Nascido no estado de Minnesota, neto de imigrantes judeus russos, aos dez anos de idade Dylan escreveu seus primeiros poemas e, ainda adolescente, aprendeu piano e guitarra sozinho. Começou cantando em grupos de rock, imitando Little Richard e Buddy Holly, mas quando foi para a Universidade de Minnesota em 1959, voltou-se para a folk music, impressionado com a obra musical do lendário cantor folk Woody Guthrie, a quem foi visitar em Nova Iorque em 1961.
Em 2004 foi eleito pela revista Rolling Stone o 7º maior cantor de todos os tempos e, pela mesma revista, o 2º melhor artista da música de todos os tempos, ficando atrás somente dos Beatles, e uma de suas principais canções, "Like a Rolling Stone", foi escolhida como a melhor de todos os tempos. Influenciou diretamente grandes nomes do rock americano e britânico dos anos de 1960 e 1970. Em 2012, Dylan foi condecorado com a Medalha Presidencial da Liberdade pelo presidente dos Estados Unidos Barack Obama.
Foi laureado com o Nobel da Literatura de 2016, por "ter criado novos modos de expressão poética no quadro da tradição da música americana". E, assim, tornou-se o primeiro e único artista na história a ganhar, além do Prêmio Nobel, o Pulitzer, o Oscar, o Grammy e o Globo de Ouro.
Robert Allen Zimmerman (nome hebraico: Zushe ben Avraham) nasceu no hospital St. Mary de Duluth, em Minnesota, no dia 24 de maio de 1941 e cresceu em Hibbing, Minnesota, no Mesabi Iron Range a oeste do Lago Superior. Os estudos realizados por vários de seus biógrafos mostraram que seus avós paternos, Zigman e Anna Zimmerman, emigraram de Odessa (atual Ucrânia) para os Estados Unidos por causa de um pogrom antissemita ocorrido em 1905. Seus avós maternos, Benjamin e Lybba Edelstein, eram judeus lituanos que chegaram à América em 1902. Em sua autobiografia, Crônicas, Vol. 1, Dylan escreveu que o apelido de sua avó materna era Kyrgyz e que sua família era procedente de Istambul.
Seus pais, Abram Zimmerman e Beatrice "Beatty" Stone, faziam parte de uma pequena mas muito unida comunidade judaica. Robert Zimmerman viveu em Duluth até seus seis anos, quando seu pai contraiu poliomielite e sua família voltou à cidade natal de sua mãe, Hibbing, Minnesota, onde passou o resto de sua infância. Robert passou boa parte de sua juventude escutando rádio: em um primeiro momento, escutando emissoras de Shreveport, em Louisiana, country, e posteriormente, rock and roll. Durante sua estadia na escola, formou várias bandas, como The Shadow Blasters, de curta duração, e The Golden Chords, com a qual chegaria a tocar no programa de busca de talentos Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay. No anuário escolar de 1959, Robert Zimmerman assinalou sua principal ambição "unir-se a Little Richard". No mesmo ano, usando o pseudônimo de Elston Gunn, tocou em duas apresentações com Bobby Vee, acompanhando ao piano e improvisando com palmas.
Em setembro de 1959, Zimmerman se mudou para Minneapolis, para estudar na universidade de Minnesota. Durante a época, seu interesse inicial no rock and roll deu lugar a uma aproximação ao folk. Em 1985, Dylan explicou sua atração pelo folk: "A coisa sobre o rock'n'roll é que para mim de qualquer jeito ele não era suficiente... Havia bons bordões e ritmo pulsante... mas as canções não eram sérias ou não refletiam a vida de um modo realista. Eu sabia que quando eu entrei na música folk, era um tipo de coisa mais sério. As canções eram enchidas com mais desespero, mais tristeza, mais triunfo, mais fé no sobrenatural, sentimentos mais profundos". Logo começou a tocar no 10 O'Clock Scholar, uma cafeteria a poucas quadras do campus universitário, e se viu envolvido no circuito folk de Dinkytown.
Durante seus dias en Dinkytown, Zimmerman passou a se chamar de "Bob Dylan". Em uma entrevista concedida em 2004, Dylan disse: "Você nasce, sabe, com nomes errados, pais errados. Digo, isso acontece. Você se chama do que quiser se chamar. Este é o país da liberdade". Em sua autobiografia, Crónicas, Vol. 1, Dylan escreveu sobre a mudança de nome:
"Eu havia visto alguns poemas de Dylan Thomas. A pronúncia de Dylann e Allyn era parecida. Robert Dylan. A letra D tinha mais força. Entretanto, o nome Roberto Dylan não era tão atraente como Robert Allyn. As pessoas sempre haviam me chamado de Robert ou Bobby, mas Bobby Dylan me parecia vulgar, e além disso já haviam Bobby Darin, Bobby Vee, Bobby Rydell, Bobby Neely e muitos outros Bobbies. A primeira vez que me perguntaram meu nome em Saint Paul, instintiva e automaticamente soltei: 'Bob Dylan'".
1960-1963: Mudança para Nova Iorque e contrato de gravação.
Dylan abandonou a universidade após seu primeiro ano. Em janeiro de 1961, mudou-se para Nova Iorque com a esperança de ver seu ídolo musical, Woody Guthrie, que estava gravemente doente, com um estado avançado do mal de Hutington no hospital psiquiátrico de Greystone Park. Guthrie foi uma das maiores influências nas primeiras apresentações de Dylan. Sobre Guthrie, Dylan chegou a dizer: "Você pode escutar suas canções e aprender a viver". Também escreveu, posteriormente: "As canções em si têm o infinito alcance de humanidade nelas... [Ele] era a verdadeira voz do espírito americano. Eu disse a mim que seria o maior discípulo de Guthrie". À medida que o visitava no hospital, Dylan ficou amigo do assistente de Guthrie, Ramblin' Jack Elliott. Muito do repertório de Guthrie era na verdade canalizado através de Elliott, a quem Dylan prestou tributo em Crônicas (2004).
A partir de fevereiro de 1961, Dylan tocou em vários clubes do bairro de Greenwich Village. Em setembro, ele começou a ganhar certa reputação graças a uma resenha de Robert Shelton no The New York Times durante uma apresentação no Gerde's Folk City. No mesmo mês, Dylan tocou a harmônica para Carolyn Hester durante a gravação de seu terceiro álbum, o que levou seus talentos para a atenção do produtor John H. Hammond. Hammond contratou Dylan para a Columbia Records em outubro.
As interpretações incluídas em seu primeiro trabalho para a Columbia, intitulado Bob Dylan e lançado em 1962, consistiam em material de música folk, blues e gospel combinado com duas composições próprias, "Song to Woody" e "Talkin' New York". O álbum teve pouco êxito comercial, vendendo cinco mil cópias em seu primeiro ano, o suficiente para uma rescisão de contrato. Dentro da Columbia, Dylan começou a ser tachado como a "tolice de Hammond" e sugeriram findar seu contrato. Apesar disso, Hammond defendeu vigorosamente Dylan, e ao mesmo tempo encontrou um bom defensor em Johnny Cash, que havia assinado pela Columbia meses antes. Durante seu trabalho para a Columbia, Dylan também gravou várias canções sob o pseudônimo de Blind Boy Grunt para a revista de música folk Broadside Magazine, uma revista e gravadora de música folk. Dylan usou o pseudônimo Bob Landy para gravar como tocador de piano no álbum de antologia de 1964, The Blues Project, lançado pela Elektra Records. Sob o pseudônimo de Tedham Porterhouse, Dylan contribuiu com a harmônica para o álbum de 1964 de Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Jack Elliott.
Em agosto de 1962, Dylan deu dois importantes passos em sua carreira musical ao modificar seu nome legalmente para Robert Dylan na Corte Suprema de Nova Iorque e ao firmar um contrato de representação com Albert Grossman. Grossman foi o empresário de Dylan até 1970 e se caracterizou por sua personalidade algumas vezes confrontativa e pela extrema proteção que mostrava para seu principal cliente. Dylan descreveria posteriormente Grossman como "uma espécie de Coronel Tom Parker... você podia cheirá-lo vindo". As tensões entre Grossman e John Hammond obrigaram o segundo a abandonar as sessões de gravação do segundo trabalho discográfico de Dylan, sendo substituído pelo jovem produtor Tom Wilson.
De dezembro de 1962 a janeiro de 1963, Dylan fez sua primeira viagem ao Reino Unido. Ele foi convidado pelo diretor de televisão Philip Saville para aparecer em um drama The Madhouse on Castle Street, o qual Saville estava dirigindo a emissora BBC. No fim da apresentação, Dylan tocou "Blowin' in the Wind", uma das primeiras exibições da canção para um público maior. Enquanto em Londres, Dylan tocou em alguns clubes folk da cidade, como Les Cousins, The Pinder of Wakefield e Bunjies. Ele também aprendeu novas canções de alguns intérpretes britânicos, como Martin Carthy.
Próximo da época de seu segundo álbum, The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, lançado em maio de 1963, ele começou a fazer seu nome como cantor e compositor. Muitas das canções incluídas no álbum foram classificadas como canções de protesto, inspiradas parcialmente em Woody Guthrie e influenciadas pela paixão de Pete Seeger por canções tradicionais. "Oxford Town", por exemplo, é um conto irônico sobre a arriscada matrícula de James Meredith como o primeiro negro na universidade do Mississippi.
Sua mais famosa canção à época, "Blowin' in the Wind", deriva parcialmente sua melodia da canção tradicional "No More Auction Block", apesar de sua letra questionar o status quo social e político da época. A canção teve muitas versões e tornou-se um sucesso internacional com Peter, Paul and Mary, criando um precedente para muitos outros artistas que se alçariam com sucessos através de composições de Dylan. Por sua parte, a canção "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall" se baseia nos acordes da balada folk "Lord Randall". Com suas referências ao apocalipse nuclear, a canção ganhou ressonância durante o desenrolar da crise dos mísseis de Cuba, poucas semanas depois de Dylan começar a tocá-la. Como "Blowin' in the Wind", "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall" marcou uma importante direção na composição de novas canções, mesclando o uso do fluxo de consciência e a lírica imagista com as formas tradicionais do folk.
Enquanto as primeiras canções de Dylan solidificaram sua reputação inicial, The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan também incluía canções de amor mescladas com uma lírica irônica e blues falado surreal. O humor se converteu em um dos pilares da personalidade de Dylan, e a variedade de material impressionou muitos ouvintes, incluindo os Beatles. George Harrison comentou: "Só colocávamos e nos viajava. O conteúdo das letras de suas canções e só a atitude - era incrivelmente original e maravilhoso".
A voz áspera de Dylan era perturbadora para alguns ouvintes iniciais, ao mesmo tempo que uma atração para outros. Descrevendo o impacto que Dylan havia ocasionado em seu marido e nela mesma, Joyce Carol Oates escreveu: "Quando escutei pela primeira vez essa voz crua, muito jovem e parecendo não treinada, francamente nasal, como se a lixa pudesse falar, o efeito foi dramático e eletrificante". Muitas de suas primeiras canções famosas alcançaram o público em geral através de versões imediatamente mais palatáveis de outros intérpretes, como Joan Baez, que se converteu na protetora de Dylan assim como sua posterior amante. Baez foi determinante na hora de levar Dylan à popularidade nacional e internacional com numerosas versões de suas canções e ao convidá-lo frequentemente ao palco em suas apresentações.
Alguns outros que gravaram e tiveram sucessos com canções de Dylan no início e metade da década de 1960 foram The Byrds, Sonny & Cher, The Hollies, Peter, Paul and Mary, The Association, Manfred Mann e The Turtles. A maioria tentou dar uma batida pop e ritmo às canções, enquanto Dylan e Baez os tocavam na maior parte como peças folk esparsas. As versões cover tornaram-se tão ubíquas que a CBS começou a promovê-lo com a frase"Nobody Sings Dylan Like Dylan".
Mas logo Dylan mudou de rumos artísticos, afastando-se do movimento folk de protesto e voltando-se para canções mais pessoais, introspectivas, ligadas a uma visão muito particular de mundo. As questões sócio-políticas de seu tempo: racismo, guerra fria, guerra do Vietname, injustiça social, cedem espaço para a temática das desilusões amorosas, amores perdidos, vagabundos errantes, liberdade pessoal, viagens oníricas e surrealistas, embaladas pela influência da poesia beat. Esta transição se dá entre 1964 e 1966, quando Dylan eletrifica a sua música, passa a tocar com uma banda de blues-rock como apoio e choca a plateia folk, com sua aproximação ao rock. Na época, muitos ignoravam que Dylan já havia tocado rock and roll na adolescência e apreciava artistas country como Johnny Cash, que já trabalhavam com instrumentos elétricos desde os anos 50. O sucesso dos Beatles e demais roqueiros britânicos na releitura do rock americano também lhe chamaram a atenção. Em compensação, foi aclamado pela crítica, ampliou o seu público (mesmo sendo chamado de "traidor" por fãs do Dylan cantor folk), tornando-se cada vez mais influente entre artistas contemporâneos (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr por exemplo) e lançando os mais apreciados discos de sua carreira, com uma série de canções clássicas de seu repertório: "Maggie's Farm", "Subterranean Homesick Blues", "Gates of Eden", "It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)", "Mr. Tambourine Man", "Ballad of a Thin Man", "Like a Rolling Stone", "Just Like a Woman", entre outras, lançadas em seus álbuns mais inspirados: Bringing It All Back Home e Highway 61 Revisited de 1965 e o duplo Blonde on Blonde, de 1966.
Em maio de 1966, após uma tumultuada turnê pela Inglaterra, devido ao formato rock dos shows, Dylan sofreu um grave acidente de moto que o afastou dos palcos e gravações até 1968. Em seu retorno, surpreendeu o público e a crítica com o álbum "John Wesling Hardin", fortemente influenciado pelo country, tendência que acentuou-se no trabalho seguinte, "Nashville Skyline", que trouxe o clássico "Lay Lady Lay" para as paradas. Limitando-se a apresentações esporádicas, das quais a mais importante foi sua participação no Festival da Ilha de Wight em agosto de 1969, além de sua participação no Concerto para Bangladesh, organizado por George Harrison em 1971, Dylan só voltaria a realizar turnês em 1974.
Anos 70.
O que produziu no início dos anos 70 não foi bem recebido pela crítica, considerado muito abaixo de seus hits originais. Apenas algumas canções destacam-se: "If Not For You" (1970), "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" (1973), "Forever Young" (1974). Mas ao voltar as turnês, acompanhado pelo grupo The Band, retorna a evidência e ao sucesso, principalmente pelo elogiado duplo ao vivo "Before the Flood" (1974). Na retomada da carreira de forma mais ativa, Dylan produz "Blood On Tracks" (1975) e "Desire" (1976), seus melhores discos nos anos 70, aclamados pela crítica. Deste último, a canção "Hurricane", baseada na história de Rubin Carter, um boxeador negro preso injustamente, foi um sucesso espetacular, ao mesmo tempo que a turnê Rolling Thunder Revue (75/76) era aclamada por crítica e público. São também de Desire as músicas Sara (dedicada a sua esposa) e Romance in Durango, essa última vertida para Romance no Deserto pelo letrista Fausto Nilo para o disco de mesmo nome do cantor Raimundo Fagner.
Após seu divórcio em 1977, da esposa Sara Lownds, com quem era casado desde 1965, Dylan viveu uma grande crise pessoal, que refletiu-se em seu trabalho artístico. Depois de uma turnê mundial em 1978, em parte registrada no duplo ao vivo "At Budokan" (gravado no Japão), ele voltou-se para a música gospel, após converter-se ao cristianismo e filiar-se a uma igreja. Foi o período mais controverso e polêmico de sua carreira, principalmente por Dylan afastar-se de seu repertório clássico e investir em canções com temática cristã. Nesta nova fase, surpreendeu seus antigos fãs e se aproximou de músicos do segmento cristão, como Larry Norman, Chuck Girard e Keith Green, em cujo álbum "So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt" chega a gravar uma participação com sua harmônica.
Mais importante do que isso, motivado por sua nova espiritualidade, Dylan gravou três álbuns: "Slow Train Coming" (1979) considerado o mais inspirado dos três, deu a Dylan um Grammy de melhor vocal masculino, pela canção "Gotta Serve Somebody". O segundo álbum, "Saved" (1980), teve uma recepção menos entusiasmada, embora na opinião de Kurt Loder da Rolling Stone este álbum fosse superior ao primeiro. "Shot of Love" (1981) encerra a fase cristã de Dylan.
A despeito da intolerância das críticas à época do seu lançamento, em 2003, o conteúdo das músicas de "Gotta Serve Somebody" foi depurado, revisitado e redimido por nomes como Shirley Caesar, Helen Baylor, Chicago Mass Choir e outros representantes da música afro-americana, em "The Gospel Songs of Bob Dylan", um CD que se desdobrou em indicação para o Grammy e em documentário (2006) sobre esta fase. O jornal International Herald Tribune declarava que a interpretação afro-americana levava a música de Dylan a um outro patamar.
Anos 80.
Com "Infidels", de 1983, Dylan afasta-se da fé cristã, volta-se inesperadamente para as suas raízes judaicas e parece reencontrar certo equilíbrio artístico. Bem recebido pela crítica, é considerado seu melhor álbum desde Desire. As apresentações ao vivo, em que volta a interpretar suas canções clássicas, marcam uma reconciliação com seu público. Em 1985 participa do especial We are the world com outros 40 grandes nomes da música estadunidense - entre eles Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder - pela campanha contra a fome na África.
Dylan continua a gravar regularmente, buscando uma sonoridade "made anos 80" ao mesmo tempo em que tenta preservar seu estilo. "Down In The Groove", álbum de 1988, passou despercebido, contém várias covers, mas equivale a uma declaração de princípios, com canções de folk-rock, gospel, rock, que demarcam os gostos artísticos preferenciais do artista. Depois de uma turnê com a lendária banda californiana Grateful Dead, ele lança o álbum "Oh Mercy" (1989), elogiado pela qualidade inesperada das canções e volta às paradas com o super-grupo Traveling Wilburys, formado com os amigos George Harrison, Tom Petty, além de Jeff Lynne e Roy Orbison.
Anos 90.
No início dos anos 90, Bob Dylan parece dar uma "parada" na carreira. Para comemorar e fazer um balanço de seus 30 anos de trajetória, ele volta a gravar folk tradicional, acústico, sem importar-se com o pouco apelo comercial deste gênero nos dias atuais. Em 1992 é realizado um show-tributo em grande estilo, com a participação de vários nomes do rock, country e do soul cantando suas músicas entre eles: Eric Clapton, George Harrison, Stevie Wonder, Neil Young, Willie Nelson, Lou Reed, Eddie Vedder entre outros.
Depois do acústico produzido para a MTV em 1994, Dylan só voltaria com um CD de inéditas em 1997 (ano que vários outros famosos voltaram a ativa com sucesso, entre eles os Bee Gees). O álbum "Time Out Of Mind" ganharia vários prêmios Grammy e foi considerado por muitos uma nova ressurreição artística, confirmada pela qualidade de "Love and Theft" (2001). Neste mesmo ano a revista Rolling Stone publicou uma lista com as 500 melhores músicas da história e em primeiro lugar ficou Like a Rolling Stone, de Bob Dylan. Atualmente registra-se um novo interesse pela vida e obra de Dylan, com o lançamento oficial de várias gravações piratas, além do lançamento do documentário "No Direction Home", de Martin Scorsese, que flagra os anos iniciais de sua carreira (1961-1966) e, mais recentemente, com "Modern Times", seu novo álbum lançado em 2006, com o qual, pela quarta vez na carreira, Dylan conquistou a liderança do ranking dos mais vendidos dos Estados Unidos, vendendo 192 mil cópias na primeira semana. A última vez que Dylan tinha alcançado a liderança nos Estados Unidos, foi com o álbum "Desire", de 1976, que ficou 5 semanas no topo das paradas. Antes disso, alcançou o primeiro lugar com o clássico disco "Blood On The Tracks", em 1975, e com "Planet Waves", no ano anterior.
Século XXI e Prêmio Nobel 2016.
Em 13 de outubro de 2016, foi anunciada a escolha de Bob ao Prêmio Nobel da Literatura de 2016, em um evento em Estocolmo, na Suécia. Bob Dylan foi acusado de ser arrogante, inclusive por membros da Academia Sueca, pois ficou em silêncio após o anúncio de seu prêmio Nobel de Literatura e não respondeu às insistentes ligações da Academia.
Somente duas semanas depois, no dia 28 de outubro, Bob Dylan quebrou o silêncio acerca do Nobel. O cantor disse que é algo "difícil de acreditar", além de considerar "surpreendente e incrível" a laureamento. Contudo, o cantor não compareceu à cerimônia de premiação, alegando ter "outros compromissos". Patti Smith o representou na cerimônia, com uma interpretação de "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall", uma das composições mais emblemáticas de Dylan.
Bob Dylan só veio a receber as premiações do Nobel - que incluem uma medalha, um diploma e cerca de 8 milhões de coroas suecas (US$ 900 mil) em 1 de abril de 2017, após um encontro discreto com os representantes da Academia Sueca em Estocolmo.
Em 6 de junho de 2017, a palestra Nobel de Dylan foi postada na página oficial do Prêmio Nobel. A secretária da academia Sara Danius comentou: "A conversa é extraordinária e, como se pode esperar, eloquente. Agora que a palestra foi entregue, a aventura Dylan está chegando ao fim". Em seu ensaio Dylan escreve em detalhes sobre o impacto que três livros influentes - Moby Dick de Herman Melville, Odisseia de Homero e Nada de Novo no Front de Erich Maria Remarque - tiveram sobre ele. Dylan conclui: "Nossas letras são vivas na terra dos vivos. Mas as letras são diferentes da literatura. Elas devem ser cantadas, não lidas. As palavras nas peças de Shakespeare devem ser atuadas no palco. Assim como as letras de músicas são cantadas, não lidas em uma página. E espero que alguns de vocês tenham a chance de ouvir essas letras da maneira como elas foram destinadas a serem ouvidas: em concertos ou gravadas ou como quer que as pessoas estão ouvindo músicas atualmente. Volto mais uma vez a Homero, que diz: "Cante em mim, oh Musa, e através de mim conte a história".
Em Março de 2020, Dylan divulgou a sua primeira música original, desde o álbum de 2012 Tempest. “Murder Most Foul” é uma canção de 17 minutos que fala do assassinato de John F. Kennedy.
Bob Dylan também pinta e desenha tendo lançado um livro de desenhos "Drawn Blank" em 1994.
Fez a sua primeira exposição denominada "The Drawn Blank Series" no Museu Kunstsammlungen em Chemnitz (Alemanha) (onde há obras de Munch e Picasso) entre Outubro de 2007 e 3 de Fevereiro de 2008 com 175 aquarelas e guaches.
escreveu o livro Tarântula em 1966, mas só foi publicado em 1971 (New
York: Macmillan). No Brasil, o livro foi publicado em 1986 pela Editora
Brasiliense (Coleção Circo de Letras) com tradução de Paulo Henriques
Britto. Foi publicado em Portugal em 2007, com tradução de Vasco Gato
(Vila Nova de Famalicão: Quasi).
Embora durante toda a sua vida Dylan tenha publicado as suas songs book, parece ser com o título de Lyrics que irá sucessivamente editar a compilação das letras das suas composições: lyrics de 1962-1985 (1985); em 1997, ampliadas ao período 1962-1996; em 1999, até 1999; em 2004, compreende as lyrics entre 1962-2001; em 2008, intituladas simplesmente Lyrics; e finalmente em 2014, sob o título The Lyrics: since 1962, ed. por Christopher Ricks, Lisa Nemrow e Julie Nemrow (Nova Iorque: Simon & Schuster).
Em Portugal, as suas letras das canções foram editadas em dois volumes pela editora Relógio d’Água, em 2006 e 2008, respetivamente, abrangendo os períodos temporais indicados nos títulos: Canções 1962-2001 – Volume 1 (1962-1973), Volume 2 (1974-2001), ambos com traduções de Angelina Barbosae Pedro Serrano.
Mais recentemente, em 2004, saiu a público o primeiro volume da autobiografia de Dylan, Chronicles, volume one (New York: Simon & Schuster), que teve logo tradução portuguesa por Bárbara Pinto Coelho: Crónicas (Lisboa: Ulisseia, 2005) e brasileira, por Lúcia Brito: Crônicas Vol. I (São Paulo: Planeta, 2005).
Dylan é amigo de Caetano Veloso, amizade nascida após a leitura do livro Verdade Tropical.
Embora durante toda a sua vida Dylan tenha publicado as suas songs book, parece ser com o título de Lyrics que irá sucessivamente editar a compilação das letras das suas composições: lyrics de 1962-1985 (1985); em 1997, ampliadas ao período 1962-1996; em 1999, até 1999; em 2004, compreende as lyrics entre 1962-2001; em 2008, intituladas simplesmente Lyrics; e finalmente em 2014, sob o título The Lyrics: since 1962, ed. por Christopher Ricks, Lisa Nemrow e Julie Nemrow (Nova Iorque: Simon & Schuster).
Em Portugal, as suas letras das canções foram editadas em dois volumes pela editora Relógio d’Água, em 2006 e 2008, respetivamente, abrangendo os períodos temporais indicados nos títulos: Canções 1962-2001 – Volume 1 (1962-1973), Volume 2 (1974-2001), ambos com traduções de Angelina Barbosae Pedro Serrano.
Mais recentemente, em 2004, saiu a público o primeiro volume da autobiografia de Dylan, Chronicles, volume one (New York: Simon & Schuster), que teve logo tradução portuguesa por Bárbara Pinto Coelho: Crónicas (Lisboa: Ulisseia, 2005) e brasileira, por Lúcia Brito: Crônicas Vol. I (São Paulo: Planeta, 2005).
Dylan é amigo de Caetano Veloso, amizade nascida após a leitura do livro Verdade Tropical.
13 de outubro de 2016, a Academia Sueca agraciou o poeta-cantor com o
Prémio Nobel de Literatura por “ter criado novos modos de expressão
poética no quadro da tradição da música americana”. Esta atribuição
inesperada do maior prémio... da literatura a alguém que era conhecido
no mundo da música foi algo controverso e fez correr muita tinta. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.
Bob Dylan (1962)
02. Talkin' New York (3:19)
03. In My Time of Dyin' (2:39)
04. Man of Constant Sorrow (3:08)
05. Fixin' to Die Blues (2:21)
06. Pretty Peggy-O (3:23)
07. Highway 51 blues (2:53)
08. Gospel Plow (1:46)
09. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (2:35)
10. House of the Risin' Sun (5:18)
11. Freight Train Blues (2:19)
12. Song to Woody (2:42)
13. See That My Grave Is Kept Clean (2:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (1963)
02. Girl From The North Country (3:23)
03. Masters Of War (4:35)
04. Down The Highway (3:28)
05. Bob Dylan's Blues (2:23)
06. A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall (6:56)
07. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:41)
08. Bob Dylan's Dream (5:03)
09. Oxford Town (1:50)
10. Talking World War III Blues (6:29)
11. Corrina, Corrina (2:45)
12. Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance (2:01)
13. I Shall Be Free (4:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Times They Are A-Changin' (1964)
02. Ballad Of Hollis Brown (5:05)
03. With God On Our Side (7:09)
04. One Too Many Mornings (2:40)
05. North Country Blues (4:34)
06. Only A Pawn In Their Game (3:33)
07. Boots Of Spanish Leather (4:40)
08. When The Ship Comes In (3:18)
09. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (5:48)
10. Restless Farewell (5:35)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Another Side Of Bob Dylan (1964)
02. Black Crow Blues (3:14)
03. Spanish Harlem Incdent (2:24)
04. Chimes Of Freedom (7:11)
05. I Shall Be Free No. 10 (4:48)
06. To Ramona (3:53)
07. Motorpsycho Nitemare (4:34)
08. My Back Pages (4:23)
09. I Don't Believe You (4:23)
10. Ballad In Plain D (8:17)
11. It Ain't Me Babe (3:34)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bringing It All Back Home (1965)
02. She Belongs to Me (2:50)
03. Maggie's Farm (3:58)
04. Love Minus Zero-No Limit (2:54)
05. Outlaw Blues (3:07)
06. On the Road Again (2:39)
07. Bob Dylan's 115th Dream (6:33)
08. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:34)
09. Gates of Eden (5:43)
10. It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (7:33)
11. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (4:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Highway 61 Revisited (1965)
02. Tombstone Blues (6:01)
03. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (4:09)
04. From A Buick 6 (3:19)
05. Ballad Of A Thin Man (5:59)
06. Queen Jane Approximately (5:32)
07. Highway 61 Revisited (3:31)
08. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (5:33)
09. Desolation Row (11:23)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Blonde On Blonde (1966)
02. Pledging My Time (3:45)
03. Visions Of Johanna (7:31)
04. One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) (4:57)
05. I Want You (3:09)
06. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again (7:07)
07. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (3:53)
08. Just Like A Woman (4:43)
09. Most Likely You Go Your Way And I'll Go Mine (3:25)
10. Temporary Like Achilles (4:52)
11. Absolutely Sweet Marie (4:49)
12. 4th Time Around (4:30)
13. Obviously 5 Believers (3:33)
14. Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands (10:45)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
John Wesley Harding (1967)
02. As I Went Out One Morning (2:49)
03. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine (3:53)
04. All Along the Watchtower (2:32)
05. The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest (5:36)
06. Drifter's Escape (2:52)
07. Dear Landlord (3:16)
08. I Am a Lonesome Hobo (3:20)
09. I Pity the Poor Immigrant (4:13)
10. The Wicked Messenger (2:03)
11. Down Along the Cove (2:24)
12. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (2:35)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (Coletânea 1967)
02. Blowin' In The Wind (2:48)
03. The Times They Are A-Changin (3:14)
04. It Ain't Me, Babe (3:35)
05. Like A Rolling Stone (6:13)
06. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:28)
07. Subterranean Homesick Blues (2:20)
08. I Want You (3:06)
09. Positively 4th Street (4:10)
10. Just Like A Woman (4:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Nashville Skyline (1969)
02. Nashville Skyline Rag (3:15)
03. To Be Alone With You (2:11)
04. I Threw It All Away (2:26)
05. Peggy Day (2:03)
06. Lay Lady Lay (3:21)
07. One More Night (2:25)
08. Tell Me That It Isn't True (2:43)
09. Country Pie (1:38)
10. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You (3:24)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Self Portrait (1970)
02. Alberta # 1 (2:58)
03. I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know (2:23)
04. Days Of 49 (5:27)
05. Early Mornin' Rain (3:34)
06. In Search Of Little Sadie (2:28)
07. Let It Be Me (3:00)
08. Little Sadie (2:00)
09. Woogie Boogie (2:07)
10. Belle Isle (2:30)
11. Living The Blues (2:43)
12. Like A Rolling Stone (5:18)
13. Copper Kettle (The Pale Moonlight) (3:35)
14. Gotta Travel On (3:09)
15. Blue Moon (2:30)
16. The Boxer (2:48)
17. The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo) (2:49)
18. Take Me As I Am (Or Let Me Go) (3:03)
19. Take A Message To Mary (2:47)
20. It Hurts Me Too (3:16)
21. Minstrel Boy (3:33)
22. She Belongs To Me (2:44)
23. Wigwam (3:10)
24. Alberta # 2 (3:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
New Morning (1970)
02. Day Of The Locusts (4:01)
03. Time Passes Slowly (2:36)
04. Went To See The Gypsy (2:52)
05. Winterlude (2:24)
06. If Dogs Run Free (3:41)
07. New Morning (3:59)
08. Sign On The Window (3:42)
09. One More Weekend (3:13)
10. The Man In Me (3:10)
11. Three Angels (2:10)
12. Father Of Night (1:29)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II (Coletânea 1971)
01. Watching The River Flow (3:37)
02. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:41)
03. Lay Lady Lay (3:20)
04. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again (7:10)
05. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (2:38)
06. All I Really Want To Do (4:05)
07. My Back Pages (4:25)
08. Maggie's Farm (3:55)
09. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You (3:24)
CD 2.
01. She Belongs To Me (2:51)
02. All Along The Watchtower (2:33)
03. The Mighty Quinn (Quinn, The Eskimo) (2:48)
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (5:30)
05. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (6:53)
06. If Not For You (2:43)
07. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (4:19)
08. Tomorrow Is A Long Time (3:06)
09. When I Paint My Masterpiece (3:27)
10. I Shall Be Released (3:06)
11. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (2:48)
12. Down In The Flood (2:48)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid (1973)
02. Cantina Theme (Workin' for the Law) (2:57)
03. Billy 1 (3:56)
04. Bunkhouse Theme (2:16)
05. River Theme (1:29)
06. Turkey Chase (3:34)
07. Knockin' on Heaven's Door (2:33)
08. Final Theme (5:23)
09. Billy 4 (5:03)
10. Billy 7 (2:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Dylan (1973)
02. Can't Help Falling In Love (4:11)
03. Sarah Jane (2:50)
04. The Ballade Of Ira Hayes (5:06)
05. My Bojangles (5:30)
06. Mary Ann (2:41)
07. Big Yellow Taxi (2:14)
08. A Fool Such As I (2:39)
09. Spanish Is Loving Tongue (4:10)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan & The Band - Planet Waves (1974)
02. Going, Going, Gone (3:28)
03. Tough Mama (4:17)
04. Hazel (2:50)
05. Something There is About You (4:44)
06. Forever Young (4:58)
07. Forever Young (2:49)
08. Dirge (5:37)
09. You Angel You (2:55)
10. Never Say Goodbye (2:54)
11. Wedding Song (4:43)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan & The Band - Before The Flood (Live 1974)
01. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) (4:18)
02. Lay Lady lay (3:14)
03. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (3:28)
04. Knockin' on Heavens Door (3:52)
05. It Ain't Me Babe (3:41)
06. Ballad of a Thin Man (3:41)
07. Up on Cripple Creek (5:27)
08. I Shall Be Released (3:51)
09. Endless Highway (5:11)
10. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down (4:25)
11. Stage Fright (4:46)
CD 2.
01. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (4:38)
02. Just Like A Woman (5:07)
03. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (5:49)
04. The Shape I'm In (4:02)
05. When You Awake (3:14)
06. The Weight (4:48)
07. All Along The Watchtower (3:08)
08. Highway 61 Revisited (4:27)
09. Like A Rolling Stone (7:10)
10. Blowin' In The Wind (4:31)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Blood On The Tracks (1975)
02. Simple Twist of Fate (4:18)
03. You're a Big Girl Now (4:34)
04. Idiot Wind (7:49)
05. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (2:56)
06. Meet Me in the Morning (4:21)
07. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (8:53)
08. If You See Her, Say Hello (4:50)
09. Shelter from the Storm (5:02)
10. Buckets of Rain (3:24)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan & The Band - The Basement Tapes (1975)
01. Odds And Ends (1:47)
02. Orange Juice Blues (Blues For Breakfast) (3:40)
03. Million Dollar Bash (2:34)
04. Yazoo Street Scandal (3:31)
05. Goin' To Acapulco (5:29)
06. Katie's Been Gone (2:46)
07. Lo And Behold! (2:48)
08. Bessie Smith (4:19)
09. Clothes Line Saga (2:57)
10. Apple Sucking Tree (2:50)
11. Please, Mrs. Henry (2:34)
12. Tears Of Rage (4:12)
CD 2.
01. Too Much Of Nothing (3:04)
02. Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread (2:16)
03. Ain't No More Cane (3:58)
04. Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood) (2:05)
05. Ruben Remus (3:16)
06. Tiny Montgomery (2:47)
07. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (2:43)
08. Don't Ya Tell Henry (3:14)
09. Nothing Was Delivered (4:24)
10. Open The Door, Homer (2:50)
11. Long Distance Operator (3:41)
12. This Wheel 'S On Fire (3:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Desire (1976)
02. Isis (6:59)
03. Mozambique (3:02)
04. One More Cup Of Coffee (3:46)
05. Oh, Sister (4:04)
06. Joey (11:06)
07. Romance In Durango (5:44)
08. Black Diamond Bay (7:31)
09. Sara (5:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Hard Rain (Live 1976)
02. One Too Many Mornings (3:47)
03. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again (6:01)
04. Oh, Sister (5:08)
05. Lay, Lady, Lay (4:47)
06. Shelter From The Storm (5:29)
07. You're A Big Girl Now (7:01)
08. I Threw It All Away (3:18)
09. Idiot Wind (10:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Street-Legal (1978)
02. New Pony (4:31)
03. No Time To Think (8:23)
04. Baby Stop Crying (5:21)
05. Is Your Love In Vain? (4:34)
06. Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power) (5:44)
07. True Love Tends To Forget (4:19)
08. We Better Talk This Over (4:08)
09. Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat) (6:19)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Masterpieces (Coletânea 1978)
01. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (2:31)
02. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:29)
03. Just Like A Woman (4:57)
04. I Shall Be Released (3:06)
05. Tears Of Rage (4:15)
06. All Along The Watchtower (2:33)
07. One More Cup of Coffee (3:47)
08. Like A Rolling Stone (Live) (5:18)
09. The Mighty Quinn (Quinn, The Eskimo) (Live) (2:49)
10. Tomorrow Is A Long Time (3:03)
11. Lay Lady Lay (Live) (5:01)
12. Idiot Wind (Live) (10:07)
CD 2.
01. Mixed-Up Confusion (2:31)
02. Positively 4th Street (3:56)
03. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (3:35)
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (5:41)
05. Spanish Is The Loving Tongue (3:39)
06. George Jackson (Big Band Version) (5:39)
07. Rita May (3:14)
08. Blowin' In The Wind (2:48)
09. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (6:55)
10. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:17)
11. Masters Of War (4:34)
12. Hurricane (8:37)
CD 3.
01. Maggie's Farm (5:30)
02. Subterranean Homesick Blues (2:20)
03. Ballad Of A Thin Man (5:58)
04. Mozambique (3:02)
05. This Wheel's On Fire (3:52)
06. I Want You (3:10)
07. Rainy Day Women No 12 & 35 (4:38)
08. Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (3:40)
09. Song To Woody (2:42)
10. It Ain't Me Babe (3:36)
11. Love Minus Zero-No Limit (2:50)
12. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (2:40)
13. If Not For You (2:45)
14. If You See Her, Say Hello (4:49)
15. Sara (5:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
At Budokan (Live 1979)
01. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:04)
02. Shelter From The Storm (4:40)
03. Love Minus Zero / No Limit (3:58)
04. Ballad Of A Thin Man (4:54)
05. Don't Think Twice, Its All Right (5:02)
06. Maggie's Farm (5:27)
07. One More Cup Of Coffee (3:31)
08. Like A Rolling Stone (6:37)
09. I Shall Be Released (4:24)
10. Is Your Love In Vain (4:03)
11. Going, Going, Gone (4:24)
CD 2.
01. Blowin' In The Wind (4:32)
02. Just Like A Women (5:07)
03. Oh, Sister (4:51)
04. Simple Twist Of Fate (4:28)
05. All Allong The Watchtower (3:26)
06. I Want You (2:40)
07. All I Really Want To Do (3:46)
08. Knowin' On Heaven's Door (4:04)
09. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (6:09)
10. Forever Young (6:32)
11. The Time They Are Changing (5:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Slow Train Coming (1979)
02. Precious Angel (6:30)
03. I Believe In You (5:05)
04. Slow Train (5:59)
05. Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking (5:28)
06. Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others) (3:53)
07. When You Gonna Wake Up (5:28)
08. Man Gave Names To All The Animals (4:26)
09. When He Returns (4:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Saved (1980)
02. Saved (4:04)
03. Convenant Woman (6:06)
04. What Can I Do For You? (5:55)
05. Solid Rock (3:59)
06. Pressing On (5:14)
07. In the Garden (6:00)
08. Saving Grace (5:05)
09. Are You Ready (4:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Shot Of Love (1981)
02. Heart Of Mine (4:36)
03. Property Of Jesus (4:37)
04. Lenny Bruce (4:36)
05. Watered-Down Love (4:14)
06. The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar (4:05)
07. Dead Man, Dead Man (4:04)
08. In The Summertime (3:37)
09. Trouble (4:38)
10. Every Grain Of Sand (6:12)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Infidels (1983)
02. Sweetheart Like You (4:36)
03. Neighbourhood Bully (4:38)
04. License To Kill (3:35)
05. Man Of Peace (6:33)
06. Union Sundown (5:26)
07. I and I (5:13)
08. Don't Fall Apart On Me Tonight (5:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Real Live (Live 1984)
02. Maggie's Farm (4:55)
03. I And I (6:04)
04. License To Kill (3:46)
05. It Ain't Me, Babe (5:26)
06. Tangled Up In Blue (7:03)
07. Masters Of War (6:34)
08. Ballad Of A Thin Man (4:18)
09. Girl From The North Country (4:28)
10. Tombstone Blues (4:34)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Empire Burlesque (1985)
02. Seeing The Real You At Last (4:22)
03. I'll Remember You (4:15)
04. Clean Cut Kid (4:16)
05. Never Gonna Be The Same Again (3:11)
06. Trust Yourself (3:29)
07. Emotionally Yours (4:30)
08. When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky (7:31)
09. Something's Burning, Baby (4:54)
10. Dark Eyes (5:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Biograph (Coletânea 1985)
01. Lay Lady Lay (3:18)
02. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (2:35)
03. If Not For You (2:43)
04. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (2:40)
05. I'll Keep It With Mine (3:46)
06. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:14)
07. Blowin' In The Wind (2:47)
08. Masters Of War (4:33)
09. Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (5:46)
10. Percy's Song (7:44)
11. Mixed-Up Confusion (2:22)
12. Tombstone Blues (5:58)
13. Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar (4:05)
14. Most Likely You Go Your Way (3:29)
15. Like A Rolling Stone (6:09)
16. Lay Down Your Weary Tune (4:37)
17. Subterranean Homesick Blues (2:19)
18. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (5:19)
CD 2.
01. Visions Of Johanna (7:33)
02. Every Grain Of Sand (6:14)
03. Quinn The Eskimo (2:20)
04. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:30)
05. Dear Landlord (3:18)
06. It Ain't Me, Babe (3:35)
07. You Angel You (2:54)
08. Million Dollar Bash (2:34)
09. To Ramona (3:54)
10. You're A Big Girl Now (4:24)
11. Abandoned Love (4:29)
12. Tangled Up In Blue (5:44)
13. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (5:43)
14. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (3:35)
15. Positively 4th Street (3:56)
16. Isis (5:21)
17. Jet Pilot (0:50)
CD 3.
01. Caribbean Wind (5:55)
02. Up To Me (6:19)
03. Baby, I'm In The Mood For You (2:58)
04. I Wanna Be Your Lover (3:29)
05. I Want You (3:07)
06. Heart Of Mine (3:44)
07. On A Night Like This (2:58)
08. Just Like A Woman (4:56)
09. Romance In Durango (4:40)
10. Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power) (5:45)
11. Gotta Serve Somebody (5:26)
12. I Believe In You (5:11)
13. Time Passes Slowly (2:38)
14. I Shall Be Released (3:05)
15. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (2:32)
16. All Along The Watchtower (3:05)
17. Solid Rock (3:58)
18. Forever Young (2:02)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Knocked Out Loaded (1986)
02. They Killed Him (4:04)
03. Driftin' Too Far From The Shore (3:42)
04. Precious Memories (3:16)
05. Maybe Someday (3:20)
06. Brownsville Girl (11:04)
07. Got My Mind Made Up (2:56)
08. Under Your Spell (3:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Down In The Groove (1988)
02. When Did You Leave Heaven? (2:15)
03. Sally Sue Brown (2:30)
04. Death Is Not the End (5:11)
05. Had a Dream About You, Baby (2:54)
06. Ugliest Girl in the World (3:33)
07. Silvio (3:06)
08. Ninety Miles an Hour (Down a Dead End Street) (2:56)
09. Shenandoah (3:39)
10. Rank Strangers to Me (2:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan & The Grateful Dead - Dylan & The Dead (Live 1989)
02. I Want You (4:05)
03. Gotta Serve Somebody (5:51)
04. Queen Jane Approximately (6:39)
05. Joey (9:13)
06. All Along The Watchtower (6:28)
07. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (6:53)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Oh Mercy (1989)
02. Where Teardrops Fall (2:33)
03. Everything Is Broken (3:16)
04. Ring Them Bells (3:00)
05. Man In The Long Black Coat (4:34)
06. Most Of The Time (5:04)
07. What Good Am I? (4:45)
08. Disease Of Conceit (3:44)
09. What Was It You Wanted (5:03)
10. Shooting Star (3:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Under The Red Sky (1990)
02. Under The Red Sky (4:10)
03. Unbelievable (4:07)
04. Born In Time (3:39)
05. T.V. Talkin' Song (3:03)
06. 10,000 Men (4:22)
07. 2 X 2 (3:37)
08. God Knows (3:03)
09. Handy Dandy (4:03)
10. Cat's In The Well (3:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3, Rare And Unreleased 1961-1991 (1991)
01. Hard Times In New York Town (2:19)
02. He Was A Friend Of Mine (4:03)
03. Man On The Street (1:57)
04. No More Auction Block (3:04)
05. House Carpenter (4:09)
06. Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues (3:45)
07. Let Me Die In My Footsteps (3:33)
08. Rambling, Gambling Willie (4:14)
09. Talkin' Hava Negeilah Blues (0:52)
10. Quit Your Low Down Ways (2:40)
11. Worried Blues (2:39)
12. Kingsport Town (3:29)
13. Walkin' Down The Line (2:53)
14. Walls Of Red Wing (5:05)
15. Paths Of Victory (3:18)
16. Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues (4:25)
17. Who Killed Davey Moore? (3:09)
18. Only A Hobo (3:30)
19. Moonshiner (5:07)
20. When The Ship Comes In (2:56)
21. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:01)
22. Last Thoughts On Woody Guthrie (7:09)
CD 2.
01. Seven Curses (3:50)
02. Eternal Circle (2:38)
03. Suze (The Cough Song) (1:59)
04. Mama, You Been On My Mind (2:57)
05. Farewell, Angelina (5:27)
06. Subterranean Homesick Blues (2:57)
07. If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else You Got To Stay All Night) (2:57)
08. Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence (3:55)
09. Like A Rolling Stone (1:36)
10. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (3:23)
11. I'll Keep It With Mine (3:40)
12. She's Your Lover Now (6:10)
13. I Shall Be Released (3:57)
14. Santa-Fe (2:11)
15. If Not For You (3:34)
16. Wallflower (2:50)
17. Nobody 'Cept You (2:41)
18. Tangled Up In Blue (6:52)
19. Call Letter Blues (4:28)
20. Idiot Wind (8:53)
CD 3.
01. If You See Her, Say Hello (3:46)
02. Golden Loom (4:27)
03. Catfish (2:49)
04. Seven Days (04:01)
05. Ye Shall Be Changed (4:09)
06. Every Grain Of Sand (3:38)
07. You Changed My Life (5:15)
08. Need A Woman (5:44)
09. Angelina (6:58)
10. Someone's Got A Hold Of My Heart (4:34)
11. Tell Me (4:25)
12. Lord Protect My Child (3:58)
13. Foot Of Pride (5:58)
14. Blind Willie McTell (5:53)
15. When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky (5:38)
16. Series Of Dreams (5:53)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Good As I Been To You (1992)
02. Jim Jones (3:55)
03. Blackjack Davey (5:50)
04. Canadee-I-O (4:24)
05. Sittin' On The Top Of The World (4:31)
06. Little Maggie (2:55)
07. Hard Times (4:35)
08. Step It Up And Go (2:58)
09. Tomorrow Night (3:43)
10. Arthur McBride (6:22)
11. You're Gonna Quit Me (2:49)
12. Diamond Joe (3:18)
13. Froggie Went A Courtin' (6:24)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
World Gone Wrong (1993)
02. Love Henry (4:24)
03. Ragged And Dirty (4:10)
04. Blood In My Eyes (5:05)
05. Broke Down Engine (3:23)
06. Delia (5:42)
07. Stack A Lee (3:51)
08. Two Soldiers (5:46)
09. Jack-A-Roe (4:57)
10. Lone Pilgrim (2:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration (Live 1993)
01. Like A Rolling Stone (6:55)
02. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (4:16)
03. Introduction #1 by Kris Kristofferson (1:03)
04. Blowin' In The Wind (6:18)
05. Foot Of Pride (8:48)
06. Masters Of War (5:06)
07. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:02)
08. Introduction #2 By Kris Kristofferson (0:35)
09. It Ain't Me Babe (3:15)
10. What Was It You Wanted (5:47)
11. I'll Be You're Baby Tonight (3:05)
12. Highway 61 Revisted (5:01)
13. Seven Days (5:27)
14. Just Like A Woman (5:51)
15. When The Ship Comes In (4:13)
16. Introduction by Johnny Cash (0:25)
17. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (3:30)
18. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (6:28)
CD 2.
01. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (5:41)
02. All Along The Watchtower (6:15)
03. I Shall Be Released (4:26)
04. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (6:10)
05. Emotionally Yours (6:00)
06. When I Paint My Masterpiece (4:22)
07. Absolutely Sweet Marie (4:44)
08. License To Kill (4:39)
09. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (5:00)
10. Mr. Tambourine Man (3:56)
11. It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (6:22)
12. My Back Pages (4:40)
13. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (5:38)
14. Girl From The North Country (5:17)
15. I Believe In You (6:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume 3 (Coletânea 1994)
02. Changing Of The Guard (6:37)
03. The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar (4:04)
04. Hurricane (8:35)
05. Forever Young (4:59)
06. Jokerman (6:17)
07. Dignity (5:59)
08. Silvio (3:08)
09. Ring Them Bells (3:03)
10. Gotta Serve Somebody (5:26)
11. Series Of Dreams (5:54)
12. Brownsville Girl (11:05)
13. Under The Red Sky (4:10)
14. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (2:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
MTV Unplugged (Live 1995)
02. Shooting Star (4:06)
03. All Along The Watchtower (3:37)
04. The Times They Are A-Changing (5:49)
05. John Brown (5:27)
06. Rainy Day Women (3:29)
07. Desolation Row (8:18)
08. Dignity (6:30)
09. Knockinґ On Heavens Door (5:36)
10. Like A Rolling Stone (9:10)
11. With God On Our Side (7:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Time Out Of Mind (1997)
02. Dirt Road Blues (3:36)
03. Standing In The Doorway (7:44)
04. Million Miles (5:53)
05. Tryin'n To Get To Heaven (5:22)
06. 'Til I Fell In Love With You (5:18)
07. Not Dark Yet (6:29)
08. Cold Irons Bound (7:16)
09. Make you Feel My Love (3:33)
10. Can't Wait (5:48)
11. Highlands (16:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of Bob Dylan (Coletânea 1997)
02. The Times They Are A-Changing (3:15)
03. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:41)
04. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:30)
05. Like A Rolling Stone (6:11)
06. Just Like A Woman (4:57)
07. All Along The Watchtower (2:34)
08. Lay Lady Lay (3:21)
09. I Shall Be Released (3:06)
10. If Not For You (2:44)
11. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (2:32)
12. Forever Young (4:59)
13. Tangled Up In Blue (5:44)
14. Oh, Sister (4:03)
15. Gotta Serve Somebody (5:26)
16. Jokerman (6:17)
17. Everything Is Broken (3:16)
18. Shelter From The Storm (6:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bootleg Series Vol. 4, Bob Dylan Live 1966, The Royal Albert Hall Concert (1998)
01. She Belongs to Me (3:28)
02. Fourth Time Around (4:37)
03. Visions of Johanna (8:09)
04. Itґs All Over Now, Baby Blue (5:46)
05. Desolation Row (11:32)
06. Just Like a Woman (5:53)
07. Mr. Tambourine Man (8:54)
CD 2.
01. Tell Me, Momma (5:11)
02. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (6:07)
03. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (3:47)
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (6:51)
05. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (4:50)
06. One Too Many Mornings (4:23)
07. Ballad of a Thin Man (7:55)
08. Like a Rolling Stone (8:02)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of Bob Dylan Volume 2 (2000)
02. A Hard Rain's A-gonna Fall (6:51)
03. It Ain't Me Babe (3:34)
04. Subterrannean Homesick Blues (2:20)
05. Positively 4th Street (4:10)
06. Highway 61 Revisited (3:27)
07. Rainy Day Women #12 and #35 (4:36)
08. I Want You (3:07)
09. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (2:41)
10. Quinn the Eskimo (the Mighty Quinn) (2:47)
11. Simple Twist of Fate (4:18)
12. Hurricane (8:34)
13. Changing of the Guards (7:05)
14. Licence to Kill (3:34)
15. Silvio (3:08)
16. Dignity (5:38)
17. Not Dark Yet (6:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live 1961-2000: Thirty-Nine Years Of Great Concert Performances (2001)
02. Wade In The Water (1961, Minneapolis) (2:59)
03. Handsome Molly (1962, Gaslight Cafe) (2:47)
03. Handsome Molly (1962, Gaslight Cafe) (4:27)
05. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Have Never Met) (1966, Manchester) (6:00)
06. Grand Coulee Dam (1968, From 'A Tribute To Woody Guthrie, Part I...') (2:56)
07. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (Live, 1974, From The Album 'Before The Flood) (3:49)
08. It Ain't Me, Babe (1975, From The Film 'Renaldo & Clara') (5:16)
09. Shelter From The Storm (Live, 1976, From The Album 'Hard Rain') (5:25)
10. Dead Man, Dead Man (Live, 1981, New Orleans) (3:56)
11. Slow Train (Live, 1987, From The Album 'Dylan And The Dead') (4:59)
12. Dignity (1994, From The Album 'MTV Unplugged') (6:35)
13. Cold Irons Bound (Live, 1997, Los Angeles) (6:49)
14. Born In Time (Live, 1998, Newark, NJ) (5:19)
15. Country Pie (Live, 2000, Portsmouth, UK) (2:48)
16. Things Have Changed (Live, 2000, Portsmouth, UK) (5:52)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
"Love And Theft" (2001)
02. Mississippi (5:21)
03. Summer Days (4:53)
04. Bye And Bye (3:17)
05. Lonesome Day Blues (6:05)
06. Floater (Too Much To Ask) (5:00)
07. High Water (For Charley Patton) (4:05)
08. Moonlight (3:23)
09. Honest With Me (5:50)
10. Po' Boy (3:06)
11. Cry A While (5:06)
12. Sugar Baby (6:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Gaslight Tapes, 1962 (2001)
02. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:09)
03. Black Cross (4:00)
04. No More Auction Block (2:55)
05. Rocks And Gravel (4:58)
06. Barbara Allen (7:49)
07. Moonshine Blues (4:05)
08. Motherless Children (3:11)
09. Handsome Molly (2:46)
10. John Brown (5:54)
11. Ballad Of Hollis Brown (5:42)
12. Kindhearted Woman Blues (2:30)
13. See That My Grave's Kept Clean (3:26)
14. Ain't No More Cane (1:59)
15. Cocaine (2:57)
16. Cuckoo Is A Pretty Bird (2:18)
17. West Texas (5:37)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bootleg Series Vol. 5, Bob Dylan Live 1975, The Rolling Thunder Revue (2002)
01. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You (3:55)
02. It Ain't Me Babe (5:26)
03. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (5:17)
04. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (5:26)
05. Romance In Durango (5:23)
06. Isis (5:12)
07. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:28)
08. Simple Twist Of Fate (4:27)
09. Blowin' In The Wind (2:41)
10. Mama, You Been On My Mind (3:04)
11. I Shall Be Released (4:45)
CD 2.
01. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (4:32)
02. Love Minus Zero\No Limit (3:17)
03. Tangled Up In Blue (4:41)
04. The Water Is Wide (5:17)
05. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (3:13)
06. Oh, Sister (4:05)
07. Hurricane (8:16)
08. One More Cup Of Coffee (Valley Below) (4:07)
09. Sara (4:38)
10. Just Like A Woman (4:32)
11. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (4:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
MTV Music History (Live 2004)
02. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:12)
03. Things Have Changed (5:06)
04. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:36)
05. Blowin' In The Wind (2:45)
06. I Shall Be Released (3:02)
07. Like A Rolling Stone (6:05)
08. Just Like A Woman (4:52)
09. Lay Lady Lay (3:16)
10. If Not For You (2:40)
11. Shooting Star (2:52)
12. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:26)
13. Forever Young (3:52)
14. Gotta Serve Somebody (5:06)
15. Everything Is Broken (3:08)
16. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (2:28)
17. Jokerman (4:36)
18. All Along The Watchtower (2:29)
19. Shelter From The Storm (3:25)
20. Tangled Up In Blue (3:41)
21. Oh, Sister (1:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bootleg Series Vol. 6, Bob Dylan Live 1964, Concert At Philharmonic Hall (2004)
01. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:29)
02. Spanish Harlem Incident (3:07)
03. Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues (4:06)
04. To Ramona (6:02)
05. Who Killed Davey Moore? (4:47)
06. Gates Of Eden (8:33)
07. If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else You Got To Stay All Night) (4:06)
08. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (11:27)
09. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (4:02)
10. Mr. Tambourine Man (6:34)
11. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (7:45)
CD 2.
01. Talkin' World War III Blues (5:53)
02. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (4:35)
03. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (6:58)
04. Mama, You Been On My Mind (3:36)
05. Silver Dagger (3:48)
06. With God On Our Side (6:18)
07. It Ain't Me, Babe (5:12)
08. All I Really Want To Do (4:02)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live At The Gaslight, 1962 (Live 2005)
02. Rocks and Gravel (5:00)
03. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:11)
04. The Cuckoo (Is a Pretty Bird) (2:20)
05. Moonshiner (4:08)
06. Handsome Molly (2:46)
07. Cocaine (2:58)
08. John Brown (5:56)
09. Barbara Allen (7:52)
10. West Texas (5:38)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live At Carnegie Hall, 1963 (EP 2005)
02. Ballad Of Hollis Brown (6:04)
03. Boots Of Spanish Leather (5:40)
04. Lay Down Your Weary Tune (5:05)
05. North Country Blues (4:16)
06. With God On Our Side (6:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Unravelled Tales, Live At Carnegie Hall, 26th October 1963 (2005)
01. The Times They Are A-Changin' (4:09)
02. The Ballad Of Hollis Brown (7:42)
03. Who Killed Davey Moore (3:38)
04. Boots Of Spanish Leather (5:41)
05. Talkin' John Birch Society Blues (4:47)
06. Lay Down Your Weary Tune (5:01)
07. Blowin' In The Wind (5:53)
08. Percy's Song (9:11)
09. Seven Curses (4:12)
10. Walls Of Red Wing (5:22)
CD 2.
01. North Country Blues (4:52)
02. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (7:58)
03. Talkin' World War III Blues (5:11)
04. Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (10:37)
05. With God On Our Side (7:36)
06. Only A Pawn In Their Game (4:28)
07. Masters Of War (3:37)
08. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (6:34)
09. When The Ship Comes In (4:05)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bootleg Series Vol. 7, No Direction Home (2005)
01. When I Got Troubles (1:31)
02. Rambler, Gambler (2:28)
03. This Land Is Your Land (Live Version) (5:59)
04. Song To Woody (2:42)
05. Dink's Song (5:03)
06. I Was Young When I Left Home (5:26)
07. Sally Gal (Alternate Take) (2:38)
08. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (Demo) (3:36)
09. Man Of Constant Sorrow (Live Version) (3:25)
10. Blowin' In The Wind (Live Version) (4:24)
11. Masters Of War (Live Version) (4:43)
12. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (Live Version) (8:23)
13. When The Ship Comes In (Live Version) (3:37)
14. Mr. Tambourine Man (Alternate Take) (6:43)
15. Chimes Of Freedom (Live Version) (8:04)
16. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Alternate Take) (3:34)
CD 2.
01. She Belongs To Me (Alternate Take) (4:10)
02. Maggie's Farm (Live Version) (5:03)
03. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (Alternate Take) (3:35)
04. Tombstone Blues (Alternate Take) (3:37)
05. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Alternate Take) (5:45)
06. Desolation Row (Alternate Take) (11:45)
07. Highway 61 Revisited (Alternate Take) (3:40)
08. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Alternate Take) (6:26)
09. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again (Alternate Take) (5:45)
10. Visions Of Johanna (Alternate Take) (6:39)
11. Ballad Of A Thin Man (Live Version) (7:46)
12. Like A Rolling Stone (Live Version) (8:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Modern Times (2006)
02. Spirit On The Water (7:43)
03. Rollin' And Tumblin' (6:02)
04. When The Deal Goes Down (5:05)
05. Someday Baby (4:56)
06. Workingman's Blues #2 (6:08)
07. Beyond The Horizon (5:36)
08. Nettie Moore (6:53)
09. The Levee's Gonna Break (5:43)
10. Ain't Talkin' (8:49)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Dylan (Coletânea 2007)
01. Song To Woody (2:42)
02. Blowin' In The Wind (2:48)
03. Masters Of War (4:34)
04. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:40)
05. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (6:51)
06. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:14)
07. All I Really Want To Do (4:05)
08. My Back Pages (4:24)
09. It Ain't Me, Babe (3:35)
10. Subterranean Homesick Blues (2:20)
11. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:27)
12. Maggie's Farm (3:57)
13. Like A Rolling Stone (6:10)
14. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (4:15)
15. Positively 4th Street (3:55)
16. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (4:36)
17. Just Like A Woman (4:52)
18. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) (3:30)
19. All Along The Watchtower (2:32)
CD 2.
01. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (2:45)
02. Lay Lady Lay (3:20)
03. If Not For You (2:42)
04. I Shall Be Released (3:04)
05. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (2:32)
06. On A Night Like This (2:59)
07. Forever Young (4:56)
08. Tangled Up In Blue (5:42)
09. Simple Twist Of Fate (4:18)
10. Hurricane (8:35)
11. Changing Of The Guards (6:35)
12. Gotta Serve Somebody (5:25)
13. Precious Angel (6:34)
14. The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar (4:05)
15. Jokerman (6:18)
16. Dark Eyes (5:08)
CD 3.
01. Blind Willie McTell (5:54)
02. Brownsville Girl
03. Silvio (3:07)
04. Ring Them Bells (3:02)
05. Dignity
06. Everything Is Broken (3:16)
07. Under the Red Sky (4:11)
You're Gonna Quit Me (2:48)
09. Blood in My Eyes (5:05)
10. Not Dark Yet
11. Things Have Changed (5:10)
12. Make You Feel My Love
13. High Water (For Charley Patton) (4:05)
14. Po' Boy
15. Someday Baby (4:57)
16. When the Deal Goes Down (5:02)
The Bootleg Series Vol. 8, Tell Tale Signs (2008)
01. Mississippi (Unreleased, Time Out Of Mind) (06:04)
02. Most Of The Time (Alternate Version, Oh Mercy) (3:36)
03. Dignity (Piano Demo, Oh Mercy) (2:12)
04. Someday Baby (Alternate Version, Modern Times) (5:58)
05. Red River Shore (Unreleased, Time Out Of Mind) (7:35)
06. Tell Ol' Bill (Alternate Version, 'North Country' Soundtrack) (5:30)
07. Born In Time (Unreleased, Oh Mercy) (4:14)
08. Can't Wait (Alternate Version, Time Out Of Mind) (5:44)
09. Everything Is Broken (Alternate Version, Oh Mercy) (3:12)
10. Dreamin' Of You (Unreleased, Time Out Of Mind) (5:50)
11. Huck's Tune (From 'Lucky You' Soundtrack) (4:04)
12. Marchin' To The City (Unreleased, Time Out Of Mind) (6:33)
13. High Water (For Charley Patton) (Live, 2003) (6:47)
CD 2.
01. Mississippi (Unreleased Version #2, Time Out Of Mind) (6:22)
02. 32-20 Blues (Unreleased, World Gone Wrong) (3:06)
03. Series Of Dreams (Unreleased, Oh Mercy) (6:27)
04. God Knows (Unreleased, Oh Mercy) (3:07)
05. Can't Escape From You (Unreleased, December 2005) (5:13)
06. Dignity (Unreleased, Oh Mercy) (5:24)
07. Ring Them Bells (Live At The Supper Club, 1993) (4:59)
08. Cocaine Blues (Live, 1997) (4:41)
09. Ain't Talkin' (Alternate Version, Modern Times) (6:09)
10. The Girl On The Greenbriar Shore (Live, 1992) (2:25)
11. Lonesome Day Blues (Live, 2002) (7:36)
12. Miss The Mississippi (Unreleased, 1992) (3:22)
13. The Lonesome River (With Ralph Stanley) (3:05)
14. 'Cross The Green Mountain (From Gods And Generals Soundtrack) (8:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Together Through Life (2009)
02. Life Is Hard (3:39)
03. My Wife's Home Town (4:15)
04. If You Ever Go To Houston (5:49)
05. Forgetful Heart (3:43)
06. Jolene (3:51)
07. This Dream Of You (5:55)
08. Shake Shake Mama (3:38)
09. I Feel A Change Comin' On (5:26)
10. It's All Good (5:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Christmas In The Heart (2009)
02. Do You Hear What I Hear? (3:03)
03. Winter Wonderland (1:53)
04. Hark The Herald Angels Sing (2:31)
05. I'll Be Home For Christmas (2:55)
06. Little Drummer Boy (2:54)
07. The Christmas Blues (2:55)
08. O' Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) (2:49)
09. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (4:07)
10. Must Be Santa (2:49)
11. Silver Bells (2:36)
12. The First Noel (2:31)
13. Christmas Island (2:29)
14. The Christmas Song (3:58)
15. O' Little Town Of Bethlehem (2:18)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bootleg Series Vol. 9, The Witmark Demos (2010)
01. Man On The Street (Fragment) (1:08)
02. Hard Times In New York Town (1:58)
03. Poor Boy Blues (3:02)
04. Ballad For A Friend (2:24)
05. Rambling, Gambling Willie (3:39)
06. Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues (3:43)
07. Standing On The Highway (2:33)
08. Man On The Street (1:31)
09. Blowin' In The Wind (2:38)
10. Long Ago, Far Away (2:30)
11. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (6:50)
12. Tomorrow Is A Long Time (3:47)
13. The Death Of Emmett Till (4:32)
14. Let Me Die In My Footsteps (1:37)
15. Ballad Of Hollis Brown (4:08)
16. Quit Your Low Down Ways (2:50)
17. Baby, I'm In The Mood For You (1:37)
18. Bound To Lose, Bound To Win (1:20)
19. All Over You (3:53)
20. I'd Hate To Be You On That Dreadful Day (2:01)
21. Long Time Gone (3:47)
22. Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues (3:17)
23. Masters Of War (4:24)
24. Oxford Town (2:34)
25. Farewell (3:59)
CD 2.
01. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:39)
02. Walkin' Down The Line (3:24)
03. I Shall Be Free (4:30)
04. Bob Dylan's Blues (1:58)
05. Bob Dylan's Dream (3:53)
06. Boots Of Spanish Leather (5:50)
07. Girl From The North Country (3:09)
08. Seven Curses (3:13)
09. Hero Blues (1:36)
10. Whatcha Gonna Do? (3:37)
11. Gypsy Lou (3:45)
12. Ain't Gonna Grieve (1:29)
13. John Brown (4:20)
14. Only A Hobo (2:26)
15. When The Ship Comes In (2:57)
16. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:04)
17. Paths Of Victory (4:12)
18. Guess I'm Doing Fine (4:09)
19. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (1:56)
20. Mama, You Been On My Mind (2:14)
21. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:56)
22. I'll Keep It With Mine (3:35)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of The Original Mono Recordings (Coletânea 2010)
02. Blowin' In The Wind (2:49)
03. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:16)
04. Chimes Of Freedom (7:12)
05. It Ain't Me Babe (3:35)
06. Subterranean Homesick Blues (2:18)
07. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:33)
08. Like A Rolling Stone (6:00)
09. Tombstone Blues (5:53)
10. Positively 4th Street (3:52)
11. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (4:27)
12. Just Like A Woman (4:54)
13. I Want You (3:02)
14. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (2:39)
15. All Along The Watchtower (2:30)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
In Concert: Brandeis University, 1963 (2011)
02. 1st Set: Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues (4:40)
03. 1st Set: Ballad Of Hollis Brown (7:11)
04. 1st Set: Masters Of War (6:31)
05. 2nd Set: Talkin' World War III Blues (6:25)
06. 2nd Set: Bob Dylan's Dream (5:58)
07. 2nd Set: Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues (5:45)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Tempest (2012)
01. Duquesne Whistle (5:44)
02. Soon After Midnight (3:28)
03. Narrow Way (7:28)
04. Long And Wasted Years (3:47)
05. Pay In Blood (5:10)
06. Scarlet Town (7:18)
07. Early Roman Kings (5:14)
08. Tin Angel (9:06)
09. Tempest (13:56)
10. Roll On John (7:26)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bootleg Series Vol. 10, Another Self Portrait (2013)
CD 1.
01. Went To See The Gypsy (3:01)
02. Little Sadie (2:02)
03. Pretty Saro (2:17)
04. Alberta #3 (2:37)
05. Spanish Is The Loving Tongue (3:52)
06. Annie's Going To Sing Her Song (2:24)
07. Time Passes Slowly #1 (2:18)
08. Only A Hobo (3:26)
09. Minstrel Boy (1:42)
10. I Threw It All Away (2:26)
11. Railroad Bill (2:48)
12. Thirsty Boots (4:08)
13. This Evening So Soon (4:50)
14. These Hands (3:43)
15. In Search of Little Sadie (2:29)
16. House Carpenter (6:01)
17. All the Tired Horses (1:15)
CD 2.
01. If Not For You (2:30)
02. Wallflower (2:19)
03. Wigwam (3:11)
04. Days of '49 (5:14)
05. Working On A Guru (3:44)
06. Country Pie (1:27)
07. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (3:32)
08. Highway 61 Revisited (3:39)
09. Copper Kettle (3:36)
10. Bring Me A Little Water (4:01)
11. Sign On The Window (3:52)
12. Tattle O'Day (3:49)
13. If Dogs Run Free (4:11)
14. New Morning (4:05)
15. Went To See The Gypsy (3:34)
16. Belle Isle (2:36)
17. Time Passes Slowly #2 (3:04)
18. When I Paint My Masterpiece (3:53)
CD 3.
01. Intro (0:40)
02. She Belongs to Me (3:02)
03. I Threw It All Away (3:08)
04. Maggie's Farm (4:01)
05. Wild Mountain Time (2:52)
06. It Ain't Me, Babe (3:10)
07. To Ramona (2:26)
08. Mr. Tambourine Man (3:09)
09. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine (3:32)
10. Lay Lady Lay (3:59)
11. Highway 61 Revisited (3:51)
12. One Too Many Mornings (2:39)
13. I Pity the Poor Immigrant (4:10)
14. Like A Rolling Stone (5:25)
15. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (4:00)
16. (Quinn the Eskimo) The Mighty Quinn (3:23)
17. Minstrel Boy (3:59)
18. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (3:18)
CD 4.
01. All the Tired Horses (3:13)
02. Alberta #1 (2:58)
03. I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know (2:25)
04. Days of '49 (5:29)
05. Early Mornin' Rain (3:38)
06. In Search of Little Sadie (2:31)
07. Let It Be Me (3:01)
08. Little Sadie (2:02)
09. Woogie Boogie (2:09)
10. Belle Isle (2:33)
11. Living the Blues (2:44)
12. Like a Rolling Stone (5:22)
13. Copper Kettle (3:36)
14. Gotta Travel On (3:11)
15. Blue Moon (2:31)
16. The Boxer (2:49)
17. (Quinn the Eskimo) The Mighty Quinn (2:50)
18. Take Me as I Am (Or Let Me Go) (3:05)
19. Take a Message to Mary (2:48)
20. It Hurts Me Too (3:16)
21. Minstrel Boy (3:35)
22. She Belongs to Me (2:46)
23. Wigwam (3:12)
24. Alberta #2 (3:16)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Side Tracks (Coletânea 2013)
CD 1.
01. Baby, I'm In the Mood for You (2:58)
02. Mixed-Up Confusion (2:24)
03. Tomorrow Is a Long Time (Live) (3:04)
04. Lay Down Your Weary Tune (4:38)
05. Percy's Song (7:43)
06. I'll Keep It With Mine (3:46)
07. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window (3:34)
08. Positively 4th Street (4:11)
09. Jet Pilot (0:51)
10. I Wanna Be Your Lover (3:28)
11. I Don't Believe You (Live) (5:20)
12. Visions Of Johanna (Live) (7:32)
13. Quinn The Eskimo (2:19)
14. Watching The River Flow (3:36)
15. When I Paint My Masterpiece (3:21)
CD 2.
01. Down In The Flood (2:50)
02. I Shall Be Released (3:04)
03. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (2:46)
04. George Jackson (Acoustic Version) (3:39)
05. Forever Young (2:03)
06. You're A Big Girl Now (4:23)
07. Up To Me (6:19)
08. Abandoned Love (4:29)
09. Isis (Live) (5:20)
10. Romance In Durango (Live) (4:39)
11. Caribbean Wind (5:53)
12. Heart Of Mine (Live) (3:44)
13. Series Of Dreams (5:54)
14. Dignity (5:36)
15. Things Have Changed (5:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan & The Band - The Bootleg Series Vol. 11, The Basement Tapes Complete (2014)
CD 1.
01. Edge Of The Ocean (2:21)
02. My Bucket's Got A Hole In It (1:35)
03. Roll On Train (2:00)
04. Mr. Blue (1:52)
05. Belshazzar (3:23)
06. I Forgot To Remember To Forget (3:19)
07. You Win Again (2:44)
08. Still In Town (3:05)
09. Waltzing With Sin (2:49)
10. Big River (Take 1) (:43)
11. Big River (Take 2) (2:23)
12. Folsom Prison Blues (2:47)
13. Bells Of Rhymney (3:17)
14. Spanish Is The Loving Tongue (3:54)
15. Under Control (2:50)
16. Ol' Roison The Beau (4:55)
17. I'm Guilty Of Loving You (1:09)
18. Cool Water (3:04)
19. The Auld Triangle (5:48)
20. Po' Lazarus (1:00)
21. I'm A Fool For You (Take 1) (1:06)
22. I'm A Fool Tor You (Take 2) (2:34)
CD 2.
01. Johnny Todd (2:05)
02. Tupelo (2:22)
03. Kickin' My Dog Around (2:44)
04. See You Later Allen Ginsberg (Take 1) (0:30)
05. See You Later Allen Ginsberg (Take 2) (0:51)
06. Tiny Montgomery (2:57)
07. Big Dog (0:24)
08. I'm Your Teenage Prayer (3:53)
09. Four Strong Winds (3:42)
10. The French Girl (Take 1) (2:12)
11. The French Girl (Take 2) (3:00)
12. Joshua Gone Barbados (2:46)
13. I'm In The Mood (1:58)
14. Baby Ain't That Fine (2:11)
15. Rock, Salt And Nails (4:37)
16. A Fool Such As I (2:57)
17. Song For Canada (4:31)
18. People Get Ready (3:16)
19. I Don't Hurt Anymore (2:15)
20. Be Careful Of Stones That You Throw (3:04)
21. One Man's Loss (3:52)
22. Lock Your Door (0:23)
23. Baby, Won't You Be My Baby (2:53)
24. Try Me Little Girl (1:38)
25. I Can't Make It Alone (3:35)
26. Don't You Try Me Now (3:12)
CD 3.
01. Young But Daily Growing (0:41)
02. Bonnie Ship The Diamond (0:21)
03. The Hills Of Mexico (3:06)
04. Down On Me (0:43)
05. One For The Road (4:50)
06. I'm Alright (1:46)
07. Million Dollar Bash (Take 1) (2:52)
08. Million Dollar Bash (Take 2) (2:35)
09. Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread (Take 1) (1:50)
10. Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread (Take 2) (2:16)
11. I'm Not There (5:13)
12. Please, Mrs. Henry (2:34)
13. Crash On The Levee (Take 1) (2:11)
14. Crash On The Levee (Take 2) (2:06)
15. Lo And Behold! (Take 1) (2:54)
16. Lo And Behold! (Take 2) (2:50)
17. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Take 1) (2:48)
18. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Take 2) (2:46)
19. I Shall Be Released (Take 1) (4:05)
20. I Shall Be Released (Take 2) (3:58)
21. This Wheel's On Fire (3:55)
22. Too Much Of Nothing (Take 1) (3:03)
23. Too Much Of Nothing (Take 2) (2:51)
CD 4.
01. Tears Of Rage (Take 1) (4:04)
02. Tears Of Rage (Take 2) (2:31)
03. Tears Of Rage (Take 3) (4:15)
04. Quinn The Eskimo (Take 1) (2:03)
05. Quinn The Eskimo (Take 2) (2:17)
06. Open The Door, Homer (Take 1) (2:53)
07. Open The Door, Homer (Take 2) (0:58)
08. Open The Door, Homer (Take 3) (3:15)
09. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 1) (4:26)
10. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 2) (3:44)
11. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 3) (0:33)
12. All American Boy (3:59)
13. Sign On The Cross (7:22)
14. Odds And Ends (Take 1) (1:48)
15. Odds And Ends (Take 2) (1:49)
16. Get Your Rocks Off (3:46)
17. Clothes Line Saga (2:59)
18. Apple Suckling Tree (Take 1) (2:41)
19. Apple Suckling Tree (Take 2) (2:51)
20. Don't Ya Tell Henry (2:31)
21. Bourbon Street (5:05)
CD 5.
01. Blowin' In The Wind (6:36)
02. One Too Many Mornings (3:23)
03. A Satisfied Mind (2:01)
04. It Ain't Me Babe (3:33)
05. Ain't No More Cane (Take 1) (2:41)
06. Ain't No More Cane (Take 2) (1:58)
07. My Woman She's A-Leavin' (02:30)
08. Santa-Fe (2:08)
09. Mary Lou, I Love You Too (2:30)
10. Dress It Up, Better Have It All (2:53)
11. Minstrel Boy (1:40)
12. Silent Weekend (3:01)
13. What's It Gonna Be When It Comes Up (3:04)
14. 900 Miles From My Home (2:14)
15. Wildwood Flower (2:11)
16. One Kind Favor (3:33)
17. She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain (1:39)
18. It's The Flight Of The Bumblebee (2:09)
19. Wild Wolf (3:35)
20. Goin' To Acapulco (5:37)
21. Gonna Get You Now (1:31)
22. If I Were A Carpenter (2:23)
23. Confidential (1:37)
24. All You Have To Do Is Dream (Take 1) (3:56)
25. All You Have To Do Is Dream (Take 2) (3:20)
CD 6.
01. 2 Dollars And 99 Cents (2:35)
02. Jelly Bean (2:59)
03. Any Time (3:17)
04. Down By The Station (1:30)
05. Hallelujah, I've Just Been Moved (3:04)
06. That's The Breaks (4:19)
07. Pretty Mary (3:12)
08. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (2:09)
09. King Of France (3:54)
10. She's On My Mind Again (4:19)
11. Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad (3:21)
12. On A Rainy Afternoon (2:53)
13. I Can't Come In With A Broken Heart (2:43)
14. Next Time On The Highway (2:20)
15. Northern Claim (2:05)
16. Love Is Only Mine (1:50)
17. Silhouettes (1:52)
18. Bring It On Home (3:08)
19. Come All Ye Fair And Tender Ladies (2:10)
20. The Spanish Song (Take 1) (2:47)
21. The Spanish Song (Take 2) (2:16)
22. 900 Miles From My Home/Confidential (2:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. Soon After Midnight (3:28)
03. Narrow Way (7:28)
04. Long And Wasted Years (3:47)
05. Pay In Blood (5:10)
06. Scarlet Town (7:18)
07. Early Roman Kings (5:14)
08. Tin Angel (9:06)
09. Tempest (13:56)
10. Roll On John (7:26)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Bootleg Series Vol. 10, Another Self Portrait (2013)
01. Went To See The Gypsy (3:01)
02. Little Sadie (2:02)
03. Pretty Saro (2:17)
04. Alberta #3 (2:37)
05. Spanish Is The Loving Tongue (3:52)
06. Annie's Going To Sing Her Song (2:24)
07. Time Passes Slowly #1 (2:18)
08. Only A Hobo (3:26)
09. Minstrel Boy (1:42)
10. I Threw It All Away (2:26)
11. Railroad Bill (2:48)
12. Thirsty Boots (4:08)
13. This Evening So Soon (4:50)
14. These Hands (3:43)
15. In Search of Little Sadie (2:29)
16. House Carpenter (6:01)
17. All the Tired Horses (1:15)
CD 2.
01. If Not For You (2:30)
02. Wallflower (2:19)
03. Wigwam (3:11)
04. Days of '49 (5:14)
05. Working On A Guru (3:44)
06. Country Pie (1:27)
07. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (3:32)
08. Highway 61 Revisited (3:39)
09. Copper Kettle (3:36)
10. Bring Me A Little Water (4:01)
11. Sign On The Window (3:52)
12. Tattle O'Day (3:49)
13. If Dogs Run Free (4:11)
14. New Morning (4:05)
15. Went To See The Gypsy (3:34)
16. Belle Isle (2:36)
17. Time Passes Slowly #2 (3:04)
18. When I Paint My Masterpiece (3:53)
CD 3.
01. Intro (0:40)
02. She Belongs to Me (3:02)
03. I Threw It All Away (3:08)
04. Maggie's Farm (4:01)
05. Wild Mountain Time (2:52)
06. It Ain't Me, Babe (3:10)
07. To Ramona (2:26)
08. Mr. Tambourine Man (3:09)
09. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine (3:32)
10. Lay Lady Lay (3:59)
11. Highway 61 Revisited (3:51)
12. One Too Many Mornings (2:39)
13. I Pity the Poor Immigrant (4:10)
14. Like A Rolling Stone (5:25)
15. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (4:00)
16. (Quinn the Eskimo) The Mighty Quinn (3:23)
17. Minstrel Boy (3:59)
18. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (3:18)
CD 4.
01. All the Tired Horses (3:13)
02. Alberta #1 (2:58)
03. I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know (2:25)
04. Days of '49 (5:29)
05. Early Mornin' Rain (3:38)
06. In Search of Little Sadie (2:31)
07. Let It Be Me (3:01)
08. Little Sadie (2:02)
09. Woogie Boogie (2:09)
10. Belle Isle (2:33)
11. Living the Blues (2:44)
12. Like a Rolling Stone (5:22)
13. Copper Kettle (3:36)
14. Gotta Travel On (3:11)
15. Blue Moon (2:31)
16. The Boxer (2:49)
17. (Quinn the Eskimo) The Mighty Quinn (2:50)
18. Take Me as I Am (Or Let Me Go) (3:05)
19. Take a Message to Mary (2:48)
20. It Hurts Me Too (3:16)
21. Minstrel Boy (3:35)
22. She Belongs to Me (2:46)
23. Wigwam (3:12)
24. Alberta #2 (3:16)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Side Tracks (Coletânea 2013)
01. Baby, I'm In the Mood for You (2:58)
02. Mixed-Up Confusion (2:24)
03. Tomorrow Is a Long Time (Live) (3:04)
04. Lay Down Your Weary Tune (4:38)
05. Percy's Song (7:43)
06. I'll Keep It With Mine (3:46)
07. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window (3:34)
08. Positively 4th Street (4:11)
09. Jet Pilot (0:51)
10. I Wanna Be Your Lover (3:28)
11. I Don't Believe You (Live) (5:20)
12. Visions Of Johanna (Live) (7:32)
13. Quinn The Eskimo (2:19)
14. Watching The River Flow (3:36)
15. When I Paint My Masterpiece (3:21)
CD 2.
01. Down In The Flood (2:50)
02. I Shall Be Released (3:04)
03. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (2:46)
04. George Jackson (Acoustic Version) (3:39)
05. Forever Young (2:03)
06. You're A Big Girl Now (4:23)
07. Up To Me (6:19)
08. Abandoned Love (4:29)
09. Isis (Live) (5:20)
10. Romance In Durango (Live) (4:39)
11. Caribbean Wind (5:53)
12. Heart Of Mine (Live) (3:44)
13. Series Of Dreams (5:54)
14. Dignity (5:36)
15. Things Have Changed (5:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bob Dylan & The Band - The Bootleg Series Vol. 11, The Basement Tapes Complete (2014)
01. Edge Of The Ocean (2:21)
02. My Bucket's Got A Hole In It (1:35)
03. Roll On Train (2:00)
04. Mr. Blue (1:52)
05. Belshazzar (3:23)
06. I Forgot To Remember To Forget (3:19)
07. You Win Again (2:44)
08. Still In Town (3:05)
09. Waltzing With Sin (2:49)
10. Big River (Take 1) (:43)
11. Big River (Take 2) (2:23)
12. Folsom Prison Blues (2:47)
13. Bells Of Rhymney (3:17)
14. Spanish Is The Loving Tongue (3:54)
15. Under Control (2:50)
16. Ol' Roison The Beau (4:55)
17. I'm Guilty Of Loving You (1:09)
18. Cool Water (3:04)
19. The Auld Triangle (5:48)
20. Po' Lazarus (1:00)
21. I'm A Fool For You (Take 1) (1:06)
22. I'm A Fool Tor You (Take 2) (2:34)
CD 2.
01. Johnny Todd (2:05)
02. Tupelo (2:22)
03. Kickin' My Dog Around (2:44)
04. See You Later Allen Ginsberg (Take 1) (0:30)
05. See You Later Allen Ginsberg (Take 2) (0:51)
06. Tiny Montgomery (2:57)
07. Big Dog (0:24)
08. I'm Your Teenage Prayer (3:53)
09. Four Strong Winds (3:42)
10. The French Girl (Take 1) (2:12)
11. The French Girl (Take 2) (3:00)
12. Joshua Gone Barbados (2:46)
13. I'm In The Mood (1:58)
14. Baby Ain't That Fine (2:11)
15. Rock, Salt And Nails (4:37)
16. A Fool Such As I (2:57)
17. Song For Canada (4:31)
18. People Get Ready (3:16)
19. I Don't Hurt Anymore (2:15)
20. Be Careful Of Stones That You Throw (3:04)
21. One Man's Loss (3:52)
22. Lock Your Door (0:23)
23. Baby, Won't You Be My Baby (2:53)
24. Try Me Little Girl (1:38)
25. I Can't Make It Alone (3:35)
26. Don't You Try Me Now (3:12)
CD 3.
01. Young But Daily Growing (0:41)
02. Bonnie Ship The Diamond (0:21)
03. The Hills Of Mexico (3:06)
04. Down On Me (0:43)
05. One For The Road (4:50)
06. I'm Alright (1:46)
07. Million Dollar Bash (Take 1) (2:52)
08. Million Dollar Bash (Take 2) (2:35)
09. Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread (Take 1) (1:50)
10. Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread (Take 2) (2:16)
11. I'm Not There (5:13)
12. Please, Mrs. Henry (2:34)
13. Crash On The Levee (Take 1) (2:11)
14. Crash On The Levee (Take 2) (2:06)
15. Lo And Behold! (Take 1) (2:54)
16. Lo And Behold! (Take 2) (2:50)
17. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Take 1) (2:48)
18. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Take 2) (2:46)
19. I Shall Be Released (Take 1) (4:05)
20. I Shall Be Released (Take 2) (3:58)
21. This Wheel's On Fire (3:55)
22. Too Much Of Nothing (Take 1) (3:03)
23. Too Much Of Nothing (Take 2) (2:51)
CD 4.
01. Tears Of Rage (Take 1) (4:04)
02. Tears Of Rage (Take 2) (2:31)
03. Tears Of Rage (Take 3) (4:15)
04. Quinn The Eskimo (Take 1) (2:03)
05. Quinn The Eskimo (Take 2) (2:17)
06. Open The Door, Homer (Take 1) (2:53)
07. Open The Door, Homer (Take 2) (0:58)
08. Open The Door, Homer (Take 3) (3:15)
09. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 1) (4:26)
10. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 2) (3:44)
11. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 3) (0:33)
12. All American Boy (3:59)
13. Sign On The Cross (7:22)
14. Odds And Ends (Take 1) (1:48)
15. Odds And Ends (Take 2) (1:49)
16. Get Your Rocks Off (3:46)
17. Clothes Line Saga (2:59)
18. Apple Suckling Tree (Take 1) (2:41)
19. Apple Suckling Tree (Take 2) (2:51)
20. Don't Ya Tell Henry (2:31)
21. Bourbon Street (5:05)
CD 5.
01. Blowin' In The Wind (6:36)
02. One Too Many Mornings (3:23)
03. A Satisfied Mind (2:01)
04. It Ain't Me Babe (3:33)
05. Ain't No More Cane (Take 1) (2:41)
06. Ain't No More Cane (Take 2) (1:58)
07. My Woman She's A-Leavin' (02:30)
08. Santa-Fe (2:08)
09. Mary Lou, I Love You Too (2:30)
10. Dress It Up, Better Have It All (2:53)
11. Minstrel Boy (1:40)
12. Silent Weekend (3:01)
13. What's It Gonna Be When It Comes Up (3:04)
14. 900 Miles From My Home (2:14)
15. Wildwood Flower (2:11)
16. One Kind Favor (3:33)
17. She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain (1:39)
18. It's The Flight Of The Bumblebee (2:09)
19. Wild Wolf (3:35)
20. Goin' To Acapulco (5:37)
21. Gonna Get You Now (1:31)
22. If I Were A Carpenter (2:23)
23. Confidential (1:37)
24. All You Have To Do Is Dream (Take 1) (3:56)
25. All You Have To Do Is Dream (Take 2) (3:20)
CD 6.
01. 2 Dollars And 99 Cents (2:35)
02. Jelly Bean (2:59)
03. Any Time (3:17)
04. Down By The Station (1:30)
05. Hallelujah, I've Just Been Moved (3:04)
06. That's The Breaks (4:19)
07. Pretty Mary (3:12)
08. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (2:09)
09. King Of France (3:54)
10. She's On My Mind Again (4:19)
11. Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad (3:21)
12. On A Rainy Afternoon (2:53)
13. I Can't Come In With A Broken Heart (2:43)
14. Next Time On The Highway (2:20)
15. Northern Claim (2:05)
16. Love Is Only Mine (1:50)
17. Silhouettes (1:52)
18. Bring It On Home (3:08)
19. Come All Ye Fair And Tender Ladies (2:10)
20. The Spanish Song (Take 1) (2:47)
21. The Spanish Song (Take 2) (2:16)
22. 900 Miles From My Home/Confidential (2:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Shadows In The Night (2015)
01. I'm A Fool To Want You (4:51)
02. The Night We Called It A Day (3:25)
03. Stay With Me (2:57)
04. Autumn Leaves (3:02)
05. Why Try to Change Me Now (3:38)
06. Some Enchanted Evening (3:28)
07. Full Moon And Empty Arms (3:27)
08. Where Are You? (3:38)
09. What'll I Do (3:21)
10. That Lucky Old Sun (3:37)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of The Cutting Edge 1965-1966, The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 (2015)
CD 1.
01. Love Minus Zero-No Limit (Take 2 Acoustic) (3:11)
02. I'll Keep It With Mine (Take 1 Piano Emo) (4:12)
03. Bob Dylan's 115th Dream (Take 2 Solo Acoustic) (6:17)
04. She Belongs To Me (Take 1 Solo Acoustic) (2:58)
05. Subterranean Homesick Blues (Take 1 Alternate Take) (2:39)
06. Outlaw Blues (Take 2 Alternate Take) (3:30)
07. On The Road Again (Take 4 Alternate Take) (2:31)
08. Farewell, Angelina (Take 1 Solo Acoustic) (5:28)
09. If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Take 2 Alternete Take) (2:51)
10. You Don't Have To Do That (Take 1 Solo Acoustic) (0:51)
11. California (Take 1 Solo Acoustic) (3:06)
12. Mr. Tambourine Man (Take 3 Witn Band, Incomplete) (3:24)
13. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (Take 8 Alternate Take) (3:29)
14. Like A Rolling Stones (Take 5 Rehearsal) (1:45)
15. Like A Rolling Stones (Take 11 Alternate Take) (5:57)
16. Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence (Take 2 Unreleased Take) (3:59)
17. Medicine Sunday (Take 1 Early Version Of Temporary Like Achilles) (1:02)
18. Desolation Row (Take 2 Piano Demo) (2:01)
19. Desolation Row (Take 1 Alternate Take) (11:17)
CD 2.
01. Tombstone Blues (Take 1 Alternate Take) (7:30)
02. Positively 4th Street (Take 5 Alternate Take) (4:25)
03. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window (Take 1 Alternate Take) (4:06)
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 3 Rehearsal) (5:40)
05. Highway 61 Revisited (Take 3 Alternate Take) (3:31)
06. Queen Jane Approximately (Take 5 Alternate Take) (6:03)
07. Vision Of Johanna (Take 5 Rehearsal) (7:40)
08. She's Your Lover Now (Take 6 Rehearsal) (4:59)
09. Lunatic Princess (Take 1) (1:20)
10. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Take 8 Alternate Take) (3:27)
11. One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) (Take 19 Alternate Take) (5:11)
12. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again (Take 13 Alternate Take) (4:04)
13. Absolutely Sweet Marie (Take 1 Alternate Take) (5:02)
14. Just Like A Woman (Take 4 Alternate Take) (5:20)
15. Pledging My Time (Take 1 Alternate Take) (3:23)
16. I Want You (Take 4 Alternate Take) (2:52)
17. Highway 61 Revisited (Take 7 False Start) (0:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Fallen Angels (2016)
01. Young At Heart (3:00)
02. Maybe You'll Be There (2:56)
03. Polka Dots And Moonbeams (3:36)
04. All The Way (4:02)
05. Skylark (2:57)
06. Nevertheless (3:28)
07. All Or Nothing At All (3:04)
08. On A Little Street In Singapore (2:17)
09. It Had To Be You (4:02)
10. Melancholy Mood (2:53)
11. That Old Black Magic (3:03)
12. Come Rain Come Shine (2:40)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Real Royal Albert Hall, 1966 Concert (2016)
CD 1.
01. She Belongs To Me (3:51)
02. Fourth Time Around (4:32)
03. Visions Of Johanna (7:57)
04. It.s All Over Now, Baby Blue (5:53)
05. Desolation Row (12:06)
06. Just Like A Woman (5:26)
07. Mr Tambourine Man (9:17)
CD 2.
01. Tell Me, Momma (4:53)
02. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (6:27)
03. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (3:44)
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (6:16)
05. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (4:05)
06. One Too Many Mornings (4:08)
07. Ballad of A Thin Man (7:24)
08. Like A Rolling Stone (8:26)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Melancholy Mood (EP 2016)
01. Melancholy Mood (2:54)
02. All Or Nothing At All (3:04)
03. Come Rain Or Come Shine (2:40)
04. That Old Black Magic (3:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Trouble No More, The Bootleg Series Vol. 13 / 1979-1981 (2017)
CD 1: Live.
01. Slow Train (Live Nov. 16, 1979) (6:20)
02. Gotta Serve Somebody (Live Nov. 15, 1979) (6:29)
03. I Believe in You (Live May 16, 1980) (4:50)
04. When You Gonna Wake Up? (Live July 9, 1981) (5:27)
05. When He Returns (Live Dec. 5, 1979) (5:00)
06. Man Gave Names to All the Animals (Live Jan. 16, 1980) (5:44)
07. Precious Angel (Live Nov. 16, 1979) (5:40)
08. Covenant Woman (Live Nov. 20, 1979) (5:50)
09. Gonna Change My Way of Thinking (Live Jan. 31, 1980) (4:46)
10. Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) (Live Jan. 28, 1980) (5:07)
11. Solid Rock (Live Nov. 27, 1979) (4:41)
12. What Can I Do for You? (Live Nov. 27, 1979) (5:52)
13. Saved (Live Jan. 12, 1980) (4:48)
14. In the Garden (Live Jan. 27, 1980) (6:33)
CD 2: Live.
01. Slow Train (Live June 29, 1981) (4:34)
02. Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody (Live Apr. 24, 1980) (4:29)
03. Gotta Serve Somebody (Live June 27, 1981) (3:56)
04. Ain't No Man Righteous, No Not One (Live Nov. 16, 1979) (4:35)
05. Saving Grace (Live Nov. 6, 1979) (4:24)
06. Blessed Is the Name (Live Nov. 20, 1979) (4:18)
07. Solid Rock (Live Oct. 23, 1981) (4:19)
08. Are You Ready? (Live Apr. 30, 1980) (6:18)
09. Pressing on (Live Nov. 6, 1979) (6:52)
10. Shot of Love (Live July 25, 1981) (4:44)
11. Dead Man, Dead Man (Live June 21, 1981) (4:21)
12. Watered-Down Love (Live June 12, 1981) (4:43)
13. In the Summertime (Live Oct. 21, 1981) (3:14)
14. The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar (Live Nov. 13, 1980) (6:01)
15. Caribbean Wind (Live Nov. 12, 1980) (5:22)
16. Every Grain of Sand (Live Nov. 21, 1981) (3:41)
CD 3: Rare & Unreleased.
01. Slow Train (Soundcheck) (3:02)
02. Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) (Soundcheck) (3:38)
03. Help Me Understand (Soundcheck) (2:41)
04. Gonna Change My Way of Thinking (Rehearsal With Horns) (4:58)
05. Gotta Serve Somebody (Take 1) (5:40)
06. When He Returns (Take 2) (4:22)
07. Ain't No Man Righteous, No Not One (Take 6) (4:59)
08. Trouble in Mind (Take 1) (4:49)
09. Ye Shall Be Changed (Outtake) (4:08)
10. Covenant Woman (Take 3) (5:05)
11. Stand by Faith (Rehearsal) (2:34)
12. I Will Love Him (Live Apr. 19, 1980) (5:18)
13. Jesus Is the One (Live July 17, 1981) (2:45)
14. City of Gold (Live Nov. 22, 1980) (2:48)
15. Thief on the Cross (Live Nov. 10, 1981) (4:05)
16. Pressing on (Take 1) (5:49)
CD 4: Rare & Unreleased.
01. Slow Train (Rehearsal With Horns) (5:37)
02. Gotta Serve Somebody (Rehearsal With Horns) (4:35)
03. Making A Liar Out Of Me (Rehearsal) (5:44)
04. Yonder Comes Sin (Rehearsal) (4:11)
05. Radio Spot For (January 1980, Portland, Or Show) (1:00)
06. Cover Down, Pray Through (Live May 1, 1980) (4:20)
07. Rise Again (Rehearsal) (3:02)
08. Ain't Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody (Live Dec. 2, 1980) (3:51)
09. The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar (Take 2) (5:26)
10. Caribbean Wind (Rehearsal With Pedal Steel) (5:58)
11. You Changed My Life (Take 4) (4:31)
12. Shot Of Love (Outtake) (4:24)
13. Watered-Down Love (Outtake) (4:16)
14. Dead Man, Dead Man (Outtake) (7:22)
15. Every Grain Of Sand (Rehearsal) (4:48)
CD 5: Live In Toronto 1980.
01. Gotta Serve Somebody (6:53)
02. I Believe In You (4:44)
03. Covenant Woman (6:07)
04. When You Gonna Wake Up? (5:41)
05. When He Returns (5:25)
06. Ain't Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody (4:14)
07. Cover Down, Pray Through (4:33)
08. Man Gave Names To All The Animals (5:40)
09. Precious Angel (5:22)
CD 6: Live In Toronto 1980.
01. Slow Train (6:48)
02. Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) (4:42)
03. Solid Rock (4:49)
04. Saving Grace (4:42)
05. What Can I Do for You? (6:32)
06. In the Garden (6:16)
07. Band Introductions (2:05)
08. Are You Ready? (4:28)
09. Pressing On (5:25)
CD 7: Live In Earl's Court, London, June 27, 1981.
01. Gotta Serve Somebody (4:29)
02. I Believe in You (4:56)
03. Like a Rolling Stone (6:25)
04. Man Gave Names to All the Animals (4:48)
05. Maggie's Farm (4:07)
06. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (3:45)
07. Dead Man, Dead Man (4:53)
08. Girl from the North Country (5:09)
09. Ballad of a Thin Man (3:25)
CD 8: Live In Earl's Court, London, June 27, 1981.
01. Slow Train (4:51)
02. Let's Begin (3:25)
03. Lenny Bruce (4:30)
04. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:14)
05. Solid Rock (4:32)
06. Just Like a Woman (3:50)
07. Watered-Down Love (4:51)
08. Forever Young (4:14)
09. When You Gonna Wake Up? (4:48)
10. In the Garden (5:47)
11. Band Introductions (4:05)
12. Blowin' in the Wind (5:00)
13. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (4:59)
14. Knockin' on Heaven's Door (5:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Triplicate (2017)
CD 1: Til The Sun Goes Down.
01. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plans (2:27)
02. September Of My Years (3:26)
03. I Could Have Told You (3:40)
04. Once Upon A Time (3:38)
05. Stormy Weather (3:06)
06. This Nearly Was Mine (2:49)
07. That Old Feeling (3:39)
08. It Gets Lonely Early (3:10)
09. My One And Only Love (3:24)
10. Trade Winds (2:41)
CD 2: Devil Dolls.
01. Braggin' (2:45)
02. As Time Goes By (3:23)
03. Imagination (2:35)
04. How Deep Is The Ocean (3:24)
05. P.S. I Love You (4:18)
06. The Best Is Yet To Come (2:58)
07. But Beautiful (3:23)
08. Here's That Rainy Day (3:27)
09. Where Is The One (3:15)
10. There's A Flaw In My Flue (2:47)
CD 3: Comin' Home Late.
01. Day In, Day Out (3:02)
02. I Couldn't Sleep A Wink Last Night (3:16)
03. Sentimental Journey (3:12)
04. Somewhere Along The Way (3:19)
05. When The World Was Young (3:47)
06. These Foolish Things (4:11)
07. You Go To My Head (3:07)
08. Stardust (2:35)
09. It's Funny To Everyone But Me (2:39)
10. Why Was I Born (2:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live 1962-1966: Rare Performances From The Copyright Collections (2018)
CD 1.
01. Blowin' In The Wind (2:40)
02. Corrina, Corrina (3:54)
03. John Brown (5:12)
04. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (03:35)
05. Bob Dylan's Dream (4:31)
06. Seven Curses (5:14)
07. Boots Of Spanish Leather (4:44)
08. Masters Of War (2:47)
09. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (5:14)
10. When The Ship Comes In (3:15)
11. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:32)
12. Girl From The North Country (3:46)
13. Mr. Tambourine Man (6:35)
14. It Ain't Me, Babe (4:21)
15. To Ramona (4:22)
16. Chimes Of Freedom (7:32)
CD 2.
01. One Too Many Mornings (4:02)
02. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (8:03)
03. Love Minus Zero / No Limit (3:59)
04. Gates Of Eden (6:50)
05. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (5:07)
06. She Belongs To Me (4:19)
07. Maggie's Farm (4:20)
08. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (3:31)
09. Desolation Row (10:36)
10. Baby Let Me Follow You Down (3:38)
11. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (5:52)
12. Ballad Of A Thin Man (7:38)
13. Visions Of Johanna (7:09)
02. The Night We Called It A Day (3:25)
03. Stay With Me (2:57)
04. Autumn Leaves (3:02)
05. Why Try to Change Me Now (3:38)
06. Some Enchanted Evening (3:28)
07. Full Moon And Empty Arms (3:27)
08. Where Are You? (3:38)
09. What'll I Do (3:21)
10. That Lucky Old Sun (3:37)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of The Cutting Edge 1965-1966, The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 (2015)
01. Love Minus Zero-No Limit (Take 2 Acoustic) (3:11)
02. I'll Keep It With Mine (Take 1 Piano Emo) (4:12)
03. Bob Dylan's 115th Dream (Take 2 Solo Acoustic) (6:17)
04. She Belongs To Me (Take 1 Solo Acoustic) (2:58)
05. Subterranean Homesick Blues (Take 1 Alternate Take) (2:39)
06. Outlaw Blues (Take 2 Alternate Take) (3:30)
07. On The Road Again (Take 4 Alternate Take) (2:31)
08. Farewell, Angelina (Take 1 Solo Acoustic) (5:28)
09. If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Take 2 Alternete Take) (2:51)
10. You Don't Have To Do That (Take 1 Solo Acoustic) (0:51)
11. California (Take 1 Solo Acoustic) (3:06)
12. Mr. Tambourine Man (Take 3 Witn Band, Incomplete) (3:24)
13. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (Take 8 Alternate Take) (3:29)
14. Like A Rolling Stones (Take 5 Rehearsal) (1:45)
15. Like A Rolling Stones (Take 11 Alternate Take) (5:57)
16. Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence (Take 2 Unreleased Take) (3:59)
17. Medicine Sunday (Take 1 Early Version Of Temporary Like Achilles) (1:02)
18. Desolation Row (Take 2 Piano Demo) (2:01)
19. Desolation Row (Take 1 Alternate Take) (11:17)
CD 2.
01. Tombstone Blues (Take 1 Alternate Take) (7:30)
02. Positively 4th Street (Take 5 Alternate Take) (4:25)
03. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window (Take 1 Alternate Take) (4:06)
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 3 Rehearsal) (5:40)
05. Highway 61 Revisited (Take 3 Alternate Take) (3:31)
06. Queen Jane Approximately (Take 5 Alternate Take) (6:03)
07. Vision Of Johanna (Take 5 Rehearsal) (7:40)
08. She's Your Lover Now (Take 6 Rehearsal) (4:59)
09. Lunatic Princess (Take 1) (1:20)
10. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Take 8 Alternate Take) (3:27)
11. One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) (Take 19 Alternate Take) (5:11)
12. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again (Take 13 Alternate Take) (4:04)
13. Absolutely Sweet Marie (Take 1 Alternate Take) (5:02)
14. Just Like A Woman (Take 4 Alternate Take) (5:20)
15. Pledging My Time (Take 1 Alternate Take) (3:23)
16. I Want You (Take 4 Alternate Take) (2:52)
17. Highway 61 Revisited (Take 7 False Start) (0:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Fallen Angels (2016)
02. Maybe You'll Be There (2:56)
03. Polka Dots And Moonbeams (3:36)
04. All The Way (4:02)
05. Skylark (2:57)
06. Nevertheless (3:28)
07. All Or Nothing At All (3:04)
08. On A Little Street In Singapore (2:17)
09. It Had To Be You (4:02)
10. Melancholy Mood (2:53)
11. That Old Black Magic (3:03)
12. Come Rain Come Shine (2:40)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Real Royal Albert Hall, 1966 Concert (2016)
01. She Belongs To Me (3:51)
02. Fourth Time Around (4:32)
03. Visions Of Johanna (7:57)
04. It.s All Over Now, Baby Blue (5:53)
05. Desolation Row (12:06)
06. Just Like A Woman (5:26)
07. Mr Tambourine Man (9:17)
CD 2.
01. Tell Me, Momma (4:53)
02. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (6:27)
03. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (3:44)
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (6:16)
05. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (4:05)
06. One Too Many Mornings (4:08)
07. Ballad of A Thin Man (7:24)
08. Like A Rolling Stone (8:26)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Melancholy Mood (EP 2016)
02. All Or Nothing At All (3:04)
03. Come Rain Or Come Shine (2:40)
04. That Old Black Magic (3:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Trouble No More, The Bootleg Series Vol. 13 / 1979-1981 (2017)
01. Slow Train (Live Nov. 16, 1979) (6:20)
02. Gotta Serve Somebody (Live Nov. 15, 1979) (6:29)
03. I Believe in You (Live May 16, 1980) (4:50)
04. When You Gonna Wake Up? (Live July 9, 1981) (5:27)
05. When He Returns (Live Dec. 5, 1979) (5:00)
06. Man Gave Names to All the Animals (Live Jan. 16, 1980) (5:44)
07. Precious Angel (Live Nov. 16, 1979) (5:40)
08. Covenant Woman (Live Nov. 20, 1979) (5:50)
09. Gonna Change My Way of Thinking (Live Jan. 31, 1980) (4:46)
10. Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) (Live Jan. 28, 1980) (5:07)
11. Solid Rock (Live Nov. 27, 1979) (4:41)
12. What Can I Do for You? (Live Nov. 27, 1979) (5:52)
13. Saved (Live Jan. 12, 1980) (4:48)
14. In the Garden (Live Jan. 27, 1980) (6:33)
CD 2: Live.
01. Slow Train (Live June 29, 1981) (4:34)
02. Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody (Live Apr. 24, 1980) (4:29)
03. Gotta Serve Somebody (Live June 27, 1981) (3:56)
04. Ain't No Man Righteous, No Not One (Live Nov. 16, 1979) (4:35)
05. Saving Grace (Live Nov. 6, 1979) (4:24)
06. Blessed Is the Name (Live Nov. 20, 1979) (4:18)
07. Solid Rock (Live Oct. 23, 1981) (4:19)
08. Are You Ready? (Live Apr. 30, 1980) (6:18)
09. Pressing on (Live Nov. 6, 1979) (6:52)
10. Shot of Love (Live July 25, 1981) (4:44)
11. Dead Man, Dead Man (Live June 21, 1981) (4:21)
12. Watered-Down Love (Live June 12, 1981) (4:43)
13. In the Summertime (Live Oct. 21, 1981) (3:14)
14. The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar (Live Nov. 13, 1980) (6:01)
15. Caribbean Wind (Live Nov. 12, 1980) (5:22)
16. Every Grain of Sand (Live Nov. 21, 1981) (3:41)
CD 3: Rare & Unreleased.
01. Slow Train (Soundcheck) (3:02)
02. Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) (Soundcheck) (3:38)
03. Help Me Understand (Soundcheck) (2:41)
04. Gonna Change My Way of Thinking (Rehearsal With Horns) (4:58)
05. Gotta Serve Somebody (Take 1) (5:40)
06. When He Returns (Take 2) (4:22)
07. Ain't No Man Righteous, No Not One (Take 6) (4:59)
08. Trouble in Mind (Take 1) (4:49)
09. Ye Shall Be Changed (Outtake) (4:08)
10. Covenant Woman (Take 3) (5:05)
11. Stand by Faith (Rehearsal) (2:34)
12. I Will Love Him (Live Apr. 19, 1980) (5:18)
13. Jesus Is the One (Live July 17, 1981) (2:45)
14. City of Gold (Live Nov. 22, 1980) (2:48)
15. Thief on the Cross (Live Nov. 10, 1981) (4:05)
16. Pressing on (Take 1) (5:49)
CD 4: Rare & Unreleased.
01. Slow Train (Rehearsal With Horns) (5:37)
02. Gotta Serve Somebody (Rehearsal With Horns) (4:35)
03. Making A Liar Out Of Me (Rehearsal) (5:44)
04. Yonder Comes Sin (Rehearsal) (4:11)
05. Radio Spot For (January 1980, Portland, Or Show) (1:00)
06. Cover Down, Pray Through (Live May 1, 1980) (4:20)
07. Rise Again (Rehearsal) (3:02)
08. Ain't Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody (Live Dec. 2, 1980) (3:51)
09. The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar (Take 2) (5:26)
10. Caribbean Wind (Rehearsal With Pedal Steel) (5:58)
11. You Changed My Life (Take 4) (4:31)
12. Shot Of Love (Outtake) (4:24)
13. Watered-Down Love (Outtake) (4:16)
14. Dead Man, Dead Man (Outtake) (7:22)
15. Every Grain Of Sand (Rehearsal) (4:48)
CD 5: Live In Toronto 1980.
01. Gotta Serve Somebody (6:53)
02. I Believe In You (4:44)
03. Covenant Woman (6:07)
04. When You Gonna Wake Up? (5:41)
05. When He Returns (5:25)
06. Ain't Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody (4:14)
07. Cover Down, Pray Through (4:33)
08. Man Gave Names To All The Animals (5:40)
09. Precious Angel (5:22)
CD 6: Live In Toronto 1980.
01. Slow Train (6:48)
02. Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others) (4:42)
03. Solid Rock (4:49)
04. Saving Grace (4:42)
05. What Can I Do for You? (6:32)
06. In the Garden (6:16)
07. Band Introductions (2:05)
08. Are You Ready? (4:28)
09. Pressing On (5:25)
CD 7: Live In Earl's Court, London, June 27, 1981.
01. Gotta Serve Somebody (4:29)
02. I Believe in You (4:56)
03. Like a Rolling Stone (6:25)
04. Man Gave Names to All the Animals (4:48)
05. Maggie's Farm (4:07)
06. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (3:45)
07. Dead Man, Dead Man (4:53)
08. Girl from the North Country (5:09)
09. Ballad of a Thin Man (3:25)
CD 8: Live In Earl's Court, London, June 27, 1981.
01. Slow Train (4:51)
02. Let's Begin (3:25)
03. Lenny Bruce (4:30)
04. Mr. Tambourine Man (5:14)
05. Solid Rock (4:32)
06. Just Like a Woman (3:50)
07. Watered-Down Love (4:51)
08. Forever Young (4:14)
09. When You Gonna Wake Up? (4:48)
10. In the Garden (5:47)
11. Band Introductions (4:05)
12. Blowin' in the Wind (5:00)
13. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (4:59)
14. Knockin' on Heaven's Door (5:01)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Triplicate (2017)
01. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plans (2:27)
02. September Of My Years (3:26)
03. I Could Have Told You (3:40)
04. Once Upon A Time (3:38)
05. Stormy Weather (3:06)
06. This Nearly Was Mine (2:49)
07. That Old Feeling (3:39)
08. It Gets Lonely Early (3:10)
09. My One And Only Love (3:24)
10. Trade Winds (2:41)
CD 2: Devil Dolls.
01. Braggin' (2:45)
02. As Time Goes By (3:23)
03. Imagination (2:35)
04. How Deep Is The Ocean (3:24)
05. P.S. I Love You (4:18)
06. The Best Is Yet To Come (2:58)
07. But Beautiful (3:23)
08. Here's That Rainy Day (3:27)
09. Where Is The One (3:15)
10. There's A Flaw In My Flue (2:47)
CD 3: Comin' Home Late.
01. Day In, Day Out (3:02)
02. I Couldn't Sleep A Wink Last Night (3:16)
03. Sentimental Journey (3:12)
04. Somewhere Along The Way (3:19)
05. When The World Was Young (3:47)
06. These Foolish Things (4:11)
07. You Go To My Head (3:07)
08. Stardust (2:35)
09. It's Funny To Everyone But Me (2:39)
10. Why Was I Born (2:50)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live 1962-1966: Rare Performances From The Copyright Collections (2018)
01. Blowin' In The Wind (2:40)
02. Corrina, Corrina (3:54)
03. John Brown (5:12)
04. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (03:35)
05. Bob Dylan's Dream (4:31)
06. Seven Curses (5:14)
07. Boots Of Spanish Leather (4:44)
08. Masters Of War (2:47)
09. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (5:14)
10. When The Ship Comes In (3:15)
11. The Times They Are A-Changin' (3:32)
12. Girl From The North Country (3:46)
13. Mr. Tambourine Man (6:35)
14. It Ain't Me, Babe (4:21)
15. To Ramona (4:22)
16. Chimes Of Freedom (7:32)
CD 2.
01. One Too Many Mornings (4:02)
02. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (8:03)
03. Love Minus Zero / No Limit (3:59)
04. Gates Of Eden (6:50)
05. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (5:07)
06. She Belongs To Me (4:19)
07. Maggie's Farm (4:20)
08. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (3:31)
09. Desolation Row (10:36)
10. Baby Let Me Follow You Down (3:38)
11. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (5:52)
12. Ballad Of A Thin Man (7:38)
13. Visions Of Johanna (7:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 1) (3:58)
02. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 2) (3:43)
03. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1) (5:38)
04. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 2) (4:41)
05. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 1) (4:41)
06. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2) (5:04)
07. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 3) (4:14)
08. Up to Me (Rehearsal) (0:20)
09. Up to Me (Take 1) (6:04)
10. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (Take 1) (3:15)
11. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (Take 2) (9:48)
CD 2.
01. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 1 A) (4:57)
02. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2 A) (1:23)
03. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3 A) (4:22)
04. Call Letter Blues (Take 1) (4:42)
05. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1) (5:43)
06. Call Letter Blues (Take 2) (4:28)
07. Idiot Wind (Take 1) (3:47)
08. Idiot Wind (Take 1, Remake) (5:28)
09. Idiot Wind (Take 3 With Insert) (7:11)
10. Idiot Wind (Take 5) (0:29)
11. Idiot Wind (Take 6) (8:51)
12. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Rehearsal And Take 1) (1:24)
13. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 2) (0:46)
14. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 3) (1:12)
15. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 4) (3:11)
16. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 5) (5:16)
17. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 6) (1:03)
18. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 6, Remake) (0:56)
19. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 7) (0:58)
20. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 8) (3:33)
CD 3.
01. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 1) (7:19)
02. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake) (4:55)
03. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 2, Remake) (4:23)
04. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal) (0:58)
05. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 2, Remake) (6:38)
06. Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (Take 1) (4:56)
07. Call Letter Blues (Rehearsal) (2:03)
08. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 1, Remake) (3:11)
09. Shelter from the Storm (Take 1) (6:03)
10. Buckets of Rain (Take 1) (2:56)
11. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake) (6:43)
12. Buckets of Rain (Take 2) (3:20)
13. Shelter from the Storm (Take 2) (4:38)
14. Shelter from the Storm (Take 3) (2:22)
15. Shelter from the Storm (Take 4) (5:02)
CD 4.
01. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 1, Remake 2) (3:42)
02. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 2, Remake 2) (3:25)
03. Buckets of Rain (Take 1, Remake) (3:18)
04. Buckets of Rain (Take 2, Remake) (3:02)
05. Buckets of Rain (Take 3, Remake) (0:53)
06. Buckets of Rain (Take 4, Remake) (2:36)
07. Up to Me (Take 1, Remake) (1:16)
08. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake) (6:47)
09. Buckets of Rain (Take 1, Remake 2) (0:08)
10. Buckets of Rain (Take 2, Remake 2) (1:02)
11. Buckets of Rain (Take 3, Remake 2) (1:54)
12. Buckets of Rain (Take 4, Remake 2) (3:23)
13. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 1, Remake) (3:25)
14. Up to Me (Take 1, Remake 2) (0:56)
15. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake 2) (6:47)
16. Up to Me (Take 3, Remake 2) (6:37)
17. Buckets of Rain (Rehearsal) (0:53)
18. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1, Remake) (4:56)
19. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 2, Remake) (4:14)
20. Buckets of Rain (Take 5, Remake 2) (3:27)
CD 5.
01. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal and Take 1, Remake 2) (3:08)
02. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 2, Remake 2) (1:31)
03. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake 2) (6:50)
04. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2, Remake) (4:51)
05. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3, Remake) (4:22)
06. Up to Me (Rehearsal and Take 1, Remake 3) (2:25)
07. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake 3) (6:23)
08. Idiot Wind (Rehearsal and Takes 1-3, Remake) (4:52)
09. Idiot Wind (Take 4, Remake) (9:14)
10. Idiot Wind (Take 4, Remake With Organ Overdub) (8:52)
11. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake 2) (3:06)
12. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1, Remake 2) (3:51)
13. Meet Me in the Morning (Takes 2-3, Remake 2) (1:42)
CD 6.
01. You're a Big Girl Now (Takes 3-6, Remake 2) (2:16)
02. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal and Takes 1-2, Remake 3) (5:09)
03. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake 3) (6:31)
04. Idiot Wind (7:53)
05. You're a Big Girl Now (4:38)
06. Tangled up in Blue (5:46)
07. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (8:58)
08. If You See Her, Say Hello (4:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Drifter's Escape (Take 1) (2:33)
02. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine (Take 2) (3:50)
03. All Along The Watchtower (Take 3) (2:31)
04. John Wesley Harding (Take 1) (2:47)
05. As I Went Out One Morning (Take 1) (4:23)
06. I Pity The Poor Immigrant (Take 4) (2:33)
07. I Am A Lonesome Hobo (Take 4) (2:56)
08. I Threw It All Away (Take 1) (2:24)
09. To Be Alone With You (Take 1) (2:27)
10. Lay, Lady, Lay (Take 2) (3:25)
11. One More Night (Take 2) (2:38)
12. Western Road (Take 1) (4:07)
13. Peggy Day (Take 1) (2:07)
14. Tell Me That It Isn't True (Take 2) (2:07)
15. Country Pie (Take 2) (2:07)
CD 2.
01. I Still Miss Someone (Take 5) (3:35)
02. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right / Understand Your Man (Rehearsal) (2:21)
03. One Too Many Mornings (Take 3) (4:06)
04. Mountain Dew (Take 1) (2:34)
05. Mountain Dew (Take 2) (1:50)
06. I Still Miss Someone (Take 2) (2:25)
07. Careless Love (Take 1) (6:48)
08. Matchbox (Take 1) (3:05)
09. That's All Right, Mama (Take 1) (2:42)
10. Mystery Train / This Train Is Bound For Glory (Take 1) (2:12)
11. Big River (Take 1) (2:04)
12. Girl From The North Country (Rehearsal) (3:04)
13. Girl From The North Country (Take 1) (2:29)
14. I Walk The Line (Take 2) (2:41)
15. Guess Things Happen That Way (Rehearsal) (1:14)
16. Guess Things Happen That Way (Take 3) (1:46)
17. Five Feet High And Rising (Take 1) (1:37)
18. You Are My Sunshine (Take 1) (3:17)
19. Ring Of Fire (Take 1) (3:00)
CD 3.
01. Studio Chatter (0:21)
02. Wanted Man (Take 1) (3:11)
03. Amen (Rehearsal) (1:40)
04. Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Take 1) (2:36)
05. Jimmie Rodgers Medley No. 1 (Take 1) (2:56)
06. Jimmie Rodgers Medley No. 2 (Take 2) (3:36)
07. I Threw It All Away (Live On The Johnny Cash Show) (Mono) (2:22)
08. Living The Blues (Live On The Johnny Cash Show) (Mono) (2:32)
09. Girl From The North Country (Live On The Johnny Cash Show) (Mono) (3:19)
10. Ring Of Fire (Outtake) (2:28)
11. Folsom Prison Blues (Outtake) (3:46)
12. Earl Scruggs Interview (Mono) (0:42)
13. East Virginia Blues (Mono) (2:35)
14. To Be Alone With You (Mono) (2:38)
15. Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance (Mono) (1:52)
16. Nashville Skyline Rag (1:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Rough And Rowdy Ways (2020)
CD 1.
01. I Contain Multitudes (4:36)
02. False Prophet (6:00)
03. My Own Version of You (6:41)
04. I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You (6:32)
05. Black Rider (4:12)
06. Goodbye Jimmy Reed (4:13)
07. Mother of Muses (4:29)
08. Crossing the Rubicon (7:22)
09. Key West (Philosopher Pirate) (9:34)
CD 2.
01. Murder Most Foul (16:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
More Blood, More Tracks: The Bootleg Series Vol. 14 (2018)
CD 1.
01. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 1) (3:58)
02. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 2) (3:43)
03. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1) (5:38)
04. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 2) (4:41)
05. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 1) (4:41)
06. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2) (5:04)
07. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 3) (4:14)
08. Up to Me (Rehearsal) (0:20)
09. Up to Me (Take 1) (6:04)
10. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (Take 1) (3:15)
11. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (Take 2) (9:48)
CD 2.
01. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 1 A) (4:57)
02. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2 A) (1:23)
03. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3 A) (4:22)
04. Call Letter Blues (Take 1) (4:42)
05. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1) (5:43)
06. Call Letter Blues (Take 2) (4:28)
07. Idiot Wind (Take 1) (3:47)
08. Idiot Wind (Take 1, Remake) (5:28)
09. Idiot Wind (Take 3 With Insert) (7:11)
10. Idiot Wind (Take 5) (0:29)
11. Idiot Wind (Take 6) (8:51)
12. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Rehearsal And Take 1) (1:24)
13. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 2) (0:46)
14. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 3) (1:12)
15. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 4) (3:11)
16. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 5) (5:16)
17. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 6) (1:03)
18. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 6, Remake) (0:56)
19. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 7) (0:58)
20. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 8) (3:33)
CD 3.
01. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 1) (7:19)
02. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake) (4:55)
03. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 2, Remake) (4:23)
04. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal) (0:58)
05. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 2, Remake) (6:38)
06. Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (Take 1) (4:56)
07. Call Letter Blues (Rehearsal) (2:03)
08. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 1, Remake) (3:11)
09. Shelter from the Storm (Take 1) (6:03)
10. Buckets of Rain (Take 1) (2:56)
11. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake) (6:43)
12. Buckets of Rain (Take 2) (3:20)
13. Shelter from the Storm (Take 2) (4:38)
14. Shelter from the Storm (Take 3) (2:22)
15. Shelter from the Storm (Take 4) (5:02)
CD 4.
01. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 1, Remake 2) (3:42)
02. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 2, Remake 2) (3:25)
03. Buckets of Rain (Take 1, Remake) (3:18)
04. Buckets of Rain (Take 2, Remake) (3:02)
05. Buckets of Rain (Take 3, Remake) (0:53)
06. Buckets of Rain (Take 4, Remake) (2:36)
07. Up to Me (Take 1, Remake) (1:16)
08. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake) (6:47)
09. Buckets of Rain (Take 1, Remake 2) (0:08)
10. Buckets of Rain (Take 2, Remake 2) (1:02)
11. Buckets of Rain (Take 3, Remake 2) (1:54)
12. Buckets of Rain (Take 4, Remake 2) (3:23)
13. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 1, Remake) (3:25)
14. Up to Me (Take 1, Remake 2) (0:56)
15. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake 2) (6:47)
16. Up to Me (Take 3, Remake 2) (6:37)
17. Buckets of Rain (Rehearsal) (0:53)
18. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1, Remake) (4:56)
19. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 2, Remake) (4:14)
20. Buckets of Rain (Take 5, Remake 2) (3:27)
CD 5.
01. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal and Take 1, Remake 2) (3:08)
02. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 2, Remake 2) (1:31)
03. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake 2) (6:50)
04. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2, Remake) (4:51)
05. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3, Remake) (4:22)
06. Up to Me (Rehearsal and Take 1, Remake 3) (2:25)
07. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake 3) (6:23)
08. Idiot Wind (Rehearsal and Takes 1-3, Remake) (4:52)
09. Idiot Wind (Take 4, Remake) (9:14)
10. Idiot Wind (Take 4, Remake With Organ Overdub) (8:52)
11. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake 2) (3:06)
12. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1, Remake 2) (3:51)
13. Meet Me in the Morning (Takes 2-3, Remake 2) (1:42)
CD 6.
01. You're a Big Girl Now (Takes 3-6, Remake 2) (2:16)
02. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal and Takes 1-2, Remake 3) (5:09)
03. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake 3) (6:31)
04. Idiot Wind (7:53)
05. You're a Big Girl Now (4:38)
06. Tangled up in Blue (5:46)
07. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (8:58)
08. If You See Her, Say Hello (4:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Travelin' Thru, 1967 - 1969: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 15 (2019)
CD 1.
01. Drifter's Escape (Take 1) (2:33)
02. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine (Take 2) (3:50)
03. All Along The Watchtower (Take 3) (2:31)
04. John Wesley Harding (Take 1) (2:47)
05. As I Went Out One Morning (Take 1) (4:23)
06. I Pity The Poor Immigrant (Take 4) (2:33)
07. I Am A Lonesome Hobo (Take 4) (2:56)
08. I Threw It All Away (Take 1) (2:24)
09. To Be Alone With You (Take 1) (2:27)
10. Lay, Lady, Lay (Take 2) (3:25)
11. One More Night (Take 2) (2:38)
12. Western Road (Take 1) (4:07)
13. Peggy Day (Take 1) (2:07)
14. Tell Me That It Isn't True (Take 2) (2:07)
15. Country Pie (Take 2) (2:07)
CD 2.
01. I Still Miss Someone (Take 5) (3:35)
02. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right / Understand Your Man (Rehearsal) (2:21)
03. One Too Many Mornings (Take 3) (4:06)
04. Mountain Dew (Take 1) (2:34)
05. Mountain Dew (Take 2) (1:50)
06. I Still Miss Someone (Take 2) (2:25)
07. Careless Love (Take 1) (6:48)
08. Matchbox (Take 1) (3:05)
09. That's All Right, Mama (Take 1) (2:42)
10. Mystery Train / This Train Is Bound For Glory (Take 1) (2:12)
11. Big River (Take 1) (2:04)
12. Girl From The North Country (Rehearsal) (3:04)
13. Girl From The North Country (Take 1) (2:29)
14. I Walk The Line (Take 2) (2:41)
15. Guess Things Happen That Way (Rehearsal) (1:14)
16. Guess Things Happen That Way (Take 3) (1:46)
17. Five Feet High And Rising (Take 1) (1:37)
18. You Are My Sunshine (Take 1) (3:17)
19. Ring Of Fire (Take 1) (3:00)
CD 3.
01. Studio Chatter (0:21)
02. Wanted Man (Take 1) (3:11)
03. Amen (Rehearsal) (1:40)
04. Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Take 1) (2:36)
05. Jimmie Rodgers Medley No. 1 (Take 1) (2:56)
06. Jimmie Rodgers Medley No. 2 (Take 2) (3:36)
07. I Threw It All Away (Live On The Johnny Cash Show) (Mono) (2:22)
08. Living The Blues (Live On The Johnny Cash Show) (Mono) (2:32)
09. Girl From The North Country (Live On The Johnny Cash Show) (Mono) (3:19)
10. Ring Of Fire (Outtake) (2:28)
11. Folsom Prison Blues (Outtake) (3:46)
12. Earl Scruggs Interview (Mono) (0:42)
13. East Virginia Blues (Mono) (2:35)
14. To Be Alone With You (Mono) (2:38)
15. Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance (Mono) (1:52)
16. Nashville Skyline Rag (1:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Rough And Rowdy Ways (2020)
01. I Contain Multitudes (4:36)
02. False Prophet (6:00)
03. My Own Version of You (6:41)
04. I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You (6:32)
05. Black Rider (4:12)
06. Goodbye Jimmy Reed (4:13)
07. Mother of Muses (4:29)
08. Crossing the Rubicon (7:22)
09. Key West (Philosopher Pirate) (9:34)
CD 2.
01. Murder Most Foul (16:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Springtime In New York: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 16 / 1980-1985 (2021)
CD 1.
01. Senor (Tales of Yankee Power) (Rehearsal) (3:49)
02. To Ramona (Rehearsal) (3:46)
03. Jesus Met the Woman at the Well (Rehearsal) (3:54)
04. Mary of the Wild Moor (Rehearsal) (3:30)
05. Need a Woman (Rehearsal) (5:12)
06. A Couple More Years (Rehearsal) (2:50)
07. Mystery Train (Shot of Love Outtake) (4:26)
08. This Night Won't Last Forever (Rehearsal) (3:39)
09. We Just Disagree (Rehearsal) (2:45)
10. Let's Keep It Between Us (Rehearsal) (5:15)
11. Sweet Caroline (Rehearsal) (4:30)
12. Fever (Rehearsal) (3:36)
13. Abraham, Martin and John (Rehearsal) (3:08)
CD 2.
01. Angelina (Shot of Love Outtake) (6:40)
02. Price of Love (Shot of Love Outtake) (4:15)
03. I Wish It Would Rain (Shot of Love Outtake) (2:59)
04. Let It Be Me (International 7" Single B-Side) (4:28)
05. Cold, Cold Heart (Shot of Love Outtake) (3:24)
06. Don't Ever Take Yourself Away (Shot of Love Outtake) (4:09)
07. Fur Slippers (Shot of Love Outtake) (2:48)
08. Borrowed Time (Shot of Love Outtake) (4:32)
09. Is It Worth It? (Shot of Love Outtake) (3:46)
10. Lenny Bruce (Shot of Love Alternate Mix) (4:30)
11. Yes Sir, No Sir (Shot of Love Outtake) (2:22)
CD 3.
01. Jokerman (Infidels Alternate Take) (6:12)
02. Blind Willie McTell (Take 5 - Infidels Outtake) (4:26)
03. Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight (Version 1) (Infidels Alternate Take) (7:02)
04. Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight (Version 2) (Infidels Alternate Take) (5:28)
05. Neighborhood Bully (Infidels Alternate Take) (4:11)
06. Someone's Got a Hold of My Heart (Infidels Outtake) (4:34)
07. This Was My Love (Infidels Outtake) (3:54)
08. Too Late (Acoustic Version) (Infidels Outtake) (5:49)
09. Too Late (Band Version) (Infidels Outtake) (6:15)
10. Foot of Pride (Infidels Outtake) (5:54)
CD 4.
01. Clean Cut Kid (Infidels Outtake) (5:29)
02. Sweetheart Like You (Infidels Alternate Take) (3:41)
03. Baby What You Want Me To Do (Infidels Outtake) (3:41)
04. Tell Me (Infidels Outtake) (5:01)
05. Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground (Infidels Outtake) (3:30)
06. Julius and Ethel (Infidels Outtake) (3:34)
07. Green, Green Grass of Home (Infidels Outtake) (3:45)
08. Union Sundown (Infidels Outtake) (6:14)
09. Lord Protect My Child (Infidels Outtake) (4:17)
10. I and I (Infidels Alternate Take) (4:27)
11. Death is Not the End (Full Version) (Infidels Outtake) (7:08)
CD 5.
01. Enough is Enough (Live from Slane Castle, Ireland) (4:17)
02. License to Kill (Live on Late Night with David Letterman w/ The Plugz 03/22/84) (4:45)
03. I'll Remember You (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (4:11)
04. Tight Connection to My Heart (Has Anyone Seen My Love) (Empire Burlesque Alternate Mix) (5:13)
05. Seeing the Real You at Last (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (4:25)
06. Emotionally Yours (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (3:37)
07. Clean Cut Kid (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (4:42)
08. Straight A's in Love (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (3:11)
09. When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky (Empire Burlesque (Slow Version) Alternate Take) (5:14)
10. When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky (Empire Burlesque (Fast Version) Alternate Take) (5:45)
11. New Danville Girl (Empire Burlesque Outtake) (11:52)
12. Dark Eyes (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (4:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Senor (Tales of Yankee Power) (Rehearsal) (3:49)
02. To Ramona (Rehearsal) (3:46)
03. Jesus Met the Woman at the Well (Rehearsal) (3:54)
04. Mary of the Wild Moor (Rehearsal) (3:30)
05. Need a Woman (Rehearsal) (5:12)
06. A Couple More Years (Rehearsal) (2:50)
07. Mystery Train (Shot of Love Outtake) (4:26)
08. This Night Won't Last Forever (Rehearsal) (3:39)
09. We Just Disagree (Rehearsal) (2:45)
10. Let's Keep It Between Us (Rehearsal) (5:15)
11. Sweet Caroline (Rehearsal) (4:30)
12. Fever (Rehearsal) (3:36)
13. Abraham, Martin and John (Rehearsal) (3:08)
CD 2.
01. Angelina (Shot of Love Outtake) (6:40)
02. Price of Love (Shot of Love Outtake) (4:15)
03. I Wish It Would Rain (Shot of Love Outtake) (2:59)
04. Let It Be Me (International 7" Single B-Side) (4:28)
05. Cold, Cold Heart (Shot of Love Outtake) (3:24)
06. Don't Ever Take Yourself Away (Shot of Love Outtake) (4:09)
07. Fur Slippers (Shot of Love Outtake) (2:48)
08. Borrowed Time (Shot of Love Outtake) (4:32)
09. Is It Worth It? (Shot of Love Outtake) (3:46)
10. Lenny Bruce (Shot of Love Alternate Mix) (4:30)
11. Yes Sir, No Sir (Shot of Love Outtake) (2:22)
CD 3.
01. Jokerman (Infidels Alternate Take) (6:12)
02. Blind Willie McTell (Take 5 - Infidels Outtake) (4:26)
03. Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight (Version 1) (Infidels Alternate Take) (7:02)
04. Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight (Version 2) (Infidels Alternate Take) (5:28)
05. Neighborhood Bully (Infidels Alternate Take) (4:11)
06. Someone's Got a Hold of My Heart (Infidels Outtake) (4:34)
07. This Was My Love (Infidels Outtake) (3:54)
08. Too Late (Acoustic Version) (Infidels Outtake) (5:49)
09. Too Late (Band Version) (Infidels Outtake) (6:15)
10. Foot of Pride (Infidels Outtake) (5:54)
CD 4.
01. Clean Cut Kid (Infidels Outtake) (5:29)
02. Sweetheart Like You (Infidels Alternate Take) (3:41)
03. Baby What You Want Me To Do (Infidels Outtake) (3:41)
04. Tell Me (Infidels Outtake) (5:01)
05. Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground (Infidels Outtake) (3:30)
06. Julius and Ethel (Infidels Outtake) (3:34)
07. Green, Green Grass of Home (Infidels Outtake) (3:45)
08. Union Sundown (Infidels Outtake) (6:14)
09. Lord Protect My Child (Infidels Outtake) (4:17)
10. I and I (Infidels Alternate Take) (4:27)
11. Death is Not the End (Full Version) (Infidels Outtake) (7:08)
CD 5.
01. Enough is Enough (Live from Slane Castle, Ireland) (4:17)
02. License to Kill (Live on Late Night with David Letterman w/ The Plugz 03/22/84) (4:45)
03. I'll Remember You (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (4:11)
04. Tight Connection to My Heart (Has Anyone Seen My Love) (Empire Burlesque Alternate Mix) (5:13)
05. Seeing the Real You at Last (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (4:25)
06. Emotionally Yours (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (3:37)
07. Clean Cut Kid (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (4:42)
08. Straight A's in Love (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (3:11)
09. When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky (Empire Burlesque (Slow Version) Alternate Take) (5:14)
10. When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky (Empire Burlesque (Fast Version) Alternate Take) (5:45)
11. New Danville Girl (Empire Burlesque Outtake) (11:52)
12. Dark Eyes (Empire Burlesque Alternate Take) (4:57)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Fragments, Time Out Of Mind Sessions 1996-1997: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 17 (2023)
CD 1: Time Out Of Mind (2022 Remix).
01. Love Sick (5:21)
02. Dirt Road Blues (3:34)
03. Standing in the Doorway (7:41)
04. Million Miles (5:51)
05. Tryin’ to Get to Heaven (5:22)
06. ‘Til I Fell in Love with You (5:15)
07. Not Dark Yet (6:27)
08. Cold Irons Bound (7:14)
09. Make You Feel My Love (3:30)
10. Can’t Wait (5:45)
11. Highlands (16:31)
CD 2: Outtakes And Alternates.
01. The Water Is Wide (8/19/96, Teatro) (5:41)
02. Dreamin’ Of You (10/1/96, Teatro) (7:51)
03. Red River Shore – Version 1 (9/26/96, Teatro) (6:50)
04. Love Sick – Version 1 (1/14/97, Criteria Studios) (5:12)
05. ‘Til I Fell In Love With You – Version 1 (10/3/96, Teatro) (2:57)
06. Not Dark Yet-Version 1 (1/11/97, Criteria Studios) (7:12)
07. Can’t Wait-Version 1 (1/21/97, Criteria Studios) (4:51)
08. Dirt Road Blues-Version 1 (1/12/97, Criteria Studios) (5:29)
09. Mississippi-Version 1 (1/11/97, Criteria Studios) (6:03)
10. ‘Til I Fell In Love With You-Version 2 (1/16/97, Criteria Studios) (3:54)
11. Standing In The Doorway-Version 1 (1/13/97, Criteria Studios) (7:06)
12. Tryin’ To Get To Heaven-Version 1 (1/18/97, Criteria Studios) (6:55)
13. Cold Irons Bound (1/9/97, Criteria Studios) (6:07)
CD 3: Outtakes And Alternates.
01. Love Sick-Version 2 (1/14/97, Criteria Studios) (6:46)
02. Dirt Road Blues-Version 2 (1/20/97, Criteria Studios) (4:17)
03. Can’t Wait-Version 2 (1/14/97, Criteria Studios) (6:00)
04. Red River Shore-Version 2 (1/19/97, Criteria Studios) (7:35)
05. Marchin’ To The City (1/5/97, Criteria Studios) (4:33)
06. Make You Feel My Love-Take 1 (1/5/97, Criteria Studios) (4:10)
07. Mississippi-Version 2 (1/11/97, Criteria Studios) (5:12)
08. Standing In The Doorway-Version 2 (1/13/97, Criteria Studios) (7:23)
09. ‘Til I Fell In Love With You-Version 3 (1/16/97, Criteria Studios) (6:09)
10. Not Dark Yet-Version 2 (1/18/97, Criteria Studios) (5:29)
11. Tryin’ To Get To Heaven-Version 2 (1/12/97, Criteria Studios) (5:07)
12. Highlands (1/16/97, Criteria Studios) (14:06)
CD 4: Live, 1998-2001.
01. Love Sick (6/24/98, Birmingham, England) (5:09)
02. Can’t Wait (2/6/99, Nashville, Tennessee) (6:31)
03. Standing In The Doorway (10/6/00, London, England) (8:16)
04. Million Miles (1/31/98, Atlantic City, New Jersey) (5:46)
05. Tryin’ to Get to Heaven (9/20/00, Birmingham, England) (5:42)
06. ‘Til I Fell in Love with You (4/5/98, Buenos Aires, Argentina) (5:26)
07. Not Dark Yet (9/22/00, Sheffield, England) (6:14)
08. Cold Irons Bound (5/19/00, Oslo, Norway) (6:28)
09. Make You Feel My Love (5/21/98, Los Angeles, California) (4:07)
10. Can’t Wait (5/19/00, Oslo, Norway) (4:50)
11. Mississippi (11/15/01, Washington, D.C.) (5:43)
12. Highlands (3/24/01, Newcastle, Australia) (10:10)
CD 5: Bonus Disc.
01. Dreamin’ Of You (10/1/96, Teatro) (5:49)
02. Red River Shore-Version 1 (1/19/97, Criteria Studios) (7:33)
03. Red River Shore-Version 2 (1/8/97, Criteria Studios) (7:05)
04. Mississippi-Version 1 (9/96, Teatro) (6:03)
05. Mississippi-Version 3 (1/17/97, Criteria Studios) (6:19)
06. Mississippi-Version 2 (1/17/97, Criteria Studios) (6:21)
07. Marchin’ To The City-Version 1 (1/5/97, Criteria Studios) (6:32)
08. Marchin’ To The City-Version 2 (1/6/97, Criteria Studios) (3:41)
09. Can’t Wait-Version 1 (10/1/96, Teatro) (5:42)
10. Can’t Wait-Version 2 (1/5/97, Criteria Studios) (7:26)
11. Cold Irons Bound-Live (6/11/04, Bonnaroo Music Festival) (5:45)
12. Tryin’ To Get To Heaven-Live (10/5/00, London, England) (5:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Love Sick (5:21)
02. Dirt Road Blues (3:34)
03. Standing in the Doorway (7:41)
04. Million Miles (5:51)
05. Tryin’ to Get to Heaven (5:22)
06. ‘Til I Fell in Love with You (5:15)
07. Not Dark Yet (6:27)
08. Cold Irons Bound (7:14)
09. Make You Feel My Love (3:30)
10. Can’t Wait (5:45)
11. Highlands (16:31)
CD 2: Outtakes And Alternates.
01. The Water Is Wide (8/19/96, Teatro) (5:41)
02. Dreamin’ Of You (10/1/96, Teatro) (7:51)
03. Red River Shore – Version 1 (9/26/96, Teatro) (6:50)
04. Love Sick – Version 1 (1/14/97, Criteria Studios) (5:12)
05. ‘Til I Fell In Love With You – Version 1 (10/3/96, Teatro) (2:57)
06. Not Dark Yet-Version 1 (1/11/97, Criteria Studios) (7:12)
07. Can’t Wait-Version 1 (1/21/97, Criteria Studios) (4:51)
08. Dirt Road Blues-Version 1 (1/12/97, Criteria Studios) (5:29)
09. Mississippi-Version 1 (1/11/97, Criteria Studios) (6:03)
10. ‘Til I Fell In Love With You-Version 2 (1/16/97, Criteria Studios) (3:54)
11. Standing In The Doorway-Version 1 (1/13/97, Criteria Studios) (7:06)
12. Tryin’ To Get To Heaven-Version 1 (1/18/97, Criteria Studios) (6:55)
13. Cold Irons Bound (1/9/97, Criteria Studios) (6:07)
CD 3: Outtakes And Alternates.
01. Love Sick-Version 2 (1/14/97, Criteria Studios) (6:46)
02. Dirt Road Blues-Version 2 (1/20/97, Criteria Studios) (4:17)
03. Can’t Wait-Version 2 (1/14/97, Criteria Studios) (6:00)
04. Red River Shore-Version 2 (1/19/97, Criteria Studios) (7:35)
05. Marchin’ To The City (1/5/97, Criteria Studios) (4:33)
06. Make You Feel My Love-Take 1 (1/5/97, Criteria Studios) (4:10)
07. Mississippi-Version 2 (1/11/97, Criteria Studios) (5:12)
08. Standing In The Doorway-Version 2 (1/13/97, Criteria Studios) (7:23)
09. ‘Til I Fell In Love With You-Version 3 (1/16/97, Criteria Studios) (6:09)
10. Not Dark Yet-Version 2 (1/18/97, Criteria Studios) (5:29)
11. Tryin’ To Get To Heaven-Version 2 (1/12/97, Criteria Studios) (5:07)
12. Highlands (1/16/97, Criteria Studios) (14:06)
CD 4: Live, 1998-2001.
01. Love Sick (6/24/98, Birmingham, England) (5:09)
02. Can’t Wait (2/6/99, Nashville, Tennessee) (6:31)
03. Standing In The Doorway (10/6/00, London, England) (8:16)
04. Million Miles (1/31/98, Atlantic City, New Jersey) (5:46)
05. Tryin’ to Get to Heaven (9/20/00, Birmingham, England) (5:42)
06. ‘Til I Fell in Love with You (4/5/98, Buenos Aires, Argentina) (5:26)
07. Not Dark Yet (9/22/00, Sheffield, England) (6:14)
08. Cold Irons Bound (5/19/00, Oslo, Norway) (6:28)
09. Make You Feel My Love (5/21/98, Los Angeles, California) (4:07)
10. Can’t Wait (5/19/00, Oslo, Norway) (4:50)
11. Mississippi (11/15/01, Washington, D.C.) (5:43)
12. Highlands (3/24/01, Newcastle, Australia) (10:10)
CD 5: Bonus Disc.
01. Dreamin’ Of You (10/1/96, Teatro) (5:49)
02. Red River Shore-Version 1 (1/19/97, Criteria Studios) (7:33)
03. Red River Shore-Version 2 (1/8/97, Criteria Studios) (7:05)
04. Mississippi-Version 1 (9/96, Teatro) (6:03)
05. Mississippi-Version 3 (1/17/97, Criteria Studios) (6:19)
06. Mississippi-Version 2 (1/17/97, Criteria Studios) (6:21)
07. Marchin’ To The City-Version 1 (1/5/97, Criteria Studios) (6:32)
08. Marchin’ To The City-Version 2 (1/6/97, Criteria Studios) (3:41)
09. Can’t Wait-Version 1 (10/1/96, Teatro) (5:42)
10. Can’t Wait-Version 2 (1/5/97, Criteria Studios) (7:26)
11. Cold Irons Bound-Live (6/11/04, Bonnaroo Music Festival) (5:45)
12. Tryin’ To Get To Heaven-Live (10/5/00, London, England) (5:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
14 Hidden Gems From The Bootleg Series 1963-1997 (2023)
01. Dirt Road Blues (4:18)
02. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (5:16)
03. Shot Of Love (Outtake) (4:24)
04. It Ain't Me Babe (Live) (5:25)
05. 900 Miles From Home (2:13)
06. Thirsty Boots (4:06)
07. Moonshiner (5:05)
08. Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence (3:52)
09. I Pity The Poor Immigrant (Take 4) (2:33)
10. Most Of The Time (Alternate Version) (3:34)
11. Seven Days (Live) (3:59)
12. Emotionally Yours (Alternate Take) (3:36)
13. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (Live) (3:28)
14. Mississippi (5:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (5:16)
03. Shot Of Love (Outtake) (4:24)
04. It Ain't Me Babe (Live) (5:25)
05. 900 Miles From Home (2:13)
06. Thirsty Boots (4:06)
07. Moonshiner (5:05)
08. Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence (3:52)
09. I Pity The Poor Immigrant (Take 4) (2:33)
10. Most Of The Time (Alternate Version) (3:34)
11. Seven Days (Live) (3:59)
12. Emotionally Yours (Alternate Take) (3:36)
13. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (Live) (3:28)
14. Mississippi (5:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.

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