Fairport Convention oscila entre o Sol e a Lua, entre o imediatismo de Time Will Show The Wiser ou If (Stomp) e temas mais contemplativos, como One Sure Thing, I Don't Know Where I Stand e o sublime Decameron. O igualmente excelente The Lobster mergulha-nos num escuro aquário psicodélico, enquanto Sun Shade flui como as ondas da west coast californiana.
A primeira exposição dos Fairport Convention tem tanto de ingênuo como de experimental. A banda é ainda refém das suas influências, mas as composições em nome próprio vincam já algum do seu caráter. Richard Thompson sai lentamente da crisálida como um dos melhores guitarristas e compositores britânicos das últimas décadas. Este é, igualmente, o único disco do grupo que conta com Judy Dyble como vocalista. O seu registro aproxima-se de Joni Mitchell e Grace Slick, o que, apesar de agradável, não nos prepara para o assombro que estava para vir: uma doce tempestade chamada Sandy Denny.
Indubitavelmente uma das melhores vozes que a Inglaterra deu ao mundo, a jovem de formas robustas e look campestre injetou energia renovada nos Fairport Convention. What We Did On Our Holidays, segundo álbum da banda, é uma obra mais direta e sólida, em que a timidez e introspecção que povoavam grande parte do seu antecessor dão lugar a um som mais expansivo. A sombra da folk encobre cada vez mais o coletivo e o tema que abre este segundo capítulo da sua vida discográfica é a melhor porta de entrada possível. Fotheringay é o seu nome e a conjunção da voz de Sandy com a guitarra acústica parece ter sido criada para sustentar a expressão pele de galinha.
Sublime, etérea e mística, Fotheringay seria suficiente para garantir o Olimpo aos Fairport Convention.
Depois de recompostos da triste história de Mary, Queen of Scots, há outras delícias para descobrir. Duas versões bem conseguidas de Joni Mitchell e Bob Dylan (esta última - I'll Keep It With Mine - especialmente saborosa). Blues insular em Mr. Lacey, rock com f de folk no clássico Meet On The Ledge e duas abordagens inovadoras e igualmente eletrificadas de canções tradicionais inglesas (Nottamun Town e She Moves Through The Fair). A capa do disco possui igualmente a sua história: foi desenhada a giz pelos membros da banda no quadro de uma escola, antes de um concerto.
Poucos meses depois, Unhalfbricking avança progressivamente pelos territórios da folk, quer britânica, quer americana, deixando o rock de lado em tudo exceto no suporte instrumental. Infalível do princípio ao fim, o terceiro álbum dos Fairport Convention guarda muitos dos seus melhores temas. É o disco de A Sailor's Life, revisitação épica e oceânica da canção tradicional com o mesmo nome e um dos marcos primordiais no surgimento da folk elétrica. As revisitações e sub versões do repertório dylanesco continuam, desta feita com realce para a espantosa versão de Percy's Song e a transformação de If You Gotta Go, Go Now numa espécie de canção folclórica da Bretanha francesa chamada Si Tu Dois Partir.
Os dois membros mais proeminentes da banda oferecem prestações superlativas e contribuem com criações próprias da mais fina safra: Sandy Denny com os excelsos Autopsy e Who Knows Where The Time Goes?; Richard Thompson com Cajun Woman e o belíssimo Genesis Hall. Se a música de Unhalfbricking é lendária, a capa que lhe dá rosto também quase algo de mítico.
Os senhores da foto são os pais de Sandy Denny. A banda aparece por entre os buracos da vedação e é possível discernir com facilidade as cabeças de todos os elementos. Muita gente diz que foi propositado, os próprios dizem que foi pura coincidência. Eu também prefiro acreditar na segunda...
Ainda em 1969, um novo álbum vê a luz do dia. Os Fairport Convention viviam um período de euforia criativa e ao quarto disco alcançam o seu momento definitivo. Liege & Lief é o melhor álbum de sempre a ser rotulado folk rock. O efeito é o de um bando de jograis medievais metidos numa máquina do tempo e a quem deram instrumentos elétricos e uma bateria para tocar umas cantigas lá do feudo. Somente três dos oito temas originais foram compostos internamente. Os restantes são adaptações ao universo rock do legado musical britânico. É isto que faz de Liege & Lief um disco único, um objeto estranhamente familiar e belo, mas igualmente atavístico e pesado como as areias do tempo. Torna-se quase impossível distinguir os temas novos dos antigos, pois todos estão embebidos no mistério da música alimentada por lendas e mitos. Matty Groves e Tam Lin são épicos e intensos, narrativas que brotam das fogueiras das muitas noites em que foram contadas e que continuam a atravessar gerações.
Reynardine e The Deserter são lamentos forjados na pedra dos castelos e no verde da Inglaterra rural. Os temas compostos pela banda são igualmente afetados por este regresso ao campo, aos segredos dos bosques e ao animismo da Natureza. Come All Ye é um convite à dança sob o luar, por oposição ao recolhimento solitário de Farewell, Farewell e à melancolia outonal de Crazy Man Michael. Uma obra-prima da música inglesa, Liege & Lief mudou para sempre a forma como a música tradicional foi vista, deixando de ser uma curiosidade cultural para se tornar um elemento passível de fusão e aberto à modernidade.
É difícil para qualquer banda recuperar da perda de alguém como Sandy Denny. Os Fairport Convention não foram exceção. Esta perda (primeiro musical, depois definitiva, pois Sandy viria a falecer em 1977) é notória no quinto álbum do coletivo, Full House. Editado em 1970, é o disco feito pelos homens deixados sozinhos sem a mulher para orientar a casa. Isso resulta num trabalho mais musculado, o mais orientado para o rock até então na sua carreira, mas sem perder nada do espírito folk do seu antecessor. Full House é estranhamente viciante. É um registro com tendência mais sombria, sem a luminosidade projetada por Sandy Denny e em que as vozes são agora repartidas pelos vários membros da banda. Não faltam momentos de comunhão perfeita entre os músicos, especialmente em Doctor of Physick e Sir Patrick Spens, ambas com um violino irresistível - culpa de Dave Swabrick. Magnífico é também o entrosamento nos momentos mais sombrios e introspectivos, como Poor Will & The Jolly Hangman, Now Be Thankful e o majestosamente inebriante Sloth (muito graças à guitarra em êxtase contido de Richard Thompson). Para espíritos festivos, recomenda-se Walk Awhile e duas danças tradicionais transformadas em folk rock: Dirty Linen e a frugalmente intitulada Sir B.
McKenzie's Daughter's Lament For The 77th Mounted Lancer's Retreat From The Straits Of Loch Knombe, In The Year Of Our Lord 1727, On The Occasion Of The Announcement Of Her Marriage To The Laird Of Kinleakie...
Após Full House, o percurso dos Fairport Convention tornou-se erraticamente estável. A sua história discográfica até aos dias de hoje é feita de trabalhos mais ou menos interessantes mas incomparavelmente menores que estes cinco ases saídos do mesmo baralho. De todos os elementos da banda, será Richard Thompson (que saiu logo após o término de Full House) aquele que ainda produz música relevante. E apenas Simon Nicol resta deste período imaculado...
Marcada por várias mudanças na formação em sua primeira década, o Fairport Convention desmembrou-se temporariamente em 1979 mas continuou tocando em reuniões anuais até seu retorno em 1985. Desde estão, o grupo permanece estável e continua a viajar em turnê e a lançar álbuns regularmente. Site Oficial.
Fairport Convention (1968)
01. Time Will Show The Wise (03:07)
02. I Don't Know Where I Stand (03:46)
03. If (Stomp) (02:48)
04. Decameron (03:45)
05. Jack O'diamonds (03:32)
06. Portfolio (02:02)
07. Chelsea Morning (03:06)
08. Sun Shade (03:47)
09. The Lobster (04:49)
10. It's Alright MA, It's Only Witchcraft (03:16)
11. One Sure Thing (02:56)
12. M.1 Breakdown (01:28)
13. Suzanne (05:49)
14. If I Had A Ribbon Bow (02:45)
15. Morning Glory (03:14)
16. Reno, Nevada (07:44)
02. I Don't Know Where I Stand (03:46)
03. If (Stomp) (02:48)
04. Decameron (03:45)
05. Jack O'diamonds (03:32)
06. Portfolio (02:02)
07. Chelsea Morning (03:06)
08. Sun Shade (03:47)
09. The Lobster (04:49)
10. It's Alright MA, It's Only Witchcraft (03:16)
11. One Sure Thing (02:56)
12. M.1 Breakdown (01:28)
13. Suzanne (05:49)
14. If I Had A Ribbon Bow (02:45)
15. Morning Glory (03:14)
16. Reno, Nevada (07:44)
What We Did On Our Holidays (1969)
01. Fotheringay (03:08)
02. Mr Lacey (02:55)
03. Book Song (03:14)
04. 'The Lord Is In This Place, How Dreadful Is This Place?' (02:02)
05. No Man's Land (02:32)
06. I'll Keep It With Mine (05:56)
07. Eastern Rain (03:36)
08. Nottamun Town (03:14)
09. Tale In Hard Time (03:29)
10. She Moves Through The Fair (04:14)
11. Meet On The Ledge (02:50)
12. End Of A Holiday (01:12)
13. Throwaway Street Puzzle (03:31)
14. You're Gonna Need My Help (04:12)
15. Some Sweet Day (02:32)
02. Mr Lacey (02:55)
03. Book Song (03:14)
04. 'The Lord Is In This Place, How Dreadful Is This Place?' (02:02)
05. No Man's Land (02:32)
06. I'll Keep It With Mine (05:56)
07. Eastern Rain (03:36)
08. Nottamun Town (03:14)
09. Tale In Hard Time (03:29)
10. She Moves Through The Fair (04:14)
11. Meet On The Ledge (02:50)
12. End Of A Holiday (01:12)
13. Throwaway Street Puzzle (03:31)
14. You're Gonna Need My Help (04:12)
15. Some Sweet Day (02:32)
Unhalfbricking (1969)
01. Genesis Hall (03:38)
02. Si Tu Dois Partir (02:22)
03. Autopsy (04:23)
04. A Sailor's Life (11:12)
05. Cajun Woman (02:46)
06. Who Knows Where The Time Goes (05:09)
07. Percy's Song (06:50)
08. Million Dollar Bash (02:58)
09. Dear Landlord (04:09)
10. The Ballad Of Easy Rider (04:55)
02. Si Tu Dois Partir (02:22)
03. Autopsy (04:23)
04. A Sailor's Life (11:12)
05. Cajun Woman (02:46)
06. Who Knows Where The Time Goes (05:09)
07. Percy's Song (06:50)
08. Million Dollar Bash (02:58)
09. Dear Landlord (04:09)
10. The Ballad Of Easy Rider (04:55)
Liege & Lief (1969)
01. Come All Ye (05:04)
02. Reynardine (04:34)
03. Matty Groves (08:10)
04. Farewell, Farewell (02:40)
05. The Deserter (04:25)
06. Medley: (04:09)
The Lark In The Morning
Rakish Paddy
Jig, Toss The Feat...
07. Tam Lin (07:15)
08. Crazy Man Michael (04:47)
09. Sir Patrick Spens (04:04)
10. Quiet Joys Of Brotherhood (10:17)
02. Reynardine (04:34)
03. Matty Groves (08:10)
04. Farewell, Farewell (02:40)
05. The Deserter (04:25)
06. Medley: (04:09)
The Lark In The Morning
Rakish Paddy
Jig, Toss The Feat...
07. Tam Lin (07:15)
08. Crazy Man Michael (04:47)
09. Sir Patrick Spens (04:04)
10. Quiet Joys Of Brotherhood (10:17)
Liege & Lief: The Sessions (1969)
01. Farewell Farewell (02:31)
02. Crazy Man Michael (04:47)
03. Crazy Man Michael (04:47)
04. Come All Ye (05:12)
05. Who Knows Where The Time Goes (05:16)
06. Autopsy (04:26)
07. Autopsy (04:31)
08. Autopsy (04:28)
09. Tam Lin (07:07)
10. Tam Lin (07:02)
11. Matty Groves (Vocal) (04:26)
12. Matty Groves (Vocal) (04:25)
13. Matty Groves (Instrumental) (03:30)
14. Matty Groves (Instrumental) (03:30)
15. Matty Groves (Instrumental) (03:26)
02. Crazy Man Michael (04:47)
03. Crazy Man Michael (04:47)
04. Come All Ye (05:12)
05. Who Knows Where The Time Goes (05:16)
06. Autopsy (04:26)
07. Autopsy (04:31)
08. Autopsy (04:28)
09. Tam Lin (07:07)
10. Tam Lin (07:02)
11. Matty Groves (Vocal) (04:26)
12. Matty Groves (Vocal) (04:25)
13. Matty Groves (Instrumental) (03:30)
14. Matty Groves (Instrumental) (03:30)
15. Matty Groves (Instrumental) (03:26)
Full House (1970)
01. Walk Awhile (04:02)
02. Doctor Of Physick (03:34)
03. Dirty Linen (04:14)
04. Sloth (09:16)
05. Sir Patrick Spens (03:33)
06. Flatback Caper (06:22)
07. Poor Will & The Jolly Hangman (05:32)
08. Flowers Of The Forest (04:04)
09. Now Be Thankful (Mono) (02:24)
10. Sir B. McKenzie's Daughter's Lament (02:53)
11. Bonny Bunch Of Roses (10:49)
12. Now Be Thankful (New Stereo Mix) (02:25)
02. Doctor Of Physick (03:34)
03. Dirty Linen (04:14)
04. Sloth (09:16)
05. Sir Patrick Spens (03:33)
06. Flatback Caper (06:22)
07. Poor Will & The Jolly Hangman (05:32)
08. Flowers Of The Forest (04:04)
09. Now Be Thankful (Mono) (02:24)
10. Sir B. McKenzie's Daughter's Lament (02:53)
11. Bonny Bunch Of Roses (10:49)
12. Now Be Thankful (New Stereo Mix) (02:25)
Angel Delight (1971)
01. Lord Marlborough (03:25)
02. Sir William Gower (04:55)
03. Bridge Over The River Ash (02:13)
04. Wizard Of The Worldly Game (04:05)
05. The Journeyman's Grace (04:32)
06. Angel Delight (04:07)
07. Banks Of The Sweet Primroses (04:13)
08. Instrumental Medley (03:25)
09. The Bonny Black Hare (03:05)
10. Sickness & Diseases (03:47)
02. Sir William Gower (04:55)
03. Bridge Over The River Ash (02:13)
04. Wizard Of The Worldly Game (04:05)
05. The Journeyman's Grace (04:32)
06. Angel Delight (04:07)
07. Banks Of The Sweet Primroses (04:13)
08. Instrumental Medley (03:25)
09. The Bonny Black Hare (03:05)
10. Sickness & Diseases (03:47)
"Babbacombe" Lee (1971)
01. The Verdict (Read By Philip Stirling Wall) (00:29)
02. Little Did I Think (02:19)
03. I Was Sixteen (Part 1) (01:30)
04. John My Son (00:45)
05. I Was Sixteen (Part 2) (01:18)
06. St. Ninian's Isle/Trumpet Hornpipe (01:14)
07. Sailors Alphabet (05:51)
08. John Lee (03:05)
09. Newspaper Reading (Read By AL Lloyd) (00:46)
10. Breakfast In Mayfair (03:10)
11. Trial Song (03:56)
12. Cell Song (03:36)
13. The Time Is Near (02:32)
14. Dream Song (05:25)
15. Wake Up John (Hanging Song) (05:26)
Bonus Tracks BBC TV.
16. Farewell To A Poor Man's Son (04:56)
17. Breakfast In Mayfair (04:00)
02. Little Did I Think (02:19)
03. I Was Sixteen (Part 1) (01:30)
04. John My Son (00:45)
05. I Was Sixteen (Part 2) (01:18)
06. St. Ninian's Isle/Trumpet Hornpipe (01:14)
07. Sailors Alphabet (05:51)
08. John Lee (03:05)
09. Newspaper Reading (Read By AL Lloyd) (00:46)
10. Breakfast In Mayfair (03:10)
11. Trial Song (03:56)
12. Cell Song (03:36)
13. The Time Is Near (02:32)
14. Dream Song (05:25)
15. Wake Up John (Hanging Song) (05:26)
Bonus Tracks BBC TV.
16. Farewell To A Poor Man's Son (04:56)
17. Breakfast In Mayfair (04:00)
Rosie (1973)
01. Rosie (03:40)
02. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John (03:55)
03. Kinghts Of The Road (03:56)
04. Peggy's Pub (02:26)
05. The Plainsman (03:20)
06. Hungarian Rhapsody (03:14)
07. My Girl (05:15)
08. Me With You (03:39)
09. The Hens March Through The Midden & The Four Poster Bed (02:52)
10. Furs And Feathers (04:38)
11. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John (Live) (05:39)
12. The Hens March Through The Midden & The Four Poster Bed (Live) (02:49)
13. Rosie (Live) (04:04)
14. The Claw (Live) (02:06)
15. Furs And Feathers (Live) (04:54)
02. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John (03:55)
03. Kinghts Of The Road (03:56)
04. Peggy's Pub (02:26)
05. The Plainsman (03:20)
06. Hungarian Rhapsody (03:14)
07. My Girl (05:15)
08. Me With You (03:39)
09. The Hens March Through The Midden & The Four Poster Bed (02:52)
10. Furs And Feathers (04:38)
11. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John (Live) (05:39)
12. The Hens March Through The Midden & The Four Poster Bed (Live) (02:49)
13. Rosie (Live) (04:04)
14. The Claw (Live) (02:06)
15. Furs And Feathers (Live) (04:54)
Nine (1973)
01. The Hexhamshire Lass (02:31)
02. Polly on the Shore (04:56)
03. The Brilliancy Medley & Cherokee Shuffle (03:56)
04. To Althea from Prison (05:13)
05. Tokyo (02:54)
06. Bring 'Em Down (05:58)
07. Big William (03:25)
08. Pleasure & Pain (05:03)
09. Possibly Parsons Green (04:48)
10. The Devil in the Kitchen (Fiddlestix) (02:52)
11. George Jackson (05:15)
12. Pleasure & Pain (05:11)
13. Six Days on the Road (03:44)
02. Polly on the Shore (04:56)
03. The Brilliancy Medley & Cherokee Shuffle (03:56)
04. To Althea from Prison (05:13)
05. Tokyo (02:54)
06. Bring 'Em Down (05:58)
07. Big William (03:25)
08. Pleasure & Pain (05:03)
09. Possibly Parsons Green (04:48)
10. The Devil in the Kitchen (Fiddlestix) (02:52)
11. George Jackson (05:15)
12. Pleasure & Pain (05:11)
13. Six Days on the Road (03:44)
Fairport Live Convention (Live 1974)
01. Matty Groves (07:52)
02. Rosie (04:15)
03. Fiddlestix (02:47)
04. John the Gun (05:09)
05. Something You Got (02:45)
06. Sloth (11:32)
07. Dirty Linen (03:53)
08. Down in the Flood (03:21)
09. Sir B. MacKenzie (05:59)
10. The Hexhamshire Lass (04:40)
11. Polly on the Shore (06:09)
12. Bring 'em Down (11:53)
13. Far From Me (03:40)
14. That'll Be the Day (03:19)
02. Rosie (04:15)
03. Fiddlestix (02:47)
04. John the Gun (05:09)
05. Something You Got (02:45)
06. Sloth (11:32)
07. Dirty Linen (03:53)
08. Down in the Flood (03:21)
09. Sir B. MacKenzie (05:59)
10. The Hexhamshire Lass (04:40)
11. Polly on the Shore (06:09)
12. Bring 'em Down (11:53)
13. Far From Me (03:40)
14. That'll Be the Day (03:19)
Rising For The Moon (1975)
01. Rising For The Moon (04:10)
02. Restless (04:03)
03. White Dress (03:45)
04. Let It Go (02:01)
05. Stranger To Himself (02:53)
06. What Is True? (03:37)
07. Iron Lion (03:29)
08. Dawn (03:43)
09. After Halloween (03:38)
10. Night-Time Girl (02:57)
11. One More Chance (07:59)
12. Tears (04:12)
13. Rising For The Moon (Sandy Denny's Original Demo) (03:09)
14. Stranger To Himself (Sandy Denny's Original Demo) (02:21)
15. One More Chance (Sandy Denny's Original Demo) (03:47)
02. Restless (04:03)
03. White Dress (03:45)
04. Let It Go (02:01)
05. Stranger To Himself (02:53)
06. What Is True? (03:37)
07. Iron Lion (03:29)
08. Dawn (03:43)
09. After Halloween (03:38)
10. Night-Time Girl (02:57)
11. One More Chance (07:59)
12. Tears (04:12)
13. Rising For The Moon (Sandy Denny's Original Demo) (03:09)
14. Stranger To Himself (Sandy Denny's Original Demo) (02:21)
15. One More Chance (Sandy Denny's Original Demo) (03:47)
Fairport - Gottle O'Geer (1976)
01. When First Into This Country (02:33)
02. Our Band (02:05)
03. Lay Me Down Easy (05:18)
04. Cropredy Capers (03:08)
05. The Frog Up The Pump (03:18)
06. Don't Be Late (03:25)
07. Sandy's Song (A.K.A. Take Away The Load) (03:39)
08. Friendship Song (A.K.A. Come And Get It) (03:00)
09. Limey's Lament (04:40)
02. Our Band (02:05)
03. Lay Me Down Easy (05:18)
04. Cropredy Capers (03:08)
05. The Frog Up The Pump (03:18)
06. Don't Be Late (03:25)
07. Sandy's Song (A.K.A. Take Away The Load) (03:39)
08. Friendship Song (A.K.A. Come And Get It) (03:00)
09. Limey's Lament (04:40)
The Bonny Bunch Of Roses (1977)
01. Jams O'donnells Jig (02:40)
02. The Eynsham Poacher (02:31)
03. Adieu, Adieu (02:35)
04. The Bonny Bunch of Roses (12:37)
05. The Poor Ditching Boy (04:06)
06. General Taylor (03:50)
07. Run Johnny Run (04:45)
08. The Last Waltz (03:07)
09. Royal Seleccion No. 13 (04:21)
02. The Eynsham Poacher (02:31)
03. Adieu, Adieu (02:35)
04. The Bonny Bunch of Roses (12:37)
05. The Poor Ditching Boy (04:06)
06. General Taylor (03:50)
07. Run Johnny Run (04:45)
08. The Last Waltz (03:07)
09. Royal Seleccion No. 13 (04:21)
Tipplers Tales (1978)
01. Ye Mariners All: (04:30)
Bottom Of The Punch Bowl
East Nuke Of Fyfe
Ye Mariners
02. Three Drunken Maidens (02:46)
03. Jack O'Rion: (11:08)
Miss Stevenson's
Do It Again
March Of The Last
04. Reynard The Fox (03:02)
05. Lady Of Pleasure (02:34)
06. Bankruptured (01:55)
07. The Widow Of Westmorland's Daughter (03:20)
08. The Hair Of The Dogma (01:48)
09. As Bitme (01:32)
10. John Barleycorn (04:49)
Bottom Of The Punch Bowl
East Nuke Of Fyfe
Ye Mariners
02. Three Drunken Maidens (02:46)
03. Jack O'Rion: (11:08)
Miss Stevenson's
Do It Again
March Of The Last
04. Reynard The Fox (03:02)
05. Lady Of Pleasure (02:34)
06. Bankruptured (01:55)
07. The Widow Of Westmorland's Daughter (03:20)
08. The Hair Of The Dogma (01:48)
09. As Bitme (01:32)
10. John Barleycorn (04:49)
Farewell Farewell (Live 1979)
01. Orange Blossom Special (02:31)
02. John Lee (03:19)
03. Bridge Over The River Ash (03:19)
04. Sir Patrick Spens (03:52)
05. Mr. Lacey (03:37)
06. Walk Awhile (04:19)
07. Bonny Black Hare (02:43)
08. The Journeyman's Grace (04:43)
09. Meet On The Ledge (06:21)
10. Rubber Band (03:05)
02. John Lee (03:19)
03. Bridge Over The River Ash (03:19)
04. Sir Patrick Spens (03:52)
05. Mr. Lacey (03:37)
06. Walk Awhile (04:19)
07. Bonny Black Hare (02:43)
08. The Journeyman's Grace (04:43)
09. Meet On The Ledge (06:21)
10. Rubber Band (03:05)
Moat On The Ledge: Live At Broughton Castle (1982)
01. Walk Awhile (04:13)
02. Country Pie (03:29)
03. Rosie (04:12)
04. Matty Groves (09:17)
05. Both Sides Now (03:28)
06. Poor Will & The Jolly Hangman (05:36)
07. The Brillancy Medley - Cherroke Shuffle (03:26)
08. Woman or a man (03:26)
09. High School Confidential (04:30)
02. Country Pie (03:29)
03. Rosie (04:12)
04. Matty Groves (09:17)
05. Both Sides Now (03:28)
06. Poor Will & The Jolly Hangman (05:36)
07. The Brillancy Medley - Cherroke Shuffle (03:26)
08. Woman or a man (03:26)
09. High School Confidential (04:30)
Gladys' Leap (1985)
01. How Many Times (03:29)
02. Bird From The Mountain (04:52)
03. Honour And Praise (05:22)
04. The Hiring Fair (05:54)
05. Instrumental Medley '85 (05:09)
06. My Feet Are Set For Dancing (04:02)
07. Wat Tyler (05:37)
08. Head In A Sack (04:24)
02. Bird From The Mountain (04:52)
03. Honour And Praise (05:22)
04. The Hiring Fair (05:54)
05. Instrumental Medley '85 (05:09)
06. My Feet Are Set For Dancing (04:02)
07. Wat Tyler (05:37)
08. Head In A Sack (04:24)
Expletive Delighted! (1986)
01. The Rutland Reel (3:13)
Sack The Juggler
02. The Cat On The Mixer (3:30)
3 Left Feet
03. Bankruptured (2:57)
04. Portmeirion (5:18)
05. Jams O'Donnell's Jigs (2:41)
06. Expletive Delighted! (1:45)
07. Sigh Beg Sigh Mor (7:05)
08. Innstck (2:03)
09. The Gas Almost Works (1:51)
10. Thanks For The Memory (4:31)
Peter Gunn
Sack The Juggler
02. The Cat On The Mixer (3:30)
3 Left Feet
03. Bankruptured (2:57)
04. Portmeirion (5:18)
05. Jams O'Donnell's Jigs (2:41)
06. Expletive Delighted! (1:45)
07. Sigh Beg Sigh Mor (7:05)
08. Innstck (2:03)
09. The Gas Almost Works (1:51)
10. Thanks For The Memory (4:31)
Peter Gunn
House Full Live At The LA Troubador, 1970 (1986)
01. Sir Patrick Spens (03:28)
02. Banks Of The Sweet Primroses (04:38)
03. The Lark In The Morning Medley (03:54)
04. Sloth (12:19)
05. Staines Morris (03:45)
06. Matty Groves (08:44)
07. Jenny's Chickens-The Mason's Apron (04:42)
08. Battle Of The Somme (05:01)
09. Bonnie Kate-Sir B. McKenzies (04:56)
10. Yellow Bird (02:18)
02. Banks Of The Sweet Primroses (04:38)
03. The Lark In The Morning Medley (03:54)
04. Sloth (12:19)
05. Staines Morris (03:45)
06. Matty Groves (08:44)
07. Jenny's Chickens-The Mason's Apron (04:42)
08. Battle Of The Somme (05:01)
09. Bonnie Kate-Sir B. McKenzies (04:56)
10. Yellow Bird (02:18)
Heyday: BBC Radio Sessions 1968-1969 (1987)
01. Close The Door Lightly When You Go (02:56)
02. I Don't Know Where I stand (03:40)
03. Some Sweet Day (02:18)
04. Reno Nevada (02:18)
05. Suzanne (05:27)
06. It Feels So Good, You Know It Can't Be wrong (03:12)
07. I Still Miss someone (02:37)
08. Bird On A Wire (02:36)
09. Gone, Gone, Gone (02:10)
10. Tried So Hard (02:48)
11. Shattering Live Experience (03:19)
12. Percy's Song (05:34)
Bonus Tracks (2002 Release)
13. You Never Wanted Me (03:18)
14. Nottamun Town (03:57)
15. Fotheringay (03:01)
16. Si Tu Dois Partir (02:28)
17. Cajun Woman (02:47)
18. Autopsy (04:26)
19. Reynardine (04:24)
20. Tam Lin (07:49)
02. I Don't Know Where I stand (03:40)
03. Some Sweet Day (02:18)
04. Reno Nevada (02:18)
05. Suzanne (05:27)
06. It Feels So Good, You Know It Can't Be wrong (03:12)
07. I Still Miss someone (02:37)
08. Bird On A Wire (02:36)
09. Gone, Gone, Gone (02:10)
10. Tried So Hard (02:48)
11. Shattering Live Experience (03:19)
12. Percy's Song (05:34)
Bonus Tracks (2002 Release)
13. You Never Wanted Me (03:18)
14. Nottamun Town (03:57)
15. Fotheringay (03:01)
16. Si Tu Dois Partir (02:28)
17. Cajun Woman (02:47)
18. Autopsy (04:26)
19. Reynardine (04:24)
20. Tam Lin (07:49)
In Real Time: Live '87 (1987)
01. Reynard The Fox (03:07)
02. The Hiring Fair (06:52)
03. Crazy Man Michael (05:00)
04. Close To The Wind (06:33)
05. Sack The Juggler (03:23)
06. Meet On The Ledge (04:11)
02. The Hiring Fair (06:52)
03. Crazy Man Michael (05:00)
04. Close To The Wind (06:33)
05. Sack The Juggler (03:23)
06. Meet On The Ledge (04:11)
Red & Gold (1989)
01. Set Me Up (04:23)
02. The Noise Club (03:13)
03. Red And Gold (06:45)
04. The Beggar's Song (03:34)
05. The Battle (01:09)
06. Dark Eyed Molly (04:35)
07. The Rose Hip (04:25)
08. London River (03:00)
09. Summer Before The War (04:34)
10. Open the Door Richard (04:58)
11. Close To The Wind (Bonus Track) (06:10)
02. The Noise Club (03:13)
03. Red And Gold (06:45)
04. The Beggar's Song (03:34)
05. The Battle (01:09)
06. Dark Eyed Molly (04:35)
07. The Rose Hip (04:25)
08. London River (03:00)
09. Summer Before The War (04:34)
10. Open the Door Richard (04:58)
11. Close To The Wind (Bonus Track) (06:10)
The Five Seasons (1990)
01. Claudy Banks (05:55)
02. All Your Beauty (02:57)
03. Cup Of Tea! / A Loaf Of Bread / Miss Monahan's (03:18)
04. Rhythm Of The Time (05:53)
05. The Card Song / Shuffle The Pack (04:30)
06. Mock Morris '90 (04:55)
07. Sock In It (Put A Sock In It For Me) (05:33)
08. Ginnie (04:13)
09. The Wounded Whale (06:43)
02. All Your Beauty (02:57)
03. Cup Of Tea! / A Loaf Of Bread / Miss Monahan's (03:18)
04. Rhythm Of The Time (05:53)
05. The Card Song / Shuffle The Pack (04:30)
06. Mock Morris '90 (04:55)
07. Sock In It (Put A Sock In It For Me) (05:33)
08. Ginnie (04:13)
09. The Wounded Whale (06:43)
25: The Anniversary Concert (Live 1994)
CD 1.
01. Insult to Injury (04:10)
02. I Wandered by a Brookside (04:54)
03. Con Casey's Jig / Tripping Up the Stairs (03:47)
04. It'll Take More Than the Blues (03:50)
05. Close to the Wind (06:20)
06. Girl From the North Country (04:15)
07. Claudy Banks (05:34)
08. John Barleycorn (05:33)
09. The Deserter (04:52)
10. Million Dollar Bash (04:09)
11. Tam Lin (08:11)
12. Crazy Man Michael (04:44)
13. Sloth (12:21)
02. I Wandered by a Brookside (04:54)
03. Con Casey's Jig / Tripping Up the Stairs (03:47)
04. It'll Take More Than the Blues (03:50)
05. Close to the Wind (06:20)
06. Girl From the North Country (04:15)
07. Claudy Banks (05:34)
08. John Barleycorn (05:33)
09. The Deserter (04:52)
10. Million Dollar Bash (04:09)
11. Tam Lin (08:11)
12. Crazy Man Michael (04:44)
13. Sloth (12:21)
CD 2.
01. Poor Will and the Jolly Hangman (05:31)
02. Bridge Over the River Ash (02:15)
03. The Journeyman's Grace (04:40)
04. The Hexhamshire Lass (02:34)
05. Rosie (04:47)
06. Me With You (02:55)
07. Polly On The Shore (05:12)
08. Adieu, Adieu (02:21)
09. The Hiring Fair (07:21)
10. Red And Gold (6:44)
11. Matty Groves / The Rutland Reel / Sack the Juggler (10:01)
12. Si Tu Dois Partir (03:26)
02. Bridge Over the River Ash (02:15)
03. The Journeyman's Grace (04:40)
04. The Hexhamshire Lass (02:34)
05. Rosie (04:47)
06. Me With You (02:55)
07. Polly On The Shore (05:12)
08. Adieu, Adieu (02:21)
09. The Hiring Fair (07:21)
10. Red And Gold (6:44)
11. Matty Groves / The Rutland Reel / Sack the Juggler (10:01)
12. Si Tu Dois Partir (03:26)
Jewel In The Crown (1995)
01. Jewel in The Crown (03:33)
02. Slip Jigs And Reels (04:52)
03. A Surfeit Of lampreys (03:20)
04. Kind Fortune (02:38)
05. Diamonds And Gold (04:14)
06. The Naked Highwayman (04:33)
07. The Islands (04:34)
08. The Youngest Daughter (02:06)
09. London Danny (03:51)
10. Summer In December (04:58)
11. Travelling By Steam (03:47)
12. She's Like The Swallow (03:15)
13. Red Time (04:37)
14. Home Is Where The Heart Is (04:42)
15. Closing Time (05:39)
02. Slip Jigs And Reels (04:52)
03. A Surfeit Of lampreys (03:20)
04. Kind Fortune (02:38)
05. Diamonds And Gold (04:14)
06. The Naked Highwayman (04:33)
07. The Islands (04:34)
08. The Youngest Daughter (02:06)
09. London Danny (03:51)
10. Summer In December (04:58)
11. Travelling By Steam (03:47)
12. She's Like The Swallow (03:15)
13. Red Time (04:37)
14. Home Is Where The Heart Is (04:42)
15. Closing Time (05:39)
Old New Borrowed Blue (1996)
01. Woodworm Swing (03:10)
02. Men (03:48)
03. Aunt Sally Shuffle (01:25)
04. There Once Was Love / Instuck (04:47)
05. Frozen Man (04:22)
06. Mr. Sands Is In The Building (02:10)
07. Lalla Rookh (04:30)
08. Foolish You (03:36)
09. Crazy Man Michael (05:12)
10. Widow of Westmoreland's Daughter (04:08)
11. Genesis Hall (04:15)
12. The Deserter (05:45)
13. The Swimming Song (03:27)
14. Struck It Right (04:29)
15. The Hiring Fair (06:09)
16. Matty Groves / Dirty Linen (10:07)
02. Men (03:48)
03. Aunt Sally Shuffle (01:25)
04. There Once Was Love / Instuck (04:47)
05. Frozen Man (04:22)
06. Mr. Sands Is In The Building (02:10)
07. Lalla Rookh (04:30)
08. Foolish You (03:36)
09. Crazy Man Michael (05:12)
10. Widow of Westmoreland's Daughter (04:08)
11. Genesis Hall (04:15)
12. The Deserter (05:45)
13. The Swimming Song (03:27)
14. Struck It Right (04:29)
15. The Hiring Fair (06:09)
16. Matty Groves / Dirty Linen (10:07)
The Wood & The Wire (1999)
01. The Wood And The Wire (04:11)
02. The Dancer (04:23)
03. Wandering Man (04:53)
04. The Heart Of The Song (03:44)
05. A Year And A Day (04:14)
06. The Game Pieces (04:14)
07. Close To You (04:22)
08. Still A Mystery (02:41)
09. Banbury Fair (04:38)
10. The Lady Vanishes (04:54)
11. The Good Fortunes (04:02)
12. Western Wind (05:10)
13. Don't Leave Too Soon (04:28)
14. Rocky Road (05:02)
02. The Dancer (04:23)
03. Wandering Man (04:53)
04. The Heart Of The Song (03:44)
05. A Year And A Day (04:14)
06. The Game Pieces (04:14)
07. Close To You (04:22)
08. Still A Mystery (02:41)
09. Banbury Fair (04:38)
10. The Lady Vanishes (04:54)
11. The Good Fortunes (04:02)
12. Western Wind (05:10)
13. Don't Leave Too Soon (04:28)
14. Rocky Road (05:02)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Meet On The Ledge: The Classic Years 1967-1975 (Coletânea 1999)
CD 1.

Meet On The Ledge: The Classic Years 1967-1975 (Coletânea 1999)
01. Chelsea Morning (03:06)
02. Fotheringay (03:05)
03. Mr. Lacey (02:54)
04. Book Song (03:16)
05. I'll Keep It With Mine (05:55)
06. Tale in Hard Time (03:29)
07. Meet on the Ledge (02:53)
08. Genesis Hall (03:40)
09. A Sailor's Life (11:14)
10. Who Knows Where the Time Goes? (05:11)
11. Percy's Song (06:51)
12. Come All Ye (05:00)
13. Matty Groves (08:09)
14. Tam Lin (07:13)
15. Crazy Man Michael (04:39)
16. Farewell, Farewell (02:37)
02. Fotheringay (03:05)
03. Mr. Lacey (02:54)
04. Book Song (03:16)
05. I'll Keep It With Mine (05:55)
06. Tale in Hard Time (03:29)
07. Meet on the Ledge (02:53)
08. Genesis Hall (03:40)
09. A Sailor's Life (11:14)
10. Who Knows Where the Time Goes? (05:11)
11. Percy's Song (06:51)
12. Come All Ye (05:00)
13. Matty Groves (08:09)
14. Tam Lin (07:13)
15. Crazy Man Michael (04:39)
16. Farewell, Farewell (02:37)
CD 2.
01. Now Be Thankful (02:24)
02. Bonny Bunch of Roses (10:50)
03. Walk Awhile (04:00)
04. Sloth (09:14)
05. Poor Will and the Jolly Hangman (05:32)
06. Journeyman's Grace (04:34)
07. John Lee (03:05)
08. Rosie (03:40)
09. The Plainsman (03:19)
10. The Hexhamshire Lass (02:30)
11. Polly on the Shore (04:57)
12. Bring 'em Down (05:59)
13. Rising for the Moon (04:09)
14. White Dress (03:44)
15. Stranger to Himself (02:52)
16. One More Chance (07:51)
02. Bonny Bunch of Roses (10:50)
03. Walk Awhile (04:00)
04. Sloth (09:14)
05. Poor Will and the Jolly Hangman (05:32)
06. Journeyman's Grace (04:34)
07. John Lee (03:05)
08. Rosie (03:40)
09. The Plainsman (03:19)
10. The Hexhamshire Lass (02:30)
11. Polly on the Shore (04:57)
12. Bring 'em Down (05:59)
13. Rising for the Moon (04:09)
14. White Dress (03:44)
15. Stranger to Himself (02:52)
16. One More Chance (07:51)
XXXV: The 35th Anniversary Album 1967-2002 (2002)
01. Madeleine (04:27)
02. My Love Is In America (04:47)
03. The Happy Man (02:51)
04. Portmeirion (06:01)
05. The Crowd (06:14)
06. The Banks Of Sweet Primroses (04:32)
07. The Deserter (06:59)
08. The Light Of Day (06:15)
09. I Wandered By A Brookside (04:57)
10. Neil Gow's Apprentice (04:46)
11. Everything But The Skirl (04:09)
12. Talking About My Love (02:44)
13. Now Be Thankful (03:50)
14. The Crowd Revisited (02:37)
02. My Love Is In America (04:47)
03. The Happy Man (02:51)
04. Portmeirion (06:01)
05. The Crowd (06:14)
06. The Banks Of Sweet Primroses (04:32)
07. The Deserter (06:59)
08. The Light Of Day (06:15)
09. I Wandered By A Brookside (04:57)
10. Neil Gow's Apprentice (04:46)
11. Everything But The Skirl (04:09)
12. Talking About My Love (02:44)
13. Now Be Thankful (03:50)
14. The Crowd Revisited (02:37)
Over The Next Hill (2004)
01. Over the Next Hill (04:24)
02. I'm Already There (06:42)
03. Wait for the Tide to Come In (04:39)
04. Canny Capers (05:13)
05. Over the Falls (04:33)
06. The Wassail Song (03:18)
07. The Fossil Hunter (06:15)
08. Willow Creek (03:54)
09. Westward (04:11)
10. Some Special Place (03:40)
11. Si Tu Dois Partir (04:53)
02. I'm Already There (06:42)
03. Wait for the Tide to Come In (04:39)
04. Canny Capers (05:13)
05. Over the Falls (04:33)
06. The Wassail Song (03:18)
07. The Fossil Hunter (06:15)
08. Willow Creek (03:54)
09. Westward (04:11)
10. Some Special Place (03:40)
11. Si Tu Dois Partir (04:53)
A Lasting Spirit: The Collection (Coletânea 2005)
CD 1: Sweet Days.
01. Some Sweet Day (02:33)
02. You're Gonna Need My Help (04:10)
03. Both Sides Noe (03:12)
04. You Never Wanted Me (03:18)
05. Dear Landlord (03:49)
06. Night In The City (03:05)
07. Marcie (03:42)
08. Fatheringay (03:06)
09. Sir Patrick Spens (03:53)
10. Wings (04:29)
11. Suzanne (06:50)
12. Jack O'Diamonds (03:49)
13. Time Will Show The Wiser (03:16)
14. Mr Lacey (03:06)
15. Genesis Halt (03:53)
16. Reynardine (03:52)
17. Million Dollar Bash (04:12)
18. Matty Groves (07:27)
02. You're Gonna Need My Help (04:10)
03. Both Sides Noe (03:12)
04. You Never Wanted Me (03:18)
05. Dear Landlord (03:49)
06. Night In The City (03:05)
07. Marcie (03:42)
08. Fatheringay (03:06)
09. Sir Patrick Spens (03:53)
10. Wings (04:29)
11. Suzanne (06:50)
12. Jack O'Diamonds (03:49)
13. Time Will Show The Wiser (03:16)
14. Mr Lacey (03:06)
15. Genesis Halt (03:53)
16. Reynardine (03:52)
17. Million Dollar Bash (04:12)
18. Matty Groves (07:27)
CD 2: Long Summer Days.
01. Set Me Up (04:23)
02. Medley: (03:19)
Cup Of Tea
Loaf Of Bread
Miss Monohan's
03. Sock In It (05:33)
04. All Your Beauty (02:57)
05. London River (02:59)
06. Honour And Praise (05:23)
07. Rhythm Of The Time (05:54)
08. How Many Times (03:30)
09. Red And Gold (06:44)
10. Wat Tyler (05:36)
11. The Wishfullness Waltz (05:44)
12. Cloudy Banks (05:54)
13. Medley Mock Morris: (04:56)
The Green Man
The Cropredy Badger
Molly On The Jetty
14. Summer Before The War (04:34)
15. Sigh Beg Sigh Mor (07:15)
02. Medley: (03:19)
Cup Of Tea
Loaf Of Bread
Miss Monohan's
03. Sock In It (05:33)
04. All Your Beauty (02:57)
05. London River (02:59)
06. Honour And Praise (05:23)
07. Rhythm Of The Time (05:54)
08. How Many Times (03:30)
09. Red And Gold (06:44)
10. Wat Tyler (05:36)
11. The Wishfullness Waltz (05:44)
12. Cloudy Banks (05:54)
13. Medley Mock Morris: (04:56)
The Green Man
The Cropredy Badger
Molly On The Jetty
14. Summer Before The War (04:34)
15. Sigh Beg Sigh Mor (07:15)
CD 3: Cropredays.
01. Walk Awhile (Live) (04:35)
02. John Gaudie (Live) (05:29)
03. Poor Willy And The Jolly Hangman (Live) (05:47)
04. Come All Ye (Live) (05:28)
05. Sloth (Live) (12:49)
06. Fiddlestix (Live) (03:11)
07. Solo (Live) (05:24)
08. Close To The Wind (Live) (06:08)
09. Jewel In The Crown (Live) (03:42)
10. I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Live) (03:44)
11. Woodworm Swing (Live) (03:18)
12. Si Tu Dois Partir (Live) (03:18)
13. Who Knows Where The Time Goes (Live) (06:33)
14. Meet On The Ledge (Live) (07:05)
02. John Gaudie (Live) (05:29)
03. Poor Willy And The Jolly Hangman (Live) (05:47)
04. Come All Ye (Live) (05:28)
05. Sloth (Live) (12:49)
06. Fiddlestix (Live) (03:11)
07. Solo (Live) (05:24)
08. Close To The Wind (Live) (06:08)
09. Jewel In The Crown (Live) (03:42)
10. I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Live) (03:44)
11. Woodworm Swing (Live) (03:18)
12. Si Tu Dois Partir (Live) (03:18)
13. Who Knows Where The Time Goes (Live) (06:33)
14. Meet On The Ledge (Live) (07:05)
Sense Of Occasion (2007)
01. Keep On Turning The Wheel (04:18)
02. Love On A Farmboy's Wages (04:14)
03. The Bowman's Return (04:14)
04. South Dakota To Manchester (04:12)
05. Spring Song (04:37)
06. Polly On The Shore (05:03)
07. Just Dandy (02:56)
08. Tam Lin (07:30)
09. In Our Town (03:35)
10. Edge Of The World (04:08)
11. Hawkwood's Army (04:24)
12. The Vision (04:21)
13. Your Heart And Mine (03:40)
14. Untouchable (04:28)
15. Galileo's Apology (03:04)
16. Best Wishes (03:41)
02. Love On A Farmboy's Wages (04:14)
03. The Bowman's Return (04:14)
04. South Dakota To Manchester (04:12)
05. Spring Song (04:37)
06. Polly On The Shore (05:03)
07. Just Dandy (02:56)
08. Tam Lin (07:30)
09. In Our Town (03:35)
10. Edge Of The World (04:08)
11. Hawkwood's Army (04:24)
12. The Vision (04:21)
13. Your Heart And Mine (03:40)
14. Untouchable (04:28)
15. Galileo's Apology (03:04)
16. Best Wishes (03:41)
Live At The BBC (2007)
CD 1.
01. Close The Door Lightly When You Go (02:59)
02. I Don't Know When I Stand (03:39)
03. Some Sweet Day (02:18)
04. You Never Wanted Me (03:18)
05. Nottamun Town (03:38)
06. Marcie (03:37)
07. Night In The City (03:08)
08. Jack O'Diamonds (03:14)
09. Gone, Gone, Gone (02:01)
10. Suzanne (05:27)
11. If It Feels Good, You Know (03:14)
12. Eastern Rain (03:12)
13. Fotheringay (03:11)
14. I Still Miss Someone (02:26)
15. Bird On A Wire (03:30)
16. Tried So Hard (02:57)
17. Reno Nevada (02:25)
18. Book Song (03:08)
19. Who Knows Where The Time Goes? (04:15)
02. I Don't Know When I Stand (03:39)
03. Some Sweet Day (02:18)
04. You Never Wanted Me (03:18)
05. Nottamun Town (03:38)
06. Marcie (03:37)
07. Night In The City (03:08)
08. Jack O'Diamonds (03:14)
09. Gone, Gone, Gone (02:01)
10. Suzanne (05:27)
11. If It Feels Good, You Know (03:14)
12. Eastern Rain (03:12)
13. Fotheringay (03:11)
14. I Still Miss Someone (02:26)
15. Bird On A Wire (03:30)
16. Tried So Hard (02:57)
17. Reno Nevada (02:25)
18. Book Song (03:08)
19. Who Knows Where The Time Goes? (04:15)
CD 2.
01. You're Gonna Need My Help (03:59)
02. Fotheringay (03:02)
03. Shattering Live Experience (03:26)
04. Cajun Woman (02:46)
05. Autopsy (04:27)
06. Si Tu Dois Partir (02:27)
07. Percy's Song (05:28)
08. Reynardine (04:22)
09. Tam Lin (07:48)
10. Sir PAtrick Spens (03:47)
11. Medley: (04:14)
The Lark In The Morning
Rakish Paddy
Foxhunter'S Jig
Toss The Feathers
12. The Lady Is A Tramp (02:13)
13. Walk Awhile (04:03)
14. Poor Will And The Jolly Hangman (05:35)
15. Doctor Of Physick (03:37)
02. Fotheringay (03:02)
03. Shattering Live Experience (03:26)
04. Cajun Woman (02:46)
05. Autopsy (04:27)
06. Si Tu Dois Partir (02:27)
07. Percy's Song (05:28)
08. Reynardine (04:22)
09. Tam Lin (07:48)
10. Sir PAtrick Spens (03:47)
11. Medley: (04:14)
The Lark In The Morning
Rakish Paddy
Foxhunter'S Jig
Toss The Feathers
12. The Lady Is A Tramp (02:13)
13. Walk Awhile (04:03)
14. Poor Will And The Jolly Hangman (05:35)
15. Doctor Of Physick (03:37)
CD 3.
01. Sir Patrick Spens (03:34)
02. The Bonny Bunch Of Roses (10:56)
03. Dirty Linen (Jigs & Reels) (04:17)
04. Now Be Thankful (02:26)
05. The Journeyman's Grace (03:58)
06. Now Be Thankful (03:25)
07. Tokyo (02:39)
08. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (05:31)
09. Possibly Parsons Green (04:29)
10. Rosie (04:04)
11. John The Gun (05:06)
12. Fiddlestix (02:49)
13. Rising For The Moon (04:18)
14. Down In The Flood (03:28)
02. The Bonny Bunch Of Roses (10:56)
03. Dirty Linen (Jigs & Reels) (04:17)
04. Now Be Thankful (02:26)
05. The Journeyman's Grace (03:58)
06. Now Be Thankful (03:25)
07. Tokyo (02:39)
08. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (05:31)
09. Possibly Parsons Green (04:29)
10. Rosie (04:04)
11. John The Gun (05:06)
12. Fiddlestix (02:49)
13. Rising For The Moon (04:18)
14. Down In The Flood (03:28)
CD 4.
01. Let's Get Together (02:51)
02. One Sure Thing (03:38)
03. Lay Down Your Weary Tune (03:39)
04. Chelsea Morning (03:04)
05. Violets Of Dawn (03:55)
06. If (Stomp) (02:37)
07. Time Will Show The Wiser (03:01)
08. If I Had A Ribbon Bow (02:36)
09. Meet On The Ledge (02:51)
10. Light My Fire (01:22)
11. Flatback Caper (06:26)
12. Open The Door Richard (03:07)
13. The Deserter (03:57)
14. The Hangman's Reel (03:26)
15. Tam Lin (08:05)
16. Sir William Gower (04:44)
17. Banks Of The Sweet Primroses (04:11)
18. Sickness & Diseases (03:43)
19. Bridge Over The River Ash (02:12)
20. Lord Marlborough (03:23)
21. Angel Delight (04:05)
02. One Sure Thing (03:38)
03. Lay Down Your Weary Tune (03:39)
04. Chelsea Morning (03:04)
05. Violets Of Dawn (03:55)
06. If (Stomp) (02:37)
07. Time Will Show The Wiser (03:01)
08. If I Had A Ribbon Bow (02:36)
09. Meet On The Ledge (02:51)
10. Light My Fire (01:22)
11. Flatback Caper (06:26)
12. Open The Door Richard (03:07)
13. The Deserter (03:57)
14. The Hangman's Reel (03:26)
15. Tam Lin (08:05)
16. Sir William Gower (04:44)
17. Banks Of The Sweet Primroses (04:11)
18. Sickness & Diseases (03:43)
19. Bridge Over The River Ash (02:12)
20. Lord Marlborough (03:23)
21. Angel Delight (04:05)
Fame And Glory (Coletânea 2009)
01. Castle Rock (02:50)
02. Pilgrims (03:45)
03. Celtic Dream (Live) (05:55)
04. The Gest Of Gauvin (04:31)
05. Morgane (Live) (05:47)
06. Dragon Breath (01:50)
07. Lugh (04:28)
08. Behind The Darkness (Live) (06:23)
09. La Guerre Folle (03:10)
10. Fame And Glory (Live) (04:36)
11. Sacrifice (04:10)
12. Danza Del Crepusculo (01:07)
13. Marie La Codeliere (04:02)
14. Duchesse Anne (03:53)
15. The Soldier (02:33)
02. Pilgrims (03:45)
03. Celtic Dream (Live) (05:55)
04. The Gest Of Gauvin (04:31)
05. Morgane (Live) (05:47)
06. Dragon Breath (01:50)
07. Lugh (04:28)
08. Behind The Darkness (Live) (06:23)
09. La Guerre Folle (03:10)
10. Fame And Glory (Live) (04:36)
11. Sacrifice (04:10)
12. Danza Del Crepusculo (01:07)
13. Marie La Codeliere (04:02)
14. Duchesse Anne (03:53)
15. The Soldier (02:33)
Festival Bell (2011)
01. Mercy Bay (06:46)
02. Rui's Guitar (04:39)
03. Danny Jack's Chase (03:55)
04. Reunion Hill (04:52)
05. Wouldn't Say No (04:20)
06. Around the Wild Cape Horn (05:07)
07. Celtic Moon (05:10)
08. Ukulele Central (04:17)
09. Albert And Ted (02:38)
10. Darkside Wood (04:49)
11. London Apprentice (03:50)
12. Rising for the Moon (04:30)
13. Danny Jack's Reward (04:37)
14. The Festival Bell (02:58)
02. Rui's Guitar (04:39)
03. Danny Jack's Chase (03:55)
04. Reunion Hill (04:52)
05. Wouldn't Say No (04:20)
06. Around the Wild Cape Horn (05:07)
07. Celtic Moon (05:10)
08. Ukulele Central (04:17)
09. Albert And Ted (02:38)
10. Darkside Wood (04:49)
11. London Apprentice (03:50)
12. Rising for the Moon (04:30)
13. Danny Jack's Reward (04:37)
14. The Festival Bell (02:58)
By Popular Request (2012)
01. Walk Awhile (04:22)
02. Crazy Man Michael (04:41)
03. The Hiring Fair (05:42)
04. The Hexhamshire Lass (02:30)
05. Red And Gold (06:42)
06. Sir Patrick Spens (03:34)
07. Genesis Hall (03:29)
08. Farewell Farewell (03:01)
09. Rosie (04:16)
10. Matty Groves (05:06)
11. Fotheringay (03:24)
12. Jewel In The Crown (03:32)
13. Meet On The Ledge (04:23)
02. Crazy Man Michael (04:41)
03. The Hiring Fair (05:42)
04. The Hexhamshire Lass (02:30)
05. Red And Gold (06:42)
06. Sir Patrick Spens (03:34)
07. Genesis Hall (03:29)
08. Farewell Farewell (03:01)
09. Rosie (04:16)
10. Matty Groves (05:06)
11. Fotheringay (03:24)
12. Jewel In The Crown (03:32)
13. Meet On The Ledge (04:23)
Myths And Heroes (2015)
01. Myths And Heroes (03:21)
02. Clear Water (04:00)
03. The Fylde Mountain Time - Roger Bucknaill's Polka (03:09)
04. Theodore's Song (04:55)
05. Love At First Sight (03:53)
06. John Condon (05:54)
07. The Gallivant (04:59)
08. The Man In The Water (03:57)
09. Bring Me Back My Feathers (03:58)
10. Grace And Favour (04:23)
11. Weightless - The Gravity Reel (04:03)
12. Home (04:15)
13. Jonah's Oak (03:57)
02. Clear Water (04:00)
03. The Fylde Mountain Time - Roger Bucknaill's Polka (03:09)
04. Theodore's Song (04:55)
05. Love At First Sight (03:53)
06. John Condon (05:54)
07. The Gallivant (04:59)
08. The Man In The Water (03:57)
09. Bring Me Back My Feathers (03:58)
10. Grace And Favour (04:23)
11. Weightless - The Gravity Reel (04:03)
12. Home (04:15)
13. Jonah's Oak (03:57)

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