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Buddy Holly - Discografia.

Charles Hardin Holley (Lubbock, 7 de setembro de 1936 – Clear Lake, 3 de fevereiro de 1959), mais conhecido como Buddy Holly, foi um influente guitarrista, cantor e compositor americano e pioneiro do rock and roll.

Embora seu sucesso tenha durado apenas um ano e meio antes de sua morte, em um acidente aéreo em 1959, conhecido como O Dia em que a Música Morreu (The Day the Music Died), em que morreram também os cantores Ritchie Valens e J.P. Richardson, Holly é descrito pelos críticos como "a força criativa mais influente dos primórdios do rock". Seus trabalhos e inovações inspiraram e influenciaram tanto seus contemporâneos quanto futuros músicos, notavelmente The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Don McLean e Bob Dylan, exercendo uma contribuição significante na música pop. 

O nome de Holly foi um dos primeiros a serem incluídos no Hall da Fama do Rock and Roll quando de sua fundação em 1986.4 Em 2004, ele foi listado pela revista Rolling Stone na 13ª colocação entre os "Maiores Artistas de Todos os Tempos". Foi considerado o 80º melhor guitarrista de todos os tempos pela revista norte-americana Rolling Stone. 

Em 7 de setembro de 2011, dia em que completaria 75 anos de idade, Buddy Holly finalmente ganha sua estrela na Calçada da Fama, em Hollywood.


Holly nasceu em Lubbock, Texas, Estados Unidos. Os Holleys eram uma família de músicos e cedo Buddy aprendeu a tocar violino, piano e guitarra. Ainda adolescente, já tocava como profissional num duo de música country. A sua grande oportunidade surgiu quando fez a abertura de um concerto de Bill Haley and The Comets num espetáculo local. Assinou contrato pela Decca Records para uma gravação a solo, mas o seu sucesso prematuro iludiu-o. 

De volta a Lubbock, Holly formou a sua própria banda, The Crickets, e começou a gravar discos no estúdio do produtor Norman Petty em Clovis, Novo México. Entre as músicas que gravou, encontrava-se "That'll Be The Day", no qual foi buscar o título em uma frase que o ator John Wayne repetia ao longo do filme The Searchers. Norman tinha conhecimentos da indústria musical, e como acreditava que "That'll Be The Day" seria um grande sucesso, fez contatos com editoras. A Coral Records, subsidiária da Decca na época, contratou Buddy e os Crickets, pondo-o na caricata situação de ter dois contratos ao mesmo tempo. 

A música de Holly era sofisticada para seu dias, incluindo o uso de novos instrumentos (para o rock and roll). Holly era um bom guitarrista rítmico, notável em músicas como "Peggy Sue" e "Not Fade Away". Holly podia fazer músicas do tipo garoto - ama - garota como o melhor de seus contemporâneos, outras músicas tinham letras mais sofisticadas, harmonias e melodias muito bem trabalhadas e complexas, que nunca foram mostradas no gênero. 

Holly também conseguiu controlar algumas das "guerras" raciais que pontuavam o rock, conseguiu ganhar uma plateia quase toda de negros, quando acidentalmente tocou no Teatro Apollo em Nova York (Diferente do que aparece no filme de sua biografia, levou muitas performances para a audiência se convencer de seu talento). 

Depois do lançamento de muitas músicas de sucesso, em março de 1958, ele e os Crickets fizeram uma turnê pela Inglaterra. Na audiência, havia dois adolescentes que futuramente entrariam para a história do rock. Um deles era um jovem chamado Paul McCartney, que depois citou Holly como uma de suas principais influências (o nome da sua banda The Beatles, foi escolhida boa parte, em função do nome da banda de Holly, The Crickets). O outro era Mick Jagger que também recebeu forte influência musical de Holly, tanto que um dos primeiros sucessos de sua banda, os Rolling Stones, foi uma versão de "Not Fade Away", e até hoje eles a tocam em suas apresentações. O estilo pessoal de Holly, mais controlado e cerebral que Elvis Presley, e mais jovial e inovador que os astros western de sua época, teve uma influência na cultura jovem nos dois lados do atlântico por décadas, refletindo particularmente na música new wave, movimento de artistas como Elvis Costello e Marshall Crenshaw, e também em bandas anteriores, como The Byrds e The Turtles. 

Buddy Holly casou-se com Maria Elena Santiago em 15 de agosto de 1958, na casa da família de Holly, em Lubbock.


Em 1959, Holly saiu dos Crickets e começou uma carreira solo com outros artistas famosos, incluindo os cantores Ritchie Valens e J.P. Richardson.
Depois de uma performance no dia 2 de fevereiro no Surf Ballroom em Clear Lake, Iowa, o pequeno avião Beechcraft Bonanza, no qual viajava com mais 2 passageiros, caiu no milharal de Albet Juhl, algumas milhas depois, às 1:05 da manhã. A queda matou Holly, Valens, Richardson e o piloto Roger Peterson. Esse evento inspirou o cantor Don McLean a criar uma popular música de 1971, chamada "American Pie", e imortalizou o dia 3 de fevereiro como "o dia em que a música morreu". Serviços de funeral foram requisitados na Igreja Batista em Lubbock, Texas, e Buddy Holly foi enterrado no Cemitério de Lubbock, Lubbock, Texas nos Estados Unidos.9 Sua esposa, Maria Elena Santiago, não compareceu ao enterro de Buddy.


Em 1988, Ken Paquette, um morador de Wisconsin e fã de rock dos anos 50, erigiu um monumento de aço que representava uma guitarra e um set de três discos pontuados pelos nomes dos três artistas mortos no acidente aéreo. Ele também criou um monumento similar perto de Riverside Ballroom, em Green Bay, Wisconsin. 

O enredo dramático da vida de Holly inspirou um filme de Hollywood, chamado The Buddy Holly Story, pelo qual o ator americano Gary Busey recebeu uma indicação ao Oscar de "Melhor Ator". O filme daria origem também a um musical da Broadway. 

Buddy Holly é considerado um dos fundadores do rock'n'roll e um de seus músicos mais influentes. Embora sua carreira tenha terminado tão cedo, o trabalho deixado por ele é considerado um dos melhores da história do rock e sua música influenciaria não apenas seus contemporâneos, mas também à direção futura que a música tomaria. 

Em 5 de setembro de 1980, em Lubbock, foi inaugurada uma estátua de Buddy Holly em bronze, construída pelo escultor americano Grant Speed, de Utah. A estátua tem 2 metros e 60 centímetros de altura e pesa pouco mais de 1 tonelada (1000 quilos).



Buddy Holly lançou apenas três álbuns durante sua vida. Entretanto, suas gravações foram tão prolíficas em quantidade, que a Coral Records foi capaz de lançar novos álbuns e singles do cantor pelos próximos 10 anos após sua morte. A qualidade técnica destas gravações que Buddy deixou compreende, em sua maioria, gravações de estúdio, sendo algumas de qualidade e outras simplesmente gravações caseiras.

Coletâneas (seleção).

Após a morte de Buddy Holly, em 1959, foram lançadas inúmeras coletâneas, algumas oficiais, outras não. Dentre elas, devemos mencionar Giant (1969), que contém gravações caseiras; The Buddy Holly Story Vol.1 & 2 (1959 e 1960 respectivamente) e Memorial Collection (2009), com 3 CDs. Texto: Wikipédia.

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Álbuns Oficiais.

Buddy Holly & The Crickets - The Chirping' Crickets (1957)
01. Oh, Boy!
02. Not Fade Away
03. You’ve Got Love
04. Maybe Baby
05. It’s Too Late
06. Tell Me How
07. That’ll Be the Day
08. I’m Looking for Someone to Love
09. An Empty Cup (And a Broken Date)
10. Send Me Some Lovin’
11. Last Night
12. Rock Me My Baby

Buddy Holly (1958)
01. I'm Gonna Love You Too
02. Peggy Sue
03. Look At Me
04. Listen To Me
05. Valley Of Tears
06. Ready Teddy
07. Everyday
08. Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues
09. Words Of Love
10. You're So Square (Baby I Don't Care)
11. Rave On
12. Little Baby

That'll Be The Day (1958)
01. You Are My One Desire
02. Blue Days, Black Nights
03. Modern Don Juan
04. Rock Around With Ollie Vee
05. Ting A Ling
06. Girl On My Mind
07. That'll Be The Day
08. Love Me
09. I'm All Those Changes
10. Don't Come Back Knockin
11. Midnight Shift

Algumas Coletâneas e Póstumos.

The Buddy Holly Story (1959)
01. Raining In My Heart
02. Early In The Morning
03. Peggy Sue
04. Maybe Baby
05. Everyday
06. Rave On
07. That'll Be The Day
08. Heartbeat
09. Think It Over
10. Oh, Boy!
11. It's So Easy
12. It Doesn't Matter Anymore

The Buddy Holly Story, Vol. 2 (1960)
01. Peggy Sue Got Married
02. Well... All Right
03. What To Do
04. That Makes It Tough
05. Now We're On
06. Take Your Time
07. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
08. True Love Ways
09. Learning The Game
10. Little Baby
11. Moondreams
12. That's What They Say

Reminiscing (1963)
01. Reminiscing
02. Slippin' And Slidin'
03. Bo Diddley
04. Wait 'Til The Sun Shines, Nellie
05. Baby, Won't You Come Out Tonight
06. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
07. Because I Love You
08. It's Not My Fault
09. I'm Gonna Set My Foot Down
10. Changing All Those Changes
11. Rock-A-Bye Rock

Showcase (1964)
01. Shake, Rattle & Roll
02. Rock Around With Ollie Vee
03. Honky Tonk
04. I Guess I Was Just A Fool
05. Umm, Oh Yeah
06. You're The One
07. Blue Suede Shoes
08. Come Back Baby
09. Rip It Up
10. Love's Made A Fool Of You
11. Gone
12. Girl On My Mind

Portrait In Music Vol. 1 (1971)
CD 1.

01. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
02. Rock Me My Baby
03. Take Your Time
04. Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues
05. I'm Gonna Love You Too
06. Little Baby
07. Send Me Some Lovin'
08. I'm Looking' For Someone To Love
09. Moondreams
10. Last Night
11. Raining In My Heart
12. Ting-A-Ling

CD 2.

01. Valley Of Tears
02. You've Got Love
03. Well...All Right
04. Look At Me
05. It's Too Late
06. Now We're One
07. Queen Of The Ballroom
08. It's So Easy
09. Not Fade Away
10. That's What They Say
11. That Makes It Tough
12. Baby It's Love

Portrait In Music Vol. 2 (1971)
CD 1.

01. Rave On
02. Wishing
03. Tell Me How
04. Peggy Sue Got Married
05. Slippin' And Slidin'
06. Oh Boy
07. Bo Diddley
08. What To Do
09. Heartbeat
10. Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight
11. Words Of Love
12. Love's Made A Fool Of You

CD 2.

01. Reminiscing
02. Lonesome Tears
03. Listen To Me
04. Maybe Baby
05. Down The Line
06. That'll Be The Day
07. Peggy Sue
08. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
09. You're So Square
10. It's Not My Fault
11. Ready Teddy
12. It Doesn't Matter Anymore

Recorded Live, Vol. 1 (1977)
01. Interview Buddy Holly By Alan Freed
02. Learning the Game
03. Interview Buddy Holly By Dick Clark
04. Flower of My Heart Buddy Holly With Bob Montgomery
05. That'll Be The Day/Peggy Sue/Oh Boy
06. Maybe Baby
07. Interview, Parts 1, Topeka, Kansas, 1957
08. Interview, Parts 2, Topeka, Kansas, 1957
09. Rip It Up
10. Love Is Strange
11. Gone
12. You're the One
13. A Tribute to Buddy Holly the Crickets
14. Dearest

Recorded Live, Vol. 2: In Person (1977)
01. Newscast About The Planecrash (Radio Station KLLL Lubbock Feb 3, 1959)
02. Tribute To Buddy Holly-Mike Berry (Recorded 1965)
03. That`S My Desire (Recorded 1958)
04. Good Rocking Tonight (Unreleased And Undubbed Demo, 1956)
05. Stay Close To Me-Lou Giordano
06. Ed Sullivan Show Part One-That'll Be The Day (Live, Dec 1, 1957)
07. Baby It's Love With Bob Montgomery (1955)
08. Learning The Game (Alt Version, Jan 1959)
09. Rip It Up (Undubbed Outtake, Lubbock Texas Sound Studio 1956)
10. Love Me (Undubbed Recorded 1955)
11. Queen Of The Ballroom With Bob Montgomery (1954)
12. Rock Around With Ollie Vee (Alt. Version, 1956)
13. Ed Sullivan Show Part Two-Peggy Sue (Live, Dec 1, 1957)
14. That's What They Say (Alternate Version, 1959)
15. Down The Line (Undubbed, 1954)
16. Crying Waiting Hoping (Alt Version, 1958)
17. Newscast About The Plane Crash (Radio Station New Orleans Feb 3, 1959)

The Complete Buddy Holly (Box Set 1978)
CD 1: Lubbock, Texas-Western & Bop. 

01. Gotta Get You Near Me Blues
02. Soft Place In My Heart
03. Door To My Heart
04. Flower Of My Heart
05. Baby It's Love
06. Memories
07. Queen Of The Ballroom
08. I Gambled My Heart
09. You And I Are Through
10. Gone
11. Have You Ever Been Lonely
12. Down The Line
13. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
14. Bo Diddley
15. Good Rockin' Tonight
16. Rip It Up
17. Blue Monday
18. Honky Tonk
19. Blue Suede Shoes
20. Shake, Rattle And Roll
21. Ain't Got No Home
22. Holly Hop
23. Baby Let's Play House

CD 2: Nashville, Tennessee-Changing all Those Changes.

01. I'm Gonna Set My Foot Down
02. Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight
03. I'm Changing All Those Changes
04. Rock A Bye Rock
05. It's Not My Fault
06. I Guess I Was Just A Fool
07. Love Me
08. Don't Come Back Knockin'
09. Midnight Shift
10. Blue Days Black Nights
11. Rock Around With Ollie Vee
12. Changing All Those Changes
13. That'll Be The Day
14. Girl On My Mind
15. Ting A Ling
16. Because I Love You
17. Rock Around With Ollie Vee
18. Modern Don Juan
19. You Are My One Desire

CD 3: Clovis, New Mexico-Buddy Holly & The Crickets.

01. That'll Be The Day
02. I'm Looking For Someone To Love
03. Last Night
04. Maybe Baby
05. Words Of Love
06. Peggy Sue
07. Everyday
08. Mailman Bring Me No More Blues
09. Listen To Me
10. I'm Gonna Love You Too
11. Not Fade Away
12. Ready Teddy
13. Oh Boy
14. Tell Me How
15. Maybe Baby
16. Send Me Some Lovin'
17. Little Baby
18. Take Your Time
19. Rave On
20. You've Got Love
21. Valley Of Tears
22. Rock Me My Baby

CD 4: Clovis New Mexico and on to New York.

01. Baby I Don't Care
02. It's Too Late
03. An Empty Cup
04. Look At Me
05. Think It Over
06. Fool's Paradise
07. Early In The Morning
08. Now We're One
09. Lonesome Tears
10. Heartbeat
11. It's So Easy
12. Well All Right
13. Love's Made A Fool Of You
14. Wishing
15. Reminiscing
16. Come Back Baby
17. That's My Desire
18. True Love Ways
19. Moondreams
20. Raining In My Heart
21. It Doesn't Matter Anymore

CD 5: New York [NY]-Planning For The Future.

01. Peggy Sue Got Married
02. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
03. Learning The Game
04. That Makes It Tough
05. What To Do
06. That's What They Say
07. Wait Til' The Sun Shines Nellie
08. Umm Oh Yeah (Dearest)
09. Smokey Joe's Cafe
10. Slippin' And Slidin'
11. Love Is Strange
12. Slippin' and Slidin'
13. Learning The Game
14. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
15. What To Do
16. That Makes It Tough
17. Peggy Sue Got Married
18. That's What They Say
19. Dearest
20. You're The One

CD 6: The Collectors Buddy Holly.

01. Slippin' And Slidin'
02. Dearest
03. Love Is Strange
04. Peggy Sue Got Married
05. That Makes It Tough
06. Learning The Game
07. You're The One
08. Real Wild Child (Ivan)
09. Oh You Beautiful Doll
10. Jole Blon (Waylon Jennings)
11. When Sin Stops (Waylon Jennings)
12. Stay Close To Me (Lou Giordano)
13. Dont Cha Know (Lou Giordano)
14. Interview Topeka Kansas November 1957
15. That'll Be The Day (Ed Sullivan Dec 1957)
16. Peggy Sue (Ed Sullivan Dec 1957)
17. Interview with Alan Freed Oct 1958
18. It's So Easy (Dick Clark Oct 1958)

For The First Time Anywhere (1983)
01. Rock-A-Bye-Rock
02. Maybe Baby (1st Version)
03. Because I Love You
04. I'm Gonna Set My Foot Down
05. Changing All Those Changes
06. That's My Desire
07. Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight
08. It's Not My Fault
09. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
10. Bo Diddley

In Britain: Live (1992)
01. Buddy In Britain
02. Interval
03. That'll Be The Day
04. Peggy Sue
05. Oh Boy
06. Interval
07. That'll Be The Day
08. You've Got Love
09. Poor Me
10. Cryin' Waitin'
11. Tribute To Buddy Holly
12. Not Fade Away
13. Word Of Love
14. Rave On
15. Interal
16. Maybe Bay

Something Special From Buddy Holly (1994)
01. Good Rockin' Tonight
02. Rip It Up
03. Blue Monday
04. Honky Tonk
05. Blue Suede Shoes
06. Shake Rattle & Roll
07. Ain't Got No Home
08. Holly Hop
09. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
10. Bo Diddley
11. Gone (Take 1)
12. Gone (Take 2)
13. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Take 1)
14. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Take 2)
15. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Take 3)
16. That'll Be The Day (Promo Jingle)
17. That'll Be The Day (Promo Jingle)
18. Mona
19. Not Fade Away (Undubbed)
20. Learning The Game
21. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
22. Love Is Strange
23. Dearest (Take 1)
24. That's What They Say
25. What To Do
26. That Makes It Tough
27. Maria Elena
28. Dearest (Take 2)
29. Last Night
30. Reminiscing
31. Love Made A Fool Of You
32. True Love Ways
33. Moondreams
34. Raining In My Heart
35. It Doesn't Matter Anymore

Buddy Holly With The Pick - Only The Love Song (2001)
01. True Love Always
02. Heartbeat
03. Everyday
04. Raining in My Heart
05. That's What They Say
06. Learning the Game
07. Take Your Time
08. Reminiscing
09. What to Do
10. Peggy Sue
11. Well All Right
12. Love Me
13. It's Not My Fault
14. Words of Love
15. Love Is Strange
16. Little Baby
17. Listen to Me
18. You're the One
19. Love's Made a Fool of You
20. Crying, Waiting, Hoping

Holly In The Hills & Giant (2002)
01. I Wanna Play House With You
02. Door To My Heart
03. Baby Its Love
04. I Gambled My Heart
05. Memories
06. Wishing
07. Down The Line
08. Soft Place In My Heart
09. Queen Of The Ballroom
10. Gotta Get You Near Me Blues
11. Flower Of My Heart
12. You And I Are Through
13. Love Is Strange
14. Good Rockin Tonight
15. Blue Monday
16. Have You Ever Been Lonely
17. Slippin And Slidin
18. Youre The One
19. (Ummm Oh Yeah) Dearest
20. Smokey Joes Cafe
21. Aint Got No Home
22. Holly Hop

Gotta Roll! The Early Recordings 1949-1955 (2006)
01. Down The Line (#1)
02. Don't Come Back Knockin'
03. I Guess I Was A Fool
04. Love Me
05. Moonlight Baby (aka Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight)
06. I Wanna Play House With You (aka Baby, Let's Play House)
07. You And I Are Through (#1)
08. Down The Line (#2)
09. Memories
10. Gotta Get You Near Me Blues
11. You And I Are Through (#2)
12. Because You Love Me
13. This Bottle
14. I Hear The Lord Callin' For Me
15. I Saw The Moon Cry Last Night
16. I'll Miss My Heart
17. Queen Of The Ballroom
18. Rose Of Monterey
19. All From Loving You
20. Dallas Boogie
21. One In A Million
22. My Two-Timin' Woman (Edited Version)
23. Let's Pretend (aka I'll Just Pretend)
24. Take These Shackles From My Heart
25. Footprints In The Snow
26. My Two-Timin' Woman (Unedited Version)

Buddy Holly & The Three Tunes - Ohh ! Annie ! The 1956 Sessions (2007)
CD 1.

01. Love Me
02. Don't Come Back Knockin'(Previously Unissued)
03. Don't Come Back Knockin'
04. Midnight Shift (Previously Unissued False Start)
05. Midnight Shift (Previously Unissued)
06. Midnight Shift;
07. Blue Days, Black Nights
08. Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight;
09. I Guess I Was Just A Fool
10. It's Not My Fault
11. I'm Gonna Set My Foot Down
12. I'm Changin' All Those Changes
13. Rock-A-Bye Rock
14. Because I Love You
15. Rock Around With Ollie Vee (Fragment)
16. Rock Around With Ollie Vee
17. I'm Changin'All Those Changes
18. That'll Be The Day
19. Girl On My Mind
20. Ting-A-Ling;
21. Rock Around With Ollie Vee
22. Modern Don Juan
23. You Are My One Desire (False Start)
24. You Are My One Desire

CD 2.

01. Have You Ever Been Lonely
02. Bo Diddley
03. Ain't Got No Home
04. Holly Hop
05. Gone
06. Gone
07. Gone (Previously Unissued)
08. Have You Ever Been Lonely
09. Have You Ever Been Lonely
10. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Previously Unissued Complete)
11. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
12. Good Rockin' Tonight
13. Rip It Up
14. Blue Monday
15. Honky Tonk
16. Blue Suede Shoes
17. Shake, Rattle & Roll
18. Bo Diddley
19. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man

Down The Line 'Rarities' (2009)
CD 1.

01. My Two-Timin' Woman
02. Footprints In The Snow
03. Flower Of My Heart
04. Door To My Heart
05. Soft Place In My Heart
06. Gotta Get You Near Me Blues
07. I Gambled My Heart
08. You And I Are Through
09. Down The Line
10. Baby, Let's Play House
11. Moonlight Baby (Aka Baby, Won't You Come Out Tonight)
12. I Guess I Was Just A Fool
13. Don't Come Back Knockin'
14. Love Me
15. Gone
16. Gone (Alt. Take)
17. Have You Ever Been Lonely
18. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Alt. Take)
19. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
20. Good Rockin' Tonight
21. Rip It Up
22. Blue Monday
23. Honky Tonk
24. Blue Suede Shoes
25. Shake Rattle And Roll (Partial)
26. Bo Diddley
27. Ain't Got No Home
28. Holly Hop

CD 2.

01. Last Night (Undubbed)
02. Not Fade Away (Partial Alternate Overdub)
03. Peggy Sue (Alternate Take)
04. Oh Boy (Undubbed)
05. That's My Desire (Two False Starts Undubbed Master)
06. Take Your Time (False Start Partially Undubbed Take)
07. Fool's Paradise (Alt. Take Undubbed)
08. Fool's Paradise (Undubbed Master)
09. Fool's Paradise (Alt.Take 2 Undubbed)
10. Think If Over (False Start Rehearsal Take) (Take 1)
11. Think It Over (Undubbed Alt.) (Take 2)
12. Think It Over (Undubbed Master) (Take 3)
13. Love's Made A Fool Of You (Undubbed)
14. That'll Be The Day (Greetings To Bob Thiele)
15. That'll Be The Day (Greetings To Murray Deutsch)
16. That's What They Say (With Fragment)
17. What To Do
18. Peggy Sue Got Married
19. That Makes It Tough
20. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
21. Learning The Game
22. Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie
23. Slippin' And Slidin' (Slow Version 1)
24. Slippin' And Slidin' (Slow Version 2)
25. Slippin' And Slidin' (Fast Version)
26. Buddy & Maria Elena Talking In Apartment
27. Dearest (Fragment)
28. Dearest
29. Untitled Instrumental (Aka Buddy's Guitar)
30. Love Is Strange
31. Smokey Joe's Cafй

Memorial Collection (2009)
CD 1.

01. Down The Line
02. Soft Place In My Heart
03. You And I Are Through
04. Midnight Shift
05. Love Me
06. Don't Come Back Knockin'
07. Blue Days, Black Nights
08. Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight
09. I'm Gonna Set My Foot Down
10. Changing All Those Changes
11. Rock-A-Bye Rock
12. Rock Around With Ollie Vee
13. Girl On My Mind
14. Ting-A-Ling
15. Modern Don Juan
16. Holly Hop
17. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
18. That'll Be The Day
19. I'm Looking For Someone To Love
20. Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues

CD 2.

01. Words Of Love
02. Not Fade Away
03. Everyday
04. Ready Teddy
05. Tell Me How
06. Oh, Boy!
07. Listen To Me
08. Peggy Sue
09. I'm Gonna Love You Too
10. It's Too Late (Chuck Willis Cover)
11. Maybe Baby
12. You've Got Love
13. Rock Me My Baby
14. Look At Me
15. You're So Square (Baby I Don't Care)
16. Little Baby
17. Rave On
18. Well...All Right
19. Take Your Time
20. Fool's Paradise

CD 3.

01. Think It Over
02. Heartbeat
03. It's So Easy
04. Lonesome Tears
05. Love's Made A Fool Of You
06. Wishing
07. Early In The Morning
08. Now We're One
09. Reminiscing
10. True Love Ways
11. It Doesn't Matter Anymore
12. Raining In My Heart
13. What To Do
14. Peggy Sue Got Married
15. That Makes It Tough (As Per 14)
16. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
17. Learning The Game
18. You're The One
19. Smokey Joe's Café
20. Dearest

Not Fade Away: The Complete Studio Recordings And More (Box Set 2009)
CD 1.

01. My Two-Timin' Woman
02. I'll Just Pretend
03. Take These Shackles From My Heart
04. Footprints In The Snow
05. Flower Of My Heart
06. Door To My Heart
07. Soft Place In My Heart
08. Gotta Get You Near Me Blues
09. I Gambled My Heart
10. You And I Are Through
11. Down The Line
12. Baby, Let's Play House
13. Down The Line
14. You And I Are Through
15. Baby, It's Love
16. Memories
17. Queen Of The Ballroom
18. Memories
19. Moonlight Baby (Aka Baby, Won't You Come Out Tonight)
20. I Guess I Was Just A Fool
21. Don't Come Back Knockin'
22. Love Me
23. Midnight Shift
24. Midnight Shift (False Start Alternate)
25. Don't Come Back Knockin' (Alternate Take)
26. Don't Come Back Knockin'
27. Blue Days, Black Nights
28. Love Me
29. Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight
30. I Guess I Was Just A Fool
31. It's Not My Fault
32. I'm Gonna Set My Foot Down
33. Changin' All Those Changes
34. Rock-A-Bye Rock
35. Because I Love You

CD 2.

01. Rock Around With Ollie Vee (Jul.)
02. I'm Changin' All Those Changes
03. That'll Be The Day
04. Girl On My Mind
05. Ting-A-Ling
06. Rock Around With Ollie Vee (Nov.)
07. Modern Don Juan
08. You Are My One Desire (False Start)
09. You Are My One Desire
10. Gone
11. Gone
12. Gone (Alternate Take)
13. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Incomplete Alternate Take)
14. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Alternate Take)
15. Have You Ever Been Lonely
16. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
17. Good Rockin' Tonight
18. Rip It Up
19. Blue Monday
20. Honky Tonk
21. Blue Suede Shoes
22. Shake, Rattle And Roll
23. Bo Diddley
24. Ain't Got No Home
25. Holly Hop
26. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
27. Bo Diddley
28. I'm Looking For Someone To Love
29. That'll Be The Day
30. Last Night (Undubbed)
31. Maybe Baby (First Version)
32. Words Of Love
33. Mailman Bring Me No More Blues
34. Not Fade Away (Alternate Overdub)
35. Not Fade Away
36. Everyday

CD 3.

01. Ready Teddy
02. Valley Of Tears
03. That'll Be The Day (Greetings To Bob Thiele)
04. That'll Be The Day (Greetings To Murray Deutch)
05. That'll Be The Day (Greetings To Bill Randle)
06. Peggy Sue (Alternate Take)
07. Peggy Sue
08. Listen To Me
09. Oh Boy (Undubbed)
10. I'm Gonna Love You Too
11. Send Me Some Lovin' (Undubbed)
12. It's Too Late (Undubbed)
13. Oh Boy
14. An Empty Cup (And A Broken Date)
15. Rock Me My Baby
16. You've Got Love
17. Maybe Baby
18. Last Night
19. Send Me Some Lovin'
20. It's Too Late
21. Tell Me How
22. Little Baby
23. (You're So Square) Baby I Don't Care
24. Look At Me
25. Mona (Rehearsal)
26. Mona (Version 1)
27. Mona (Version 2)
28. Mona (Version 3)
29. Rave On
30. That's My Desire (Undubbed Master)
31. Well ... All Right
32. Fool's Paradise (Alternate Take 1)
33. Fool's Paradise (Alternate Take 2)
34. Fool's Paradise (Undubbed Master)

CD 4.

01. Think It Over (Rehearsal)
02. Think It Over (Undubbed Alt)
03. Think It Over (Undubbed Master)
04. Take Your Time (Alt)
05. Take Your Time
06. Fool's Paradise
07. Think It Over
08. Lonesome Tears
09. It's So Easy
10. Heartbeat
11. Love's Made A Fool Of You (Undubbed)
12. Early In The Morning
13. Now We're One (Fragment)
14. Now We're One
15. Come Back Baby
16. Reminiscing (Undubbed)
17. True Love Ways (Mono)
18. True Love Ways (Stereo)
19. It Doesn't Matter Anymore (Mono)
20. It Doesn't Matter Anymore (Stereo)
21. Raining In My Heart (Mono)
22. Raining In My Heart (Stereo)
23. Moondreams (Mono)
24. Moondreams (Stereo)
25. You're The One
26. That's What They Say
27. What To Do
28. Peggy Sue Got Married
29. That Makes It Tough
30. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
31. Learning the Game
32. Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie

CD 5.

01. Slippin' And Slidin' (Slow Version #1)
02. Slippin' And Slidin' (Slow Version #2)
03. Slippin' And Slidin' (Fast Version)
04. Drown In My Own Tears (Fragment-Buddy & Maria Elena Talking In Apartm)
05. Dearest (Alternate Take)
06. Dearest
07. Love Is Strange
08. Smokey Joe's Cafй
09. Peggy Sue Got Married (Version 1)
10. Crying, Waiting, Hoping (Version 2)
11. That's What They Say (Version 1)
12. What To Do (Version 1)
13. Learning The Game (Version 1)
14. That Makes It Tough (Version 1)
15. Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight
16. Because I Love You
17. Changin' All Those Changes
18. I'm Gonna Set My Foot Down
19. It's Not My Fault
20. Rock-A-Bye Rock
21. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
22. Bo Diddley
23. What To Do (Version 2)
24. Peggy Sue Got Married (Version 2)
25. Crying, Waiting, Hoping (Version 2)
26. That Makes It Tough (Version 2)
27. That's What They Say (Version 2)
28. Learning The Game (Version 2)
29. Reminiscing
30. Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie
31. Dearest (Version 1)
32. Dearest (Version 2)
33. Slippin' And Slidin' (Slow Version)
31. Learning The Game
32. Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie
32. Dearest (Version 2)
33. Slippin' and Slidin' (Slow Version)

CD 6.

01. Baby Let's Play House (I Wanna Play House With You)
02. Down The Line
03. Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie (Overdub Version 2)
04. Reminiscing
05. Flower Of My Heart
06. Door To My Heart
07. Soft Place In My Heart
08. I Gambled My Heart
09. Gotta Get You Near Me Blues
10. Gone (Version 3)
11. Rip It Up
12. Honky Tonk
13. Blue Suede Shoes
14. Shake Rattle And Roll
15. You And I Are Through
16. Baby It's Love
17. Memories
18. Queen Of The Ballroom
19. Love's Made A Fool Of You
20. Wishing (Mono Version)
21. Wishing (Stereo)
22. Maybe Baby
23. That's My Desire
24. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Version 1)
25. Good Rockin' Tonight
26. Blue Monday
27. Ain't Got No Home
28. Holly Hop
29. Slippin' And Slidin'
30. You're The One
31. Love Is Strange
32. (Ummm, Oh Yeah) Dearest
33. Smokey Joe's Cafй

Opção 2 Pt.1 > Pt.2.

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