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Jerry Garcia - Collection.

Jerome John "Jerry" Garcia (1 de agosto de 1942 - 9 de agosto de 1995) foi guitarrista , vocalista e letrista da lendária banda de rock psicodélico Grateful Dead. Foi considerado o 46º melhor guitarrista de todos os tempos pela revista norte-americana Rolling Stone.

Um dos fundadores e principal integrante da banda, Jerry Garcia dedicou-se ao Grateful Dead durante seus 35 anos de carreira (1960-1995). Ele também participou de diversos outros projetos paralelos, incluindo Saunders-Garcia Band (com o amigo de longa data Merl Saunders) e Jerry Garcia Band. Ele lançou alguns discos solo durante esse período, além de participar de diversos discos de outros artistas como músico de sessão. Ele era bastante conhecido por sua forma singular de tocar guitarra. 

Contudo, Garcia começou tocando banjo e piano, passou para a posteriormente guitarra e eventualmente se tornou mestre em instrumentos de corda, apesar de seu dedo médio da mão direita ter sido amputado quando garoto. Garcia perdeu dois terços de seu dedo durante uma viagem de férias com sua família. Jerry estava ajudando seu irmão a cortar madeira, segurando as toras enquanto seu irmão cortava-as com um machado. Em um momento de descuido ele colocou o dedo no caminho do machado e o acidente aconteceu. 

Jerry Garcia por vezes teve a saúde ameaçada por causa de seu peso instável, e, em 1986, entrou em um coma diabético que quase lhe custou a vida. Apesar de sua saúde ter melhorado após esses incidentes, ele também teve que lutar contra o vício em heroína e cocaína. Morreu em 1995 quando estava internado em um centro de reabilitação para dependentes químicos na Califórnia, vítima de um ataque cardíaco. Desde então virou uma figura muito respeitada na cultura musical americana. (Wikipédia). Site Oficial. 


Jerry Garcia Band.

Última Formação.

Jerry Garcia (Vocais, Guitarra)
Melvin Seals (Guitarra)
David Kemper (Bateria)
Martin Holland (Baixo)
Stu Allen (Vocais, Guitarra)

Ex - Integrantes.

Melvin Seals (Teclados)
Bill Kreutzmann (Bateria)
John Kahn (Baixo)
Gloria Jones (Vocais)
Candy Godchaux (Violão)
Donna Jean Godchaux (Vocais)
Stephen Schuster (Flauta, Clarinette, Sax)
Ron Tutt (Bateria)
Jackie LaBranch (Vocais)

Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band.

Jerry Garcia (Guitarra, Vocais)
David Nelson (Guitarra, Vocal)
Sandy Rothman (Bandolim, Dobro, Banjo, Vocal)
John Kahn (Baixo)
Kenny Kosek (Fiddle)
David Kemper (Bateria)

Bitrate: 192Kbps.


Garcia (1972)
01. Deal
02. Bird Song
03. Sugaree
04. Loser
05. Late For Supper
06. Spidergawd
07. Eep Hour
08. To Lay Me Down
09. An Odd Little Place
10. The Wheel

Compliments (1974)
01. Let It Rock
02. When the Hunter Gets Captured By the Game
03. That's What Love Will Make You Do
04. Russian Lullaby
05. Turn on the Bright Lights
06. He Ain't Give You None
07. What Goes Around
08. Let's Spend the Night Togeter
09. Mississippi Moon
10. Midnight Town

Reflections (1976)
01. Might As Well
02. Mission In The Rain
03. They Love Each Other
04. I'll Take A Melody
05. It Must Have Been The Roses
06. Tore Up Over You
07. Catfish John
08. Comes A Time

Run For The Roses (1982)
01. Run for the Roses
02. I Saw Her Standing There
03. Without Love
04. Midnight Getaway
05. Leave the Little Girl Alone
06. Valerie
07. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Bonus Tracks.
08. Fennario
09. Alabama Getaway
10. Tangled Up in Blue
11. Simple Twist of Fate
12. Dear Prudence
13. Valerie (Alternate Mix)

Garcia Plays Dylan (2001)
CD 1.

01. It Takes A Lot to Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry
02. Tough Mama
03. Positively 4th Street
04. The Wicked Messenger
05. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
06. Simple Twist Of Fate
07. I Shall Be Released

CD 2.

01. When I Paint My Masterpiece
02. She Belongs To Me
03. Forever Young
04. Tangled Up In Blue
05. Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
06. Visions Of Johanna
07. The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo)
08. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

Legion Of Mary: The Jerry Garcia Collection, Vol. 1 (Live 2005)
CD 1.

01. Tough Mama
02. That's a Touch I Like
03. I Second That Emotion
04. Since I Lost My Baby
05. Tore Up Over You
06. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
07. Talkin' 'Bout You

CD 2.

01. I'll Take a Melody
02. Let It Rock
03. Neighbor, Neighbor
04. Money Honey
05. Last Train From Poor Valley
06. Mystery Train
07. How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You

Jerry Garcia Band.

Cats Under The Stars (1978)
01. Rubin and Cherise
02. Love in the Afternoon
03. Palm Sunday
04. Cats Under the Stars
05. Rhapsody in Red
06. Rain
07. Down Home
08. Gomorrah
Bonus Tracks.
09. Magnificent Sanctuary Band (Previously Unissued)
10. I'll Be With Thee (Previously Unissued)
11. Way You Do The Things You Do (Previously Unissued)
12. Mighty High (Previously Unissued)
13. Don't Let Go (Previously Unissued)
14. Down Home (Rehearsal Version)
15. Palm Sunday (Alternate Take)

Jerry Garcia Band (1991)
CD 1.

01. The Way You Do The Things You Do
02. Waiting For A Miracle
03. Simple Twist Of Fate
04. Get Out Of My Life
05. My Sisters And Brothers
06. I Shall Be Released
07. Dear Prudence
08. Deal

CD 2.

01. Stop That Train
02. Señor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
03. Evangeline
04. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
05. Don't Let Go
06. That Lucky Old Sun (Just Rolls Around Heaven All Day)
07. Tangled Up In Blue

Don't Let Go, Live 1976 (2001)
CD 1.

01. Sugaree
02. They Love Each Other
03. That's What Love Will Make You Do
04. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
05. Sitting In Limbo
06. Mission In The Rain
07. Don't Let Go

CD 2.

01. After Midnight
02. Strange Man
03. Tore Up Over You
04. I'll Take A Melody
05. The Way You Do The Things You Do
06. My Sisters And Brothers
07. Lonesome And A Long Way From Home
08. Mighty High (Bonus Track)

Shining Star, Live 1989-1993 (2001)
CD 1.

01. Shining Star
02. He Ain't Give You None
03. Second That Emotion
04. Money Honey
05. Struggling Man
06. Russian Lullaby
07. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love

CD 2.

01. Let's Spend The Night Together
02. Missippi Moon
03. Let It Rock
04. When The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game
05. Ain't No Bread In The Breadbox
06. Positively 4th Street
07. The Maker
08. Midnight Moonlight

Pure Jerry: Theatre 1839, San Francisco, July 29 & 30, 1977 (2004)
CD 1.

01. Mystery Train
02. Russian Lullaby
03. That's What Love Will Make You Do
04. Stir It Up
05. Simple Twist Of Fate
06. The Way You Do The Things You Do
07. Catfish John

CD 2.

01. Friend Of The Devil
02. Don't Let Go
03. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
04. They Love Each Other
05. I Second That Emotion
06. Let Me Roll It

CD 3.

01. The Harder They Come
02. Gommorrah
03. Tore Up Over You
04. Tangled Up In Blue
05. My Sisters And Brothers

After Midnight: Kean College, 2/28/80 (2004)
CD 1.

01. Sugaree
02. Catfish John
03. That's What Love Will Make You Do
04. Simple Twist Of Fate

CD 2.

01. How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You
02. After Midnight
03. Eleanor Rigby
04. After Midnight (Reprise)

CD 3.

01. I'll Take A Melody
02. Tore Up Over You
03. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
04. The Harder They Come
05. Tiger Rose (Featuring Robert Hunter)
06. Promontory Rider
07. Mission In The Rain
08. Midnight Moonlight

Pure Jerry: Lunt-Fontanne, New York City, October 31, 1987 (2004)
CD 1.

01. I've Been All Around This World
02. I'm Troubled
03. Short Life of Trouble
04. Band Introduction
05. Blue Yodel #9 (Standing On The Corner)
06. Spike Driver News
07. Troubled in Mind
08. The Girl at the Crossroads Bar
09. Bright Morning Stars
10. Ripple
11. Good Night Irene

CD 2.

01. How Sweet It Is
02. They Love Each Other
03. When I Paint My Masterpiece
04. Dear Prudence
05. Run for the Roses
06. I Shall Be Released
07. My Sisters and Brothers
08. Midnight Moonlight
09. Crazy Love (Encore)

CD 3.

01. Swing Low Sweet Chariot
02. Deep Elem Blues
03. Blue Yodel #9
04. Ballad of Casey Jones
05. Two Soldiers
06. Band Introduction
07. Diamond Joe
08. Gone Home
09. Oh Babe, It Ain't No Lie
10. If I Lose
11. Ragged But Right

CD 4.

01. Werewolves of London
02. Cats Under the Stars
03. Stop That Train
04. Let It Rock
05. Gomorrah
06. The Harder They Come
07. Knockin' on Heavens Door
08. Deal
09. My Sisters and Brothers (Encore)

Pure Jerry: Lunt-Fontanne, NYC, The Best Of The Rest, October 15-30, 1987 (2004)
CD 1.

01. I'll Take a Melody
02. Forever Young
03. Think
04. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
05. Simple Twist of Fate
06. When I Paint My Masterpiece
07. Deal
08. All Along the Watchtower

CD 2.

01. Get Out of My Life, Woman
02. Like a Road Leading Home
03. Mission in the Rain
04. Mississippi Moon
05. Evangeline
06. Lucky Old Sun
07. And It Stoned Me
08. Tangled Up in Blue

CD 3.

01. Rosa Lee McFall
02. Drifting with the Tide
03. Calling your Bosses
04. I'm Here To Get My Baby out of Jail
05. Drifting Too Far from the Shore
06. I Ain't Never
07. Band introduction
08. It's a Long Long Way (To the Top of the World)
09. Ashes of Love
10. Poison Love
11. I'm Here to Get My Baby out of Jail

Jerry Garcia And Merl Saunders Band - Pure Jerry: Keystone Berkeley: September 1, 1974 (2004)
CD 1.

01. Neighbor, Neighbor
02. Keepers
03. Sitting In Limbo
04. Favela
05. Tough Mama
06. La La

CD 2.

01. Someday Baby
02. Think
03. Roadrunner
04. The Harder They Come
05. I Second That Emotion
06. Going, Going, Gone

CD 3.

01. Soul Ranch
02. Mystery Train
03. Wondering Why
04. People Make The World Go Round
05. Keystone Jam
06. It's Too Late
07. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

Pure Jerry: Merriweather Post Pavilion, September 1 & 2, 1989 (2005)
CD 1.

01. How Sweet It Is
02. Stop That Train
03. Get Out Of My Life Woman
04. Run For The Roses
05. Like a Road Leading Home
06. My Sisters and Brothers
07. Deal

CD 2.

01. The Harder They Come
02. Mission In The Rain
03. Band Introduction
04. Think
05. Mississippi Moon
06. Waiting For A Miracle
07. Lucky Old Sun
08. Tangled Up In Blue

CD 3.

01. I'll Take A Melody
02. They Love Each Other
03. Forever Young
04. That's What Love Will Make You Do
05. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
06. And It Stoned Me
07. Midnight Moonlight

CD 4.

01. Cats Under The Stars
02. Waiting For A Miracle
03. Simple Twist Of Fate
04. Evangeline
05. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
06. Don't Let Go

Pure Jerry: Warner Theatre, March 18, 1978 (2005)
CD 1.

01. I Second That Emotion
02. They Love Each Other
03. Knockin' on Heaven's Door
04. That's What Love Will Make You Do
05. Love in the Afternoon
06. Mystery Train
07. Harder They Come

CD 2.

01. Mission in the Rain
02. Simple Twist of Fate
03. Midnight Moonlight
04. Gomorrah
05. Cats Under the Stars
06. I'll Be with Thee
07. Lonesome and a Long Way from Home
08. Palm Sunday (Encore)

Pure Jerry: Coliseum, Hampton, VA, November 9, 1991 (2006)
CD 1.

01. How Sweet It Is
02. He Ain't Give You None
03. You Never Can Tell (C'est la vie)
04. Run for the Roses
05. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
06. I Second That Emotion
07. My Sisters and My Brothers
08. Ain't No Bread in the Breadbox

CD 2.

01. Bright Side of the Road
02. Shining Star
03. Waiting for a Miracle
04. Think
05. I Shall Be Released
06. Don't Let Go
07. Midnight Moonlight
08. What a Wonderful World

Pure Jerry: Bay Area 1978 (2009)
CD 1.

01. Mystery Train
02. Catfish John
03. I Second That Emotion
04. Mission In the Rain
05. Don't Let Go

CD 2.

01. Tore Up Over You
02. Simple Twist of Fate
03. The Way You Do The Things You Do
04. Let Me Roll It
05. Gomorrah
06. I'll Be With Thee
07. Lonesome and a Long Way From Home

Let It Rock: The Jerry Garcia Collection, Vol. 2 (Live 2009)
CD 1.

01. Let It Rock
02. Tore Up Over You
03. Friend of the Devil
04. They Love Each Other
05. It's Too Late
06. Pig's Boogie
07. Band Introductions
08. Sitting in Limbo
09. (I'm A) Road Runner

CD 2.

01. Sugaree
02. I'll Take a Melody
03. That's What Love Will Make You Do
04. Lady Sleeps
05. Ain't No Use
06. Let's Spend the Night Together
07. Edward, The Mad Shirt Grinder

Jerry Garcia And John Kahn - Pure Jerry: Marin Veterans Auditorium, San Rafael, California, February 28, 1986 (2009)
01. Deep Elem Blues
02. Little Sadie
03. Friend Of The Devil
04. When I Paint My Masterpiece
05. Spike Driver Blues
06. Run For The Roses
07. Dire Wolf
08. Jack A Roe
09. Oh Babe, It Ain't No Lie
10. Bird Song
11. Ripple
12. Goodnight Irene

Garcia Live Volume One, Capitol Theatre 3/1/80 (2013)
CD 1.

01. Sugaree
02. Catfish John
03. How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You)
04. Simple Twist of Fate
05. Sitting in Limbo
06. That's All Right
07. Deal

CD 2.

01. Mission in the Rain
02. That's What Love Will Make You Do
03. Russian Lullaby
04. The Harder They Come
05. Tiger Rose (Featuring Robert Hunter)
06. Promontory Rider (Featuring Robert Hunter)
07. Midnight Moonlight
08. Dear Prudence

Garcia Live Volume Two, August 5th, 1990 Greek Theatre (2013)
CD 1.

01. How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You)
02. Stop That Train"
03. Forever Young
04. Run for the Roses
05. That's What Love Will Make You Do
06. My Sisters and Brothers
07. Tears of Rage
08. Deal

CD 2.

01. Midnight Moonlight
02. The Harder They Come
03. And It Stoned Me
04. Waiting for a Miracle
05. Evangeline
06. Think
07. That Lucky Old Sun
08. Tangled Up in Blue

Jerry Garcia Band And Bob Weir & Rob Wasserman - Fall 1989: The Long Island Sound (2013)
CD 1.
Bob Weir And Rob Wasserman.
9/5/1989 Fall 1989: The Long Island Sound.
Live at Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY.

01. Festival
02. Fever
03. K.Cmoan
04. Desolation Row
05. Looks Like Rain
06. The Winners
07. Victim Or The Crime
08. Bass Solo
09. Throwing Stones

CD 2.
Jerry Garcia Band.
9/5/1989 Fall 1989: The Long Island Sound.
Live at Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY-Set 1.

01. Cats Under The Stars
02. They Love Each Other
03. Waiting For A Miracle
04. Run For The Roses
05. Like A Road
06. My Sisters And Brothers
07. Deal

CD 3.
Jerry Garcia Band.
9/5/1989 Fall 1989: The Long Island Sound.
Live at Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY-Set 2.

01. Tuning
02. The Harder They Come
03. Mission In The Rain
04. Forever Young
05. Evangeline
06. Gomorrah
07. Don't Let Go
08. Lonesome And A Long Way From Home

CD 4.
Bob Weir And Rob Wasserman.
9/5/1989 Fall 1989: The Long Island Sound.
Live at Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY.

01. Walking Blues
02. City Girls
03. Fever
04. Blackbird
05. When I Paint My Masterpiece
06. Shade Of Grey
07. The Winners
08. Easy To Slip
09. Wasserman Bass Improvisation No. 2
10. Heaven Help The Fool

CD 5.
Jerry Garcia Band.
9/6/1989 Fall 1989: The Long Island Sound.
Live at Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY-Set 1.

01. How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)
02. Stop That Train
03. That's What Love Will Make You Do
04. Mississippi Moon
05. I Second That Emotion
06. And It Stoned Me
07. Deal

CD 6.
Jerry Garcia Band.
9/6/1989 Fall 1989: The Long Island Sound.
Live at Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY-Set 1.

01. The Harder They Come
02. Dear Prudence
03. I Shall Be Released
04. Let It Rock
05. Evangeline
06. That Lucky Old Sun
07. Tangled Up In Blue


Legion Of Mary - Garcia Live Volume Three, Dec 14-15 1974 NW Tour (2013)
CD 1.

01. Boogie On Reggae Woman
02. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
03. Freedom Jazz Dance
04. Mystery Train
05. How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)

CD 2.

01. You Can Leave Your Hat On
02. Neighbor, Neighbor
03. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

CD 3.

01. It’s No Use
02. Valdez In The Country
03. I Second That Emotion
04. Wondering Why
05. Roadrunner


Garcia Live Volume Four: Veteran's Hall In Sebastopol, California 1978 (2014)
CD 1.

01. How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)
02. Catfish John
03. Simple Twist Of Fate
04. I Second That Emotion
05. Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

CD 2.

01. Harder They Come
02. Mission In The Rain
03. Cats Under The Stars
04. Gomorrah
05. Mystery Train
06. Love In The Afternoon
07. I'll Be With Thee
08. Midnight Moonlight

Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band.

Almost Acoustic (1988)
01. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
02. Deep Elem Blues
03. Blue Yodel #9 (Standin' On the Corner)
04. Spike Driver Blues
05. I've Been All Around This World
06. I'm Here To Get My baby Out Of Jail
07. I'm Troubled
08. Oh, The Wind And Rain
09. The Girl At The Crossroads Bar
10. Oh, Babe It Ain't No Lie
11. Casey Jones
12. Diamond Joe
13. Gone home
14. Ripple

Ragged But Right, 1987 (2010)
01. Ragged But Right
02. Short Life Of Trouble
03. I Ain't Never
04. Trouble In Mind
05. Drifting With The Tide
06. Introductions
07. Deep Elem Blues
08. Rosa Lee McFall
09. Two Soldiers
10. If I Lose
11. Bright Morning Stars
12. Goodnight Irene
13. It's A Long, Long Way (To The Top Of...)
14. Drifting Too Far From The Shore
15. Turtle Dove


Jerry Garcia & Howard Wales - Hooteroll? (1971)
01. Morning In Marin
02. Da Birg Song
03. South Side Strut
04. Up From The Desert
05. DC-502
06. One A.M. Approach
07. Uncle Martin's
08. Evening In Marin

Merl Saunders, Jerry Garcia, John Kahn & Bill Vitt - Live at Keystone, Vol. 1 (1973)
01. Keepers
02. Positively 4th Street
03. The Harder They Come
04. It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
05. Space
06. It's No Use
07. Merl's Tune

Merl Saunders, Jerry Garcia, John Kahn & Bill Vitt - Live at Keystone, Vol. 2 (1973)
01. That's All Right, Mama
02. My Funny Valentine
03. Someday Baby
04. Like a Road Leading Home
05. Mystery Train

Merl Saunders & Jerry Garcia - Keystone Encores, 1973 (1988)
01. Hi-Heel Sneakers
02. It's Too Late (She's Gone)
03. I Second That Emotion
04. One Kind Favor
05. Money Honey
06. How Sweet It Is

Jerry Garcia, David Grisman & Tony Rice - The Pizza Tapes, 1993 (2000)
CD 1.

01. Pizza Preamble
02. Man Of Constant Sorros (Run Through)
03. Man Of Constant Sorrow (Instumental)
04. Always Late
05. Man Of Constant Sorrow 1
06. Constant Patter
07. Man Of Constant Sorrow 2
08. Louis Collins 1
09. Louis Collins 2
10. Shady Grove (Run Through)
11. Shady Grove 1 (Incomplete)
12. Shady Jam
13. Shady Grove 2

CD 2.

01. Shady Grove 3
02. Summertime (Run Through)
03. Guitar Space
04. Summertime
05. Long Black Veil (Run Through)
06. Long Black Veil 1 (Incomplete)
07. Rosa Mcfall (Run Through)
08. Rosa Mcfall 1
09. Rosa Mcfall 2
10. Drifting Too Far From The Shore (Inc Run Through)
11. Nestles Quick
12. Drifting Too Far From The Shore 1
13. Jerry Plays Tonys D-28

CD 3.

01. Long Black Veil Reprise (Run Through)
02. Long Black Veil Intro
03. Long Black Veil Reprise 2
04. Amazing Grace (Run Through)
05. Amazing Grace
06. Little Sadie (Run Through)
07. Little Sadie
08. Knockin' On Heavens Door (Run Through)
09. Knockin' On Heavens Door
10. Free Transition
11. So What
12. Interlude
13. House Of The Rising Sun

Merl Saunders & Jerry Garcia - Keystone Companions: The Complete 1973 Fantasy Recordings (2012)
CD 1.

01. Hi-Heel Sneakers
02. Keepers (Previously Unreleased Take)
03. The Harder They Come
04. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (Previously Unreleased Take)
05. It's Too Late (She's Gone)
06. My Funny Valentine (Previously Unreleased Take)
07. Mystery Train

CD 2.

01. I Second That Emotion
02. Someday Baby
03. Merl's Tune
04. It Ain't No Use
05. Positively 4th Street
06. How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) (Previously Unreleased Take)

CD 3.

01. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry
02. Keepers
03. One Kind Favor
04. That's All Right, Mama
05. The Harder They Come (Previously Unreleased Take)
06. My Funny Valentine
07. Money Honey

CD 4.

01. Someday Baby (Previously Unreleased Take)
02. Merl's Tune (Previously Unreleased Take)
03. Like A Road Leading Home
04. How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)


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