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Soft Machine - Collection.

Soft Machine foi uma banda do Reino Unido pioneira de rock psicodélico e jazz de Canterbury, Inglaterra. O nome foi originado do livro de mesmo nome de William S. Burroughs. Foi uma das principais bandas do movimento musical Canterbury.


O Soft Machine surgiu de uma banda anterior chamada Wilde Flowers, que já havia incluído em diversos momentos Brian Hopper (guitarra, saxofone e flauta), Hugh Hopper (baixo), Robert Wyatt (bateria e vocal), Kevin Ayers (vocal), Richard Sinclair (guitarra e vocal), Pye Hastings (guitarra e vocal), David Sinclair (teclado) e Richard Coughlan (bateria). Os quatro últimos formaram o Caravan, outra banda famosa do movimento Canterbury. 

O Soft Machine foi formado em 1966 por Robert Wyatt na bateria e vocal, Kevin Ayers no baixo e vocal, Daevid Allen na guitarra e Mike Ratledge no teclado. Gravaram o primeiro e único single da banda e outras gravações demo que foram lançadas vários anos depois. Em 1967, após retorno de uma apresentação na França, Allen, que era australiano, foi proibido de reentrar na Inglaterra, então o grupo continuou como um trio. Em 1968 eles realizaram turnê pelos Estados Unidos, abrindo para a Jimi Hendrix Experience. Durante essa turnê ele gravaram seu primeiro álbum, em Nova Iorque. Após a saída de Ayer, no final da mesma turnê, o Soft Machine refez a formação com a inclusão de Hugh Hopper no baixo. Gravaram o segundo álbum em 1969. 

Após o período ímpar do rock psicodélico, com Ayers e Wyatt cantando na maioria das canções, Volume Two lançou uma transição da banda para um som mais instrumental, o que hoje é considerado como fusion jazz. A banda passou a ter sete integrantes em 1969, com a adição de quatro instrumentistas de sopro. Mas após alguns meses somente o saxofonista Elton Dean permaneceu na banda. O resultado foi a formação clássica do Soft Machine, composta por Wyatt, Hopper, Ratledge e Dean. Gravaram Third em 1970 e Fourth em 1971, com a presença de vários convidados, a maioria músicos de jazz, como Lyn Dobson, Nick Evans, Marc Charig, Jimmy Hastings, Rab Spall e Roy Babbington. Todos os membros da formação clássica possuíam grande experiência em estilos musicais. A tendência da banda em construir suítes extensas de composições regulares atingiu seu ápice com o álbum Third 

Agora é que vem a fase jazz rock progressivo com as participações dos seguintes músicos: Allan Holdsworth (guitarra) Karl Jenkis (sax soprano, barítono, oboé e teclados) John Marshall (bateria) que substituiu Wyatt, que também teve a participação do baixista do Brand X Percy Jones e Roy Babbington também no baixo.E os músicos supracitados acima. 

Após discussões sobre a direção musical da banda, Wyatt deixou o grupo em 1971 e formou o Matching Mole (em inglês um trocadilho para machine molle, a tradução francesa para soft machine). Ele foi temporariamente substituído pelo baterista australiano Phil Howard, mas desavenças musicais o fizeram ser retirado da banda. Poucos meses depois Dean também deixou o Soft Machine. Eles foram substituídos respectivamente por John Marshall (bateria) e Karl Jenkins (teclado), ambos ex-membros de Nucleus, banda de Ian Carr. Em 1973 Hopper deixou a banda, seguido de Ratledge em 1976. Ratledge era o último membro da formação original. Outros músicos da banda durante períodos posteriores foram os baixistas Roy Babbington e Steve Cook, os guitarristas Allan Holdsworth e John Etheridge, o saxofonista Alan Wakeman e o violinista Ric Sanders. As gravações e apresentações de 1978 foram as últimas da banda. O nome Soft Machine foi utilizado na gravação de 1981 Land of Cockayne, e por algumas apresentações em 1984 de uma banda que incluia Jenkins e Marshall. 

Desde 1988 várias gravações ao vivo da banda vêm sendo lançadas em CD. Em 2002, Hugh Hopper, Elton Dean, John Marshall e Allan Holdsworth realizaram turnê com o nome Soft Works. Em 2005. com a substituição de Holdsworth por John Etheridge, realizaram turnê e gravaram Soft Machine Legacy. Elton Dean faleceu em Fevereiro de 2006, sendo substituído por Theo Travis. 

Em setembro de 2005 foi lançada a biografia do Soft Machine sob o título de Out-Bloody-Rageous, por Graham Bennett. Texto: Wikipédia

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Álbuns de Estúdio (Completos).

The Soft Machine (1968)
01. Hope For Happiness
02. Joy Of A Toy
03. Hope For Happiness (Reprise)
04. Why Am I So Short
05. So Boot If At All
06. Certain Kind
07. Save Yourself
08. Priscilla
09. Lullabye Letter
10. We Did It Again
11. Plus Belle Qu'une Poubelle
12. Why Are We Sleeping?
13. Box 25/4 Lid

Volume Two (1969)
01. Pataphysical Introduction Pt. I
02. A Concise British Alphabet Pt. I
03. Hibou, Anemone And Bear
04. A Concise British Alphabet Pt. Ii
05. Hulloder
06. Dada Was Here
07. Thank You Pierrot Lunaire
08. Have You Ever Bean Green?
09. Pataphysical Introduction Pt. Ii
10. Out Of Tunes
11. As Long As He Lies Perfectly Still
12. Dedicated To You But You Weren't Listening
13. Fire Engine Passing With Bells Clanging
14. Pig
15. Orange Skin Food
16. A Door Opens And Closes
17. "10:30 Returns to the Bedroom

Third (1970)
CD 1: Original Album.

01. Facelift
02. Slightly All The Time
03. Moon In June
04. Out-Bloody-Rageous

CD 2: Live At The Proms.

01. Out-Bloody-Rageous
02. Facelift
03. Esther's Nose Job

Fourth (1971)
01. Teeth
02. Kings And Queens
03. Fletcher's Blemish
04. Virtually (Part 1)
05. Virtually (Part 2)
06. Virtually (Part 3)
07. Virtually (Part 4)

Fifth (1972)
01. All White
02. Drop
03. M. C.
04. As If
05. L B O
06. Pigling Bland
07. Bone
08. All White (Take Two-BonusTrack)

Six (1973)
01. Fanfare
02. All White
03. Between
04. Riff
05. 37 1/2
06. Gesolreut
07. E.P.V.
08. Lefty
09. Stumble
10. 5 From 13 (For Phil Seamen With Love & Thanks)
11. Riff Ii
Studio Record, Record 2:
12. The Soft Weed Factor
13. Stanley Stamps Gibbon Album (For B.O.)
14. Chloe And The Pirates
15. 1983

Seven (1973)
01. Nettle Bed
02. Carol Ann
03. Day's Eye
04. Bone Fire
05. Tarabos
06. D.I.S.
07. Snodland
08. Penny Hitch
09. Block
10. Down The Road
11. The German Lesson
12. The French Lesson

Bundles (1975)
01. Hazard Profile Part 1
02. Part 2
03. Part 3
04. Part 4
05. Part 5
06. Gone Sailing
07. Bundles
08. Land Of The Bag Snake
09. The Man Who Waved At Trains
10. Peff
11. Four Gongs Two Drums
12. The Floating World

Softs (1976)
01. Aubade
02. The Tale Of Taliesien
03. Ban-Ban Caliban
04. Song Of Aeolus
05. Out Of Season
06. Second Bundle
07. Kayoo
08. The Camden Tandem
09. Nexus
10. One Over The Eight
11. Etika

Land Of Cockayne (1981)
01. Over 'N' Above
02. Lotus Groves
03. Isle Of The Blessed
04. Panoramania
05. Behind The Crystal Curtain
06. Palace Of Glass
07. Hot-Biscuit Slim
08. (Black) Velvet Mountain
09. Sly Monkey
10. A Lot Of What You Fancy...

Hidden Details (2018)
01. Hidden Details
02. The Man Who Waved At Trains
03. Graund Lift
04. Heart Off Guard
05. Broken Hill
06. Flight Of The Jett
07. One Glove
08. Out Bloody Intro
09. Out Bloody Rageous (Part 1)
10. Drifting White
11. Life On Bridges
12. Fourteen Hour Dream
13. Breathe
14. Night Sky

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Other Doors (2023)
01. Careless Eyes
02. Penny Hitch
03. Other Doors
04. Crocked Usage
05. Joy Of A Toy
06. A Flock Of Holes
07. Whisper Back
08. The Stars Apart
09. Now! Is The Time
10. Fell To Earth
11. The Visitor At The Window
12. Maybe Never
13. Back In Season

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Outros Lançamentos (Incompletos).

Jet Propelled Photographs (1967)
01. That's How Much I Need You Now
02. Save Yourself
03. I Should've Known
04. Jet Propelled Photograph (Aka Shooting At The Moon)
05. When I Don't Want You
06. Memories
07. You Don't Remember
08. She's Gone
09. I'd Rather Be With You

Alive And Well In Paris (1978)
01. White Kite
02. EOS
03. Odds Bullets And Blades Pt. I
04. Odds Bullets And Blades Pt. Ii
05. Song Of The Sunbird
06. Puffin
07. Huffin
08. Number Three
09. The Nodder
10. Surrounding Silence
11. Soft Space

Live At The Proms, 1970 (1988)
01. Out-Bloody-Rageous
02. Facelist
03. Esther's Nosejob

The Peel Sessions: 1969-1971 (1990)
CD 1.

01. Moon In June
02. Esther's Nose Job
03. Mousetrap
Mousetrap Reprise
04. Slightly All The Time
Eamonn Andrews

CD 2.

01. Facelift
02. Virtually
03. Neo Caliban Grides
04. Drop
05. As If
06. Dedicated To You But You Weren't Listening

Rubber Riff, 1976 (1994)
01. Crunch
02. Pavan
03. Jombles
04. A Little Floating Music
05. Hi-Power
06. Little Miss B
07. Splot
08. Rubber Riff
09. Sam's Short Shuffle
10. Melina
11. City Steps
12. Gentle Turn
13. Porky
14. Travelogue 5

Live At The Paradiso, 1969 (1995)
01. Hulloder
02. Dada Was Here
03. Thank You Pierrot Lunaire
04. Have You Ever Been Green?
05. Pataphysical Introduction Pt. Ii
06. As Long As He Lies Perfectly Still
07. Fire Engine Passing With Bells Clanging
08. Hibou, Anemone And Bear
09. Fire Engine Passing With Bells Clanging (Reprise)
10. Pig
11. Orange Skin Food
12. A Door Opens And Closes
13. 10:30 Returns To The Beedroom

Spaced, 1969 (1995)
01. Spaced One
02. Spaced Two
03. Spaced Three
04. Spaced Four
05. Spaced Five
06. Spaced Six
07. Spaced Seven

Virtually, Live 1971 (1998)
01. Facelift
02. Virtually
03. Slightly All The Time
04. Fletchers Blemish
05. Neo-Caliban Grides
06. Out-Bloody-Rageous
07. Eamonn Andrews
08. All White
09. Kings And Queens
10. Teeth
11. Pigling Bland

Noisette, Live 1970 (2000)
01. Eamonn Andrews
02. Mousetrap
03. Noisette
04. Backwards
05. Mousetrap (Reprise)
06. Hibou, Anemone And Bear
07. Moon In June
08. 12/8 Theme
09. Esther's Nose Job
10. We Did It Again

Turns On Vol. 1, 1967 (2001)
01. I Should've Known
02. We Know What You Mean
03. I'm So Low
04. Clarence In Wonderland
05. Hope for Happiness
06. I Should've Known
07. We Know What You Mean
08. She's Gone
09. Save Yourself
10. Lullaby Letter
11. I Should've Known
12. A Certain Kind
13. Clarence In Wonderland
14. May I? (Instrumental)
15. We Know What You Mean
16. Hope For Happiness

Turns On Vol. 2, 1968 (2001)
01. Moon In June
02. I Should've Known
03. A Certain Kind
04. Save Yourself
05. Lullaby Letter
06. Organistics
07. Pricilla
08. We Did It Again
09. Why Are We Sleeping
10. Joy Of A Toy
11. Hope For Happiness
12. Clarence In Wonderland
13. Moon In June
14. Esther's Nose Job

Backwards: Live 1968, 1969, 1970 (2002)
01. Facelift (1970)
02. Moon In June
03. Esther's Nose Job
04. Facelift (1969)
05. Hibou Anemone And Bear
06. Moon In June (Demo)

BBC Radio: 1967-1971 (2003)
CD 1.

01. Clarence In Wonderland
02. We Know What You Mean
03. Certain Kind
04. Hope For Happiness
05. Strangest Scene (Aka Lullaby Latter)
06. Facelift

Mousetrap Reprise
07. The Moon In June
08. Instant Pussy
09. Slightly All The Time

Out Bloody Rageous
Eamonn Andrews 

CD 2.

01. Virtually
02. Fletcher's Blemish
03. Neo-Caliban Grides
04. Dedicated To You But You Weren't Listening
05. Eamonn Andrews

All White
06. Mousetrap

Mousetrap Reprise
Esther's Nose Job

BBC Radio: 1971-1974 (2003)
CD 1.

01. As If
02. Drop 6
03. Welcome To Frillsville
04. Fanfare

All White
05. Stanley Stamp's Gibbon Album
06. Hazard Profile (Part 1)

CD 2.

01. Sinepost
02. Down The Road
03. North Point
04. The Man Who Waved At Trains
05. Hazard Profile (Parts 1-4)

Soft Works - Abracadabra (2003)
01. Seven Formerly
02. First Trane
03. Elsewhere
04. K Licks
05. Bakers Treat
06. Willie's Knee
07. Abracadabra
08. Madame Vintage

Live In Paris, 1972 (2004)
CD 1.

01. Plain Tiffs
02. All White
03. Slightly All The Time
04. Drop
05. M.C.
06. Out-Bloody-Rageous

CD 2.

01. Facelift
02. And Sevens
03. As If
04. Lbo
05. Pigling Bland
06. At Sixes

Breda Reactor, Live 1970 (2004)
CD 1.

01. Eamonn Andrews
02. Mousetrap
03. Noisette
04. Backwards
05. Mousetrap (Reprise)
06. Hibou Anemone & Bear

CD 2.

01. Facelift
02. Moon In June
03. 12/8 Theme
04. Drum Link
05. Esther's Nose Job
06. Pigling Bland
07. Cymbalism
08. Out-Bloody-Rageous (Excerpt)
09. Esther's Nose Job (Reprise)
10. We Did It Again

Softstage: BBC In Concert 1972 (2005)
01. Fanfare
02. All White
03. Slightly All The Time
04. MC
05. Drop
06. Stumble
07. One Across
08. As if
09. Riff
10. Gesolreut

British Tour ‘75 (2005)
01. Bundles
02. Land Of The Bag Snake
03. Out Of Season
04. The Man Who Waved At Trains
05. Jvh
06. The Floating World
07. Ban Ban Caliban
08. Sideburn
09. Hazard Profile (Part 1)
10. (Part 2)
11. (Part 3)
12. (Part 4)
13. (Part 5)
14. Song Of Aeolus
15. Sign Of Five

Floating World Live: Bremen 1975 (2006)
01. The Floating World
02. Bundles
03. Land Of The Bag Snake
04. Ealing Comedy
05. The Man Who Waved At Trains
06. Peff
07. North Point
08. Hazard Profile Part One
09. J.S.M.
10. Riff III
11. Song Of Aeolus
12. Endgame
13. Penny Hitch (Coda)

Grides: Live 1970 (2006)
01. Facelift
02. Virtually
03. Out-Bloody-Rageous
04. Neo-Caliban Grides
Second Set (Concertgebouw, 25-10-70)
05. Teeth
06. Slightly All The Time
07. Eamonn Andrews
08. Ester's Nose Job
Encore (Concertgebouw, 25-10-70)
09. Slightly All The Time


Middle Earth Masters: 1967-1968 (2006)
01. Clarence In Wonderland
02. We Know What You Mean
03. Bossa Nova Express
04. Hope For Happiness
05. Disorganisation
06. We Did It Again
07. Why Are We Sleeping?
08. I Should've Known
09. That's How Much I Need You Now
10. I Should've Known
11. A Certain Kind
12 We Did It Again 2

Drop: Live 1971 (2009)
01. Neo Caliban Grides
02. All White
03. Slightly All The Time
04. Drop
05. M.C.
06. Out-Bloody-Rageous
07. As If
08. Dark Swing
09. Intropigling
10. Pigling Bland

NDR Jazz Workshop: Hamburg, Germany 1973 (2010)
01. Fanfare
02. All White
03. Link 1/Link 2
04. 37 1/2
05. Link 3
06. Riff
07. Down The Road
08. Link 3a
09. Stanley Stamp's Gibbon Album
10. Chloe And The Pirates
11. Gesolreut
12. E.P.V.
13. Link 4
14. Stumble
15. One Across
16. Riff II

Live In 1970 (2014)
Somewhere In Soho.

CD 1.

01. Slightly All The Time
02. Out-Bloody-Rageous
03. Eamonn Andrews
04. Mousetrap
05. Noisette
06. Backwards
07. Mousetrap (Reprise)
08. Hibou Anemone & Bear

CD 2.

01. Facelift
02. Moon In June
03. Esther's Nose Job
04. Pigling Bland
05. Cymbalism
06. Esther's Nose Job (Reprise)

Breda Reactor.

CD 3.

01. Eamonn Andrews
02. Mousetrap
03. Noisette
04. Backwards
05. Mousetrap (Reprise)
06. Hibou Anemone & Bear

CD 4.

01. Facelift
02. Moon In June
03. 12/8 Theme
04. Drum Link
05. Esther's Nose Job
06. Pigling Bland
07. Cymbalism
08. Out-Bloody-Rageous (Excerpt)
09. Esther's Nose Job (Reprise)
10. We Did It Again

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Switzerland, 1974 (2015)
01. Hazard Profile
02. The Floating World
03. Ealing Comedy
04. Bundles
05. Land Of The Bag Snake
06. Joint
07. The Man Who Waved At Trains
08. Peff
09. The Man Who Waved At Trains (Reprise)
10. LBO
11. Riff II
12. Lefty (Collective Improvisation)
13. Penny Hitch (Coda)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Facelift: France & Holland (2022)
CD 1.

01. Eamonn Andrews
02. Mousetrap
03. Noisette
04. Backwards
05. Mousetrap (Reprise)
06. Out-Bloody-Rageous
07. Facelift
08. Slightly All The Time
09. Moon In June / Vocal Improvisation
10. Esther's Nose Job / Pigling Bland

CD 2.

01. Facelift
02. Moon In June
03. 12/8 Theme
04. Drum Solo
05. Esther's Nose Job / Pigling Bland

Opção 1. Opção 2.

The Dutch Lesson (2023)
CD 1.

01. Stanley Stamps Gibbon Album
02. Between
03. The Soft Weed Factor
04. Lefty
05. Gesolreut
06. EPV
07. Down The Road
08. Ealing Comedy
09. 37 ?
10. J.S.M.
11. Riff II

CD 2.

01. Chloe And The Pirates
02. Hazard Profile
03. Improvisation
04. Gesolreut Jam

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Høvikodden, 1971 (2024)
CD 1: February 27, 1971 - 1st Set.

01. Facelift
02. Virtually
03. Slightly All The Time
04. Fletcher's Blemish

CD 2: February 27, 1971 - 2nd Set.

01. Intro Set 2
02. Neo-Caliban Grides
03. Out-Bloody-Rageous
04. Vocal Improvisation
05. Eamonn Andrews
06. All White
07. Kings And Queens
08. Teeth
09. Pigling Bland

CD 3: February 28, 1971 - 1st Set.

01. Facelift
02. Virtually
03. Slightly All The Time
04. Fletcher's Blemish

CD 4: February 28, 1971 - 2nd Set

01. Neo-Caliban Grides
02. Out-Bloody-Rageous
03. Vocal Improvisation
04. Eamonn Andrews
05. All White
06. Kings And Queens
07. Teeth
08. Pigling Bland
09. Slightly All The Time (Encore)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Soft Machine Legacy (Completos).

Live In Zaandam (2005)
01. Ash
02. 1212
03. Bakers Treat
04. Kings And Queens
05. Down
06. Bug Creese

Soft Machine Legacy (2006)
01. Kite Runner
02. Ratlift
03. Twelve Twelve
04. F & I
05. Fresh Brew
06. New Day
07. Fur Edge
08. Theta Meter
09. Grape Hound
10. Strange Comforts

Steam (2007)
01. Footloose
02. The Steamer
03. The Big Man
04. Chloe & The Pirates
05. In The Back Room
06. The Last Day
07. Firefly
08. So English
09. Dave Acto
10. Anything To Anywhere

Live Adventures (2010)
01. Has Riff II
02. Grapehound
03. The Nodder
04. In The Back Room
05. Song Of Aeolus
06. The Relegation Of Pluto/Transit
07. Gesolreut
08. Facelift
09. The Last Day

Burden Of Proof (2013)
01. Burden Of Proof
02. Voyage Beyond Seven
03. Kitto
04. Pie Chart
05. JSP
06. Kings And Queens
07. Fallout
08. Going Somewhwere Canorous?
09. Black And Crimson
10. The Brief
11. Pump Room
12. Green Cubes
13. They Landed On A Hill

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