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Tiamat - Discografia.

Tiamat é uma banda sueca pioneira do gothic metal europeu. Começou como uma banda de death metal em Estocolmo.

As raízes do Tiamat estão no Treblinka, uma banda sueca formada em 1987. (O nome Treblinka vem de uma cidade da Polônia onde os nazistas montaram o primeiro campo de concentração para matar judeus nas câmaras de gás). Depois de algumas demos a banda estava para lançar seu primeiro álbum, Sumerian Cry, quando tiveram de mudar às pressas o nome da banda para Tiamat. 

Sumerian Cry, lançado por um pequeno selo inglês (C.M.F.T.), lembra bastante a sonoridade dos seus contemporâneos de Estocolmo: Um Death metal de velocidade variada, inspirado tanto no Slayer como no Autopsy. 

Algumas passagens lentas, reminiscentes do Black Sabbath. 

E um timbre "serra - elétrica" de guitarra, que era uma marca registrada do Sunlight Studos. 

Com uma ajudinha dos amigos do Unleashed, o grupo se muda para a Century Media e lança The Astral Sleep. Logo de cara vemos que as mudanças sonoras do segundo álbum são radicais. O som está agora muito mais puxado para o Metallica e o Celtic Frost. Também não vemos os blast beats e as temáticas satânicas de outrora. Temos agora também a presença constante de violões e teclados, dando um clima mais intimista e "sofisticado" ao que era antes pura bile e agressão. 

Clouds segue o mesmo caminho, com uma produção melhor e músicas mais maduras. Um ano depois lançam The Sleeping Beauty, um EP gravado ao vivo em Tel-Aviv (Israel). 

O pico precoce de sua carreira foi Wildhoney, e por um momento foram a prioridade da Century Media (privilégio que hoje pertence ao Lacuna Coil).

Nessa época a banda saiu em turnê pela Europa com o Type O Negative, o grande nome do Metal gótico americano. Em 1995 foi a vez deles abrirem a turnê do Black Sabbath e Motörhead nos Estados Unidos. 

Depois do mal recebido Deeper Kind of Slumber - que estava para R.E.M. e Tricky do que Heavy metal - a banda "estacionou" num Gothic metal padrão, com ocasionais vislumbres musicais (a música "Brighter than the Sun", p. ex). Texto: Wikipédia. 



Johan Edlund (Vocais, Guitarras, Teclados, Theremin, desde 1987)
Lars Sköld (Bateria, desde 1994)
Anders Iwers (Baixo, ao vivo, 1992, desde 1996)
Roger Öjersson (Guitarras, Teclados, Bandolim, Backing Vocals, ao vivo 2011-2012, desde 2012)

Ex - Integrantes.

Jörgen Thullberg / Juck (Baixo, 1987-1992)
Anders Holmberg (Bateria, 1987-1990)
Stefan Lagergren (Guitarras, 1987-1990)
Niklas Ekstrand (Bateria, 1990-1994)
Thomas Petersson / Thomas Wyreson (Guitarras, 1990-1994, 1996-1999, 2001-2008)
Johnny Hagel (Baixo, 1992-1996)
Kenneth Roos (Teclados, 1992-1994)
P.A. Danielsson (Teclados, 1994-1995, R.I.P 2004)

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Sumerian Cry (1990)
01. Intro: Sumerian Cry, Part 1 (0:58)
02. In the Shrines of the Kingly Dead (4:09)
03. The Malicious Paradise (4:29)
04. Necrophagious Shadows (4:36)
05. Apothesis of Morbidity (6:05)
06. Nocturnal Funeral (4:06)
07. Altar Flame (4:31)
08. Evilized (5:00)
09. Where the Serpents Ever Dwell / Outro: Sumerian Cry, Part 2 (6:09)
10. The Sign of the Pentagram (3:54)

The Astral Sleep (1991)
01. Neo Aeon (2:10)
02. Lady Temptress (3:45)
03. Mountain Of Doom (4:37)
04. Dead Boys' Choir (1:53)
05. Sumerian Cry (Part III) (5:16)
06. On Golden Wings (4:59)
07. Ancient Entity (6:17)
08. The Southernmost Voyage (3:12)
09. Angels Far Beyond (4:43)
10. I Am The King (... Of Dreams) (4:34)
11. A Winter Shadow (5:24)
12. The Seal (1:53)
Bonus Tracks.
13. A Winter Shadow (EP Version) (5:25)
14. Ancient Entity (EP Version) (5:54)

Clouds (1992)
01. In A Dream (5:13)
02. Clouds (3:40)
03. Smell Of Incense (4:29)
04. A Caress Of Stars (5:27)
05. The Sleeping Beauty (4:11)
06. Forever Burning Flames (4:23)
07. The Scapegoat (4:57)
08. Undressed (7:09)

Wildhoney (1994)
CD 1: Album.

01. Wildhoney (0:54)
02. Whatever That Hurts (5:48)
03. The Ar (5:05)
04. 25th Floor (1:50)
05. Gaia (6:27)
06. Visionaire (4:20)
07. Kaleidoscope (1:20)
08. Do You Dream of Me? (5:07)
09. Planets (3:13)
10. A Pocket Size Sun (8:04)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Gaia (Video Edit) (3:45)
12. The Ar (Radio Edit) (3:25)
13. When You're In (Pink Floyd Cover) (5:49)
14. Whatever That Hurts (Video Edit) (4:20)
15. The Ar (Ind Mix) (2:29)
16. Visionaire (Remixed Long Form Version) (4:54)

CD 2: Live.

01. Vote for Love (5:17)
02. Children of the Underworld (3:48)
03. Cain (5:26)
04. Brighter Than the Sun (4:05)
05. To Have and Have Not (5:56)
06. Whatever That Hurts (5:09)
07. I Am in Love With Myself (3:53)
08. In a Dream (4:17)
09. Wings of Heaven (4:33)
10. Cold Seed (4:02)
11. Clovenhoof (5:10)
12. As Long as You Are Mine (5:04)
13. Love Is as Good as Soma (6:51)
14. The Sleeping Beauty (4:56)
15. Gaia (7:54)

A Deeper Kind Of Slumber (1997)
01. Cold Seed (3:52)
02. Teonanacatl (4:17)
03. Trillion Zillion Centipedes (1:30)
04. The Desolate One (3:44)
05. Atlantis As A Lover (5:28)
06. Alteration X 10 (5:09)
07. Four Leary Biscuits (4:02)
08. Only In My Tears It Lasts (4:48)
09. The Whores Of Babylon (3:53)
10. Kite (2:02)
11. Phantasma De Luxe (4:58)
12. Mount Marilyn (10:33)
13. A Deeper Kind Of Slumber (5:47)
Japanese Bonus Tracks.
14. Only In My Tears It Lasts (The Cat Mix) (5:25)
15. Three Leary Biscuits (4:16)

Skeleton Skeletron (1999)
01. Church Of Tiamat (4:52)
02. Brighter Than The Sun (4:09)
03. Dust Is Our Fare (5:03)
04. To Have And Have Not (5:09)
05. For Her Pleasure (5:03)
06. Diyala (1:26)
07. Sympathy For The Devil (Rolling Stones Cover) (5:20)
08. Best Friend Money Can Buy (4:35)
09. As Long As You Are Mine (4:40)
10. Lucy (5:17)
11. Children of the Underworld (Bonus Track For Japan) (4:52)

Judas Christ (2002)
01. The Return of the Son of Nothing (4:59)
02. So Much for Suicide (4:22)
03. Vote for Love (4:50)
04. The Truth's for Sale (4:40)
05. Fireflower (3:46)
06. Sumer by Night (2:37)
07. Love Is as Good as Soma (6:42)
08. Angel Holograms (3:38)
09. Spine (4:05)
10. I Am in Love With Myself (4:22)
11. Heaven of High (3:52)
12. Too Far Gone (4:51)
13. Sixshooter (4:09)
14. However You Look at It You Lose (4:09)

Prey (2003)
01. Cain (5:25)
02. Ten Thousand Tentacles (1:35)
03. Wings of Heaven (4:32)
04. Love in Chains (4:24)
05. Divided (5:19)
06. Carry Your Cross and I'll Carry Mine (4:37)
07. Triple Cross (1:21)
08. Light in Extension (4:47)
09. Prey (3:32)
10. The Garden of Heathen (1:25)
11. Clovenhoof (4:55)
12. Nihil (6:10)
13. The Pentagram (7:21)

Commandments: An Anthology (Coletânea 2007)
01. Where The Serpents Ever Dwell (5:58)
02. On Golden Wings (4:59)
03. Ancient Entity (6:15)
04. The Sleeping Beauty (4:11)
05. A Caress Of Stars (5:23)
06. Whatever That Hurts (5:44)
07. Gaia (6:25)
08. Cold Seed (3:52)
09. Phantasma De Luxe (4:58)
10. Brighter Than The Sun (4:09)
11. As Long As You Are Mine (4:40)
12. The Return Of The Son Of Nothing (4:59)
13. Vote For Love (4:49)
14. Cain (5:06)
15. Wings Of Heaven (4:32)
16. Divided (Edit) (3:58)

Amanethes (2008)
01. The Temple Of The Crescent Moon (5:33)
02. Equinox Of The Gods (4:35)
03. Until The Hellhounds Sleep Again (4:07)
04. Will They Come? (5:13)
05. Lucienne (4:41)
06. Summertime Is Gone (3:53)
07. Katarraktis Apo Aima (2:42)
08. Raining Dead Angels (4:18)
09. Misantropolis (4:13)
10. Amanitis (3:21)
11. Meliae (6:11)
12. Via Dolorosa (4:06)
13. Circles (3:48)
14. Amanes (5:29)
15. Thirst Snake (4:53)

The Ark Of The Covenant (Box Set 2008)
CD 1: 1991 The Astral Sleep.
01. Neo Aeon (Intro) (2:12)
02. Lady Temptress (3:47)
03. Mountain Of Doom (4:39)
04. Dead Boys’ Choir (1:55)
05. Sumerian Cry (Part III) (5:18)
06. On Golden Wings (5:01)
07. Ancient Entity (6:19)
08. The Southernmost Voyage (3:14)
09. Angels Far Beyond (4:45)
10. I Am The King (...Of Dreams) (4:36)
11. A Winter Shadows (5:26)
12. The Seal (Outro) (1:53)

CD 2: 1992 Clouds.
01. In A Dream (5:13)
02. Clouds (3:40)
03. Smell Of Incense (4:29)
04. A Caress Of Stars (5:27)
05. The Sleeping Beauty (4:11)
06. Forever Burning Flames (4:23)
07. The Scapegoat (4:57)
08. Undressed (7:08)

CD 3: 1994 Live In Israel.
01. In A Dream (5:01)
02. Ancient Entity (6:33)
03. The Sleeping Beauty (4:31)
04. Mountain Of Doom (5:28)
05. Angels Far Beyond (8:50)

CD 4: 1994 Wildhoney.
01. Wildhoney (0:56)
02. Whatever That Hurts (5:50)
03. The Ar (5:07)
04. 25Th Floor (1:52)
05. Gaia (6:29)
06. Visionaire (4:22)
07. Kaleidoscope (1:22)
08. Do You Dream Of Me? (5:09)
09. Planets (3:15)
10. A Pocket Size Sun (8:04)

CD 5: 1994 Gaia.
01. Gaia (Video Edit) (3:47)
02. The Ar (Radio Edit) (3:27)
03. When You’Re In (Pink Floyd Cover) (5:51)
04. Whatever That Hurts (Video Edit) (4:22)
05. The Ar (Ind. Mix) (2:31)
06. Visionaire (Remixed Longform Version) (4:54)

CD 6: 1995 Wildlife.
01. Whatever That Hurts (5:46)
02. The Ar (4:55)
03. In A Dream (4:34)
04. 25th Floor (1:02)
05. Gaia (6:23)
06. Visionaire (4:11)
07. Kaleidoscope (0:32)
08. Do You Dream Of Me? (3:29)
09. The Sleeping Beauty (4:28)
10. A Pocket Size Sun (8:41)

CD 7: 1997 A Deeper Kind Of Slumber.
01. Cold Seed (3:54)
02. Teonanacatl (4:19)
03. Trillion Zillion Centipedes (1:32)
04. The Desolate One (3:46)
05. Atlantis As A Lover (5:30)
06. Alteration X 10 (5:11)
07. Four Leary Biscuits (4:05)
08. Only In My Tears It Lasts (4:50)
09. The Whores Of Babylon (3:55)
10. Kite (2:04)
11. Phantasma De Luxe (4:59)
12. Mount Marilyn (10:36)
13. A Deeper Kind Of Slumber (5:47)

CD 8: 1999 Skeleton Skeletron.
01. Church Of Tiamat (4:52)
02. Brighter Than The Sun (4:09)
03. Dust Is Our Fare (5:02)
04. To Have And Have Not (5:09)
05. For Her Pleasure (5:03)
06. Diyala (1:26)
07. Sympathy For The Devil (Rolling Stones cover) (5:20)
08. Best Friend Money Can Buy (4:36)
09. As Long As You Are Mine (4:40)
10. Lucy (5:18)

CD 9: 2002 Judas Christ.
01. The Return Of The Son Of Nothing (4:59)
02. So Much For Suicide (4:23)
03. Vote For Love (4:50)
04. The Truth's For Sale (4:40)
05. Fireflower (3:46)
06. Sumer By Night (2:37)
07. Love Is As Good As Soma (6:42)
08. Angel Holograms (3:38)
09. Spine (4:05)
10. I Am In Love With Myself (4:22)
11. Heaven Of High (3:52)
12. Too Far Gone (4:50)

CD 10: 2003 Prey.
01. Cain (5:25)
02. Ten Thousand Tentacles (1:35)
03. Wings Of Heaven (4:32)
04. Love In Chains (4:24)
05. Divided (5:19)
06. Carry Your Cross And I’ll Carry Mine (4:37)
07. Triple Cross (1:21)
08. Light In Extintion (4:47)
09. Prey (3:32)
10. The Garden Of Heathen (1:25)
11. Clovenhoof (4:55)
12. Nihil (6:10)
13. The Pentagram (7:21)

CD 11: 2006 The Church Of Tiamat.
01. Vote For Love (5:17)
02. Children Of The Underworld (3:48)
03. Cain (5:26)
04. Brighter Than The Sun (4:05)
05. To Have And Have Not (5:56)
06. Whatever That Hurts (5:09)
07. I Am In Love With Myself (3:53)
08. In A Dream (4:17)
09. Wings Of Heaven (4:33)
10. Cold Seed (4:02)
11. Clovenhoof (5:10)
12. As Long As You Are Mine (5:04)
13. Love Is As Good As Soma (6:51)
14. The Sleeping Beauty (4:56)
15. Gaia (7:54)

CD 12: 2008 Panopticon.
01. A Winter Shadow (5:24)
02. Ancient Entity (5:53)
03. Only In My Tears It Lasts (The Cat Mix) (5:25)
04. Three Leary Biscuits (4:18)
05. Brighter Than The Sun (Single Edit) (3:40)
06. Children Of The Underworld (4:51)
07. For Her Pleasure (Edit) (3:45)
08. Lucy (Demon Mix-Remixed By Element & The Short Romans) (4:19)
09. Brighter Than The Sun (Bullsrun Mix-Remixed By Tarsia) (4:50)
10. As Long As You Are Mine (Club A Go-Go Mix-Remixed By Mathias Lodmalm) (3:21)
11. Sixshooter (4:07)
12. However You Look At It You Lose (4:09)
13. Vote For Love (Radio Edit) (4:15)
14. Cold Last Supper (3:30)
15. Cain (Radio Edit) (3:57)
16. Sleeping (In The Fire-W.A.S.P. Cover) (3:44)
17. Divided (Edit) (3:58)


The Scarred People (2012)
01. The Scarred People (6:38)
02. Winter Dawn (4:13)
03. 384 (4:25)
04. Radiant Star (3:46)
05. The Sun Also Rises (5:06)
06. Before Another Wilbury Dies (1:40)
07. Love Terrorists (5:42)
08. Messinian Letter (4:20)
09. Thunder & Lightning (4:33)
10. Tiznit (3:04)
11. Born to Die (4:42)
12. The Red of the Morning Sun (4:22)
13. Paradise (5:29)
14. Divided (Live) (4:46)
15. Cain (Live) (5:18)

Singles & EP'S.
Links no final da página.

The Sleeping Beauty: Live In Israel (EP 1994)
01. In a Dream (5:01)
02. Ancient Entity (6:33)
03. The Sleeping Beauty (4:31)
04. Mountain of Doom (5:28)
05. Angels Far Beyond (8:50)

Gaia (EP 1994)
01. Gaia (Video Edit) (3:46)
02. The Ar (Radio Cut) (3:25)
03. When You’re In (5:49)
04. Whatever That Hurts (Video Edit) (4:20)
05. The Ar (Ind. Mix) (2:29)
06. Visionaire (Remixed Longform Version) (4:54)

Cold Seed (Single 1997)
01. Cold Seed (3:55)
02. Only in My Tears It Lasts (The Cat Mix) (5:25)
03. Three Leary Biscuits (4:18)

Brighter Than The Sun (Single 1999)
01. Brighter Than The Sun (Radio Edit) (3:42)
02. Sympathy For The Devil (5:01)
03. Children Of The Underworld (4:53)
04. Brighter Than The Sun (Album Version) (4:10)

For Her Pleasure (Single 1999)
01. For Her Pleasure (Edit) (3:47)
02. Lucy (Demon Mix) (4:21)
03. Brighter Than The Sun (Bullsrun Mix) (4:54)
04. As Long As You Are Mine (Lodmalm’s Coctail Club A Go-Go Mix) (3:21)

Vote For Love (Single 2002)
01. Vote For Love (Radio Edit) (4:18)
02. So Much For Suicide (4:24)
03. Cold Last Supper (3:30)

Cain (Single 2003)
01. Cain (Radio Edit) (4:01)
02. Sleeping (In The Fire) (3:48)
03. Love In Chains (4:24)

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