A era Fish.
A era Fish.
A banda foi formada em 1979, originalmente como Silmarillion, uma referência ao livro de J.R.R. Tolkien Silmarillion. O nome foi encurtado em 1980 após ameaças de ações legais contra a propriedade intelectual do nome criado por Tolkien. Os primeiro trabalhos do Marillion continham as letras poéticas e introspectivas de Fish, moldados com arranjos musicais complexos e sutis, refletindo as influências claras da banda com o rock progressivo, especialmente de bandas como Genesis, Van Der Graaf Generator, Rush (principalmente na fase dos anos 1970) e Yes.
Lançaram seu primeiro single em 1982, Market Square Heroes no lado A, e que continha o épico Grendel, de 17min., no lado B. Em 1983 a banda lançou seu primeiro álbum, Script for a Jester’s Tear. Apesar do clima sombrio do disco em si, o álbum surpreende pelos instrumentais bem trabalhados e pela intensidade de sua concepção musical. Para os fãs de rock progressivo mais aficionados, este foi o melhor álbum. A crítica o considera uma referência para todo o gênero progressivo. O segundo álbum, Fugazi (1984), foi construído sobre o sucesso do primeiro álbum e com uma nítida influência de música eletrônica. Lançaram então em novembro de 1984 seu primeiro álbum ao vivo, Real to Reel.
O terceiro álbum Misplaced Childhood, de 1985, foi o mais bem sucedido comercialmente da banda. O álbum Clutching at Straws (1987) reforçou o apelo mais melódico dos dois discos predecessores e lidou com temas como o excesso, alcoolismo e a vida na estrada, representando a rotina da banda em suas turnês, o que também acabou resultando na saída de Fish da banda, partindo este para a carreira solo. A perda do líder deixou uma grande marca na banda e a projetou para uma sensível mudança de direcionamento e estilo musicais.
Após batalhas legais, o contato entre Fish e os outros quatro membros do Marillion não foi refeito até 1999. Apesar de atualmente estarem em relações cordiais, ambas as partes deixaram claro a impossibilidade em uma reunião da banda nos termos anteriores a 1988.
A era H.
Após a divisão, a banda realizou turnê com Steve Hogarth, ex-tecladista e vocalista do The Europeans, preenchendo o lugar de Fish. Hogarth estava em situação complicada, pois a banda já havia gravado alguns demos para o próximo álbum, que se tornaria Seasons End, com Fish nos vocais e suas letras. Hogarth teve que recriar as letras para as canções já existentes juntamente com o autor John Helmer.
A turnê mundial de lançamento do álbum “Seasons End” presenteou os brasileiros com uma grande apresentação da banda na segunda edição do Hollywood Rock, em janeiro de 1990, com shows no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. A expectativa era grande, já que a mudança nos vocais da banda tinha sido recente. Mas, Hogarth não decepcionou e foi uma atração a parte. Na música Kayleigh, por exemplo, a banda adaptou a mesma para que tivesse dois solos de guitarra. No primeiro, o vocalista desligou o microfone sem fio, colocou-o no bolso, e subiu os andaimes de sustentação do palco e, lá de cima, sob os olhares assustados do público e da produção, continuou a interpretação da música. Ele repetiu o procedimento, durante o segundo solo, e quando chegou ao palco, encerrou a música aos gritos de aclamação do público brasileiro. Enquanto isso, os demais membros da banda tocaram seus instrumentos, como se nada tivesse acontecido.
O segundo álbum de Hogarth com a banda, Holidays In Eden, foi o primeiro que ele escreveu em parceria com a banda, e inclui a canção Dry Land, que Hogarth já havia escrito e gravado em projeto anterior com a banda How We Live. Holidays In Eden é considerado por muitos como o álbum mais comercial do Marillion, contendo muitas faixas adequadas ao formato de rádio. Entretanto, seu sucessor foi Brave, um extenso e bem amarrado álbum conceitual que exigiu da banda dezoito meses para ser lançado. Ele também marca o início do relacionamento do Marillion com o produtor musical Dave Meegan. Um filme independente baseado no álbum, que contava com a presença da banda, também foi lançado. Enquanto aclamado pela crítica, não obteve sucesso comercial, mas é atualmente considerado um dos melhores álbuns de rock progressivo lançado nos anos 1990.
O próximo álbum, Afraid Of Sunlight, foi lançado às pressas, se tornando o último trabalho da banda com a gravadora EMI. Entretanto, é considerado como um dos álbuns clássicos da banda. Conta com a faixa Out of This World, uma canção sobre Donald Campbell, que morreu enquanto tentava quebrar um recorde de velocidade na água. A canção inspirou os esforços para recuperar das águas Campbell e o Bluebird K7, o barco com o qual ele se acidentou. As buscas terminaram com sucesso em 2001, e tanto Steve Hogarth quanto Steve Rothery foram convidados para a ocasião.
Os álbuns e eventos seguintes foram uma tentativa da banda de encontrar seu lugar no mercado da música. This Strange Engine foi lançado em 1997 com pouca divulgação de sua nova gravadora, a Castle Records, e a banda não conseguiu financiamentos para realizar turnês pelos Estados Unidos. Apesar disso, seus fãs norte-americanos conseguiram resolver o problema ao arrecadar $60.000 para trazer a banda ao seu país.
O décimo álbum da banda, Radiation, mostrou a banda usando uma abordagem drasticamente diferente para se tornar mais moderna e refletir as influências de bandas alternativas como Radiohead, tendo sido recebido pelos fãs com reações diversas. O álbum Marillion.com foi lançado no ano seguinte e mostrou progresso da banda nessa nova direção. A banda, ainda insatisfeita com sua situação perante as gravadoras, decidiu tentar arrecadar fundos para a gravação de seu próximo álbum através dos fãs ao aceitar pré compras antes mesmo do álbum ter sido lançado. A resposta foi bastante positiva, e eles conseguiram arrecadar mais fundos que o próprio custo da produção para gravar e lançar Anoraknophobia em 2001. O Marillion conseguiu desfazer um contrato com a EMI para auxiliar na distribuição dos álbuns, permitindo à banda todos os direitos autorais de sua música.
O sucesso de Anoraknophobia permitiu aos cinco a gravação de outro álbum, mas a banda decidiu utilizar novamente seus fãs para ajudar na arrecadação de dinheiro através de promoções do novo álbum. Novamente a resposta do público foi bem sucedida, e Marbles foi lançado em 2004, com uma versão dupla disponível somente através da página oficial da banda. A banda lançou os singles You’re Gone e Don’t Hurt Yourself, ambos tendo alcançado as paradas britânicas. O Marillion continuou em turnê durante o ano de 2005, tocando em vários festivais e embarcando em turnês acústicas pela Europa e Estados Unidos. Um novo DVD foi lançado em fevereiro de 2006, um documentário sobre a criação, promoção, lançamento e as turnês do seu álbum Marbles.
Em abril de 2007 o Marillion lança, novamente de maneira independente, seu décimo terceiro disco: Somewhere Else.
Em 2008, é lançado Happiness is the Road, décimo quinto álbum de inéditas, constituído de dois discos: Essence (um álbum conceitual que versa sobre o sentido da vida) e The Hard Shoulder (disco de faixas independentes). O álbum é descrito pela banda como uma mistura entre rock progressivo, dub, soul e pop, com influência de artistas como Pink Floyd, Traffic, David Bowie, dentre outros. Mais uma vez, a banda entra em turnê pela Europa.
Em 2009, a banda resolve retrabalhar de forma acústica algumas de suas músicas já existentes, resultando no disco Less is More, que possui apenas uma faixa inédita: It is not your Fault.
Depois de três anos, em 2012, o Marillion lança seu décimo sexto álbum de inéditas, Sounds that can't be made, mais uma vez de forma independente. O álbum contém a faixa Gaza, considerada por alguns membros da banda como a mais polêmica de sua história, por abordar o delicado assunto dos conflitos na Faixa de Gaza, no Oriente Médio, entre palestinos e israelenses. Para promover o álbum, o quinteto faz sua maior tour desde 1997, passando pela Europa, América do Norte e América do Sul.
Em 2016, o tecladista Mark Kelly foi escalado para participar do novo álbum do Ayreon, The Source. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.
Script For A Jester's Tear (1983)
CD 1.
01. Script For A Jester's Tear (8:43)
02. He Knows You Know (5:24)
03. The Web (8:52)
04. Garden Party (7:20)
05. Chelsea Monday (8:17)
06. Forgotten Sons (8:23)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Market Square Heroes (Battle Priest Version) (4:18)
02. Three Boats Down (From The Cand) (4:31)
03. Grendel (Fair Deal Studios Version) (19:10)
04. Chelsea Monday (Manchester Square Demo) (6:55)
05. He Knows You Know (Manchester Square Demo) (4:29)
06. Charting The Single (4:52)
07. Market Square Heroes (Alternative Version) (4:48)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Fugazi (1984)
CD 1.
01. Assassing (7:02)
02. Punch & Judy (3:21)
03. Jigsaw (6:50)
04. Emerald Lies (5:09)
05. She Chameleon (6:53)
06. Incubus (8:30)
07. Fugazi (8:13)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Cinderella Search (12'' Version) (5:32)
02. Assassing (Alternate Mix) (7:41)
03. Three Boats Down From The Cand (4:01)
04. Punch & Judy (Demo) (3:50)
05. She Chameleon (Demo) (6:34)
06. Emerald Lies (Demo) (5:32)
07. Incubus (Demo) (8:10)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Misplaced Childhood (1985)
CD 1
01. Pseudo Silk Kimono (2:13)
02. Kayleigh (3:55)
03. Lavender (2:33)
04. Bitter Suite (7:53)
05. Heart Of Lothian (4:08)
06. Waterhole (Expresso Bongo) (2:07)
07. Lords Of The Backstage (1:58)
08. Blind Curve (9:30)
09. Childhoods End ? (4:33)
10. White Feather (2:24)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Lady Nina (5:50)
02. Freaks (4:08)
03. Kayleigh (Alternative Mix) (4:04)
04. Lavender Blue (4:23)
05. Heart Of Lothian (Extended Mix) (5:53)
06. Pseudo Silk Kimono (Demo) (2:08)
07. Kayleigh (Demo) (4:11)
08. Lavender (Demo) (2:33)
09. Bitter Suite (Demo) (2:56)
10. Lords Of The Backstage (Demo) (1:48)
11. Blue Angel (Demo) (1:46)
12. Misplaced Rendezvous (Demo) (1:21)
13. Heart Of Lothian (Demo) (4:26)
14. Waterhole (Expresso Bongo) (Demo) (1:52)
15. Passing Strangers (Demo) (9:26)
16. Childhoods End ? (Demo) (2:22)
17. White Feather (Demo) (2:17)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Script For A Jester's Tear (1983)
01. Script For A Jester's Tear (8:43)
02. He Knows You Know (5:24)
03. The Web (8:52)
04. Garden Party (7:20)
05. Chelsea Monday (8:17)
06. Forgotten Sons (8:23)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Market Square Heroes (Battle Priest Version) (4:18)
02. Three Boats Down (From The Cand) (4:31)
03. Grendel (Fair Deal Studios Version) (19:10)
04. Chelsea Monday (Manchester Square Demo) (6:55)
05. He Knows You Know (Manchester Square Demo) (4:29)
06. Charting The Single (4:52)
07. Market Square Heroes (Alternative Version) (4:48)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Fugazi (1984)
01. Assassing (7:02)
02. Punch & Judy (3:21)
03. Jigsaw (6:50)
04. Emerald Lies (5:09)
05. She Chameleon (6:53)
06. Incubus (8:30)
07. Fugazi (8:13)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Cinderella Search (12'' Version) (5:32)
02. Assassing (Alternate Mix) (7:41)
03. Three Boats Down From The Cand (4:01)
04. Punch & Judy (Demo) (3:50)
05. She Chameleon (Demo) (6:34)
06. Emerald Lies (Demo) (5:32)
07. Incubus (Demo) (8:10)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Misplaced Childhood (1985)
01. Pseudo Silk Kimono (2:13)
02. Kayleigh (3:55)
03. Lavender (2:33)
04. Bitter Suite (7:53)
05. Heart Of Lothian (4:08)
06. Waterhole (Expresso Bongo) (2:07)
07. Lords Of The Backstage (1:58)
08. Blind Curve (9:30)
09. Childhoods End ? (4:33)
10. White Feather (2:24)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Lady Nina (5:50)
02. Freaks (4:08)
03. Kayleigh (Alternative Mix) (4:04)
04. Lavender Blue (4:23)
05. Heart Of Lothian (Extended Mix) (5:53)
06. Pseudo Silk Kimono (Demo) (2:08)
07. Kayleigh (Demo) (4:11)
08. Lavender (Demo) (2:33)
09. Bitter Suite (Demo) (2:56)
10. Lords Of The Backstage (Demo) (1:48)
11. Blue Angel (Demo) (1:46)
12. Misplaced Rendezvous (Demo) (1:21)
13. Heart Of Lothian (Demo) (4:26)
14. Waterhole (Expresso Bongo) (Demo) (1:52)
15. Passing Strangers (Demo) (9:26)
16. Childhoods End ? (Demo) (2:22)
17. White Feather (Demo) (2:17)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Clutching At Straws (1987)
01. Hotel Hobbies (3:35)
02. Warm Wet Circles (4:26)
03. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (6:01)
04. Going Under (2:48)
05. Just for the Record (3:09)
06. White Russian (6:28)
07. Incommunicado (5:17)
08. Torch Song (4:05)
09. Slainte Mhath (4:45)
10. Sugar Mice (5:47)
11. The Last Straw (5:59)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Incommunicado (Alternative Version) (5:58)
02. Tux On (5:14)
03. Going Under (Extended Version) (2:48)
04. Beaujolais Day (4:51)
05. Story from a Thin Wall (6:48)
06. Shadows on the Barley (2:07)
07. Sunset Hill (4:22)
08. Tic-Tac-Toe (2:59)
09. Voice in the Crowd (3:30)
10. Exile on Princes Street (5:30)
11. White Russians (Demo) (6:16)
12. Sugar Mice in the Rain (5:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Seasons End (1989)
01. The King Of Sunset Town (8:02)
02. Easter (5:58)
03. The Uninvited Guest (3:53)
04. Seasons End (8:08)
05. Holloway Girl (4:28)
06. Berlin (7:44)
07. After Me (3:20)
08. Hooks In You (2:55)
09. The Space... (6:15)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. The Uninvited Guest (12 Version) (5:04)
02. The Bell In The Sea (Single) (4:21)
03. The Release (Single) (3:45)
04. The King Of Sunset Town (Mushroom Farm Demo) (5:34)
05. Holloway Girl (Mushroom Demo) (4:49)
06. Seasons End (Mushroom Demo) (8:03)
07. The Uninvited Guest (Demo) (3:55)
08. Berlin (Mushroom Demo) (8:06)
09. The Bell In The Sea (Demo) (4:53)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Holidays In Eden (1991)
01. Splintering Heart (6:54)
02. Cover My Eyes (Pain and Heaven) (3:54)
03. The Party (5:36)
04. No One Can (4:41)
05. Holidays in Eden (5:38)
06. Dry Land (4:43)
07. Waiting To Happen (5:01)
08. This Town (3:18)
09. The Rakes Progress (1:54)
10. 100 Nights (6:41)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Sympathy (3:30)
02. How Can It Hurt (4:11)
03. A Collection (3:00)
04. Cover My Eyes (Pain And Heaven) (Acoustic) (2:34)
05. Sympathy (Acoustic) (2:31)
06. I Will Walk On Water (Alternative Mix) (5:14)
07. Splintering Heart (Live) (6:42)
08. You Don't Need Anyone (Demo) (4:04)
09. No One Can (Demo) (4:51)
10. The Party (Demo) (5:45)
11. This Town (Demo) (4:16)
12. Waiting To Happen (Demo) (5:31)
13. Eric (2:32)
14. The Epic (Fairground) (Demo) (8:31)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Brave (1994)
01. Bridge (2:56)
02. Living With The Big Lie (6:46)
03. Runaway (4:41)
04. Goodbye To All That (12:27)
05. Hard As Love (6:42)
06. The Hollow Man (4:08)
07. The Lap Of Luxury (8:13)
08. Paper Lies (5:48)
09. Brave (7:56)
10. The Great Escape (6:30)
11. Made Again (5:02)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. The Great Escape (Orchestral Version) (5:18)
02. Marouette Jam (9:44)
03. The Hollow Man (Acoustic) (4:10)
04. Winter Trees (1:48)
05. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (Acoustic) (2:43)
06. Runaway (Acoustic) (4:27)
07. Hard As Love (Instrumental Demo) (6:49)
08. Living With The Big Lie (Demo) (5:12)
09. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (Demo) (3:17)
10. Dream Sequence (Demo) (2:36)
11. The Great Escape (Spiral Remake) (32:26)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Afraid Of Sunlight (1995)
01. Gazpacho (7:28)
02. Cannibal Surf Babe (5:45)
03. Beautiful (5:12)
04. Afraid of Sunrise (5:02)
05. Out of This World (7:54)
06. Afraid of Sunlight (6:50)
07. Beyond You (6:11)
08. King (7:04)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Icon (Single) (6:04)
02. Live Forever (Single) (4:34)
03. Second Chance (A.K.A.Beautiful) (Mix) (5:13)
04. Beyond You (Demo) (5:18)
05. Cannibal Surf Babe (Studio Out- Take) (6:01)
06. Out Of This Workd (Studio Out- Take) (7:29)
07. Bass Frenzy (Unreleased) (1:15)
08. Mirages (Demo) (6:04)
09. Afraid Of Sunlight (Acoustic Demo) (6:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
This Strange Engine (1997)
02. One Fine Day (5:31)
03. 80 Days (5:00)
04. Estonia (7:57)
05. Memory Of Water (3:01)
06. An Accidental Man (6:12)
07. Hope For The Future (5:11)
08. This Strange Engine (30:24)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Radiation (1998)
02. Under The Sun (4:12)
03. The Answering Machine (3:50)
04. Three Minute Boy (6:01)
05. Now She'll Never Know (5:01)
06. These Chains (4:51)
07. Born To Run (5:14)
08. Cathedral Wall (7:22)
09. A Few Words For The Dead (10:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
marillion.com (1999)
02. Deserve (4:23)
03. Go! (6:11)
04. Rich (5:43)
05. Enlightened (4:59)
06. Built-In Bastard Radar (4:52)
07. Tumble Down The Years (4:34)
08. Interior Lulu (15:14)
09. House (10:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Anoraknophobia (2001)
02. Quartz (9:07)
03. Map of the World (5:01)
04. When I Meet God (9:15)
05. The Fruit of the Wild Rose (6:55)
06. Separated Out (6:13)
07. This Is the 21st Century (11:05)
08. If My Heart Were a Ball, It Wo (9:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Marbles (2004)
01. The Invisible Man (13:38)
02. Marbles I (1:47)
03. You're Gone (6:28)
04. Angelina (7:41)
05. Marbles II (1:55)
06. Don't Hurt Yourself (5:48)
07. Fantastic Place (6:12)
08. Marbles III (1:51)
09. Drilling Holes (5:12)
10. Marbles IV (1:26)
11. Neverland (12:09)
12. You're Gone (Single Mix) (Bonus Track) (4:01)
CD 2.
01. Genie (4:54)
02. The Only Unforgivable Thing (7:13)
03. Ocean Cloud (17:58)
04. The Damage (4:35)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Somewhere Else (2007)
02. See it Like a Baby (4:31)
03. Thankyou Whoever You Are (4:51)
04. Most Toys (2:47)
05. Somewhere Else (7:49)
06. A Voice from the Past (6:23)
07. No Such Thing (4:02)
08. The Wound (7:17)
09. The Last Century for Man (5:51)
10. Faith (4:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Happiness Is The Road, Vol. 1: Essence (2008)
02. This Train Is My Life (4:46)
03. Essence (6:25)
04. Wrapped In Time (5:02)
05. Liquidity (2:08)
06. Nothing Fills The Hole (3:19)
07. Woke Up (3:36)
08. Trap The Spark (5:38)
09. A State Of Mind (4:29)
10. Happiness is the Road (10:01)
11. Track 11 (1:59)
12. Half Empty Jam (6:47)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Happiness Is The Road, Vol. 2: The Hard Shoulder (2008)
02. The Man from the Planet Marzip (7:51)
03. Asylum Satellite 1 (9:28)
04. Older Than Me (3:07)
05. Throw Me Out (3:57)
06. Half The World (5:04)
07. What Is Wrong With You (4:12)
08. Especially True (4:33)
09. Real Tears for Sale (7:34)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Less Is More (2009)
02. Interior Lulu (7:32)
03. Out of this World (5:08)
04. Wrapped Up In Time (3:40)
05. The Space (4:52)
06. Hard As Love (4:58)
07. Quartz (5:48)
08. If My Heart Were a Ball (5:12)
09. It's Not Your Fault (3:33)
10. Memory of Water (2:37)
11. This is the 21st Century (5:40)
12. Cannibal Surf Babe (3:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Sounds That Can't Be Made (2012)
02. Sounds That Can’t Be Made (7:16)
03. Pour My Love (6:02)
04. Power (6:07)
05. Montréal (14:04)
06. Invisible Ink (5:47)
07. Lucky Man (6:58)
08. The Sky Above the Rain (10:34)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
F.E.A.R (2016)
02. Living In Fear (6:26)
03. The Leavers (19:07)
04. White Paper (7:19)
05. The New Kings (16:45)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
An Hour Before It's Dark (2022)
01. Be Hard on Yourself (I) The Tear in the Big Picture (3:52)
02. Be Hard on Yourself (II) Lust for Luxury (2:07)
03. Be Hard on Yourself (III) You Can Learn (3:29)
04. Reprogram the Gene (I) Invincible (3:32)
05. Reprogram the Gene (II) Trouble-Free Life (2:01)
06. Reprogram the Gene (III) a Cure for Us? (1:29)
07. Only a Kiss (0:39)
08. Murder Machines (4:21)
09. The Crow and the Nightingale (6:35)
10. Sierra Leone (I) Chance in a Million (1:33)
11. Sierra Leone (II) the White Sand (0:53)
12. Sierra Leone (III) the Diamond (3:30)
13. Sierra Leone (IV) the Blue Warm Air (2:24)
14. Sierra Leone (V) More Than Treasure (2:35)
15. Care (I) Maintenance Drugs (4:37)
16. Care (II) an Hour Before It’S Dark (2:28)
17. Care (III) Every Cell (3:19)
18. Care (IV) Angels on Earth (4:56)
02. Be Hard on Yourself (II) Lust for Luxury (2:07)
03. Be Hard on Yourself (III) You Can Learn (3:29)
04. Reprogram the Gene (I) Invincible (3:32)
05. Reprogram the Gene (II) Trouble-Free Life (2:01)
06. Reprogram the Gene (III) a Cure for Us? (1:29)
07. Only a Kiss (0:39)
08. Murder Machines (4:21)
09. The Crow and the Nightingale (6:35)
10. Sierra Leone (I) Chance in a Million (1:33)
11. Sierra Leone (II) the White Sand (0:53)
12. Sierra Leone (III) the Diamond (3:30)
13. Sierra Leone (IV) the Blue Warm Air (2:24)
14. Sierra Leone (V) More Than Treasure (2:35)
15. Care (I) Maintenance Drugs (4:37)
16. Care (II) an Hour Before It’S Dark (2:28)
17. Care (III) Every Cell (3:19)
18. Care (IV) Angels on Earth (4:56)
Ao Vivo.
Real To Reel (1984)
01. Assassing (7:27)
02. Incubus (8:45)
03. Cinderella Search (5:46)
04. Emerald Lies (5:26)
05. Forgotten Sons (10:36)
06. Garden Party (6:32)
07. Market Square Heroes (7:31)
Bonus Tracks.
08. Charting The Single (6:38)
09. Margaret (12:22)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Thieving Magpie: La Gazza Ladra (1988)
CD 1.
01. Intro - La Gazza Ladra (2:46)
02. Slainte Mhath (4:50)
03. He Knows You Know (5:13)
04. Chelsea Monday (8:01)
05. Freaks (4:06)
06. Jigsaw (6:24)
07. Punch & Judy (3:23)
08. Sugar Mice (6:03)
09. Fugazi (8:39)
10. Script For A Jester's Tear (8:46)
11. Incommunicado (5:23)
12. White Russian (6:14)
CD 2.
01. Pseudo Silk Kimono (2:19)
02. Kayleigh (4:02)
03. Lavender (2:18)
04. Bitter Suite (8:18)
05. Heart of Lothian (4:32)
06. Waterhole (2:31)
07. Lords of the Backstage (1:50)
08. Blind Curve (9:39)
09. Childhoods End (2:49)
10. White Feather (4:22)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Made Again (1996)
CD 1.
01. Splintering Heart (6:33)
02. Easter (6:27)
03. No One Can (4:43)
04. Waiting To Happen (5:09)
05. Cover My Eyes (4:05)
06. The Space (6:34)
07. Hooks In You (3:01)
08. Beautiful (5:34)
09. Kayleigh (4:04)
10. Lavender (4:19)
11. Afraid Of Sunlight (6:55)
12. King (7:27)
CD 2.
01. Bridge (3:25)
02. Living With The Big Lie (6:48)
03. Runaway (4:46)
04. Goodbye To All That (0:40)
05. Wave (1:21)
06. Mad (1:24)
07. The Opium Den (2:38)
08. The Slide (4:09)
09. Standing In The Swing (2:11)
10. Hard As Love (6:57)
11. Hollow Man (4:33)
12. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (6:43)
13. Now Wash Your Hands (1:15)
14. Paper Lies (5:34)
15. Brave (8:39)
16. The Great Escape (1:17)
17. The Last Of You (2:42)
18. Falling From The Moon (3:27)
19. Made Again (5:22)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Anorak In The UK Live (2002)
01. Separated Out (6:37)
02. Quartz (9:27)
03. Map of the World (5:05)
04. Out of this World (7:10)
05. Between You and Me (6:11)
06. The Great Escape (5:57)
07. King (7:49)
08. If My Heart were a Ball it would Roll Uphill (9:22)
09. Waiting to Happen (5:44)
10. Easter (7:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Curtain Call: A Live Archive 1983-1988 (2004)
Vol A: Rundsporthalle, Baunatal, Germany (1-10-83)
CD 1.
01. Intro (0:45)
02. He Knows You Know (6:21)
03. Garden Party (7:51)
04. Script For A Jester's Tear (11:05)
05. Three Boats Down From The Cand (5:33)
06. Assassing (7:47)
CD 2.
01. Chelsea Monday (9:59)
02. Forgotten Sons (13:11)
03. Market Square Heroes (8:06)
04. Charting The Single (9:12)
Vol B: Hammersmith Odeon, London, England (3-02-86)
CD 1.
01. Intro (0:56)
02. Script For A Jester's Tear (9:16)
03. Incubus (11:07)
04. Jigsaw (10:02)
05. The Web (8:40)
06. Pseudo Silk Kimono (2:19)
07. Kayleigh (4:10)
08. Lavender (2:31)
09. Bitter Suite (6:41)
10. Heart Of Lothian (7:15)
CD 2.
01. Heart Of Lothian (Outro) (0:49)
02. Waterhole (2:06)
03. Lords of the Backstage (1:52)
04. Blind Curve (10:01)
05. Childhood's End (2:54)
06. White Feather (5:50)
07. Fugazi (13:47)
08. Punch and Judy (3:04)
09. Market Square Heroes (8:57)
Vol C: Palatrussardi, Milan, Italy (26-01-88)
CD 1.
01. Intro (0:36)
02. Slаinte Mhath (5:21)
03. Assassing (7:39)
04. White Russian (8:05)
05. Sugar mice (7:27)
06. Fugazi (8:55)
07. Hotel Hobbies (4:25)
08. Warm Wet Circles (4:22)
09. That Time of the Night (6:05)
CD 2.
01. Intro (0:39)
02. Waterhole (2:06)
03. Lords of the Backstage (1:52)
04. Blind Curve (9:32)
05. Childhood's End (2:50)
06. White feather (4:08)
07. Kayleigh (3:55)
08. Lavender (2:38)
09. Heart Of Lothian (4:55)
10. Incommunicado (5:06)
11. Garden Party (7:11)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Marbles Live (2005)
01. Invisible Man (13:46)
02. Marbles I (1:49)
03. You're Gone (6:41)
04. Angelina (8:49)
05. Marbles II (3:06)
06. Don't Hurt Yourself (8:23)
07. Fantastic Place (7:05)
08. Marbles III (2:12)
09. Drilling Holes (4:31)
10. Marbles IV (1:48)
11. Neverland (12:08)
12. Estonia (7:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Early Stages: Official Bootleg Box Set (2008)
CD 1: Live At The Mayfair,Glasgow, 13.9.82.
01. Garden Party (8:19)
02. The Web (10:29)
03. He Knows You Know (5:22)
04. She Chameleon (5:40)
05. Three Boats Down From The Candy (5:19)
06. Market Square Heroes (6:21)
07. Forgotten Sons (10:24)
CD 2: Live At The Marquee, London, 30.12.82. Part 1.
01. Garden Party (8:29)
02. Three Boats Down From The Candy (6:50)
03. Grendel (19:54)
04. Chelsea Monday (9:22)
CD 3: Live At The Marquee, London, 30.12.82. Part 2.
01. He Knows You Know (8:24)
02. The Web (11:50)
03. Script For A Jester's Tear (10:20)
04. Forgotten Sons (12:04)
05. Market Square Hero (7:40)
06. Margaret (11:16)
CD 4: Live At The Reading Festival, 27.8.83.
01. Grendel (18:07)
02. Garden Party (6:46)
03. Script For A Jester's Tear (9:00)
04. Assassing (7:45)
05. Charting The Single (5:22)
06. Forgotten Sons (11:42)
07. He Knows You Know (5:43)
08. Market Square Hero (10:22)
CD 5: Live At The Hammersmith Odeon, London, 14.12.84.
01. Assassing (6:50)
02. Garden Party (6:53)
03. Cinderella Search (6:16)
04. Punch And Judy (3:31)
05. Jigsaw (7:03)
06. Chelsea Monday (8:13)
07. The Pseudo-Silk Kimono (2:54)
08. Kayleigh (3:54)
09. Bitter Suite (6:02)
10. Heart Of Lothian (4:25)
11. Incubus (9:09)
12. Fugazy (10:32)
CD 6: Live At Wembley Arena, London, 5.11.87.
01. Slainte Mhath (5:04)
02. White Russian (6:02)
03. Incubus (8:56)
04. Sugar Mice (7:04)
05. Fugazi (8:16)
06. Hotel Hobbies (4:07)
07. Warm Wet Circles (4:31)
08. That Time Of The Night (5:53)
09. The Last Straw (6:13)
10. Kayleigh (4:29)
11. Lavender (2:25)
12. Bitter Suite (8:08)
13. Heart Of Lothian (3:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live From Loreley, 1987 (2009)
CD 1.
01. Slainte Mhath (5:15)
02. Assassing (7:08)
03. Script for a Jester's Tear (9:46)
04. White Russian (6:49)
05. Incubus (9:21)
06. Sugar Mice (6:34)
07. Fugazi (8:24)
CD 2.
01. Hotel Hobbies (4:16)
02. Warm Wet Circles (4:19)
03. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (6:04)
04. Kayleigh (4:23)
05. Lavender (2:38)
06. Bitter Suite (7:39)
07. Heart of Lothian (4:25)
08. The Last Straw (6:23)
09. Incommunicado (6:14)
10. Garden Party (7:14)
11. Market Square Heroes (11:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Recital Of The Script (2009)
CD 1.
01. Script for a Jester's Tear (8:48)
02. Garden Party (7:16)
03. Three Boats Down from the Candy (7:44)
04. The Web (12:01)
05. Charting the Single (6:18)
06. Chelsea Monday (7:49)
CD 2.
01. He Knows You Know (6:18)
02. Forgotten Sons (14:18)
03. Market Square Heroes (8:05)
04. Grendel (18:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Official Bootleg Box Vol. 2: 1990-1994 (2010)
CD 1: Live At De Montfort Hall, Leicester (24th April 1990) Part 1.
01. The King of Sunset Town (6:50)
02. Slбinte Mhath (4:40)
03. Easter (6:39)
04. The Uninvited Guest (4:52)
05. Warm Wet Circles (4:01)
06. That Time of the Night (5:55)
07. Holloway Girl (5:20)
08. Berlin (8:43)
CD 2: Live At De Montfort Hall, Leicester (24th April 1990) Part 2.
01. Seasons End (7:41)
02. Hooks in You (3:00)
03. The Space (6:36)
04. Kayleigh (3:56)
05. Lavender (2:29)
06. Heart of Lothian (3:00)
07. Incommunicado (5:07)
08. After Me (3:40)
09. Market Square Heroes (9:17)
CD 3: Live At The Cumbria Rock Festival, Workington (13th July 1991),
BBC Friday Rock Show - Derwent Park Rugby Stadium.
01. Splintering Heart (6:23)
02. Cover My Eyes (Pain and Heaven) (3:54)
03. Slбinte Mhath (5:13)
04. The Uninvited Guest (5:27)
05. The Party (6:24)
06. Warm Wet Circles (4:00)
07. That Time of the Night (6:06)
08. No One Can (5:23)
09. Script for a Jester's Tear (8:38)
10. This Town (3:00)
11. The Rakes Progress (0:48)
12. Kayleigh (3:53)
13. King of Sunset Town (4:09)
14. Holidays in Eden (4:49)
15. Hooks in You (2:49)
CD 4: Live At Wembley Arena, London (5th September 1992) Part 1.
01. Holidays in Eden (4:57)
02. Garden Party (6:52)
03. I Will Walk On Water (4:13)
04. The Party (7:16)
05. Hotel Hobbies (3:23)
06. Warm Wet Circles (4:06)
07. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (6:04)
08. Easter (5:49)
09. Incommunicado (4:53)
10. Sympathy (3:43)
CD 5: Live At Wembley Arena, London (5th September 1992) Part 2.
01. No One Can (6:15)
02. Kayleigh (3:54)
03. Lavender (2:33)
04. Heart of Lothian (2:51)
05. Cover My Eyes (Pain and Heaven) (4:17)
06. Slбinte Mhath (5:37)
07. This Town (3:37)
08. The Rakes Progress (3:13)
09. 100 Nights (7:00)
10. Waiting to Happen (5:33)
11. Script for a Jester's Tear (10:01)
CD 6: Live In Warsaw (15th June 1994) Part 1 Congresshaus, Warsaw, Poland.
01. Cover My Eyes (Pain and Heaven) (4:09)
02. Slбinte Mhath (4:25)
03. The Uninvited Guest (4:30)
04. Sugar Mice (6:24)
05. Bridge (2:45)
06. Living With the Big Lie (6:37)
07. Runaway (4:38)
08. Goodbye To All That
The Opium Den
The Slide
Standing in t (11:55)
09. Hard as Love (6:29)
10. The Hollow Man (4:31)
11. In the Lap of Luxury/ Now Wash Your Hands (7:56)
12. Paper Lies (5:07)
13. Brave (9:23)
CD 7: Live In Warsaw (15th June 1994) Part 2 Congresshaus, Warsaw, Poland.
01. The Great Escape/ The Last of You / Falling From the Moon (8:24)
02. Made Again (5:38)
03. Easter (6:41)
04. Warm Wet Circles (4:01)
05. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (5:39)
06. Garden Party (7:10)
07. Kayleigh (4:00)
08. Lavender (2:29)
09. Heart of Lothian (3:02)
10. Hooks in You (2:52)
CD 8: BBC Sessions EP (1992-94) Bob Harris session (1st January 1992),
Johnnie Walker session (4th March 1994).
01. Sympathy (Bob Harris Session, Live) (2:24)
02. Kayleigh (Bob Harris Session, Live) (2:55)
03. Made Again (Johnny Walker Session, Live) (4:01)
04. Hollow Man (Johnny Walker Session, Live) (4:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Sounds Live (The Forum, London, 16 September 2012)
CD 1.
01. Gaza (19:35)
02. This Town - 100 Nights (11:11)
03. You're Gone (8:49)
04. Sounds That Can't Be Made (7:33)
05. Neverland (10:37)
06. A Voice From The Past (7:23)
07. Power (6:49)
CD 2.
01. Fantastic Place (6:49)
02. Real Tears For Sale (8:06)
03. The Sky Above The Rain (11:30)
04. The Great Escape (8:03)
05. A Few Words For The Dead (11:12)
06. Sugar Mice (7:19)
07. Estonia (8:14)
Real To Reel (1984)
02. Incubus (8:45)
03. Cinderella Search (5:46)
04. Emerald Lies (5:26)
05. Forgotten Sons (10:36)
06. Garden Party (6:32)
07. Market Square Heroes (7:31)
Bonus Tracks.
08. Charting The Single (6:38)
09. Margaret (12:22)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Thieving Magpie: La Gazza Ladra (1988)
01. Intro - La Gazza Ladra (2:46)
02. Slainte Mhath (4:50)
03. He Knows You Know (5:13)
04. Chelsea Monday (8:01)
05. Freaks (4:06)
06. Jigsaw (6:24)
07. Punch & Judy (3:23)
08. Sugar Mice (6:03)
09. Fugazi (8:39)
10. Script For A Jester's Tear (8:46)
11. Incommunicado (5:23)
12. White Russian (6:14)
CD 2.
01. Pseudo Silk Kimono (2:19)
02. Kayleigh (4:02)
03. Lavender (2:18)
04. Bitter Suite (8:18)
05. Heart of Lothian (4:32)
06. Waterhole (2:31)
07. Lords of the Backstage (1:50)
08. Blind Curve (9:39)
09. Childhoods End (2:49)
10. White Feather (4:22)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Made Again (1996)
01. Splintering Heart (6:33)
02. Easter (6:27)
03. No One Can (4:43)
04. Waiting To Happen (5:09)
05. Cover My Eyes (4:05)
06. The Space (6:34)
07. Hooks In You (3:01)
08. Beautiful (5:34)
09. Kayleigh (4:04)
10. Lavender (4:19)
11. Afraid Of Sunlight (6:55)
12. King (7:27)
CD 2.
01. Bridge (3:25)
02. Living With The Big Lie (6:48)
03. Runaway (4:46)
04. Goodbye To All That (0:40)
05. Wave (1:21)
06. Mad (1:24)
07. The Opium Den (2:38)
08. The Slide (4:09)
09. Standing In The Swing (2:11)
10. Hard As Love (6:57)
11. Hollow Man (4:33)
12. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (6:43)
13. Now Wash Your Hands (1:15)
14. Paper Lies (5:34)
15. Brave (8:39)
16. The Great Escape (1:17)
17. The Last Of You (2:42)
18. Falling From The Moon (3:27)
19. Made Again (5:22)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Anorak In The UK Live (2002)
02. Quartz (9:27)
03. Map of the World (5:05)
04. Out of this World (7:10)
05. Between You and Me (6:11)
06. The Great Escape (5:57)
07. King (7:49)
08. If My Heart were a Ball it would Roll Uphill (9:22)
09. Waiting to Happen (5:44)
10. Easter (7:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Curtain Call: A Live Archive 1983-1988 (2004)
CD 1.
01. Intro (0:45)
02. He Knows You Know (6:21)
03. Garden Party (7:51)
04. Script For A Jester's Tear (11:05)
05. Three Boats Down From The Cand (5:33)
06. Assassing (7:47)
CD 2.
01. Chelsea Monday (9:59)
02. Forgotten Sons (13:11)
03. Market Square Heroes (8:06)
04. Charting The Single (9:12)
Vol B: Hammersmith Odeon, London, England (3-02-86)
CD 1.
01. Intro (0:56)
02. Script For A Jester's Tear (9:16)
03. Incubus (11:07)
04. Jigsaw (10:02)
05. The Web (8:40)
06. Pseudo Silk Kimono (2:19)
07. Kayleigh (4:10)
08. Lavender (2:31)
09. Bitter Suite (6:41)
10. Heart Of Lothian (7:15)
CD 2.
01. Heart Of Lothian (Outro) (0:49)
02. Waterhole (2:06)
03. Lords of the Backstage (1:52)
04. Blind Curve (10:01)
05. Childhood's End (2:54)
06. White Feather (5:50)
07. Fugazi (13:47)
08. Punch and Judy (3:04)
09. Market Square Heroes (8:57)
Vol C: Palatrussardi, Milan, Italy (26-01-88)
CD 1.
01. Intro (0:36)
02. Slаinte Mhath (5:21)
03. Assassing (7:39)
04. White Russian (8:05)
05. Sugar mice (7:27)
06. Fugazi (8:55)
07. Hotel Hobbies (4:25)
08. Warm Wet Circles (4:22)
09. That Time of the Night (6:05)
CD 2.
01. Intro (0:39)
02. Waterhole (2:06)
03. Lords of the Backstage (1:52)
04. Blind Curve (9:32)
05. Childhood's End (2:50)
06. White feather (4:08)
07. Kayleigh (3:55)
08. Lavender (2:38)
09. Heart Of Lothian (4:55)
10. Incommunicado (5:06)
11. Garden Party (7:11)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Marbles Live (2005)
02. Marbles I (1:49)
03. You're Gone (6:41)
04. Angelina (8:49)
05. Marbles II (3:06)
06. Don't Hurt Yourself (8:23)
07. Fantastic Place (7:05)
08. Marbles III (2:12)
09. Drilling Holes (4:31)
10. Marbles IV (1:48)
11. Neverland (12:08)
12. Estonia (7:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Early Stages: Official Bootleg Box Set (2008)
02. The Web (10:29)
03. He Knows You Know (5:22)
04. She Chameleon (5:40)
05. Three Boats Down From The Candy (5:19)
06. Market Square Heroes (6:21)
07. Forgotten Sons (10:24)
CD 2: Live At The Marquee, London, 30.12.82. Part 1.
02. Three Boats Down From The Candy (6:50)
03. Grendel (19:54)
04. Chelsea Monday (9:22)
CD 3: Live At The Marquee, London, 30.12.82. Part 2.
02. The Web (11:50)
03. Script For A Jester's Tear (10:20)
04. Forgotten Sons (12:04)
05. Market Square Hero (7:40)
06. Margaret (11:16)
CD 4: Live At The Reading Festival, 27.8.83.
02. Garden Party (6:46)
03. Script For A Jester's Tear (9:00)
04. Assassing (7:45)
05. Charting The Single (5:22)
06. Forgotten Sons (11:42)
07. He Knows You Know (5:43)
08. Market Square Hero (10:22)
CD 5: Live At The Hammersmith Odeon, London, 14.12.84.
02. Garden Party (6:53)
03. Cinderella Search (6:16)
04. Punch And Judy (3:31)
05. Jigsaw (7:03)
06. Chelsea Monday (8:13)
07. The Pseudo-Silk Kimono (2:54)
08. Kayleigh (3:54)
09. Bitter Suite (6:02)
10. Heart Of Lothian (4:25)
11. Incubus (9:09)
12. Fugazy (10:32)
CD 6: Live At Wembley Arena, London, 5.11.87.
02. White Russian (6:02)
03. Incubus (8:56)
04. Sugar Mice (7:04)
05. Fugazi (8:16)
06. Hotel Hobbies (4:07)
07. Warm Wet Circles (4:31)
08. That Time Of The Night (5:53)
09. The Last Straw (6:13)
10. Kayleigh (4:29)
11. Lavender (2:25)
12. Bitter Suite (8:08)
13. Heart Of Lothian (3:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live From Loreley, 1987 (2009)
01. Slainte Mhath (5:15)
02. Assassing (7:08)
03. Script for a Jester's Tear (9:46)
04. White Russian (6:49)
05. Incubus (9:21)
06. Sugar Mice (6:34)
07. Fugazi (8:24)
CD 2.
01. Hotel Hobbies (4:16)
02. Warm Wet Circles (4:19)
03. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (6:04)
04. Kayleigh (4:23)
05. Lavender (2:38)
06. Bitter Suite (7:39)
07. Heart of Lothian (4:25)
08. The Last Straw (6:23)
09. Incommunicado (6:14)
10. Garden Party (7:14)
11. Market Square Heroes (11:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Recital Of The Script (2009)
01. Script for a Jester's Tear (8:48)
02. Garden Party (7:16)
03. Three Boats Down from the Candy (7:44)
04. The Web (12:01)
05. Charting the Single (6:18)
06. Chelsea Monday (7:49)
CD 2.
01. He Knows You Know (6:18)
02. Forgotten Sons (14:18)
03. Market Square Heroes (8:05)
04. Grendel (18:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Official Bootleg Box Vol. 2: 1990-1994 (2010)
02. Slбinte Mhath (4:40)
03. Easter (6:39)
04. The Uninvited Guest (4:52)
05. Warm Wet Circles (4:01)
06. That Time of the Night (5:55)
07. Holloway Girl (5:20)
08. Berlin (8:43)
CD 2: Live At De Montfort Hall, Leicester (24th April 1990) Part 2.
02. Hooks in You (3:00)
03. The Space (6:36)
04. Kayleigh (3:56)
05. Lavender (2:29)
06. Heart of Lothian (3:00)
07. Incommunicado (5:07)
08. After Me (3:40)
09. Market Square Heroes (9:17)
CD 3: Live At The Cumbria Rock Festival, Workington (13th July 1991),
BBC Friday Rock Show - Derwent Park Rugby Stadium.
02. Cover My Eyes (Pain and Heaven) (3:54)
03. Slбinte Mhath (5:13)
04. The Uninvited Guest (5:27)
05. The Party (6:24)
06. Warm Wet Circles (4:00)
07. That Time of the Night (6:06)
08. No One Can (5:23)
09. Script for a Jester's Tear (8:38)
10. This Town (3:00)
11. The Rakes Progress (0:48)
12. Kayleigh (3:53)
13. King of Sunset Town (4:09)
14. Holidays in Eden (4:49)
15. Hooks in You (2:49)
CD 4: Live At Wembley Arena, London (5th September 1992) Part 1.
02. Garden Party (6:52)
03. I Will Walk On Water (4:13)
04. The Party (7:16)
05. Hotel Hobbies (3:23)
06. Warm Wet Circles (4:06)
07. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (6:04)
08. Easter (5:49)
09. Incommunicado (4:53)
10. Sympathy (3:43)
CD 5: Live At Wembley Arena, London (5th September 1992) Part 2.
02. Kayleigh (3:54)
03. Lavender (2:33)
04. Heart of Lothian (2:51)
05. Cover My Eyes (Pain and Heaven) (4:17)
06. Slбinte Mhath (5:37)
07. This Town (3:37)
08. The Rakes Progress (3:13)
09. 100 Nights (7:00)
10. Waiting to Happen (5:33)
11. Script for a Jester's Tear (10:01)
CD 6: Live In Warsaw (15th June 1994) Part 1 Congresshaus, Warsaw, Poland.
02. Slбinte Mhath (4:25)
03. The Uninvited Guest (4:30)
04. Sugar Mice (6:24)
05. Bridge (2:45)
06. Living With the Big Lie (6:37)
07. Runaway (4:38)
08. Goodbye To All That
The Opium Den
The Slide
Standing in t (11:55)
09. Hard as Love (6:29)
10. The Hollow Man (4:31)
11. In the Lap of Luxury/ Now Wash Your Hands (7:56)
12. Paper Lies (5:07)
13. Brave (9:23)
CD 7: Live In Warsaw (15th June 1994) Part 2 Congresshaus, Warsaw, Poland.
02. Made Again (5:38)
03. Easter (6:41)
04. Warm Wet Circles (4:01)
05. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (5:39)
06. Garden Party (7:10)
07. Kayleigh (4:00)
08. Lavender (2:29)
09. Heart of Lothian (3:02)
10. Hooks in You (2:52)
CD 8: BBC Sessions EP (1992-94) Bob Harris session (1st January 1992),
Johnnie Walker session (4th March 1994).
02. Kayleigh (Bob Harris Session, Live) (2:55)
03. Made Again (Johnny Walker Session, Live) (4:01)
04. Hollow Man (Johnny Walker Session, Live) (4:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Sounds Live (The Forum, London, 16 September 2012)
01. Gaza (19:35)
02. This Town - 100 Nights (11:11)
03. You're Gone (8:49)
04. Sounds That Can't Be Made (7:33)
05. Neverland (10:37)
06. A Voice From The Past (7:23)
07. Power (6:49)
CD 2.
01. Fantastic Place (6:49)
02. Real Tears For Sale (8:06)
03. The Sky Above The Rain (11:30)
04. The Great Escape (8:03)
05. A Few Words For The Dead (11:12)
06. Sugar Mice (7:19)
07. Estonia (8:14)
Marbles In The Park (Live 2017)
CD 1.
01. The Invisible Man (15:44)
02. Marbles I (1:47)
03. Genie (4:51)
04. Fantastic Place (6:31)
05. The Only Unforgivable Thing (6:52)
06. Marbles II (3:05)
07. Ocean Cloud (17:21)
08. Marbles III (1:49)
09. The Damage (4:43)
CD 2.
01. Don't Hurt Yourself (5:40)
02. You're Gone (6:59)
03. Angelina (10:42)
04. Drilling Holes (5:07)
05. Marbles IV (1:25)
06. Neverland (11:04)
07. Out Of This World (7:26)
08. King (7:55)
09. Sounds That Can't Be Made (11:29)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
All One Tonight: Live At The Royal Albert Hall (2018)
CD 1: FEAR Live.
.jpg)
01. The Invisible Man (15:44)
02. Marbles I (1:47)
03. Genie (4:51)
04. Fantastic Place (6:31)
05. The Only Unforgivable Thing (6:52)
06. Marbles II (3:05)
07. Ocean Cloud (17:21)
08. Marbles III (1:49)
09. The Damage (4:43)
CD 2.
01. Don't Hurt Yourself (5:40)
02. You're Gone (6:59)
03. Angelina (10:42)
04. Drilling Holes (5:07)
05. Marbles IV (1:25)
06. Neverland (11:04)
07. Out Of This World (7:26)
08. King (7:55)
09. Sounds That Can't Be Made (11:29)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
All One Tonight: Live At The Royal Albert Hall (2018)
.jpg)
01. El Dorado (19:55)
02. Living In F E A R (9:10)
03. The Leavers (20:07)
04. White Paper (7:42)
05. The New Kings (16:48)
06. Tomorrow's New Country (1:46)
02. Living In F E A R (9:10)
03. The Leavers (20:07)
04. White Paper (7:42)
05. The New Kings (16:48)
06. Tomorrow's New Country (1:46)
CD 2: All One Tonight.
01. The Space (8:33)
02. Afraid Of Sunlight (7:48)
03. The Great Escape (11:11)
04. Easter (7:05)
05. Go! (8:59)
06. Man Of A Thousand Faces (9:20)
07. Waiting To Happen (6:44)
08. Neverland (12:29)
09. The Leavers: V. One Tonight (6:25)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Yule Be Glad (Live 2022)
CD 1.
01.Sounds That Can't Be Made (9:06)
02.King (13:35)
03.Easter (7:03)
04.This Train Is My Life (4:44)
05.Bridge (2:30)
06.Living With The Big Lie (6:45)
07.Runaway (7:05)
08.Be Hard On Yourself (9:41)
CD 2.
01.Berlin (9:40)
02.The Release (4:43)
03.Neverland (11:59)
04.Splintering Heart (12:16)
05.Made Again (7:50)
06.The Leavers (20:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
05. Go! (8:59)
06. Man Of A Thousand Faces (9:20)
07. Waiting To Happen (6:44)
08. Neverland (12:29)
09. The Leavers: V. One Tonight (6:25)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Yule Be Glad (Live 2022)
.jpg)
01.Sounds That Can't Be Made (9:06)
02.King (13:35)
03.Easter (7:03)
04.This Train Is My Life (4:44)
05.Bridge (2:30)
06.Living With The Big Lie (6:45)
07.Runaway (7:05)
08.Be Hard On Yourself (9:41)
CD 2.
01.Berlin (9:40)
02.The Release (4:43)
03.Neverland (11:59)
04.Splintering Heart (12:16)
05.Made Again (7:50)
06.The Leavers (20:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Racket Records Releases.
Live At The Borderline (1992)
01. Splintering Heart (7:21)
02. Easter (6:10)
03. King Of The Sunset Town (5:27)
04. Waiting To Happen (5:09)
05. Sympathy (4:34)
06. Kayleigh (3:52)
07. Lavender (2:41)
08. Heart Of Lothian (2:49)
09. Uninvited Guest (3:49)
10. Slainte Mhath (5:17)
11. The Release (4:08)
12. Hooks In You (3:57)
13. Garden Party (7:05)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Caracas (1993)
01. Splintering Heart (6:10)
02. Holidays In Eden (4:57)
03. Script For A Jester's Tear (11:26)
04. Easter (6:03)
05. Hotel Hobbies (1:42)
06. Warm Wet Circles (5:34)
07. That Time Of The Night (5:07)
08. Kayleigh (3:51)
09. Lavender (2:28)
10. Heart Of Lothian (2:50)
11. Cover My Eyes (4:08)
12. Slante Mhath (5:23)
13. The Space (7:54)
14. Waiting To Happen (4:51)
15. Hooks In You (2:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live At The Borderline (1992)
02. Easter (6:10)
03. King Of The Sunset Town (5:27)
04. Waiting To Happen (5:09)
05. Sympathy (4:34)
06. Kayleigh (3:52)
07. Lavender (2:41)
08. Heart Of Lothian (2:49)
09. Uninvited Guest (3:49)
10. Slainte Mhath (5:17)
11. The Release (4:08)
12. Hooks In You (3:57)
13. Garden Party (7:05)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Caracas (1993)
02. Holidays In Eden (4:57)
03. Script For A Jester's Tear (11:26)
04. Easter (6:03)
05. Hotel Hobbies (1:42)
06. Warm Wet Circles (5:34)
07. That Time Of The Night (5:07)
08. Kayleigh (3:51)
09. Lavender (2:28)
10. Heart Of Lothian (2:50)
11. Cover My Eyes (4:08)
12. Slante Mhath (5:23)
13. The Space (7:54)
14. Waiting To Happen (4:51)
15. Hooks In You (2:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Glasgow (1993)
02. Slainte Mhath (4:59)
03. Uninvited Guest (4:39)
04. Waster (6:03)
05. Warm Wet Circles (5:41)
06. That Time Of Night (4:37)
07. Holloway Girl (6:20)
08. Seasons End (7:59)
09. Berlin (8:32)
10. The Space (6:45)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Making Of Brave (1995)
01. Jones, The Fog (1:20)
02. Early Sketch for 'Bridge' (1:10)
03. You Get Used to It (0:26)
04. Big Lie (0:28)
05. Musical Theme Guitar (0:33)
06. Musical String Theme (1:53)
07. Guitar Solo (0:43)
08. Tube Train (0:24)
09. Musical String Theme 2 (0:50)
10. Argument (0:25)
11. Runaway (2:21)
12. Goodbye to All That (1:15)
13. Magma (1:12)
14. Wave (1:42)
15. Mad 1 (0:58)
16. Mad 2 (0:25)
17. Mad 3 (0:26)
18. Mad 4 (1:24)
19. Opium Den (3:07)
20. The Slide (1:52)
21. Standing in the Swing (2:05)
22. Hard as Love (6:35)
23. Hollow Man (3:38)
24. Lap of Luxury (5:26)
25. Echo Jam (1:06)
26. Now Wash Your Hands 1 (0:54)
27. Now Wash Your Hands 2 (2:47)
28. Paper Lies (5:39)
29. The Great Escape (4:40)
30. Falling From the Moon (6:27)
31. Made Again (2:38)
32. Cabin Fever (0:50)
CD 2.
01. Bridge (2:25)
02. Living With the Big Lie (6:14)
03. Runaway (4:20)
04. Goodbye to All That (0:44)
05. Wave (1:17)
06. Mad (1:35)
07. The Opium Den (1:34)
08. The Slide (2:31)
09. Standing in the Swing (1:45)
10. Hard as Love (6:13)
11. Hollow Man (4:04)
12. Lap of Luxury (5:46)
13. Now Wash Your Hands (0:57)
14. Paper Lies (4:42)
15. Brave (6:06)
16. The Great Escape (5:55)
17. Made Again (5:23)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Piston Broke: This Strange Engine Live In Europe 1997 (1998)
01. Man Of 1000 Faces (8:15)
02. Hard As Love (5:27)
03. Gazpacho (4:54)
04. Afraid Of Sunlight (7:07)
05. 80 Days (6:29)
06. Estonia (8:49)
07. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (6:38)
08. The Space (Acoustic) (2:38)
09. Easter (6:23)
10. Brave (8:42)
11. The Great Escape (6:09)
CD 2.
01. This Strange Engine (19:41)
02. Sugar Mice (6:23)
03. This Town / 100 Nights (11:25)
04. The Bell in the Sea (5:46)
05. Hope for the Future (6:50)
06. King (9:29)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Tales From The Engine Room: Marillion And The Positive Light (1998)
02. The Memory of Water (9:37)
03. This Strange Engine (20:38)
04. One Fine Day (8:20)
05. Face 1004 (8:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Unplugged At The Walls (1999)
01. Beautiful (4:51)
02. Beyond You (5:59)
03. Afraid Of Sunrise (4:13)
04. Runaway (6:37)
05. Now She'll Never Know (5:18)
06. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (3:52)
07. The Space (4:10)
08. Fake Plastic Trees (5:09)
09. Holloway Girl (4:13)
10. King (6:34)
CD 2.
01. The Answering Machine (4:29)
02. Gazpacho (5:38)
03. Cannibal Surf Babe (7:11)
04. Blackbird (2:55)
05. Abraham, Martin And John (8:09)
06. Hooks In You (3:48)
07. Eighty Days (4:20)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Zodiac (1999)
02. The Uninvited Guest (4:38)
03. Goodbye To All That (9:19)
04. Afraid Of Sunlight (8:00)
05. Deserve (5:03)
06. Sugar Mice (5:50)
07. The Answering Machine (4:11)
08. Berlin (8:33)
09. Cathedral Wall (7:20)
10. Waiting To Happen (5:54)
11. Garden Party (7:37)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Refracted! From Dusk 'Till Dot, Volume 1 (2001)
01. Gazpacho (7:33)
02. Cannibal Surfbabe (5:34)
03. Beautiful (6:35)
04. Afraid Of Sunrise (5:15)
05. Out Of This World (7:07)
06. Beyond You (6:05)
07. Afraid Of Sunlight (6:43)
08. King (7:05)
CD 2.
01. Gazpacho Mid-8 (1:04)
02. Gazpacho Shuffle (0:23)
03. Heavy Groove Gazpacho (1:30)
04. Gazpacho Guitar (0:35)
05. Gazpacho Chorus (1:31)
06. Big Soul Surf Babe (0:42)
07. X-Ray Surf Babe (0:38)
08. Jangle Surf Babe (2:55)
09. Beautiful Piano (1:09)
10. Afraid Of Sunrise Cabaret (0:29)
11. Out Of This World Original End (4:36)
12. Out Of This World Actual End (2:28)
13. Pulse Beyond You (1:31)
14. Beyond You Piano Version (0:40)
15. Beautiful Blade Runner (1:00)
16. Beautiful The 80's (0:21)
17. Beautiful The Stones (1:36)
18. Beautifully Disturbing (1:17)
19. Latin Afraid Of Sunlight (1:18)
20. Work On Afraid Of Sunlight (0:38)
21. More Afraid Of Sunlight (1:34)
22. The Electronix King (1:04)
23. Heavy King (0:26)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Another DAT At The Office: Dusk 'Till Dot, Volume 2, Making Of This Strange Engine (2001)
01. Man Of 1000 Faces (6:34)
02. One Fine Day (4:48)
03. 80 Days (3:11)
04. Estonia (6:16)
05. Memory Of Water (34:07)
CD 2.
01. The Monkee Song (2:25)
02. Mccartney Faces (0:30)
03. Tribal Faces (1:00)
04. 1000 Faces Piano Intro (0:57)
05. Man Of 1000 Crows (1:06)
06. Voice Of Command (2:12)
07. Beyond 80 Days (0:40)
08. Acoustic Beyond 80 Days (1:36)
09. 79 Days (0:58)
10. Estonia Groove (0:25)
11. Estonia Rock (1:47)
12. Estonia Engine (0:41)
13. Accidental Groove (1:58)
14. Accidental Acoustic Man (1:15)
15. Accidental Duke Of York (0:29)
16. Accidental Guitar Riff (0:32)
17. Accidental Chorus (1:31)
18. Chord Workshop Man (1:32)
19. New Accident (2:20)
20. Chill For The Future (1:54)
21. Hope For The Pretenders (0:49)
22. Hope For Ry Cooder (1:38)
23. Hope For Jeff Buckley (2:13)
24. Hope For A Chorus (1:24)
25. Strange Stones Engine (0:32)
26. Acoustic Lamb Engine (1:06)
27. This Strange Jam (0:40)
28. This Strange Intro (1:53)
29. Wax On Wood (1:04)
30. Ever Since An Idea (1:43)
31. The Lounge Navy (0:37)
32. Cloud Of Bees Jam (1:39)
33. Acoustic Mummy Daddy (0:43)
34. Electric Mummy Daddy (0:55)
35. Blue Pain Guitar Solo (1:17)
36. Red Coat Ending (0:53)
37. Run Like Hell Ending (1:17)
38. Groove Ending (1:23)
39. This Strange Ending (1:29)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Anorak In The UK Live (2CD Release 2002)
01. Intro (0:51)
02. Separated Out (6:26)
03. Rich (5:36)
04. Man Of A Thousand Faces (7:15)
05. Quartz (9:27)
06. Go! (6:14)
07. Map Of The World (5:05)
08. Out Of This World (7:14)
09. Afraid Of Sunlight (7:09)
10. Mad (5:28)
CD 2.
01. Between You And Me (6:11)
02. The Great Escape (6:10)
03. If My Heart Were A Ball It Wou (9:22)
04. Waiting To Happen (5:55)
05. Answering Machine (2:59)
06. King (8:41)
07. This Is The 21st Century (10:18)
08. When I Meet God (10:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Brave Live (2002)
02. Bridge (2:39)
03. Living With The Big Lie (6:41)
04. Runaway (4:48)
05. Goodbye To All That (0:43)
06. Wave (1:18)
07. Mad (1:32)
08. The Opium Den (1:52)
09. The Slide (3:33)
10. Standing In The Swing (2:07)
11. Hard As Love (6:42)
12. The Hollow Man (4:11)
13. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (6:27)
14. Now Wash Your Hands (1:13)
15. Paper Lies (4:45)
16. Brave (7:55)
17. The Great Escape (1:15)
18. The Last Of You (2:32)
19. Falling From The Moon (2:39)
20. Made Again + More Credits (6:58)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Fall Out: Dusk 'Till Dot, Volume 3, Making Of Radiation (2002)
01. Under the Sun (4:57)
02. The Answering Machine (4:02)
03. Three Minute Boy (5:52)
04. Now She'll Never Know (4:47)
05. These Chains (4:50)
06. Born to Run (5:34)
07. Cathedral Wall (7:20)
08. A Few Words for the Dead (6:27)
CD 2.
01. Under the Talking Heads (0:52)
02. Under the Sun Jam (1:59)
03. Under the Time Signature (1:21)
04. Rock Machine (1:28)
05. Tull Machine (3:51)
06. Tull Outro (1:11)
08. Three Minute Piano Sketch (4:10)
09. Full Band Never Know (3:30)
10. Chains Early Idea (1:10)
11. Chains Development (0:44)
12. These Few Words (2:12)
13. Born to Jam (2:20)
14. Born to End (1:16)
15. Wobbly Walls (1:37)
16. Failed Cathedral Chorus (1:42)
17. Cathedral Chorus (1:03)
18. Cathedral Chains (6:42)
19. Cathedral Lyrics (2:23)
20. Popadom Jam (4:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Caught In The Net: Dusk 'Till Dot, Volume 4, Making Of marillion.com (2002)
01. A Legacy (Rough Mix) (5:01)
02. Deserve (4:36)
03. Rich (5:41)
04. Enlightened (4:48)
05. Built-in Bastard Radar (4:39)
CD 2.
01. H's Legacy Home Demo (2:58)
02. Legacy Intro Problems (0:59)
03. A Kravitz Legacy (1:23)
04. Legacy Sandwich (1:35)
05. Big Legacy Chords (0:40)
06. Guitar Outro Legacy (1:00)
07. Early Deserve Jam (1:33)
08. Deserve Satisfaction (0:38)
09. Go Early (1:21)
10. Upside Down (5:21)
11. Wide Awake (2:20)
12. Acoustic Go Arrangement (5:26)
13. Swing Doors (1:35)
14. Rich Rock Ending (0:53)
15. Enlightened Lyrics (0:44)
16. Forks of the Lightning (0:45)
17. Enlightened Chords (0:29)
18. Enlightened Guitar Line (1:07)
19. Big Blues Bastard (3:06)
20. Bastard Guitar Line (0:45)
21. Radiation Bastard (1:14)
22. Bastard Rock Riff (1:10)
23. Tumble Down an Idea (0:35)
24. Early Tumble Melody (1:27)
25. Final Tumble Melody (0:33)
26. Tumble Up the Speed (0:32)
27. Run Like Lulu (2:19)
28. Lulu Guitar Intro (1:08)
29. Jazz Club Lulu (1:17)
30. Picky Lulu Intro (0:58)
31. Rothers Lulu Intro Demo (1:38)
32. Unused Lulu Bridge (0:44)
33. Mad Lulu Jam (0:41)
34. Mad Lulu with Lyrics (0:49)
35. Early Arabs Jam (1:14)
36. Carry it Out Jam (1:05)
37. Primrose Piano (1:36)
38. Full Band Primrose Hill (1:41)
39. Pete's Primrose Bass (1:00)
40. Interior Boogaloo (5:08)
41. This House Aches (0:40)
42. H's House Home Demo (3:39)
43. House Chord Tutor (0:41)
44. House Band Jam (2:43)
45. Time to Go Home (0:22)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
marillion.co.uk (2002)
02. The Space (Live) (6:49)
03. Afraid Of Sunlight (Live) (7:03)
04. Berlin (Live) (8:10)
05. The Bell In The Sea (Live) (3:26)
06. Splintering Heart (Live) (6:29)
07. Easter (Live) (6:20)
08. Uninvited Guest (Live) (3:39)
09. Dry Land (Live) (4:41)
10. The Great Escape (Demo) (5:57)
11. Accidental Man (Demo) (6:17)
12. Cathedral Wall (Demo) (7:19)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
A Crash Course: An Introduction To Marillion (2004)
02. Neverland (10:58)
03. Between You and Me (Live) (5:59)
04. This is the 21st Century (11:08)
05. Man of a Thousand Faces (7:32)
06. Out of this World (7:54)
07. Afraid of Sunlight (6:51)
08. The Great Escape (6:12)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Remixomatosis (2004)
02. When I Meet God (4:59)
03. Quartz (8:38)
04. If My Heart Were A Ball, It Would Roll Uphill (8:03)
05. Number One (7:15)
06. Separated Out (5:39)
07. Map Of The World (5:19)
08. The Fruit Of The Wild Rose (6:03)
09. This Is The 21st Century (7:53)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Marbles By The Sea (2005)
01. The Invisible Man (14:55)
02. Marbles I (1:46)
03. Genie (5:17)
04. Fantasic Place (6:46)
05. The Only Unforgivable Thing (6:43)
06. Marbles II (3:23)
07. The Damage (4:35)
08. Marble III (1:54)
09. Don't Hurt Yourself (5:11)
CD 2.
01. You're Gone (6:54)
02. Angelina (7:44)
03. Drilling Holes (5:00)
04. Marbles IV (1:39)
05. Neverland (10:45)
06. Ocean Cloud (17:20)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Popular Music (2005)
01. A Few Words For The Dead (9:41)
02. Dry Land (4:59)
03. When I Meet God (10:16)
04. White Russian (6:18)
05. Estonia (7:55)
06. This Town (3:49)
07. The Rakes Progress (2:44)
08. 100 Nights (5:15)
09. Sugar Mice (6:41)
CD 2.
01. Berlin (8:42)
02. Warm Wet Circles (4:19)
03. That Time Of The Night (5:59)
04. Script For A Jester's Tear (10:01)
05. This Strange Engine (22:15)
06. The Space (7:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
View From The Balcony (2005)
02. Under the Sun (3:50)
03. Rich (5:02)
04. Cinderella Search (3:40)
05. The Space (3:54)
06. King of Sunset Town (3:14)
07. Lap of Luxury (8:06)
08. Quartz (8:45)
09. Fantastic Place (6:16)
10. Dry Land (4:34)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Mirrors (2006)
01. Born To Run (5:51)
02. A Collection (3:24)
03. Now She'll Never Know (4:33)
04. The Space (4:05)
05. Brave (8:01)
06. Faith (3:57)
07. One Fine Day (5:56)
08. House (7:47)
CD 2.
01. Enlightened (4:41)
02. Estonia (8:28)
03. After Me (3:15)
04. When I Meet God (10:16)
05. A Few Words For The Dead (10:14)
06. Made Again (6:12)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Smoke (2006)
02. Under The Sun (5:08)
03. An Accidental Man (6:07)
04. Holidays In Eden (5:16)
05. If My Heart Were A Ball It Would Roll Uphill (9:18)
06. Deserve (4:40)
07. Answering Machine (2:57)
08. Rich (4:56)
09. Between You And Me (8:58)
10. Memory Of Water (6:35)
11. Slainte Mhath (5:43)
12. Garden Party (7:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Unzipped: The Making Of Anoraknophobia (2006)
01. Between You and Me (5:44)
02. Quartz (8:53)
03. Map of the World (5:06)
04. When I Meet God (10:14)
05. The Fruit of the Wild Rose (6:22)
06. Separated Out (7:25)
07. This is the 21st Century (10:50)
08. If My Heart Were a Ball it Would (9:40)
CD 2.
01. Music in the Sky (1:08)
02. Who Can Say What it Means (0:57)
03. What Goes on in Between (0:55)
04. I Sang That Pretty Tune (3:47)
05. Blow a Fuse Day (1:50)
06. Fix it in the Usual Way (0:46)
07. You're Just Gonna Stop (0:46)
08. Trying to Have Fun (4:17)
09. It's So Hard (1:44)
10. Lights of the City (0:22)
11. Watching the People (2:02)
12. Pinned Up on the Wall (0:38)
13. Gonna See it All (1:02)
14. Sit Back and Watch (1:42)
15. Feels So Warm (2:11)
16. Don't Do That (2:05)
17. No Solution (1:43)
18. Perfect Mirror (0:45)
19. Such Waves (1:27)
20. I'm so Alone (0:47)
21. Voluptuous Crimson (0:28)
22. They Come to Play (1:35)
23. In Your Mind (1:01)
24. We didn't lie to you, folks! (1:31)
25. Straight in the machine (1:07)
26. Come to Bed (1:24)
27. Flash to Crash and Burn (2:14)
28. I Heard Everything You Said (2:31)
29. Rest Your Heavy Head (1:14)
30. They're Not at All the Same (1:08)
31. Running Scared (1:24)
32. We Can See Sense (1:15)
33. Ankle Deep in Glue (0:38)
34. Can You Play Me a Song (1:14)
35. Don't You Ever Wonder (2:43)
36. Number Two (7:36)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Family (2007)
01. Splintering Heart (7:26)
02. Hotel Hobbies (3:12)
03. Warm Wet Circles (4:11)
04. That Time of the Night (5:41)
05. You're Gone (6:30)
06. Fantastic Place (6:36)
07. Afraid of Sunlight (7:18)
08. Lords of the Backstage (2:02)
09. Blind Curve (4:38)
CD 2.
01. Between You And Me (7:32)
02. Neverland (9:52)
03. The Great Escape (5:55)
04. King (7:44)
05. The Invisible Man (13:17)
06. The Space (6:58)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Friends (2007)
02. Built-in Bastard Radar (4:48)
03. You Don't Need Anyone (4:03)
04. Holloway Girl (4:24)
05. Bedshaped (4:19)
06. Six Months in a Leaky Boat (3:24)
07. Number One (2:30)
08. The King is Half-Undressed (3:51)
09. Good Morning Good Morning (2:37)
10. These Chains (4:44)
11. Accidents Will Happen (3:00)
12. The Bell in the Sea (4:55)
13. She Goes On (3:17)
14. I Will Walk on Water (4:24)
15. Toxic (4:53)
16. Blackberry Way (3:23)
17. Everybody Hurts (5:43)
18. Money Money Money (3:31)
19. Hocus Pocus (6:02)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Happiness Is Cologne (2009)
01. Dreamy Street (2:02)
02. This Train is My Life (5:02)
03. Nothing Fills the Hole (3:21)
04. Woke Up (4:25)
05. The Other Half (4:52)
06. Essence (6:23)
07. Fantastic Place (7:01)
08. The Man from Planet Marzipan (8:54)
09. Out of This World (7:37)
10. Mad (5:10)
11. The Great Escape (6:30)
CD 2.
01. Afraid of Sunlight (7:33)
02. Asylum Satellite #1 (9:23)
03. The Invisible Man (13:27)
04. Whatever is Wrong With You (4:15)
05. Neverland (10:15)
06. Easter (1:39)
07. Three Minute Boy (7:07)
08. Happiness is the Road (11:48)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Size Matters (2010)
01. A Few Words For The Dead (9:24)
02. This Town / The Rakes Progress / 100 Nights (10:47)
03. This Is The 21st Century (10:31)
04. Ocean Cloud (17:27)
05. If My Heart Were A Ball It Would Roll Uphill (9:13)
CD 2.
01. Interior Lulu (15:04)
02. Kayleigh / Lavender / Heart Of Lothian (9:57)
03. The Invisible Man (13:02)
04. This Strange Engine (17:07)
05. Neverland (11:37)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Tumbling Down The Years (2010)
01. This Train Is My Life (5:37)
02. Somewhere Else (7:58)
03. Real Tears For Sale (7:54)
04. A State of Mind (4:39)
05. The Damage (4:35)
06. Genie (4:46)
07. Drilling Holes (5:03)
08. When I Meet God (10:32)
09. Map of The World (5:16)
10. A Legacy (6:28)
11. Cathedral Wall (6:48)
CD 2.
01. Estonia (7:45)
02. An Accidental Man (6:17)
03. Out of This World (7:59)
04. The Lap of Luxury (6:08)
05. Hard As Love (7:07)
06. No One Can (5:30)
07. The Party (6:35)
08. Cover My Eyes (4:30)
09. Slainte Mhath (4:59)
10. Garden Party (8:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live From Cadogan Hall (2010)
01. GO! (6:07)
02. Interior Lulu (7:59)
03. Out of This World (5:56)
04. Wrapped Up in Time (4:44)
05. The Space (5:00)
06. Hard as Love (5:28)
07. Quartz (7:06)
08. If My Heart Were a Ball (5:58)
09. It's Not Your Fault (5:15)
10. Memory of Water (3:12)
11. This Is the 21st Century (6:12)
CD 2.
01. No One Can (4:46)
02. Beautiful (4:50)
03. This Train Is My Life (4:41)
04. You 're Gone (4:16)
05. 80 Days (5:02)
06. Gazpacho (5:46)
07. The Answering Machine (3:27)
08. Estonia (9:17)
09. Easter (4:58)
10. Three Minute Boy (8:39)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Montréal: Saturday (2011)
01. This Train Is My Life (6:11)
02. Somewhere Else (8:02)
03. Real Tears For Sale (7:28)
04. A State Of Mind (4:44)
05. The Damage (4:51)
06. Genie (4:58)
07. Fantastic Place (6:20)
08. When I Meet God (9:42)
09. Map Of The World (5:37)
10. A Legacy (6:19)
11. Cathedral Wall (6:52)
CD 2.
01. Estonia (7:42)
02. Afraid Of Sunlight (7:48)
03. Out Of This World (7:45)
04. The Great Escape (6:17)
05. No One Can (5:04)
06. The Party (6:53)
07. Cover My Eyes (4:26)
08. Slainte Mhath (5:01)
09. Garden Party (7:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Montréal: Sunday (2011)
01. A Few Words For The Dead (9:30)
02. This Town/The Rakes Progress/100 Nights (12:01)
03. This Is The 21st Century (10:51)
04. Ocean Cloud (17:01)
05. If My Heart Were A Ball It Would Roll Uphill (9:23)
CD 2.
01. Interior Lulu (14:44)
02. Kayleigh/Lavender/Heart Of Lothian (10:09)
03. The Invisible Man (13:22)
04. Neverland (10:43)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Montréal: Friday (2011)
01. The King Of Sunset Town (8:26)
02. Easter (6:10)
03. The Univited Guest (4:13)
04. Seasons End (8:11)
05. Holloway Girl (4:30)
06. Berlin (8:28)
07. After Me (3:24)
08. Hooks In You (3:03)
09. The Space (6:57)
10. The Bell In The Sea (4:32)
11. The Release (4:35)
CD 2.
01. The Man From The Planet Marzipan (8:27)
02. Essence (6:44)
03. Asylum Satellite #1 (9:47)
04. Whatever Is Wrong With You (4:15)
05. Happiness Is The Road (12:10)
Happy Christmas Everybody (1998)
01. The Christmas Song (3:54)
02. Thumble Down The Years (Excerpt) (0:51)
03. Interior Lulu (Intro) (2:52)
04. Interior Lulu (Mid Section) (1:05)
05. Karaoke Intro (2:08)
06. Cover My Eyes (Karaoke) (4:24)
07. No One Can (Karaoke) (5:02)
08. Second Chance (A.K.A."Beautiful") (Karaoke Mix) (5:20)
09. These Chains (Karaoke) (4:52)
10. Spoken Conclusion (0:18)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Marillion.Christmas (1999)
01. Gabriel's Message (4:09)
02. The Answering Machine (3:20)
03. Interior Lulu (8:42)
04. Tumble Down the Years (4:36)
05. Memory of Water (10:02)
06. Abraham, Martin and John (4:34)
07. Runaway (4:44)
08. Estonia (6:41)
09. Beautiful (5:04)
10. Marillion's Message (3:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
A Piss-Up In A Brewery (2000)
01. Go! (6:12)
02. After Me (3:53)
03. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (5:18)
04. Cinderella Search (3:46)
05. The Space (4:51)
06. A Collection (3:53)
07. Sympathy (4:44)
08. Number One (3:30)
09. Dry Land (6:17)
10. Gazpacho (5:55)
11. How Will You Go (5:09)
12. Cannibal Surf Babe (5:52)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
A Verry Barry Christmas (2001)
01. I Shaw Three Ships (5:59)
02. This Is The 21st Century (Ac.) (4:23)
03. Between You And Me (Ac.) (3:05)
04. Map Of The World (Ac.) (4:05)
05. Separated Out (Ac.) (3:22)
06. Number One (Ac.) (2:45)
07. House (Aspect Of I Remix) (12:48)
08. Go! (Wide Awake Remix) (7:34)
09. This Is The 21st Century (Instr.) (10:59)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Santa And His Elvis (2002)
01. Marillion's Christmas Message (2:42)
02. Lonely This Christmas (5:16)
03. Fruit of the Wild Rose (Live) (7:57)
04. Between You and Me (Live) (5:44)
05. Map of the World (Live) (4:52)
06. Answering Machine (Live) (2:50)
07. Afraid of Sunlight (Live) (7:02)
08. KING (7:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Say Cheese! (2003)
01. Marillion's Christmas Message (0:38)
02. Stop The Cavalry (3:10)
03. I'm The Urban Spaceman (2:50)
04. Seasons End (8:28)
05. Gabriel's Message (3:15)
06. Neverland (10:12)
08. 12 Days Of Christmas (5:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Baubles (2004)
01. Marillion's Christmas Message (3:33)
02. Map Of The World (Ordnance Survey Mix) (5:02)
03. This Is The 21st Century (Demystified Mix) (6:59)
04. Fruit Of The Wild Rose (2.5 Hearts In The Groove Mix) (5:35)
05. Number One (Whatever Mix) (4:17)
06. If My Heart Were A Ball It Would Roll Uphill (No Monsters Mix) (5:34)
07. When I Meet God (Ontological Mix) (4:24)
08. Separated Out (Latino Freak Mix) (5:41)
09. Between You And Me (Martini Mix) (5:16)
10. Quartz (Hard Time Mix) (6:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Merry XMas To Our Flock (2005)
01. Marillion's Christmas Message (2:45)
02. The Erin Marbles (4:18)
03. The Hollow Man (5:02)
04. Cover My Eyes (4:02)
05. The Bell in the Sea (4:59)
06. Runaway (6:27)
07. You're Gone (4:35)
08. Dry Land (4:56)
09. Fantastic Place (6:20)
10. This is the 21st Century (5:55)
11. Easter (5:08)
12. Marbles I (1:41)
13. Don't Hurt Yourself (4:40)
14. Answering Machine (4:19)
15. Man of a Thousand Faces (3:59)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Jingle Book (2006)
01. Marillion's Christmas Message (1:33)
02. That's What Friends Are For (2:18)
03. Separated Out (5:39)
04. You're Gone (6:24)
05. Fantastic Place (6:30)
06. Easter (5:58)
07. Beautiful (5:31)
08. Out Of This World (7:02)
09. An Accidental Man (6:13)
10. The Damage (4:17)
11. Neverland (9:46)
12. Between You And Me (7:18)
13. Cover My Eyes (4:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Pudding On The Ritz (2008)
01. Marillion's Christmas Message (1:01)
02. Little St. Nick (6:05)
03. Singapore (5:57)
04. Jakarta (2:51)
05. Honolulu (2:52)
06. In Dorset (2:57)
07. Goa (1:28)
08. One Christmas (1:00)
09. Mrs. Prothero (3:55)
10. Years Ago (2:07)
11. Were There Postmen? (2:01)
12. The Presents (3:19)
13. Were There Uncles? (1:51)
14. Not Many Those Mornings (3:56)
15. We Walked On This White Shore (3:26)
16. Always On Christmas Night (2:28)
Happy Christmas Everybody (1998)
02. Thumble Down The Years (Excerpt) (0:51)
03. Interior Lulu (Intro) (2:52)
04. Interior Lulu (Mid Section) (1:05)
05. Karaoke Intro (2:08)
06. Cover My Eyes (Karaoke) (4:24)
07. No One Can (Karaoke) (5:02)
08. Second Chance (A.K.A."Beautiful") (Karaoke Mix) (5:20)
09. These Chains (Karaoke) (4:52)
10. Spoken Conclusion (0:18)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Marillion.Christmas (1999)
02. The Answering Machine (3:20)
03. Interior Lulu (8:42)
04. Tumble Down the Years (4:36)
05. Memory of Water (10:02)
06. Abraham, Martin and John (4:34)
07. Runaway (4:44)
08. Estonia (6:41)
09. Beautiful (5:04)
10. Marillion's Message (3:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
A Piss-Up In A Brewery (2000)
02. After Me (3:53)
03. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (5:18)
04. Cinderella Search (3:46)
05. The Space (4:51)
06. A Collection (3:53)
07. Sympathy (4:44)
08. Number One (3:30)
09. Dry Land (6:17)
10. Gazpacho (5:55)
11. How Will You Go (5:09)
12. Cannibal Surf Babe (5:52)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
A Verry Barry Christmas (2001)
02. This Is The 21st Century (Ac.) (4:23)
03. Between You And Me (Ac.) (3:05)
04. Map Of The World (Ac.) (4:05)
05. Separated Out (Ac.) (3:22)
06. Number One (Ac.) (2:45)
07. House (Aspect Of I Remix) (12:48)
08. Go! (Wide Awake Remix) (7:34)
09. This Is The 21st Century (Instr.) (10:59)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Santa And His Elvis (2002)
02. Lonely This Christmas (5:16)
03. Fruit of the Wild Rose (Live) (7:57)
04. Between You and Me (Live) (5:44)
05. Map of the World (Live) (4:52)
06. Answering Machine (Live) (2:50)
07. Afraid of Sunlight (Live) (7:02)
08. KING (7:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Say Cheese! (2003)
02. Stop The Cavalry (3:10)
03. I'm The Urban Spaceman (2:50)
04. Seasons End (8:28)
05. Gabriel's Message (3:15)
06. Neverland (10:12)
08. 12 Days Of Christmas (5:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Baubles (2004)
02. Map Of The World (Ordnance Survey Mix) (5:02)
03. This Is The 21st Century (Demystified Mix) (6:59)
04. Fruit Of The Wild Rose (2.5 Hearts In The Groove Mix) (5:35)
05. Number One (Whatever Mix) (4:17)
06. If My Heart Were A Ball It Would Roll Uphill (No Monsters Mix) (5:34)
07. When I Meet God (Ontological Mix) (4:24)
08. Separated Out (Latino Freak Mix) (5:41)
09. Between You And Me (Martini Mix) (5:16)
10. Quartz (Hard Time Mix) (6:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Merry XMas To Our Flock (2005)
02. The Erin Marbles (4:18)
03. The Hollow Man (5:02)
04. Cover My Eyes (4:02)
05. The Bell in the Sea (4:59)
06. Runaway (6:27)
07. You're Gone (4:35)
08. Dry Land (4:56)
09. Fantastic Place (6:20)
10. This is the 21st Century (5:55)
11. Easter (5:08)
12. Marbles I (1:41)
13. Don't Hurt Yourself (4:40)
14. Answering Machine (4:19)
15. Man of a Thousand Faces (3:59)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Jingle Book (2006)
02. That's What Friends Are For (2:18)
03. Separated Out (5:39)
04. You're Gone (6:24)
05. Fantastic Place (6:30)
06. Easter (5:58)
07. Beautiful (5:31)
08. Out Of This World (7:02)
09. An Accidental Man (6:13)
10. The Damage (4:17)
11. Neverland (9:46)
12. Between You And Me (7:18)
13. Cover My Eyes (4:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Pudding On The Ritz (2008)
02. Little St. Nick (6:05)
03. Singapore (5:57)
04. Jakarta (2:51)
05. Honolulu (2:52)
06. In Dorset (2:57)
07. Goa (1:28)
08. One Christmas (1:00)
09. Mrs. Prothero (3:55)
10. Years Ago (2:07)
11. Were There Postmen? (2:01)
12. The Presents (3:19)
13. Were There Uncles? (1:51)
14. Not Many Those Mornings (3:56)
15. We Walked On This White Shore (3:26)
16. Always On Christmas Night (2:28)
Algumas Coletâneas.
Brief Encounter (EP 1986)
01. Lady Nina (5:47)
02. Freaks (4:09)
03. Kayleigh (Live) (4:11)
04. Fugazi (Live) (8:32)
05. Script For A Jester's Tear (Live) (8:52)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
B' Sides Themselves (1988)
01. Grendel (17:15)
02. Charting the Single (4:48)
03. Market Square Heroes (3:59)
04. Three Boats Down From the Candy (4:00)
05. Cinderella Search (4:21)
06. Lady Nina (3:44)
07. Freaks (4:04)
08. Tux On (5:13)
09. Margaret (Live) (12:20)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
A Singles Collection: Six Of One, Half A Dozen Of The Other (1982-1992)
01. Cover My Eyes (Pain And Heaven) (3:56)
02. Kayleigh (3:33)
03. Easter (5:57)
04. Warm Wet Circles (4:23)
05. Uninvited Guest (3:43)
06. Assassing (7:41)
07. Hooks In You (2:55)
08. Garden Party (7:11)
09. No One Can (4:40)
10. Incommunicado (5:16)
11. Dry Land (4:42)
12. Lavender (3:41)
13. I Will Walk On Water (4:12)
14. Sympathy (3:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Kayleigh (1996)
01. Grendel (17:15)
02. He Knows You Know (5:27)
03. Jigsaw (6:48)
04. Punch & Judy (3:20)
05. Cinderella Search (4:19)
06. Kayleigh (3:35)
07. Lavender (3:41)
08. Lady Nina (3:42)
09. Torch Song (4:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of Marillion (1996)
01. Kayleigh (3:35)
02. Market Square Heroes (4:00)
03. Freaks (4:05)
04. Garden Party (7:11)
05. Warm Wet Circles (4:26)
06. Fugazi (8:03)
07. Heart Of Lothian (6:06)
08. Assasing (7:04)
09. Incommunicado (5:18)
10. Lavender (3:42)
11. That Time Of The Night (5:59)
12. Punch & Judy (3:19)
13. Sugar Mice (5:47)
14. Chelsea Monday (8:18)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of Both Worlds (1997)
CD 1.
01. Script for a Jesters Tear (8:45)
02. Market Square Heroes (B'Sides Version) (3:57)
03. He Knows You Know (Album Version) (5:23)
04. Forgotten Sons (8:19)
05. Garden Party (7:16)
06. Assassing (Single Version) (3:38)
07. Punch and Judy (3:19)
08. Kayleigh (Single Version) (3:34)
09. Lavender (Single Version) (3:41)
10. Heart of Lothian (Single Version) (3:37)
11. Incommunicado (5:16)
12. Warm Wet Circles (Single Version) (4:24)
13. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (5:58)
14. Sugar Mice (5:46)
CD 2.
01. Uninvited Guest (3:46)
02. Easter (4:31)
03. Hooks In You (Meaty Mix) (3:54)
04. The Space (6:15)
05. Cover My Eyes (Pain And Heaven) (3:55)
06. No One Can (4:40)
07. Dry Land (4:43)
08. Waiting To Happen (4:56)
09. The Great Escape (Album Version) (6:28)
10. Alone Again in the Lap of Luxury (Radio Edit) (4:29)
11. Made Again (5:04)
12. King (7:06)
13. Afraid Of Sunlight (6:51)
14. Beautiful (Radio Edit) (4:23)
15. Cannibal Surf Babe (5:18)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Real To Reel - Brief Encounter (1997)
CD 1: Real To Reel.
01. Assassing (7:28)
02. Incubus (8:45)
03. Cinderella Search (5:46)
04. Emerald Lies (5:26)
05. Forgotten Sons (10:36)
06. Garden Party (6:32)
07. Market Square Heroes (7:31)
CD 2: Brief Encounter.
01. Lady Nina (5:47)
02. Freaks (4:08)
03. Kayleigh (Live) (4:11)
04. Fugazi (Live) (8:32)
05. Script For A Jester's Tears (Live) (8:52)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Singles '82-88' (2000)
CD 1: Market Square Heroes (1982)
01. Market Square Heroes (4:20)
02. Three Boats Down from The Candy (4:32)
03. Grendel (17:16)
CD 2: He Knows You Know (1983)
01. He Knows You Know 7" (3:34)
02. Chartering the Single (4:53)
03. He Knows You Know 12'' (5:07)
CD 3: Garden Party (1983)
01. Garden Party (Edited Version) (4:34)
02. Margaret (Edited Live 7th April 1983) (4:15)
03. Garden Party (7:18)
04. Charting The Single (Live 18th April 1983) (6:40)
05. Margaret (Live 7th April 1983) (12:22)
CD 4: Punch & Judy (1984)
01. Punch And Judy (3:21)
02. Market Square Heroes (Edited Re-recorded Version) (4:00)
03. Three Boats Down From The Candy (Re-recorded Version) (4:03)
04. Market Square Heroes (Re-recorded Version) (4:48)
CD 5: Assassing (1984)
01. Assassing (7'' Version) (3:40)
02. Cinderella Search (7'' Version) (4:24)
03. Assassing (7:03)
04. Cinderella Search (5:30)
CD 6: Kayleigh (1985)
01. Kayleigh (Single Edit) (3:39)
02. Lady Nina (Single Edit) (3:44)
03. Kayleigh (Alternative Mix) (4:09)
04. Kayleigh (Extended Version) (4:05)
05. Lady Nina (Extended Version) (5:48)
CD 7: Lavender (1985)
01. Lavender (3:44)
02. Freaks (4:08)
03. Lavender Blue (4:22)
CD 8: Heart of Lothian (1985)
01. Heart Of Lothian (3:39)
02. Chelsea Monday (Live Utrecht Vredenburg 15th October 1985) (7:25)
03. Heart Of Lothian (Full Version) (5:43)
CD 9: Incommunicado (1987)
01. Incommunicado (4:00)
02. Going Under (2:45)
03. Incommunicado (Album Version) (5:17)
04. Incommunicado (Alternate Version) (5:57)
CD 10: Sugar Mice (1987)
01. Sugar Mice (5:50)
02. Tux On (5:15)
03. Sugar Mice (Radio Edit) (5:03)
04. Sugar Mice (Extended Version) (6:11)
CD 11: Warm Wet Circles (1987)
01. Warm Wet Circles (7'' Version) (4:28)
02. White Russian (Live At Loreley) (7:21)
03. Incommunicado (Live At Loreley) (5:28)
CD 12: Freaks (Live 1988)
01. Freaks (4:14)
02. Keyleigh (4:09)
03. Childhoods End? (2:52)
04. White Feather (4:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Singles '89-95' (2002)
CD 1: Hooks in You (1989)
01. Hooks in You (Meaty Mix) (2:58)
02. Hooks in You (7" Mix) (3:55)
03. After Me (3:22)
CD 2: Uninvited Guest (1989)
01. Uninvited Guest (7" Version) (3:48)
02. Uninvited Guest (12" Version) (5:05)
03. The Bell in the Sea (4:20)
CD 3: Easter (1990)
01. Easter (7" Edit) (4:34)
02. The Release (3:47)
03. Uninvited Guest (7" Version) (3:48)
04. Easter (12" Edit) (5:59)
05. Uninvited Guest (Live) (4:52)
06. Warm Wet Circles (Live) (4:10)
07. That Time of the Night (Live) (5:55)
CD 4: Cover My Eyes (1991)
01. Cover My Eyes (3:55)
02. How Can it Hurt (4:10)
03. The Party (5:36)
CD 5: No One Can (1991)
01. No One Can (4:43)
02. A Collection (3:00)
03. Splintering Heart (Live at the Moles Club) (6:40)
CD 6: Dry Land (1991)
01. Dry Land (4:06)
02. Holloway Girl (Live Acoustic) (3:56)
03. Waiting to Happen (Live Acoustic) (4:22)
04. Easter (Live Acoustic) (3:07)
05. Sugar Mice (Live Acoustic) (3:00)
06. After Me (Live Acoustic) (3:21)
07. King of Sunset Town (Live Acoustic) (3:27)
08. Substitute (Live Acoustic) (2:18)
09. Dry Land (LP Version) (4:43)
CD 7: Sympathy (1992)
01. Sympathy (3:29)
02. Kayleigh (Live) (4:04)
03. Dry Land (Live) (4:58)
04. Kayleigh (Live TV Studio) (4:08)
05. I Will Walk on Water (5" Mix) (4:07)
CD 8: No One Can (1992)
01. No One Can (4:44)
02. Cover My Eyes (Mike Stone Remix) (4:06)
03. Sympathy (Racket Club Acoustic Session 1992) (2:30)
04. Cover My Eyes (Racket Club Acoustic Session 1992) (4:24)
05. Sugar Mice (Racket Club Acoustic Session 1992) (3:01)
CD 9: The Great Escape (1994)
01. The Great Escape (Spiral Remake) (4:41)
02. Made Again (5:04)
03. Marouatte Jam (9:44)
CD 10: The Hollow Man (1994)
01. Hollow Man (4:11)
02. Brave (7:56)
03. Marouatte Jam (9:46)
04. The Great Escape (Orchestral Version) (4:55)
05. Winter Trees (1:46)
CD 11: Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (1994)
01. Alone Again in the Lap of Luxury (Radio Edit) (4:30)
02. Living with the Big Lie (6:44)
03. Alone Again in the Lap of Luxury (8:17)
04. River (Live) (1:32)
05. Bridge (Live) (2:54)
06. Living with the Big Lie (Live) (6:39)
07. Cover My Eyes (Live) (4:12)
08. Slainte Mhath (Live) (4:26)
09. Uninvited Guest (Live) (3:59)
10. The Space (Live) (6:49)
CD 12: Beautiful (1995)
01. Beautiful (5:16)
02. Afraid of Sunrise (6:50)
03. Icon (6:05)
04. Live Forever (4:35)
05. The Great Escape (Demo) (5:52)
06. Hard as Love (Demo) (6:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of Marillion (2003)
01. Garden Party (7:20)
02. Assassing (7:31)
03. Kayleigh (4:04)
04. Lavender (2:26)
05. Heart Of Lothian (4:03)
06. Incommunicado (5:17)
07. Sugar Mice (5:47)
08. Warm Wet Circles (4:26)
09. Hooks In You (2:58)
10. Easter (5:59)
11. Cover My Eyes (4:44)
12. No One Can (4:40)
13. Dry Land (4:43)
14. Sympathy (2:31)
15. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (6:44)
16. Beautiful (5:13)
17. Man Of A Thousand Faces (7:34)
18. Between You And Me (6:28)
Brief Encounter (EP 1986)
02. Freaks (4:09)
03. Kayleigh (Live) (4:11)
04. Fugazi (Live) (8:32)
05. Script For A Jester's Tear (Live) (8:52)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
B' Sides Themselves (1988)
02. Charting the Single (4:48)
03. Market Square Heroes (3:59)
04. Three Boats Down From the Candy (4:00)
05. Cinderella Search (4:21)
06. Lady Nina (3:44)
07. Freaks (4:04)
08. Tux On (5:13)
09. Margaret (Live) (12:20)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
A Singles Collection: Six Of One, Half A Dozen Of The Other (1982-1992)
02. Kayleigh (3:33)
03. Easter (5:57)
04. Warm Wet Circles (4:23)
05. Uninvited Guest (3:43)
06. Assassing (7:41)
07. Hooks In You (2:55)
08. Garden Party (7:11)
09. No One Can (4:40)
10. Incommunicado (5:16)
11. Dry Land (4:42)
12. Lavender (3:41)
13. I Will Walk On Water (4:12)
14. Sympathy (3:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Kayleigh (1996)
02. He Knows You Know (5:27)
03. Jigsaw (6:48)
04. Punch & Judy (3:20)
05. Cinderella Search (4:19)
06. Kayleigh (3:35)
07. Lavender (3:41)
08. Lady Nina (3:42)
09. Torch Song (4:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of Marillion (1996)
02. Market Square Heroes (4:00)
03. Freaks (4:05)
04. Garden Party (7:11)
05. Warm Wet Circles (4:26)
06. Fugazi (8:03)
07. Heart Of Lothian (6:06)
08. Assasing (7:04)
09. Incommunicado (5:18)
10. Lavender (3:42)
11. That Time Of The Night (5:59)
12. Punch & Judy (3:19)
13. Sugar Mice (5:47)
14. Chelsea Monday (8:18)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of Both Worlds (1997)
01. Script for a Jesters Tear (8:45)
02. Market Square Heroes (B'Sides Version) (3:57)
03. He Knows You Know (Album Version) (5:23)
04. Forgotten Sons (8:19)
05. Garden Party (7:16)
06. Assassing (Single Version) (3:38)
07. Punch and Judy (3:19)
08. Kayleigh (Single Version) (3:34)
09. Lavender (Single Version) (3:41)
10. Heart of Lothian (Single Version) (3:37)
11. Incommunicado (5:16)
12. Warm Wet Circles (Single Version) (4:24)
13. That Time of the Night (The Short Straw) (5:58)
14. Sugar Mice (5:46)
CD 2.
01. Uninvited Guest (3:46)
02. Easter (4:31)
03. Hooks In You (Meaty Mix) (3:54)
04. The Space (6:15)
05. Cover My Eyes (Pain And Heaven) (3:55)
06. No One Can (4:40)
07. Dry Land (4:43)
08. Waiting To Happen (4:56)
09. The Great Escape (Album Version) (6:28)
10. Alone Again in the Lap of Luxury (Radio Edit) (4:29)
11. Made Again (5:04)
12. King (7:06)
13. Afraid Of Sunlight (6:51)
14. Beautiful (Radio Edit) (4:23)
15. Cannibal Surf Babe (5:18)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Real To Reel - Brief Encounter (1997)
01. Assassing (7:28)
02. Incubus (8:45)
03. Cinderella Search (5:46)
04. Emerald Lies (5:26)
05. Forgotten Sons (10:36)
06. Garden Party (6:32)
07. Market Square Heroes (7:31)
CD 2: Brief Encounter.
01. Lady Nina (5:47)
02. Freaks (4:08)
03. Kayleigh (Live) (4:11)
04. Fugazi (Live) (8:32)
05. Script For A Jester's Tears (Live) (8:52)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Singles '82-88' (2000)
01. Market Square Heroes (4:20)
02. Three Boats Down from The Candy (4:32)
03. Grendel (17:16)
CD 2: He Knows You Know (1983)
01. He Knows You Know 7" (3:34)
02. Chartering the Single (4:53)
03. He Knows You Know 12'' (5:07)
CD 3: Garden Party (1983)
01. Garden Party (Edited Version) (4:34)
02. Margaret (Edited Live 7th April 1983) (4:15)
03. Garden Party (7:18)
04. Charting The Single (Live 18th April 1983) (6:40)
05. Margaret (Live 7th April 1983) (12:22)
CD 4: Punch & Judy (1984)
01. Punch And Judy (3:21)
02. Market Square Heroes (Edited Re-recorded Version) (4:00)
03. Three Boats Down From The Candy (Re-recorded Version) (4:03)
04. Market Square Heroes (Re-recorded Version) (4:48)
CD 5: Assassing (1984)
01. Assassing (7'' Version) (3:40)
02. Cinderella Search (7'' Version) (4:24)
03. Assassing (7:03)
04. Cinderella Search (5:30)
CD 6: Kayleigh (1985)
01. Kayleigh (Single Edit) (3:39)
02. Lady Nina (Single Edit) (3:44)
03. Kayleigh (Alternative Mix) (4:09)
04. Kayleigh (Extended Version) (4:05)
05. Lady Nina (Extended Version) (5:48)
CD 7: Lavender (1985)
01. Lavender (3:44)
02. Freaks (4:08)
03. Lavender Blue (4:22)
CD 8: Heart of Lothian (1985)
01. Heart Of Lothian (3:39)
02. Chelsea Monday (Live Utrecht Vredenburg 15th October 1985) (7:25)
03. Heart Of Lothian (Full Version) (5:43)
CD 9: Incommunicado (1987)
01. Incommunicado (4:00)
02. Going Under (2:45)
03. Incommunicado (Album Version) (5:17)
04. Incommunicado (Alternate Version) (5:57)
CD 10: Sugar Mice (1987)
01. Sugar Mice (5:50)
02. Tux On (5:15)
03. Sugar Mice (Radio Edit) (5:03)
04. Sugar Mice (Extended Version) (6:11)
CD 11: Warm Wet Circles (1987)
01. Warm Wet Circles (7'' Version) (4:28)
02. White Russian (Live At Loreley) (7:21)
03. Incommunicado (Live At Loreley) (5:28)
CD 12: Freaks (Live 1988)
01. Freaks (4:14)
02. Keyleigh (4:09)
03. Childhoods End? (2:52)
04. White Feather (4:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Singles '89-95' (2002)
01. Hooks in You (Meaty Mix) (2:58)
02. Hooks in You (7" Mix) (3:55)
03. After Me (3:22)
CD 2: Uninvited Guest (1989)
01. Uninvited Guest (7" Version) (3:48)
02. Uninvited Guest (12" Version) (5:05)
03. The Bell in the Sea (4:20)
CD 3: Easter (1990)
01. Easter (7" Edit) (4:34)
02. The Release (3:47)
03. Uninvited Guest (7" Version) (3:48)
04. Easter (12" Edit) (5:59)
05. Uninvited Guest (Live) (4:52)
06. Warm Wet Circles (Live) (4:10)
07. That Time of the Night (Live) (5:55)
CD 4: Cover My Eyes (1991)
01. Cover My Eyes (3:55)
02. How Can it Hurt (4:10)
03. The Party (5:36)
CD 5: No One Can (1991)
01. No One Can (4:43)
02. A Collection (3:00)
03. Splintering Heart (Live at the Moles Club) (6:40)
CD 6: Dry Land (1991)
01. Dry Land (4:06)
02. Holloway Girl (Live Acoustic) (3:56)
03. Waiting to Happen (Live Acoustic) (4:22)
04. Easter (Live Acoustic) (3:07)
05. Sugar Mice (Live Acoustic) (3:00)
06. After Me (Live Acoustic) (3:21)
07. King of Sunset Town (Live Acoustic) (3:27)
08. Substitute (Live Acoustic) (2:18)
09. Dry Land (LP Version) (4:43)
CD 7: Sympathy (1992)
01. Sympathy (3:29)
02. Kayleigh (Live) (4:04)
03. Dry Land (Live) (4:58)
04. Kayleigh (Live TV Studio) (4:08)
05. I Will Walk on Water (5" Mix) (4:07)
CD 8: No One Can (1992)
01. No One Can (4:44)
02. Cover My Eyes (Mike Stone Remix) (4:06)
03. Sympathy (Racket Club Acoustic Session 1992) (2:30)
04. Cover My Eyes (Racket Club Acoustic Session 1992) (4:24)
05. Sugar Mice (Racket Club Acoustic Session 1992) (3:01)
CD 9: The Great Escape (1994)
01. The Great Escape (Spiral Remake) (4:41)
02. Made Again (5:04)
03. Marouatte Jam (9:44)
CD 10: The Hollow Man (1994)
01. Hollow Man (4:11)
02. Brave (7:56)
03. Marouatte Jam (9:46)
04. The Great Escape (Orchestral Version) (4:55)
05. Winter Trees (1:46)
CD 11: Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (1994)
01. Alone Again in the Lap of Luxury (Radio Edit) (4:30)
02. Living with the Big Lie (6:44)
03. Alone Again in the Lap of Luxury (8:17)
04. River (Live) (1:32)
05. Bridge (Live) (2:54)
06. Living with the Big Lie (Live) (6:39)
07. Cover My Eyes (Live) (4:12)
08. Slainte Mhath (Live) (4:26)
09. Uninvited Guest (Live) (3:59)
10. The Space (Live) (6:49)
CD 12: Beautiful (1995)
01. Beautiful (5:16)
02. Afraid of Sunrise (6:50)
03. Icon (6:05)
04. Live Forever (4:35)
05. The Great Escape (Demo) (5:52)
06. Hard as Love (Demo) (6:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of Marillion (2003)
02. Assassing (7:31)
03. Kayleigh (4:04)
04. Lavender (2:26)
05. Heart Of Lothian (4:03)
06. Incommunicado (5:17)
07. Sugar Mice (5:47)
08. Warm Wet Circles (4:26)
09. Hooks In You (2:58)
10. Easter (5:59)
11. Cover My Eyes (4:44)
12. No One Can (4:40)
13. Dry Land (4:43)
14. Sympathy (2:31)
15. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (6:44)
16. Beautiful (5:13)
17. Man Of A Thousand Faces (7:34)
18. Between You And Me (6:28)
Singles, EPs, Fan Club & Promos.
Links no final da página.
Embryonic: Rarities 1980-1982 (1983)
01. Close (9:34)
02. Lady Fantasy (6:35)
03. Alice (5:48)
04. Institution Waltz (4:00)
05. I Know What I Like (6:42)
06. He Knows You Know (3:44)
07. Garden Party (7:16)
No One Can (1991)
01. No One Can (4:41)
02. A Collection (2:58)
03. Splintering Heart (Live) (7:23)
Made Again (1996)
01. No One Can (4:52)
02. Beautiful (5:34)
03. Made Again (5:47)
Eighty Days (1997)
01. Eighty Days (5:00)
02. This Strange Engine (Live In Paris) (16:11)
03. Bell In The Sea (Live In Paris) (4:19)
Man Of A Thousand Faces (1997)
01. Man Of A Thousand Faces (Radio Edit) (3:38)
02. Beautiful (Unplugged Version) (4:50)
03. Made Again (Unplugged Version) (5:16)
04. Man Of A Thousand Faces (Extended Version) (8:20)
These Chains (1998)
01. These Chains (4:28)
02. Fake Plastic Trees (Live) (4:57)
03. Memory of Water (Big Beat Mix) (8:06)
Anoraknophobia: UK Fanclub Preorder Limited Edition (2001)
CD 1.
01. Between You And Me (6:28)
02. Quartz (9:07)
03. Map Of The World (5:02)
04. When I Meet God (9:18)
05. The Fruit Of The Wild Rose (6:57)
06. Separated Out (6:13)
07. This Is The 21st Century (11:07)
08. If My Heart Were A Ball, It Would Roll Uphill (9:28)
CD 2.
01. Number One (Non Album Track) (2:49)
02. Fruit Of The Wild Rose (Demo) (6:20)
03. Separated Out (Demo) (6:04)
04. Between You And Me (Mark Kelly Remix) (5:08)
Warm Wet Circles (2003)
01. Garden Party (7:16)
02. Blind Curve (9:31)
03. Incommunicado (5:12)
04. Lords Of The Backstage (1:55)
05. Sugar Mice (5:46)
06. Torch Song (4:07)
07. Childhood's End (4:35)
08. Just For The Record (3:10)
09. Lady Nina (3:42)
10. White Feather (2:20)
11. Warm Wet Circles (4:28)
12. Kayleigh (4:06)
13. Freaks (4:02)
14. Forgotten Sons (8:22)
You're Gone (2004)
01. You're Gone (Single Mix) (4:06)
02. Faith (Live) (4:01)
03. When I Meet God (Spirited Away Remix) (4:45)
Thank You Whoever You Are - Most Toys (2007)
01. Thankyou Whoever You Are (Edit) (4:07)
02. Most Toys (2:50)
03. Circular Ride (3:55)
04. The World (Live) (7:15)
Forgotten Songs: Early Demos 80-82 (2008)
01. Close (9:33)
02. Lady Fantasy (6:35)
03. Alice (5:47)
04. Institution Waltz (3:50)
05. I Know What I Like (6:40)
06. He Knows You Know (3:24)
07. Garden Party (6:33)
Early Demos And Sessions 1979-1981 (2010)
CD 1.
(1979-10-XX - The Enid's Studios, Hertford - 1st Silmarillion Demo)
01. Lady Fantasy (6:20)
02. Alice (5:36)
(The Lodge (The Enid's studio), Hertford, England - Hertfordshire, UK)
03. The Haunting Of Gill House (7:38)
04. Herne The Hunter (12:05)
05. Scott's Porridge (2:23)
(1980-06-06 - The Enid's Studio, Herford - 2nd Silmarillion Demo)
06. Close (9:42)
07. Lady Fantasy (6:38)
08. Alice (5:49)
Links no final da página.
Embryonic: Rarities 1980-1982 (1983)
02. Lady Fantasy (6:35)
03. Alice (5:48)
04. Institution Waltz (4:00)
05. I Know What I Like (6:42)
06. He Knows You Know (3:44)
07. Garden Party (7:16)
No One Can (1991)
02. A Collection (2:58)
03. Splintering Heart (Live) (7:23)
Made Again (1996)
02. Beautiful (5:34)
03. Made Again (5:47)
Eighty Days (1997)
02. This Strange Engine (Live In Paris) (16:11)
03. Bell In The Sea (Live In Paris) (4:19)
Man Of A Thousand Faces (1997)
02. Beautiful (Unplugged Version) (4:50)
03. Made Again (Unplugged Version) (5:16)
04. Man Of A Thousand Faces (Extended Version) (8:20)
These Chains (1998)
02. Fake Plastic Trees (Live) (4:57)
03. Memory of Water (Big Beat Mix) (8:06)
Anoraknophobia: UK Fanclub Preorder Limited Edition (2001)
01. Between You And Me (6:28)
02. Quartz (9:07)
03. Map Of The World (5:02)
04. When I Meet God (9:18)
05. The Fruit Of The Wild Rose (6:57)
06. Separated Out (6:13)
07. This Is The 21st Century (11:07)
08. If My Heart Were A Ball, It Would Roll Uphill (9:28)
CD 2.
01. Number One (Non Album Track) (2:49)
02. Fruit Of The Wild Rose (Demo) (6:20)
03. Separated Out (Demo) (6:04)
04. Between You And Me (Mark Kelly Remix) (5:08)
Warm Wet Circles (2003)
02. Blind Curve (9:31)
03. Incommunicado (5:12)
04. Lords Of The Backstage (1:55)
05. Sugar Mice (5:46)
06. Torch Song (4:07)
07. Childhood's End (4:35)
08. Just For The Record (3:10)
09. Lady Nina (3:42)
10. White Feather (2:20)
11. Warm Wet Circles (4:28)
12. Kayleigh (4:06)
13. Freaks (4:02)
14. Forgotten Sons (8:22)
You're Gone (2004)
02. Faith (Live) (4:01)
03. When I Meet God (Spirited Away Remix) (4:45)
Thank You Whoever You Are - Most Toys (2007)
02. Most Toys (2:50)
03. Circular Ride (3:55)
04. The World (Live) (7:15)
Forgotten Songs: Early Demos 80-82 (2008)
02. Lady Fantasy (6:35)
03. Alice (5:47)
04. Institution Waltz (3:50)
05. I Know What I Like (6:40)
06. He Knows You Know (3:24)
07. Garden Party (6:33)
Early Demos And Sessions 1979-1981 (2010)
(1979-10-XX - The Enid's Studios, Hertford - 1st Silmarillion Demo)
01. Lady Fantasy (6:20)
02. Alice (5:36)
(The Lodge (The Enid's studio), Hertford, England - Hertfordshire, UK)
03. The Haunting Of Gill House (7:38)
04. Herne The Hunter (12:05)
05. Scott's Porridge (2:23)
(1980-06-06 - The Enid's Studio, Herford - 2nd Silmarillion Demo)
06. Close (9:42)
07. Lady Fantasy (6:38)
08. Alice (5:49)
CD 2.
(1980-11-XX - Lelyland Hill Farm Studio, Gawcot)
01. Close (9:13)
02. The Web (9:12)
(1981-03-03 - First Practice with Fish and Diz)
03. Time For Sale (4:24)
04. Skyline Drifter (10:12)
05. He Knows You Know (3:37)
06. Garden Party (6:56)
07. Charting The Single (4:37)
01. Close (9:13)
02. The Web (9:12)
(1981-03-03 - First Practice with Fish and Diz)
03. Time For Sale (4:24)
04. Skyline Drifter (10:12)
05. He Knows You Know (3:37)
06. Garden Party (6:56)
07. Charting The Single (4:37)

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