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Pink Anderson - Discografia.

Pink Anderson (12 de Fevereiro de 1900 - 12 de Outubro de 1974) foi um cantor e guitarrista de blues, nascido em 12 de Fevereiro de 1900 em Lawrence, Carolina do Sul. Em 1914 juntou-se a Dr. Kerr da “Indian Remedy Company” para entreteter as multidões (cantando, dançando e contando anedotas) enquanto Kerr tentava vender uma mistura com qualidades medicinais.

Em 1916, Anderson conhece Simmie Dooley em Spartanburg, com quem aprendeu a cantar o “blues”. Quando Anderson não viajava com Dr. Kerr, ele e Dooley tocavam em pequenos ajuntamentos em Spartanburg e arredores. 

Após o afastamento de Dr. Kerr em 1945, Anderson ficou-se por Spartanburg afinando o seu talento musical com a guitarra e harmônica. Problemas de coração forçaram Anderson a retirar-se em 1957. 

Anderson gravou algumas músicas nos anos 60 e entrou em 1963 no filme The Bluesmen. 

Syd Barrett formou uma banda nos anos 60 chamada Pink Floyd, usando os primeiros nomes de Anderson e de Floyd Council. Barrett aparentemente possuía uma gravação de um dos LP’s de Anderson. (Wikipédia)

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Vol.1: Carolina Bluesman (1961)
01. My Baby Left Me This Morning
02. Baby, Please Don't Go (Joe Williams)
03. Mama Where Did You Stay Last Night
04. Big House Blues
05. Meet Me In The Bottom (Brownie McGhee)
06. Weeping Willow Blues (Paul Carter)
07. Baby I'm Going Away
08. Thousand Woman Blues
09. I Had My Fun
10. Every Day In The Week
11. Try Some Of That (Bonus Track)

Vol.2: Medicine Show Man (1962)
  01. I Got Mine
02. Greasy Greens
03. I Got A Woman 'Way Cross Town
04. Travelin' Man
05. Ain't Nobody Home But Me
06. That's No Way To Do
07. In The Jailhouse Now
08. South Forest Boogie
09. Chicken
10. I'm Going To Walk Through the Streets Of...

Vol.3: The Blues Of Pink Anderson: Ballad & Folksinger (1963)
  01. The Titanic
02. Boweevil
03. John Henry
04. Betty And Dupree
05. Sugar Babe
06. The Wreck Of The Old 97
07. I Will Fly Away
08. The Kaiser (The Boys Of Your Uncle Sam)
09. In The Evening

Gary Davis & Pink Anderson - Gospel, Blues And Street Songs, 1961 (1992)
  01. John Henry
02. Every Day in the Week Blues
03. The Ship Titanic
04. Greasy Greens
05. Wreck of the Old '97
06. I've Got Mine
07. He's in the Jailhouse Now
08. Blow Gabriel
09. Twelve Gates to the City
10. Samson and Delilah
11. Oh Lord, Search My Heart
12. Get Right Church
13. You Got to Go Down
14. Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning
15. There Was a Time That I Was Blind 

V.A - Sinners & Saints, 1926-1931 (1992)
  T C I Section Crew.
01. Track Linin
02. Section Gang Song
Freeman Stowers.
03. Railroad Blues Listen
04. Texas Wild Cat Chase Listen
05. Medley Of Blues (All Out And Down: Old Time Blues: Hog In The Mountain)
06. Sunrise On The Farm
'Beans' Hambone - El Morrow.
07. Beans
08. Tippin` Out
'Big Boy' George Owens.
09. Kentucky Blues
10. The Coon Crap Game
Will Bennett.
11. Railroad Bill
12. Real Estate Blues
Lonnie Coleman.
13. Old Rock Island Line
14. Wild About My Loving
Nugrape Twins.
15. I Got Your Ice Cold Nugrape
16. There`S A City Built Of Mansions
17. The Road Is Rough And Rocky
18. Pray Children If You Wan`T To Go To Heaven
19. Nugrape - A Flavor You Can`T Forget
20. Can`T You Watch Me For One Hour
Blind Roger Hays.
21. On My Way To Heaven
22. I Must Be Blind, I Cannot See
Pink Anderson And Simmie Dooley.
23. Every Day In The Week Blues Listen
24. C.C. And O. Blues Listen
25. Papa`S `Bout To Get Mad Listen
26. Gonna Tip Out Tonight Listen

V.A - Classic African-American Ballads From Smithsonian Folkways (2006)
  01. Mouse on the Hill (Warner Williams)
02. Casey Jones (K.C.Douglas)
03. John Hardy (Lead Belly)
04. Railroad Bill (John Jackson)
05. Stewball (Memphis Slim and W. Dixon)
06. John Henry (Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee)
07. St. James Infirmary (Snooks Eaglin)
08. Staggerlee (Stackolee) (John Cephas and Phil Wiggins)
09. Lost John (Convicts at the Ramsey and Retrieve State Farms)
10. Betty and Dupree (Josh White)
11. Old Riley (Lead Belly)
12. The Race of the Jim Lee and Katy Adam (Jazz Gillum, M. Slim and A. Stidham)
13. The Titanic (Pink Anderson)
14. Frankie and Johnny (Big Bill Broonzy)
15. White House Blues (Earl Taylor and the Stony Mountain Boys)
16. Louis Collins (John Jackson)
17. Bad Lee Brown (Woody Guthrie)
18. Luke and Mullen (Horace Sprott)
19. Duncan and Brady (Dave Van Ronk)
20. Gallis Pole (Lead Belly)
21. Boll Weevil (Pink Anderson)
22. Delia's Gone (Josh White, Jr.)

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