (4:10)
16. Fool To Cry (Remastered Edited Version) (4:07)
CD 3.
01. Miss You (3:34)
02. Respectable (3:07)
03. Beast Of Burden (3:29)
04. Emotional Rescue (3:42)
05. Start Me Up (3:33)
06. Waiting On A Friend (4:36)
07. Undercover Of The Night (4:13)
08. She Was Hot (4:40)
09. Streets Of Love (5:10)
10. The Harlem Shuffle (3:23)
11. Mixed Emotions (3:59)
12. Highwire (7' Version) (3:45)
13. Love Is Strong (3:48)
14. Anybody Seen My Baby? (4:05)
15. Don't Stop (Edited Version) (3:28)
16. Doom And Gloom (3:58)
17. One More Shot (3:03)
02. Respectable (3:07)
03. Beast Of Burden (3:29)
04. Emotional Rescue (3:42)
05. Start Me Up (3:33)
06. Waiting On A Friend (4:36)
07. Undercover Of The Night (4:13)
08. She Was Hot (4:40)
09. Streets Of Love (5:10)
10. The Harlem Shuffle (3:23)
11. Mixed Emotions (3:59)
12. Highwire (7' Version) (3:45)
13. Love Is Strong (3:48)
14. Anybody Seen My Baby? (4:05)
15. Don't Stop (Edited Version) (3:28)
16. Doom And Gloom (3:58)
17. One More Shot (3:03)
The Rolling Stones In Mono (Box Set 2016)CD 1: The Rolling Stones.01. Route 66 (2:23)
02. I Just Wanna Make Love To You (2:18)
03. Honest I Do (2:11)
04. I Need You Baby (Mona) (3:36)
05. Now I've Got A Witness (Like Uncle Phil And Uncle Gene) (2:32)
06. Little By Little (2:40)
07. I'm A King Bee (2:37)
08. Carol (2:35)
09. Tell Me (You're Coming Back) (3:50)
10. Can I Get A Witness (2:56)
11. You Can Make It If You Try (2:02)
12. Walkiing The Dog 3(:11)
CD 2: 12 X 5.01. Around And Around (3:05)
02. Confessin' The Blues (2:50)
03. Empty Heart (2:39)
04. Time Is On My Side (2:54)
05. Good Times, Bad Times (2:32)
06. It's All Over Now (3:27)
07. 2120 South Michigan Avenue (3:40)
08. Under The Boardwalk (2:48)
09. Congratulations (2:30)
10. Grown Up Wrong (2:06)
11. If You Need Me (2:05)
12. Susie Q (1:53)
CD 3: The Rolling Stones No.2.01. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (5:05)
02. Down Home Girl (4:13)
03. You Can't Catch Me (3:40)
04. Time Is On My Side (3:00)
05. What A Shame (3:03)
06. Grown Up Wrong (2:06)
07. Down The Road Apiece (2:57)
08. Under The Boardwalk (2:47)
09. I Can't Be Satisfied (3:29)
10. Pain In My Heart (2:13)
11. Off The Hook (2:36)
12. Suzie Q (1:53)
CD 4: The Rolling Stones Now!01. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (3:01)
02. Down Home Girl (4:13)
03. You Can't Catch Me (3:40)
04. Heart Of Stone (2:50)
05. What A Shame (3:07)
06. (Mona) I Need You Baby (3:35)
07. Down The Road Apiece (2:56)
08. Off The Hook (2:35)
09. Pain In My Heart (2:13)
10. Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin') (2:10)
11. Little Red Rooster (3:06)
12. Surprise, Surprise (2:32)
CD 5: Out Of Our Heads: US Version.01. Mercy Mercy (2:48)
02. Hitch Hike (2:26)
03. The Last Time (3:42)
04. That's How Strong My Love Is (2:26)
05. Good Times (1:59)
06. I'm All Right (2:25)
07. Satisfaction (3:43)
08. Cry To Me (3:10)
09. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:07)
10. Play With Fire (2:15)
11. The Spider And The Fly (3:40)
12. One More Try (2:00)
CD 6: Out Of Our Heads: UK Version.01. She Said Yeah (1:36)
02. Mercy, Mercy (2:47)
03. Hitch Hike (2:26)
04. That's How Strong My Love Is (2:26)
05. Good Times (2:00)
06. Gotta Get Away (2:08)
07. Talkin' 'Bout You (2:32)
08. Cry To Me (3:10)
09. Oh, Baby (We Got A Good Thing Going) (2:09)
10. Heart Of Stone (2:51)
11. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:08)
12. I'm Free (2:25)
CD 7: December's Children: And Everybody's.01. She Said Yeah (1:36)
02. Talkin' About You (2:31)
03. You Better Move On (2:41)
04. Look What You've Done (2:17)
05. The Singer Not The Song (2:23)
06. Route 66 (2:40)
07. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:56)
08. I'm Free (2:24)
09. As Tears Go By (2:46)
10. Gotta Get Away (2:07)
11. Blue Turns To Grey (2:29)
12. I'm Moving On (2:16)
CD 8: Aftermath: UK Version.01. Mother’s Little Helper (2:47)
02. Stupid Girl (2:57)
03. Lady Jane (3:10)
04. Under My Thumb (3:25)
05. Doncha Bother Me (2:42)
06. Going Home (11:18)
07. Flight 505 (3:28)
08. High And Dry (3:08)
09. Out Of Time (5:19)
10. It’s Not Easy (2:56)
11. I Am Waiting (3:12)
12. Take It Or Leave It (2:47)
13. Think (3:09)
14. What To Do (2:31)
CD 9: Aftermath: US Version.01. Paint It, Black (3:24)
02. Stupid Girl (2:57)
03. Lady Jane (3:10)
04. Under My Thumb (3:25)
05. Doncha Bother Me (2:41)
06. Think (3:17)
07. Flight 505 (3:28)
08. High And Dry (3:08)
09. It's Not Easy (2:56)
10. I Am Waiting (3:17)
11. Going Home (11:20)
CD 10: Between The Buttons: UK Version.01. Yesterday’s Papers (2:19)
02. My Obsession (3:20)
03. Back Street Girl (3:27)
04. Connection (2:13)
05. She Smiled Sweetly (2:44)
06. Cool, Calm & Collected (4:16)
07. All Sold Out (2:17)
08. Please Go Home (3:17)
09. Who’s Been Sleeping Here? (3:53)
10. Complicated (3:17)
11. Miss Amanda Jones (2:49)
12. Something Happened To Me Yesterday (4:56)
CD 11: Flowers.01. Ruby Tuesday (3:14)
02. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:35)
03. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:27)
04. Lady Jane (3:09)
05. Out Of Time (3:41)
06. My Girl (2:38)
07. Backstreet Girl (3:25)
08. Please Go Home (3:17)
09. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
10. Take It Or Leave It (2:48)
11. Ride On, Baby (3:00)
12. Sittin' On A Fence (3:02)
CD 12: Their Satanic Majesties Request.01. Sing This All Together (3:47)
02. Citadel (2:51)
03. In Another Land (3:14)
04. 2000 Man (3:08)
05. Sing This All Together (See What Happens) (8:39)
06. She's A Rainbow (4:36)
07. The Lantern (4:26)
08. Gomper (5:10)
09. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:45)
10. On With The Show (3:43)
CD 13: Beggars Banquet.01. Sympathy For The Devil (6:30)
02. No Expectations (3:57)
03. Dear Doctor (3:22)
04. Parachute Woman (2:21)
05. Jigsaw Puzzle (6:06)
06. Street Fighting Man (3:16)
07. Prodigal Son (2:52)
08. Stray Cat Blues (4:38)
09. Factory Girl (2:09)
10. Salt Of The Earth (4:49)
CD 14: Let It Bleed.01. Gimmie Shelter (4:32)
02. Love In Vain (4:19)
03. Country Honk (3:070
04. Live With Me (3:33)
05. Let It Bleed (5:28)
06. Midnight Rambler (6:53)
07. You Got The Silver (2:51)
08. Monkey Man (4:12)
09. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:30)
CD 15: Stray Cats.01. Come On (1:51)
02. I Want To Be Loved (1:55)
03. I Wanna Be Your Man (1:46)
04. Stoned (2:12)
05. Fortune Teller (2:20)
06. Poison Ivy (Version 1) (2:37)
07. Bye Bye Johnny (2:11)
08. Money (2:33)
09. Poison Ivy (Verison 2) (2:08)
10. Not Fade Away (1:50)
11. I've Been Loving You Too Long (2:58)
12. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (Single Version) (3:17)
13. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:58)
14. Sad Day (3:03)
15. Con Le Mie Lacrime (As Tears Go By) (2:50)
16. Long, Long While (3:04)
17. Who's Driving Your Plane? (3:17)
18. We Love You (Single Version) (4:37)
19. Dandelion (Single Version) (3:52)
20. Child Of The Moon (3:15)
21. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:39)
22. Street Fighting Man (Single Version) (3:09)
23. Honky Tonk Women (3:03)
24. You Can't Always Get What You Want (Single Version) (4:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. I Just Wanna Make Love To You (2:18)
03. Honest I Do (2:11)
04. I Need You Baby (Mona) (3:36)
05. Now I've Got A Witness (Like Uncle Phil And Uncle Gene) (2:32)
06. Little By Little (2:40)
07. I'm A King Bee (2:37)
08. Carol (2:35)
09. Tell Me (You're Coming Back) (3:50)
10. Can I Get A Witness (2:56)
11. You Can Make It If You Try (2:02)
12. Walkiing The Dog 3(:11)
CD 2: 12 X 5.01. Around And Around (3:05)
02. Confessin' The Blues (2:50)
03. Empty Heart (2:39)
04. Time Is On My Side (2:54)
05. Good Times, Bad Times (2:32)
06. It's All Over Now (3:27)
07. 2120 South Michigan Avenue (3:40)
08. Under The Boardwalk (2:48)
09. Congratulations (2:30)
10. Grown Up Wrong (2:06)
11. If You Need Me (2:05)
12. Susie Q (1:53)
CD 3: The Rolling Stones No.2.01. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (5:05)
02. Down Home Girl (4:13)
03. You Can't Catch Me (3:40)
04. Time Is On My Side (3:00)
05. What A Shame (3:03)
06. Grown Up Wrong (2:06)
07. Down The Road Apiece (2:57)
08. Under The Boardwalk (2:47)
09. I Can't Be Satisfied (3:29)
10. Pain In My Heart (2:13)
11. Off The Hook (2:36)
12. Suzie Q (1:53)
CD 4: The Rolling Stones Now!01. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (3:01)
02. Down Home Girl (4:13)
03. You Can't Catch Me (3:40)
04. Heart Of Stone (2:50)
05. What A Shame (3:07)
06. (Mona) I Need You Baby (3:35)
07. Down The Road Apiece (2:56)
08. Off The Hook (2:35)
09. Pain In My Heart (2:13)
10. Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin') (2:10)
11. Little Red Rooster (3:06)
12. Surprise, Surprise (2:32)
CD 5: Out Of Our Heads: US Version.01. Mercy Mercy (2:48)
02. Hitch Hike (2:26)
03. The Last Time (3:42)
04. That's How Strong My Love Is (2:26)
05. Good Times (1:59)
06. I'm All Right (2:25)
07. Satisfaction (3:43)
08. Cry To Me (3:10)
09. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:07)
10. Play With Fire (2:15)
11. The Spider And The Fly (3:40)
12. One More Try (2:00)
CD 6: Out Of Our Heads: UK Version.01. She Said Yeah (1:36)
02. Mercy, Mercy (2:47)
03. Hitch Hike (2:26)
04. That's How Strong My Love Is (2:26)
05. Good Times (2:00)
06. Gotta Get Away (2:08)
07. Talkin' 'Bout You (2:32)
08. Cry To Me (3:10)
09. Oh, Baby (We Got A Good Thing Going) (2:09)
10. Heart Of Stone (2:51)
11. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (3:08)
12. I'm Free (2:25)
CD 7: December's Children: And Everybody's.01. She Said Yeah (1:36)
02. Talkin' About You (2:31)
03. You Better Move On (2:41)
04. Look What You've Done (2:17)
05. The Singer Not The Song (2:23)
06. Route 66 (2:40)
07. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:56)
08. I'm Free (2:24)
09. As Tears Go By (2:46)
10. Gotta Get Away (2:07)
11. Blue Turns To Grey (2:29)
12. I'm Moving On (2:16)
CD 8: Aftermath: UK Version.01. Mother’s Little Helper (2:47)
02. Stupid Girl (2:57)
03. Lady Jane (3:10)
04. Under My Thumb (3:25)
05. Doncha Bother Me (2:42)
06. Going Home (11:18)
07. Flight 505 (3:28)
08. High And Dry (3:08)
09. Out Of Time (5:19)
10. It’s Not Easy (2:56)
11. I Am Waiting (3:12)
12. Take It Or Leave It (2:47)
13. Think (3:09)
14. What To Do (2:31)
CD 9: Aftermath: US Version.01. Paint It, Black (3:24)
02. Stupid Girl (2:57)
03. Lady Jane (3:10)
04. Under My Thumb (3:25)
05. Doncha Bother Me (2:41)
06. Think (3:17)
07. Flight 505 (3:28)
08. High And Dry (3:08)
09. It's Not Easy (2:56)
10. I Am Waiting (3:17)
11. Going Home (11:20)
CD 10: Between The Buttons: UK Version.01. Yesterday’s Papers (2:19)
02. My Obsession (3:20)
03. Back Street Girl (3:27)
04. Connection (2:13)
05. She Smiled Sweetly (2:44)
06. Cool, Calm & Collected (4:16)
07. All Sold Out (2:17)
08. Please Go Home (3:17)
09. Who’s Been Sleeping Here? (3:53)
10. Complicated (3:17)
11. Miss Amanda Jones (2:49)
12. Something Happened To Me Yesterday (4:56)
CD 11: Flowers.01. Ruby Tuesday (3:14)
02. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow? (2:35)
03. Let's Spend The Night Together (3:27)
04. Lady Jane (3:09)
05. Out Of Time (3:41)
06. My Girl (2:38)
07. Backstreet Girl (3:25)
08. Please Go Home (3:17)
09. Mother's Little Helper (2:47)
10. Take It Or Leave It (2:48)
11. Ride On, Baby (3:00)
12. Sittin' On A Fence (3:02)
CD 12: Their Satanic Majesties Request.01. Sing This All Together (3:47)
02. Citadel (2:51)
03. In Another Land (3:14)
04. 2000 Man (3:08)
05. Sing This All Together (See What Happens) (8:39)
06. She's A Rainbow (4:36)
07. The Lantern (4:26)
08. Gomper (5:10)
09. 2000 Light Years From Home (4:45)
10. On With The Show (3:43)
CD 13: Beggars Banquet.01. Sympathy For The Devil (6:30)
02. No Expectations (3:57)
03. Dear Doctor (3:22)
04. Parachute Woman (2:21)
05. Jigsaw Puzzle (6:06)
06. Street Fighting Man (3:16)
07. Prodigal Son (2:52)
08. Stray Cat Blues (4:38)
09. Factory Girl (2:09)
10. Salt Of The Earth (4:49)
CD 14: Let It Bleed.01. Gimmie Shelter (4:32)
02. Love In Vain (4:19)
03. Country Honk (3:070
04. Live With Me (3:33)
05. Let It Bleed (5:28)
06. Midnight Rambler (6:53)
07. You Got The Silver (2:51)
08. Monkey Man (4:12)
09. You Can't Always Get What You Want (7:30)
CD 15: Stray Cats.01. Come On (1:51)
02. I Want To Be Loved (1:55)
03. I Wanna Be Your Man (1:46)
04. Stoned (2:12)
05. Fortune Teller (2:20)
06. Poison Ivy (Version 1) (2:37)
07. Bye Bye Johnny (2:11)
08. Money (2:33)
09. Poison Ivy (Verison 2) (2:08)
10. Not Fade Away (1:50)
11. I've Been Loving You Too Long (2:58)
12. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man (Single Version) (3:17)
13. 19th Nervous Breakdown (3:58)
14. Sad Day (3:03)
15. Con Le Mie Lacrime (As Tears Go By) (2:50)
16. Long, Long While (3:04)
17. Who's Driving Your Plane? (3:17)
18. We Love You (Single Version) (4:37)
19. Dandelion (Single Version) (3:52)
20. Child Of The Moon (3:15)
21. Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:39)
22. Street Fighting Man (Single Version) (3:09)
23. Honky Tonk Women (3:03)
24. You Can't Always Get What You Want (Single Version) (4:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Honk (2019)CD 1.
01. Start Me Up (3:33)
02. Brown Sugar (3:50)
03. Rocks Off (4:33)
04. Miss You (4:49)
05. Tumbling Dice (3:46)
06. Just Your Fool (2:18)
07. Wild Horses (5:43)
08. Fool To Cry (5:06)
09. Angie (4:32)
10. Beast Of Burden (4:25)
11. Hot Stuff (5:22)
12. It's Only Rock'n'Roll (But I Like It) (5:08)
13. Rock And A Hard Place (5:25)
14. Doom And Gloom (3:59)
15. Love Is Strong (3:47)
16. Mixed Emotions (4:39)
17. Don't Stop (3:59)
18. Ride 'Em On Down (2:50)
CD 2.
01. Bitch (3:38)
02. Harlem Shuffle (3:25)
03. Hate To See You Go (3:22)
04. Rough Justice (3:12)
05. Happy (3:06)
06. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:28)
07. One More Shot (3:03)
08. Respectable (3:08)
09. You Got Me Rocking (3:36)
10. Rain Fall Down (4:54)
11. Dancing With Mr D (4:53)
12. Undercover (Of The Night) (4:33)
13. Emotional Rescue (5:40)
14. Waiting On A Friend (4:35)
15. Saint Of Me (5:16)
16. Out Of Control (4:45)
17. Street Of Love (5:09)
18. Out Of Tears (5:28)
01. Start Me Up (3:33)
02. Brown Sugar (3:50)
03. Rocks Off (4:33)
04. Miss You (4:49)
05. Tumbling Dice (3:46)
06. Just Your Fool (2:18)
07. Wild Horses (5:43)
08. Fool To Cry (5:06)
09. Angie (4:32)
10. Beast Of Burden (4:25)
11. Hot Stuff (5:22)
12. It's Only Rock'n'Roll (But I Like It) (5:08)
13. Rock And A Hard Place (5:25)
14. Doom And Gloom (3:59)
15. Love Is Strong (3:47)
16. Mixed Emotions (4:39)
17. Don't Stop (3:59)
18. Ride 'Em On Down (2:50)
CD 2.
01. Bitch (3:38)
02. Harlem Shuffle (3:25)
03. Hate To See You Go (3:22)
04. Rough Justice (3:12)
05. Happy (3:06)
06. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (3:28)
07. One More Shot (3:03)
08. Respectable (3:08)
09. You Got Me Rocking (3:36)
10. Rain Fall Down (4:54)
11. Dancing With Mr D (4:53)
12. Undercover (Of The Night) (4:33)
13. Emotional Rescue (5:40)
14. Waiting On A Friend (4:35)
15. Saint Of Me (5:16)
16. Out Of Control (4:45)
17. Street Of Love (5:09)
18. Out Of Tears (5:28)
CD 3: Live.
01. Get Off Of My Cloud (3:21)
02. Dancing With Mr D (4:37)
03. Beast Of Burden (With Ed Sheeran) (4:16)
04. She's A Rainbow (3:23)
05. Wild Horses (With Florence Welch) (4:49)
06. Let's Spend The Night Toghether (4:05)
07. Dead Flowers (Brad Paisley) (5:25)
08. Shine A Light (4:12)
09. Under My Thumb (4:31)
10. Bitch (With Dave Grohl) (5:16)
01. Get Off Of My Cloud (3:21)
02. Dancing With Mr D (4:37)
03. Beast Of Burden (With Ed Sheeran) (4:16)
04. She's A Rainbow (3:23)
05. Wild Horses (With Florence Welch) (4:49)
06. Let's Spend The Night Toghether (4:05)
07. Dead Flowers (Brad Paisley) (5:25)
08. Shine A Light (4:12)
09. Under My Thumb (4:31)
10. Bitch (With Dave Grohl) (5:16)