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Taj Mahal - Discografia.

Henry Saint Clair Fredericks, mais conhecido como Taj Mahal (Nova Iorque, 17 de maio de 1942) é um cantor e guitarrista de blues americano, nascido no Harlem, Nova Iorque.

Mahal é reconhecido mundialmente como músico de blues com dois prêmios Grammy, uma mistura de várias formas da world music em suas fronteiras. Um músico autodidata, compositor de cinema que toca violão, banjo e gaita (entre muitos outros instrumentos), Mahal tem feito muito para elevar o som do blues ao longo de sua carreira de quase 50 anos, fundindo-a com as formas não tradicionais, incluindo os ritmos do Caribe, África do Sul e do Pacífico. 


Durante quarenta anos Taj Mahal explorou as raízes do blues, ele revitalizou a tradição e preparou o caminho para uma nova geração de bluseiros. Assimilou diferentes ritmos e criou um blues que vai além do tradicional. 

Enquanto muitos afro-americanos decidiram evitar velhos estilos musicais durante a década de 1960, Taj Mahal mergulhou nas raízes de seu passado.
Seus pais incutiram nele o sentimento de orgulho pela sua ancestralidade através de suas histórias. Seus pais também o incentivaram na música, iniciando-o com aulas de piano clássico. 

Ele também estudou clarinete, trombone e gaita. Taj Mahal nasceu Henry Saint Claire Fredericks, em Nova York em 1942. Seu pai, que emigrou do Caribe, escreveu arranjos para Benny Goodman e tocava piano. 

Sua mãe, Mildred Shields, foi professora na escola da Carolina do Sul. Através de seus pais cantou e ouviu gospel nas vozes de Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Mahalia Jackson e Ray Charles. 

Também ouviu a música de todo o mundo na rádio de onda curta de seu pai e desenvolveu o seu amor pelo blues e pelos artistas Leadbelly e Lightnin 'Hopkins, e também pelo rock and roll de Chuck Berry e Bo Diddley e pelo jazz de Illinois Jacquet, Ben Webster, Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk e Milt Jackson. 

Taj Mahal cresceu em Massachusetts, jovem ainda mergulhou no estudo da sua herança cultural. Aos 11 anos testemunhou a morte de seu pai em um acidente na sua empresa de construção, esmagado por um trator, mas Mahal encontrou consolo na música. 

Quando sua mãe casou-se novamente, ele descobriu no porão da casa o violão de seu padrasto e aprendeu a tocá-la com um pente quebrado. Ele também desenvolveu uma paixão pela agricultura que quase rivalizava com seu amor pela música. 

Aos dezenove anos de idade ele era capataz agrícola. Taj Mahal, o seu nome artístico, veio-lhe de um sonho que teve sobre Gandhi e a tolerância social. 

Ele começou a usá-lo em 1959, época que iniciou a Universidade de Massachusetts tornando-se um membro do ‘Future Farmers of America’, e com especialização em produção animal e em ciência veterinária e agronomia. 


Mahal decidiu tomar o caminho da música, em vez da agricultura. Ele participou do Newport Folk Festival no início dos anos 1960 e testemunhou as apresentações de grandes artistas do tradicional blues e do folk o que reforçou a sua decisão de tocar guitarra acústica. 

Após graduar-se em 1964 mudou-se para Los Angeles e formou o The Rising Sons com Ry Cooder e Jessie Lee Kincaid. O grupo assinou com a Columbia Records, mas a gravadora não tinha certeza quanto ao sucesso do grupo com um repertório que incluía blues country eletrificado e músicas folclóricas tradicionais. 

Embora o Rising Sons tenha lançado um single, o restante do material gravado permaneceu trancado nos cofres da gravadora até 1992. Ao romper com o grupo, Taj Mahal permaneceu com a Columbia e gravou seu auto intitulado álbum de estreia, Taj Mahal. 

O álbum teve uma aceitação surpreendente e o álbum seguinte, The Natch'l Blues foi igualmente bem recebido como Giant Step, em 1969. Esses três registros construíram a sua reputação como um bluesman autêntico, único e moderno. 

Estilos musicais.

É considerado um estudioso do blues, seus estudos de etnomusicologia na Universidade de Massachusetts o aproximaram mais da música popular do Caribe e da África Ocidental. 

Ao longo do tempo, incorporou mais e mais raízes da música africana abrangendo elementos de reggae, calypso, jazz, zydeco (uma forma de música folk norte-americana que possui sempre o som de um acordeon), rhythm and blues e música gospel. 

Mahal continuou a explorar novas direções na década de 1970, gravou o Happy Just to Be Like I Am com ritmos caribenhos, enquanto em The Real Thing introduziu a tuba como tocada em New Orleans. 

Em 1973 gravou a trilha sonora do filme Sounder, e no ano seguinte, lançou Mo' Roots, um álbum fortemente influenciado pelo reggae. 

Com a carreira estagnada na década de 80 decidiu mudar-se para o Havaí e formou a banda Hula Blues Band. Voltou em 1988 e gravou Taj que revitalizou a sua carreira. 

Na década de 90 lançou álbuns completos de blues, pop, R&B e rock e voltou a chamar a atenção com os álbuns, Phantom Blues e Señor Blues de 1998, que ganhou o Grammy de melhor álbum de blues contemporâneo.
Entre as suas músicas mais conhecidas estão "Corrina" e "Ain’t That a Lot of Love" com a qual participou do antológico disco Rock and Roll Circus, dos Rolling Stones. 

A trajetória de Taj Mahal continua e sua obra tem influenciado músicos que também procuram outras direções dentro do blues, como é o caso de Joe Louis Walker, Corey Harris, Keb’Mo, Guy Davis, Robert Cray e o cantor Ben Harper. 

Maestro é o título perfeito para este álbum que marcou o 40º aniversário de carreira de Taj Mahal. Um álbum com vários artistas convidados: Los Lobos, banda americana altamente influenciada pela música country e músicas tradicionais mexicanas e espanholas aparecem em "Never Let You Go" e "TV Mama". 

Jack Johnson, filho do famoso surfista Jeff Johnson, é cantor, compositor, e cineasta conhecido por seu trabalho no soft rock e gêneros acústicos está na regravação "Further On Down the Road", e a voz de Ben Harper pode ser ouvida em "Dust Me Down". 

Outras aparições incluem Angélique Kidjo cantora e ativista da República do Benin, na música "Zanzibar" e Ziggy Marley, filho mais velho de Bob Marley em "Man on Black, Brown Man". 

Além disso, Taj Mahal contou novamente com a Phantom Blues Band, banda formada para acompanhá-lo em seu álbum Dancin' the Blues e com quem gravou também os Señor Blues e Shoutin' in Key. 

Toumani Diabate, cantor de Mali com quem Taj Mahal gravou o álbum Kulanjan que lhe permitiu reencontrar a sua ascendência africana dando-lhe a sensação de voltar para casa e sua filha Deva Mahal com quem tinha gravado em 1987 o álbum Shake Sugaree, o primeiro dos álbuns gravados com várias crianças. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.

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Taj Mahal (1968)
01. Leaving Trunk (4:51)
02. Statesboro Blues (3:00)
03. Checkin' Up On My Baby (4:55)
04. Everybody's Got To Change Sometime (2:57)
05. E Z Rider (3:04)
06. Dust My Broom (2:39)
07. Diving Duck Blues (2:42)
08. The Celebrated Walkin' Blues (8:52)

The Natch'l Blues (1968)
01. Good Morning Miss Brown (3:17)
02. Corinna (3:04)
03. I Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Steal My Jellyroll (3:15)
04. Going Up To The Country, Paint My Mailbox Blue (3:38)
05. Done Changed My Way Of Living (7:05)
06. She Caught The Katy And Left Me A Mule To Ride (3:30)
07. The Cuckoo (4:16)
08. You Don't Miss Your Water ('Till Your Well Runs Dry) (4:27)
09. Ain't That A Lot Of Love (4:11)
Bonus Tracks.
10. The Cuckoo (Alternate Version) (3:22)
11. New Stranger Blues (5:41)
12. Things Are Gonna Work Out Fine (3:17)

Giant Step (1969)
CD 1: Giant Step.

01. Ain't Gwine Whistle Dixie (Any Mo') (1:04)
02. Take A Giant Step (4:18)
03. Give Your Woman What She Wants (Motion Picture The April Fools) (2:32)
04. Good Morning Little School Girl (3:46)
05. You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond (4:59)
06. Six Days On The Road (3:03)
07. Farther On Down The Road (You Will Accompany Me) (4:41)
08. Keep Your Hands Off Her (2:17)
09. Bacon Fat (6:43)

CD 2: De Ole Folks At Home.

01. Linin' Track (1:43)
02. Country Blues #1 (2:40)
03. Wild Ox Moan (2:48)
04. Light Rain Blues (3:24)
05. A Little Soulful Tune (2:40)
06. Candy Man (2:58)
07. Cluck Old Hen (2:34)
08. Colored Aristocracy (2:08)
09. Blind Boy Rag (4:14)
10. Stagger Lee (3:26)
11. Cajun Tune (1:59)
12. Fishin' Blues (3:11)
13. Annie's Lover (3:34)

Happy Just To Be Like I Am (1971)
01. Happy Just To Be Like I Am (3:51)
02. Stealin' (7:00)
03. Oh Susanna (5:21)
04. Eighteen Hammers (5:47)
05. Tomorrow May Not Be Your Day (4:16)
06. Chevrolet (2:45)
07. West Indian Revelation (6:09)
08. Black Spirit Boogie (7:09)

The Real Thing (Live 1971)
01. Fishin' Blues (2:58)
02. Ain't Gwine To Whistle Dixie (Any Mo') (9:11)
03. Sweet Mama Janisse (3:33)
04. Going Up To The Country And Paint My Mailbox Blue (3:24)
05. Bid Kneed Gal (5:34)
06. You're Going To Need Somebody On Your Bond (6:14)
07. Tom And Sally Drake (3:39)
08. Diving Duck Blues (3:46)
09. John, Ain't It Hard (5:30)
10. She Caught The Katy And Left Me A Mule To Ride (4:08)
11. You Ain't No Street Walker Mama, Honey But I Do Like The Way (18:56)

Recycling The Blues & Other Related Stuff (1972)
01. Conch: Introduction (1:09)
02. Kalimba (2:02)
03. Bound To Love Me Some (5:11)
04. Ricochet (4:47)
05. A Free Song (Rise Up Children Shake The Devil Out Of Your Soul) (3:57)
06. Corinna (3:12)
07. Conch: Close (0:33)
08. Cakewalk Into Town (2:34)
09. Sweet Home Chicago (6:42)
10. Texas Woman Blues (2:55)
11. Gitano Negro (8:29)

'Sounder' (Soundtrack 1972)
01. Needed Time / Sam Lightnin' Hopkins (2:54)
02. Sounder Chase A Coon (3:25)
03. Needed Time (Hummin' And Pickin') (1:26)
04. Morning Work / N' Meat's On The Stove (1:46)
05. I'm Running And I'm Happy (0:58)
06. Speedball (1:42)
07. Goin' To The Country / Critters In The Woods (1:49)
08. Motherless Children (Hummin') (1:21)
09. Jailhouse Blues (4:00)
10. Just Workin' (0:35)
11. Harriet's Dance Song (0:33)
12. Two Spirits Reunited (1:54)
13. David Runs Again (0:30)
14. Curiosity Blues (1:01)
15. Someday Be A Change (1:03)
16. Horseshoes (1:59)
17. Cheraw (2:23)
18. David's Dream (1:03)
19. Needed Time (Guitar) (2:29)
20. Needed Time (Banjo And Hand Clapping) (2:22)

Oooh So Good 'N Blues (1973)
01. Buck Dancer's Choice (3:10)
02. Little Red Hen (3:51)
03. Oh Mama Don't You Know (6:09)
04. Frankie And Albert (4:00)
05. Railroad Bill (2:49)
06. Dust My Broom (4:29)
07. Built For Comfort (4:58)
08. Teacup's Jazzy Blues Tune (4:20)

Mo' Roots (1974)
01. Johnny Too Bad (3:17)
02. Blackjack Davey (3:45)
03. Big Mama (4:43)
04. Cajun Waltz (6:03)
05. Slave Driver (2:44)
06. Why Did You Have To Desert Me? (5:55)
07. Desperate Lover (2:46)
08. Clara (St. Kitts Woman) (4:34)

Music Keeps Me Together (1975)
01. Music Keeps Me Together (3:40)
02. When Feel The Sea Beneath My Soul (3:09)
03. Dear Ladies (6:05)
04. Aristocracy (2:31)
05. Further On Down The Road (3:25)
06. Roll, Turn, Spin (4:48)
07. West Indian Revelation (6:58)
08. My Ancestors (4:06)
09. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man (3:44)
10. Why?...And We Repeat Why?...And We Repeat! (7:14)

Satisfied 'N Tickled Too (1976)
01. Satisfied 'N Tickled Too (5:29)
02. New E-Z Rider Blues (4:09)
03. Black Man, Brown Man (4:06)
04. Baby Love (8:58)
05. Ain't Nobody's Business (2:45)
06. Misty Morning Ride (3:18)
07. Easy Too Love (3:37)
08. Old Time Song - Old Love (3:43)
09. We Tune (3:09)

Brothers (Soundtrack 1977)
01. Love Theme In The Key Of D (8:11)
02. Funky Butt (3:16)
03. Brother's Doin' Time (4:14)
04. Night Rider (3:00)
05. Free The Brothers (8:09)
06. Sentidos Dulce (Sweet Feelings) (5:16)
07. The Funeral March (3:59)
08. Malcolm's Song (2:33)
09. David And Angela (2:54)

Music Fuh Ya': Musica Para Tu (1977)
01. You Got It (4:56)
02. Freight Train (4:46)
03. Baby, You're My Destiny (6:01)
04. Sailin' into Walker's Cay (5:17)
05. Truck Driver's Two Step (5:00)
06. The Four Mills Brothers (5:01)
07. Honey Babe (4:12)
08. Curry (6:42)

Evolution: The Most Recent (1977)
01. Why You Do Me This Way (3:38)
02. Salsa de Laventille (4:28)
03. The Big Blues (3:04)
04. Highnite (6:48)
05. Southbound With the Hammer Down (3:04)
06. Sing a Happy Song (3:07)
07. Queen Bee (5:12)
08. Lowdown Showdown (3:16)
09. The Most Recent Evolution of Muthafusticus (3:30)

Taj Mahal And The International Rhythm Band - Live & Direct (1979)
01. Jorge Ben (6:04)
02. Reggae Nr. 1 (3:40)
03. You're Gonna Need Somebody (4:41)
04. Little Brown Dog (5:38)
05. Take A Giant Step (4:56)
06. L-O-V-E, Love (3:22)
07. And who (3:58)
08. Suva serenade (4:33)
09. Airplay (3:07)

Taj (1986)
01. Everybody Is Somebody (3:32)
02. Paradise (4:12)
03. Do I Love Her (4:06)
04. Light Of The Pacific (5:35)
05. Deed I Do (5:08)
06. Soothin' (3:24)
07. Pillow Talk (4:12)
08. Local Local Girl (4:24)
09. Kauai Kalypso (3:50)
10. French Letter (4:29)

Shake Sugaree (1988)
01. Fishin' Blues (4:35)
02. Brown Girl In The Ring (2:52)
03. Light Rain (3:32)
04. Quavi, Quavi (2:59)
05. Shake Sugaree (3:57)
06. Funky Bluesy ABC's (3:51)
07. Talkin' John Henry (3:06)
08. Railroad Bill (5:09)
09. A Soulful Tune (1:25)
10. Little Brown Dog (4:20)

Live At Ronnie Scott's (1990)
01. Big Blues (7:51)
02. Mail Box Blues (4:39)
03. Stagger Lee (4:29)
04. Come On in My Kitchen (5:34)
05. Local, Local girl (5:21)
06. Soothin' (7:06)
07. Fishing Blues (4:12)
08. Statesboro Blues (4:55)
09. Everybody Is Somebody (6:28)
10. Taj Mahal Interview (4:03)

Like Never Before (1991)
01. Don't Call Us (4:22)
02. River Of Love (4:09)
03. Scattered (5:42)
04. Ev'ry Wind (In The River) (4:54)
05. Blues With A Feeling (3:55)
06. Squat That Rabbit (4:42)
07. Take All The Time You Need (4:23)
08. Love Up (3:09)
09. Cakewalk Into Town (3:02)
10. Big Legged Mommas Are Back In Style (4:21)
11. Take A Giant Step (4:41)

Mule Bone (1991)
01. Jubilee (2:11)
02. Graveyard Mule (2:34)
03. Me and the Mule (2:05)
04. Song for a Banjo Dance (2:08)
05. But I Rode Some (2:28)
06. Hey Hey Blues (3:59)
07. Shake That Thing (3:20)
08. The Intermission Blues (3:34)
09. Crossing (2:36)
10. Bound No'th Blues (4:39)
11. Finale (4:10)

Taj Mahal And Ry Cooder - Rising Sons (1992)
01. Statesboro Blues (2:26)
02. If The River Was Whiskey (Divin' Duck Blues) (2:43)
03. By And By (Poor Me) (3:33)
04. Candy Man (2:06)
05. 2:10 Train (4:11)
06. Let The Good Times Roll (2:44)
07. .44 Blues (3:24)
08. 11th Street Overcrossing (2:14)
09. Corrin, Corrina (Sic) (2:58)
10. Tulsa County (2:44)
11. Walkin' Down The Line (2:15)
12. The Girl With Green Eyes (2:16)
13. Sunny's Dream (3:03)
14. Spanish Lace Blues (2:14)
15. The Devil's Got My Woman (3:07)
16. Take A Giant Step (2:56)
17. Flyin' So High (3:07)
18. Dust My Broom (3:05)
19. Last Fair Deal Gone Down (2:40)
20. Baby, What You Want Me To Do? (2:57)
21. Statesboro Blues (2:26)
22. I Got A Little (3:23)

Taj's Blues (Coletânea 1992)
01. Leaving Trunk (4:51)
02. Statesboro Blues (2:59)
03. Everbody's Got To Change Sometime (2:57)
04. Bound To Love Me Some (4:30)
05. Frankie & Albert (4:00)
06. East Bay Woman (9:19)
07. Dust My Broom (4:31)
08. Corinna (3:03)
09. Jellyroll (3:15)
10. Fishin' Blues (3:09)
11. Sounder Medley: (5:30)
Needed Time #2
Curiosity Blues
Horse Shoes
Needed Time #3
12. Country Blues #1 (2:37)

World Music (1993)
01. When I Feel the Sea Beneath My Soul (3:08)
02. My Ancestors (4:06)
03. Slave Driver (2:44)
04. West Indian Revelation (6:59)
05. Kalimba (1:41)
06. Desperate Lover (2:46)
07. Clara 'St. Kitts Woman' (4:04)
08. Cajun Waltz (6:04)
09. Roll, Turn, Spin (4:46)
10. Johnny Too Bad (3:17)
11. Brown Eyed Handsome Man (3:45)
12. Blackjack Davey (3:39)
13. Music Keeps Me Together (3:40)
14. When I Feel the Sea Beneath My Soul (Reprise) (3:07)

Dancing The Blues (1993)
01. Blue's Ain't Nothin' (4:15)
02. Hard Way (2:56)
03. Strut (3:43)
04. Going To The River (6:33)
05. Mockingbird (3:58)
06. Blue Light Boogie (4:05)
07. The Hoochi Coochi Coo (2:59)
08. That's How Strong My Love Is (3:12)
09. Down Home Girl (3:42)
10. Stranger In My Own Home Town (2:46)
11. Sitting On The Top Of The World (3:32)
12. I'm Ready (3:52)
13. I Can't Help Myself (Sugarpie Honeybunch) (2:46)

An Evening Of Acoustic Music (Live 1994)
01. Stagger Lee (3:50)
02. Dust My Broom (5:09)
03. Take This Hammer (3:58)
04. Blues With A Feeling (5:05)
05. Big Legged Mamas Are Back In Style Again (4:32)
06. Crossing (4:59)
07. Come On In My Kitchen (6:25)
08. Candy Man (4:19)
09. Satisfied 'N' Tickled Too (6:59)
10. Sittin' On Top Of The World (4:23)
11. Cake Walk Into Town (2:33)
12. Ain't Gwine To Whistle Dixie Anymo' (3:57)
13. Big Kneed Gal (5:47)
14. Texas Woman Blues (3:37)
15. Tom & Sally Drake (4:49)

Sugar Mama Blues (Live 1994)
01. Good Morning Miss Brown (5:20)
02. Going Up To The Country And Paint My Mailbox Blue (4:48)
03. Freight Train (6:23)
04. Baby You're My Destiny (5:59)
05. You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond (5:15)
06. Corrine Corrina (5:32)
07. Queen Bee (6:39)
08. Sugar Mama Blues (10:00)
09. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (6:56)

N. Ravikiran, Taj Mahal, V.M. Bhatt - Mumtaz Mahal (1995)
01. Coming of the Mandinka (5:16)
02. Come on in My Kitchen (11:34)
03. Rolling on the Sea (5:03)
04. Mary Don't You Weep (6:45)
05. Stand by Me (7:04)
06. Johnny Too Bad (5:50)
07. Curry and Quartertones (2:48)

Phantom Blues (1996)
01. Lovin' In My Baby's Eyes (2:43)
02. Cheatin' On You (3:22)
03. The Hustle Is On (2:42)
04. Here In The Dark (3:11)
05. Fanning The Flames (4:50)
06. I Need Your Loving (3:02)
07. Ooh Poo Pah Doo (4:02)
08. Lonely Avenue (3:30)
09. Don't Tell Me (3:48)
10. What Am I Living For? (2:47)
11. We're Gonna Make It (2:52)
12. Let The Four Winds Blow (3:13)
13. (You've Got To) Love Her With A Feeling (3:48)
14. The Car Of Your Dreams (4:09)

Señor Blues (1997)
01. Queen Bee (4:42)
02. Think (2:36)
03. Irresistible You (3:14)
04. Having A Real Bad Day (4:03)
05. Senor Blues (6:46)
06. Sophisticated Mama (3:57)
07. Oh Lord, Things Are Gettin' Crazy Up In Here (4:39)
08. I Miss You Baby (3:31)
09. You Rascal You (4:09)
10. Mind Your Business (2:43)
11. 21st Century Gypsy Singin' Lover Man (5:46)
12. At Last (I Found A Love) (2:41)
13. Mr. Pitiful (2:56)

The Real Blues (1998)
01. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (3:46)
02. Statesboro Blues (2:59)
03. Farther on Down the Road (4:41)
04. Jellyroll (3:16)
05. Big Mama (4:43)
06. Dust My Broom (4:32)
07. Johnny Too Bad (3:18)
08. Kalimba (1:42)
09. Stagger Lee (3:22)
10. Cajun Waltz (6:00)

Taj Mahal And The Hula Blues Band - Sacred Island (1998)
01. The Calypsonians (6:33)
02. Coconut Man (7:34)
03. Sacred Island (Moku La'a) (5:16)
04. Betty And Dupree (6:03)
05. The New Hula Blues (4:47)
06. No Na Mamo (4:34)
07. Mailbox Blues (3:34)
08. Kanikapila (7:02)

In Progress & In The Motion, 1965-1998 (Coletânea 1998)
CD 1.

01. You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond (6:18)
02. Corrina (4:28)
03. Checkin' Up On My Baby (5:39)
04. Leaving Trunk (6:26)
05. Buck Dancer's Choice (3:12)
06. Going Up To The Country, Paint My Mailbox Blue (3:34)
07. She Caught The Katy & Left Me A Mule To Ride (3:28)
08. Ain't Gwine Whistle Dixie (Any Mo') (1:03)
09. Stagger Lee (3:20)
10. Built For Comfort (4:46)
11. Natural Man (4:30)
12. Railroad Bill (2:35)
13. Texas Woman Blues (2:56)
14. Early In The Morning (5:01)
15. Dust My Broom (4:30)
16. Blind Boy Rag (4:09)

CD 2.

01. Oh, Susanna (2:59)
02. Cakewalk Into Town (2:32)
03. Fishin' Blues (Live Previously Unreleased) (3:15)
04. Nobody's Busines But My Own (Live Previously Unreleased) (3:30)
05. Sweet Mama Janisse (3:35)
06. Little Red Hen Blues (Live Previously Unreleased) (4:54)
07. Mary Don't You Weep (Live Previously Unreleased) (2:37)
08. Sweet Home Chicago (Live Previously Unreleased) (3:17)
09. Frankie & Albert (3:59)
10. M'Banjo (Previously Unreleased) (3:19)
11. Statesboro Blues (Take 2) (2:26)
12. Bye & Bye (3:34)
13. Six Days On The Road (3:01)
14. We Gonna Rock (Live) (5:55)
15. Ain't It Funky Now (Previously Unreleased) (2:45)
16. Tom & Sally Drake (3:42)
17. Fishin' Blues (Previously Unreleased) (3:14)
18. Blues With A Feeling (Previously Unreleased) (4:12)
19. Freight Train (Previously Unreleased) (3:20)

CD 3.

01. When I Feel the Sea Beneath My Soul (3:09)
02. West Indian Revelation (6:07)
03. Eighteen Hammers (3:32)
04. Johnny Too Bad (3:14)
05. Slave Driver (2:36)
06. (Clara) St. Kitts Woman (4:16)
07. Do I Love Her (4:04)
08. Everybody Is Somebody (3:31)
09. But I Rode Some (2:27)
10. Crossing (2:34)
11. Sentidos Dulce (Sweet Feelings) (3:09)
12. The Most Recent Evolution of Muthafusticus Modernusticus (3:24)
13. Curry (3:35)
14. Follow the Drinking Gourd (2:41)
15. Day-O (The Banana Boat Song) (3:34)
16. Little Brown Dog (4:16)
17. Senor Blues (3:43)
18. Ain't That a Lot of Love (4:00)
19. Take a Giant Step (4:18)

The Very Best Of (Coletânea 1998)
CD 1.

01. Six Days On The Road (3:00)
02. Fishin' Blues (3:09)
03. Ain't Gwine To Whistle Dixie (Any Mo') (8:28)
04. Senor Blues (6:45)
05. Think (2:36)
06. Squat That Rabbit (4:42)
07. Lovin' In My Baby's Eyes (2:41)
08. The Hustle Is On (2:41)
09. Here In The Dark (3:09)
10. Hard Way (2:54)
11. Strut (3:43)
12. Going To The River (6:32)
13. Every Wind (In The River) (4:53)
14. That's How Strong My Love Is (3:10)
15. Take A Giant Step (4:41)
16. Bank Robbery (4:37)

CD 2.

01. Blues Ain't Nothin' (4:16)
02. Blue Light Boogie (4:06)
03. Queen Bee (4:40)
04. Cheatin' On You (3:21)
05. Don't Call Us (4:19)
06. Mr. Pitiful (2:54)
07. Mind Your Own Business (2:42)
08. Mockingbird (3:59)
09. I Need Your Loving (3:00)
10. I Miss You Baby (3:30)
11. You Rascal You (4:09)
12. Let The Four Winds Blow (3:12)
13. (You've Got To) Love Her With A Feeling (3:47)
14. River Of Love (4:09)
15. Cakewalk Into Town (3:02)
16. End Credits (5:24)

Taj Mahal With Toumani Diabate - Kulanjan (1999)
01. Queen Bee (5:05)
02. Tunkaranke (6:31)
03. Ol' Georgie Buck (4:13)
04. Kulanjan (4:35)
05. Fanta (4:41)
06. Guede Man Na (6:10)
07. Catfish Blues (5:30)
08. K'an Ben (4:59)
09. Take This Hammer (5:01)
10. Atlanta Kaira (5:00)
11. Mississippi-Mali Blues (3:18)
12. Sahara (3:59)

Blue Light Boogie (Coletânea 1999)
01. River of Love (4:06)
02. Honky Tonk Women (4:39)
03. Don't Call Us (4:20)
04. Take A Giant Step (4:38)
05. Down Home Girl (3:43)
06. Feets Don't Fail Me Now (3:19)
07. Dark Angel (3:26)
08. Big Legged Mommas Are Back In Style (4:18)
09. John the Revelator (3:54)
10. Blue Light Boogie (4:05)
11. She Caught The Katy (3:40)
12. Mercedes Benz (3:17)

Taj Mahal & The Phantom Blues Band - Shoutin' In Key (Live 2000)
01. Honky Tonk (6:19)
02. EZ Rider (3:21)
03. Aint' That A Lot Of Love (3:10)
04. Ev'ry Wind (In The River) (5:14)
05. Stranger in My Own Home Town (2:55)
06. Woulda Coulda Shoulda (3:43)
07. Leavin' Trunk (6:06)
08. Rain from the Sky (3:28)
09. Mailbox Blues (3:49)
10. Cruisin' (3:47)
11. Corrina (3:44)
12. The Hoochie Coochie Coo (3:39)
13. Sentidos Dulce (6:26)

Blues Masters (Coletânea 2000)
01. Startesboro Blue (3:00)
02. Leaving Trunk (4:50)
03. Corinna (3:04)
04. Going Up To The Country Paint My Mailbox Blue (3:38)
05. She Cought The Katy And Left Me a Mule To Ride (3:30)
06. Take Going Step (4:18)
07. Six Days On the Road (3:01)
08. Father On Down The Road (4:40)
09. Fishin' Blues (3:10)
10. Cakewalk Into Town (2:35)
11. Oh Susanna (5:29)
12. Frankie And Albert (4:01)
13. Chevrolet (2:40)
14. Johny To Bad (3:17)
15. Sweet Mama Janisse (3:58)
16. Sophisticated Mama (4:16)
17. Blues Ain't Nothing (3:12)
18. Here In The Dark (2:43)
19. Mind Your own Business (2:40)

The Best Of The Private Years (Coletânea 2000)
01. Blues Ain't Nothin' (4:14)
02. Here In The Dark (3:10)
03. Mind Your Own Business (2:41)
04. lovin' In My Baby's Eyes (2:40)
05. Seсor Blues (6:45)
06. Ooh Poo Pah Doo (4:01)
07. The Hoochi Coochi Coo (2:55)
08. Mr. Pitiful (3:23)
09. Need Your Lovin' (2:32)
10. I'm ready (3:44)
11. Sophisticated Mama (3:56)
12. Mockingbird (3:56)
13. That's How Strong My Love Is (3:06)

Taj Mahal & The Hula Blues Band - Hanapepe Dream (2003)
01. Great Big Boat (2:43)
02. Blackjack Davey (5:51)
03. Moonlight Lady (5:03)
04. King Edward's Throne (3:39)
05. African Herbman (4:01)
06. Baby You're My Destiny (3:32)
07. Stagger Lee (4:43)
08. Living' On Easy (3:26)
09. My Creole Belle (2:59)
10. All Along The Watchtower (3:30)
11. Hanapepe Dream (5:26)

Blues With A Feeling (Coletânea 2003)
01. Senor Blues (6:44)
02. Don't Call Us (4:18)
03. Love Her With Feeling, (You've Got To) (Featuring Eric Clapton) (3:46)
04. Lovin' In My Baby's Eyes (2:39)
05. Betty And Dupree (6:01)
06. Here In The Dark (3:08)
07. That's How Strong My Love Is (3:08)
08. Lonely Avenue (3:26)
09. Mockingbird (Featuring Etta James) (3:58)
10. Mailbox Blues (3:32)
11. Think (2:35)
12. Sitting On Top Of The World (3:31)
13. Mind Your Own Business (2:41)
14. Cakewalk Into Town (3:00)
15. Blues With A Feeling (3:53)
16. Take A Giant Step (4:38)
17. The New Hula Blues (4:45)
18. The Hustle Is On (2:39)
19. Let The Winds Blow (3:08)
20. Blue Light Boogie (4:04)

Martin Scorsese Presents The Blues (Coletânea 2003)
01. Leaving Trunk (4:49)
02. Dust My Broom (2:38)
03. Corinna (From "The Natch'l Blues") (3:02)
04. Chevrolet (2:38)
05. Going up to the Country, Paint My Mailbox Blue (3:37)
06. Statesboro Blues (2:58)
07. She Caught the Katy and Left Me a Mule to Ride (3:29)
08. Checkin' Up On My Baby (4:55)
09. Bound To Love Me Some (4:29)
10. Queen Bee (4:40)
11. You're Gonna Need Somebody on Your Bond (4:56)
12. Fishin' Blues (2:56)
13. Six Days On the Road (3:00)
14. Freight Train (4:43)
15. Ain't That a Lot of Love (4:01)

Etta Baker With Taj Mahal (2004)
01. John Henry (Feat. Taj Mahal) (3:45)
02. Crow Jane (Feat. Taj Mahal) (2:26)
03. Going Down The Road Feeling Bad (Feat. Taj Mahal) (2:54)
04. Madison Street Blues (Feat. Taj Mahal) (2:54)
05. Railroad Bill (Feat. Taj Mahal) (3:24)
06. Cripple Creek (1:44)
07. Johnson Boys (Feat. Wayne Martin) (1:54)
08. Going To The Race Track (2:35)
09. Lost John (2:03)
10. Dew Drop (1:49)
11. Poem (0:23)
12. Comb Blues (Feat. Algia Mae Hinton & Taj Mahal) (4:58)
13. One Dime Blues (3:02)
14. Sourwood Mountain (Feat. Mr. Boone Reid) (1:51)
15. Don't Let Your Deal Go Down (1:24)
16. Railroad Bill (2:40)
17. Johnson Boys (Feat. Mr. Boone Reid) (1:31)
18. John Henry (2:42)
19. Bully Of The Town (3:00)

Taj Mahal Trio - Live Catch (2004)
01. Black Jack Davey (5:13)
02. New Hula Blues (3:46)
03. Good Morning Miss Brown (3:51)
04. Annie Mae (7:07)
05. Fishin' Blues (3:29)
06. Going Up to the Country, Paint Ma Mailbox Blue (4:10)
07. Big Blues (5:22)
08. Creole Belle (5:01)
09. Corinna (4:59)
10. Stagger Lee (4:23)
11. Freight Train (4:31)
12. Sittin' on Top of the World (6:38)
13. Blues Ain't Nothin' (6:38)
14. Lovin' in My Baby's Eyes (4:25)

Taj Mahal Meets The Culture Musical Club Of Zanzibar - Mkutano (2005)
01. Dhow Countries (7:48)
02. Muhoga Wa Jang' Ombe (6:11)
03. Zanzibar (3:19)
04. Catfish Blues (6:22)
05. Naahidi Kulienzi (5:53)
06. Mkutano (3:52)
07. Done Changed My Way Of Living (5:29)
08. M'banjo (3:29)
09. Mpunga (6:05)

World Blues (2007)
01. Rolling Wheel Blues (3:10)
02. Jumpin Blues (5:24)
03. Hesitation Blues (2:59)
04. Freight Train Blues (3:40)
05. Sweet Mama Red (5:42)
06. Stagger Lee (3:01)
07. Tom & Sally Drake (3:00)
08. Ulysses S Gregory (2:49)
09. Carribbean Rhapsody (Part 1) (2:15)
10. Carribbean Rhapsody (Part 2) (1:42)

Maestro (2008)
01. Scratch My Back (4:20)
02. Never Let You Go (4:44)
03. Dust Me Down (3:28)
04. Further On Down The Road (4:47)
05. Black Man, Brown Man (3:53)
06. Zanzibar (5:53)
07. TV Mama (3:44)
08. I Can Make You Happy (5:00)
09. Slow Drag (6:33)
10. Hello Josephine (4:48)
11. Strong Man Holler (5:50)
12. Diddy Wah Diddy (4:37)

Playlist: The Very Best Of Taj Mahal (Coletânea 2012)
01. Take A Giant Step (4:17)
02. Statesboro Blues (2:58)
03. Here In The Dark (3:08)
04. She Caught The Katy And Left Me A Mule To Ride (3:29)
05. Lovin' In My Baby's Eyes (2:39)
06. Big Legged Mamas Are Back In Style (4:19)
07. Going Up To The Country, Paint My Mailbox Blue (3:37)
08. Leaving Trunk (4:48)
09. That's How Strong My Love Is (3:10)
10. Fishin' Blues (3:09)
11. Senor Blues (6:45)
12. Slave Driver (2:43)
13. Don't Call Us (4:20)
14. You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond (6:18)

The Hidden Treasures Of Taj Mahal 1969-1973 (Coletânea 2012)
CD 1.

01. Chainey Do (3:40)
02. Sweet Mama Janisse (3:42)
03. Yan-Nah Mama-Loo (6:10)
04. Tomorrow May Not Be Your Day (5:01)
05. I Pity The Poor Immigrant (8:11)
06. Jacob's Ladder (4:01)
07. Ain't Gwine Whistle Dixie (Any Mo') (7:24)
08. Sweet Mama Janisse (3:32)
09. You Ain't No Streetwalker, Honey But I Do Love The Way You Strut Your Stuff (16:06)
10. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (7:26)
11. Shady Grove (9:27)
12. Butter (2:48)

CD 2.

01. Runnin' By The Riverside (2:53)
02. John, Ain't It Hard (5:25)
03. Band Introduction (0:34)
04. Sweet Mama Janisse (4:33)
05. Big Fat (7:32)
06. Diving Duck Blues (2:50)
07. Checkin' Up On My Baby (6:20)
08. Oh Susanna (10:23)
09. Bacon Fat (8:20)
10. Tomorrow May Not Be Your Day (4:56)

Blind Boys Of Alabama & Taj Mahal - Talkin' Christmas! (2014)
01. Do You Hear What I Hear? (2:50)
02. Christ Was Born on Christmas Morn (3:28)
03. What Can I Do? (3:09)
04. Talkin' Christmas (3:38)
05. Merry Christmas to You (3:55)
06. Silent Night (2:44)
07. There's a Reason We Call it Christmas (3:18)
08. The Sun is Rising (3:53)
09. No Room in the Inn (3:17)
10. Jesus Was Born (3:01)
11. Who Will Remember? (4:57)
12. Merry Christmas! (2:22)

Taj Mahal & The Hula Blues Band - Live From Kauai (2015)
01. Good Morning Miss Brown (5:25)
02. Coconut Man (7:50)
03. Corinna (4:59)
04. Done Changed My Way of Living (7:34)
05. Betty and Dupree (6:59)
06. Fishin' Blues (5:10)
07. Queen Bee (6:40)
08. Gonna Move up to the Country (Paint My Mailbox Blue) (5:40)
09. New Hula Blues (5:06)
10. Everybody Is Somebody (5:57)
11. Twilight in Hawaii (4:14)
12. Johnny Too Bad (7:09)
13. 5 String Banjo (Roscoe's Mule Down in Roscoe's Barn) (4:40)
14. Moonlight Lady (6:11)
15. King Edward's Throne (5:27)
16. Sacred Island (4:35)
17. Holoholo Ka'a (4:47)
18. Sleep Walk (4:26)
19. Lovin' in My Baby's Eyes (4:23)
20. Blackjack Davey (6:29)

Live In San Francisco 1966 (2016)
01. Ulysses S. Gregory (2:51)
02. Tom & Sally Drake (3:01)
03. Carribbean Rhapsody (Part. 1) (2:16)
04. Carribbean Rhapsody (Part. 2) (1:42)
05. Rolling Wheel Blues (3:10)
06. Freight Train Blues (3:39)
07. Stagger Lee (3:03)
08. Sweet Mama Red (5:42)
09. Jumpin Blues (5:24)
10. Hesitation Blues (3:00)

Taj Mahal With Keb' Mo' - TajMo (2017)
01. Don't Leave Me Here (5:01)
02. She Knows How To Rock Me (2:40)
03. All Around The World (3:22)
04. Om Sweet Om (3:36)
05. Shake Me In Your Arms (5:58)
06. That's Who I Am (4:17)
07. Diving Duck Blues (4:28)
08. Squeeze Box (3:16)
09. Ain't Nobody Talkin' (4:00)
10. Soul (6:00)
11. Waiting On The World To Change (2:43)

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