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Buddy Rich - Collection.

Bernard "Buddy" Rich (Brooklyn, Nova Iorque, 30 de Setembro de 1917 — Los Angeles, 2 de Abril de 1987) foi um baterista dos Estados Unidos do estilo jazz da Era do Swing.

Seu estilo notável era caracterizado por uma incrível velocidade e habilidade mesmo em temas mais complexos, tornando-os claros e precisos. 

Buddy Rich fez diversas parcerias durante sua carreira. Dentre elas estão os artistas, Frank Sinatra, Tommy Dorsey, Harry James, entre muitos outros. Buddy teve também sua própia big band, criada em 1966. Rich também era conhecido por seu "humor negro". Sua habilidade com a bateria o fez ser considerado por muitos músicos, críticos e bateristas, um dos melhores bateristas de todos os tempos sendo visto como uma espécie de ápice revolucionário e definitivo no instrumento. 

Buddy Rich morreu em Los Angeles, Califórnia, em 2 de abril de 1987, por conta de uma insuficiência respiratória e cardíaca inesperada após um tratamento contra um tumor cerebral. 

Em 2011, foi considerado o 15° melhor baterista de todos os tempos pela revista norte-americana Rolling Stone. 


Primeiros anos.

Bernard Rich nasceu em Brooklyn, Nova Iorque, filho de Robert Rich e Bess Rich, no dia 30 de setembro de 1917. Seus pais eram envolvidos com Vaudeville, que era uma espécie de gênero de entretenimento de variedades muito popular nos EUA e Canadá do início dos anos 1880 ao início de 1930.

Seus pais o levavam desde muito jovem a participar dos eventos que ocorriam no local e então ele começou a tocar bateria em público, impressionando aqueles que o assistiam. 

Começo de carreira.

Quando completou 11 anos de idade já tinha sua própria banda, e tocou com inúmeros grupos entre 1937 e 1939, quando juntou-se a banda de Tommy Dorsey e começou a tocar frequentemente. 

Em 1942 durante a segunda guerra, ele se juntou ao Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais dos Estados Unidos, no qual ele atuou como instrutor de judô. Ele acabou não indo a combate e foi dispensado por razões médicas. Depois de deixar os fuzileiros, ele voltou para a banda de Dorsey. Em 1946, com o apoio financeiro de Frank Sinatra, ele formou uma banda e continuou a liderar bandas de forma intermitente até o início dos anos 50. 

Auge da carreira.

Durante o auge de sua carreira, Buddy Rich começou a tocar com diversos artistas como Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Art Tatum, Lionel Hampton, Les Brown, Charlie Ventura, e ainda com Tommy Dorsey de 1954 á 1955 e também na orquestra de Harry James de 1953 à 1966. Buddy acabou por sofrer um ataque cardíaco em 1959, porém ele não se abalou, e continuou a tocar bateria depois do ocorrido. Em 1966, Rich decidiu formar sua própria big band, alcançando renome mundial. 

A própria big band e começou a mostrar para o mundo sua habilidade com a bateria alcançando renome mundial. 

Na década de 1970, dirigiu seu night club em Nova Iorque e tocou com pequenos grupos, além de participar de inúmeras apresentações em TV, concertos e festivais de jazz. Buddy já era considerado na época uma lenda da bateria e o melhor baterista de jazz de todos os tempo, sua velocidade, precisão e sincronia marcante representaram uma inovação para a época. 

Vida pessoal.

Buddy Rich foi casado com a modelo e dançarina Marie Allison de 24 de abril de 1953 até sua morte em 1987. Buddy teve uma filha com sua esposa, chamada de Cathy Rich, que mais tarde se tornou uma vocalista da banda de seu pai. Rich foi primo do ator norte-americano Jonathan Haze. 


Rich continuou em turnê e se apresentando até o final de sua vida. No início de março de 1987, ele estava em turnê em Nova Iorque, quando ele foi hospitalizado depois de sofrer uma paralisia no lado esquerdo que os médicos acreditavam ter sido causado por um derrame. Ele foi transferido da Califórnia para o UCLA Medical Center em Los Angeles para exames, onde médicos descobriram e removeram um tumor no cérebro em 16 de março. Ele recebeu alta uma semana depois, mas estava recebendo tratamentos diários de quimioterapia no hospital quando, em 2 de abril de 1987, ele morreu de insuficiência respiratória e cardíaca inesperada após seu tratamento para o tumor cerebral maligno. Sua esposa Marie e sua filha Cathy o enterraram no cemitério Westwood Village Memorial Park, em Los Angeles. 


Desde a morte de Rich, vários concertos memoriais foram realizados. Em 1994, o álbum Burning for Buddy: A Tribute to the Music of Buddy Rich foi lançado.

Produzido pelo baterista/letrista do Rush Neil Peart, o álbum conta com performances de bateristas de jazz e rock como Joe Morello, Steve Gadd, Max Roach, Billy Cobham, Dave Weckl, Simon Phillips, Steve Smith e o próprio Peart, acompanhado pelo Buddy Rich Big Band. Um segundo volume foi lançado em 1997. Phil Collins também participou de uma homenagem em DVD organizada pela filha de Rich, A Salute to Buddy Rich, que incluía Steve Smith e Dennis Chambers. 

Em 2011, foi incluído na calçada da fama de Burghausen e ganhou uma estrela na calçada da fama de Hollywood em 2017. Texto: Wikipédia. 

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Gene Krupa And Buddy Rich At JATP - The Drum Battle (1952)
01. Introduction By Norman Granz (0:43)
02. Idaho (6:46)
03. Sophisticated Lady (4:39)
04. Flying Home (6:00)
05. Drum Boogie (9:04)
06. The Drum Battle (3:36)
07. Perdido (5:01)

Buddy Rich And Harry 'Sweets' Edison - Buddy And Sweets (1955)
01. Yellow Rose Of Brooklyn (4:36)
02. Easy Does It (8:20)
03. All Sweets (2:13)
04. Nice Work If You Can Get It (4:08)
05. Barney's Bugle (9:43)
06. Now's The Time (4:44)
07. You're Getting To Be A Habbit With Me (5:11)

Gene Krupa And Buddy Rich - Krupa And Rich (1955)
01. Buddy's Blues (10:31)
02. Bernie's Tune (13:57)
03. Gene's Blues (7:48)
04. Sweethearts On Parade (8:51)
05. I Never Knew (8:55)
Bonus Tracks.
06. Sunday (10:52)
07. The Monster (11:06)

Buddy Rich And His Orchestra - This One's For Basie (1956)
01. Blue And Sentimental (4:50)
02. Down For Double (4:10)
03. Jump For Me (5:46)
04. Blues For Basie (7:20)
05. Jumping At The Woodside (6:27)
06. Ain't It The Truth (3:02)
07. Shorty George (5:14)
08. 9:20 Special (4:34)

Buddy Rich Sings Johnny Mercer (1956)
01. Goody Goody (3:12)
02. Out Of This World (3:30)
03. Skylark (3:07)
04. A Cent Tchu Ate The Positive (3:00)
05. One For My Baby (4:15)
06. Fools Rush In (4:20)
07. Day In, Day Out (2:56)
08. Blues In The Night (3:05)
09. Trav'lin' Light (3:18)
10. Too Marvelous For Words (3:08)
11. This Time The Dream's On Me (4:04)
12. Dream (3:21)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Buddy Rich & Max Roach - Rich Versus Roach (1959)
01. Sing, Sing, Sing (Alt. Take) (4:24)
02. Sing, Sing, Sing (4:12)
03. The Casbah (4:31)
04. The Casbah (Alt. Take) (5:02)
05. Sleep (3:21)
06. Figure Eights (4:33)
07. Yesterdays (5:45)
08. Big Foot (5:03)
09. Big Foot (Alt. Take) (5:17)
10. Limehouse Blues (3:57)
11. Limehouse Blues (Alt. Take) (3:47)
12. Toot, Toot, Tootsie Goodbye (3:57)

Buddy Rich, Gene Krupa - Burnin' Beat (1962)
01. Jumpin' At The Woodside (2:23)
02. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) (2:38)
03. Duet (4:34)
04. Night Train (3:25)
05. King Porter Stomp (3:26)
06. Perdido (2:28)
07. Evolution (8:23)
08. Hawaiian War Chant (Ta-Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai) (5:38)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Swingin' New Big Band (1966)
01. Readymix (3:23)
02. Basically Blues (5:40)
03. Critic's Choice (3:31)
04. My Man's Gone Now (3:05)
05. Up Tight (Everything's Alright) (2:50)
06. Sister Sadie (3:16)
07. More Soul (4:20)
08. West Side Story Medley:
 A. Overture
B. Cool
C. Something's Coming
D. Somewhere

09. What'd I Say (2:51)
10. Hoe Down (2:41)
11. Step Right Up (3:18)
12. Apples (Aka Gino) (2:33)
13. Chicago (2:26)
14. In A Mellotone (3:45)
15. Never Will I Marry (2:43)
16. Lament For Lester (2:45)
17. Naptown Blues (3:29)

Sammy Davis Jr., Buddy Rich - The Sound Of '66 (1966)
01. Come Back To Me (4:14)
02. I Know A Place (2:26)
03. What Did I Have That I Don't Have? (3:44)
04. What The World Needs Now Is Love (3:04)
05. Once In Love With Amy (2:46)
06. Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead (1:47)
07. What Now My Love (3:06)
08. What Kind Of Fool Am I? (3:06)
09. If It's The Thing To Do (3:22)
10. Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone (4:06)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

The Buddy Rich Big Band - The New One! (1967)
01. Away We Go (3:14)
02. Machine (3:40)
03. The Rotten Kid (5:14)
04. New Blues (4:57)
05. Something For Willie (4:11)
06. Standing Up In A Hammock (2:40)
07. Chicago (2:11)
08. Luv (3:00)
09. I Can't Get Started (3:53)
10. Group Shot (5:11)
11. Diabolus (9:00)
12. Away We Go (Alternative Version) (3:03)
13. The Rotten Kid (Alternative Version) (4:17)
14. Diabolus (Alternative Version) (9:00)
15. Old Timey (3:18)
16. Naptown Blues (4:27)

Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Driver (1967)
01. Brainwashed (5:00)
02. A Swinging Serenade (4:05)
03. Big Leg Mary (5:45)
04. Straight, No Chaser (4:20)
05. Bloody Mary (6:30)
06. A Night In Tunisia (6:05)
07. Miss Bessie's Cookin' (5:15)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Buddy Rich And Alla Rakha - Rich A La Rakha (1968)
01. Khanda Kafi (5:18)
02. Duet In Dadra (4:19)
03. Rangeela (7:41)
04. Nagma E Raksh (4:45)
05. Tal Sawari (14:30)

The Buddy Rich Big Band - Mercy, Mercy (1968)
01. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy (5:35)
02. Preach And Teach (4:07)
03. Channel 1 Suite (12:50)
04. Big Mama Cass (3:22)
05. Goodbye Yesterday (6:18)
06. Acid Truth (5:50)
07. Alfie (3:49)
08. Ode To Billie Joe (3:40)
09. Chavala (5:21)
10. Mr. Lucky (5:48)
11. Chelsea Bridge (5:11)

Buddy Rich Big Band - Buddy & Soul (1969)
01. Soul Lady (4:55)
02. St. Petersburg Race (2:43)
03. Soul Kitchen (3:58)
04. Wonderbag (4:52)
05. Ruth (4:12)
06. Love And Peace (3:39)
07. Hello, I Love You (4:17)
08. Comin' Home Baby (3:17)
09. The Meaning Of The Blues (3:45)
10. Greensleeves (4:38)
11. Mexicali Nose (3:37)
12. Buddy Buddy (3:49)
13. Acid Truth (5:09)
14. Parthenia (5:03)
15. Street Kiddie (3:40)
16. The Word (5:51)
17. It's Crazy (5:57)

Buddy Rich Big Band - Keep The Customer Satisfied (1970)
01. Keep The Customer Satisfied (6:40)
02. Long Day's Journey (4:42)
03. Midnight Cowboy Medley (11:12)
04. Celebration (3:35)
05. Groovin' Hard (5:25)
06. The Juicer Is Wild (4:33)
07. Winning The West (7:30)
08. Body And Soul (4:55)
09. Happy Time (3:57)
10. The Nitty Gritty (4:07)
11. Straight And Narrow (4:18)
12. Groovin' Hard (Alt. Take) (5:55)
13. Corner Stone (4:45)

Buddy Rich And His Orchestra - The Amazing Buddy Rich: Time Being (1972)
01. Paul's Tune (6:18)
02. Chelsea Bridge (5:05)
03. Straight No Chaser (4:14)
04. Dancing Men (6:25)
05. Little Train (6:28)
06. Two Bass Hit (4:03)
07. Time Being (13:05)
08. Best Coast (4:02)
09. Space Shuttle (4:16)
10. Sassy Strout (6:08)

Tuff Dude (1974)
01. Donna Lee (5:53)
02. Chameleon (3:58)
03. 2nd Avenue Blue (15:31)
04. Jumpin' At The Woodside (7:15)
05. Sierra Lonely (7:49)
06. Nica's Dream (14:09)
07. Billie's Bounce (8:02)

Very Live At Buddy's Place (1974)
01. Chameleon (4:52)
02. Jumpin' At The Woodside (7:21)
03. Sierra Lonely (6:22)
04. Cardin Blue (9:51)
05. Nica's Dream (6:38)
06. Billie's Bounce (6:01)

Transition (1974)
01. Avalon (3:37)
02. Air Mail Special (6:10)
03. Hamhock Blues (5:38)
04. Ring Dem Bells (4:26)
05. E.G. (8:26)
06. Fum (9:22)

The Roar Of '74 (1974)
01. Nuttville (4:47)
02. Kilimanjaro Cookout (6:14)
03. Big Mac (5:44)
04. Backwoods Sideman (4:29)
05. Time Check (3:45)
06. Prelude To A Kiss (3:32)
07. Waltz Of The Mushroom Hunters (7:16)
08. Senator Sam (4:40)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Big Band Machine (1975)
01. Three Day Sucker (6:52)
02. Tommy Medley (12:28)
03. On Broadway (3:52)
04. Pieces Of Dreams (4:33)
05. Ease On Down The Road (4:02)
06. West Side Story Medley (5:29)

Plays And Plays And Plays (1977)
01. You Gotta Try (3:37)
02. Tales Of A Rhoda Rat (5:46)
03. 'Round About Midnight (6:49)
04. Time Out (7:57)
05. No Jive (5:57)
06. Lush Life (4:09)
07. Party Time (5:36)
08. Kong (5:04)
09. Mickey Mouse (2:37)

Giant Steps (1977)
01. Moments Notice (5:27)
02. Giant Steps (5:30)
03. Buddy's Cherokee (7:26)
04. Take The "A" Train (6:13)
05. I'll Never Be The Same (3:33)
06. Buddy's Rock (5:54)
07. My Funny Valentine (6:00)
08. Latin Silk (7:38)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

The Greatest Drummer That Ever Lived: With The Best Band I Ever Had (1977)
01. Birdland (6:46)
02. Bouncin' With Bud (5:55)
03. Cape Verdean Blues (6:17)
04. Fiesta (6:23)
05. Funk City Ola (4:32)

The Buddy Rich Big Band - "Live" Wham! (1978)
01. Time Out (7:04)
02. Willowcrest (4:20)
03. Ya Gotta Try (3:42)
04. Tales Of Rhoda Rat (8:21)
05. Time Check (4:35)
06. Cape Verdean Blues (6:23)
07. Bugle Call Rag (3:20)
08. So What? (5:31)
09. A Little Train (6:20)
10. Channel One Suite (26:42)

Buddy Rich '47 '48 (1978)
01. I've Got News For You (2:44)
02. A Man Could Be A Wonderful Thing (3:14)
03. Good Bait (2:52)
04. Blue Skies (4:09)
05. Just You, Just Me (2:59)
06. I Believe (2:12)
07. What Is This Thing Called Love (3:37)
08. Little White Lies (2:51)
09. You Go To My Head (3:37)
10. Queer Street (2:56)
11. Fine And Dandy (1:49)
12. That's Rich (3:14)
13. I May Be Wrong (3:14)
14. Robbin's Nest (4:07)

Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live At Ronnie Scott's (1980)
01. Beulah Witch (4:370
02. Grand Concourse (6:55)
03. Blues a la 88 (Ernie's Blues) (6:18)
04. Saturday Night (5:29)
05. Slow Funk (5:43)
06. Good News (15:35)

Opção 1. Opção 2.
Buddy Rich Band (1981)
01. Never Can Say Goodbye (4:54)
02. Fantasy (4:42)
03. Listen Here Goes Funky (3:34)
04. Slow Funk (5:46)
05. Beulah Witch (3:35)
06. Good News (14:26)

Opção 1. Opção 2.
Just In Time: The Final Recording (1986)
01. Wind Machine (3:22)
02. Night Blood (3:59)
03. Ready Mix (3:28)
04. The Trolley Song (4:20)
05. Winding Way (7:01)
06. Harco Shuffle (6:25)
07. Just In Time (5:21)
08. Loose (3:56)
09. Love For Sale (4:19)
10. Shawnee (3:48)
11. Up Jumped Spring (3:27)
12. Why Bother? (4:40)
13. Porgy And Bess (10:31)
14. Twisted (Feat. Cathy Rich) (6:41)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Compact Jazz (1987)
01. Jumpin' At The Woodside (6:26)
02. Broadway (11:55)
03. Yardbird Suite (3:02)
04. Toot Toot Tootsie (3:59)
05. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (4:07)
06. Bloody Mary (6:33)
07. From The Sticks (4:44)
08. Late Date (5:13)
09. Jump For Me (5:44)
10. A Night In Tunisia (6:15)

Buddy Rich / Maynard Ferguson - Two Big Bands Play Selections From West Side Story & Other Delights (1991)
Buddy Rich.
01. West Side Story (5:52)
02. Kilimanjaro Cookout (6:17)
03. Prelude To A Kiss (3:34)
04. Waltz Of The Mushroom Hunters (7:16)
Maynard Ferguson.
05. Pilatus (4:42)
06. Foggy Night (5:07)
07. Maria (3:53)
08. Got The Spirit (9:25)
09. At The Sound Of The Trumpet (6:24)

Opção 1. Opção 2. 

The All Star Small Groups (2001)
01. Billie's Bounce (8:02)
02. Sierra Lonely (7:47)
03. Donna Lee (5:50)
04. Chameleon (3:54)
05. Racquet Club (9:25)
06. Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You (2:57)
07. Nirvana (4:17)
08. Indiana (4:05)
09. Loot To Boot (7:23)
10. 2nd Avenue Blue (15:26)

Jazz Cafe Presents Buddy Rich (2001)
01. Moment's Notice (5:27)
02. Giant Steps (5:30)
03. Cherokee (7:26)
04. Take The A Train (6:12)
05. I'll Never Be The Same (3:32)
06. Buddy's Rock (5:50)
07. My Funny Valentine (6:00)
08. Latin Silk (7:38)

Opção 1.
Opção 2.

Quiet Riot: A Proper Introduction To Buddy Rich (2004)
01. Dateless Brown (3:19)
02. Desperate Desmond (3:10)
03. Rags To Riches (2:44)
04. Quiet Riot (2:54)
05. Poontang (3:52)
06. Just You, Just Me (3:53)
07. Great Moments (2:55)
08. Feather Merchant (4:07)
09. A Little Handicap (2:55)
10. Cool Breeze (3:19)
11. Daily Double (3:25)
12. Oop Bop Sh-Bam (2:59)
13. That's Rich (3:20)
14. Budella (Blue Skies) (4:15)
15. Nellie's Nightmare (5:33)
16. What Is This Thing Called Love? (3:43)
17. The Goof And I (3:33)
18. A Man Could Be A Wonderful Thing (2:40)
19. Little White Lies (2:57)
20. Queer Street (3:08)
21. I May Be Wrong (3:18)
22. Robbins Nest (4:12)
23. Good Bait (2:54)

Opção 1.
Opção 2.

Time Out (2007)
01. Goodbye Yesterday (5:50)
02. Machine (3:30)
03. Bouncin' With Bud (7:37)
04. Readymix (3:11)
05. Senator Sam (13:18)
06. Party Time (5:39)
07. Joy Spring (6:52)
08. Funk City-Ola (4:40)
09. Loose (4:00)
10. Time Out (11:22)
11. Chicago (2:39)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Three Classic Albums Plus, 1953-1956 (2012)
CD 1.

The Wailing Buddy Rich (1955)

01. The Monster (11:09)
02. Sunday (10:50)
03. A Smooth One (9:15)
04. Broadway (11:57)
The Swinging Buddy Rich (1953-1955)
05. Let's Fall In Love (2:51)
06. Me And My Jaguar (3:52)
07. Just Blues (6:32)
08. Sweets' Opus No.1 (2:39)
09. Strike It Rich (6:33)
10. Sportin' Life (2:40)
11. Sonny And Sweets (4:43)
12. The Two Mothers (6:04)

CD 2.

The Swinging Buddy Rich (Cont.)
01. Willow Weep For Me (7:06)
Buddy And Sweets (1955)
02. Yellow Rose Of Brooklyn (4:36)
03. All Sweets (2:13)
04. Nice Work If You Can Get It (4:09)
05. Barney's Bugle (9:43)
06. Now's The Time (4:44)
07. You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me (5:15)
This One's For Basie (1956)
08. Blue And Sentimental (4:50)
09. Down For Double (4:09)
10. Jump For Me (5:44)
11. Blues For Basie (7:19)
12. Jumping At The Woodside (6:25)
13. Ain't It The Truth (3:01)
14. Shorty George (5:14)
15. 9.20 Special (4:35)

Opção 1.
Opção 2.

The Absolutely Essential 3 CD Collection (2016)
CD 1.

Joe Marsala's Chicagoans.

01. Jim Jam Stomp (2:49)
Artie Shaw And His Orchestra.
02. The Carioca (4:04)
The Metronome All Stars.
03. One O'Clock Jump (3:24)
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra.
04. Well, Git It! (3:07)
The Lester Young-Buddy Rich Trio.
05. I Want To Be Happy (4:01)
06. I've Found A New Baby (4:04)
Buddy Rich And His Orchestra.
07. Dateless Brown (3:21)
08. Desperate Desmond (3:12)
09. From Rags To Riches (3:08)
10. Quiet Riot (4:14)
11. Great Moments (2:57)
12. A Little Handicap (2:53)
Buddy Rich And His V-Disc Speed Demons.
13. That's Rich (3:20)
Buddy Rich And His Orchestra.
14. Nellie's Nightmare (5:36)
15. Daily Double (5:38)
16. Four Rich Brothers (3:29)
The Metronome All Stars.
17. Leap Here (3:27)
The Roy Eldridge Quintet.
18. Sweet Georgia Brown (4:29)
The Buddy Rich Quintet.
19. Now's The Time (4:42)
Buddy Rich And His Orchestra.
20. Jumpin' At The Woodside (6:23)

CD 2.

Buddy Rich And His Orchestra.

01. Oop Bop Sh'Bam (3:02)
02. Little White Lies (2:57)
03. I've Got News For You (2:45)
04. Fine And Dandy (1:53)
The Count Basie Octet.
05. Golden Bullet (2:29)
The Count Basie Sextet.
06. Royal Garden Blues (3:11)
The Buddy Rich All Stars.
07. Let's Fall In Love (2:51)
08. Me And My Jaguar (3:51)
Buddy Rich And His Orchestra.
09. Sweets' Opus No.1 (2:40)
10. Sportin' Life (Sweetie Pie) (2:40)
The Buddy Rich Quintet.
11. Sonny And Sweets (4:40)
Buddy Rich With Howard Gibeling's Orchestra.
12. Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams (3:21)
The Buddy Rich Quintet.
13. All Sweets (2:13)
Woody Herman And His Orchestra.
14. Drums In Hi-Fly (5:02)
Buddy Rich And His Orchestra.
15. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (4:06)
16. Blue And Sentimental (4:49)
The Lionel Hampton, Art Tatum, Buddy Rich Trio.
17. How High The Moon (5:12)
Buddy Rich And His Orchestra.
18. Shorty George (5:16)
19. 9.20 Special (4:37)
Buddy Rich And His Sextet.
20. Caravan (9:38)

CD 3.

Buddy Rich And His Orchestra.
01. Down For Double (4:11)
02. Goody, Goody (3:16)
03. Indiana (Back Home In Indiana) (3:28)
04. Richcraft (3:17)
05. Sweets Tooth (4:13)
06. Clap Hands! Here Comes Charlie (3:14)
07. Yardbird Suite (3:10)
08. Cherokee (4:21)
09. From The Sticks (4:54)
Buddy Rich And Max Roach.
10. The Casbah (4:33)
The Buddy Rich Septet.
11. Brainwashed (3:45)
12. Straight, No Chaser (4:26)
13. Miss Bessie's Cookin' (6:21)
Buddy Rich And His Buddies.
14. Fascinating Rhythm (4:35)
Buddy Rich And His Sextet.
15. B.R. Blues (3:12)
16. I Remember Clifford (3:39)
Buddy Rich And Gene Krupa.
17. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) (2:39)
18. Night Train (3:29)
19. King Porter Stomp (3:30)
20. Perdido (2:28)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Milestones Of A Jazz Legend, 1946-1962 (Box Set 2019)
CD 1.

The Swinging Buddy Rich (1954)
01. Let's Fall In Love (2:47)
02. Me And My Jaguar (3:48)
03. Just Blues (6:29)
04. Sweets' Opus No.1 (2:34)
05. Strike It Rich (6:28)
06. Sportin' Life ("Sweetie Pie") (2:41)
Gene Krupa & Buddy Rich - Krupa And Rich (1955)
07. Buddy's Blues (10:30)
08. Bernie's Tune (13:57)
09. Gene's Blues (7:47)
10. Sweethearts On Parade (8:51)
11. I Never Knew (8:49)

CD 2.

The Lester Young Buddy Rich Trio (1946)
01. Back To The Land (3:53)
02. I've Found A New Baby (4:04)
03. I Cover The Waterfront (4:03)
04. Somebody Loves Me (3:53)
05. I Want To Be Happy (3:58)
06. The Man I Love (4:48)
07. Mean To Me (4:11)
08. Peg O' My Heart (4:07)
The Wailing Buddy Rich (1955)
09. The Monster (11:08)
10. Sunday (10:48)
11. Smooth One (9:13)
12. Broadway (11:51)

CD 3.

The Flip Phillips Buddy Rich Trio (1952)
01. Funky Blues (3:08)
02. Indiana (3:02)
03. Stardust (3:09)
04. Goodbye (3:38)
05. Salute To Pres (2:55)
06. Swedish Pastry (3:19)
07. Carioca (2:33)
08. Take The "A" Train (2:58)
09. Bugle Call Rag (3:09)
10. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:19)
11. Three Little Words (2:43)
12. Flip's Boogie (3:25)
Buddy Rich Sings Johnny Mercer (1956)
13. Goody Goody (3:16)
14. Out Of This World (3:33)
15. Skylark (3:10)
16. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive (3:03)
17. One For My Baby (And One More For The Road) (4:18)
18. Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread) (4:23)
19. Blues In The Night (3:07)
20. Day In, Day Out (2:58)
21. Trav'lin' Light (3:20)
22. Too Marvelous For Words (3:10)
23. This Time The Dream's On Me (4:06)
24. Dream (3:21)

CD 4.

Gene Krupa & Buddy Rich At JATP - Drum Battle (1952)
01. Idaho (6:46)
02. Sophisticated Lady (4:39)
03. Flying Home (5:56)
04. Drum Boogie (9:04)
05. The Drum Battle (3:36)
06. Perdido (4:57)
This One's For Basie (1956)
07. Blue And Sentimental (4:49)
08. Down For Double (4:08)
09. Jump For Me (5:44)
10. Blues For Basie (7:19)
11. Jumpin' At The Woodside (6:25)
12. Ain't It The Truth (3:01)
13. Shorty George (5:14)
14. 9:20 Special (4:35)

CD 5.

Buddy And Sweets (1955)
01. Yellow Rose Of Brooklyn (4:34)
02. Easy Does It (8:19)
03. All Sweets (2:12)
04. Nice Work If You Can Get It (4:07)
05. Barney's Bugle (9:42)
06. Now's The Time (4:42)
07. You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me (5:18)
The Lionel Hampton Art Tatum Buddy Rich Trio (1955)
08. What Is This Thing Called Love (7:06)
09. I'll Never Be The Same (6:38)
10. Makin' Whoopee (7:06)
11. Hallelujah (4:56)
12. Perdido (5:06)
13. More Than You Know (4:17)
14. How High The Moon (5:09)

CD 6.

Buddy Rich Just Sings (1955)
01. Cathy (3:21)
02. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (4:05)
03. It's All Right With Me (2:28)
04. Over The Rainbow (4:17)
05. You Took Advantage Of Me (3:41)
06. Can't We Be Friends? (3:27)
07. It's Only A Paper Moon (2:49)
08. My Melancholy Baby (3:02)
09. Cheek To Cheek (5:00)
10. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) (3:03)
11. I Hadn't Anyone Till You (3:41)
Sing And Swing With Buddy Rich (1955)
12. Everything Happens To Me (3:38)
13. Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams (3:18)
14. Sure Thing (2:38)
15. Glad To Be Unhappy (3:15)
16. Ballad Medley: (12:13)
Over The Rainbow
You've Changed
Time After Time
This Is Always
My Heart Stood Still
I Hadn't Anyone Till You

CD 7.

Rich Versus Roach (1959)
01. Sing, Sing, Sing (With A Swing) (4:12)
02. The Casbah (4:31)
03. Sleep (3:21)
04. Figure Eights (4:33)
05. Yesterdays (5:45)
06. Big Foot (5:03)
07. Limehouse Blues (3:58)
08. Toot, Toot, Tootsie Goodbye (4:05)
Rich In Miami (1957)
09. Lover, Come Back To Me (6:24)
10. Topsy (8:13)
11. Undecided (9:28)
12. Broadway (8:13)
13. Jumpin' At The Woodside (10:11)

CD 8.

Ritchcraft (1959)
01. Indiana (Back Home Again In Indiana) (3:30)
02. Richcraft (3:18)
03. Sweets Tooth (4:14)
04. Clap Hands! Here Comes Charley! (3:14)
05. Yardbird Suite (3:11)
06. Cherokee (Indian Love Song) (4:22)
07. I Want A Little Girl (4:25)
08. From The Sticks (4:55)
09. Song Of The Islands (4:24)
The Voice Is Rich (1959)
10. Down The Old Ox Road (2:28)
11. (I Was) Born To Be Blue (4:00)
12. I've Heard That Song Before (2:47)
13. I Want A Little Girl (2:40)
14. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (3:04)
15. You've Changed (2:43)
16. Me And My Shadow (2:31)
17. (Ah, The Apple Trees) When The World Was Young (4:05)
18. It's Been A Long, Long Time (3:00)
19. I Don't Want To Walk Without You (2:58)
20. Back In Your Own Back Yard (2:44)

CD 9.

The Driver (1960)
01. Brainwashed (5:05)
02. A Swinging Serenade (4:10)
03. Big Leg Mary (5:48)
04. Straight, No Chaser (4:26)
05. Bloody Mary (6:34)
06. A Night In Tunisia (6:18)
07. Miss Bessie's Cookin' (5:26)
Blues Caravan (1961)
08. Blowin' The Blues Away (8:41)
09. B.R. Blues (3:14)
10. Late Date (5:13)
11. Caravan (9:44)
12. Young Blood (5:59)
13. I Remember Clifford (3:37)

CD 10.

Playtime (1960)
01. Lulu's Back In Town (5:50)
02. Playtime (6:10)
03. Will You Still Be Mine? (4:42)
04. Fascinating Rhythm (4:34)
05. Makin' Whoopee (4:23)
06. Marbles (5:48)
07. Misty (5:05)
08. Cheek To Cheek (6:22)
Burning Beat (1962)
09. Jumpin' At The Woodside (2:28)
10. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) (2:41)
11. Duet (4:37)
12. Night Train (3:28)
13. King Porter Stomp (3:29)
14. Perdido (2:31)
15. Evolution (8:26)
16. Hawaiian War Chant 20 (5:35)
Opção 2 Pt.1 > Pt.2.

Seven Classic Albums, 1955-1961 (Box Set 2019)
CD 1.

Buddy And Sweets (1955)
01. Yellow Rose Of Brooklyn (4:33)
02. Easy Does It (8:18)
03. All Sweets (2:10)
04. Nice Work If You Can Get It (4:06)
05. Barney's Bugle (9:40)
06. Now's The Time (4:41)
07. You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me (5:12)
Krupa And Rich (1956)
08. Buddy's Blues (10:29)
09. Bernie's Tune (13:54)
10. Gene's Blues (7:44)

CD 2.

Krupa And Rich (1956) Cont.
01. Sweethearts On Parade (8:48)
02. I Never Knew (8:48)
This One's For Basie (1956)
03. Blue And Sentimental (4:47)
04. Down For Double (4:06)
05. Jump For Me (5:41)
06. Blues For Basie (7:16)
07. Jumpin' At The Woodside (6:24)
08. Ain't It The Truth (2:58)
09. Shorty George (5:11)
10. 9.20 Special (4:34)
Richcraft (1959)
11. Indiana (Back Home Again In Indiana) (3:19)
12. Richcraft (3:09)
13. Sweets Tooth (4:03)
14. Clap Hands! Here Comes Charley! (3:06)
15. Yardbird Suite (3:02)

CD 3.

Richcraft (1959) Cont.

01. Cherokee (4:11)
02. I Want A Little Girl (4:15)
03. From The Sticks (4:45)
04. Song Of The Islands (4:12)
Rich Versus Roach (1959)
05. Sing, Sing, Sing (With A Swing) (4:10)
06. The Casbah (4:29)
07. Sleep (3:19)
08. Figure Eights (4:31)
09. Yesterdays (5:42)
10. Big Foot (5:01)
11. Limehouse Blues (3:56)
12. Toot, Toot, Tootsie, Goodbye (3:56)

CD 4.

The Drum Battle: Gene Krupa And Buddy Rich At JATP (1960)
01. Introduction By Norman Granz (0:42)
02. Idaho (6:46)
03. Sophisticated Lady (4:39)
04. Flying Home (5:56)
05. Drum Boogie (9:04)
06. The Drum Battle (3:36)
07. Perdido (4:51)
Playtime (1961)
08. Lulu's Back In Town (5:48)
09. Playtime (6:10)
10. Will You Still Be Mine? (4:40)
11. Fascinating Rhythm (4:31)
12. Makin' Whoopee (4:22)
13. Marbles (5:46)
14. Misty (5:05)
15. Cheek To Cheek (6:15)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Sound Of Fury (Live 2022)
01. 'Round Midnight (3:57)
02. Groovin' Hard (5:58)
03. Chelsea Bridge (5:34)
04. Banter (2:01)
05. Watson's Walk (8:01)
06. Theme From Love Story (5:32)
07. Superstar (3:53)
08. Time Being (11:18)
09. Love For Sale (1:33)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

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