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15 dezembro 2023

Fish - Discografia.

Derek Willian Dick nasceu em Edimburgo, Escócia, em 25 de abril de 1958. Ganhou esse apelido não pelas suas notórias bebedeiras. Ainda adolescente, por passar horas tomando seu banho semanal, um amigo lhe deu o apelido de Fish (Peixe), o que o agradou bastante - dividir o mesmo apelido com Chris Squire, do Yes.

Trabalhou como frentista de posto de gasolina, jardineiro e outros empregos braçais durante a juventude, até que foi mandado embora do emprego de inspetor de qualidade de extintores de incêndio, “por não conseguir se fixar na realidade”. 

Ele fez inúmeras audições e passou por várias bandas, sendo a mais estável na época a Blewitt, onde conheceu o guitarrista Frank Usher, que mais tarde cruzaria seu caminho novamente. Em dezembro de 80 fez o primeiro contato com o Marillion, sendo aprovado na audição, e fazendo sua estreia no palco em março de 81. 

O Marillion começou a ganhar espaço no cenário de pubs e pequenas casas de shows devido à boa qualidade musical da banda, aliada às letras extremamente complexas, acompanhadas da performance teatral de Fish. O som seguia bastante a linha do Genesis, e Fish chupava descaradamente trejeitos e cacoetes de Peter Gabriel, chegando inclusive a pintar o rosto, como Gabriel fez durante algum tempo. 

Em pouco tempo as casas começaram a ficar pequenas, o que chamou a atenção da gravadora EMI, que contratou a banda. Seu primeiro single foi “Market Square Heroes” de 82. Em 83 saiu o primeiro álbum, o elogiado “Script For A Jester’s Tears”, onde se destaca a faixa título, além de outras como “Chelsea Monday” e “He Knows, You Know”. A imprensa deu bastante destaque à banda, e eles passaram o ano fazendo shows, terminando a tour com um show antológico no Marquee. 

“Script” marcou também o começo da colaboração do artista plástico Mark Wilkinson, que passou a fazer as capas de discos da banda, e prossegue com Fish até os dias de hoje. “Fugazi” saiu em 1984 e acabou chegando em 5º lugar na parada britânica. Isso mostrava que a banda começava a sair do nicho progressivo e começava a se tornar mais popular. No mesmo ano saiu o EP ao vivo “Real to Reel”, aproveitando a energia da banda nas suas apresentações. 

Em 85 foi lançado o disco conceitual “Misplace Childhood”. Este provavelmente é um dos discos mais clássicos do rock progressivo. O disco conta uma história de um astro de rock que se ressente da escolha da carreira ao invés do amor de infância. Chegou disparando para o 1º lugar e os singles “Kayleigh” e “Lavender” chegaram ao 2º e 5º lugares respectivamente. A banda ganhava finalmente o respeito britânico e mundial. Fish começou a ser apontado como um poeta para sua geração. 

Foram dois anos de muitos shows e sucesso, e em 87 saiu o álbum “Clutching At Straws”, um álbum bem sombrio, com algumas das melhores letras de Fish. O disco fala muito de problemas com álcool e frustrações, e o disco chegou ao 2º lugar, mas os problemas musicais e de relacionamento chegaram ao limite e Fish declarou no dia 16 de setembro de 1988 que estava deixando a banda para partir para a carreira solo. 

Ainda foi lançado o álbum ao vivo “The Thieving Magpie”, que serve como despedida da formação mais clássica do Marillion. Fish assinou com a EMI e lançou “Vigil In A Wildreness Of Mirrors” em 1990, um álbum que conta com participações de vários músicos, entre eles Frank Usher, que tocou com ele no começo de carreira, e Janick Gers, que passou por várias bandas e atualmente está no Iron Maiden. “Vigil...” tem tudo o que um fã de Marillion esperava: Músicas progressivas com um instrumental perfeito e letras fantásticas como “Family Business” ou “The Company”. O disco é muito bom, mas a crítica não o aceitou muito bem, e não foi aquele sucesso esperado. 

Em 91 foi lançado “Internal Exile”, outro grande álbum, com várias referências a Escócia, onde se destaca “Internal Exile”, com um final com gaita-de-foles arrepiante. Logo depois Fish homenageou suas influências com o disco de covers “Songs From The Mirror”, onde há versões de Pink Floyd, Genesis, The Sensational Alex Harvey Band (banda lendária na Escócia, de onde saíram o baixista Chris Glenn e o baterista Ted MacKenna, que tocaram com Gillan, Michael Schenker e outros), David Bowie, e outros. 

Com o contrato com a EMI encerrado, Fish fundou seu próprio selo e começou a por em prática o lançamento de vários “piratas oficiais”, de apresentações ao vivo. Um dos melhores dessa safra é o “Sushi”, um registro do último show da tour do “Songs...”. 

“Suits”, de 1994, é o primeiro álbum com músicas inéditas desde 91, e vem recheado de críticas aos “homens de terno”, que dirigem as coisas, e amarguras do meio musical. Entre as várias coletâneas lançadas, saiu a dupla “Yin” e “Yang”, em 1995, que pode ser a porta de entrada se você quer conhecer seu trabalho de Fish. Tem várias regravações do Marillion e versões inéditas de músicas solo. É uma coletânea honesta, que não cheira a caça-níqueis. 

O Brasil foi privilegiado pela visita de Fish. Em 96, com shows antológicos, ele mostrou que é um dos maiores carismas do rock. Chegou a descer do palco e cantar no meio do público, contou dezenas de piadas (disse que em 90 a Escócia só tinha perdido do Brasil na Copa do Mundo porque a torcida só tinha dinheiro para beber até o fim da primeira fase!!!!). Um dos grandes momentos foi o público todo abraçado imitando a coreografia do clipe, ao som de “Incommunicado”, e o encore com “Lavender”. 

Em 97 foi lançado “Sunsets On Empire”, um cd com uma sonoridade um pouco diferente, com uma guitarra mais pesada e alguns experimentos, como por exemplo, na faixa “What Colour is God?”, onde dispara contra o racismo, e “Brother 52”. Esse CD tem uma edição limitada, que acompanha um CD de entrevistas onde ele cita ter ficado chocado com a situação dos meninos de rua que viu no Brasil. Fala também das suas visitas a Bósnia e Croácia, que estavam em guerra na época. Fish foi um dos artistas que mais pediram pela paz no local, e visita regularmente esses países até hoje. 

“Raingods With Zippos” foi lançado em 99 e distribuído pela Roadrunner mundialmente. É um bom disco, e foi lançado no Brasil, algo que não acontecia desde “Internal Exile”. Para 2001 está saindo “Fellini Days”, com algumas participações confirmadas, como as de Steve Lukater e Brian May. O guitarrista do Queen é amigo de Fish há anos, inclusive existem alguns piratas de uma jam session de Fish com o Queen em 86. 

Surgiram alguns boatos sobre uma reunião do Marillion com Fish, desmentidos por ambos os lados, mas não totalmente descartada a longo prazo. Inclusive Fish e seu substituto, Steve Hogart, participaram de uma gravação juntos, da música “Sailing”, em um EP beneficente. 

A carreira de Fish, se teve altos e baixos em matéria de vendas e popularidade, sempre teve um padrão de qualidade altíssima. E mantém-se até hoje como um dos principais ícones da música progressiva mundial. Texto: Letras. Site Oficial.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Estúdio (Studio).

Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors (1990)
01. Vigil (8:48)
02. Big Wedge (5:26)
03. State of Mind (4:46)
04. The Company (4:09)
05. A Gentleman's Excuse Me (4:19)
06. The Voyeur (I Like To Watch) (4:46)
07. Family Business (5:23)
08. View From the Hill (6:40)
09. Cliche (7:01)

Internal Exile (1991)
01. Shadowplay (6:25)
02. Credo (6:40)
03. Just Good Friends (Close) (6:00)
04. Favourite Stranger (5:59)
05. Lucky (4:50)
06. Dear Friend (4:07)
07. Tongues (6:23)
08. Internal Exile (4:41)
09. Something In The Air (5:07)

Songs From The Mirror (1993)
01. Question (6:40)
02. Boston Tea Party (4:22)
03. Fearless (6:15)
04. Apeman (5:56)
05. Hold Your Head Up (3:46)
06. Solo (4:06)
07. I Know What I Like (4:17)
08. Time and a Word (4:10)
09. Five Years (5:19)

Suits (1994)
01. Mr. 1470 (6:06)
02. Lady Let It Lie (4:09)
03. Emperors Song (6:19)
04. Fortunes Of War (8:08)
05. Somebody Special (5:23)
06. No Dummy (6:17)
07. Pipeline (6:44)
08. Jumpsuit City (6:50)
09. Bandwagon (5:07)
10. Raw Meat (7:18)

Sunsets On Empire (1997)
01. The Perception Of Johnny Punte (8:37)
02. Goldfish & Clowns (6:36)
03. Change Of Heart (3:41)
04. What Colour Is God? (5:50)
05. Tara (5:11)
06. Jungle Ride (7:34)
07. Worm In A Bottle (6:24)
08. Brother 52 (6:06)
09. Sunsets On Empire (6:55)
10. Say It With Flowers (4:15)

Raingods With Zippos (1999)
01. Tumbledown (5:52)
02. Mission Statement (3:59)
03. Incomplete (3:44)
04. Tilted Cross (4:19)
05. Faithhealer (5:00)
06. Rites Of Passage (7:42)
07. Plague Of Ghosts, A. Old Haunts (3:12)
08. Plague Of Ghosts, B. Digging Deep (6:49)
09. Plague Of Ghosts, C. Chocolate Frogs (4:04)
10. Plague Of Ghosts, D. Waving At Stars (3:12)
11. Plague Of Ghosts, E. Raingod's Dancing (4:16)
12. Plague Of Ghosts, F. Wake-Up Call (Make It Happen) (3:31)

Fellini Days (2001)
01. 3D (9:11)
02. So Fellini (4:06)
03. Tiki 4 (7:32)
04. Our Smile (5:26)
05. Long Cold Day (5:33)
06. Dancing In Fog (5:31)
07. Obligatory Ballad (5:16)
08. The Pilgrim's Address (7:18)
09. Clock Moves Sideways (7:17)

Field Of Crows (2003)
01. The Field (8:47)
02. Moving Targets (5:45)
03. The Rookie (5:34)
04. Zoo Class (5:26)
05. The Lost Plot (5:17)
06. Old Crow (5:24)
07. Numbers (5:40)
08. Exit Wound (5:59)
09. Innocent Party (7:43)
10. Shot The Craw (6:23)
11. Scattering Crows (5:08)

13th Star (2007)
01. Circle Line (5:55)
02. Square Go (5:26)
03. Miles de Besos (4:18)
04. Zoe 25 (5:11)
05. Arc of the Curve (5:22)
06. Manchmal (5:31)
07. Openwater (5:08)
08. Dark Star (6:43)
09. Where in the World (6:02)
10. 13th Star (5:55)

A Feast Of Consequences (2013)
01. Perfume River (10:58)
02. All Loved Up (5:07)
03. Blind to the Beautiful (5:12)
04. A Feast of Consequences (4:29)
05. High Wood (5:26)
06. Crucifix Corner (7:25)
07. The Gathering (4:30)
08. Thistle Alley (6:08)
09. The Leaving (4:59)
10. The Other Side of Me (6:09)
11. The Great Unravelling (6:32)

Weltschmerz (2020)
01. Grace Of God (8:16)
02. Man With A Stick (6:30)
03. Walking On Eggshells (7:15)
04. This Party's Over (4:23)
05. Rose Of Damascus (15:43)
06. Garden Of Remembrance (6:03)
07. C Song (The Trondheim Waltz) (4:41)
08. Little Man What Now? (10:54)
09. Waverley Steps (End Of The Line) (13:48)
10. Weltschmerz (6:46)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Deluxe Editions.

Internal Exile, 1991 (2014)
CD 1.

01. Shadowplay (6:25)
02. Credo (6:40)
03. Just Good Friends (6:00)
04. Favourite Stranger (5:59)
05. Lucky (4:50)
06. Dear Friend (4:07)
07. Tongues (6:23)
08. Internal Exile (4:41)
09. Something In The Air (5:09)
10. Carnival Man (6:21)

CD 2.

01. Favourite Stranger (Alternative Recording) (6:04)
02. Just Good Friends (Feat. Sam Brown) (5:46)
03. Lucky (Yang Recording 1995) (4:55)
04. Credo (Yang Recording 1995) (6:46)
05. Internal Exile (Yang Recording 1995) (4:48)
06. Internal Exile (7" Edit) (3:36)
07. Credo (7" Edit) (4:03)
08. Poet's Moon (4:27)

Sunsets On Empire, 1997 (2015)
CD 1.

01. The Perception Of Johnny Punter (8:37)
02. Goldfish And Clowns (6:36)
03. Change Of Heart (3:41)
04. What Colour Is God (5:50)
05. Tara (5:11)
06. Jungle Ride (7:34)
07. Worm In A Bottle (6:24)
08. Brother 52 (6:04)
09. Sunsets On Empire (6:53)
10. Say It With Flowers (4:15)

CD 2.

01. Goldfish & Clowns (Demo) (6:37)
02. Sunsets On Empire (Demo) (6:53)
03. What Colour Is God (Demo) (5:57)
04. Do Not Walk Outside This Area (Demo) (6:11)
05. The Perception Of Johnny Punter (Demo) (8:34)
06. Say It With Flowers (Demo) (4:11)
07. The Perception Of Johnny Punter (USA Vocal Version) (8:38)
08. Do Not Walk Outside This Area (6:29)
09. Tara (Radio Edit) (4:03)
10. Goldfish & Clowns (Radio Edit) (4:14)
11. What Colour Is God (Remix) (7:01)

CD 3.

01. Change Of Heart (Communion 2006) (3:44)
02. Tara (Communion 2006) (5:30)
03. Worm In A Bottle (Haddington 1998) (5:20)
04. Goldfish & Clowns (Poland 1997) (6:44)
05. Jungle Ride (Poland 1997) (8:09)
06. The Perception Of Johnny Punter (Poland 1997) (11:15)
07. What Colour Is God¿ (Poland 1997) (5:53)
08. Brother 52 (Poland 1997) (6:07)
09. Sunsets On Empire (Sashimi, 1999) (8:59)

Raingods With Zippos, 1999 (2015)
CD 1.

01. Tumbledown (5:52)
02. Mission Statement (3:59)
03. Incomplete (3:44)
04. Tilted Cross (4:19)
05. Faithhealer (5:00)
06. Rites Of Passage (7:42)

07. Plague Of Ghosts, A. Old Haunts (3:12)
08. Plague Of Ghosts, B. Digging Deep (6:49)
09. Plague Of Ghosts, C. Chocolate Frogs (4:04)
10. Plague Of Ghosts, D. Waving At Stars (3:12)
11. Plague Of Ghosts, E. Raingod's Dancing (4:16)
12. Plague Of Ghosts, F. Wake-Up Call (Make It Happen) (3:31)
CD 2.

01. Plague Of Ghosts: (Live Studio Instrumental) (23:04)
Old Haunts
Chocolate Frogs
Waving At Stars
Raingods Dancing
Wake Up Call

02. All These Christs (Tony Turrell Instrumental Demo) (14:20)
03. Plague Of Ghosts: (Live) (28:43)
Old Haunts
Digging Deep
Chocolate Frogs
Waving At Stars
Raingods Dancing
Wake Up Call

CD 3.

01. Incomplete (With Elisabeth Troy Antwi-Acoustic Demo) (3:40)
02. Chasing Miss Pretty (4:51)
03. Mr. Buttons (4:36)
04. Tilted Cross (Live Acoustic, Haddington, 2006) (4:22)
05. Incomplete (Live Acoustic, Haddington, 2006) (4:06)
06. Rites of Passage (Live Acoustic, Haddington, 2006) (5:57)
07. Tumbledown (Live, USA, 2000) (5:35)
08. Plague of Ghosts (Live, USA, 2000) (34:21)

Fellini Days, 2001 (2016)
CD 1.

01. 3D (9:11)
02. So Fellini (4:07)
03. Tiki 4 (7:32)
04. Our Smile (5:26)
05. Long Cold Day (5:34)
06. Dancing in Fog (5:30)
07. Obligatory Ballad (5:16)
08. The Pilgrim's Address (7:18)
09. Clock Moves Sideways (7:18)

CD 2.

01. 3D (Demo) (9:30)
02. So Fellini (Acoustic Demo) (3:01)
03. So Fellini (Demo) (4:38)
04. Aggro (Demo) (4:31)
05. Clock Moves Sideways (Demo) (5:00)
06. Tiki 4 (Acoustic Demo) (2:18)
07. Tiki 4 (Demo) (4:56)
08. Long Cold Day (Demo) (5:00)
09. End of the Line (Demo) (3:15)
10. Federico (Demo) (3:58)
11. The Pilgrim's Address (Demo) (3:34)
12. Our Smile (Acoustic Demo With Vox) (5:26)
13. Dancing in Fog (Album Remix) (6:16)

CD 3.

01. 3D (Live in Rotterdam 2001) (8:52)
02. So Fellini (Live at Nearfest 2008) (4:26)
03. Long Cold Day (Live in Tilburg 2005) (6:28)
04. The Pilgrim's Address (Live in Oslo 2001) (8:39)
05. Clock Moves Sideways (Live in Amsterdam 2001) (7:28)
06. Our Smile (Acoustic Live in Leamington 2012) (7:17)
07. Tiki 4 (Live in Oslo 2001) (7:48)
08. Clock Moves Sideways (Live in Oslo 2001) (7:18)
09. So Fellini (Live in Poznan 2001) (4:00)
10. The Pilgrim's Address (Live in Haddington 2006) (7:41)

Field Of Crows, 2003 (2016)
CD 1.

01. The Field (8:46)
02. Moving Targets (5:45)
03. The Rookie (5:33)
04. Zoo Class (5:26)
05. Lost Plot (5:15)
06. Old Crow (5:21)
07. Numbers (5:39)
08. Exit Wound (5:58)
09. Innocent Party (7:41)
10. Shot the Craw (6:20)
11. Scattering Crows (5:08)

CD 2.

01. Lost Plot (Demo) (6:18)
02. Scattering Crows (Demo) (4:59)
03. The Field (Demo) (8:46)
04. The Rookie (Live 2004) (5:40)
05. Moving Targets (Live 2004) (6:14)
06. Innocent Party (Live 2004) (6:46)
07. Zoo Class (Live 2004) (5:05)
08. Numbers (Live 2004) (5:56)
09. Old Crow (Live, Oslo, 2004) (5:33)
10. Lost Plot (Live, Oslo, 2004) (6:18)

CD 3.

01. The Field (Live, Haddington, 2006) (8:17)
02. Shot the Craw (Live, Haddington, 2006) (5:23)
03. Lost Plot (Live, Haddington, 2006) (4:53)
04. Scattering Crows (Live, Haddington, 2006) (5:21)
05. Innocent Party (Live, Amsterdam, 2005) (5:08)
06. Moving Targets (Live, Amsterdam, 2005) (7:08)
07. The Rookie (Live, Bradford, 2004) (5:55)
08. Zoo Class (Live, Bradford, 2004) (5:01)
09. Numbers (Live, Bradford, 2004) (5:36)
10. Moving Targets (Live, Bradford, 2004) (5:42)

Songs From The Mirror, 1993 (2017)
CD 1.

01. Question (6:41)
02. Boston Tea Party (4:22)
03. Fearless (6:16)
04. Apeman (5:56)
05. Hold Your Head Up (3:46)
06. I Know What I Like (4:17)
07. Solo (4:06)
08. Jeepster (4:04)
09. Time and a Word (4:21)
10. The Seeker (3:15)
11. Five Years (5:22)
12. Caledonia (4:20)

CD 2.

01. Something in the Air (Live, Hamburg, 1992) (5:59)
02. I Know What I Like (Studio Demo) (3:17)
03. The Seeker (Studio Demo) (3:16)
04. Fearless (Live, Utrecht, 1993) (6:48)
05. Boston Tea Party (Live, Utrecht, 1993) (4:08)
06. Jeepster (Live, Utrecht, 1993) (4:00)
07. Hold Your head Up (Live, Utrecht, 1993) (3:00)
08. Five Years (Live, Utrecht, 1993) (7:31)
09. Roadhouse Blues (Live Acoustic, Duisberg, 1994) (7:30)
10. Jeepster (Live Acoustic, Duisberg, 1994) (5:35)
11. Solo (Live Acoustic, Krakow, 1995) (5:21)
12. Boston Tea Party (Version 2) (4:59)
13. Faith Healer (Live, USA, 2008) (6:28)

Suits, 1994 (2017)
CD 1.

01. Mr 1470 (6:06)
02. Lady Let It Lie (6:54)
03. Emperor's Song (6:19)
04. Fortunes of War (7:51)
05. Somebody Special (5:23)
06. No Dummy (6:17)
07. Pipeline (6:43)
08. Jumpsuit City (6:50)
09. Bandwagon (5:07)
10. Raw Meat (7:20)
11. Out of My Life (3:43)
12. Black Canal (8:27)

CD 2.

01. Somebody Special (1992 Demo) (4:26)
02. Pipeline (1992 Demo) (6:19)
03. Out of My Life (1992 Demo) (3:44)
04. Mr 1470 (1992 Demo) (4:27)
05. Pipeline (1992 Demo 2) (7:13)
06. Somebody Special (1992 Demo 2) (4:22)
07. Raw Meat (1992 Demo) (4:48)
08. Lady Let It Lie (1993 Demo) (5:16)
09. Bandwagon (1993 Demo) (3:30)
10. Mr 1470 (1993 Demo) (6:10)
11. Jumpsuit City (1993 Demo) (4:44)
12. Somebody Special (1993 Demo) (5:09)
13. Emperor's Song (1993 Demo) (6:14)
14. Lady Let It Lie (Radio Session, Haddington, 1994) (5:56)

CD 3.

01. Mr 1470 (Live, Haddington Covention, 1994) (6:27)
02. Fortunes of War (Live, Haddington Covention, 1994) (6:25)
03. Somebody Special (Live, Norwich, 1994) (4:45)
04. Black Canal (Live, Lucerne, 1995) (6:46)
05. Jumpsuit City (Live, Lucerne, 1995) (5:13)
06. Pipeline (Live, Lucerne, 1995) (7:32)
07. Emperor's Song (Live, Krakow, 1995) (7:06)
08. Lady Let It Lie (Live, Krakow, 1995) (6:05)
09. Jumpsuit City (Live, Haddington, 2006) (5:28)
10. Fortunes of War (Live, Haddington, 2006) (6:34)
11. Raw Meat (Live, Poznan, 2011) (10:01)

Ao Vivo (Live).

There's A Guy Works Down The Chip Shop Swears He's Fish (1992)
01. Vigil (10:08)
02. Credo (7:58)
03. Tongues (7:04)
04. Incubus (9:49)
05. The Company (4:16)
06. Big Wedge (6:49)
07. Internal Exile / Market Square Heroes (10:33)
08. Heart Of Lothian (4:01)

For Whom The Bells Toll (1993)
CD 1.

01. Vigil (9:08)
02. Credo (8:14)
03. Tongues (7:31)
04. Family Business (6:16)
05. Incubus (15:04)
06. The Company (9:18)

CD 2.

01. Shadowplay (12:44)
02. Dear Friend (9:58)
03. Lucky (6:02)
04. Big Wedge (6:32)
05. Heart Of Lothian (5:25)
06. Forgotten Sons (9:47)
07. Internal Exile \ Market Square Heroes (11:42)

Pigpen's Birthday (1993)
CD 1.

01. Voyeur (I Like to Watch) (6:31)
02. Punch and Judy (5:17)
03. State of Mind (6:17)
04. Family Business (5:52)
05. Assassing (9:48)
06. The Company (9:34)
07. Script for a Jester's Tear (7:13)
08. Gentleman's Excuse Me (4:22)

CD 2.

01. Sugar Mice (8:53)
02. Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors (9:44)
03. Keyleigh (4:04)
04. Lavender (2:23)
05. Heart of Lothian (4:59)
06. Cliche (7:21)
07. Big Wedge (6:25)
08. Internal Exile (6:35)

Toiling In The Reeperbahn (1993)
CD 1.

01. Credo (7:29)
02. Voyeur (4:39)
03. Punch And Judy (6:08)
04. Just Good Friends (6:33)
05. Pipeline (8:32)
06. Out Of My Life (4:26)
07. Incubus (9:58)
08. Raw Meat (5:51)

CD 2.

01. Something In The Air (6:51)
02. Lady Nina (6:51)
03. The Company (5:46)
04. Lucky (5:38)
05. Big Wedge (8:22)
06. Kayleigh (4:08)
07. Lavender (2:43)
08. Heart Of Lothian (3:34)
09. Internal Exile/Market Square Heroes/Roadhouse Blues (13:33)

Sushi (1994)
CD 1.

01. Fearless (6:49)
02. Big Wedge (5:32)
03. Boston Tea Party (4:14)
04. Credo (7:28)
05. Family Business (5:43)
06. View From A Hill (3:01)
07. He Knows You Know (2:43)
08. She Chameleon (3:59)
09. Kayleigh (4:12)
10. White Russian (9:19)
11. The Company (7:10)

CD 2.

01. Just Good Friends (8:11)
02. Jeepster (3:54)
03. Hold Your Head Up (3:07)
04. Lucky (5:03)
05. Internal Exile (7:32)
06. Cliche (7:03)
07. Last Straw (7:39)
08. Poets Moon (4:13)
09. 5 Years (7:58)

Acoustic Session (1994)
01. Lucky (4:26)
02. Internal Exile (4:32)
03. Kayleigh (4:15)
04. Fortunes of War (6:11)
05. Dear Friend (3:46)
06. Sugar Mice (5:46)
07. Somebody Special (4:52)
08. Jumpsuit City (4:47)
09. Lady Let It Lie (5:24)

Head Curry: Live Lucerne (1995)
CD 1.

01. Black Canal (6:48)
02. Jumpsuit City (6:41)
03. Big Wedge (4:36)
04. Emperor's Song (5:43)
05. Intro: "See Rome and Die" (2:11)
06. Lady Let it Lie (6:02)
07. Intro: "The Observer" (4:28)
08. Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors (9:05)
09. Shadowplay (4:10)
10. Fugazi (3:19)
11. Slainte Mhath (5:11)
12. Credo (7:58)

CD 2.

01. Intro: "Where's the Wine From?" (2:25)
02. Keyleigh (4:30)
03. Pipeline (7:31)
04. Incommunicado (4:18)
05. Internal Exile (5:40)
06. Lucky (16:46)
07. Lavender (6:45)

Krakow (1996)
CD 1.

01. Black Canal (7:04)
02. Jumpsuit City (5:00)
03. Big Wedge (6:07)
04. Emperor's Song (7:06)
05. Lady Let It Lie (6:18)
06. Vigil (9:10)
07. Shadowplay (4:03)
08. Fugazi (3:21)
09. Slainthe Mhath (4:57)

CD 2.

01. Credo (10:23)
02. Kayleigh (4:43)
03. Pipeline (7:18)
04. Incommunicado (4:25)
05. Internal Exile (5:29)
06. Lucky (15:49)
07. Lavender (7:01)
08. Boston Tea Party (5:52)

Tales From The Big Bus (1998)
CD 1.

01. The Perception of Johnny Punter (11:41)
02. What Colour Is God (7:22)
03. Family Business (6:24)
04. Mr 1470 (5:32)
05. Microphone Intro (4:25)
06. Jungle Ride (8:15)
07. Medley (20:25)

CD 2.

01. Intro (6:26)
02. Cliche (8:35)
03. Brother 52 (6:08)
04. Lucky (20:14)
05. Internal Exile / The Company (8:53)

Haddington Convention (1998)
CD 1.

01. Vigil (10:13)
02. Credo (8:21)
03. State Of Mind (7:24)
04. Tongues (7:25)
05. Family Business (7:23)
06. Incubus (10:39)
07. Shadowplay (6:18)

CD 2.

01. Dear Friend (7:37)
02. Lucky (5:35)
03. Big Wedge (7:39)
04. Fugazi (8:46)
05. Heart Of Lothian (6:26)
06. The Company (4:21)
07. Forgotten Sons (9:09)

The Complete BBC Sessions (1999)
CD 1.

01. Faith Healer (6:31)
02. The Voyeur (I Like To Watch) (5:34)
03. Punch & Judy (5:52)
04. The Company (4:16)
05. Script For A Jester's Tear (9:50)
06. Family Business (6:19)
07. Warm Wet Circles (4:18)
08. Slainthe Mhath (7:03)
09. Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirro (9:05)
10. Big Wedge (5:55)
11. Fugazi (8:42)

CD 2.

01. Kayleigh (4:36)
02. Lavender (2:30)
03. Heart Of Lothian (3:40)
04. Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirro (9:41)
05. Credo (7:32)
06. Tongues (7:09)
07. Incubus (9:24)
08. The Company (4:03)
09. Big Wedge (6:30)
10. Internal Exile (4:34)
11. Market Square Heroes (5:25)
12. Heart Of Lothian (4:57)

Candlelight In Fog (2000)
CD 1.

01. Faithhealer (6:20)
02. Lucky (5:22)
03. Intro - American Football And Jasons Story (3:41)
04. Just Good Friends (6:29)
05. Intro - Happy Birthday And Docs Memorial (4:23)
06. Brother 52 (6:19)
07. Intro - Air Conditioning And The Fog (4:18)
08. Hotel Hobies (4:37)
09. Warm Wet Circles (6:21)
10. That Time Of The Night (4:48)
11. Tumbledown (6:15)
12. Intro - Gascooker Rap (7:23)

CD 2.

01. Plague Of Ghosts (35:37)
02. Cliche (6:39)
03. The Perception Of Johnny Punter (3:41)
04. Intro - Company Address (6:43)
05. The Company (5:39)
06. Hotel Hobbies (4:37)
07. Warm Wet Circles (4:19)
08. That Time Of The Night (6:18)

Sashimi: Live In Poznan, Poland 1999 (2001)
CD 1.

01. Faithhealer (5:10)
02. Lucky (6:05)
03. Just Good Friends (6:18)
04. Brother 52 (6:32)
05. Goldfish And Clowns (8:14)
06. Hotel Hobbies (4:22)
07. Warm Wet Circles (4:20)
08. That Time Of The Night (6:19)
09. Tumbledown (5:49)
10. Intro - Riff Raff - The Wine Waiter! (1:38)

CD 2.

01. 'Plague Of Ghosts' (28:43)
02. Cliche' (7:05)
03. Perception Of Johnny Punter (3:22)
04. Sunsets On Empire (10:11)
05. The Company (5:35)

Fellini Nights (2002)
CD 1.

01. 3D (8:43)
02. So Fellini (4:00)
03. Brother 52 (6:01)
04. Tumbledown (5:56)
05. Long Cold Day (5:42)
06. Tiki 4 (7:53)
07. Our Smile (5:06)

CD 2.

01. Perception of Johnny Punter (11:29)
02. Pilgrim's Address (8:16)
03. Medley: Lucky; Credo; Vigil (13:24)
04. Clock Moves Sideways (7:27)
05. The Company (4:55)
06. Flower of Scotland (2:15)

Scattering Crows: Live At The Robin 2 Bilston, Feb 18th 2004 (2005)
01. The Rookie (5:56)
02. Moving Targets (5:43)
03. Jungle Ride (7:33)
04. The Perception Of Johnny Punte (11:08)
05. Numbers (5:36)
06. Zoo Class (5:03)
07. Cliche (7:52)
08. Innocent Party (6:56)
09. Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirro (5:18)
10. Medley: (15:40)
So Fellini
Lucky-Internal Exile
Market Square Heroes

Return To Childhood (2006)
CD 1.

01. Big Wedge (6:26)
02. Moving Targets (7:16)
03. Brother 52 (5:00)
04. Goldfish and Clowns (6:49)
05. Raingods Dancing (4:46)
06. Wake Up Call (Make it Happen) (3:19)
07. Innocent Party (5:08)
08. Long Cold Day (6:27)
09. Credo (8:04)

CD 2.

01. Pseudo Silk Kimono (2:36)
02. Kayleigh (4:05)
03. Lavender (2:58)
04. Bitter Suite (8:29)
05. Heart Of Lothian (5:26)
06. Waterhole (Expresso Bongo) (1:58)
07. Lords Of The Backstage (1:52)
08. Blind Curve (13:04)
09. Childhoods End? (4:33)
10. White Feather (4:45)
11. Incommunicado (5:10)
12. Market Square Heroes (6:59)
13. Fugazi (9:39)

Communion (2007)
CD 1.

01. The Field (8:17)
02. Jumpsuit City (5:30)
03. Favourite Stranger (5:50)
04. Shot the Craw (5:27)
05. State of Mind (7:32)
06. Tilted Cross (4:22)
07. Fortunes of War (6:37)
08. Just Good Friends (6:03)
09. Incomplete (4:06)
10. Change of Heart (3:44)
11. Lady Let it Lie (5:55)
12. A Gentleman's Excuse Me (4:18)

CD 2.

01. Rites of Passage (5:59)
02. The Lost Plot (4:53)
03. Slainthe Mhath (5:12)
04. Chelsea Monday (6:11)
05. Scattering Crows (5:21)
06. Tara (5:29)
07. Raw Meat (7:01)

Fisheads Acoustic Tour: Live In Polish Radio Three (2011)
01. Introduction by Piotr Kaczkowski (2:26)
02. Chocolate Frogs (2:27)
03. State of Mind (6:27)
04. Somebody Special (6:06)
05. Brother 52 (7:18)
06. Jigsaw (7:10)
07. Incubus (10:57)
08. Virgil (10:25)
09. A Gentelment Excuse Me (5:44)
10. Family Business (7:00)
11. Kayleigh (5:05)

The Moveable Feastː European Tour 2013-2015 (Live 2016)
CD 1: Karlsruhe, Substage 25th October 2013.

01. Perfume River (10:46)
02. Feast Of Consequences (4:48)
03. Script For A Jester's Tear (9:54)
04. Dark Star (7:45)
05. All Loved Up (5:04)
06. What Colour Is God? (6:36)
07. Blind To The Beautiful (9:35)
08. Mr. 1470 (6:01)
09. He Knows You Know (6:12)

CD 2: Karlsruhe, Substage 25th October 2013.

01. Crucifix Corner (7:46)
02. The Gathering (4:32)
03. Thistle Alley (6:32)
04. Medley: Assassing (2:29)
05. Medley: Credo (3:52)
06. Medley: Tongues (2:54)
07. Medley: Assassing (Reprise) (3:29)
08. Medley: Drum Solo (1:29)
09. Medley: Fugazi (1:58)
10. Medley: White Feather (2:09)
11. Medley: View From A Hill (2:37)
12. Freaks (5:10)
13. Lucky (8:33)
14. The Company (5:06)

CD 3: Wurzburg, Posthale 29th October 2014.

01. Perfume River (11:31)
02. Feast Of Consequences (4:24)
03. Manchmal (5:39)
04. Arc Of The Curve (5:42)
05. High Wood (5:17)
06. Crucifix Corner (7:25)
07. The Gathering (4:29)
08. Thistle Alley (6:40)
09. The Leaving (5:10)

CD 4: Wurzburg, Posthale 29th October 2014.

01. Slainte Mhath (5:24)
02. Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors (14:12)
03. Big Wedge (6:09)
04. Heart Of Lothian (4:40)
05. Incubus (10:19)
06. The Company (4:58)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Farewell To Childhood (Live 2017)
CD 1.

01. Pipeline (9:39)
02. Feast Of Consequences (4:41)
03. Long Cold Day (7:46)
04. Family Business (5:53)
05. The Perception Of Johnny Punter (12:12)

CD 2.

01. Pseudo Silk Kimono (2:37)
02. Kayleigh (4:19)
03. Lavender (2:37)
04. Bitter Suite (8:26)
05. Heart Of Lothian (5:26)
06. Waterhole (Expresso Bongo) (1:47)
07. Lords Of The Backstage (2:20)
08. Blind Curve (14:04)
09. Childhoods End? (4:43)
10. White Feather (5:33)
11. Market Square Heroes (6:52)
12. The Company (5:26)

CD 3.

01. Pipeline (8:19)
02. Feast Of Consequences (4:51)
03. Long Cold Day (9:35)
04. Family Business (6:06)
05. The Perception Of Johnny Punter (15:55)
06. Pseudo Silk Kimono (5:23)
07. Kayleigh (4:08)
08. Lavender (2:43)
09. Bitter Suite (7:37)
10. Heart Of Lothian (5:48)
11. Waterhole (Expresso Bongo) (2:05)
12. Lords Of The Backstage (2:19)
13. Blind Curve (13:10)
14. Childhoods End? (4:20)
15. White Feather (7:16)
16. Market Square Heroes (8:02)
17. The Company (8:19)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

A Parley With Angels: Live 2018 (2020)
01. Man With A Stick (6:38)
02. Little Man What Now? (10:12)
03. C Song (The Trondheim Waltz) (4:47)
04. Waverley Steps (End Of The Line) (14:23)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Coletâneas (Compilations).

Yin (1995)
01. Incommunicado (5:08)
02. Family Business (5:14)
03. Just Good Friends (5:46)
04. Pipeline (6:56)
05. Institution Waltz (4:03)
06. Tongues (6:19)
07. Time & A Word (4:23)
08. The Company (4:07)
09. Incubus (9:42)
10. Solo (4:10)
11. Favourite Stranger (6:04)
12. Boston Tea Party (4:58)
13. Raw Meat (6:53)

Yang (1995)
01. Lucky (4:56)
02. Big Wedge (5:49)
03. Lady Let It Lie (6:58)
04. Lavender (5:00)
05. Credo (6:47)
06. A Gentleman`s Excuse Me (4:18)
07. Kayleigh (4:10)
08. State Of Mind (6:50)
09. Somebody Special (4:25)
10. Sugar Mice (6:19)
11. Punch & Judy (3:28)
12. Fortunes Of War (8:08)
13. Internal Exile (4:48)

Yin & Yang: Radio Edits (1995)
01. Fish's Introduction To Kayleigh (2:11)
02. Kayleigh (4:14)
03. Fish's Introduction To Lucky (1:09)
04. Lucky (3:31)
05. Fish's Introduction To Boston Tea Party (1:11)
06. Boston Tea Party (3:57)
07. Fish's Introduction To Lavender (0:59)
08. Lavender (4:18)
09. Fish's Introduction To Somebody Special (0:46)
10. Somebody Special (4:00)
11. Fish's Introduction To Just Good Friends (1:16)
12. Just Good Friends (4:11)
13. Fish's Introduction To Lady Let It Lie (1:09)
14. Lady Let It Lie (4:08)
15. Fish's Introduction To Punch & Judy (0:57)
16. Punch & Judy (3:30)

Kettle Of Fish 88-98 (1998)
01. Big Wedge (5:19)
02. Just Good Friends (With Sam Br) (5:48)
03. Brother 52 (6:06)
04. Chasing Miss Pretty (4:52)
05. Credo (6:41)
06. A Gentleman's Excuse Me (4:19)
07. Goldfish and Clowns (6:38)
08. Lady Let It Lie (4:12)
09. Lucky (4:58)
10. State of Mind (4:46)
11. Mr Buttons (4:36)
12. Fortunes of War (7:55)
13. Internal Exile (4:41)

Bouillabaisse: The Best Of Fish (2005)
CD 1: Balladeer.

01. Just Good Friends (4:01)
02. Shot The Crow (4:00)
03. A Gentleman's Excuse Me (4:17)
04. Kayleigh (3:38)
05. Solo (4:08)
06. Incomplete (3:44)
07. The Company (4:05)
08. Fortunes Of War (5:05)
09. Our Smile (4:18)
10. Lavender (3:43)
11. Lady Let It Lie (4:08)
12. Cliche (7:06)
13. Scattering Crows (5:09)
14. Tara (4:06)
15. Caledonia (4:20)
16. Raw Meat (5:14)

CD 2: Rocketeer.

01. Big Wedge (4:36)
02. Credo (4:03)
03. Incommunicado (3:56)
04. Goldfish And Clowns (4:12)
05. Long Cold Day (5:35)
06. Brother 52 (3:58)
07. Clock Moves Sideways (7:03)
08. The Perception Of Johnny Punte (8:37)
09. Moving Targets (5:47)
10. Plague Of Ghosts (I) Old Hau (3:12)
11. Plague Of Ghosts (II) Diggin (6:49)
12. Plague Of Ghosts (III) Choco (4:04)
13. Plague Of Ghosts (IV) Waving (3:12)
14. Plague Of Ghosts (V) Raingod (4:16)
15. Plague Of Ghosts (VI) Wake U (3:18)

Singles, EP'S, Fan Club & Promos.
Links no final da página.

Fortunes Of War: 4 CD Maxi-Single (1994)
CD 1.

01. Fortunes Of War (Single Edit) (5:08)
02. Somebody Special (Live - Norwich) (4:46)
03. State Of Mind (Live - London) (7:16)
04. Lucky (Live - Newport) (6:09)

CD 2.

01. Fortunes Of War (Live - London) (6:30)
02. Warm Wet Circles (Live - Newport) (6:04)
03. Jumpsuit City (Live - London) (5:49)
04. The Company (Live - London) (4:14)

CD 3.

01. Fortunes Of War (Acoustic Session June '94) (6:11)
02. Kayleigh (Live - London) (4:30)
03. Internal Exile (Live - London) (4:50)
04. Just Good Friends (Acoustic Session July '94) (6:12)

CD 4.

01. Fortunes Of War (Acoustic Session July '94) (6:28)
02. Sugar Mice (Live - London) (6:59)
03. Dear Friend (Live - London) (4:03)
04. Lady Let It Lie (Acoustic Session July '94) (5:56)

Lady Let It Lie (1994)
01. Lady Let It Lie (Album Version) (6:57)
02. Emperors Song (Live) (6:21)
03. Just Good Friends (Live) (6:24)
04. Out Of My Life (Live) (3:48)

The Funny Farm Interview (1995)
01. The Concept Behind Yin & Yang (2:56)
02. The Artwork (2:31)
03. The Early Years (7:04)
04. Early Influences (6:16)
05. Derek To Fish (2:05)
06. The Selection Of Tracks For Yin & Yang (3:41)
07. The Special Guests (6:31)
08. Personal Experience & Lyrics (6:10)
09. Leaving Marillion (5:55)
10. The Litigations (8:03)
11. Misplaced Childhood (7:22)
12. Re-Recordings (1:31)
13. Progressive Rock '84 (3:11)
14. Returning To Scotland '88 (4:45)
15. The Breaks (1:32)
16. The Career Curve (5:48)
17. Dick Bros Record Company (2:38)

A Parley With Angels (2018)
01. Man With a Stick (6:30)
02. Waverly Steps (13:40)
03. Little Man What Now (10:53)
04. Circle Line (5:26)
05. State Of Mind (7:11)
06. Voyeur (4:46)
07. Emperors Song (6:11)

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