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Neil Young - Discografia.

Neil Percival Young (Toronto, 12 de novembro de 1945) é um músico e compositor de origem canadense, que fez sua carreira nos Estados Unidos. Conhecido por sua voz suave e suas letras pungentes, Young é uma lenda do rock americano, mas seu estilo musical também inclui o folk e o country rock, alternando com álbuns mais "pesados" em que algumas músicas se aproximam do hard rock, com guitarras "sujas" e longos solos improvisados com muita distorção. Seus shows são verdadeiras celebrações de rock usualmente acompanhado da banda Crazy Horse, que o acompanha desde o início da carreira. Foi considerado o 17º melhor guitarrista do mundo pela revista norte-americana Rolling Stone.


Neil Percival Kenneth Robert Ragland Young nasceu em Toronto, no Canadá, mas ainda jovem, devido a separação dos pais, mudou-se para Winnipeg, capital da província de Manitoba, localizada na região central do Canadá. Começou sua carreira tocando no circuito folk/rock local. 

Durante meados dos anos cinquenta, em torno da idade de dez ou onze anos, o jovem foi atraído para uma variedade de gêneros musicais, incluindo rock and roll, rockabilly, doo-wop, R&B, country e western pop. 

Ele ouvia a música pop na estação de rádio CHUM, em seu rádio transistor, quando era garoto. Young afirmou em entrevistas que idolatrava Elvis Presley e esforçou-se para ser como ele. Ao ser entrevistado pela Guitare & Claviers Magazine, Yong afirmou que a vida de Presley inspirou algumas de suas canções mais famosas, como "Hey, Hey, My, My" e "He Was The King". 

Young admirava Chuck Berry e Little Richard e adorava assisti-los na televisão. Young afirma em uma entrevista com McDonough que os grupos e artistas que ele descobriu mais influentes no início de sua carreira foram: Elvis Presley, Fats Domino, The Chantels, The Monotones, Ronnie Self, The Fleetwoods, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis Johnny Cash, e Grant Gogi. 

Em 1965 resolve voltar para Toronto, onde em 1966 se junta a banda The Mynah Birds, gravando alguns compactos. Após isso, mudou-se para Los Angeles e juntamente com Stephen Stills formou o Buffalo Springfield, uma banda de folk-rock inovadora, mas que na época teve apenas uma relativa repercussão (seu trabalho só foi de fato reconhecido mais tarde). Quando o grupo acabou em 1968, Young partiu para a carreira solo. De seus álbuns iniciais, Everybody Knows this is nowhere (1969) e o essencial After the Gold Rush (1970) foram aclamados pela crítica, ao mesmo tempo em que aceitou participar do Crosby, Stills & Nash, como membro efetivo. Acrescido de Young no nome, o quarteto fez muito sucesso nos anos 1969/70, principalmente o álbum Deja Vu. Após uma turnê pelos EUA, separaram-se amigavelmente; Neil Young voltaria ocasionalmente a gravar com os ex-companheiros.

O espetacular sucesso comercial de Harvest (1972), torna Young um "superstar" do folk rock, mas a morte de dois amigos seus neste mesmo ano, o guitarrista Danny Whytten e o roadie Bruce Berry o colocam numa longa fase depressiva, em que envolve-se com drogas e álcool, acabando por influenciar seu trabalho. Os álbuns gravados neste período são marcados por temas como a morte, a solidão, a loucura, as drogas, trazendo um som mais áspero, cru e pesado, que o afastam do grande público e descontentam a crítica. Entre 1973 e 1975, lança o que é considerada a sua "trilogia suja" (ditch trilogy), bem representativa de sua fase emocional na época: Time Fades Away, On The Beach e Tonight's The Night; à época bastante criticados, hoje são considerados grandes clássicos dos anos 70 e de sua discografia. Esta fase em parte é rompida com "Zuma"(75) e um retorno ao folk e ao country rock, principalmente em Comes a time (1978), um celebrado álbum embasado no country. Influenciado pelo impacto cultural do punk, Neil Young lança Rust Never Sleeps (1979), uma elegia ao espírito do rock'roll, seguido de Rust live, talvez seu melhor álbum ao vivo. 

Nos anos 80, Neil Young desenvolveu uma carreira errática, gravando álbuns de rockabilly, clássicos do country (Old Ways, de 1984) e blues, não se fixando numa linha de atuação. O álbum Freedom (1989) o recoloca em evidência, depois de um período de obscuridade e marca uma retomada bem-sucedida da carreira. "Rockin' in the Free World" é a musica símbolo desta nova fase, assim como a crescente preocupação política de Neil Young, marcada principalmente pelas críticas ao então presidente dos EUA, George H.W. Bush. 

Nos anos 1980/1990 destaca-se ainda pela aproximação de Neil Young com a nova geração do rock pesado, principalmente com o movimento grunge. Em 1989, um disco tributo ao guitarrista contou com a participação de artistas como Nick Cave, Dinosaur Jr. e Pixies. Influenciado por Sonic Youth (que também participou do disco tributo), gravou os disco ao vivo Weld, em 1991, enquanto o álbum Arc (também de 1991) contou com a participação do guitarrista Thurston Moore. O maior marco desse diálogo de Young com novas bandas foi o disco Mirror Ball, gravado em parceria com o Pearl Jam em 1995, assim como a turnê em conjunto com a banda liderada por Eddie Vedder. 

Nos anos 2000, Neil Young continua com uma carreira ativa e, principalmente durante o governo de George W. Bush, intensificou muitas críticas à política dos EUA. Texto: Wikipédia.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Neil Young (1968)
01. The Emperor of Wyoming
02. The Loner
03. If I Could Have Her Tonight
04. I’ve Been Waiting for You
05. The Old Laughing Lady
06. String Quartet from Whiskey Boot Hill
07. Here We Are in the Years
08. What Did You Do to My Life?
09. I’ve Loved Her So Long
10. The Last Trip to Tulsa

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere (1969)
01. Cinnamon Girl
02. Everybody Knows This is Nowhere
03. Round & Round (It Won’t Be Long)
04. Down By The River
05. The Losing End (When You’re On)
06. Running Dry (Requiem for The Rockets)
07. Cowgirl in the Sand

After The Gold Rush (1970)
01. Tell Me Why
02. After the Gold Rush
03. Only Love Can Break Your Heart
04. Southern Man
05. Till the Morning Comes
06. Oh, Lonesome Me
07. Don’t Let It Bring You Down
08. Birds
09. When You Dance You Can Really Love
10. I Believe in You
11. Cripple Creek Ferry

Harvest (1972)
01. Out on the Weekend
02. Harvest
03. A Man Needs a Maid
04. Heart of Gold
05. Are You Ready for the Country?
06. Old Man
07. There’s A World
08. Alabama
09. The Needle and the Damage Done
10. Words (Between the Lines of Age)

Journey Through The Past (Soundtrack 1972)
01. For What It’s Worth / Mr Soul
02. Rock & Roll Woman
03. Find the Cost of Freedom
04. Ohio
05. Southern Man
06. Are You Ready for the Country
07. Let Me Call You Sweetheart
08. Alabama
09. Words
10. Relativity Invitation
11. Handel’s Messiah
12. King of Kings
13. Soldier
14. Let’s Go Away for Awhile

Time Fades Away (Live 1973)
01. Time Fades Away
02. Journey Through The Past
03. Yonder Stands The Sinner
04. L.A.
05. Love In Mind
06. Don’t Be Denied
07. The Bridge
08. Last Dance

On The Beach (1974)
01. Walk On
02. See The Sky About To Rain
03. Revolution Blues
04. For The Turnstiles
05. Vampire Blues
06. On The Beach
07. Motion Pictures
08. Ambulance Blues

Tonight’s The Night (1975)
01. Tonight’s the Night
02. Speakin’ Out
03. World on a String
04. Borrowed Tune
05. Come on Baby Let’s Go Downtown
06. Mellow My Mind
07. Roll Another Number (For the Road)
08. Albuquerque
09. New Mama
10. Lookout Joe
11. Tired Eyes
12. Tonight’s the Night (Part. 2)

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Zuma (1975)
01. Don’t Cry No Tears
02. Danger Bird
03. Pardon My Heart
04. Lookin’ For a Love
05. arstool Blues
06. Stupid Girl
07. Drive Back
08. Cortez The Killer
09. Through My Sails

The Stills-Young Band  - Long May You Run (1976)
01. Long May You Run
02. “Make Love to You
03. Midnight on the Bay
04. Black Coral
05. Ocean Girl
06. Let It Shine
07. 12/8 Blues (All the Same)
08. Fontainebleau
09. Guardian Angel

Chrome Dreams (1977)
01. Pocahontas
02. Will To Love
03. Star Of Bethlehem
04. Like A Huricane
05. Too Far Gone
06. Hold Back The Tears
07. Homegrown
08. Captain Kennedy
09. Stringman
10. Sedan Delivery
11. Powderfinger
12. Look Out For My Love
Bonus Tracks.
13. River Of Pride ('White Line', Unreleased Studio Version, 27 NOV 75)
14. Campaigner (Unedited, Unreleased Studio Version, Summer 1976)
15. No One Seems To Know (Live, Tokyo, Japan, 10 Mar 76)
16. Give Me Strength (Live, Chicago, IL, 15 Nov 76)
17. Peace Of Mind (Live, Chicago, IL, 15 Nov 76)
18. Human Highway (CSNY, Unreleased Studio Version, April 76)

American Stars’n'Bars (1977)
01. The Old Country Waltz
02. Saddle Up The Palomino
03. Hey Babe
04. Hold Back The Tears
05. Bite The Bullet
06. Star Of Bethlehem
07. Will To Love
08. Like a Hurricane
09. Homegrown

Decade (Coletânea 1977)
CD 1.

01. Down to the Wire
02. Burned
03. Mr. Soul
04. Broken Arrow
05. Expecting to Fly
06. Sugar Mountain
07. I Am a Child
08. The Loner
09. The Old Laughing Lady
10. Cinnamon Girl
11. Down by the River
12. Cowgirl in the Sand
13. I Believe in You
14. After the Gold Rush
15. Southern Man
16. Helpless

CD 2.

01. Ohio
02. Soldier
03. Old Man
04. A Man Needs a Maid
05. Harvest
06. Heart of Gold
07. Star of Bethlehem
08. The Needle and the Damage Done
09. Tonight’s the Night (Part 1)
10. Tired Eyes
11. Walk On
12. For the Turnstiles
13. Winterlong
14. Deep Forbidden Lake
15. Like a Hurricane
16. Love is a Rose
17. Cortez the Killer
18. Campaigner
19. Long May You Run

Comes A Time (1978)
01. Goin’ Back
02. Comes A Time
03. Look Out For My Love
04. Lotta Love
05. Peace Of Mind
06. Human Highway
07. Already One
08. Field Of Opportunity
09. Motorcycle Mama
10. Four Strong Winds

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Rust Never Sleeps (1979)
01. My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
02. Thrasher
03. Ride My Llama
04. Pocahontas
05. Sail Away
06. Powderfinger
07. Welfare Mothers
08. Sedan Delivery
09. Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Live Rust (1979)
01. Sugar Mountain
02. I Am A Child
03. Comes A Time
04. After The Gold Rush
05. My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
06. When You Dance I Can Really Love
07. The Loner
08. The Needle And The Damage Done
09. Lotta Love
10. Sedan Delivery
11. Powderfinger
12. Cortez The Killer
13. Cinnamon Girl
14. Like A Hurricane
15. Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)
16. Tonight’s The Night

Hawks & Doves (1980)
01. Little Wing
02. The Old Homestead
03. Lost in Space
04. Captain Kennedy
05. Stayin’ Power
06. Coastline
07. Union Man
08. Comin’ Apart at Every Nail
09. Hawks & Doves

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Re-ac-tor (1981)
01. Opera Star
02. Surfer Joe and Moe the Sleaz
03. T-Bone
04. Get Back on It
05. Southern Pacific
06. Motor City
07. Rapid Transit
08. Shots

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Trans (1982)
01. Little Thing Called Love
02. Computer Age
03. We R in Control
04. Transformer Man
05. Computer Cowboy
06. Hold on to Your Love
07. Sample and Hold
08. Mr. Soul
09. Like an Inca

Neil Young & Shocking Pinks - Everybody’s Rockin’ (1983)
01. Betty Lou’s Got A New Pair Of Shoes
02. Rainin’ In My Heart
03. Payola Blues
04. Wonderin’
05. Kinda Fonda Wanda
06. Jellyroll Man
07. Bright Lights, Big City
08. Cry, Cry, Cry
09. Mystery Train
10. Everybody’s Rockin’

Old Ways (1985)
01. The Wayward Wind
02. Get Back To The Country
03. Are There Any More Real Cowboys?
04. Once An Angel
05. Misfits
06. California Sunset
07. Old Ways
08. My Boy
09. Bound For Glory
10. Where is the Highway Tonight?

Landing On Water (1986)
01. Weight Of The World
02. Violent Side
03. Hippie Dream
04. Bad News Beat
05. Touch The Night
06. People On The Street
07. Hard Luck Stories
08. I Got A Problem
09. Pressure
10. Drifter

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Life (1987)
01. Mideast Vacation
02. Long Walk Home
03. Around the World
04. Inca Queen
05. Too Lonely
06. Prisoners of Rock ‘N’ Roll
07. Cryin’ Eyes
08. When Your Lonely Heart Breaks
09. We Never Danced

Neil Young & The Bluenotes - This Notes For You (1988)
01. Ten Men Workin’
02. This Note’s for You
03. Coupe De Ville
04. Life in the City
05. Twilight
06. Married Man
07. Sunny Inside
08. Can’t Believe Your Lyin’
09. Hey Hey
10. One Thing

Neil Young & The Restless - Eldorado (EP 1989)
01. Cocaine Eyes
02. Don’t Cry
03. Heavy Love
04. On Broadway
05. Eldorado

Freedom (1989)
01. Rockin’ in the Free World (Acoustic)
02. Crime in the City (Sixty to Zero Part I)
03. Don’t Cry
04. Hangin’ on a Limb
05. Eldorado
06. The Ways of Love
07. Someday
08. On Broadway
09. Wrecking Ball
10. No More
11. Too Far Gone
12. Rockin’ in the Free World (Electric)

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Ragged Glory (1990)
01. Country Home
02. White Line
03. Fuckin’ Up
04. Over And Over
05. Love To Burn
06. Farmer John
07. Mansion On The Hill
08. Days That Used To Be
09. Love And Only Love
10. Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Weld (Live 1991)
CD 1.

01. Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) 
02. Crime in the City
03. Blowin’ in the Wind
04. Welfare Mothers
05. Love to Burn
06. Cinnamon Girl
07. Mansion on the Hill
08. F*!#in’ Up

CD 2.

01. Cortez the Killer
02. Powderfinger
03. Love and Only Love
04. Rockin’ in the Free World
05. Like a Hurricane
06. Farmer John
07. Tonight’s the Night
08. Roll Another Number (For the Road)

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Arc (Live 1991)
01. Arc (A Compilation Composition)

Harvest Moon (1992)
01. Unknown Legend
02. From Hank to Hendrix
03. You and Me
04. Harvest Moon
05. War of Man
06. One of These Days
07. Such a Woman
08. Old King
09. Dreamin’ Man
10. Natural Beauty

Lucky Thirteen (Coletânea 1993)
01. Sample and Hold
02. Transformer Man
03. Depression Blues
04. Get Gone
05. Don’t Take Your Love Away From Me
06. Once an Angel
07. Where is the Highway Tonight?
08. Hippie Dream
09. Pressure
10. Around the World
11. Mideast Vacation
12. Ain’t It the Truth
13. This Note’s for You

Unplugged (1993)
01. The Old Laughing Lady
02. Mr. Soul
03. World on a String
04. Pocahontas
05. Stringman
06. Like a Hurricane
07. The Needle and the Damage Done
08. Helpless
09. Harvest Moon
10. Transformer Man
11. Unknown Legend
12. Look Out for My Love
13. Long May You Run
14. From Hank to Hendrix

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Sleeps With Angels (1994)
01. My Heart
02. Prime of Life
03. Driveby
04. Sleeps with Angels
05. Western Hero
06. Change Your Mind
07. Blue Eden
08. Safeway Cart
09. Train of Love
10. Trans Am
11. Piece of Crap
12. A Dream That Can Last

Neil Young & Pearl Jam - Mirror Ball (1995)
01. Song X
02. Act of Love
03. I’m the Ocean
04. Big Green Country
05. Truth Be Known
06. Downtown
07. What Happened Yesterday
08. Peace and Love
09. Throw Your Hatred Down
10. Scenery
11. Fallen Angel

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Dead Man (Soundtrack 1996)
01. Guitar Solo (1)
02. The Round Stones Beneath The Earth…
03. Guitar Solo (2)
04. Why Does Thou Hide Thyself, Clouds…
05. Organ Solo
06. Do You Know How To Use This Weapon?
07. Guitar Solo (3)
08. Nobody’s Story
09. Guitar Solo (4)
10. Stupid White Men…
11. Guitar Solo (5)
12. Time For You To Leave, William Blake…
13. Guitar Solo (6)

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Broken Arrow (1996)
01. Big Time
02. Loose Change
03. Slip Away
04. Changing Highways
05. Scattered (Let’s Think About Livin’)
06. This Town
07. Music Arcade
08. Baby What You Want Me To Do

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Year Of The Horse (Live 1997)
CD 1.

01. When You Dance
02. Barstool Blues
03. When Your Lonely Heart Breaks
04. Mr. Soul
05. Big Time
06. Pocahontas
07. Human Highway

CD 2.

01. Slip Away
02. Scattered
03. Danger Bird
04. Prisoners
05. Sedan Delivery

Road Rock Vol 1: Friends & Relatives (Live 2000)
01. Cowgirl in the Sand
02. Walk On
03. Fool for Your Love
04. Peace of Mind
05. Words (Between the Lines of Age)
06. Motorcycle Mama
07. Tonight’s the Night
08. All Along the Watchtower

Silver & Gold (2000)
01. Good to See You
02. Silver & Gold
03. Daddy Went Walkin’
04. Buffalo Springfield Again
05. The Great Divide
06. Horseshoe Man
07. Red Sun
08. Distant Camera
09. Razor Love
10. Without Rings

Are You Passionate? (2002)
01. You’re My Girl
02. Mr. Disappointment
03. Differently
04. (Quit) Don’t Say You Love Me
05. Let’s Roll
06. Are You Passionate?
07. Goin’ Home
08. When I Hold You In My Arms
09. Be With You
10. Two Old Friends
11. She’s A Healer

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Greendale (2003)
01. Falling from Above
02. Double E
03. Leave the Driving
04. Bandit
05. Carmichael
06. Devil’s Sidewalk
07. Grandpa’s Interview
08. Bringin’ Down Dinner
09. Sun Green
10. Be the Rain

Greatest Hits (2004)
01. Down by the River
02. Cowgirl in the Sand
03. Cinnamon Girl
04. Helpless (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
05. After the Gold Rush
06. Only Love Can Break Your Heart
07. Southern Man
08. Ohio (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
09. The Needle and the Damage Done
10. Old Man (Stray Gators)
11. Heart of Gold (Stray Gators)
12. Like a Hurricane
13. Comes a Time
14. Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)
15. Rockin’ in the Free World
16. Harvest Moon

Prairie Wind (2005)
01. The Painter
02. No Wonder
03. Falling Off the Face of the Earth
04. Far from Home
05. It’s a Dream
06. Prairie Wind
07. Here for You
08. This Old Guitar
09. He Was the King
10. When God Made Me

Living With War (2006)
01. After the Garden
02. Living With War
03. The Restless Consumer
04. Shock and Awe
05. Families
06. Flags of Freedom
07. Let’s Impeach the President
08. Lookin’ For a Leader
09. Roger and Out
10. America the Beautiful

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Live At The Fillmore East, 1970 (2006)
01. Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
02. Winterlong
03. Down By The River
04. Wonderin’
05. Come On Baby Let’s Go Downtown
06. Cowgirl In The Sand

Chrome Dreams II (2007)
01. Beautiful Bluebird
02. Boxcar
03. Ordinary People
04. Shining Light
05. The Believer
06. Spirit Road
07. Dirty Old Man
08. Ever After
09. No Hidden Path
10. The Way

Live At Massey Hall, 1971 (2007)
01. On The Way Home
02. Tell Me Why
03. Old Man
04. Journey Through The Past
05. Helpless
06. Love In Mind
07. A Man Needs A Maidheart Of Gold Suite
08. Cowgirl In The Sand
09. Don’t Let It Bring You Down
10. There’s A World
11. Bad Fog Of Loneliness
12. The Needle And The Damage Done
13. Ohio
14. See The Sky About To Rain
15. Down By The River
16. Dance Dance Dance
17. I Am A Child

Sugar Mountain: Live At Canterbury House, 1968 (2008)
01. Emcee (Intro)
02. On The Way Home
03. Songwriting Rap
04. Mr. Soul
05. Recording Rap
06. Expecting To Fly
07. The Last Trip To Tulsa
08. Bookstore Rap
09. The Loner
10. I Used To Rap
11. Birds
12. Winterlong (Excerpt) & Out Of My Mind (Intro)
13. Out Of My Mind
14. If I Could Have Her Tonight
15. Classical Gas Rap
16. Sugar Mountain (Intro)
17. Sugar Mountain
18. I’ve Been Waiting For You
19. Songs Rap
20. Nowadays Clancy Can’t Even Sing
21. Tuning Rap & The Old Laughing Lady (Intro)
22. The Old Laughing Lady
23. Broken Arrow

Fork In The Road (2009)
01. When Worlds Collide
02. Fuel Line
03. Just Singing a Song
04. Johnny Magic
05. Cough Up the Bucks
06. Get Behind the Wheel
07. Off the Road
08. Hit the Road
09. Light a Candle
10. Fork in the Road

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Dreamin' Man Live '92 (2009)
01. Dreamin’ Man
02. Such A Woman
03. One Of These Days
04. Harvest Moon
05. You And Me
06. Hank To Hendrix
07. Unknown Legend
08. Old King
09. Natural Beauty
10. War Of Man

Le Noise (2010)
01. Walk with Me
02. Sign of Love
03. Someone's Gonna Rescue You
04. Love and War
05. Angry World
06. Hitchhiker
07. Peaceful Valley Boulevard
08. Rumblin'

A Treasure: Live 84-85 (2011)
01. Amber Jean
02. Are You Ready For The Country?
03. It Might Have Been
04. Bound For Glory
05. Let Your Fingers Do The Walking
06. Flying On The Ground Is Wrong
07. Motor City
08. Soul Of A Woman
09. Get Back To The Country
10. Southern Pacific
11. Nothing Is Perfect
12. Grey Rider

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Americana (2012)
01. Oh Susannah
02. Clementine
03. Tom Dula
04. Gallows Pole
05. Get A Job
06. Travel On
07. High Flyin’ Bird
08. Jesus’ Chariot
09. This Land Is Your Land
10. Wayfarin’ Stranger
11. God Save The Queen

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Psychedelic Pill (2012)
CD 1.

01. Driftin’ Back
02. Psychedelic Pill
03. Ramada Inn
04. Born In Ontario

CD 2.

01. Twisted Road
02. She’s Always Dancing
03. For The Love Of Man
04. Walk Like A Giant
05. Psychedelic Pill (Alternate Mix)

A Letter Home (2014)
01. A Letter Home intro
02. Changes (Phil Ochs Cover)
03. Girl From the North Country (Bob Dylan Cover)
04. Needle of Death (Bert Jansch Cover)
05. Early Morning Rain (Gordon Lightfoot Cover)
06. Crazy (Willie Nelson Cover)
07. Reason to Believe (Tim Hardin Cover)
08. On the Road Again (Willie Nelson Cover)
09. If You Could Read My Mind (Gordon Lightfoot Cover)
10. Since I Met You Baby (Ivory Joe Hunter Cover)
11. My Hometown (Bruce Springsteen Cover)
12. I Wonder If I Care as Much (Don Everly Cover) 

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Storytone (2014)
CD 1: Solo Acoustic.

01. Plastic Flowers
02. Who's Gonna Stand Up?
03. I Want To Drive My Car
04. Glimmer
05. Say Hello To Chicago
06. Tumbleweed
07. Like You Used To Do
08. I'm Glad I Found You
09. When I Watch You Sleeping
10. All Those Dreams

CD 2: Orchestral.

01. Plastic Flowers (Orchestral)
02. Who's Gonna Stand Up? (Orchestral)
03. I Want To Drive My Car (Band)
04. Glimmer (Orchestral)
05. Say Hello To Chicago (Big Band)
06. Tumbleweed (Orchestral)
07. Like You Used To Do (Band)
08. I'm Glad I Found You (Orchestral)
09. When I Watch You Sleeping (Orchestral)
10. All Those Dreams (Orchestral)

Neil Young + Promise Of The Real - The Monsanto Years (2015)
01. A New Day For Love
02. Wolf Moon
03. People Want To Hear About Love
04. Big Box
05. A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop
06. Workin' Man
07. Rules Of Change
08. Monsanto Years
09. If I Don't Know

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Peace Trail (2016)
01. Peace Trail
02. Can't Stop Workin'
03. Indian Givers
04. Show Me
05. Texas Rangers
06. Terrorist Suicide Hang Gliders
07. John Oaks
08. My Pledge
09. Glass Accident
10. My New Robot

Neil Young & Promise Of The Real - Earth (Live 2016)
CD 1.

01. Mother Earth
02. Seed Justice
03. My Country Home
04. The Monsanto Years
05. Western Hero
06. Vampire Blues
07. Hippie Dream
08. After The Gold Rush
09. Human Highway

CD 2.

01. Big Box
02. People Want To Hear About Love
03. Wolf Moon
04. Love And Only Love

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Neil Young With Crazy Horse - Colorado (2019)
01. Think Of Me
02. She Showed Me Love
03. Olden Days
04. Help Me Lose My Mind
05. Green Is Blue
06. Shut It Down
07. Milky Way
08. Eternity
09. Rainbow Of Colors
10. I Do

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Homegrown, 1975 (2020)
01. Separate Ways
02. Try
03. Mexico
04. Love is a Rose
05. Homegrown
06. Florida
07. Kansas
08. We Dont Smoke It No More
09. White Line
10. Vacancy
11. Little Wing
12. Star of Bethlehem

Opção 1. Opção 2.
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Barn (2021)
01. Song Of The Seasons
02. Heading West
03. Change Ain't Never Gonna
04. Canerican
05. Shape Of You
06. They Might Be Lost
07. Human Race
08. Tumblin' Thru The Years
09. Welcome Back
10. Don't Forget Love

Opção 1. Opção 2.
Down On The Farm (Live 2022)
01. Country Home
02. Down By The River
03. All Along The Watchtower
04. Farmer John
05. Change Your Mind
06. Harvest Moon
07. Old Man
08. Heart Of Gold
09. Rockin’ In The Free World

Opção 1. Opção 2.
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - World Record (2022)
01. Love Earth
02. Overhead
03. I Walk with You (Earth Ringtone)
04. This Old Planet (Changing Days)
05. The World (Is In Trouble Now)
06. Break the Chain
07. The Long Day Before
08. Walkin' On The Road (To The Future)
09. The Wonder Won't Wait
10. Chevrolet
11. This Old Planet (Reprise)

Opção 1. Opção 2.
Before And After (Live 2023)
01. I'm The Ocean
02. Homefires
03. Burned
04. On The Way Home
05. If You Got Love
06. A Dream That Can Last
07. Birds
08. My Heart
09. When I Hold You In My Arms
10. Mother Earth
11. Mr. Soul
12. Comes A Time
13. Don't Forget Love

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Neil Young With Crazy Horse - Fu##in' Up (Live 2024)
01. City Life (Country Home)
02. Feels Like A Railroad (River Of Pride-White Line)
03. Heart Of Steel (Fuckin' Up)
04. Broken Circle (Over And Over)
05. Valley Of Hearts (Love To Burn)
06. Farmer John
07. Walkin' In My Place (Road Of Tears-Mansion On The Hill)
08. To Follow One's Own Dream (Days That Used To Be)
09. A Chance On Love (Love And Only Love)

Opção 1. Opção 2.

Neil Young With Crazy Horse - Early Daze, 1969 (Coletãnea 2024)
Collection of mostly previously unreleased tracks from 1969.

01. Dance Dance Dance
02. Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown
03. Winterlong
04. Everybody's Alone
05. Wonderin'
06. Cinnamon Girl
07. Look At All The Things
08. Helpless
09. Birds
10. Down By The River

Opção 1. Opção 2.

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