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Tom Waits - Discografia.

Thomas Alan Waits (Pomona, 7 de dezembro de 1949) é um músico, instrumentista, compositor, cantor e ator norte-americano. Sua voz grossa e rouca e suas letras por vezes esquisitas e intrigantes marcam a personalidade de sua música. Ativo por mais de quatro décadas, Waits possui uma considerável obra, constituída de quase 30 álbuns (incluindo álbuns de estúdio, compilações e álbuns ao vivo), e mais de 50 participações diretas (como ator) e indiretas (compondo trilhas sonoras) em filmes. Já foi indicado a um grande número de prêmios musicais, tendo ganhado o Grammy Awards por dois álbuns: Mule Variations e Bone Machine.

Waits atualmente vive no Condado de Sonoma, Califórnia, com sua esposa, Kathleen Brennan, e seus três filhos.


Tom Waits nasceu em Pomona, Califórnia a 7 de dezembro de 1949. O seu pai era descendente de irlandeses e escoceses e a sua mãe de noruegueses. Aprendeu a tocar guitarra e piano aos dez anos de idade. Lançou o seu primeiro álbum Closing Time em 1973 e começou por fazer a primeira parte de shows de Frank Zappa e John Hammond.

É casado com Kathleen Brennan, co-letrista de parte do seu trabalho musical, e mãe de seus três filhos.



A música de Tom Waits não está presa a um gênero musical determinado. Pode-se facilmente encontrar em seus álbuns Rock, Jazz, Folk, Blues, dentre outros tantos gêneros e estilos musicais.

Descrito como um dos últimos beatniks da música, facilmente pode-se separar a carreira do artista em dois momentos. Nos anos entre 73-83 lançou nove álbuns para a gravadora Asylum, suas canções passeiam mais pelo jazz nesta época. Mesmo não chegando a um grande sucesso, ganhou notória fama cult. A partir de 1983 ele assinou com a Island Records e mudou para uma fase mais experimental, com uma nova orquestração, começando pelo disco Swordfishtrombones. Foi nessa época também que sua mulher Kathleen, começou a parceria direta com sua música.


Principais filmes com participação de Tom Waits:

1982 - No Fundo do Coração.
1983 - Vidas sem Rumo.
1983 - O Selvagem da Motocicleta.
1986 - Down by Law.
1987 - Ironweed.
1991 - At Play in the Fields of the Lord (Brincando nos campos do Senhor).
1991 - O Pescador de Ilusões.
1992 - Drácula de Bram Stocker.
1993 - Short Cuts - Cenas de uma Vida.
1999 - Fight Club.
2004 - Sobre Café e Cigarros.
2005 - Domino.
2005 - Jarhead.
2007 - O Tigre e a Neve.
2008 - Wristcutters - Paixão Suicida.
2009 - O Mundo Imaginário do Dr. Parnassus.
2009 - O Livro de Eli.
2013 - Sete Psicopatas e um Shih Tzu.
2013 - The Walking Dead: Terceira Temporada; Episódio: I Ain't A Judas.
2018 - A Balada de Buster Scruggs.

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Closing Time (1973)
01. Ol' 55 (3:58)
02. I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You (3:55)
03. Virginia Avenue (3:10)
04. Old Shoes (& Picture Postcards) (3:41)
05. Midnight Lullaby (3:27)
06. Martha (4:31)
07. Rosie (4:03)
08. Lonely (3:13)
09. Ice Cream Man (3:06)
10. Little Trip To Heaven (On The Wings Of Your Love) (3:38)
11. Grapefruit Moon (4:50)
12. Closing Time (4:21)


The Heart Of Saturday Night (1974)
01. New Coat Of Paint (3:23)
02. San Diego Serenade (3:30)
03. Semi Suite (3:29)
04. Shiver Me Timbers (4:27)
05. Diamonds On My Windshield (Looking For) (3:12)
06. The Heart Of Saturday Night (3:53)
07. Fumblin' With The Blues (3:03)
08. Please Call Me, Baby (4:26)
09. Depot, Depot (3:47)
10. Drunk On The Moon (5:07)
11. The Ghosts Of Saturday Night (After Hours At Napoleone's Pizza) (3:17)


Nighthawks At The Diner (1975)
01. Opening Intro (2:59)
02. Emotional Weather Report (3:46)
03. Intro (2:17)
04. On A Foggy Night (3:48)
05. Intro (1:55)
06. Eggs And Sausage (In A Cadillac With Susan Michelson) (4:18)
07. Intro (3:03)
08. Better Off Without A Wife (3:59)
09. Nighthawk Postcards (From Easy Street) (11:30)
10. Intro (0:55)
11. Warm Beer And Cold Women (5:22)
12. Intro (0:48)
13. Putnam County (7:35)
14. Spare Parts I (A Nocturnal Emission) (6:26)
15. Nobody (2:51)
16. Intro (0:41)
17. Big Joe And Phantom 309 (6:29)
18. Spare Parts II And Closing (5:14)


Small Change (1976)
01. Tom Traubert's Blues (6:40)
02. Step Right Up (5:43)
03. Jitterbug Boy (3:44)
04. I Wish I Was in New Orleans (4:53)
05. The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me) (3:40)
06. Invitation to the Blues (5:25)
07. Pasties and a G-String (2:32)
08. Bad Liver and a Broken Heart (4:50)
09. The One That Got Away (4:08)
10. Small Change (5:07)
11. I Can't Wait to Get Off Work (3:17)


Foreign Affairs (1977)
01. Cinny's Waltz (2:17)
02. Muriel (3:34)
03. I Never Talk To Strangers (3:38)
04. Medley: Jack & Neal/California, Here I Come (5:01)
05. A Sight For Sore Eyes (4:40)
06. Potter's Field (8:40)
07. Burma-Shave (6:35)
08. Barber Shop (3:55)
09. Foreign Affair (3:47)


Blue Valentine (1978)
01. Somewhere (From 'West Side Story') (3:53)
02. Red Shoes by the Drugstore (3:15)
03. Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis (4:33)
04. Romeo Is Bleeding (4:53)
05. $29.00 (8:16)
06. Wrong Side of the Road (5:14)
07. Whistlin' Past the Graveyard (3:18)
08. Kentucky Avenue (4:50)
09. A Sweet Little Bullet from a Pretty Blue Gun (5:37)
10. Blue Valentines (5:50)


Heartattack And Vine (1980)
01. Heartattack And Vine (4:51)
02. In Shades (4:25)
03. Saving All My Love For You (3:42)
04. Downtown (4:45)
05. Jersey Girl (5:12)
06. 'Til The Money Runs Out (4:26)
07. On The Nickel (6:20)
08. Mr. Siegal (5:15)
09. Ruby's Arms (5:36)


Tom Waits And Crystal Gayle - One From The Heart (Soundtrack 1982)
01. Opening Montage (5:16)
02. Is There Any Way Out Of This Dream? (2:14)
03. Picking Up After You (3:55)
04. Old Boyfriends (5:54)
05. Broken Bicycles (2:51)
06. I Beg Your Pardon (4:28)
07. Little Boy Blue (3:42)
08. Instrumental Montage (3:00)
09. You Can't Unring A Bell (2:23)
10. This One's From The Heart (5:46)
11. Take Me Home (1:40)
12. Presents (1:00)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Candy Apple Red (Previously Unreleased) (2:45)
14. Once Upon A Town-Empty Packets (Previously Unreleased) (5:21)


Swordfishtrombones (1983)
01. Underground (2:01)
02. Shore Leave (4:18)
03. Dave The Butcher (2:21)
04. Johnsburg, Illinois (1:33)
05. 16 Shells From A Thirty-Ought-Six (4:33)
06. Town With No Cheer (4:29)
07. In The Neighbourhood (3:07)
08. Just Another Sucker On The Vine (1:47)
09. Frank's Wild Years (1:54)
10. Swordfishtrombones (3:08)
11. Down, Down, Down (2:16)
12. Soldier's Things (3:23)
13. Gin Soaked Boy (2:24)
14. Trouble's Braids (1:18)
15. Rainbirds (3:14)


Rain Dogs (1985)
01. Singapore (2:46)
02. Clap Hands (3:49)
03. Cemetery Polka (1:47)
04. Jockey Full Of Bourbon (2:47)
05. Tango Till They're Sore (2:52)
06. Big Black Mariah (2:44)
07. Diamonds & Gold (2:33)
08. Hang Down Your Head (2:34)
09. Time (3:56)
10. Rain Dogs (2:57)
11. Midtown (Instrumental) (1:03)
12. 9th & Hennepin (1:57)
13. Gun Street Girl (4:37)
14. Union Square (2:25)
15. Blind Love (4:20)
16. Walking Spanish (3:07)
17. Downtown Train (3:53)
18. Bridge Of Rain Dog (Instrumental) (1:10)
19. Anywhere I Lay My Head (2:48)


Franks Wild Years (1987)
ACT 1.

01. Hang On St. Christopher (2:46)
02. Straight To The Top (Rhumba) (2:30)
03. Blow Wind Blow (3:36)
04. Temptation (3:53)
05. Innocent When You Dream (Bar Room) (4:16)
06. I'll Be Gone (3:13)
07. Yesterday Is Here (2:31)
08. Please Wake Me Up (3:35)
09. Frank's Theme (1:49)
ACT 2.
10. More Than Rain (3:52)
11. Way Down In The Hole (3:30)
12. Straight To The Top (Vegas) (3:27)
13. I'll Take New York (3:58)
14. Telephone Call From Istanbul (3:12)
15. Cold Cold Ground (4:08)
16. Train Song (3:20)
17. Innocent When You Dream (78) (3:12)


Big Time (Live 1988)
01. 16 Shells From A Thirty-Ought-Six (4:18)
02. Red Shoes (4:20)
03. Underground (2:34)
04. Cold Cold Ground (3:27)
05. Straight To The Top (2:49)
06. Yesterday Is Here (2:41)
07. Way Down The Hole (4:44)
08. Falling Down (4:16)
09. Strange Weather (3:36)
10. Big Black Mariah (2:59)
11. Rain Dogs (3:36)
12. Train Song (4:30)
13. Johnsburg, Illinois (1:29)
14. Ruby's Arms (4:55)
15. Telephone Call From Istanbul (4:17)
16. Clap Hands (4:57)
17. Gun Street Girl (4:02)
18. Time (4:11)


The Early Years Volume One (Coletânea 1991)
01. Goin' Down Slow (2:49)
02. Poncho's Lament (4:18)
03. I'm Your Late Night Evening Prostitute (3:16)
04. Had Me A Girl (5:33)
05. Ice Cream Man (3:12)
06. Rockin' Chair (3:16)
07. Virginia Ave. (2:42)
08. Midnight Lullabye (3:38)
09. When You Ain't Got Nobody (3:24)
10. Little Trip To Heaven (3:02)
11. Frank's Song (1:57)
12. Looks Like I'm Up Shit Creek Again (3:03)
13. So Long I'll See Ya (3:32)


Tom Waits & Kathleen Brennan - Night On Earth (Soundtrack 1992)
01. Back in The Good Old World (2:30)
02. Los Angeles Mood (2:35)
03. Los Angeles Theme (4:29)
04. New York Theme (4:04)
05. New York Mood (2:38)
06. Baby I'm Not A Baby Anymore (1:58)
07. Good Old World (Waltz) (2:47)
08. Carnival (3:06)
09. On The Other Side Of The World (5:20)
10. Good Old World (Gypsy Instrumental) (2:19)
11. Paris Mood (2:38)
12. Dragging A Dead Priest (4:00)
13. Helsinki Mood (4:10)
14. Carnival Bob's Confession (2:17)
15. Good Old World (Waltz) (3:57)
16. On The Other Side Of The World (Instrumental) (4:00)


Bone Machine (1992)
01. Earth Died Screaming (3:39)
02. Dirt In The Ground (4:08)
03. Such A Scream (2:10)
04. All Stripped Down (3:02)
05. Who Are You (3:58)
06. The Ocean Doesn't Want Me (1:51)
07. Jesus Gonna Be Here (3:22)
08. A Little Rain (2:58)
09. In The Colosseum (4:51)
10. Goin' Out West (3:20)
11. Murder In The Red Barn (4:29)
12. Black Wings (4:38)
13. Whistle Down The Wind (4:36)
14. I Don't Wanna Grow Up (2:32)
15. Let Me Get Up On It (0:55)
16. That Feel (3:13)


The Black Rider (1993)
01. Lucky Day (Overture) (2:28)
02. The Black Rider (3:21)
03. November (2:54)
04. Just The Right Bullets (3:36)
05. Black Box Theme (2:42)
06. 'T 'Aint No Sin (2:26)
07. Flash Pan Hunter (Intro) (1:10)
08. That's The Way (1:08)
09. The Briar And The Rose (3:51)
10. Russian Dance (3:12)
11. Gospel Train (Orchestra) (2:34)
12. I'll Shoot The Moon (3:51)
13. Flash Pan Hunter (3:11)
14. Crossroads (2:43)
15. Gospel Train (4:43)
16. Interlude (0:19)
17. Oily Night (4:24)
18. Lucky Day (3:43)
19. The Last Rose Of Summer (2:07)
20. Carnival (1:16)


The Early Years Vol. 2 (Coletânea 1993)
01. Hope I Don't Fall In Love With You (5:01)
02. Ol' 55 (4:08)
03. Mockin' Bird (3:28)
04. In Between Love (3:02)
05. Blue Skies (2:14)
06. Nobody (2:47)
07. I Want You (1:23)
08. Shiver Me Timbers (3:49)
09. Grapefruit Moon (4:37)
10. Diamonds On My Windshield (3:11)
11. Please Call Me, Baby (3:44)
12. So It Goes (2:32)
13. Old Shoes (4:25)


Beautiful Maladies: The Island Years (Coletânea 1998)
01. Hang On St. Christopher (2:44)
02. Temptation (3:53)
03. Clap Hands (3:48)
04. The Black Rider (3:23)
05. Underground (1:59)
06. Jockey Full Of Bourbon (2:47)
07. The Earth Died Screaming (3:38)
08. Innocent When You Dream (78) (3:09)
09. Straight To The Top (Rhumba) (2:28)
10. Frank's Wild Years (1:52)
11. Singapore (2:45)
12. Shore Leave (4:18)
13. Johnsburg, Illinois (1:34)
14. Way Down In The Hole (3:30)
15. Strange Weather (3:34)
16. Cold Cold Ground (3:27)
17. November (2:55)
18. Downtown Train (3:51)
19. 16 Shells From A 30.6 (4:33)
20. Jesus Gonna Be Here (3:19)
21. Good Old World (Waltz) (3:55)
22. I Don't Wanna Grow Up (2:32)
23. Time (3:53)


Mule Variations (1999)
01. Big In Japan (4:05)
02. Lowside Of The Road (2:59)
03. Hold On (5:34)
04. Get Behind The Mule (6:52)
05. House Where Nobody Lives (4:14)
06. Cold Water (5:23)
07. Pony (4:33)
08. What's He Building? (3:20)
09. Black Market Baby (5:02)
10. Eyeball Kid (4:26)
11. Picture In A Frame (3:40)
12. Chocolate Jesus (3:55)
13. Georgia Lee (4:24)
14. Filipino Box Spring Hog (3:10)
15. Take It With Me (4:25)
16. Come On Up To The House (4:37)


Used Songs 1973-1980 (Coletânea 2001)
01. Heartattack And Vine (4:44)
02. Eggs And Sausage (In A Cadillac With Susan Michelson) (4:23)
03. A Sight For Sore Eyes (4:41)
04. Whistlin' Past The Graveyard (3:16)
05. Burma Shave (6:33)
06. Step Right Up (5:40)
07. Ol' 55 (3:58)
08. I Never Talk To Strangers (3:38)
09. Mr. Siegal (5:14)
10. Jersey Girl (5:10)
11. Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis (4:32)
12. Blue Valentines (5:51)
13. (Looking For) The Heart Of Saturday Night (3:51)
14. Muriel (3:34)
15. Wrong Side Of The Road (5:14)
16. Tom Traubert's Blues (Four Sheets To The Wind In Copenhagen) (6:35)


Alice (2002)
01. Alice (4:29)
02. Everything You Can Think (3:10)
03. Flower's Grave (3:29)
04. No One Knows I'm Gone (1:42)
05. Kommienezuspadt (3:11)
06. Poor Edward (3:43)
07. Table Top Joe (4:14)
08. Lost In The Harbour (3:45)
09. We're All Mad Here (2:32)
10. Watch Her Disappear (2:34)
11. Reeperbahn (4:03)
12. I'm Still Here (1:49)
13. Fish & Bird (4:00)
14. Barcarolle (4:00)
15. Fawn (1:44)


Blood Money (2002)
01. Misery Is The River Of The World (4:25)
02. Everything Goes To Hell (3:46)
03. Coney Island Baby (4:03)
04. All The World Is Green (4:37)
05. God's Away On Business (3:00)
06. Another Man's Vine (2:28)
07. Knife Chase (2:27)
08. Lullaby (2:09)
09. Starving In The Belly Of A Whale (3:42)
10. The Part You Throw Away (4:22)
11. Woe (1:20)
12. Calliope (1:59)
13. A Good Man Is Hard To Find (3:58)


Real Gone (2004)
01. Top Of The Hill (4:55)
02. Hoist That Rag (4:20)
03. Sins Of My Father (10:37)
04. Shake It (3:52)
05. Don't Go Into That Barn (5:22)
06. How's It Gonna End (4:52)
07. Metropolitan Glide (4:14)
08. Dead And Lovely (5:41)
09. Circus (3:56)
10. Trampled Rose (3:59)
11. Green Grass (3:14)
12. Baby Gonna Leave Me (4:29)
13. Clang Boom Steam (0:46)
14. Make It Rain (3:40)
15. Day After Tomorrow (6:53)
16. Chick A Boom (1:18)


Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers And Bastards (Box Set 2006)
CD 1: Brawlers.

01. Lie To Me (2:10)
02. Low Down (4:15)
03. 2:19 (5:02)
04. Fish In The Jailhouse (4:22)
05. Bottom Of The World (5:42)
06. Lucinda (4:52)
07. Ain't Goin' Down To The Well (2:28)
08. Lord I've Been Changed (2:28)
09. Puttin' On The Dog (3:39)
10. Road To Peace (7:17)
11. All The Time (4:33)
12. The Return Of Jackie And Judy (3:28)
13. Walk Away (2:43)
14. Sea Of Love (3:43)
15. Buzz Fledderjohn (4:12)
16. Rains On Me (3:20)

CD 2: Bawlers.

01. Bend Down The Branches (1:06)
02. You Can Never Hold Back Spring (2:26)
03. Long Way Home (3:10)
04. Widow's Grove (4:58)
05. Little Drop Of Poison (3:09)
06. Shiny Things (2:20)
07. World Keeps Turning (4:16)
08. Tell It To Me (3:08)
09. Never Let Go (3:13)
10. Fannin Street (5:01)
11. Little Man (4:33)
12. It's Over (4:40)
13. If I Have To Go (2:15)
14. Goodnight Irene (4:47)
15. The Fall Of Troy (3:00)
16. Take Care Of All My Children (2:31)
17. Down There By The Train (5:38)
18. Danny Says (3:05)
19. Jayne's Blue Wish (2:29)
20. Young At Heart (3:41)

CD 3: Bastards.

01. What Keeps Mankind Alive (2:09)
02. Children's Story (1:42)
03. Heigh Ho (3:32)
04. Army Ants (3:25)
05. Books Of Moses (2:49)
06. Bone Chain (1:03)
07. Two Sisters (4:55)
08. First Kiss (2:40)
09. Dog Door (2:43)
10. Redrum (1:12)
11. Nirvana (2:12)
12. Home I'll Never Be (2:28)
13. Poor Little Lamb (1:43)
14. Altar Boy (2:48)
15. The Pontiac (1:54)
16. Spidey's Wild Ride (2:03)
17. King Kong (5:29)
18. On The Road (4:14)
19. Dog Treat (2:56)
20. Missing My Son (3:38)


Live In Concert (2008)
01. Spare Parts (5:21)
02. Invitation To The Blues (6:44)
03. Depot, Depot (3:20)
04. The Piano Has Been Drinking (3:25)
05. Pasties & A G-string (4:43)
06. Step Right Up (4:05)
07. Semi Suite (3:42)
08. Fumblin With The Blues (2:39)
09. Midnight Lullaby (3:41)
10. Emotional Weather Report (3:26)
11. I Can't Wait To Get Off Work (6:52)
12. New Cort Of Paint (2:23)
13. Nobody But You (3:28)
14. Diamonds On My Windshield (3:54)
15. Everytime I Hear This Melody (4:41)
16. The One That Got Away (5:21)


Glitter And Doom Live (2009)
CD 1.

01. Lucinda/Ain't Goin' Down (5:37)
02. Singapore (5:00)
03. Get Behind The Mule (6:26)
04. Fannin Street (4:16)
05. Dirt In The Ground (5:18)
06. Such A Scream (2:54)
07. Live Circus (5:04)
08. Going Out West (3:48)
09. Falling Down (4:21)
10. The Part You Throw Away (5:06)
11. Trampled Rose (5:06)
12. Metropolitan Glide (3:09)
13. I'll Shoot The Moon (4:25)
14. Green Grass (3:20)
15. Make It Rain (3:58)
16. Story (2:02)
17. Lucky Day (3:47)

CD 2.

01. Tom Tales (35:53)


Bad As Me (2011)
CD 1.

01. Chicago (2:15)
02. Raised Right Men (3:24)
03. Talking At The Same Time (4:14)
04. Get Lost (2:42)
05. Face To The Highway (3:43)
06. Pay Me (3:14)
07. Back In The Crowd (2:49)
08. Bad As Me (3:10)
09. Kiss Me (3:41)
10. Satisfied (4:05)
11. Last Leaf (2:56)
12. Hell Broke Luce (3:57)
13. New Year's Eve (4:26)

CD 2: Bunus.

01. She Stole The Blush (2:51)
02. Tell Me (3:43)
03. After You Die (2:47)
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