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Echo & The Bunnymen - Discografia.

Echo & The Bunnymen é uma banda inglesa de pós-punk formada em Liverpool, em 1978. Entre suas influências destacam-se The Beatles, The Doors e principalmente David Bowie.

As origens da banda remontam ao final dos anos 70, quando Ian McCulloch, Pete Wylie e Julian Cope formam os The Crucial Three. Em 1977, Wylie e Cope deixam o grupo para criar os The Teardrop Explodes e os Whah!, respectivamente. 

Em 1978, McCulloch, juntamente com Will Sergeant, criam o duo Echo, utilizando uma caixa de ritmos em substituição da bateria. No mesmo ano, o baixista Les Pattinson junta-se à banda, e realizam o seu primeiro concerto ao vivo no clube Eric, em Liverpool, com o nome Echo & The Bunnymen. 

No ano seguinte, em 1979, a banda lança o primeiro single, Pictures on My Wall, e o sucesso deste dá-lhes um contrato com a editora Korova. O baterista Pete de Freitas entra para o grupo. 

Em 1980, gravam o primeiro álbum de originais, Crocodiles que, juntamente aos dois trabalhos seguintes, Heaven Up Here (1981) e (Porcupine) (1983), traz reconhecimento à banda. Porcupine chega ao #2 das tabelas do Reino Unido. 

Em (1984), o álbum Ocean Rain, com o single The Killing Moon, entra, mais uma vez, para o Top Ten das tabelas, atingindo a quarta posição, no Reino Unido, e entrando para o Top 100, nos EUA. 

Três anos depois, os Echo & The Bunnymen lançam novo álbum que atinge a posição #51 nos EUA, o melhor lugar até à data, e o quarto lugar no país natal. Alguns dos primeiros shows do novo álbum ocorrem no Brasil, em abril de 1987. As apresentações são lembradas até hoje como das melhores que passaram pelo país naquele período, e imagens da banda nas ruas do Rio de Janeiro e de shows na extinta casa carioca Canecão são utilizadas no videoclipe da faixa "The Game", que abre o disco. Outro single extraído foi "Lips Like Sugar". 

No entanto, o álbum não apresenta nenhuma evolução nos trabalhos da banda, e McCulloch abandona o grupo para trabalhar a solo. Em 1989 edita Candleland, e no ano seguinte Mysterio. No mesmo ano, o baterista Pete de Freitas morre em um acidente de moto em Londres, aos 27 anos. Neste período, Noel Burke substitui McCulloch nos vocais, e lançam Reverberation. 

Em 1994, McCulloch forma os Electrafixion com Will Sergeant. Mais tarde, em 1997, é a vez de Pattinson se juntar, e de novo reúnem os Echo & The Bunnymen. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.



Ian Mcculloch (Vocais, Violão, 1978-1989, desde 1996)
Will Sergeant (Guitarras, Programação, 1978-1993, desde 1996)

Ex - Integrantes.

Les Pattinson (Baixo, 1978-1998)
Pete De Freitas (Bateria, 1978-1989, R.I.P 1989)
Noel Burke (Vocais, 1989-1993)
Damon Reece (Bateria, 1989-1993)
Michael Lee (Bateria, 1997-2001)
Vinny Jameson (Bateria, 2001-2002)
Pete Wilkinson (Baixo, 2003-2005)
Simon Finley (Bateria, 2003-2005)

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Crocodiles (1980)
01. Going Up (4:02)
02. Stars Are Stars (2:48)
03. Pride (2:41)
04. Monkeys (2:49)
05. Crocodiles (2:41)
06. Rescue (4:29)
07. Villiers Terrace (2:47)
08. Pictures On My Wall (2:55)
09. All That Jazz (2:48)
10. Happy Death Men (5:00)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Do It Clean (2:49)
12. Read It In Books (2:34)
13. Simple Stuff (2:38)
14. Villiers Terrace (Early Version) (3:08)
15. Pride (Early Version) (2:54)
16. Simple Stuff (Early Version) (2:37)
Shine So Hard (Live EP).
17. Crocodiles (5:09)
18. Zimbo (3:36)
19. All That Jazz (2:53)
20. Over The Wall (5:28)

Heaven Up Here (1981)
01. Show Of Strength (4:50)
02. With A Hip (3:15)
03. Over The Wall (5:59)
04. It Was A Pleasure (3:15)
05. A Promise (4:07)
06. Heaven Up Here (3:44)
07. The Disease (2:28)
08. All My Colours (4:06)
09. No Dark Things (4:27)
10. Turquoise Days (3:51)
11. All I Want (4:16)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Broke My Neck (Long Version) (7:17)
13. Show Of Strength (Live) (4:39)
14. The Disease (Live) (1:53)
15. All I Want (Live) (3:09)
16. Zimbo (Live) (3:52)

Porcupine (1983)
01. The Cutter (3:55)
02. The Back Of Love (3:16)
03. My White Devil (4:41)
04. Clay (4:17)
05. Porcupine (6:00)
06. Heads Will Roll (3:33)
07. Ripeness (4:50)
08. Higher Hell (5:02)
09. Gods Will Be Gods (5:27)
10. In Bluer Skies (4:38)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Fuel (4:06)
12. The Cutter (Alternate Version) (4:09)
13. My White Devil (Alternate Version) (5:04)
14. Porcupine (Alternate Version) (4:04)
15. Ripeness (Alternate Version) (4:42)
16. Gods Will Be Gods (Alternate Version) (5:31)
17. Never Stop (Discotheque) (4:45)

Ocean Rain (1984)
01. Silver (3:20)
02. Nocturnal Me (4:57)
03. Crystal Days (2:24)
04. The Yo-Yo Man (3:10)
05. Thorn Of Crowns (4:55)
06. The Killing Moon (5:47)
07. Seven Seas (3:20)
08. My Kingdom (4:05)
09. Ocean Rain (5:24)

Echo & The Bunnymen (1987)
01. The Game (3:51)
02. Over You (4:02)
03. Bedbugs And Ballyhoo (3:29)
04. All In Your Mind (4:33)
05. Bombers Bay (4:25)
06. Lips Like Sugar (4:52)
07. Lost And Found (3:37)
08. New Direction (4:48)
09. Blue Blue Ocean (5:09)
10. Satellite (3:04)
11. All My Life (4:16)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Jimmy Brown (Early Version Of Bring On The Dancing Horses) (4:07)
13. Hole In The Holy (4:44)
14. Soul Kitchen (3:56)
15. The Game (Acoustic Demo) (3:57)
16. Bedbugs And Ballyhoo (Original Version) (3:41)
17. Over Your Shoulder (4:10)
18. Bring On The Dancing Horses (Extended Mix) (5:50)

Reverberation (1990)
01. Gone, Gone, Gone (4:15)
02. Enlighten Me (4:37)
03. Cut & Dried (3:45)
04. King Of Your Castle (4:35)
05. Devilment (4:40)
06. Thick Skinned World (4:25)
07. Freaks Dwell (4:05)
08. Senseless (4:50)
09. Flaming Red (5:33)
10. False Goodbyes (5:30)

BBC Radio 1 Live In Concert (1992)
01. Rescue (3:52)
02. Heaven Up Here (3:25)
03. With a Hip (2:43)
04. Bombers Bay (4:27)
05. All I Want (3:50)
06. Back of Love (3:00)
07. Crocodiles (4:02)
08. Zimbo (4:02)
09. Seven Seas (2:49)
10. Bedbugs and Ballyhoo (2:51)
11. The Cutter (3:30)
12. Show of Strength (4:22)
13. Lips Like Sugar (5:10)
14. Thorn of Crowns (5:26)

Evergreen (1997)
01. Don't Let It Get You Down (3:52)
02. In My Time (3:26)
03. I Want To Be There (When You Come) (3:39)
04. Evergreen (4:11)
05. I'll Fly Tonight (4:24)
06. Nothing Lasts Forever (3:57)
07. Baseball Bill (4:04)
08. Altamont (3:53)
09. Just A Touch Away (5:08)
10. Empire State Halo (3:59)
11. Too Young To Kneel (3:40)
12. Forgiven (5:48)

Ballyhoo: The Best Of Echo & The Bunnymen (Coletânea 1997)
01. Rescue (4:19)
02. Do It Clean (2:45)
03. Villiers Terrace (3:12)
04. All That Jazz (2:51)
05. Over the Wall (5:51)
06. Promise (3:43)
07. Disease (2:23)
08. Back of Love (3:15)
09. Cutter (3:54)
10. Never Stop (3:33)
11. Killing Moon (5:47)
12. Silver (3:20)
13. Seven Seas (3:20)
14. Bring on the Dancing Horses (3:56)
15. People Are Strange (3:38)
16. Game (3:47)
17. Lips Like Sugar (4:53)
18. Bedbugs & Ballyhoo (3:27)

What Are You Going to Do With Your Life? (1999)
01. What Are You Going to Do With Your Life? (5:11)
02. Rust (5:09)
03. Get in the Car (4:21)
04. Baby Rain (4:17)
05. History Chimes (3:26)
06. Lost on You (4:50)
07. Morning Sun (4:12)
08. When It All Blows Over (2:57)
09. Fools Like Us (4:02)

Flowers (2001)
01. King Of Kings (4:23)
02. SuperMellowMan (4:57)
03. Hide & Seek (4:07)
04. Make Me Shine (3:53)
05. It's Alright (3:32)
06. Buried Alive (3:55)
07. Flowers (4:15)
08. Everybody Knows (4:40)
09. Life Goes On (3:59)
10. An Eternity Turns (4:02)
11. Burn For Me (3:41)

Crystal Days 1979-1999 (Box Set 2001)
CD 1.

01. Monkeys (Original Version) (3:04)
02. The Pictures On My Wall (Original Single Version) (2:51)
03. Read It In Books (Original Single Version) (2:59)
04. Villiers Terrace (John Peel Session) (4:13)
05. Rescue (4:26)
06. Simple Stuff (2:35)
07. Stars Are Stars (2:47)
08. All That Jazz (2:47)
09. Crocodiles (2:40)
10. The Puppet (3:07)
11. Do It Clean (2:48)
12. Show Of Strength (4:56)
13. Over The Wall (6:06)
14. A Promise (4:04)
15. Heaven Up Here (3:43)
16. All My Colours (4:02)
17. Broke My Neck (Long Version) (7:17)
18. No Hands (John Peel Session) (3:11)
19. Fuel (4:05)
20. The Subject (5:09)

CD 2.

01. The Back of Love (3:15)
02. The Cutter (3:52)
03. Way Out and Up We Go (4:03)
04. Clay (4:16)
05. Heads Will Roll (3:33)
06. Gods Will Be Gods (Alternate Version) (5:30)
07. Never Stop (Discotheque) (4:46)
08. Watch Out Below (John Peel session) (2:50)
09. The Killing Moon (All Night version) (9:13)
10. Silver (Tidal Wave) (5:12)
11. Angels and Devils (4:23)
12. Crystal Days (2:26)
13. Seven Seas (3:20)
14. My Kingdom (4:06)
15. Ocean Rain (5:18)
16. All You Need Is Love (6:42)

CD 3.

01. Bring On The Dancing Horses (4:05)
02. Over Your Shoulder (4:07)
03. Lover, I Love You (4:20)
04. Satisfaction (4:11)
05. New Direction (Original Version) (4:23)
06. Ship Of Fools (4:04)
07. All My Life (4:10)
08. The Game (3:51)
09. Bedbugs And Ballyhoo (3:29)
10. Lips Like Sugar (Single Version) (4:37)
11. People Are Strange (4:32)
12. Rollercoaster (4:05)
13. Don't Let It Get You Down (3:52)
14. I Want To Be There (When You Come) (3:39)
15. Nothing Lasts Forever (3:56)
16. Hurracaine (4:21)
17. Rust (5:24)
18. Are You Going To Do With Your Life? (5:11)

CD 4.

01. In The Midnight Hour (3:30)
02. Start Again(Live, 1987) (3:26)
03. The Original Cutter - A Drop In The Ocean (4:00)
04. Heads Will Roll (Summer Version) (4:25)
05. Bedbugs And Ballyhoo (Original Single Version) (3:38)
06. Zimbo (Live, 1982 With The Royal Burundi Drummers) (4:57)
07. Angels And Devils (Live, 1985) (3:04)
08. She Cracked (Live, 1985) (2:54)
09. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Live, 1985) (3:33)
10. Soul Kitchen (Live, 1985) (3:50)
11. Action Woman (Live, 1985) (3:21)
12. Paint It, Black (Live, 1985) (3:15)
13. Run Run Run (Live, 1985) (3:59)
14. Friction (Live, 1985) (4:44)
15. Crocodiles (Live, 1985) (6:06)
16. Heroin (Live, 1983) (5:43)
17. Do It Clean (Live, 1983) (8:18)
18. The Cutter (Alternate Version) (4:06)

Live In Liverpool (2002)
01. Rescue (4:24)
02. Lips Like Sugar (4:12)   
03. King Of Kings (3:52)
04. Never Stop (3:42)
05. Seven Seas (3:02)
06. Buried Alive (3:55)
07. SuperMellowMan (3:56)  
08. My Kingdom (3:39)
09. Zimbo (4:11)
10. All That Jazz (2:58)  
11. An Eternity Turns (3:21) 
12. Back Of Love (9:22)
13. The Killing Moon (4:58)
14. The Cutter (9:22)
15. Over The Wall  (6:44)
16. Nothing Lasts Forever (3:52)   
17. Ocean Rain (6:00)

Siberia (2005)
01. Stormy Weather (4:24)
02. All Because of You Days (5:44)
03. Parthenon Drive (5:11)
04. In the Margins (5:06)
05. Of a Life (3:43)
06. Make Us Blind (4:00)
07. Everything Kills You (4:17)
08. Siberia (4:56)
09. Sideways Eight (3:16)
10. Scissors in the Sand (5:29)
11. What If We Are? (5:09)

The Very Best Of Echo & The Bunnymen: More Songs To Learn And Sing 
(Coletânea 2006)
01. The Cutter (3:53)
02. The Back Of Love (3:31)
03. The Killing Moon (5:45)
04. Seven Seas (3:19)
05. Never Stop (3:31)
06. Rescue (4:26)
07. I Want To Be There (When You Come) (3:39)
08. Don't Let It Get You Down (3:50)
09. A Promise (4:02)
10. Silver (3:19)
11. People Are Strange (3:38)
12. Do It Clean (2:44)
13. The Game (3:51)
14. Rust (4:15)
15. Lips Like Sugar (4:51)
16. Nothing Lasts Forever (3:55)
17. Bring On The Dancing Horses (3:55)
18. Hang On To A Dream (2:24)
19. It's Alright (3:26)
20. Stormy Weather (4:22)

The Fountain (2009)
01. Think I Need It Too (3:41)
02. Forgotten Fields (3:46)
03. Do You Know Who I Am? (2:52)
04. Shroud Of Turin (4:10)
05. Life Of A Thousand Crimes (3:22)
06. The Fountain (4:01)
07. Everlasting Neverendless (3:08)
08. Proxy (3:15)
09. Drivetime (4:11)
10. The Idolness Of Gods (4:38)

Do It Clean (Live 2011)
01. Going Up (3:17)
02. Stars Are Stars (2:58)
03. Pride (3:05)
04. Monkeys (3:02)
05. Crocodiles (3:27)
06. Rescue (4:33)
07. Villiers Terrace (4:13)
08. Pictures On My Wall (3:10)
09. All That Jazz (3:08)
10. Happy Death Men (4:13)
Heaven Up Here.
11. Show Of Strength (5:15)
12. With A Hip (3:29)
13. Over The Wall (6:22)
14. It Was A Pleasure (3:45)
15. A Promise (3:46)
16. Heaven Up Here (3:43)
17. The Disease (2:34)
18. All My Colours (4:54)
19. No Dark Things (4:02)
20. Turquoise Days (3:20)
21. All I Want (3:20)

Meteorites (2014)
01. Meteorites (5:13)
02. Holy Moses (3:44)
03. Constantinople (4:56)
04. Is This A Breakdown? (3:56)
05. Grapes Upon The Vine (3:37)
06. Lovers On The Run (4:47)
07. Burn It Down (3:58)
08. Explosions (4:37)
09. Market Town (7:39)
10. New Horizons (5:27)

The Killing Moon: The Singles 1980-1990 (Coletânea 2017)
01. The Killing Moon (5:46)
02. The Cutter (3:52)
03. The Puppet (3:07)
04. Bring On The Dancing Horses (3:55)
05. Silver (3:18)
06. Back Of Love (3:12)
07. Rescue (4:26)
08. Enlighten Me (5:00)
09. People Are Strange (3:38)
10. Never Stop (3:31)
11. Over The Wall (5:50)
12. Seven Seas (3:19)
13. A Promise (4:03)

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